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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Diagnóstico ambiental do solo e sedimento do Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR)" / "Environmental diagnostic of soil and sediment from Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR)"

Cotta, Jussara Aparecida de Oliveira 20 February 2004 (has links)
O Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira - PETAR - localizado no vale do Ribeira de Iguape, a 315 km de São Paulo, é uma das últimas áreas de mata Atlântica preservada e com uma diversidade enorme de fauna e flora. Por se tratar de uma região bastante complexa do ponto de vista ambiental, vários são os conflitos existentes no que se refere ao planejamento do uso e ocupação do solo, dado que a região apresenta quase 40% de seu território bloqueado por força do que dispõem as legislações ambientais que, a partir da década de 80, criaram várias unidades de conservação ambiental. No entanto, cerca de 30% da área ocupada do PETAR é utilizada para atividades impróprias à preservação desse patrimônio público. Essas atividades são representadas basicamente por: agricultura, exploração mineral, descarga de esgoto doméstico não tratado e expansão populacional. A utilização de compostos organoclorados na agricultura e exploração intensa de metais durante anos na região têm contaminado o ecossistema. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer uma metodologia para avaliar a qualidade ambiental do solo e sedimento da região do PETAR. Considerando-se as características econômicas da região - agricultura, mineração e ecoturismo - o solo e sedimento foram analisados com respeito a compostos organoclorados e metais pesados. Os metais avaliados foram o chumbo, devido aos problemas com a mineração e, em adição, cádmio, cobre, zinco, níquel, cromo, alumínio, manganês e ferro, sendo estes analisados por absorção atômica. Foram avaliados os compostos organoclorados lindano, HCB e os PCBs. Para suas determinações foi utilizado um cromatógrafo a gás com detector de captura de elétrons. Os resultados mostram que, de modo geral, a região do PETAR encontra-se impactada por Pb, Zn e Cu, principalmente nos sedimentos, com alto grau de contaminação. Foram também encontradas concentrações de compostos organoclorados acima do valores permissíveis. / The Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira - PETAR - located in the Vale do Ribeira de Iguape, distant 315 km from São Paulo, is one of the last preserved areas of Atlantic forest. It has an enormous diversity of fauna and flora. This is a region with a great complexity under the environmental point of view, so there are lot of conflicts referring to the land usage and occupation planning, once the region presents almost 40% of its territory blocked by force of what environmental legislation dispose, which since the 80’s decade, have created several environmental conservation units. However, about 30% of the PETAR occupied area are used for activities that are unsuitable to the preservation of this common wealth. These activities are represented basically by agriculture, mineral exploration, discharge of non treated domestic sewage and population expansion. The usage of organochlorine compounds in agriculture and intensive metal exploration in the region during years contaminated the ecosystem. In this way, the purpose of this work was to establish a methodology to evaluate the environment quality of the soil and sediment from PETAR region. Considering the economic characteristics of the region - agriculture, mining and ecotourism - the soil and sediment had been analyzed with respect to organochloride compounds and heavy metals. The evaluated metals had been lead, due to the problems with the mining and, in addition, cadmium, copper, zinc, nickel, chromium, aluminium, manganese and iron, having these been analyzed by atomic absorption. The organochloride compounds HCH, HCB and the PCBs had been evaluated. For its determination a gas chromatograph with electron capture detector was used. The result shows that, in a general way, the PETAR region find impacted by Pb, Zn and Cu, mainly in the sediments, with high contamination intensity. Organochloride compound concentrations also had been found above the permissible values.

\"PCBs e pesticidas organoclorados em tecidos de peixes da Baixada Santista, São Paulo\" / PCBS and Organochlorides Pesticides in fishes of Santos Bay, São Paulo, Brazil

