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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inter-cultural problems of IT-services outsourcing from Sweden to India

Gul, Ahtsham, Zaib, Amir January 2010 (has links)
IT-services outsourcing from Sweden to India has increased in the last few years and it is often regarded as a strategic measure to handle the increasing costs of IT-related development and maintenance operations. There are a number of advantages of outsourcing however, there are many challenges that outsourcing initiatives face. One of the challenges mentioned by many researchers is the cultural differences between the Swedish culture and the Indian culture. At the same time there is not enough research done about these cultural differences in the context of IT-services outsourcing from Sweden to India. It creates difficulties for the partners involved in an IT services outsourcing initiative to achieve the desired results. In this work we have researched these problems by sending questionnaire to IT-outsourcing companies in Sweden. The questionnaire was prepared after a thorough literature review. The participants were asked if they are still facing the problems identified in the literature review and to also mention any other cultural problems faced by them. The questionnaires were analysed and the results obtained are presented in this work. The results show that the practitioners were still facing the problems. This thesis identifies the root causes, the negative effects and also suggests ways for handling the problems. This research will help the IT-services outsourcing practitioners to manage these problems for achieving better result.

Outsourcing till Indien : För små och medelstora företag

Vekariya, Manish January 2007 (has links)
Outsourcing has grown more so than any other sector of IT services. According to a research by the analytic company Gartner soon four of ten jobs in the IT sector will be outsourced. For a nation like Sweden that means about 40,000 jobs going abroad. Business managers look to outsourcing as a means of reducing their operating cost and their need for capital spending. Companies turn to outsourcing to save money and seek expertise outside. As the competition is tough these days especially for small-to-medium sized enterprises, paying someone else to do work inexpensively is one way to get around. Small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) have become a sector buried in all the media "hype". This essay is written in an effort to help SMEs uncover the relevant strategic offshoring issues. Many managers fail to figure out India after their first visit, other get confused by the culture differences. The purpose of this essay is to map out the different ways to outsource to India and to assist managers with all necessary information that is needed. Which ownership models there are and how to choose the one that fits you. How the different ways and methods lack and what is their limitation. Not to mention how to avoid hindrance during the process. The essay will also map the Indian outsourcing industry, the major industry players and the major outsourcing locations. / Outsourcing är ett av de störst växande områdena i dagens IT-industri. Enligt analysföretaget Gartner kommer så småningom vart fjärde IT-jobb i den industrialiserade delen av världen att ha flyttat till låglöneländer som Indien. I siffror handlar det om 40 000 jobb bara i Sverige. IT-företagen söker efter billigare, snabbare, flexiblare och modernare lösningar. Samtidigt som man förväntar sig att kvalitén är bibehållen. IT-sektorn för små och medelstora företag är konkurrens kraftigare än någonsin. Att använda sig av utomstående expertis i form av offshore outsourcing är ett gensvar. De större företagen är dem som nämns i tidningar när det pratas om outsourcing, små och medelstora företag har hamnat i skymundan i samband med outsourcing av IT-verksamhet. Denna uppsats är skriven för att belysa de mindre företagen om de unika möjligheter offshore outsourcing till Indien erbjuder. Många företagsledare misslyckas att komma underfund med Indien efter första besöket, andra blir förvirrade i form av kulturkrockar. Syftet med denna kandidat uppsats är att kartlägga de olika sätten att outsourca till Indien och bistå företagsledare med information om hur processer inom fenomenet outsourcing går till. Vilka ägarskapsmodeller det finns att välja ibland samt visa vilka eventuella brister och/eller begränsningar metoderna har. Samt hur man hanterar risker. Uppsatsen kommer även att ge en inblick på den Indiska outsourcing industrin, de stora nyckel företagen och perspektiv utifrån geografiskt läge.

