Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arganic pollutants"" "subject:"0rganic pollutants""
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PCBs e DDTs em grânulos de plástico depositados em praias do litoral paulista / PCBs and DDTs in plastic pellets from São Paulo coast, BrazilVaitsa Maciel Haratsaris 29 March 2018 (has links)
Os grânulos de plástico (\"pellets\") no oceano podem adsorver diversas substâncias hidrofóbicas como os poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs). Neste trabalho foi avaliada a ocorrência de bifenilos policlorados (PCBs) e diclorodifeniltricloroetano (DDTs) em \"pellets\" coletados em 37 praias de 13 municípios ao longo do litoral paulista, sudeste do Brasil. Os POPs foram extraídos com solventes orgânicos e quantificados por cromatografia em fase gasosa com detecção por captura de elétrons (CG-DCE) e espectrometria de massas (CG/EM). A deposição dos \"pellets\" e a concentração dos PCBs (1,3 - 5.112 ng g-1) e DDTs (14,1 - 1.214 ng g-1) foi maior na Baixada Santista, onde se localiza o maior complexo industrial do país e o maior porto da América Latina, seguido do litoral norte não industrializado e o litoral sul com atividade pesqueira. Os dados de POPs em \"pellets\" deste estudo foram comparados aos publicados anteriormente utilizando grânulos com vários graus de descoloração da mesma área e aos resultados do International Pellet Watch (grânulos amarelados) apresentando concentrações similares e contribuíram para acompanhar o \"status\" de contaminação por POPs na costa do Estado de São Paulo. / Pellets in the ocean can adsorb various hydrophobic substances such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs).This study evaluated the occurrence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dichloro-diphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) adsorbed on plastic pellets. The pellets were collected in 37 beaches of 13 cities, along the São Paulo coast, southern Brazil. The POPs were extracted with organic solvents and quantified by gas chromatograph equipped with electron capture detector (GC-ECD) and mass spectrometer (GC/MS). The deposition of \"pellets\" and the concentration of PCBs (1.3-5,112 ng g-1) and DDTs (14.1 - 1,214 ng g-1) were greater in the Santos Bay, where the largest industrial complex in the country and the largest port in Latin America are located; followed by the non-industrialized north coast and the south coast presenting fishing activity. The POPs data was compared to those previously published using granules with a mixture of several degrees of discoloration from the same area and the results from International Pellet Watch (yellowing pellets). The results indicated concentrations and contributed to monitoring POPs contamination status on the coast of the State of São Paulo.
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Aerogéis de hidroxipropil metilcelulose: síntese, caracterização e aplicação como adsorventes para 17α-etinilestradiol / Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose based aerogels: Synthesis, characterization and application as adsorbents for 17α-ethinyl estradiolBianca Fernandes Martins 05 December 2017 (has links)
Aerogéis de hidroxipropil metilcelulose (HPMC) com diferentes graus de substituição por grupos metila (DS) e hidroxipropila (MS) foram preparados por liofilização utilizando diferentes ácidos como agentes de reticulação, a saber: ácido cítrico, ácido oxálico e ácido tereftálico. Nanocristais de celulose bacteriana (BCN) neutros e negativamente carregados foram utilizados como carga de reforço nas concentrações de 5% (m/m) e 15% (m/m) em relação à massa da matriz. Os resultados indicaram que HPMCs com menores valores de DS e maiores valores de MS resultam em aerogéis com maior eficiência na reticulação. Além disso, agentes de reticulação insolúveis em água minimizaram a capacidade de reticulação, enquanto agentes de reticulação com uma maior quantidade de grupos funcionais ácidos aumentaram a probabilidade e a eficiência da reação de reticulação das cadeias de HPMC. Os aerogéis apresentaram alta estabilidade em água, solventes orgânicos e meio ácido, além de apresentar resiliência quanto à deformação em meio aquoso. Os aerogéis apresentaram porosidade de ~98%, densidade média variando de 0,021 à 0,026 (± 0,002) g.cm-3, módulo de Young variando de 101 à 150 (± 19) kPa e capacidade média de absorção de água de 18 g de água/g de aerogel. A adição de carga de reforço resultou em um aumento de até 13% na densidade aparente do aerogel e um aumento médio de 20% no módulo de Young dos materiais. A morfologia dos poros dos aerogéis sintetizados é irregular, com ampla faixa de distribuição de tamanho de poros, podendo variar cerca de 5 µm a 500 µm. Nos aerogéis reforçados, as BCNs encontram-se preferencialmente no interior das paredes dos aerogéis, onde o reforço mecânico é mais eficiente. Isotermas de adsorção de 17α-etinilestradiol (EE) foram realizadas, resultando