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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise dinâmica estrutural de uma cadeia global de geração de valor modelada por hipergrafos: estudo de caso da cadeia global do ferro e aço de 1996 até 2016 / Dynamic structural analysis of a global value chain modelled by hypergraphs: a case study of the global iron and steel chain from 1996 to 2016

Andrade Junior, José Augusto Morais de 15 March 2019 (has links)
Embora o Brasil tenha uma das maiores reservas de minério de ferro do mundo, estimada em 170 bilhões de toneladas, e também possua siderúrgicas próximas às minas de ferro, como a Usiminas, por exemplo, o Brasil exporta minério de ferro e importa produtos semi-acabados de aço de outros países, como o Japão e a China. O objetivo desta pesquisa é modelar a cadeia de valor global de ferro e aço e analisar sua dinâmica estrutural para verificar se esse modelo é capaz de determinar os fatores que impulsionam a geração de valor e que levaram alguns países a ter maior impacto sobre seu desenvolvimento econômico do que outros. A modelagem da cadeia de valor usa a técnica padrão de análise de entrada-saída de balanço de massa (método de modelagem estrutural ampliado de Leontief), detalhado na revisão da literatura. Para obter esses resultados, foi necessário coletar e consolidar diferentes bancos de dados utilizando ferramentas capazes de conciliar, tratar e analisar o grande volume de dados presentes nesses diferentes bancos de dados, em diferentes unidades e níveis de agregação. A análise da dinâmica estrutural revelou uma série de aspectos fundamentais para entender a guerra comercial entre os EUA e a China. A China passou de 10% da produção mundial de aço bruto para 50% em 20 anos, reduzindo a relevância de outros países no contexto da cadeia de ferro e aço. Além disso, a análise revelou que o Brasil exporta quase exclusivamente minério de ferro bruto. A Austrália, por exemplo, conseguiu agregar mais valor do que o Brasil. Isso revela, portanto, que a análise da dinâmica estrutural modelada por hipergrafos pode gerar informações semânticas relevantes sobre o contexto, atores e interesses envolvidos e pode servir como um mapa para orientar decisões e políticas voltadas para uma melhor inserção e atuação de um país em uma cadeia global de produção / Although Brazil has one of the largest reserves of iron ore in the world, estimated at 170 billion tons, and also steel mills near the iron mines, such as Usiminas, e.g., Brazil exports iron ore and imports (semi-)finished steel products from other countries, such as Japan and China. The objective of this research is to model the global value chain of iron and steel and to analyse its structural dynamics to verify if this model is able to determine the factors that drive the generation of value and that have led some countries to have greater impact on their economic development than others. Value chain modelling uses the standard mass balance input-output analysis technique (Leontief\'s extended structural modelling method), detailed in the literature review. To obtain these results, it was necessary to collect and consolidate different databases using tools able to reconcile, treat and analyse the large volume of data present in these different databases, in different units and levels of aggregation. The analysis of the structural dynamics revealed a series of fundamental aspects to understand the commercial war between the USA and China. China has shifted from 10% of the world\'s crude steel production to 50% in 20 years, reducing the relevance of other countries in the context of the iron and steel chain. In addition, the analysis revealed that Brazil exports almost exclusively crude iron ore. Australia, for example, was able to add more value than Brazil. This reveals, therefore, that the analysis of the structural dynamics modelled by hyper-graphs can generate relevant semantic information about the context, actors and interests involved and can serve as a map to guide decisions and policies aimed at a better insertion and performance of a country in a global value chain

Capital stranding cascades: The impact of decarbonisation on productive asset utilisation

