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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Scheduled maintenance policy for minimum cost : a case study

Tabikh, Mohamad, Khattab, Ammar January 2011 (has links)
This report evaluate the maintenance policies that been applied within specific industrial company, Taken into considerations all corrective and preventive maintenance costs ,in addition to optimise best preventive maintenance schedule for minimum cost. Dynamate Intralog AB was the surveyed company that been encountered high maintenance cost compatible with less productivity, therefore obtaining maintenance schedule policy for minimum cost was the best solution for their problem, then by calculating their corrective and preventive maintenance cost the optimum time was acquired. Finally, the maintenance schedule approve that organized maintenance based on optimum time enhance the productivity and minimize the company maintenance cost.

En fordonsförares upplevelse av accelerationer som grund för en effektiv simuleringsmodell / A driver's experience of accelerations as a basis for an effective simulation model

Loman, Peter, Lindholm, Peter January 2006 (has links)
Saab Aerosystems has a long tradition and a lot of competence in the field of flight simulation. Their ambition to broaden the market horizon has led to a discussion about also selling vehicle simulation solutions, both for military and civilian use. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the driver’s experiences of the accelerations he or she is exposed to whilst driving in rough terrain. The results may be used as a basis for future decisions and can act as a platform for the construction of an effective simulation model. To investigate the driver’s exposure of acceleration, some kind of dynamic simulation is needed. A terrain track with both small and large obstacles where constructed. A model of a military vehicle and a civil truck where also constructed with consideration given to the original vehicles’ features. The simulation of the ride along the track was then initiated, which resulted in plots for several parameters, such as acceleration and angular acceleration for the driver relative to the track. The work was focused on the vital properties of the vehicle, such as vehicle length, position of mass centre and wheel size. The simulations led to some conclusions concerning vehicle properties. Boogie type suspension and lever arm type suspension, vertical distance to mass centre, driver’s position, vehicle length, spring and damper for the cab and number of wheels all turned out to be vital constituents to the driver’s experience. On the other hand, properties such as coefficient of restitution and wheel size turned out to have no significant impact. One more conclusion of the work is that CAD software works well for dynamic simulations such as the ones described in this report. It was also apparent that a quite realistic simulation could be achieved with a fairly simple vehicle model. Furthermore, it is essential to get certain parameters such as the vehicle’s length and other major construction differences realistic, otherwise all fine tuning of the vehicle model will be pointless. / Saab Aerosystems har en lång tradition och stor kompetens inom flygsimulering. Strävan efter ett större marknadsområde har gjort att Saab även börjat undersöka möjligheterna att sälja tjänster inom fordonssimulering för både civilt och militärt bruk. Examensarbetet syftar till att undersöka en fordonsförares upplevelser av de accelerationer som förekommer under körning i terräng. Resultatet är tänkt att användas som beslutsunderlag och grund för att bygga upp en effektiv simuleringsmodell för bl.a. terränggående fordon. För att undersöka accelerationerna som föraren utsätts för krävs någon form av dynamiksimulering. För ändamålet har CAD-programvaran Pro Engineer Wildfire valts. En terrängbana i form av små och stora hinder samt två fordonstyper, ett stridsfordon och en lastbil konstruerades, med verkliga förebilder som utgångspunkt. Simuleringar av fordonets färd längs terrängbanan genomfördes. Varje försök genererade grafer för en mängd olika mätvärden, såsom accelerationer och vinkelaccelerationer för föraren relativt banan. Fokus har legat på att undersöka centrala egenskaper hos fordonet såsom längd, masscentrums läge, däckstorlek m.m. och hur dessa påverkar förarens upplevelse. Efter utförda simuleringar stod det klart att de egenskaper hos fordonet som är vitala för förarens upplevelser är boogie- och länkarmsupphängning av hjul, masscentrums läge, förarens position, fordonets axelavstånd, hyttens dämpning och fjädring samt hjulantal. Mindre relevanta för förarens upplevelse är egenskaper såsom stöttal mellan däck och mark samt däckdiameter. Av arbetet framgick även att ett CAD-verktyg med dynamikmodul fungerar mycket väl för dynamiksimuleringar av den karaktär som behandlas i examensarbetet. Det går även att konstatera att relativt verklighetsnära fordonsbeteende går att åstadkomma utan speciellt detaljerad modell av fordonet. Det framgick också att det är av stor vikt att se till att övergripande parametrar såsom fordonets längd och principiella konstruktion överensstämmer med verkligheten. Stämmer inte detta blir alla finjusteringar av fordonsmodellen överflödiga.