em capacidades de remoção de até 90%, com possibilidade de reciclo. As isotermas indicam que a matriz HPMC J5MS possui maior afinidade para adsorção de EE e que a adição de BCNs aumenta a afinidade das moléculas pelo substrato. As isotermas foram melhor ajustadas com o modelo de Freundlich, indicando que a adição de 5% de BCNs aumenta a capacidade de adsorção do aerogel, enquanto a adição de 15% de BCNs provoca uma diminuição nesta propriedade. / Aerogels of Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), with different degrees of substitution for methyl groups (MS) and hydroxypropyl groups (DS) were prepared by freeze-drying. The HPMCs were combined with three organic acids as crosslinking agents: citric acid, oxalic acid and terephthalic acid. Bacterial cellulose nanocrystals (BCN) neutral and negatively charged were used as reinforcement particles from 5% to 15% m/m in relation to the polymer mass. The results indicated that HPMC with lower DS and higher MS levels result in aerogels with higher crosslink efficiency. Besides that, crosslinking agents that are water insoluble minimized the crosslinking capacity, while crosslinking agents with more functional acid groups presented higher probability and efficiency in the crosslinking reaction. The aerogels presented high stability in water, organic solvents and acid media, and presented mechanical resilience in aqueous media. The resulting aerogels presented porosity of ~98%, average density of 0.021 to 0.026 (± 0.002) g.cm-3, Young modulus of 101 to 150 (± 19) kPa and an average capacity of water absorption of 18 g of water/g of aerogel. The addition of reinforcement particles resulted in an increase in density up to 13% and an average increase in the Young modulus of 20%. The morphology of the aerogels was irregular, with a wide pore size distribution, varying between de 5 µm a 500 µm. In the reinforced aerogels, the BCNs were found preferably inside the aerogels walls, were the mechanical reinforcement is more efficient. Adsorption isotherms of 17 ethinyl estradiol (EE) revealed removal capacity up to 90% and possibility of adsorbent recycling. The isotherms indicated that the HPMC J5MS has higher affinity for EE molecules and that the use of BCNs increases aerogels affinity. The isotherms were well fitted with the Freundlich model, indicating that the addition of 5% BCN increases the adsorption capacity of the aerogels, while the addition of 15 % BCN results in a decrease in this property.
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Grânulos plásticos em praias arenosas: avaliação de um método amostral quantitativo e da contaminação química / Plastic pellets in sandy beaches: evaluation of a quantitative sampling method and the chemical contaminationMara Fisner Cesar 11 December 2012 (has links)
Os grânulos plásticos são encontrados no ambiente marinho e, em função de suas características podem concentrar e transportar poluentes orgânicos. A Enseada de Santos representa um polo de grande importância econômica para o estado de São Paulo, devido à existência do Porto de Santos e do complexo industrial de Cubatão nos seus arredores. Essa região foi escolhida para o desenvolvimento deste estudo por possuir uma grande quantidade de grânulos na superfície arenosa de suas praias. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: (1) avaliar uma proposta metodológica para a coleta de grânulos plásticos, baseada no uso de transectos perpendiculares à linha da água compostos por escavações (amostragens) equidistantes; e (2) analisar a concentração, composição e fontes de contaminação de hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) nos grânulos coletados em praias arenosas, considerando diferentes escalas espaciais e a influência do tipo de resina que os grânulos são produzidos, bem como o tempo de exposição destes no ambiente. O resultado da avaliação da proposta metodológica determinou o diâmetro do trado que fornece a melhor combinação entre tempo e volume de sedimento coletado, além da confirmação da profundidade de maior ocorrência dos grânulos na coluna sedimentar, bem como a constatação de que transectos tornam-se inviáveis para este procedimento. É sugerido, então, o desenvolvimento de estudos futuros a fim de encontrar o melhor desenho amostral, uma vez que não foi eficaz a realização de transectos, para a amostragem de grânulos plásticos em profundidade. De acordo com os resultados das análises, a concentração e composição de HPAs nos grânulos plásticos variaram de forma expressiva entre os pontos amostrais em uma mesma praia, de forma que, para a obtenção da real variabilidade de poluentes em uma praia, são necessárias coletas em diversos pontos amostrais, a fim de evitar uma equivocada extrapolação dos resultados. As análises dos grânulos coletados em diferentes profundidades no sedimento arenoso indicam resultados semelhantes, com uma alta variabilidade na composição e concentração de HPAs. Entre as resinas, houve diferença