Spelling suggestions: "subject:"opiate"" "subject:"expiate""
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Att ta ställningTornberg, Jakob January 2014 (has links)
Socialstyrelsen, i sin roll av tillsynsmyndighet för den läkemedelsassisterade opiatvården, utfärdar riktlinjer för detta arbete. Av dessa framkommer vissa skyddsfaktorer av särskild vikt, vilka har operationaliserats i en factorial survey med en randomiserad och en standardiserad vinjettkomponent. Dessa bedömdes av yrkesverksamma inom underhållsbehandling, totalt 38 personer. Materialet bearbetades genom multipel regressionsanalys. Resultatet visade att tre av variablerna - psykosocial intervention, boendesituationen samt familjen/nätverkets stöd, har ungefär lika stor påverkan på bedömningar. Variabeln för sysselsättning hade ytterst marginell påverkan. Vidare visade materialet att den arbetsplats som respondenten var yrkesverksam på var viktigare för att förstå påverkan av bedömningar än någon av ovan nämnda variabler. Detta diskuteras med hjälp av de teoretiska modellerna för återhämtningskapital, handlingsutrymme och judgement theory. / The swedish national board of health and welfare is the regulatory body for the medically assisted opiate care. As such, the board issues guidelines for this field. Theese guidelines contain several recommendations concerning salutogen factors, namely housing, the role of the family and network, work and psychosocial care. These are incorporated in vignettes using the factorial survey approach, and distributed to 38 swedish opiate care professionals. The results show that while the variables family/network, housing and psychosocial care have a relatively coherent influence on professional judement, work does not. However, the single most relevant factor is the clinicians workplace to understand influence om professional judgement. The results are discussed using a framework of recovery capital and judgement theory.
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Porovnání pervitinové a opiátové klientely nízkoprahového kontaktního centra - pilotní studie / Comparison of methamphetamine /opiate clientele in a low-threshold contact centre - a pilot studyPošvancová, Marika January 2014 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá srovnáváním pervitinových a opiátových uživatelů zejména z pohledu kontaktního centra. Teoretická část se zabývá stimulačními drogami, opioidy a srovnáním těchto dvou skupin návykových látek. Tato část se rovněž zabývá závislostí, problémovým užíváním a nízkoprahovými zařízeními. Výzkumná část si klade za cíl získání podrobnějších informací o rozdílech v návštěvnosti kontaktního centra mezi těmito skupinami uživatelů, získání podrobnějších informací o rozdílech využívání jednotlivých služeb nabízených kontaktním centrem mezi těmito skupinami a vytvoření základů pro další podobné studie. Pro výzkum byla stavena nulová hypotéza: problémoví uživatelé pervitinu a uživatelé opiátů během svého prvního roku využívání služeb kontaktního centra toto centrum navštěvují ve stejné míře. V práci je položeno šest výzkumných otázek, které se ptají na poměr uživatelů opiátů a pervitinu, rozdíly ve vzdělání těchto uživatelů a na samotné rozdíly ve využívání jednotlivých služeb. Pro řešení zvoleného problému jsem si vybrala kvantitativní design. Výzkum zpracovává data od celkem 273 problémových uživatelů pervitinu a opiátů. Respondenti pro tuto studii byli vybráni záměrným (účelovým) výběrem přes instituci a jedná se o data již zaznamenaná v databázi programu FreeBase od 1. 1. 2006 do 31. 12....