Magalhães, Caio Augusto 02 February 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho visou determinar a ocorrência de PCBs e pesticidas organoclorados em peixes da região da Baixada Santista. Foram feitas coletas de peixes das espécies Paralonchurus brasiliensis, Trichiurus lepturus e Cathorops spixii em três diferentes localidades. Depois de sub-amostradas em músculo, fígado, brânquias e gônadas, as amostras foram extraídas em aparelhagem Soxhlet e analisadas por técnicas cromatográficas. O DDT apresentou-se em 66 % das amostras com concentrações variando entre 18,92 e 690,29 ng.g-1 lipídio. O HCH foi detectado em 34 % das amostras com concentração variando de 8,92 a 103,04 ng.g-1 lipídio, sendo a região da Ilha da Moela a mais afetada por esse composto. O Mirex apresentou-se em 28 % das amostras e alcançou valores entre 5,90 e 222,17 ng.g-1 lipídio. O HCB foi o inseticida menos encontrado neste trabalho, com 16 % das amostras apresentando contaminação variando de 7,75 a 94,47 ng.g-1 lipídio, todas na espécie bentônica Cathorops spixii. Os PCBs estiveram presentes em todas as localidades analisadas, sendo os congêneres com número entre quatro e sete cloros os que mais bioacumularam. A bioacumulação de organoclorados nos diferentes tecidos não ocorreu de forma igual para todas as espécies analisadas. Aparentemente, a maior contribuição para poluição orgânica dos peixes da Baía de Santos e áreas próximas origina-se do estuário ou do emissário. / Industrial and sewers pollution have being affected seriously the region of Baixada Santista, in the central shore of São Paulo State, Brazil. The great development of Cubatão city caused diverse health problems in the 70´s and 80´s. This present study shows organochlorine distribution in fishes collected in the Santos Bay and Moela Island. Paralonchurus brasiliensis, Trichiurs lepturus and Cathorops spixii had been captured in three different locations, sub-sampled in muscle, liver, gills and gonads. The samples was extracted in Soxhlet apparatus and analyzed by chromatographic techniques. DDT was presented in 66 % of the samples and concentrations varied between 18,92 and 690,29 ng.g-1 lipid. The HCH was detected in 34 % of the samples with concentration ranged from 8,92 to 103,04 ng.g-1 lipid. The region of the Moela Island was the most affected region by HCH pollution. The Mirex was presented in 28 % of the samples and reached values between 5,90 and 222,17 ng.g-1 lipid mostly in the Moela Island and Santos Bay. The HCB was the least found insecticide in this work and occurred in 16 % of the samples that presented concentration that varied from 7,75 to 94,47 ng.g-1 lipid. The muscles and gills of the bentic specie Cathorops spixii appeared to be an important tissues to accumulation of HCB. The PCBs were present in every studied locations. Congeners with number of chlorine between four and seven were the most bioacumulated ones. The bioaccumulation of different tissues did not occurred in the same way. Apparently, the greatest contribution for organic pollution to the fishes of Santos Bay and surrounding areas originates from the estuary or the emissary.

Är saltglaseringsindustrin en källa till tidig organokloridförekomst?

Liljeroos, Tom January 2009 (has links)
<p>Abstract.</p><p>The levels of dioxin and comparable substances rose to a large extent in our environment during the second half of the 20'Th century. This was the result of the synthesis of, and careless usage of these substances in cooling fluids, hydraulics, pesticides etc. </p><p>Background levels of dioxins and furans in sealed samples prior to this era suggest that former sources of these substances existed. </p><p>Salt glazing is a method of adding a smooth acid resistant exterior to stoneware ceramics. The technique has been in use since the 16'Th century, maybe even earlier than that. Some sources date the origin of the technique to the 13'Th century. Salt glazed ceramics were the prime type of industrial vessels and it was extensively used for food preservation in households from the 17'Th century to the early/mid 20'Th century. </p><p>The method was/is primarily used by Germany, Great Britain, America and Sweden.</p><p>Salt glazing is a source of graphite structures from soot, and of chlorine gas. Hence, the formation of organochlorides should be able to occur.</p><p>The reports main objective is to highlight the question; “Could the salt glazing industry be one of the sources to early dioxin emissions?” Secondary objectives are to present an introduction to dioxin and comparable substances, methods of analysis and symptoms of exposure. </p><p>The salt glazing industry is much likely one of the anthropogenic sources of early PCDD/F emissions. Though emission levels seem to be quite low, due to the persistence of PCDD/F noticeable levels could have accumulated. When the Leblanc soda process (a known source of PCDD/F) was introduced in 1791, the salt glazing process had already been used for nearly three hundred years.</p>

Är saltglaseringsindustrin en källa till tidig organokloridförekomst?