na concentração de HPAs (polietileno > polipropileno) e no tempo de exposição, com maiores concentrações nos grânulos mais escuros, ou seja, mais tempo expostos no ambiente. A contaminação na área de coleta é oriunda da mistura de compostos provenientes de fontes petrogênicas e pirolíticas e as análises da potencial toxicidade dos HPAs em grânulos, em geral, indicam um risco iminente aos organismos. São necessários, no entanto, estudos complementares também para a investigação da possibilidade de bioacumulação dos poluentes em organismos. / Plastic pellets are easily found in marine environment and due to its characteristics they may concentrate and bring organic pollutants. Santos bay represents a major economic center for the state of São Paulo because of Santos Port and the Cubatão industrial complex in its surroundings. This place was chosen for the development of the study for the great number of pellets found in the sandy surface of its beaches. This study aimed at (1) evaluating a sampling methodology for plastic pellets based on the use of transects perpendicular to the seawater line and made by diggings equally distant from one another (samplings). It also aimed at (2) analyzing the concentration, composition and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) contamination on the pellets sampled on sandy beaches, considering different spatial scales and resin kinds which the plastic pellets were made from as well as their exposure time in the environment. As a result of the evaluation of sampling methodology the sampler diameter was defined which provides the best combination between the time and the volume of sampled sediment. Apart from that the depth of the major occurrence of plastic pellets in the sedimentary column was confirmed and it was established that transects are impracticable for this kind of procedure. The development of future studies in order to figure out the best sample design is suggested once the use of transects was not efficient for plastic pellets sampling in depth. According to analyses results the PAHs concentration and composition on the plastic pellets vary largely among sampling sites on the same beach. In order to obtain real pollutant variability on one beach, samples taken from different sampling sites are necessary to avoid a wrong over sizing of results. The plastic pellets analyses taken from different depths in sandy sediment showed similar results to those from the surface with a high variability in PAH concentration and composition. Among the resins there was a difference on PAH concentration (polyethylene > polypropylene) and exposure time, showing larger concentrations on darker pellets, that is longer exposed in the environment. The contamination in the studied area comes from the mixture of compounds from petrogenic and pyrolitic sources and the PAHs potential toxicity in plastic pellets analyses generally reflect an imminent risk to organisms. Complementary studies are also necessary to investigate the possibility of pollutant bioaccumulation in organisms.
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Estudo das alterações no sistema reprodutor de camundongos expostos a contaminação ambiental / Study of the Alterations in Reproductive System of Mice Exposed to Environmental ContaminationPaulo Augusto Amador Pereira 23 September 2008 (has links)
O Laboratório de Poluição Atmosférica Experimental da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo desenvolve várias linhas de pesquisa sobre os efeitos da poluição nos organismos vivos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as alterações no sistema reprodutor de camundongos balb-c machos expostos a água de manancial localizado próximo a depósito de resíduos químicos. Oitenta camundongos balb-c foram divididos em quatro grupos: Grupo A (controle) recebeu água mineral, grupo B recebeu água de nascente na região do depósito, grupo C recebeu água de cidade abastecida por água originada na região do depósito e grupo D recebeu água de rio que passa ao lado do depósito. A exposição foi do desmame até a idade adulta. Ao atingir a idade reprodutiva eles foram acasalados e posteriormente sacrificados. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: peso das gônadas, espermograma, taxa de gravidez, proporção de machos na prole e contagem de células de Sertoli. A análise da água do grupo A e C não mostrou presença de poluentes, a do grupo B mostrou presença de cádmio nas concentrações de 3,58 ± 0,50 microgramas/L e de 2,92 ± 0,10 microgramas/L, a do grupo D mostrou a presença de hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos, de chumbo nas concentrações de 113 ± 11 microgramas/L e de 221 ± 16 microgramas/L, cádmio nas concentrações de 11,33 ± 0,50 microgramas/L, 12,6 ± 1,2 microgramas/L e 3,78 ± 0,35 microgramas/L e de mercúrio nas concentrações de 4,58 ± 0,92 microgramas/L e 5,3 ± 1,1 microgramas/L. Foram utilizados os testes de Levene e Kolmogorov-Smirnov para se verificar a