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Satisfaction des soins ambulatoires et qualité de vie des personnes dépendantes aux substances psychoactives / Satisfaction with care and quality of life in subjects with substance use disordersBourion, Stéphanie 14 December 2015 (has links)
Contexte : Les troubles liés à l’usage des substances psychoactives constituent une priorité de santé publique dans le champ des pathologies chroniques. Les indicateurs de type Patient-Reported Outcomes (PRO) offrent des perspectives complémentaires aux indicateurs classiques pour la mesure de l’état de santé des patients et l’appréciation de la qualité des soins. Objectifs : Étudier les propriétés psychométriques de questionnaires de qualité de vie (QV) et les déterminants de la satisfaction précoce vis-à-vis des soins ambulatoires de patients dépendants aux substances de type alcool ou opiacés. Méthode : Les caractéristiques des patients et des médecins ont été recueillies à l’inclusion dans la cohorte SUBUSQOL. La satisfaction précoce a été mesurée quinze jours après la première consultation et ses déterminants ont été testés dans des modèles de régression linéaires multivariés. Les propriétés psychométriques du questionnaire spécifique Q-LES-Q-SF ont été étudiées au préalable sur un échantillon de patients. Résultats : La version française du Q-LES-Q-SF constitue un outil unidimensionnel robuste et fiable, les items du SF-12 et Q-LES-Q-SF présentent peu ou pas de fonctionnement différentiel selon l’âge, le sexe, le niveau d’éducation et le type d’addiction. Peu de variables recueillies sont associées à la satisfaction. Les patients dépendants à l’alcool se révèlent être plus satisfaits des modalités de contact et du délai de rendez-vous et ceux sans aucun antécédent de prise en charge pour leur dépendance plus satisfaits de leur consultation avec le médecin. Conclusion : Les questionnaires SF-12 et Q-LES-Q-SF peuvent être utilisés dans des populations de patients suivis en ambulatoire pour une dépendance aux substances psychoactives / Context: Of chronic diseases, substance use disorders are a public health priority. Patient-reported outcome indicators (PRO) offer additional insights into the classical indicators used to measure the patient’s health status and appreciation of their quality of care. Objectives: to study the psychometric properties of quality of life instruments and to study the determinants of early outpatient satisfaction with ambulatory care in alcohol- or opiate-dependent patients. Method: Patient and physician characteristics were collected in the SUBUSQOL cohort. Early satisfaction with care was measured fifteen days after the first consultation. The determinants of satisfaction were tested using multivariate linear models of regression. Prior data on the self-reported health status of a sample of alcohol- or opiate-dependent outpatients were used to investigate the psychometric properties of a specific questionnaire, the Q-LES-Q-SF. Results: Our results establish that the French version of the Q-LES-Q-SF is a unidimensional, valid and reliable instrument of self-reported health status assessment for use in care or medical research and that few items of the SF-12 and the Q-LES-Q-SF displayed differential functioning according to age, sex, educational level and type of substance use disorder. Our results show that few variables are associated with the level of patient satisfaction. Alcohol dependence was strongly associated with higher satisfaction with appointment making, and patients with no history of previous care for substance use disorders had a higher level of satisfaction with the doctor consultation. Conclusion: The use of the SF-12 and the Q-LES-Q-SF is recommended for outpatients suffering from substance use disorders
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Role of the CRF system in the rewarding and motivational effects of morphine / Rôle du système CRF dans les effets de récompense cérébrale et les troubles de la motivation induits par la morphinePiccin, Alessandro 18 December 2018 (has links)
La neurobiologie à l'origine d'un comportement social des consommateurs d'opiacés et des personnes dépendantes reste largement méconnue, entravant le développement de nouveaux traitements efficaces contre les troubles de l'utilisation des opiacés. Cependant, des preuves précliniques récentes suggèrent que le système du facteur de libération de la corticotrophine (CRF) pourrait être impliqué. Dans cette optique, nous avons utilisé la méthode des tâches à trois chambres (3-CH) ainsi qu'une méthode génétique et pharmacologique pour évaluer l’impact de l’administration de la morphine et du sevrage sur le comportement social des souris vis-à-vis de l'utilisation du système CRF. Dans une première série d'expériences, nous avons constaté que les sujets mâles manifestaient un intérêt pseudo-social accru suscité par l'hostilité pendant le sevrage des opiacés, ce qui indiquait les effets à long terme de l'administration chronique de médicaments sur le fonctionnement social normal. Par ailleurs, les femelles ont manifesté moins d’intérêt social lors du sevrage aux opiacés, un phénotype qui reproduit plus facilement ce qui a été observé chez l’homme. Notamment, le déficit en récepteurs CRF1 a complètement sauvé ce dernier déficit social, ajoutant ainsi aux preuves croissantes liant le système CRF aux dysfonctionnements comportementaux induits par la substance. Dans une deuxième série d'expériences, nous avons étudié plus largement les effets initiaux de la morphine sur les activités « naturellement » gratifiantes. Nous avons constaté qu'une seule et même administration aiguë d'une dose relativement faible du médicament suffisait à la fois à générer une récompense cérébrale et à induire de profonds déficits en intérêt social et en motivation liée à l'alimentation, fournissant ainsi des preuves expérimentales initiales du « détournement » du cerveau. Il est intéressant de noter que l'administration systémique d'antalarmine, antagoniste du récepteur de la CRF, a complètement inversé ce dernier déficit social, ce qui indique que le système CRF joue un rôle essentiel dans la médiation de la diminution de l'intérêt suscité par les substances pour des activités rémunératrices «naturellement» et renforce la notion de potentiel thérapeutique du ciblage de la CRF. / The neurobiology underlying poor social behavior of opiate users and dependent individuals remains largely unknown, hampering the development of noveleffective therapies for opiate use disorders. However, recent pre-clinical evidence suggests that the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) system might be involved.In this light, we employed the three-chamber (3-CH) task and genetic/pharmacological approaches to assess the impact of morphine administrationand withdrawal upon social behavior in mice with regard to the CRF system. In a first set of experiments, we found that male subjects displayed increasedhostility-driven pseudo-social interest during opiate withdrawal, indicative of longlasting effects of chronic drug administration upon normal social functioning. On theother hand, female subjects displayed lower social interest during opiate withdrawal, a phenotype that more straightforwardly replicates what observed in humans.Notably, CRF1 receptor-deficiency completely rescued the latter social deficit, adding to the growing evidence linking the CRF system to substance-induced behavioraldysfunctions. In a second set of experiments, we investigated the initial effects of morphine more widely on naturally” rewarding activities. We found that a single, acuteadministration of a relatively low dose of the drug was sufficient to produce brain reward and at the same time to induce profound deficits in social interest and fooddriven motivation, providing initial experimental evidence of “hijacking” of brain reward systems by substances of abuse. Interestingly, systemic administration of the CRF receptor antagonist antalarmin completely reversed the latter social deficit, indicating a critical role of the CRF system in mediating substance-induced decreased interest for “naturally” rewarding activities and strengthening the notion of a therapeutic potential for CRF-targeting pharmacological agents.
