Spelling suggestions: "subject:"open regionalism"" "subject:"ipen regionalism""
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Inversión extranjera y metropolización. Los casos de la Gran área metropolitana, Costa Rica y el área metropolitana Pacífico, Panama / Foreign investment and metropolization. The cases of the Gran Área Metropolitana, Costa Rica and the Área Metropolitana Pacifico, Panama / Investissement étranger et métropolisation. Les cas de la grande aire métropolitaine au Costa Rica et l'aire métropolitaine Pacifique au PanamaHernandez Meza, Andrey Nicoa 26 June 2018 (has links)
Le système mondial des villes a subi une série de transformations à la suite del'intégration des différentes économies nationales dans la globalisation,de l'émergence d'une nouvelle division du travail, de la pénétration du capitaltransnational dans la dynamique locale et de l'importance croissante de services auxproducteurs et aux consommateurs. La mondialisation des villes, avec le phénomènede métropolisation, a changé l'utilisation des sols, l'aménagement des bâtiments etdes projets urbains d’expansion territoriale. Par conséquent elle consitue un nouveaudéfi pour les autorités locales et pour l’Etat en ce qui concerne la planification, lagestion et la gouvernance. L’aménagement moderne doit donc mettre l’accent à la foissur l’expansion territoriale et sur les modèles concurrents qui changent l’utilisationdes espaces urbains. Pour mieux comprendre les dynamiques des villes, notre étudedans le domaine de la géographie économique prend en compte différentes échelles:régionale, nationale et locale. La réflexion théorique est mise en pratique au seind’une analyse comparative entre deux métropoles de la région centraméricaine : laGran Área Metropolitana (GAM) à San José au Costa Rica et l’Área MetropolitanaPacífico (AMP) de Ciudad de Panamá. Nous analyserons ces deux cas à partir desannées 1990, car elles ont marqué de nouveaux défis économiques et politiques nonseulement dans chacune de ces aires métropolitaines mais aussi dans la régioncentroaméricaine. / On a global scale, the system of cities has been subjected to a series oftransformations from their economic integration, the emergence of a new division oflabor, the penetration of transnational capital and the growing importance of servicesfor the producers and the consumers. The globalization of cities, through thephenomenon of metropolization, has greatly changed the use of land, the layout ofbuildings and urban development projects for territorial expansion becoming a newchallenge for local and state authorities to plan, manage and govern. Therefore,modern spatial planning must consider the factor of globalization – that influences theterritorial expansion of cities – as well as the models of competitiveness that modifythe use of land. To get a better understanding of the international dynamics in cityspace, in the discipline of economic geography, our study takes into account differentscales: regional, national and local. Theoretical reflection is put into practice bymeans of a comparative analysis between two metropolises in the Central Americanregion: the Gran Área Metropolitana (GAM) in San José in Costa Rica and the ÁreaMetropolitana Pacífico (AMP) in Panamá City. We will analyze both cases from the1990s onwards because this decade corresponds to the new economic and politicalchallenges that were established in each metropolitan area and in the CentralAmerican region in general.
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Atores e interesses chilenos nas negociações com o mercosul : a política exterior do Chile para o mercosul nos anos 1990-2000Kreter, Paulo Roberto de Medeiros January 2006 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é explicar os motivos que levaram os subseqüentes governos do Chile a não se tornarem membros plenos do Mercado Comum do Sul (Mercosul) durante a década de 1990. Faz-se a abordagem através de uma análise das mudanças ocorridas no Chile, a partir de meados da década de 1960 até o ano 1990, para explicar a atuação do país em âmbito regional. Por possuir características singulares, o Chile iniciou a década de 1990 redemocratizado, economicamente estável e com altas taxas de crescimento, o que despertou a atenção dos demais países da América Latina, que estavam reestruturando suas economias e seu papel no cenário internacional – principalmente Brasil e Argentina. A análise da história contemporânea do Chile e a forma como se conduziu sua política externa são as bases que sustentam esta dissertação. Ao reestruturar seu corpo diplomático e incrementar as relações entre o Estado e os setores privados chilenos, o país possuiu uma estratégia de inserção internacional que deu prioridade a outras regiões do mundo, relegando o Mercosul a um segundo plano em sua agenda de política internacional. Esta postura em sua política externa, levou o Chile a não se tornar membro pleno do Mercosul durante a década de 1990. / The present thesis seeks to explain the reasons why Chile did not became a South Cone Common Market member (Mercosur) during the 1990 decade. The changes occurred in the Chilean politics during the middle 1960's decade explain its Southern Cone foreign policy at the 1990's decade. Chile, with its particular characteristics, begun the nineties democratized with economic stability and high taxes of economic growth. This fact attracted the attention of other neighbor countries in Latin America that where restructuring their economies and parts at the international scenario, especially Brazil and Argentina. Chilean contemporary history analysis and the way its foreign policy was conducted are the basis which sustain this thesis. Restructuring its diplomatic team and improving the relations between Chilean public and private sectors, made the country start a new strategy of international insertion giving priority to other regions of the world, relying to Mercosur a secondary position. This international politic position led Chile not to be a Mercosur full member during the 1990 decade.