Outsourcing av ekonomifunktionen i små företag

Sjödin, Mattias January 2018 (has links)
Den hårdnande konkurrensen mellan företag och jakten efter kostnadsbesparingar har fått vissa företag att outsourca sina stödfunktioner vilket kan vara hela eller delar av ekonomifunktionen. Av mindre företag i Sverige outsourcar cirka ett av tre och andelen är i stigande enligt Exido(2007). Trenden gäller även för stora företag enligt Deloitte (2014). Genomgångna studier, framförallt studier av outsourcingrelationer mellan större företag, utförda antingen explicit på outsourcingrelationer eller det bredare begreppet interorganisatoriska relationer visar att det finns områden som är återkommande i forskningen. De benämns som nyckelområden i denna studie och är kontrakt, kontroll, relation, förtroende, kostnad, kvalitet och kompetens. Jag har beskrivit och analyserat fyra outsourcingrelationer där hela eller delar av ekonomifunktionen outsourcas från det outsourcande företagets synvinkel med syfte att undersöka om det finns nyckelområden som är viktigare än andra för att outsourcingen ska anses lyckad. Empiriska data har samlats in genom intervjuer med fyra personer i ledande befattningar hos outsourcande företag i Sundsvallsområdet. Resultatet tyder på att det finns nyckelområden som anses vara viktigare än andra vilket för respondenterna i denna studie är kompetens, framförallt, och kvalitet. Anledningen till att kompetens bedöms som det viktigaste nyckelområdet är att kompetens saknades internt och att den anses driva andra nyckelområden som t.ex. kvalitet. Det minst viktiga området för en lyckad outsourcingrelation visade sig vara kontraktet. / The increasing competition between companies and the hunt for cost savings have driven some companies to choose outsourcing for a part of or all of the support functions within the financial function. For smaller companies in Sweden one out of three are outsourcing and the trend is increasing according to Exido (2007). The increasing trend also applies to big companies according to Deloitte (2014). Outsourcing studies reviewed, mainly studying the outsourcing relationship between big companies, either explicit on outsourcing relationships or the broader concept of interorganizational relationships have shown that there are areas of outsourcing relationships that are recurring in the field of research. These are referred to as key areas in this study and are contract, control, relationship, trust, cost, quality and competence. I have described and analysed four outsourcing relationships from the perspective of the company using outsourcing with the purpose to investigate whether there are key areas that are more important than others for the outsourcing to be deemed as successful. Empirical data have been collected through interviews with persons in management position at companies that use outsourcing in the Sundsvall area. The result of this study indicates that there are key areas that are more important than others for companies utilizing outsourcing. For the participants in this study these are foremost competence and secondly quality. The reason why competence is the most important key area is that the companies lacked internal competence and because competence is deemed to drive other key areas, e.g. quality. The least important key area for a successful outsourcing relationship turned out to be the contract.

Outsoursing účetnictví / Accounting Outsourcing

Kubiš, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the process of outsourcing of accounting from the initial steps, when the companies decide whether to use the outsourcing of accounting, through collaboration with the outsourcing provider to the eventual termination of cooperation. In the practical part you can find the description of the selected companies using information technology to provide outsourcing of accounting, that enables the most efficient course of action.

Outsourcing logistického řetězce ve výrobním podniku / Logistics outsourcing within manufacturing corporation

Jakeš, Michal January 2007 (has links)
This diploma thesis has been created on demand of the management of OEZ s.r.o. to analyze outsourcing prosess of logistics within this manufacturing corporation. The theoretical introduction part defines outsourcing, outsourcing history, pros and cons, 3PL and 4PL. One chapter deals with implementation process of outsourcing. Analysis of foregone outsourcing process and project for better solution are key elements of second practical part of the thesis.

Outsourcing účetnictví / Accounting outsourcing

Klečacká, Tereza January 2009 (has links)
This thesis gives a complex view on accounting outsourcing, deals with the outsourcing process from its beginning (condition of collaboration, making of contract), through collaboration to its possible ending. This work defines outsourcing, indicates the main advatages, disadvatages and arguments for its using. The main object of thesis is mainly practical side of accounting outsourcing and providing of first quality accounting services.

Potřeby klienta 3PL poskytovatele / Client´s Needs in the Relationship with 3PL Provider

Coňková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
This Master's Thesis focuses on outsourcing of logistics services. In the theoretical part of the thesis there is a general description of outsourcing of logistics services, advantages and disadvantages of logistics outsourcing, history and current state of the logistic market and attitude of providers of logistics services towards sustainable development. Next part of the thesis describes phases of outsourcing process, types of contracts and tools that help control outsourcing relationship. In the practical part of the thesis in-depth interviews are used to analyze needs of 3PL client. Based on the information gathered from the in-depth interviews recommendations are created. These recommendations are supposed to raise client's satisfaction and evolve and improve cooperation. The aim of this Master's Thesis is to determine gaps between client's request and real state of provided services.