Cahen-Fourot, Louison, Campiglio, Emanuele, Dawkins, Elena, Godin, Antoine, Kemp-Benedict, Eric 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This article develops a novel methodological framework to investigate the exposure of eco- nomic systems to the risk of physical capital stranding. Combining Input-Output (IO) and network theory, we define measures to identify both the sectors likely to trigger relevant capital stranding cascades and those most exposed to capital stranding risk. We show how, in a sample of ten European countries, mining is among the sectors with the highest external asset strand- ing multipliers. The sectors most affected by capital stranding triggered by decarbonisation include electricity and gas; coke and refined petroleum products; basic metals; and transporta- tion. From these sectors, stranding would frequently cascade down to chemicals; metal products; motor vehicles water and waste services; wholesale and retail trade; and public administration. Finally, we provide an estimate for the lower-bound amount of assets at risk of transition-related stranding, which is in the range of 0.6-8.2% of the overall productive capital stock for our sample of countries, mainly concentrated in the electricity and gas sector, manufacturing, and mining. These results confirm the systemic relevance of transition-related risks on European societies. / Series: Ecological Economic Papers

Growth in Environmental Footprints and Environmental Impacts Embodied in Trade: Resource Efficiency Indicators from EXIOBASE3

Wood, Richard, Stadler, Konstantin, Simas, Moana, Bulavskaya, Tatyana, Giljum, Stefan, Lutter, Franz Stephan, Tukker, Arnold January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Most countries show a relative decoupling of economic growth from domestic resource use, implying increased resource efficiency. However, international trade facilitates the exchange of products between regions with disparate resource productivity. Hence, for an understanding of resource efficiency from a consumption perspective that takes into account the impacts in the upstream supply chains, there is a need to assess the environmental pressures embodied in trade. We use EXIOBASE3, a new multiregional input-output database, to examine the rate of increase in resource efficiency, and investigate the ways in which international trade contributes to the displacement of pressures on the environment from the consumption of a population. We look at the environmental pressures of energy use, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, material use, water use, and land use. Material use stands out as the only indicator growing in both absolute and relative terms to population and gross domestic product (GDP), while land use is the only indicator showing absolute decoupling from both references. Energy, GHG, and water use show relative decoupling. As a percentage of total global environmental pressure, we calculate the net impact displaced through trade rising from 23% to 32% for material use (1995¿2011), 23% to 26% for water use, 20% to 29% for energy use, 20% to 26% for land use, and 19% to 24% for GHG emissions. The results show a substantial disparity between trade-related impacts for Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and non-OECD countries. At the product group level, we observe the most rapid growth in environmental footprints in clothing and footwear. The analysis points to implications for future policies aiming to achieve environmental targets, while fully considering potential displacement effects through international trade.

Dopady politiky rozvoje venkova na regionální produkci, příjmy a zaměstnanost v kraji Vysočina / Rural development policy impacts on regional output, income and employment in Vysocina Region

Bednaříková, Zuzana January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation follows the increasing extent of the European Union's intervention into rural areas. The main objective of the dissertation is to analyse and evaluate the impacts of measures supporting job creation, within the Rural Development Programme of the Czech Republic for 2007--2013, on regional production, income and employment in the Vysočina region. Specifically, it concerns the measures under Axis 3 Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy supporting diversification into non-agricultural activities, micro-businesses and tourism development. The sub-objective is to analyse the coefficients and multipliers, which would identify the sectors with the greatest potential for further development in terms of production, income and employment in the Vysočina region. Within the main objective three alternatives impacts that arise when there is a change of the final demand for production of a given industry are analysed and these can be measured by changes in production, income or employment. Two formulated hypotheses are analysed in detail In the individual chapters the dissertation is focused on the theoretical aspects of rural development dealing with the aspects of rural development policy implementation, describing the models and empirical analysis of the impact of measures supporting rural economic development. It also describes the characteristics of the Vysočina region, offering a methodology and construction of a regional input-output table and the input-output model for the Vysočina region, and finally, it includes a methodology and application of the impact analysis for the region. In order to achieve the main objective Leontief's structural input-output analysis is used (Leontief, 1966). The regional short-term macroeconomic input-output model built on the example of the Vysočina region serves as a tool for the analysis. A part of the analysis is the identification of factors that influence the size of the impact found. To perform the impact analysis the author constructed a regional input-output table for the Vysočina region. The regionalization of the national commodity symmetric input-output table (CZSO, 2010f) is performed using the GRIT method (Jensen et al., 1979). The selected method is suitable for assessing the short-term impact of political measures, where the found effects can be attributed exclusively to the political measures observed. All the restrictions typical of input-output analysis have been taken into account. The scientific contribution of the dissertation is the creation of a regional macroeconomic input-output model for the Vysočina region based on Leontief's input - output analysis, and its use to determine the impact of the realised funds on the monitored measures of production, income and employment in the Vysočina region. The other scientific contribution is the construction of a regional input-output table for the Vysočina region. This serves as a data source for the input-output analysis since regional input-output tables are not available in the Czech Republic.

