Spelling suggestions: "subject:"outstanding"" "subject:"qutstanding""
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Soběslavské testamenty a písemnosti pozůstalostního řízení 1455-1550: možnosti jejich využití / The testaments of Soběslav and the papers of probate proceeding 1455-1550: the possibilities their usageVandrovcová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
Práce se zabývá městem Soběslav, které patřilo pánům z Rožmberka a dochoval se v něm soubor testamentů z let 1455-1550. Soubor se skládá celkem z 83 listinných testamentů. Práce nejprve popisuje testamentární praxi (proces vzniku testamentu) a soubor soběslavských testamentů. Samotný výzkum se zabývá nejprve testátory, kteří byli spřízněni nějakým druhem rodinné vazby. Podrobněji se práce zabývá jednou z těchto rodin, rodinou Račmanů. Druhá část výzkumu se věnuje dluhům a pohledávkám uvedených v testamentech. Tato část se zabývá lokalitami, se kterými vedli testátoři své obchody. Klíčová slova: Soběslav, testamenty, rodinné vztahy, dluhy, pohledávky Annotation Object my diploma's work is Soběslav town, which it belonged to lord of Rozumberk. There was still in existence collection of testaments from years 1455-1550. Collection is comprised of 83 testaments. The work discribes proces sof genesis testaments and collection Soběslav's testaments. First part of study pursue testátore, which they were akin to families. The work detailed discribes of family Račman. Second part of study disciribes by analysis debts and outstandings debt in testaments. This part discribes lokalities, where testátore made their business. Keywords: Soběslav, testaments, family relations, debts, outstanding debts
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Právní úprava světového kulturního a přírodního dědictví / Legal regulation of the world cultural and natural heritageTeršlová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Legal regulation of World Cultural and Natural Heritage Diploma Thesis deals with legal regulation of World Cultural and Natural Heritage and examines legal protection of sites inscribed on the World Heritage List. The thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one is introductory and defines basic terminology used in the thesis and concisely documents the historic development of the idea of preservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage. Chapter two is subdivided in two parts. Part One presents international organisations dealing with World Heritage. Part Two analyses in particular Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage adopted by UNESCO in 1972 as well as other relevant international treaties. Chapter Three explores purposes of selected international programmes concerning protection of cultural and natural property that are organized by UNESCO. Chapter Four deals with the process of the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List with respect to the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention. The last chapter provides an outline of relevant Czech laws on conservation of cultural and natural heritage mentions some of the imperfections which are subject to critique in professional circles. The aim of my thesis is...
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Vymáhání pohledávek v bankovním sektoru / Exaction an outstanding debts in bankingHlouchová, Jaroslava January 2008 (has links)
The Master thesis describes comprehensively all action of exaction an outstanding debts in banking since origin of defaulted credit up to execution. In the thesis the action of out of court exaction is briefly explained. Nevertheless, the main part of the thesis is takes heed of the judicial exaction. The thesis deals with the selected points at issue from the sphere of judicial trial, compares the judicial trial with the trial of arbitration in point of view their effectiveness. The thesis explains process of debt restructuring an outstanding debt and compares also types of executions. Conclusion of the thesis highlights a question of sale an outstanding debts and leave their management to collecting companies. The aim of the thesis is to provide a well-arranged instruction to banking institutions how to exact their outstanding debts effectively and bring the advantages and disadvantages of particular ways of exaction to attention. At the same time this thesis should be a contribution for public in order to become acquainted with the action of exaction an outstanding debts in banking.
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From Ancients to Dust... : Through Veneration and Condemnation: Exploring of the role of Cultural Heritage and IconoclasmÅkerlund, Simon January 2017 (has links)
This essay attempts to discover a correlation between a perceived veneration of an inherent value of the cultural heritage which is enlightened in the face of the iconoclastic acts of IS (Islamic State). Firstly, the essay establishes how UNESCO could be perceived as a Social System which educates its central binary codes through communication. The codes central to the System are cultural preservation and cultural destruction. Through examining the official documents of the System and analysing their content through Content Analysis, the essay delineates how an inherent value is manifested in cultural heritage. Further it examines whether the System is successful in communicating and implementing its positive binary code into its surrounding environment. The conclusions are that the System aspires to connect what it deems an “outstanding universal value” with an inherent value of democratic human rights. It is also concluded that the System is successful in implementing its positive core binary code into its environment. However, there are indications that this efficiency could dramatically decrease in the future, thereby rendering the System’s value as an ideological standpoint less valuable in the face of theologically motivated iconoclasms.