Analysis of Three-Dimensional Cracks in Submodels

Karlsson, David January 2007 (has links)
A common technique to evaluate load paths in complex structures is to perform FE-calculations with relative large elements. This procedure gives no information regarding stress concentrations at e.g. holes or radius but this phenomenon can later on be investigated in details with local individual submodels. Displacements is taken from the global model and used to analyse stress concentrations and crack driving parameters in the submodel. Today, the crack controlling stress intensity factors are in general cases obtained from handbook solutions of elementary cases. This method requires engineering judgements in a conservative manner and one way to improve the solution is to model the crack in its correct surroundings in a local three-dimensional submodel. This master thesis is focused on the development of an automated support for analysing three-dimensional cracks in submodels. The results from a global Nastran model can be imported to Trinitas and used for a more accurate stress and fatigue life analysis in a local model. Here a three-dimensional crack tip subdomain can be generated inside an eight point brick volume. The crack tip subdomain is specially designed and adjusted for accurate determination of stress intensity factors along the crack front. For example, all points are adjusted with respect to the brick volume and the crack size, triangular wedge elements are applied around the crack tip, the midpoints for these elements are moved to quarter points and the crack front is curved. The crack tip subdomain is validated against several reference cases and shows sufficiently good results with respect to the stress intensity factor. Finally, the automated crack tip subdomain generation is applied to a geometrically complex part of a main wing carry-through bulkhead of a fighter aircraft in order to show the applicability of the procedure in an industrial environment.