Food, energy and the environment from a Swedish perspective

Engström, Rebecka January 2006 (has links)
Det särskilda sektorsansvaret är en ordning inom miljöpolitiken som innebär att varje sektor har ansvar för att hantera de miljöproblem som orsakas inom sektorn. På grund av detta ansvar finns ett behov av att kartlägga miljöproblem från sektorer, att identifiera de viktigaste problemen och att hitta strategier för att minska miljöpåverkan. Jordbrukssektorn och energisektorn är två sektorer som orsakar stor miljöpåverkan, vilket gör dem intressanta som fallstudier. För att undersöka miljöpåverkan och möjligheten att minska denna i de båda sektorerna används ett systemanalytiskt perspektiv. Ett sådant angreppssätt ger möjlighet att analysera frågorna på ett mer genomgripande sätt, så att problemen inte endast förflyttas och istället skapar problem på andra håll i världen eller för framtida generationer, eller att ett problem reduceras medan ett annat istället ökar. Med ett systemperspektiv kan även indirekta effekter inkluderas när strategier för minskad miljöpåverkan i sektorn analyseras. De indirekta effekterna omfattar påverkan som sker uppströms och nedströms produktionskedjan, liksom påverkan från konsumenter. En metod för att bedöma miljöpåverkan från en sektor har utarbetats och testats på jordbruks- och energisektorn (Artikel I och II). Metoden är en hybridmetod baserad på miljöexpanderad input-output analys (IOA) och livscykelanalys (LCA). IOA-data från Miljöräkenskaperna används som utgångspunkt för inventeringen. Dessa data ger information om både direkt och indirekt miljöpåverkan från sektorn. För att fånga även sådana miljöaspekter som inte omfattas av miljöräkenskaperna används sedan de svenska miljökvalitetsmålen som en checklista, och information om den miljöpåverkan som inte finns med i IOA hämtas från litteraturen. För vidare hantering av den insamlade informationen om utsläpp och resursanvändning används karaktäriserings- och värderingsmetoder från LCA-metodologin. Därigenom kan s.k. hotspots, dvs de viktigaste problemen, identifieras. Baserat på denna hybridmetod blev resultatet att i jordbrukssektorn är de viktigaste frågorna biologisk mångfald, växthuseffekt, övergödning, användning av icke-förnybara resurser och troligen även toxicitet genom användningen av bekämpningsmedel. I energisektorn är de viktigaste problemen luftkvalitet, växthuseffekt, användning av icke-förnybara resurser och toxicitet. En analys av policies inom sektorerna (Artikel III) visar att både jordbruks- och energisektorn fokuserar delvis på de problem som identifierats som hotspots i sektorsanalyserna, men att vissa av de viktiga problemen inte ägnas så stor uppmärksamhet. I jordbrukssektorn är fokus huvudsakligen riktat mot biologisk mångfald och toxicitet, medan energisektorn framför allt fokuserar på växthuseffekt och användning av icke-förnybara resurser. En andra IOA-LCA hybridmetod, Energy Analysis Programme, har använts för att studera hushållens direkta och indirekta energianvändning (Artikel IV och V). Genom en kombination av IOA och processdata kan energiintensiteten (dvs. energi per monetär enhet, MJ/SEK) beräknas av ett stort antal varor och tjänster. När dessa beräkningar kombineras med information om hur ett hushåll spenderar sin inkomst kan hushållens totala energianvändning beräknas. Beräkningarna ger också information om hur inkomsten kan spenderas på mer energisnåla sätt. En ytterligare studie gjordes för att visa på betydelsen av minskat livsmedelssvinn som strategi för minskad miljöpåverkan inom livsmedelssektorn (Artikel VI). Resultaten från studierna med konsumentperspektiv kan användas för att identifiera strategier för hur konsumenterna kan bidra till minskad miljöpåverkan i de båda fallsektorerna. För jordbrukssektorns del kan konsumenterna