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Usages de traitements de substitution aux opiacés : étude comparative : France, Suisse et Québec / Uses of substitution treatments : comparative study : France, Switzerland and QuebecDos Santos, Marie 21 September 2016 (has links)
Durant les années 1990, en France, en Suisse et au Québec, de nouveaux médicaments ont reçu une autorisation de mise sur le marché, dans le cadre de la prise en charge de la dépendance aux opiacés. Vingt cinq ans plus tard, notre thèse interroge les usages qu’en font les personnes en traitement. A partir de la méthode biographique, nous étudions la substitution en terme d’« ajustements ». Les détournements de l’usage prescrit des TSO, étiquetés comme « mésusages » par les pouvoirs publics et un certain nombre de praticiens, apparaissent dès lors comme une modalité d’adaptation et de réappropriation du traitement. En évaluant les convergences et les divergences dans les pratiques et leurs effets, la comparaison de nos trois terrains d’enquête nous permet d’analyser les différents sens associés à la substitution, selon les contextes et les structures de soin au sein desquels l’usager est accueilli. / For a long time, ending drug addiction meant completely stopping any consumption. In the context of harm reduction policies, the introduction of substitution treatments has drastically changed the abstinence paradigm. Ending an addiction has taken a plural meaning, adding complexity to the delimitation already porous between “normal and pathological”. Nowadays stabilizing Methadone maintenance treatment or taking drugs on an irregular basis are perceived as an alternative to abstinence or other forms of recovery. In this thesis, wiitch deals with polysemic uses of substitution treatment, we analyze the attempts and strategies of the adjustment process in entering an addiction centre. The aim of this study is to show the different competencies that people can display in situations of vulnerability. Our interest is to find out how valuable expertise can emerge from the layperson point of view.
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Exploring Burnout Among Behavioral Health Providers of Opioid Use Treatment inRural AppalachiaGrigsby, Gerard M. 10 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring the Multiplex Detection Capabilities of Raman Spectroscopy on Mock Street Samples Containing Illicitly Manufactured FentanylsWilliams Burnett, Mia Laverne 18 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of an MMPI-2 Scale to Aid in Assessing Opioid Use DisorderChamberlain, Jude M. 24 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Assessing and Comparing Attitudes Toward Addiction and Methadone TreatmentEvans, Jessica Smith 26 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Procena kardiološke bezbednosti pri primeni metadona u supstitucionoj terapiji zavisnika od opijata / Cardiac safety assessment in methadone use in opiate addicts during methadone maintenance treatmentMijatović Vesna 22 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Metadon je sintetski agonist opijatnih receptora koji se primenjuje u sklopu supstitucione terapije opijatnih zavisnika metadonom (STM) i u terapiji hroničnog bola. Dugoročna primena STM je praćena blagim, uglavnom prolaznim, neželjenim delovanjima. Međutim, metadon pripada grupi lekova koji mogu da prouzrokuju prolongaciju korigovanog QT intervala (QTc) u elektrokardiogramu (EKG-u) i povećaju rizik za nastanak potencijalno fatalnih aritmija tipa torsades de pointes. Opijatni zavisnici metadon najčešće koriste u kombinaciji sa benzodiazepinima, i ova kombinacija lekova predstavlja faktor rizika za nastanak smrtnog ishoda. Iako je najveći broj lekara upoznat sa rizikom za razvoj respiratorne depresije prilikom primene opijata u kombinacji sa benzodiazepinima, velika studija otkriva da su ventrikularne aritmije i srčani zastoj najčešće prijavljivana neželjena delovanja metadona, primenjenog u kombinaciji sa benzodiazepinima. Ciljevi ovoga radu su da se analizom smrtnih slučajeva povezanih sa upotrebom metadona (MRDs) tokom desetogodišnjeg perioda na teritoriji Vojvodine i sprovođenjem kliničkog ispitivanja kod opijatnih zavisnika na STM proceni kardiološka bezbednost primene