Konceptframtagning av testinstrument för vattendetektion baserad på MIP

Constantin, Therese January 2010 (has links)
<p>Water is vital for all life on earth. But it can also be dangerous, even fatal, if it is polluted water. 60 percent of child mortality can directly be deduced to dirty water. Not only developing countries are affected, even in the western world epidemics are breaking out by partake or bathing in dirty/polluted water.</p><p>MIP, Molecularly Imprinted Polymers, is a biosensor technology that can provide faster and more reliable response than the current methods of water analysis. It is also cheaper and due to that more samples can be taken and analyzed. These three variables can reduce the number of patients due to polluted water are detected faster and appoint of necessary measures can be done faster.</p><p>This project searches for the design of an automated sample tool based on MIP techniques. The Concepts must express innovation, high quality and clarity. The instrument should be used both in laboratory and in the field.</p><p>The project has resulted in one concept. The concept is based on the one construction of internal components that is as low height as possible (20 centimeters) and is slightly wider than its depth (40 vs. 30 centimeters). MIP-and NIP containers are located by one of the short side and the battery is near the edge of the front side. The placement is designed to facilitate the loading and exchange.</p><p>The concept answers against all of the demands and two of three wishes.  Also the concept is designed after the further user. The further user has also been involved during the process of the concept design. The development of the concept start with the questions from the brainstorming “What will the user feel when they lay their eyes of the product/instrument and uses is?” The ides and thoughts were to ides sketches. They also used in the evaluation of the same sketches. The most exalting ides develop in to three concepts, and in evaluations, with help from further user, with kansei and discussions. The evaluation showed that one of the concepts was adaptable for further development.</p><p>The concept is smooth and has areas for hold. The user is self looking and searching for the optimal hold. The instrument has none parts that extend from the body and can damage the user. The instruments components that the user need to exchange is placed in a box that by automatic shouts out. The aces to this I controlled by a touch screen. One the touch screen is a hand scanner that is used to lock and unlock the instrument. With a window the process of the analyses is showed. That rice the reliability, lift the functions, give a high-tech and a hero feeling and are fun for the users.</p> / <p>Vatten är en livsviktig faktor för allt liv på jorden. Men kan också vara farligt, rent livsfarligt, om det är förorenat. Hela 60 procent av barndödligheten jan direkt härledas till smutsigt vatten. Inte bara u-länder är drabbad, även i västvärlden bryter epidemier ut på grund av intag eller badande i smutsigt/förorenat vatten.</p><p>MIP, Molecularly Imprinted Polymers, är en biosensorteknik som kan ge snabbare och mer tillförlitligare svar på vattenprover än dagens analysmetoder. Det är även billigare och därmed kan fler prov tas och analyseras, det vill säga med större frekvens. Genom dessa tre variabler kan antalet insjuknade minska till följd av att föroreningar upptäcks snabbare och nödvändiga åtgärder sätts in tidigare.</p><p>Detta projekt söker efter formgivningen på ett automatiskt testinstrument baserat på MIP-tekninken. Konceptförslagen förmedla ska förmedla innovation, hög kvalité och tydlighet. De skall kunna användas i laborationsmiljö samt ute i fält.</p><p>Projektet har resulterat i ett konceptförslag på den yttre formgivningen av testinstrument för vattendetektion baserad på MIP. Koncepten bygger på en uppbyggnad av inre komponenter som har så låg höjd som möjligt (20 centimeter) och är något bredare än dess djup (40 vs 30 centimeter). MIP- och NIP behållarna är placerade intill ena kortsidan och batteriet finns intill kanten på främre långsidan. Placeringen är gjord för att underlätta påfyllning och utbyte.</p><p>Det slutkoncept som presenteras svarar mot alla de uppställda kraven och två av tre önskemål. Det är utformat utefter dess tilltänkta användare. Dessa har även varit med i konceptframtagningen. Slutkonceptet härstammar utefter idégeneringens utgångspunkt ”Vad är det slutanvändaren vill uppleva när de ser och använder produkten/instrumentet?”. Med de tankar som framkom togs idéskisser fram och utvärderades mot de samma. De mest intressanta idéerna utvecklades till tre olika koncept. Dessa utvärderades med hjälp av tilltänkta användare mot de framtagna kanseiorden samt diskussioner. Konceptvalet visade att ett koncept var överlägsets mest lämpat för vidareutveckling.</p><p>Slutkonceptet är smidigt koncept med greppytor utformade för bästa kortvarande grepp. Användaren kan själv söka upp ett individuellt optimalt grepp. Instrumentet har inga utstående delar som kan skada användaren. De inre komponenterna som behövs för påfyllning av MIP- och NIPbuffertlösningarna, batteri med mera finns i en låda som skjuts ut automatiskt på ena kortsidan. Åtkomsten till dessa styrs via en pekskärm. Själva upplåsningen styrs av en handscanner på pekskärmen. Detta ökar känslan av högteknologi och ”hjältekänslan”. Ett halvtransparant ”fönster” medför att själva analysen av testen kan övervakas/studeras, vilket medför ökad tillförlitlighet, lyfter fram funktionerna, ger högteknologikänsla och är roligt för användarna</p> / Konceptframtagning, testinstrument, vattendetektion, MIP, Molculary Imprinted Polymers, Vatten, Vattenrening, Design, Industridesign,Vattenföroreningar, Smutsigt vatten, Biosensorteknik, IMEGO,NIP