bidra till minskad miljöpåverkan framför allt genom en minskad konsumtion av animalier. När det gäller energisektorn är minskad energianvändning en viktig strategi, liksom att fortsatt sträva efter att ersätta fossila bränslen och uran med förnybara bränslen. / National sector responsibility legislation places specific obligations on Swedish sector authorities to handle environmental issues within their sector. Because of this responsibility, there is a need to map environmental impacts from sectors and to identify key problems and strategies to reduce impacts in each sector. Agriculture and energy are two sectors causing severe environmental impacts, and these are therefore interesting as case studies. Employing a systems perspective when exploring impacts and options for their reduction ensures that problems are not simply shifted in time or space or between problems, but are considered in a holistic manner. Using this perspective, indirect effects such as changes upstream or downstream of the production chain, as well as among consumers, can be considered when seeking strategies to reduce environmental impacts in a sector. A method to investigate environmental impacts from a sector was developed and tested in the cases of agriculture and energy (Papers I and II). The method was based on environmentally extended Input-Output Analysis (IOA) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). IOA-data from Swedish Environmental Accounts were used as the starting point for the inventory. Such data provide information on direct and indirect impacts from the sector. To capture those aspects not included in the Environmental Accounts, the Swedish Environmental Quality Objectives were subsequently used as a checklist, and information on the missing aspects was obtained from literature. For further processing of the data, characterisation and weighting methods from LCA methodology were used to identify hotspots, i.e. the most important problems. The results showed that biodiversity, greenhouse effect, eutrophication, use of non-renewable resources and toxicity were potential hotspots in the agriculture sector. In the energy sector, the hotspots were air quality, greenhouse effect, use of non-renewable resources and toxicity. Analysis of sector policies (Paper III) showed that both sectors are focusing on some of the hotspots identified, but other important problems are not receiving sufficient attention. In the agriculture sector, the focus is principally on biodiversity and toxicity, while the energy sector mainly focuses on issues of climate change and non-renewable resources. A second hybrid IOA-LCA method (Energy Analysis Programme, EAP) was employed to study direct and indirect use of energy carriers in households (Papers IV and V). Through a combination of IOA and process data, the energy intensity (energy per monetary unit, e.g. MJ/SEK) of a large number of goods and services was calculated. When combined with information on household expenditure, these data provided information on total household use of fuels and electricity and provided insights into spending patterns that could result in lower energy intensity. A final study investigated the significance of reducing food losses as a strategy to reduce environmental impacts from the food sector (Paper VI). The results from the studies with a consumer perspective were used to identify how consumers can contribute to reducing environmental impacts in the two sectors investigated. For agriculture, consumers can help reduce impacts through reduced consumption of animal products, while for energy, reduced energy use in households is important, as is further substitution of fossil fuels. / QC 20110124

Spatial diffusion of economic impacts of integrated ethanol-cattle production complex in Saskatchewan