Liljeroos, Tom January 2009 (has links)
Abstract. The levels of dioxin and comparable substances rose to a large extent in our environment during the second half of the 20'Th century. This was the result of the synthesis of, and careless usage of these substances in cooling fluids, hydraulics, pesticides etc. Background levels of dioxins and furans in sealed samples prior to this era suggest that former sources of these substances existed. Salt glazing is a method of adding a smooth acid resistant exterior to stoneware ceramics. The technique has been in use since the 16'Th century, maybe even earlier than that. Some sources date the origin of the technique to the 13'Th century. Salt glazed ceramics were the prime type of industrial vessels and it was extensively used for food preservation in households from the 17'Th century to the early/mid 20'Th century. The method was/is primarily used by Germany, Great Britain, America and Sweden. Salt glazing is a source of graphite structures from soot, and of chlorine gas. Hence, the formation of organochlorides should be able to occur. The reports main objective is to highlight the question; “Could the salt glazing industry be one of the sources to early dioxin emissions?” Secondary objectives are to present an introduction to dioxin and comparable substances, methods of analysis and symptoms of exposure. The salt glazing industry is much likely one of the anthropogenic sources of early PCDD/F emissions. Though emission levels seem to be quite low, due to the persistence of PCDD/F noticeable levels could have accumulated. When the Leblanc soda process (a known source of PCDD/F) was introduced in 1791, the salt glazing process had already been used for nearly three hundred years.

\"PCBs e pesticidas organoclorados em tecidos de peixes da Baixada Santista, São Paulo\" / PCBS and Organochlorides Pesticides in fishes of Santos Bay, São Paulo, Brazil

Caio Augusto Magalhães 02 February 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho visou determinar a ocorrência de PCBs e pesticidas organoclorados em peixes da região da Baixada Santista. Foram feitas coletas de peixes das espécies Paralonchurus brasiliensis, Trichiurus lepturus e Cathorops spixii em três diferentes localidades. Depois de sub-amostradas em músculo, fígado, brânquias e gônadas, as amostras foram extraídas em aparelhagem Soxhlet e analisadas por técnicas cromatográficas. O DDT apresentou-se em 66 % das amostras com concentrações variando entre 18,92 e 690,29 ng.g-1 lipídio. O HCH foi detectado em 34 % das amostras com concentração variando de 8,92 a 103,04 ng.g-1 lipídio, sendo a região da Ilha da Moela a mais afetada por esse composto. O Mirex apresentou-se em 28 % das amostras e alcançou valores entre 5,90 e 222,17 ng.g-1 lipídio. O HCB foi o inseticida menos encontrado neste trabalho, com 16 % das amostras apresentando contaminação variando de 7,75 a 94,47 ng.g-1 lipídio, todas na espécie bentônica Cathorops spixii. Os PCBs estiveram presentes em todas as localidades analisadas, sendo os congêneres com número entre quatro e sete cloros os que mais bioacumularam. A bioacumulação de organoclorados nos diferentes tecidos não ocorreu de forma igual para todas as espécies analisadas. Aparentemente, a maior contribuição para poluição orgânica dos peixes da Baía de Santos e áreas próximas origina-se do estuário ou do emissário. / Industrial and sewers pollution have being affected seriously the region of Baixada Santista, in the central shore of São Paulo State, Brazil. The great development of Cubatão city caused diverse health problems in the 70´s and 80´s. This present study shows organochlorine distribution in fishes collected in the Santos Bay and Moela Island. Paralonchurus brasiliensis, Trichiurs lepturus and Cathorops spixii had been captured in three different locations, sub-sampled in muscle, liver, gills and gonads. The samples was extracted in Soxhlet apparatus and analyzed by chromatographic techniques. DDT was presented in 66 % of the samples and concentrations varied between 18,92 and 690,29 ng.g-1 lipid. The HCH was detected in 34 % of the samples with concentration ranged from 8,92 to 103,04 ng.g-1 lipid. The region of the Moela Island was the most affected region by HCH pollution. The Mirex was presented in 28 % of the samples and reached values between 5,90 and 222,17 ng.g-1 lipid mostly in the Moela Island and Santos Bay. The HCB was the least found insecticide in this work and occurred in 16 % of the samples that presented concentration that varied from 7,75 to 94,47 ng.g-1 lipid. The muscles and gills of the bentic specie Cathorops spixii appeared to be an important tissues to accumulation of HCB. The PCBs were present in every studied locations. Congeners with number of chlorine between four and seven were the most bioacumulated ones. The bioaccumulation of different tissues did not occurred in the same way. Apparently, the greatest contribution for organic pollution to the fishes of Santos Bay and surrounding areas originates from the estuary or the emissary.