Nyutveckling av Nålträdarsystem / New Developing of Needle-threader system

Dissler, Per-Inge, Lagerqvist, Simon January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis work is performed on VSM Group Ltd in Huskvarna that produces sewing machines under the trademarks Pfaff and Husqvarna Viking. On these sewing machines is an application that helps the user to thread the needle. The aim with the work has been to study today's applications on VSM and their competitors' sewing machines in order to since developing a new Needle-threader that divides itself from all the ones used today. The objective with the work has been an entire new concept with an operational prototype.</p><p>As a base the competitor analysis was used where today's applications was studied in order to identify positive and negative aspects of these. This led to a number off “concept families” where different variants off the same ideas were collected and evaluated. The choice fell on the concepts with air suction that was regarded as the most unique and viable.</p><p>Different applications in order to create air suction were tested and the one with best results were chosen for a prototype.</p><p>The final prototype sucks the thread through the needles eye, using a mouthpiece that is positioned behind the needle. The suction is created when a diaphragm pumps from the air from an airtight shell whose only opening is the mouthpiece.</p><p>Of those concepts that have been tested in this thesis work it’s this solution that is most realistic to be used in future sewing machines.</p> / <p>Detta examensarbete är utfört på VSM Group AB i Huskvarna som tillverkar symaskiner under varumärkena Pfaff och Husqvarna Viking. På dessa symaskiner finns en applikation som hjälper användaren att trä tråden genom nålen kallad nålträdare. Syftet med arbetet har varit att studera dagens nålträdningssystem på VSM och deras konkurrenters symaskiner för att sedan utveckla en ny applikation som skiljer sig från samtliga idag använda nålträdare. Målet med arbetet har varit att ta fram ett nytt koncept med en fungerande prototyp.</p><p>Som grund till arbetet gjordes en konkurrentanalys där dagens nålträdare studerades för att identifiera positiva och negativa aspekter hos dessa. Med det som förlaga skapades ett antal ”konceptfamiljer” där olika varianter på samma idéer samlades och utvärderades.</p><p>Valet föll på koncepten med luftsug som ansågs mest unika och genomförbara. Olika applikationer för att skapa luftsug testades och den bästa valdes ut för prototypbygge.</p><p>Den slutgiltiga prototypen suger tråden genom nålsögat med hjälp av ett munstycke som positioneras bakom nålen. Suget skapas då ett membran pumpar ut luften ur ett lufttätt skal vars enda insug är munstycket.</p><p>Av de koncept som testats i detta arbete är det denna lösning som är mest realistisk att kunna användas i framtida symaskiner.</p>

Muscular forces from static optimization

Heintz, Sofia January 2006 (has links)
<p>At every joint there is a redundant set of muscle activated during movement or loading of the system. Optimization techniques are needed to evaluate individual forces in every muscle. The objective in this thesis was to use static optimization techniques to calculate individual muscle forces in the human extremities.</p><p>A cost function based on a performance criterion of the involved muscular forces was set to be minimized together with constraints on the muscle forces, restraining negative and excessive values. Load-sharing, load capacity and optimal forces of a system can be evaluated, based on a description of the muscle architectural properties, such as moment arm, physiological cross-sectional area, and peak isometric force.</p><p>The upper and lower extremities were modelled in two separate studies. The upper extremity was modelled as a two link-segment with fixed configurations. Load-sharing properties in a simplified model were analyzed. In a more complex model of the elbow and shoulder joint system of muscular forces, the overall total loading capacity was evaluated.</p><p>A lower limb model was then used and optimal forces during gait were evaluated. Gait analysis was performed with simultaneous electromyography (EMG). Gait kinematics and kinetics were used in the static optimization to evaluate of optimal individual muscle forces. EMG recordings measure muscle activation. The raw EMG data was processed and a linear envelope of the signal was used to view the activation profile. A method described as the EMG-to-force method which scales and transforms subject specific EMG data is used to compare the evaluated optimal forces.</p><p>Reasonably good correlation between calculated muscle forces from static optimization and EMG profiles was shown. Also, the possibility to view load-sharing properties of a musculoskeletal system demonstrate a promising complement to traditional motion analysis techniques. However, validation of the accurate muscular forces are needed but not possible.</p><p>Future work is focused on adding more accurate settings in the muscle architectural properties such as moment arms and physiological cross-sectional areas. Further perspectives with this mathematic modelling technique include analyzing pathological movement, such as cerebral palsy and rheumatoid arthritis where muscular weakness, pain and joint deformities are common. In these, better understanding of muscular action and function are needed for better treatment.</p>