metadona, posebno u kombinaciji sa benzodiazepinima. Sprovedena je retrospektivna studija za određivanje karakteristika MRDs na teritoriji Vojvodine, kao i kliničko ispitivanje u kome su učestvovali opijatni zavisnici koji počinju sa STM. Snimanje EKG-a (za izračunavanje QTc intervala) i uzorkovanje krvi (za određivanje koncentracije metadona i diazepama i vrednosti troponina) je sprovedeno kod svih učesnika istraživanja u 5 vremenskih tačaka (pre početka primene STM, 8. i 15. dana i nakon 1. i 6. meseca primene STM). Koncentracije metadona i diazepama u serumu su određivane metodom tečne hromatografije sa masenom spektrometrijom (LC-MS). U Vojvodini je zapažena rastuća tendencija MRDs, ali ni jedan od umrlih nije bio na STM, i najverovatnije su samoinicijativno koristili metadon i benzodiazepine. Patohistološki nalaz na srcu može govoriti u prilog kardiotoksičnosti metadona i njegove kombinacije sa benzodiazepinima, pogotovo kod slučajeva sa pronađenim akutnim miokardijalnim oštećenjem. Što se tiče hroničnih promena na srcu, ne postoji mogućnosti da se potvrdi niti opovrgne uloga psihostimulanasa. Detektovane koncentracije metadona i diazepama kod MRDs su bile u opsegu terapijskih (<1 μg/ml). Poredeći socio-demografske karakteristike opijatnih zavisnika koji su počeli sa STM u ovom istraživanju sa podacima iz sličnih studija sprovedenih širom sveta, zapažena je sličnost u pogledu velikog broja karakteristika. Srednje doze metadona 8., 15. dana i nakon 1. i 6. meseca primene STM su bile 40,23±17,11 mg, 47,11±16,79 mg, 50,00±17,55 mg i 78,63±18,14 mg, dok su srednje doze diazepama u istim vremenskim tačkama bile 35,92±10,47 mg, 33,89±9,23 mg, 28,33±11,55 mg i 28,12±11,67 mg. Srednje koncentracije metadona su u posmatranim tačkama ispitivanja iznosile 153,44±111,51 ng/ml, 157,43±112,39 ng/ml, 176,77±118,56 ng/ml i 342,86±181,54 ng/ml, dok su srednje koncentracije diazepama bile 923,00±537,89 ng/ml, 923,76±739,96 ng/ml, 560,74±436,72 ng/ml i 1045,32±932,72 ng/ml. Dužina QTc intervala pre primene STM je bila 411,87±27,22 ms, tj. 414,64±29,38 ms 8. dana STM, 416,97±26,39 15. dana, i 425,20±17,71 ms nakon 1. meseca tj. 423,50±14,72 ms nakon 6. meseca primene STM. Pokazan je statistički značajan porast dužine QTc intervala nakon 1. i nakon 6. meseca primene STM u odnosu na vrednost pre primene STM, kako u grupi svih ispitanika, tako i u podgrupi muškog pola. Pokazano je postojanje statistički značajne korelacije između koncentracije metadona i dužine QTc intervala nakon 15. dana, 1. i 6. meseca primene STM, kako kod svih ispitanika, tako i u podgrupi muškog pola. Ova korelacija ostaje statistički značajna i ukoliko se uključe i drugi faktori – koncentracija diazepama i dužina perioda upotrebe heroina, kod svih ispitanika i u podgrupi muškog pola nakon 15 dana i mesec dana primene STM, kao i u podgrupi muškog pola nakon 6. meseca STM. Iako nijedan pacijent nije prijavio neko neželjeno delovanje metadona na nivou kardiovaskularnog sistema, najveći broj pacijenata oba pola se nakon prvog meseca primene STM žalio na pojačano znojenje i opstipaciju. Koncentracije metadona i diazepama u uzorcima krvi kod MRDs se nalaze u rasponu koncentracija ovih lekova u krvi ispitanika koji su učestvovali u prospektivnoj studiji. Trećina umrlih je imala samo znake akutnog oštećenja srca, dok do porasta troponina i vrednosti QTc intervala preko 500 ms nije došlo ni kod jednog ispitanika iz prospektivne studije. Potrebno je sprovesti dalja istraživanja sa ciljem razjašnjenja moguće uloge benzodiazepina u povećanju kardiotoksičnosti metadona kod opijatnih zavisnika na STM.</p> / <p>Methadone is a synthetic agonist of opioid receptors which is used in methadone maintenance tratment (MMT) of opiate addicts as well as in the treatment of chronic pain. A long-term use of MMT is followed by mild, mostly transient, adverse effects. However, methadone belongs to a group of medicines which can provoke a prolongation of QTc (corrected QT) interval in electrocardiogram (ECG) and thus increase the risk from the development of potentially fatal arrhythmias – torsades de pointes. Moreover, methadone is widely associated with benzodiazepines use in heroin addicts, and this combination is considered as a risk factor for lethal outcome. Despite the fact that most of health