Musaba, Emmanuel Chibanda 01 January 1996 (has links)
Communities of different sizes in Saskatchewan seeking economic opportunities have shown interest in ethanol production because of the perceived benefits a region can capture from such a project. In spite of this interest and the perceived benefits, no information on the type and magnitude of economic impacts which would accrue to different sized communities existed. This study was undertaken to fill this information gap by establishing facts on the economic impacts various levels of communities could capture from ethanol-cattle production complexes. Since Saskatchewan communities operate in a hierarchical fashion and are classified into seven levels using central place theory, questions concerning economic development should be viewed in a regional hierarchical framework. A seven-region hierarchically-based interregional input-output model for the Saskatchewan economy was constructed using the Supply-Demand Pool (SDP) method in combination with the logical assumptions regarding trade patterns within the central place region. It was assumed that higher-level regions are surplus regions in goods produced by non-primary sectors, and hence ship excess supply to producers and final users in the dominated lower-level regions and outside of the province. On the other hand, it was assumed that the hinterland region dominates trade in goods in the primary sectors. The hinterland earned income by producing and supplying goods and services in the primary sectors to the higher-level regions and outside the province. The model consisted of 14 aggregated sectors seven household sectors, and allowed for net flows of labour income through commuting patterns of workers who resided in the seven regions. At the same time the consumption expenditures of residents in a particular region were adjusted for outshopping purchases. The estimated model was used to assess the economic impacts from both the construction and operation phase of an integrated ethanol-cattle production complex across six hierarchical regions. The major findings of this study were that, under both phases of the project, intraregional output and labor income impacts occurring in the high level regions were larger than those in the lower-level regions. Also, the higher-level regions experienced larger interregional impacts and had spillover coefficients of smaller magnitude compared to lower-level regions. The intraregional output and labor income impacts tended to decrease as one moves down the hierarchy from top to bottom regions. On the other hand, the spillovers or leakages were increasing as one moves down the hierarchy from higher-level regions to lower-level regions. The higher-level regions have more diversified economies and smaller leakages of income and spending than lower-level regions. On the other hand, lower-level regions experienced large income leakages through input purchases and consumer spending in neighbouring higher-level regions. The results indicate that lower-level regions will not benefit more than higher-level regions from the development of an integrated ethanol-cattle production complex. Thus, if the goal of public funding of ethanol projects is to maximize impacts in the project-region, then higher-level regions would be preferred to lower-level regions. This raises a concern that the opportunity of pursuing regional development through ethanol processing may not reach all those communities who need it the most, especially the smaller communities. On the other hand, if the objective of rural development is to solve the problems of rural communities, the policy-makers, could target lower-level regions specially those experiencing economic decline. It is important to mention that integrated ethanol-cattle production continues to enjoy subsidies from the governments. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

Steady-State Analyses: Variance Estimation in Simulations and Dynamic Pricing in Service Systems

Aktaran-Kalayci, Tuba 04 August 2006 (has links)
In this dissertation, we consider analytic and numeric approaches to the solution of probabilistic steady-state problems with specific applications in simulation and queueing theory. Our first objective on steady-state simulations is to develop new estimators for the variance parameter of a selected output process that have better performance than certain existing variance estimators in the literature. To complete our analysis of these new variance estimators, called linear combinations of overlapping variance estimators, we do the following: establish theoretical asymptotic properties of the new estimators; test the theoretical results on a battery of examples to see how the new estimators perform in practice; and use the estimators for confidence interval estimation for both the mean and the variance parameter. Our theoretical and empirical results indicate the new estimators' potential for improvements in accuracy and computational efficiency. Our second objective on steady-state simulations is to derive the expected values of various competing estimators for the variance parameter. In this research, we do the following: formulate the machinery to calculate the exact expected value of a given estimator for the variance parameter; calculate the exact expected values of various variance estimators in the literature; compute these expected values for certain stochastic processes with complicated covariance functions; and derive expressions for the mean squared error of the estimators studied herein. We find that certain standardized time series estimators outperform their competitors as the sample size becomes large. Our research on queueing theory focuses on pricing of the service provided to individual customers in a queueing system. We find sensitivity results that enable efficient computational procedures for dynamic pricing decisions for maximizing the long-run average reward in a queueing facility with the following properties: there are a fixed number of servers, each with the same constant service rate; the system has a fixed finite capacity; the price charged to a customer entering the system depends on the number of customers in the system; and the customer arrival rate depends on the current price of the service. We show that the sensitivity results considered significantly reduce the computational requirements for finding the optimal pricing policies.

