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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die gedig as outoëtnografiese konkretisering van 'n spirituele individuasieproses soos vergestalt in geselekteerde gedigte uit 'n blaar hierdie boot (Afrikaans)

Bohnen, Rene 05 August 2010 (has links)
Hierdie verhandeling bestaan uit die ongepubliseerde manuskrip (gedigte) ʼn blaar hierdie boot, ʼn mini-verhandeling en ʼn tuisvervaardigde CD met ʼn paar gedigte. Die studie bespreek teoretiese terme en begrippe soos outoëtnografie, individuasie en vaslegging (imprinting), uit die vakgebiede van Sielkunde, Sosiologie, Opvoedkunde en Kommunikasiekunde. Die toepaslikheid van hierdie terme ten opsigte van geselekteerde literêre tekste word genoem en geïllustreer aan die hand van spesifieke skrywers. Daar word kortliks gekyk na die verstradisies van Sjina en Japan om die verwantskap met die Afrikaanse gedigte vas te stel. Sogenaamde “close reading” word geteleskopeer op geselekteerde verse uit ʼn blaar hierdie boot. ENGLISH : This dissertation consists of an unpublished anthology of poetry, ʼn blaar hierdie boot and a dissertation of limited scope, together with a home-recorded CD of poems. The study takes stock of theoretical terms and concepts like autoethnography, individuation and imprinting from the disciplines of Psychology, Sociology, Education and Communication. The relevance of these terms regarding selected literary texts is illustrated by the mention of specific authors and poets. A brief view on poetry traditions in China and Japan is offered, to illustrate the relation to Afrikaans poetry in general and the candidate’s poems in particular. So-called close reading is applied to selected poems from ʼn blaar hierdie boot Additional information available on a CD, stored at the Merensky Library on Level 3 Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Afrikaans / unrestricted

Outobiografie en identiteit : ’n vergelykende beskouing van ’n Wonderlike geweld (2005) van Elsa Joubert en ’n Ander tongval (2005) van Antjie Krog

Hauman, Suzaan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Autobiography is a growing, but elusive literary genre. However, when texts are read as autobiographical – and thus as a form of self-representation – the theme of identity provides the reader with an interesting and useful method by which to approach it. In this study, two Afrikaans autobiographical texts are approached in a comparative manner, with the aim being to examine the writers’ representations of themselves. The texts studied are ’n Wonderlike geweld (2005) by Elsa Joubert, and ’n Ander tongval (2005) by Antjie Krog. Besides the autobiographical nature of these texts, the comparison is also based on: the writers’ status in the Afrikaans literary system, similarities beween them and their backgrounds, and the corresponding publication dates. The theoretical basis from where the concepts autobiography and identity are viewed is explained briefly. The emphasis falls on autobiography as a hybrid genre, that is defined mainly by how it is read. The use of identity as a reading strategy is suggested, with identity being understood as an unstable construction that changes constantly, depending on the context in which it is constructed. Consequently, the different identities according to which Joubert and Krog reveal themselves to the reader and the autobiographical forms through which they achieve this, are examined and discussed in separate chapters. Specific emphasis is placed on how they convey the spirit of the time and on the influence of the context in which the texts are published. Finally, the differences and similarities in the writers’ representation of themselves are summarised. In the end it emerges that the reading strategy focused on identity provides the reader with a useful approach to the study of texts in the autobiographical genre, since it is possible to successfully apply it to two texts with diverse autobiographical qualities. Furthermore, it becomes clear that the structure and style of these texts mirror the writer’s approach to identity to a great extent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Outobiografie is ’n groeiende, maar onpeilbare literêre genre. Wanneer tekste as outobiografies – en dus as ’n vorm van self-representasie – benader word, bied die tema van identiteit egter ’n interessante en nuttige invalshoek. In hierdie studie word twee Afrikaanse outobiografiese tekste vergelykend benader, met die doel om die skrywers se voorstellings van hul identiteit daarin te ondersoek. Die twee tekste wat gebruik word, is ’n Wonderlike geweld (2005) van Elsa Joubert, en ’n Ander tongval (2005) van Antjie Krog. Benewens die outobiografiese aard van die tekste, sluit die basis vir vergelyking ook die skrywers se status binne die Afrikaanse literêre sisteem, ooreenkomste tussen hulle en hul agtergronde, en die ooreenstemmende publikasiedatums in. Die teoretiese basis vanwaar die begrippe outobiografie en identiteit beskou word, word kortliks uiteengesit. Die klem val op outobiografie as ’n hibridiese genre wat veral gedefinieer word op grond van hoe ’n mens dit lees. Die gebruik van identiteit word dan as ’n lees-strategie voorgestel, met identiteit wat verstaan word as ’n onstabiele konstruksie wat konstant verander op grond van die konteks waarbinne dit gekonstrueer word. Die verskillende identiteite waarvolgens Joubert en Krog hulself aan die leser openbaar en die outobiografiese vorme wat hulle hiervoor gebruik, word dan ondersoek en bespreek in twee afsonderlike hoofstukke. Spesifieke klem word gelê op die tydsgees wat vasgevang word en die invloed wat die konteks waarbinne die tekste gepubliseer word, het. Uiteindelik word die verskille en ooreenkomste in die skrywers se voorstellings van hulself saamgevat. Ten slotte blyk dit dat die lees-strategie wat fokus op identiteit ’n nuttige invalshoek bied vir die studie van tekste binne die outobiografiese genre, aangesien dit met vrug op twee tekste met uiteenlopende outobiografiese eienskappe toegepas kan word. Verder word dit ook duidelik dat die struktuur en styl van die tekste in ’n groot mate die skrywer daarvan se benadering tot identiteit weerspieël.