Corporate social and environmental responsibility in global IT outsourcing (CSER in GITO)

Babin, Ronald January 2011 (has links)
This thesis answers the research question: How do corporate social and environmental responsibilities (CSER) affect global IT outsourcing (GITO)? In answering this question we identified seven key trends that are directing CSER in GITO. We found that CSER in outsourcing is new and relevant, with growing interest from outsourcing providers and buyers. CSER will be driven by consumer concerns and employee expectations, which are particularly relevant for outsourcing buyers with a consumer oriented product or service, such as banks or retail organisations. The need to attract and retain employees will increase the need for CSER at outsource providers. Similarly, CSER is important to an organisation's brand reputation with consumers, employees and other stakeholders such as investors. Within CSER, environmental topics are a growing issue: the need to reduce power consumption and thereby reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from carbon-based power production. We learned of 'green-washing', the need to be suspicious of CSER claims that cannot be fully validated. This led us, and others, to suggest that due diligence is required to counter possible in-authentic CSER by GITO providers. As a method of validating CSER claims, we propose using global standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative and ISO 26000 when examining CSER at outsource providers. We examined CSER from a strategic perspective, to understand if CSER provides a long-term advantage to outsource providers. Directed by the research data and theoretical frameworks, we proposed a model of strategic and responsive CSER suggested by Porter and Kramer (2006). Responsive CSER describes the set of basic requirements that have become 'table-stakes' for GITO providers. Strategic CSER distinguishes outsource providers by providing long-term benefits that are not easily copied by competitors. By applying the strategic/responsive CSER model for GITO in a case study we developed a model that provides guidance to outsource buyers and their providers on when and how to share and collaborate on CSER projects. The key contribution of this research is a model that describes the characteristics for buyers and providers to collaborate on CSER projects to build trust in the outsourcing relationship and to create shared benefits for both parties and to society or the environment. This research applies the Porter and Kramer model to an outsourcing relationship to understand how CSER can be used to improve GITO.

Optimalizace fyzické distribuce ve výrobní firmě / The Optimalization of Physical Distribution in Manufacturing Enterprise

Reich, Michal January 2007 (has links)
The subject of the submitted thesis is analysis of the present state of forwarding in a manufacturing-oriented firm and a concept of reduction in logistics costs by implementation of system just-in time or outsourcing.

Strategiska beslut bakom reshoring : en studie om hur strategi påverkar reshoringbeslut / Strategic decisions underlying reshoring : a study about how strategy affects reshoring decisions

Nilsson, Simon, Andersson, Gustav, Persson, Christian January 2019 (has links)
Titel: Strategiska beslut bakom reshoring- en studie om hur strategi påverkar reshoringbeslut Författare: Simon Nilsson, Christian Persson och Gustav Andersson Handledare: Natalia Semenova Examinator: Pia Nylinder   Bakgrund och problem Svenska företag har flyttat sin produktion till låglöneländer under många år. Under de senaste åren har det däremot blivit vanligare att företag flyttar tillbaka sin produktion till Sverige igen. Problem som kan uppstå utomlands kan vara kvalitetsproblem, minskad kontroll och flexibilitet vilket bara är ett par exempel om varför företag flyttar hem. Vid strategiska beslut måste företagets strategi tas i beaktande, vilket är ett mindre utforskat område inom ämnet reshoring.  Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur strategiska beslut ser ut bakom reshoring i svenska tillverkande företag. Uppsatsen ämnar att med djupare förståelse beskriva varför produktion har flyttats hem, bakomliggande faktorer bakom besluten samt hur väl de strategiska besluten är förankrade i bolagens strategier. Metod Denna kandidatuppsats utgår ifrån en kvalitativ ansats med flerfallsstudier. Data kommer att samlas in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer samt att företagen har valts ut med ett målstyrt urval. Slutsats Företagens strategiska beslut ser i viss grad lika ut bakom reshoring men det finns även skillnader. Vissa aspekter menar företagen är viktigare än andra vid hemflytt av produktion till Sverige. Företagets strategi är starkt kopplad till de bakomliggande strategiska beslut som ligger bakom reshoring. / Title: Strategic decisions underlying reshoring- a study about how strategy affects reshoring decisions Authors: Simon Nilsson, Christian Persson and Gustav Andersson Supervisor: Natalia Semenova Examiner: Pia Nylinder Background and problem  Swedish companies have moved production to low-wage countries for many years. During the last years it has been common that companies move their production back to Sweden again. Problems can occur abroad and a few examples are quality-issues, lack of control and flexibility which are just some reasons of why companies move back home. At strategic decisions, the companies strategies have to be taken into account, which is a less investigated area within the reshoringsubject. Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate how does the strategic decisions behind reshoring in Swedish manufacturing companies look like. The thesis is intended, with a deeper understanding, to describe why production moves back, explain the underlying decisions and how the strategic decisions are established in the companies strategies.   Method This bachelor thesis emanates from a qualitative approach with a multiple-case study. The data will be collected from semi-structured interviews and also where the companies have been selected by targeted selection.   Conclusion The companies strategic decisions are, to a certain extent, similar regarding reshoring although there are some differences. Some aspects according to the companies are more important than others in the move of production to Sweden. The companies strategies are strongly connected with the underlying strategic decisions that are at hand to reshoring.

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