homogeneidade das variâncias e a aderência a curva normal, respectivamente. Para as variáveis que apresentaram esses dois princípios satisfeitos foram utilizados testes paramétricos (ANOVA- analise de variância), caso contrario foram utilizados testes não paramétricos (Teste de Kruskall-Wallis). Quando diferenças foram observadas foi utilizado o teste de comparações múltiplas de Tukey (KLEIBAUM). Os resultados mostraram que houve redução significativa da proporção de machos na prole dos animais do grupo B e uma redução marginalmente significante nos animais do grupo D. Os outros parâmetros avaliados não mostraram diferenças entre os grupos. A alteração verificada na proporção de machos do grupo B não pode ser explicada pela presença de cádmio na água, pois o grupo D foi exposto a doses muito maiores e não apresentou a mesma alteração. No presente trabalho não identificamos diferenças que permitam afirmar que a exposição à água da região do depósito de lixo químico cause alterações no sistema reprodutivo de camundongos / The Atmospheric Pollution Laboratory of The Sao Paulo University Medical College develops research on the effects of environmental pollution in health. This study investigated the effects on the reproductive system of balb-c mice exposed to water from a river near a deactivated waste depositary. Eighty male mice were separated in four groups: Group A (mineral water); Group B (water from the water treatment station); Group C (water from Cubatao city); Group D (water from the waste depositary region). They were exposed to water since they were weaned until they reached sexual maturity. They were coupled with females in reproductive age and after this mating time they were sacrificed. The evaluated parameters had been testicle weight, sperm analysis, pregnancy rate, sex ratio of the offspring and Sertoli cell count. The analysis of the water did not show presence of pollutants in the group a and group c water. Group b showed low levels of cadmium, 3,58 ± 0,50 g/L and 2,92 ± 0,10g/L. Group d showed the presence of PAHs and high levels of lead (113 ± 11 g/L and 221 ± 16 g/L), cadmiun (11,33 ± 0,50 g/L and 12,6 ± 1,2 g/L) and mercury (4,58 ± 0,92 g/L and 5,3 ± 1,1 g/L . The tests of Levene and Kolmogorov-Smirnov had been used to verify the homogeneity of the variances and the tack to the normal curve, respectively. The parametric tests used ANOVA and the non parametric tests used Kruskall-Wallis test and the test of multiple comparisons of Tukey (Kleibaun). Results: There were no differences between groups in testicle weight, sperm analysis, pregnancy rate and Sertoli cell count. There was a significant reduction in sex-ratio of the offspring in group b. This alteration cannot be explained by the cadmium levels in group b water. In the present work we cannot associate the exposition to water from the waste depositary and reproductive alterations
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Estudo experimental da exposição ao PCB126 sobre a indução de Diabetes mellitus tipo II / Experimental study of PCB126 exposure on induction of Diabetes mellitus type II.Ana Lucia Borges Shimada 29 July 2015 (has links)
A exposição ambiental aos poluentes orgânicos persistentes tem recebido amplo destaque na literatura recentemente devido à extensa associação entre o desenvolvimento de doenças metabólicas, obesidade e/ou diabetes mellitus, e a presença destes poluentes, principalmente os organoclorados, como as bifenilas policloradas (PCBs), no organismo. Por outro lado, os mecanismos de ação destes poluentes é controverso devido à elevada quantidade de representantes destas classes, gerando diversidade de protocolos de exposição e escassez de estudos experimentais. Por isto, foi objetivo deste trabalho elucidar os mecanismos de ação tóxica do PCB126, nas doses de 0,1; 1 ou 10 µg/kg de massa corpórea, em ratos Wistar machos, durante quinze dias, expostos por instilação intranasal. O procotolo de exposição empregado foi caracterizado e considerado suficiente para causar toxicidade, uma vez que foram observadas alterações no sistema imune, metabolismo e em parâmetros relacionados à gênese do diabetes mellitus. A caracterização da exposição foi determinada pela quantificação da concentração de PCB126 no fígado e pulmão (CG/MS) e pelo aumento da expressão do receptor aril hidrocarboneto (AhR) no rim, fígado, pulmão e tecido adiposo (Western Blot). O efeito imunossupressor do PCB126 foi evidenciado pelo comprometimento da produção de células na medula óssea e, consequentemente, no número de células totais no sangue circulante. Adicionalmente, foi evidenciada a interferência do poluente na via de ativação mediada por receptores acoplados à proteína G (GPCRs), principalmente em neutrófilos, alterando importantes funções destas células, como a expressão de moléculas de adesão, geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio e migração. Entre as alterações metabólicas observadas, destacamos o aumento dos níveis