"Diagnóstico ambiental do solo e sedimento do Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR)" / "Environmental diagnostic of soil and sediment from Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR)"

Jussara Aparecida de Oliveira Cotta 20 February 2004 (has links)
O Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira - PETAR - localizado no vale do Ribeira de Iguape, a 315 km de São Paulo, é uma das últimas áreas de mata Atlântica preservada e com uma diversidade enorme de fauna e flora. Por se tratar de uma região bastante complexa do ponto de vista ambiental, vários são os conflitos existentes no que se refere ao planejamento do uso e ocupação do solo, dado que a região apresenta quase 40% de seu território bloqueado por força do que dispõem as legislações ambientais que, a partir da década de 80, criaram várias unidades de conservação ambiental. No entanto, cerca de 30% da área ocupada do PETAR é utilizada para atividades impróprias à preservação desse patrimônio público. Essas atividades são representadas basicamente por: agricultura, exploração mineral, descarga de esgoto doméstico não tratado e expansão populacional. A utilização de compostos organoclorados na agricultura e exploração intensa de metais durante anos na região têm contaminado o ecossistema. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer uma metodologia para avaliar a qualidade ambiental do solo e sedimento da região do PETAR. Considerando-se as características econômicas da região - agricultura, mineração e ecoturismo - o solo e sedimento foram analisados com respeito a compostos organoclorados e metais pesados. Os metais avaliados foram o chumbo, devido aos problemas com a mineração e, em adição, cádmio, cobre, zinco, níquel, cromo, alumínio, manganês e ferro, sendo estes analisados por absorção atômica. Foram avaliados os compostos organoclorados lindano, HCB e os PCBs. Para suas determinações foi utilizado um cromatógrafo a gás com detector de captura de elétrons. Os resultados mostram que, de modo geral, a região do PETAR encontra-se impactada por Pb, Zn e Cu, principalmente nos sedimentos, com alto grau de contaminação. Foram também encontradas concentrações de compostos organoclorados acima do valores permissíveis. / The Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira - PETAR - located in the Vale do Ribeira de Iguape, distant 315 km from São Paulo, is one of the last preserved areas of Atlantic forest. It has an enormous diversity of fauna and flora. This is a region with a great complexity under the environmental point of view, so there are lot of conflicts referring to the land usage and occupation planning, once the region presents almost 40% of its territory blocked by force of what environmental legislation dispose, which since the 80’s decade, have created several environmental conservation units. However, about 30% of the PETAR occupied area are used for activities that are unsuitable to the preservation of this common wealth. These activities are represented basically by agriculture, mineral exploration, discharge of non treated domestic sewage and population expansion. The usage of organochlorine compounds in agriculture and intensive metal exploration in the region during years contaminated the ecosystem. In this way, the purpose of this work was to establish a methodology to evaluate the environment quality of the soil and sediment from PETAR region. Considering the economic characteristics of the region - agriculture, mining and ecotourism - the soil and sediment had been analyzed with respect to organochloride compounds and heavy metals. The evaluated metals had been lead, due to the problems with the mining and, in addition, cadmium, copper, zinc, nickel, chromium, aluminium, manganese and iron, having these been analyzed by atomic absorption. The organochloride compounds &#61543;HCH, HCB and the PCBs had been evaluated. For its determination a gas chromatograph with electron capture detector was used. The result shows that, in a general way, the PETAR region find impacted by Pb, Zn and Cu, mainly in the sediments, with high contamination intensity. Organochloride compound concentrations also had been found above the permissible values.