Modelling and laboratory investigations on freight wagon link suspensions with respect to vehicle-track dynamic interaction

Jönsson, Per-Anders January 2004 (has links)
<p>The link suspension is the most prevailing suspension system for freight wagons in central and western Europe. The system design is simple and has existed for more than 100 years. However, still its characteristics are not fully understood. This thesis emphasizes freight wagon dynamics and comprises three parts:</p><p>In the first part a review of freight wagon running gear is made. The different suspension systems are described and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The review covers the running gear standardized by UIC and the conventional so-called three-piece bogie. Additionally five improved three-piece bogies and twelve novel running gear designs are presented.</p><p>The second part focuses on the lateral force-displacement characteristics in the link suspension. Results from stationary measurements on freight wagons and laboratory tests of the link suspension characteristics are presented. To improve understanding of the various mechanisms and phenomena in link suspension systems a simulation model is developed. Link suspension systems have strongly nonlinear characteristics including a hysteresis loop. The loop exhibits usually three characteristic sections with different tangential stiffnesses. The actual contact geometry of the links and end bearings has a significant influence on the characteristics. By wear in ordinary service - as well as by geometric tolerances on new components - the contact geometry may deviate considerably from nominal geometry. Further, it seems that elastic deformation in the contact surfaces has considerable effects on the suspension characteristics, in particular on the initial rolling stiffness for small displacements. Also, flexibilities in links and end bearings influence the characteristics. It is also observed that new components after a short period of dynamic testing can exhibit a very low amount of energy dissipation, a phenomenon that is also indicated in some stationary measurements on wagons.</p><p>To summarize the second part, it appears that the link suspension characteristics are very sensitive to several factors being hard to control in the real world of freight wagon operations. The various stiffnesses and hysteresis loops have a considerable variation and may have a strong influence on the ride qualities of vehicles. As long as the characteristics can not be controlled within closer limits than found in this study, there is a strong need for sensitivity analysis to be made, both in predictive multibody simulations of vehicle dynamics, as well as in verification and acceptance tests.</p><p>In the third part a study on the possibility to improve ride qualities of freight wagons with link suspensions is presented. Parametric studies with multibody dynamic simulations on freight wagons equipped with link-suspension bogies are performed. The effect of supplementary friction and hydraulic damping is investigated under various running conditions: speed, loading, tangent and curved track, wheel-rail contact geometry, track gauge and track irregularities. Substantial improvements of the lateral running behaviour of wagons with link suspension bogies can be achieved - both at ordinary speeds and at increased speeds - by using a proper combination of supplementary hydraulic dampers. Speeds up to 160 km/h could be realistic.</p>

Simulating the G-forces of a rallycross track

Grandin, Ville January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to design a motion simulator for a rallycross racing environment. The focus on the design is how to mechanically create the G-forces and to model them. After that is done the visually seen motion has to be electronically implemented into the motion simulator, creating as realistic as possible an experience for the driver. A program called Aprot is written in National Instruments Labview to handle the communication between the software simulator and hardware signals. Alot of focus is paid on how to represent the much larger G-forces that are experienced on a real track in the limited capacity that a motion simulator allows. For this purpose several formulas are proposed, all of which have their benefits. The simulation environment used is Racer, a well documented racing simulation that is still in development by the creator Ruud van Gaal. Aprot continuously reads specific data from a file in Racer and uses the formulas to form them into reference values for mechanics. Aprot also has a PID-controller, so that the piston positioning can be optimized.</p><p>The original plan of this master thesis was to use Aprot on a full-scale pneumatic or hydraulic prototype. However, due to time and money constraints, this was not done, leaving this work as a theoretical base on which to build upon.</p>