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Atores e interesses chilenos nas negociações com o mercosul : a política exterior do Chile para o mercosul nos anos 1990-2000Kreter, Paulo Roberto de Medeiros January 2006 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é explicar os motivos que levaram os subseqüentes governos do Chile a não se tornarem membros plenos do Mercado Comum do Sul (Mercosul) durante a década de 1990. Faz-se a abordagem através de uma análise das mudanças ocorridas no Chile, a partir de meados da década de 1960 até o ano 1990, para explicar a atuação do país em âmbito regional. Por possuir características singulares, o Chile iniciou a década de 1990 redemocratizado, economicamente estável e com altas taxas de crescimento, o que despertou a atenção dos demais países da América Latina, que estavam reestruturando suas economias e seu papel no cenário internacional – principalmente Brasil e Argentina. A análise da história contemporânea do Chile e a forma como se conduziu sua política externa são as bases que sustentam esta dissertação. Ao reestruturar seu corpo diplomático e incrementar as relações entre o Estado e os setores privados chilenos, o país possuiu uma estratégia de inserção internacional que deu prioridade a outras regiões do mundo, relegando o Mercosul a um segundo plano em sua agenda de política internacional. Esta postura em sua política externa, levou o Chile a não se tornar membro pleno do Mercosul durante a década de 1990. / The present thesis seeks to explain the reasons why Chile did not became a South Cone Common Market member (Mercosur) during the 1990 decade. The changes occurred in the Chilean politics during the middle 1960's decade explain its Southern Cone foreign policy at the 1990's decade. Chile, with its particular characteristics, begun the nineties democratized with economic stability and high taxes of economic growth. This fact attracted the attention of other neighbor countries in Latin America that where restructuring their economies and parts at the international scenario, especially Brazil and Argentina. Chilean contemporary history analysis and the way its foreign policy was conducted are the basis which sustain this thesis. Restructuring its diplomatic team and improving the relations between Chilean public and private sectors, made the country start a new strategy of international insertion giving priority to other regions of the world, relying to Mercosur a secondary position. This international politic position led Chile not to be a Mercosur full member during the 1990 decade.
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Atores e interesses chilenos nas negociações com o mercosul : a política exterior do Chile para o mercosul nos anos 1990-2000Kreter, Paulo Roberto de Medeiros January 2006 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é explicar os motivos que levaram os subseqüentes governos do Chile a não se tornarem membros plenos do Mercado Comum do Sul (Mercosul) durante a década de 1990. Faz-se a abordagem através de uma análise das mudanças ocorridas no Chile, a partir de meados da década de 1960 até o ano 1990, para explicar a atuação do país em âmbito regional. Por possuir características singulares, o Chile iniciou a década de 1990 redemocratizado, economicamente estável e com altas taxas de crescimento, o que despertou a atenção dos demais países da América Latina, que estavam reestruturando suas economias e seu papel no cenário internacional – principalmente Brasil e Argentina. A análise da história contemporânea do Chile e a forma como se conduziu sua política externa são as bases que sustentam esta dissertação. Ao reestruturar seu corpo diplomático e incrementar as relações entre o Estado e os setores privados chilenos, o país possuiu uma estratégia de inserção internacional que deu prioridade a outras regiões do mundo, relegando o Mercosul a um segundo plano em sua agenda de política internacional. Esta postura em sua política externa, levou o Chile a não se tornar membro pleno do Mercosul durante a década de 1990. / The present thesis seeks to explain the reasons why Chile did not became a South Cone Common Market member (Mercosur) during the 1990 decade. The changes occurred in the Chilean politics during the middle 1960's decade explain its Southern Cone foreign policy at the 1990's decade. Chile, with its particular characteristics, begun the nineties democratized with economic stability and high taxes of economic growth. This fact attracted the attention of other neighbor countries in Latin America that where restructuring their economies and parts at the international scenario, especially Brazil and Argentina. Chilean contemporary history analysis and the way its foreign policy was conducted are the basis which sustain this thesis. Restructuring its diplomatic team and improving the relations between Chilean public and private sectors, made the country start a new strategy of international insertion giving priority to other regions of the world, relying to Mercosur a secondary position. This international politic position led Chile not to be a Mercosur full member during the 1990 decade.