Die verhouding tussen ruimte en identiteit in Eben Venter se prosakuns : ballingkapliteratuur en die postkoloniale diskoers

Joubert, Christiaan Johannes 02 1900 (has links)
Hierdie proefskrif bied ʼn nie-empiriese ondersoek en ʼn konseptuele analise van die verhouding tussen ruimte en identiteit in Eben Venter (1954-) se oeuvre binne die konteks van ballingskapliteratuur die postkoloniale diskoers. Die manifestasie van die ruimte- identiteitdialektiek, soos wat dit uitgebeeld word in Venter se skryfkuns, word beskryf aan die hand van postkoloniale teorieë en insigte wat verband hou met aspekte soos ruimte, plek, ballingskap, diaspora, ruimtelike verplasing, seksuele migrasie, intra-nasionale migrasie, internasionale migrasie, empiriese en kulturele landskappe, identiteit as sosio-kulturele konstruksie en Suid-Afrikaanse outobiografieë. Vir die doel van hierdie ondersoek is die volgende vertellings geselekteer: Ek stamel ek sterwe (1996), Twaalf (2000), Horrelpoot(2006) en Brouhaha (2010). In ʼn tydsgewrig van grootskaalse migrasie, globale onsekerheid, transnasionale kapitalisme en radikale dekolonisering in die vorm van geweldsmisdaad, gewelddadige betogings by universiteite, plaasmoorde, grondhervorming, haatspraak, arbeidsonrus, xenofobie en die aftakeling van minderheidsregte, sny Venter in sy verhale en outobiografie ʼn verskeidenheid van kwessies aan. Dit sluit in: die naweë van apartheid, die Afrikaner-diaspora, grondeienaarskap, die ideologiese toeëiening van grond, rassisme, homofobie, queer-migrasie, die haalbaarheid van ʼn inklusiewe Afrika-identiteit en die veranderde rol, plek en identiteit van Afrikaners sedert 1994. Die outobiografiese inslag van Venter se skryfkuns is opvallend en word bespreek deur te verwys na die verhouding tussen fiksionele en reële ruimtes en na outobiografie as hibridiese genre en kreatiewe projek. Hierdie studie bied ook ʼn krities-analitiese besinning van Venter se bemoeienis met skryftemas soos selfopgelegde ballingskap, die vervreemding tussen plek en self, globale plekloosheid en “exile as a discontinous state of being” (Said 2000: 177). Een van die belangrikste insigte wat Venter in sy skryfkuns demonstreer, is dat ruimte, soos identiteit, nie ʼn essensialistiese konsep is nie, maar ’n onvoltooide en vloeibare konstruksie wat voortdurend verander na gelang van sosio-politieke ingrepe, internasionale migrasiepatrone en die individu se subjektiewe gewaarwording van plekke, / This dissertation presents a non-empirical and a conceptual analysis of the relationship between space and identity in the works of prose of Eben Venter (1954) within the context of the postcolonial discourse and exile literature. The manifestation of the space-identity dialectic, as portrayed in Venter’s writing, is described on the basis of postcolonial theories and insights related to terms and concepts like space, place, exile, diaspora, spatial displacement, sexual migration, intra-national migration, international migration, empirical and cultural landscapes and identity as a social-cultural construction. For the purpose of this study the following narratives were selected: Ek stamel ek sterwe (1996), Twaalf (2000), Horrelpoot en Brouhaha (2010). At a juncture of mass migration, global uncertainty, transnational capitalism and radical decolonization in the form of violent crime, violent protests at universities, hate speech, farm murders, land reform, labour unrest, xenophobia and the dismantling of minority rights, Venter addresses an assortment of social issues. This include: the aftermath of apartheid, the Afrikaner-diaspora, landownership, the ideological appropriation of land, racism, homophobia, queer-migration, the viability of an inclusive African-identity and the altered role, place and identity of Afrikaners since 1994. The autobiographical element is evident in Venter’s writing and is discussed by referring to the relationship between fictional and real spaces and to autobiography as a hybrid genre and creative project. This study also presents a critical-analytical reflection of Venter’s involvement with writing topics such as self-imposed exile, estrangement between place and self, global displacement/non-belongingness and “exile as a discontinuous state of being” (Said: 2000: 177). One of the key insights Venter demonstrates in his writing, is that space, like identity, is not an essentialist concept, but an incomplete and diffuse construction that is constantly changing depending on socio-political interventions, international migration patterns and the individual's subjective perception of places. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D. Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)

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