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A Qualitative Analysis of Migrant Women Farmworkers' A Qualit ative Analysis of Migrant Women Farmworkers’ Perceptions of Maternal Care ManagementPilling, Stacey A. 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to examine migrant women farmworkers' views of perinatal care management while working in the fields. Like men, women migrant farmworkers are exposed to many physical, chemical, and biological hazards that pose human health risks. However, women of childbearing age are at an increased risk of having reproductive health difficulties and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and the infant mortality rate among migrant farmworkers is estimated to be twice the national average. Perinatal care is a critical factor in reducing adverse outcomes for perinatal and newborn mortality. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 15 migrant women farmworkers between the ages of 18 to 40 years who had experienced at least 1 gestational period during while working in the Midwest agricultural stream. Participants were voluntarily recruited from farms in Northern Ohio using purposeful sampling techniques. Guided by the social ecological model, data were analyzed via inductive coding techniques to tease out common themes. All participants reported a basic understanding of prenatal care but due to numerous occupational, community, and access barriers, could not participate in what they perceived as normal prenatal care. Also, participants stated when in gestation they were expected to perform the same jobs as women not in gestation. These findings may inform the work of public health providers and migrant healthcare clinicians of migrant women farmworkers' challenges while receiving perinatal care in Northern Ohio; results can also be used to influence local and national migrant healthcare policies on comprehensive maternal healthcare for migrant women farmworkers in Ohio and across the United States.
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成功校長領導行為研究 / A research on the leadership behavior of outstanding principals溫子欣, Wen, Tzu Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對於領導的結論與實務建議如下:(一)欲成為校長的教育工作者應對於自我的特質深切省察;(二)清廉是校長成功領導的基礎條件;(三)善用學校既存問題的解決機會展現校長領導能力;(四)理念正確與堅持力是校長領導成功的致勝關鍵;(五)與學校成員理念與價值觀的溝通應先於(優於)命令與規定;(六)校長在學校組織成員心中未建立信賴感或心服感之前避免躁進;(七)校長應忽略自己的面子問題,並能夠謹慎處理部屬的面子問題;(八)要成為成功校長之前必須先學會如何避免誤觸導致失敗的領導地雷;(九)民主化校園中,校長必需強化本身的溝通能力;(十)成功校長需有能力將關懷行為作為一種倡導行為使用;(十一)成功校長具備優異的問題解決能力;(十二)成功校長需具備消解學校派系的能力;(十三)成功校長能夠掌握各領導理論的基本精神並靈活綜合運用,而非僵化的施行單一領導理論;(十四)成功校長能夠提升學校成員的道德判斷層次並以高層次需求為訴求;(十五)校長對於組織成員個別要求與態度應「知所權變」;(十六)學校變革宜溫和,「在和諧中求進步」;(十七)以環境與風氣改變部屬是至柔且最易成功的領導作法。 / The main participants of this study are the two successful principal in Taiwan’s middle school. Using a qualitative research approach, analysis was done regarding both theoretical and practical applications of school leadership. In-depth exploration of successful leadership of the school principal's leadership behavior and practice were also accomplished. Results were then classify and organized into principles and practices. Recommendations were done on the practice for the leadership of principals, leadership theory, and future researchers. Results are as follows: (1) Principal Kong’s leadership is decentralized and fully authorized as core, leadership by walking around and inspiring communication as a technique, enhancing the ability of each school administrative departments and nurture their independent operation and problem solving capability, hence, the school shall goes into a stage of long-term stability. Principal Kong’s leadership style is a low intervention but decentralized and fully authorized. (2) Principal Cheng’s leadership is focused on instructional leadership and learning organization as the core to school leadership, in addition of the solid foundation in the concept of education love, and through the continuous process improvement and problem-solving with the improvement of school environment, hence upgrade the educational beliefs of teachers and teaching ability, which also enhance the students learning attitude, methods and self-confidence, resulting in the swift operating performance and advancement of the school.
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Bendrosios kompetencijos teismų ir administracinių teismų kompetencijos atribojimas / The Limitations of Competence of Administrative and General Juridical Courts / Zuständigkeitsabgrenzung der ordentlichen Gerichtsbarkeit und der VerwaltungsgerichtsbarkeitŠpūraitė, Jūratė 24 January 2011 (has links)
1999 m. gegužės 1 d. įsigaliojus Lietuvos Respublikos administracinių teismų įsteigimo įstatymui bei Lietuvos Respublikos administracinių bylų teisenos įstatymui, Lietuvoje greta bendrosios kompetencijos teismų sistemos pradėjo funkcionuoti savarankiška administracinių teismų sistema. Įsteigus administracinius teismus, tapo aktualus ir bendrosios kompetencijos teismų bei administracinių teismų kompetencijos atribojimo klausimas. Nepaisant to, kad administraciniai teismai Lietuvoje veikia jau vienuolika metų, tačiau teismų kompetencijos atribojimo klausimui teisės literatūroje skiriamas pernelyg menkas dėmesys, o tai ir nulemia šios temos aktualumą.
Magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas – pateikti išsamią bendrosios kompetencijos teismų bei administracinių teismų kompetencijos atribojimo analizę, išskiriant probleminius minėtos temos aspektus bei pateikti galimas įstatyminio reguliavimo tobulinimo kryptis.
Magistro baigiamąjį darbą sudaro trys skyriai. Pirmajame skyriuje analizuojami bendrieji teismų kompetencijos atribojimo klausimai. Antrajame aptariama priskirtinumo ginčų nagrinėjimo tvarka bei priskirtinumo taisyklių nesilaikymo teisiniai padariniai, o trečiasis darbo skyrius skirtas mišraus teismų kompetencijos atribojimo būdo, taikomo Lietuvos Respublikos teisinėje sistemoje, analizei.
Magistro baigiamajame darbe keliamas probleminis klausimas, ar bendrosios kompetencijos teismų ir administracinių teismų kompetencija atribojama rūšinio teismingumo ar vis dėlto... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / -. / Mit dem In-Kraft-Treten des Gesetzes der Einrichtung von Verwaltungsgerichten der Republik Litauen und des Gesetzes des Verwaltungsstreitverfahrens am 1. Mai 1999, began in der Republik Litauen neben den Gerichten der ordentlichen Gerichtsbarkeit das selbstständige System der Verwaltungsgerichte zu funktionieren. Mit der Einrichtung der Verwaltungsgerichte ist die Frage der Zuständigkeitsabgrenzung der ordentlichen Gerichtsbarkeit und der Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit aktuell geworden. Ungeachtet dessen, dass Verwaltungsgerichte bereits seit 11 Jahren in der Republik Litauen funktionieren, wird jedoch in der Rechtsliteratur zu wenig Achtung der Frage der Zuständigkeitsabgrenzung der ordentlichen Gerichtsbarkeit und der Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit geschenkt, was über die Aktualität des Themas entscheidet.
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Magisterarbeit besteht darin, eine ausführliche Analyse der Zuständigkeitsabgrenzung der ordentlichen Gerichtsbarkeit und der Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit darzustellen, problematische Aspekte des erwähnten Themas hervorzuheben sowie mögliche Richtungen der Vervollkommnung der gesetzlichen Regelung zu präsentieren.
Die Magisterarbeit besteht aus drei Kapiteln. Im ersten Kapitel werden allgemeine Fragen der Zuständigkeitsabgrenzung analysiert. Im zweiten Kapitel wird die Verhandlungsordnung von Streitigkeiten wegen der Zurechenbarkeit sowie die Folgen der Nichteinhaltung von Regeln der Zurechenbarkeit besprochen. Das dritte Kapitel der Magisterarbeit wird... [der volle Text, siehe weiter]
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Enhancing cultural heritage in an impact assessment process : analysis of experiences from the UK World Heritage sitesVakhitova, Tatiana Vadimovna January 2013 (has links)
This three-year PhD study looks at heritage performance in impact assessment (IA) practices, analysing the urban planning context and management experiences of selected urban World Heritage (WH) sites in the UK. The research develops recommendations for assessing the impact of plans, programmes and projects on heritage values in culturally significant urban areas with the emphasis on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of large-scale projects in an urban environment. The research analyses theoretical and empirical approaches to heritage management, investigates methodologies for heritage IA and explores opportunities for and barriers to improved heritage IA in the context of current UK policy. In particular, the research contributes with the conceptual framework of identification, interpretation and management of the cultural heritage in the urban planning system. The review of academic and other relevant literature helped to develop the conceptual framework. The data was collected by means of desk-based documents analysis, case studies, focus-group seminars and an on-line Questionnaire with the experts in the heritage and IA fields. The world’s most well-known and arguably most protected sites with officially identified Outstanding Universal Value – WH sites – provide general lessons for the heritage management and IA of new developments and infrastructure projects. The management of UK WH sites could be said to have the features of what is known as a values-based approach to conservation. This approach emphasises the identification of cultural heritage significance with the early participation of different stakeholders in the planning process; the latter has a scope for improvement in the UK context. Research on the boundaries of the heritage and IA fields leads to an improved understanding of cultural heritage and provides a framework for the IA process. The developed framework and the criteria for an enabling environment could be useful for achieving agreement between the different stakeholders, and could allow a smoother planning decision-making process, leading in turn to a reduced need for monitoring from international bodies. The results are useful for planners and developers in the context of western practice, and could also be relevant to the development of international guidelines.