Food, energy and the environment from a Swedish perspective

Engström, Rebecka January 2006 (has links)
<p>Det särskilda sektorsansvaret är en ordning inom miljöpolitiken som innebär att varje sektor har ansvar för att hantera de miljöproblem som orsakas inom sektorn. På grund av detta ansvar finns ett behov av att kartlägga miljöproblem från sektorer, att identifiera de viktigaste problemen och att hitta strategier för att minska miljöpåverkan. Jordbrukssektorn och energisektorn är två sektorer som orsakar stor miljöpåverkan, vilket gör dem intressanta som fallstudier.</p><p>För att undersöka miljöpåverkan och möjligheten att minska denna i de båda sektorerna används ett systemanalytiskt perspektiv. Ett sådant angreppssätt ger möjlighet att analysera frågorna på ett mer genomgripande sätt, så att problemen inte endast förflyttas och istället skapar problem på andra håll i världen eller för framtida generationer, eller att ett problem reduceras medan ett annat istället ökar. Med ett systemperspektiv kan även indirekta effekter inkluderas när strategier för minskad miljöpåverkan i sektorn analyseras. De indirekta effekterna omfattar påverkan som sker uppströms och nedströms produktionskedjan, liksom påverkan från konsumenter.</p><p>En metod för att bedöma miljöpåverkan från en sektor har utarbetats och testats på jordbruks- och energisektorn (Artikel I och II). Metoden är en hybridmetod baserad på miljöexpanderad input-output analys (IOA) och livscykelanalys (LCA). IOA-data från Miljöräkenskaperna används som utgångspunkt för inventeringen. Dessa data ger information om både direkt och indirekt miljöpåverkan från sektorn. För att fånga även sådana miljöaspekter som inte omfattas av miljöräkenskaperna används sedan de svenska miljökvalitetsmålen som en checklista, och information om den miljöpåverkan som inte finns med i IOA hämtas från litteraturen. För vidare hantering av den insamlade informationen om utsläpp och resursanvändning används karaktäriserings- och värderingsmetoder från LCA-metodologin. Därigenom kan s.k. hotspots, dvs de viktigaste problemen, identifieras.</p><p>Baserat på denna hybridmetod blev resultatet att i jordbrukssektorn är de viktigaste frågorna biologisk mångfald, växthuseffekt, övergödning, användning av icke-förnybara resurser och troligen även toxicitet genom användningen av bekämpningsmedel. I energisektorn är de viktigaste problemen luftkvalitet, växthuseffekt, användning av icke-förnybara resurser och toxicitet.</p><p>En analys av policies inom sektorerna (Artikel III) visar att både jordbruks- och energisektorn fokuserar delvis på de problem som identifierats som hotspots i sektorsanalyserna, men att vissa av de viktiga problemen inte ägnas så stor uppmärksamhet. I jordbrukssektorn är fokus huvudsakligen riktat mot biologisk mångfald och toxicitet, medan energisektorn framför allt fokuserar på växthuseffekt och användning av icke-förnybara resurser.</p><p>En andra IOA-LCA hybridmetod, Energy Analysis Programme, har använts för att studera hushållens direkta och indirekta energianvändning (Artikel IV och V). Genom en kombination av IOA och processdata kan energiintensiteten (dvs. energi per monetär enhet, MJ/SEK) beräknas av ett stort antal varor och tjänster. När dessa beräkningar kombineras med information om hur ett hushåll spenderar sin inkomst kan hushållens totala energianvändning beräknas. Beräkningarna ger också information om hur inkomsten kan spenderas på mer energisnåla sätt. En ytterligare studie gjordes för att visa på betydelsen av minskat livsmedelssvinn som strategi för minskad miljöpåverkan inom livsmedelssektorn (Artikel VI). Resultaten från studierna med konsumentperspektiv kan användas för att identifiera strategier för hur konsumenterna kan bidra till minskad miljöpåverkan i de båda fallsektorerna. För jordbrukssektorns del kan konsumenterna bidra till minskad miljöpåverkan framför allt genom en minskad konsumtion av animalier. När det gäller energisektorn är minskad energianvändning en viktig strategi, liksom att fortsatt sträva efter att ersätta fossila bränslen och uran med förnybara bränslen.</p> / <p>National sector responsibility legislation places specific obligations on Swedish sector authorities to handle environmental issues within their sector. Because of this responsibility, there is a need to map environmental impacts from sectors and to identify key problems and strategies to reduce impacts in each sector. Agriculture and energy are two sectors causing severe environmental impacts, and these are therefore interesting as case studies.