de triglicerídeos e colesterol sérico, aumento da liberação de ácidos graxos livres; aumento da atividade da enzima hepática gama glutamil transferase; aumento da resistência à insulina e aumento da geração de óxido nítrico pelas ilhotas de Langerhans, dados estes, possivelmente relacionados ao comprometimento das células beta (β) pancreáticas, confirmados pelo aumento da expressão de GLUT4 no tecido adiposo, aumento da concentração de insulina sérica e aumento do estresse oxidativo nas ilhotas de Langerhans. Em conjunto, os dados obtidos destacam importantes alterações causadas pela exposição intranasal ao PCB126, evidenciando a participação do poluente na gênese do diabetes mellitus do tipo II. / The environmental exposure to persistent organic pollutants has been widely highlighted in recent literature due to the extensive association between the development of metabolic diseases, obesity and/or diabetes mellitus, and presence of these pollutants, especially organochlorines such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in organism. Moreover, the mechanisms of action of these pollutants are controversial due to the high number of PCBs congeners, diversity of exposure protocols and lack of experimental studies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanisms of PCB126\'s toxic action at doses of 0.1; 1 or 10 µg/kg body weight in male Wistar rats exposed by intranasal instillation for 15 days. The established exposure procotol was characterized and considered sufficient to cause toxicity since changes were observed in the immune system, metabolism and in parameters related to the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus. Characterization of exposure was determined by quantifying the concentration of PCB126 in liver and lung (GC-MS) and by the increased expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) in kidney, liver, lung, and adipose tissue (Western blot). The immunosuppressive effect of PCB126 was evidenced by impairment of cell production in the bone marrow and thus the total number of cells in the circulation. In addition, the interference of the pollutant in the activation pathway mediated by G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), in particular in neutrophils, was observed by changing important functions of these cells such as the expression of adhesion molecules, reactive oxygen species generation, and migration. Among the metabolic changes observed, we highlight the increased levels of triglycerides and serum cholesterol, increased release of free fatty acids; increased gamma glutamyl transferase hepatic enzyme activity; increased insulin resistance and increased generation of nitric oxide by the islets of Langerhans, these data possibly related to the impairment of beta cells (β) pancreatic function, suggested by the increased expression of GLUT4 in adipose tissue, increased serum insulin concentration and increased oxidative stress in the islets of Langerhans. Altogether, these results highlight important changes caused by intranasal exposure to PCB126, suggesting participation of the pollutant in the genesis of diabetes mellitus type II.
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Estudo das alterações no sistema reprodutor de camundongos expostos a contaminação ambiental / Study of the Alterations in Reproductive System of Mice Exposed to Environmental ContaminationPereira, Paulo Augusto Amador 23 September 2008 (has links)
O Laboratório de Poluição Atmosférica Experimental da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo desenvolve várias linhas de pesquisa sobre os efeitos da poluição nos organismos vivos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as alterações no sistema reprodutor de camundongos balb-c machos expostos a água de manancial localizado próximo a depósito de resíduos químicos. Oitenta camundongos balb-c foram divididos em quatro grupos: Grupo A (controle) recebeu água mineral, grupo B recebeu água de nascente na região do depósito, grupo C recebeu água de cidade abastecida por água originada na região do depósito e grupo D recebeu água de rio que passa ao lado do depósito. A exposição foi do desmame até a idade adulta. Ao atingir a idade reprodutiva eles foram acasalados e posteriormente sacrificados. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: peso das gônadas, espermograma, taxa de gravidez, proporção de machos na prole e contagem de células de Sertoli. A análise da água do grupo A e C não mostrou presença de poluentes, a do grupo B mostrou presença de cádmio nas concentrações de 3,58 ± 0,50 microgramas/L e de 2,92 ± 0,10 microgramas/L, a do grupo D mostrou a presença de hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos, de chumbo nas concentrações de 113 ± 11 microgramas/L e de 221 ± 16 microgramas/L, cádmio nas concentrações de 11,33 ± 0,50 microgramas/L, 12,6 ± 1,2 microgramas/L e 3,78 ± 0,35 microgramas/L e de mercúrio nas concentrações de 4,58 ± 0,92 microgramas/L e 5,3 ± 1,1 microgramas/L. Foram utilizados os testes de Levene e Kolmogorov-Smirnov para se verificar a homogeneidade das variâncias e a aderência a curva normal, respectivamente. Para as variáveis que apresentaram esses dois princípios satisfeitos foram utilizados testes paramétricos (ANOVA- analise de variância), caso contrario foram utilizados testes não paramétricos (Teste de Kruskall-Wallis). Quando diferenças foram observadas foi utilizado o teste de comparações múltiplas de Tukey (KLEIBAUM). Os resultados mostraram que houve redução significativa da proporção de machos na prole dos animais do grupo B e uma redução marginalmente significante nos animais do grupo D. Os outros parâmetros avaliados não mostraram diferenças entre os grupos. A alteração verificada na proporção de machos do grupo B não pode ser explicada pela presença de cádmio na água, pois o grupo D foi exposto a doses muito maiores e não apresentou a mesma alteração. No presente trabalho não identificamos diferenças que permitam afirmar que a exposição à água da região do depósito de lixo químico cause alterações no sistema reprodutivo de camundongos / The Atmospheric Pollution Laboratory of The Sao Paulo University Medical College develops research on the effects of environmental pollution in health. This study investigated the effects on the reproductive system of balb-c mice exposed to water from a river near a deactivated waste depositary. Eighty male mice were separated in four groups: Group A (mineral water); Group B (water from the water treatment station); Group C (water from Cubatao city); Group D (water from the waste depositary region). They were exposed to water since they were weaned until they reached sexual maturity. They were coupled with females in reproductive age and after this mating time they were sacrificed. The evaluated parameters had been testicle weight, sperm analysis, pregnancy rate, sex ratio of the offspring and Sertoli cell count. The analysis of the water did not show presence of pollutants in the group a and group c water. Group b showed low levels of cadmium, 3,58 ± 0,50 g/L and 2,92 ± 0,10g/L. Group d showed the presence of PAHs and high levels of lead (113 ± 11 g/L and 221 ± 16 g/L), cadmiun (11,33 ± 0,50 g/L and 12,6 ± 1,2 g/L) and mercury (4,58 ± 0,92 g/L and 5,3 ± 1,1 g/L . The tests of Levene and Kolmogorov-Smirnov had been used to verify the homogeneity of the variances and the tack to the normal curve, respectively. The parametric tests used ANOVA and the non parametric tests used Kruskall-Wallis test and the test of multiple comparisons of Tukey (Kleibaun). Results: There were no differences between groups in testicle weight, sperm analysis, pregnancy rate and Sertoli cell count. There was a significant reduction in sex-ratio of the offspring in group b. This alteration cannot be explained by the cadmium levels in group b water. In the present work we cannot associate the exposition to water from the waste depositary and reproductive alterations
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Hazardous Waste Site Proximity and Type 2 Diabetes: From Youths to AdultsJohnson, Theresa Ann 01 January 2019 (has links)
Type 2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in adults and youths. Persistent organic pollutants and endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), such as pesticides, dioxins, and organochlorines, are omnipresent and persist in the environment with potential for human exposure via contaminated air, waterways, soil, and human food supply. EDCs have been correlated with diabetes incidence and risks. Residential proximity to hazardous waste sites (HWS) has been correlated with increased hospital admission rates for diabetes. The study used a sample population (N = 1,724), ages ≥ 12 years from the 2005-2012 Continuous NHANES and HWS data from the National Priorities List of Superfund Sites. The ecosocial theory of disease distribution, and geocoordinates provided theoretical support. Mann-Whitney U test and binary logistic regression analysis were used to investigate the relationship between residence ≤ 1 mile compared with residence >1 mile from a HWS in NHANES surveyed counties of NJ, PA, NY, and CA on the outcome abnormal A1c ≥ 5.7% while controlling the effect of the moderators: abnormal body mass index (BMI), age, sex, and race/ethnicity on the relationship. Participants with a BMI ≥ 28.95 kg/m2 were 1.8 times and persons ≥ 58 years of age were 2.1 times more likely to have an A1c ≥ 5.7%. Also, non-Hispanic Whites residing >1 mile of a HWS had 82.1 % reduced risk of abnormal A1c compared with the same group residing ≤ 1 mile of a HWS. The results forge opportunities for future studies to consider border distance between residence and HWS. In addition, the results may promote positive social change through diabetes risks education, environmental health education, and practices and raise dialogue about social justice and the geographic distribution of hazardous waste sites.