care professionals are aware of possible respiratory depressant effect of methadone and benzodiazepines co-administration, recently published data reveal that ventricular arrhythmia and cardiac arrest are currently the most frequent adverse event attributed to methadone and benzodiazepine co-medication. The aim of this study is to assess cardiac safety of methadone use, especially in combination with benzodiazepines, by analyzing characteristics of methadone-related deaths (MRDs) during 10-year period as well as by conducting a clinical trial among opiate addicts in MMT. A retrospective study to determine the characteristics of MRDs in Vojvodina, as well as a clinical trial in which participated opiate addicts at the start of MMT were performed. ECG (to calculate QTc interval) and blood sampling (to determine methadone and diazepam concentrations and troponin values) were performed in all study participants at five time points (before the introduction of MMT, on 8th, on 15th day, after 1 and 6 months of MMT). Methadone and diazepam concentrations in serum were determined by using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). An increasing tendency of MRDs was observed in the region of Vojvodina, but none of the victims were under healthcare professionals’ control, and, most commonly, they used methadone and benzodiazepines, on their own initiative. Pathohistological findings in the heart in MRDs might support cardiac adverse effects of methadone and its combination with benzodiazepines, especially in cases with acute myocardial damage. As for the chronic heart changes, we can neither confirm nor exclude the role of psychostimulants. Detected concentrations of methadone and diazepam were in therapeutic range (<1 μg/ml). Comparing socio-demographic characteristics of opiate addicts who started with MMT in this study with data from similar studies conducted worldwide, the similarity in terms of large number of features was observed. The mean methadone dose on the 8th, 15th days, and after 1 and 6 months of MMT was 40.23±17.11 mg, 47.11±16.79 mg, 50.00±17.55 mg and 78.63±18.14 mg, respectively, while the mean diazepam dose at the same time points was 35.92±10.47 mg, 33.89±9.23 mg, 28.33±11.55 mg and 28.12±11.67 mg, respectively. The mean methadone concentration at observed time points was 153.44±111.51 ng/ml, 157.43±112.39 ng/ml, 176.77±118.56 ng/ml and 342.86±181.54 ng/ml, respectively, while the mean diazepam concentration was 923.00±537.89 ng/ml, 923.76±739.96 ng/ml, 560.74±436.72 ng/ml and 1045.32±932.72 ng/ml, respectively. The length of QTc interval before the introduction of MMT was 411.87±27.22 ms, 414.64±29.38 ms on the 8th day of MMT, 416.97±26.39 on the 15th day of MMT, after 1 month of MMT 425.20±17.71 ms and after 6 months of MMT 423.50±14.72 ms. There was a statistically significant increase in the length of QTc interval after 1 and 6 months of MMT in comparison to the value before the application of MMT, within the whole group of patients and in the subgroup of men. A statistically significant correlation between the concentration of methadone and QTc interval length after 15 days, 1 and 6 months of MMT, both in the whole group and in the subroup of men was observed. The correlation remained statistically significant if the other factors, such as concentration of diazepam and the length of heroin use, were included, in all patients and in the subgroup of men after 15 days and one month of MMT as well as in the subgroup of men after 6 months of MMT. Although none of the patients reported any cardiac adverse effect of methadone, the majority of them complained of sweating and constipation after the first month of MMT. Concentrations of methadone and diazepam in blood samples in MRDs were within the range of concentrations of these drugs in blood of patients who participated in the prospective study. In one third of MRDs only signs of acute myocardial damage were detected, while an increase in troponin values and the length of QTc interval over 500 ms did not occur in any patient in the prospective study. Further studies could clarify the possible role of benzodiazepines in the increasing cardiotoxicity of methadone in opiate addicts in MMT.</p>
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