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Les interrelations entre les "trois organisations soeurs" et les mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires de l'ASEAN : quel avenir pour la dignité humaine ? Réflexions dans la perspective de la "New Haven School of International Law" / The interrelations between the "three sisters" and sanitary and phytosanitary measures of ASEAN : what future for human dignity ? Reflection from a new haven school of international law perspectiveWongkaew, Thitirat 18 December 2015 (has links)
Les « trois organisations soeurs », à savoir la Commission du Codex Alimentarius (CCA), l’Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) et la Convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux (CIPV), et les mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires de l’ASEAN maintiennent une relation mutuellement étroite et des rapports d’interactions complexes et multidimensionnelles, rapports qui peuvent affecter des flux d’activités d’importation et d’exportation de produits agro-alimentaires réglementées surtout par le droit international économique. En envisageant le droit comme processus de décisions, particulièrement le droit international comme processus de communication entre les différents participants de la « communauté mondiale », ces rapports peuvent être mieux identifiés et compris à tous les niveaux : multilatéral, régional, bilatéral et national. Compte tenu de l’intensité et de la fréquence des échanges et du caractère fortement interdépendant du monde d’aujourd’hui, les « trois organisations soeurs » et leurs normes, directives et recommandations sont susceptibles de jouer divers rôles dans la promotion d’une plus grande production et d’un plus large partage des valeurs fondamentales recherchées par l’humanité entière, soutenues par la « New Haven School of International Law ». Non seulement s’agit-il des rôles liés à l’augmentation de l’efficacité du processus de réduction de barrières commerciales résultant des mesures SPS protectionnistes, mais aussi de ceux qui sont peu soulignées et qui se précisent suite aux pratiques répétées des décisionnistes de l’ASEAN. Ce sont notamment les rôles en tant qu’inducteurs de performance pour les mécanismes d’encadrement de mesures SPS, afin de s’assurer que celles-ci sont raisonnables par rapport à chaque contexte spécifique et respectueuses de la dignité humaine ; en tant que catalyseurs du régionalisme ouvert ; et en tant que promoteurs de la dimension du développement dans les accords commerciaux régionaux de l’ASEAN. / The « three sisters », namely the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), and SPS measures of ASEAN maintain a mutually close relationship and can interact with one another in complex and multidimensional ways, which can affect flows of import and export activities of agro-food products regulated especially by international economic law. By perceiving law as a process of decisions, and particularly international law as a process of communication among different participants of the « world community », these interactions can be better identified and comprehended at all levels : multilateral, regional, bilateral and national. Considering the intensity and frequency of exchanges and the strong interdependency of today’s world, the « three sisters » and their standards, guidelines and recommendations are likely to play numerous roles in promoting a greater production and wider distribution of fundamental values that all human beings desire to maximize and achieve, as defended by the « New Haven School of International Law ». Not only are these roles related to the promotion of a more efficient process of eliminating trade barriers deriving from SPS protectionist measures, but also those which are insufficiently highlighted, yet becoming more obvious through repeated practices of ASEAN decision-makers. These are notably the roles of the « three sisters » as performance drivers for monitoring mechanisms of SPS measures with a view to ensuring that they are reasonable in each specific context and respectful towards human dignity; as catalysts of open regionalism ; as promoters of the development dimension in regional trade agreements concluded by ASEAN.
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