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Iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) have been widely studied for a variety of applications, from biomedical applications (e.g., cell separation, drug delivery, contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging and magnetically mediated energy delivery for cancer treatment) to environmental remediations (e.g., heavy metal removal and organic pollutants degradation). It has been demonstrated that IONPs can induce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) via Fenton/Haber-Weiss reactions which has been shown to be one of the key underlying mechanisms of nanoparticles toxicity. This inherent toxicity of nanoparticles has been shown to enhance the efficacy of traditional cancer therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation. In addition, the generation of ROS induced by IONPs has been also studied as advanced oxidation processes (AOP) for wastewater treatment. Recent research has also shown that exposure to an alternating magnetic field can significantly enhance the generation of ROS induced by IONPs. Moreover, the coatings of IONPs play an important role on the surface reactivity of nanoparticles since it can prevent the generation of ROS via Fenton chemistries at the surface of the nanoparticles.
In this work, co-precipitated IONPs were functionalized with small molecules including citric acid, sodium phosphate, amino silane and dopamine. The impact of coating on surface reactivity of the as-synthesized particles was studied using methylene blue dye degradation assay under AMF exposure. With the coatings of these small molecules, the IONPs induced ROS generation was significantly decreased because of the dense surface coverage. To study the effect of polymeric coatings, a degradable poly (beta amino ester) (PBAE) polymer coating was synthesized with dopamine as an anchor to bind to nanoparticles. The surface reactivity of the particles was expected to be recovered once the polymer coating was degraded. Furthermore, the impact of non-degradable PEG-based polymer coating on surface reactivity via ROS generation was also investigated using methylene blue decolorization assay with the presence of AMF. The retention of surface reactivity of PEG-based polymer coated IONPs shows promise for cancer treatment.
The application of IONPs as heterogeneous catalyst for organic contaminant degradation was investigated. Bisphenol A (BPA) was used as a model compound, and Fenton reactions were induced by IONPs with the presence of hydrogen peroxide and hydroxylamine as well as alternating magnetic field exposure. The kinetics of BPA degradation under water bath and AMF exposure at 37oC was also studied, and the results showed potential applications of IONPs for organic pollutants remediation.
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Biosurveillance de la pollution de la lagune de Bizerte (Tunisie) par l’analyse comparée des niveaux de contamination et de l’écotoxicité des sédiments et du biote / Biomonitoring of pollution of the Bizerte lagoon (Tunisia) by comparative analysis of the levels of contamination and ecotoxicity of sediments and biotaBarhoumi, Badreddine 10 June 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est le diagnostic de l’état de santé de la lagune de Bizerte par une approche multi-marqueurs (chimique, biochimique et morphométrique) et multi-compartiments (sédiment et biote). Pour atteindre cet objectif, les modèles biologiques choisis sont la moule Mytilus galloprovincialis et le poisson gobie Zosterisessor ophiocephalus. Ces deux espèces sont largement répandues dans la lagune de Bizerte et la mer Méditerranée. Dans une première partie et afin d’estimer les niveaux de contamination de la lagune de Bizerte par les polluants organiques persistants (POPs), des analyses chimiques, granulométriques et minéralogiques (COT) de sédiments superficiels ont été réalisées. Par la suite la toxicité potentielle des sédiments a été évaluée par une batterie de bioessais. Dans une troisième partie la biodisponibilité et l’impact écotoxicologique des POPs étudiés ont été évalués par l’accumulation de ces contaminants au niveau des deux organismes indicateurs choisis et l’étude des réponses biologiques associées à travers quelques biomarqueurs tels que la catalase (CAT), l’acide thiobarbiturique (TBARS); l’Ethoxyrésorufine O-dééthylase (EROD); la glutathion-S-transférase (GST) et l'acétylcholinestérase (AChE). Les principaux résultats des analyses chimiques révèlent une contamination générale des sédiments et organismes étudiés par les POPs. Les niveaux de contamination sont fonction de l’espèce et de la station étudiée. La comparaison de nos valeurs avec les données de la littérature a montré que les niveaux de contamination de la lagune sont similaires ou légèrement inférieurs à ceux enregistrés dans des écosystèmes équivalents dans d’autres pays du monde. L’estimation de la toxicité des sédiments au moyen des