Simulating the G-forces of a rallycross track

Grandin, Ville January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to design a motion simulator for a rallycross racing environment. The focus on the design is how to mechanically create the G-forces and to model them. After that is done the visually seen motion has to be electronically implemented into the motion simulator, creating as realistic as possible an experience for the driver. A program called Aprot is written in National Instruments Labview to handle the communication between the software simulator and hardware signals. Alot of focus is paid on how to represent the much larger G-forces that are experienced on a real track in the limited capacity that a motion simulator allows. For this purpose several formulas are proposed, all of which have their benefits. The simulation environment used is Racer, a well documented racing simulation that is still in development by the creator Ruud van Gaal. Aprot continuously reads specific data from a file in Racer and uses the formulas to form them into reference values for mechanics. Aprot also has a PID-controller, so that the piston positioning can be optimized. The original plan of this master thesis was to use Aprot on a full-scale pneumatic or hydraulic prototype. However, due to time and money constraints, this was not done, leaving this work as a theoretical base on which to build upon.

Nyutveckling av Nålträdarsystem / New Developing of Needle-threader system

Dissler, Per-Inge, Lagerqvist, Simon January 2008 (has links)
This thesis work is performed on VSM Group Ltd in Huskvarna that produces sewing machines under the trademarks Pfaff and Husqvarna Viking. On these sewing machines is an application that helps the user to thread the needle. The aim with the work has been to study today's applications on VSM and their competitors' sewing machines in order to since developing a new Needle-threader that divides itself from all the ones used today. The objective with the work has been an entire new concept with an operational prototype. As a base the competitor analysis was used where today's applications was studied in order to identify positive and negative aspects of these. This led to a number off “concept families” where different variants off the same ideas were collected and evaluated. The choice fell on the concepts with air suction that was regarded as the most unique and viable. Different applications in order to create air suction were tested and the one with best results were chosen for a prototype. The final prototype sucks the thread through the needles eye, using a mouthpiece that is positioned behind the needle. The suction is created when a diaphragm pumps from the air from an airtight shell whose only opening is the mouthpiece. Of those concepts that have been tested in this thesis work it’s this solution that is most realistic to be used in future sewing machines. / Detta examensarbete är utfört på VSM Group AB i Huskvarna som tillverkar symaskiner under varumärkena Pfaff och Husqvarna Viking. På dessa symaskiner finns en applikation som hjälper användaren att trä tråden genom nålen kallad nålträdare. Syftet med arbetet har varit att studera dagens nålträdningssystem på VSM och deras konkurrenters symaskiner för att sedan utveckla en ny applikation som skiljer sig från samtliga idag använda nålträdare. Målet med arbetet har varit att ta fram ett nytt koncept med en fungerande prototyp. Som grund till arbetet gjordes en konkurrentanalys där dagens nålträdare studerades för att identifiera positiva och negativa aspekter hos dessa. Med det som förlaga skapades ett antal ”konceptfamiljer” där olika varianter på samma idéer samlades och utvärderades. Valet föll på koncepten med luftsug som ansågs mest unika och genomförbara. Olika applikationer för att skapa luftsug testades och den bästa valdes ut för prototypbygge. Den slutgiltiga prototypen suger tråden genom nålsögat med hjälp av ett munstycke som positioneras bakom nålen. Suget skapas då ett membran pumpar ut luften ur ett lufttätt skal vars enda insug är munstycket. Av de koncept som testats i detta arbete är det denna lösning som är mest realistisk att kunna användas i framtida symaskiner.

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