Aspectos fisioecológicos de Astyanax fasciatus e Pimelodus maculatus (teleósteos) do reservatório da UHE de Furnas, MG : avaliação morfofuncional das brânquias e variáveis hematológicas / Ecophysiological aspects of Astyanax fasciatus and Pimelodus maculatus from Furnas dam (MG): morpho-functional evaluation of the gills and hematological variables

Henrique, Helen Sadauskas 04 July 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:31:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2308.pdf: 3472152 bytes, checksum: de972462448f54f70c4fafbbaf2ba066 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-07-04 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphofunctional structure of the gills and the hematological variables of Astyanax fasciatus and Pimelodus maculatus living on Furnas Dam Reservoir (Minas Gerais State, Brazil) and analyses the influence of water quality on these parameters. The fishes were collected in five sites (FU10: Turvo; FU20: Guapé; FU30: Barranco Alto; FU40: Fama and FU50: Porto Fernandes) during June and December/2006. Physico-chemical variables and organochlorides content of the water and heavy metals on the sediment were performed. Gills and blood samples were taken for check inquire of the composition of the water on the presence of histopathologys and differentiation of chloride and mucous cells and differences on the hematological variables of the fishes collected on the different sites. Hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the respiratory epithelium, lamellar fusion, epithelial lifting, oedema and chloride cells proliferation were the most common histopathological damages observed on the gills for both species. The histopathological alteration index of the gills indicates some degree of lesions that engage the normal function of the organ in A. fasciatus collected in June. Heavy metals, as copper seems to promote alterations on the red blood cells for both fishes during the sampling. While, some pollutants as endosulfan, metolachloride, copper and chromium seems to causes a stimulation of the immune system of the fishes; this effect was most common on the fishes collected in the sites: FU10, FU20 and FU30. The condition factor (K and Kn) of the fishes has been affected by the presence of chromium on the sediment, especially in the site FU30 during the two months. Over all, these results indicates that the water quality in June and December (2006) of Furnas Dam reservoir could promote physiological and morphological alterations on the gills fishes to maintain the homeostase. / O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a estrutura morfuncional das brânquias e as variáveis hematológicas de exemplares de duas espécies de peixes, Astyanax fasciatus e Pimelodus maculatus, coletados na UHE de Furnas, MG e a possível interferência da qualidade da água nos parâmetros estudados. Peixes, amostras de água e de sedimento foram coletados em cinco pontos de amostragem na UHE de Furnas (FU10: Turvo; FU20: Guapé; FU30: Barranco Alto; FU40: Fama e FU50: Porto Fernandes) nos meses de Junho e Dezembro/2006. Foram realizadas análises físicas e químicas da água, determinar a concentração de organoclorados e a presença de elementos-traço. Amostras de brânquias e de sangue foram retiradas para verificar possíveis interações entre organoclorados na água e elementos-traço no sedimento e a presença de histopatologias e diferenciação de células cloreto e mucosa e diferenças nas variáveis hematológicas (série vermelha e série branca) dos peixes coletados nos diferentes locais. Hipertrofia e proliferação de células pavimentosas, fusão lamelar, descolamento do epitélio lamelar, edema e proliferação de células cloreto foram as histopatologias mais encontradas nas brânquias das duas espécies. O IAH (Índice de Alterações Histopatológicas) apontou lesões que comprometem o funcionamento normal do órgão em indivíduos de A. fasciatus coletados em Junho. A presença de elementos-traço, como o cobre, parece promover alteração na série vermelha de A. fasciatus e P. maculatus coletados durante os dois meses. Organoclorados como o endosulfan e metolacloro e elementos traço como cobre e cromo parecem causar uma estimulação do sistema imunológico das duas espécies, especialmente nos locais FU10, FU20 e FU30. Alterações no K e Kn dos animais aparentemente foram influenciados pela presença de cromo no sedimento, especialmente no local FU30 durante os dois meses. O conjunto de todas as alterações observadas indica que a qualidade da água nos diferentes locais durante os dois meses de coleta podem promover alterações nos organismos a fim de manter a homeostasia interna.

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