valeurs guides sédimentaires (ERL, ERM, TEL et PEL) et trois tests biologiques (Microtox®, SOS-Chromotest® et test MELA) ont montré que les sédiments des stations du canal de Bizerte S1 et S3 représentent un danger accru pour les organismes aquatiques. Nos résultats ont montré que les biomarqueurs mesurés chez les deux espèces choisies sont des paramètres sensibles et inductibles permettant de qualifier l’état de santé des organismes et la qualité globale du milieu étudié. Les marqueurs morphométriques contrairement aux marqueurs biochimiques n’ont pas permis de discriminer les différents sites étudiés. Contrairement aux poissons, il a été démontré chez les moules que les facteurs abiotiques ont une influence sur les concentrations en POPs et les réponses des biomarqueurs.Au vu de l’ensemble de ces résultats, il apparaît que cette approche intégrative associant des mesures chimiques et écotoxicologiques représente un bon moyen pour évaluer la qualité de l’environnement notamment dans le cadre de programmes de biosurveillance. / The objective of this thesis was the diagnosis of the health status of the Bizerte lagoon using a multi-marker (chemical, biochemical and morphometric) and multi-compartment approach (sediment and biota). To achieve this objective, the selected biological models were the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the goby fish Zosterisessor ophiocephalus. Both species are widespread in the Bizerte lagoon and the Mediterranean Sea. In a first part and in order to estimate the levels of contamination of the Bizerte lagoon, persistent organic pollutant (POPs), granulometric and mineralogical (TOC) analyses of surficial sediments were carried out. Afterwards, the potential toxicity of sediments was assessed by a battery of bioassays. In a the third part, bioavailability and ecotoxicological impact of POPs studied were assessed by bioaccumulation measurement in these two indicators species, and the study of biological responses associated through a battery of biomarkers such as catalase (CAT), thiobarbituric acid (TBARS); Ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD); glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The main results of the chemical analyses show a general contamination of sediments and organisms studied by POPs. Contamination levels are dependent on the studied species and stations. Comparing our values with literature data, showed that the levels of contamination of the lagoon are similar or slightly lower than equivalent ecosystems in other parts of the world. Besides, the estimation of sediment toxicity, using sediment guideline values (ERL, ERM, TEL et PEL), as well as bioassays (Microtox®, SOS-Chromotest® and MELA test) showed that stations of canal of Bizerte S1 and S3 were associated with an increased hazard to aquatic organisms. Our results showed that biomarkers measured in both selected species are sensitive and inducible parameters, which allowed to characterize the health status of organisms and global quality of the studied environment. Biochemical but not morphometric markers allowed to discriminate the different studied sites according to chemical risk. Unlike fish, it has been demonstrated in mussels that abiotic factors influence the concentrations of POPs and biomarker responses.Obtained data suggest that integrative approach, combining chemical and ecotoxicological measurements, may represent a good way to asses the quality of the environment, particularly, in the context of biomonitoring programs.
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Electrolytic determination of phthalates organic pollutants with n nostructured titanium and iron oxides sensorsMatinise, Nolubabalo. January 2010 (has links)
<p>This work reports the chemical synthesis, characterisation and electrochemical application of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and iron oxide (Fe2O3) nanoparticles in the determination of phthalates. The other part of this work involved electrochemical polymerization of aniline doped with titanium and iron oxide nanoparticles for the sensor platform in the electrolytic determination of phthalates. The TiO2 and Fe2O3 nanoparticles were prepared by sol gel and hydrothermal methods respectively. Particle sizes of 20 nm (TiO2) and 50 nm (Fe2O3) were estimated from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) The other technical methods used in this study for the characterization of the TiO2 and iron oxide Fe2O3 NPs were SEM, XRD and UV- visible spectroscopy. Cyclic voltammetry, square wave voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were used to study the electrochemical properties of the nanoparticles. These electrochemical studies of the nanoparticles were performed with a Fe2O3 or TiO2/nafion/glassy carbon membrane electrode in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and 0.1 M lithium perchlorate (pH 6.8) under an aerobic condition.</p>
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