</p><p>Employing a systems perspective when exploring impacts and options for their reduction ensures that problems are not simply shifted in time or space or between problems, but are considered in a holistic manner. Using this perspective, indirect effects such as changes upstream or downstream of the production chain, as well as among consumers, can be considered when seeking strategies to reduce environmental impacts in a sector.</p><p>A method to investigate environmental impacts from a sector was developed and tested in the cases of agriculture and energy (Papers I and II). The method was based on environmentally extended Input-Output Analysis (IOA) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). IOA-data from Swedish Environmental Accounts were used as the starting point for the inventory. Such data provide information on direct and indirect impacts from the sector. To capture those aspects not included in the Environmental Accounts, the Swedish Environmental Quality Objectives were subsequently used as a checklist, and information on the missing aspects was obtained from literature. For further processing of the data, characterisation and weighting methods from LCA methodology were used to identify hotspots, i.e. the most important problems.</p><p>The results showed that biodiversity, greenhouse effect, eutrophication, use of non-renewable resources and toxicity were potential hotspots in the agriculture sector. In the energy sector, the hotspots were air quality, greenhouse effect, use of non-renewable resources and toxicity.</p><p>Analysis of sector policies (Paper III) showed that both sectors are focusing on some of the hotspots identified, but other important problems are not receiving sufficient attention. In the agriculture sector, the focus is principally on biodiversity and toxicity, while the energy sector mainly focuses on issues of climate change and non-renewable resources.</p><p>A second hybrid IOA-LCA method (Energy Analysis Programme, EAP) was employed to study direct and indirect use of energy carriers in households (Papers IV and V). Through a combination of IOA and process data, the energy intensity (energy per monetary unit, e.g. MJ/SEK) of a large number of goods and services was calculated. When combined with information on household expenditure, these data provided information on total household use of fuels and electricity and provided insights into spending patterns that could result in lower energy intensity. A final study investigated the significance of reducing food losses as a strategy to reduce environmental impacts from the food sector (Paper VI). The results from the studies with a consumer perspective were used to identify how consumers can contribute to reducing environmental impacts in the two sectors investigated. For agriculture, consumers can help reduce impacts through reduced consumption of animal products, while for energy, reduced energy use in households is important, as is further substitution of fossil fuels.</p>

Liens inter-industriels et connexions inter-urbaines dans trois agglomerations importantes du Québec

Robin, Roland. January 1975 (has links)
No description available.

Carbon footprint decomposition in MRIO models: identifying EU supply-chain hot spots and their structural changes over time

Wieland, Hanspeter, Giljum, Stefan 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Politics' demand for informative consumption-based emission assessments based on multi-regional input output (MRIO) databases is steadily increasing. Based on the MRIO database EXIOBASE 3, we exemplify the utility of a range of analytical tools and discus their potential insights for consumption-based policies. The analysis decomposes the overall EU carbon footprint into product groups as well as into emitting regions. Subsequently, we illustrate the potential of applying production layer decomposition (PLD) and structural path analysis (SPA) for the assessment of global supply-chains related to the EU carbon footprint and their structural changes over time. We close with some policy ecommendations on reducing carbon footprint hot spots. / Series: Ecological Economic Papers

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