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As Ferrovias como Patrimônio Cultural Mundial: Os Estados-partes, a UNESCO e o Valor Universal ExcepcionalLINS, Ana Paula Mota De Bitencourt Da Costa 14 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2017-03-13T18:32:52Z
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Tese_Ana Paula Lins (14.10.16).pdf: 3958582 bytes, checksum: 866d6ef41fdae25f9793ab77bdba82ff (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-09-14 / Esta tese intitulada como “As ferrovias como Patrimônio Cultural Mundial: Os Estados-parte, a UNESCO e o Valor Universal Excepcional” apresenta como principal objetivo investigar a atribuição do valor universal excepcional “outstanding universal value” (OUV) às ferrovias inscritas na Lista do Patrimônio Mundial, através da análise destinada a identificar os critérios e requisitos necessários para o seu reconhecimento. Assim sendo, apresenta-se dividida em 03 etapas: a primeira corresponde ao eixo teórico da pesquisa, onde são abordados o entendimento do patrimônio ferroviário e do valor universal excepcional. Para tanto, são apresentados, em um primeiro momento, um panorama geral sobre as ferrovias, as discussões sobre a preservação do patrimônio ferroviário no contexto mundial, e a percepção do patrimônio ferroviário no âmbito da UNESCO. A seguinte abordagem teórica centra-se na compreensão do valor à luz da Teoria dos Valores (Axiologia dos Valores) e da Teoria da Conservação. O segundo eixo da pesquisa refere-se aos aspectos metodológicos adotados para a investigação da atribuição do valor universal excepcional às ferrovias mundiais. Desta forma, são selecionados 03 (três) estudos de caso, para a consecução do objetivo central desta tese: a ferrovia Semmering, na Áustria; a Ferrovia Darjeeling, na Índia; e a Ferrovia Rhaetian, que corta os países da Suíça e Itália. O método selecionado para a análise das aludidas ferrovias é a Análise de Contéudo, de Bardin, aplicado no corpus documental, composto pelos Documentos de Avaliação do Corpo Consultivo de cada ferrovia analisada. A tese utiliza como premissa de que a partir da identificação dos atributos das ferrovias é possível interpretar os valores que, de forma inter-relacionada, conformam a categoria do valor universal excepcional das ferrovias mundiais. Desta forma, a partir da análise realizada em cada uma das ferrovias selecionadas, foi possível inferir que o seu valor universal excepcional é composto por uma pluralidade de valores dinâmicos e interdependentes, que se relacionam de forma a ressaltar uma ordem e uma hierarquia, onde os valores de maior destaque são o que mais importam preservar, por justificarem o reconhecimento das ferrovias como patrimônio cultural mundial. / The dissertation "The railways as a World Cultural Heritage: States Parties, UNESCO and the Outstanding Universal Value" has aims at investigating the attribution of Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) to railways included on the World Heritage List, through the identification of criteria and requirements for recognition. The research focuses on 03 stages. The first stage is the theoretical framework of the research, aiming at approaching the theoretical problem: an understanding of the railway heritage and of outstanding universal value. Accordingly, there follow an overview of the railways, discussions on the preservation of the railway heritage in the global context, and in the UNESCO context. The second theoretical approach corresponds to the understanding of the value to the Theory of Values (Axiology of Values) and Conservation Theory. The second approach focused on the investigation of the empirical problem: the attribution of outstanding universal value. In this way, three (03) case studies to achieve the central objective of this thesis are highlighted: The Semmering Railway, Austria; the Railway Darjeeling, India; and the Rhaetian Railway, which crosses Switzerland and Italy. The method used for the analysis of that railway is Bardin`s Content Analysis, applied to the documentation corpus, consisting of the Advisory Body Assessment Document of each analyzed railroad. The dissertation is based on the premise that from the railways attributes of identification it is possible to interpret the values that make up the outstanding universal value of the world's railways. Thus, the empirical axis of research, analysis of each of the selected railways performed, leadin to infer that the outstanding universal value of the global railway is composed of a plurality of values dynamic and interdependent and that there is a hierarchy in its relations, point out an order, where the most outstanding values are what should be preserved, as justified by the recognition of the railways as a cultural world.
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Historický vývoj školy Bedřicha Hrozného v Lysé nad Labem na pozadí vývoje regionu / Historical development of the Bedrich Hrozny School in Lysa nad Labem within the regional developmentMinaříková, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the development of education in the town of Lysá nad Labem, taking into account the historical development of the town and the region. The thesis also describes the history of Lysá nad Labem with an emphasis on education. The aim of the thesis is to map the historical development of the oldest elementary school in Lysá nad Labem. The main source of the work are school chronicles and memorial books, which are kept in the depository of the State district archive - Nymburk, located in Lysá nad Labem. The work deals with the historical development of this school in a particular period namely the years 1878-1945. The work is of a historical character, and the original sources and archival documents were used in its creation. Methodologically, the thesis is based on the historical comparative method, as well as the analysis and synthesis. Historical work is not divided into a theoretical and practical part, but is predominantly theoretical in its character. Keywords: Historical development, basic education, primary documents (chronicles, memorial books, school documentation, periodicals), statutory norms, Lysá nad Labem and regional history.
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