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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林珈夙 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在探討校長領導風格、教師創意生活經驗、教學創新行為與學校效能之關係。內容可分為三部份:(1)校長領導風格、教師創意生活經驗、教學創新行為及學校效能之現況;(2)探討校長領導風格、教師創意生活經驗、教學創新行為與學校效能之相關;(3)校長人口變項、教師人口變項和學校環境變項與校長領導風格、教師創意生活經驗、教學創新行為及學校效能之關係,並說明台灣地區中小學教師對教育改革的看法。 本研究以台灣地區中小學教師為取樣對象,有效樣本共459人(男140人,女319人)。所採用的研究工具包括「轉型領導量表」、「交易領導量表」、「生活經驗量表」、「教師教學創新行為量表」及「學校效能量表」。研究中所使用的統計方法包括皮爾森積差相關、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子多變量變異數分析等。 本研究的主要結果如下: 一、全體中小學教師知覺校長的「轉型領導」及「交易領導」介於「有時有」與「蠻常有」之間,自評「教師創意生活經驗」介於「很少有」與「有時有」之間,自評「教學創新行為」介於「不太符合」與「還算符合」之間。知覺的「學校效能」介於「不太符合」與「還算符合上之間。 二、校長的「轉型領導」行為越多,教師知覺的「學校效能」就越高,「交易領導」的情形亦如此;而且越是有「轉型領導」行為表現的校長,越是會用「交易領導」的方式來管理教師。 三、教師有越多的「創意生活經驗」,越能以學生為中心來教學、重視教師專業精神,同時有能力培養學生全人發展、適應變遷的關鍵能力。 四、教師越有「教學創新行為」,其知覺的「學校效能」就越高,但與「重視升學競賽」無關。 五、在校長的人口變項方面:(1)性別-女性校長在「轉型領導」的「遠景與吸引力」及「智識啟發」上多於男性校長;(2)與教師的年齡差距-比教師大3-9歲的校長則在「遠景與吸引力」、「激勵共成願景」及「智識啟發」上多於比教師大10歲以上的校長。 六、在教師的人口變項方面:(1)性別-男教師在「教師創意生活經驗」的「科學的創新的問題解決」、「製造意外驚喜」、「電腦程式設計」以及「教學創新行為」上多於女教師,女教師知覺的「學校效能」在「學生中心的學習成長」、「重視升學競賽」和「家長、社區、學校密切配合」上高於男教師;(2)年齡-年長教師知覺的「校長轉型領導」在激勵共成願景」上以及「學校效能」的「培養全人發展、適應變遷的關鍵能力」高於年輕教師;(3)教育年資-資淺教師的「表演藝術創新」高於資深教師,資深教師知覺的「學校效能」高於資淺教師;(4)最高學歷-專科舉業的教師知覺的「學校效能」高於大學畢業及碩士學歷的教師,但碩士學歷的教師知覺的「重視升學競賽」高於大學及專科畢業的教師;(5)是否曾經讀過師範院校-曾經讀過師範院校的教師知覺的「學校效能」在「培養全人發展、適應變遷的關鍵能力」及「有效的教學資源」上高於未曾讀過師範院校的教師。 七、在學校環境變項方面:(1)學校大小-小型學校的教師知覺校長「轉型領導」的「親近融合」、「個別關懷」,自評「教師創意生活經驗」的「表演藝術創新」、「生活風格變化」多於大型學校的教師,而大型學校的教師知覺的「學校效能」在「重視升學競賽」上高於小型學校的教師;(2)學校位置-城市學校的教師知覺「校長的轉型領導」和「學校效能」多於鄉鎮學校的教師,而特偏學校的教師在「教師創意生活經驗」的「表演藝術創新」及「有效的教學資源」上多於城市與鄉鎮學校的教師。 八、對教育改革的看法:台灣地區中小學教師近九成往平常閱讀書報雜誌時,曾特別留意並閱讀教改方面的訊息,六成對行政院教改會「總諮議報告書」所提的建議表示贊同,但有三成仍不消楚,而對台灣教育的未來樂觀及不樂觀者分別為57%及42.7%。

新北市國民小學小型學校校長領導風格與教師投入學校行銷之相關研究 / A Study on the Relationship between Principals' Leadership Style and Teachers' Participation in School-marketing at New Taipei City Public Small-scale Elementary Schools

吳秉樺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市國民小學小型學校校長領導風格與教師投入學校行銷的關係,並根據文獻探討、問卷調查、統計分析後提出結論與建議。 為達成上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,針對新北市國民小學小型學校教師為研究樣本。正式施測共發出問卷210份,回收問卷203份,回收率96.67%,可用率94.76%。回收後將所有資料輸入電腦使用SPSS軟體加以統計分析,分別採用敘述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步多元迴歸分析。本研究之主要結論歸納如下: (一)目前新北市國民小學小型學校校長領導風格與教師投入學校行銷之現況,屬於「中高」程度的表現。 (二)不同學校所在行政分區、學校歷史(校齡)、學校特色發展之教師,對於知覺校長領導風格類型有顯著差異。 (三)不同年齡、教育程度(學歷)的教師,與身處不同學校所處之行政分區、學校特色發展之教師,對於投入學校行銷有顯著差異。 (四)校長領導風格類型與教師投入學校行銷之間有顯著相關。 (五)校長領導風格對教師投入學校行銷具有中高程度的預測力。 最後,根據研究結果提出相關建議,以提供學校教育人員、教育行政機關及後續研究之參考。


王金龍 Unknown Date (has links)
臺北縣市國民中學知識管理、校長領導風格與教師專業成長關係之研究 摘 要 本研究主要在探討臺北縣市公立國民中學知識管理、校長領導風格與教師專業成長的關係。為達成研究目的,首先進行領導風格(Leadership Styles)、知識管理(Knowledge Management)及教師專業成長(Teachers' Professional Growth)的相關文件分析,選用符合本研究的調查問卷,進行施測。隨後依學校類別屬於大型、中型或小型,採分層叢集隨機取樣之方式,抽取臺北縣市公立國民中學教師626人進行問卷調查,問卷回收率為83.23%,剔除無效樣本81人,有效樣本人數為440人。研究資料使用SPSS for Windows 10.0版進行統計分析。依研究目的,除了做描述性統計之外,並依調查樣本背景之不同,進行t考驗及單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA),考驗不同背景變項之差異情形,並以Scheffé進行事後比較;另以典型相關(canonical correlation)、皮爾遜積差相關(Pearson product-moment correlation)及逐步多元回歸分析(stepwise multiple regression analysis)等統計方法,瞭解校長領導風格、學校知識管理與教師專業成長各層面間的相關及預測情形。綜合文獻分析、問卷調查之統計考驗分析,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、目前臺北縣市公立國民中學知識管理,較為注重「文化」及「隱性知識」層面;校長領導風格中,轉型領導最常使用「智能激發」,互易領導最常使用「介入管理」;教師專業成長則關注於「專門知能」及「專業知能」層面。 二、臺北縣市公立國民中學知識管理、校長領導風格及教師專業成長的知覺平均數,部分層面隨背景因素不同而有顯著差異。 三、臺北縣市公立國民中學校長領導風格與學校知識管理有顯著相關。 四、臺北縣市公立國民中學「校長領導風格」與「學校知識管理」各層面與「教師專業成長」有高度相關。 五、「學校知識管理」各層面變項,對「教師專業成長」的解釋變異量約為82.6%,以「知識中心」最具有預測力。 六、「校長領導風格」各層面變項,對「教師專業成長」的解釋變異量約為80.9%,以「介入管理」最具有預測力。 依據研究所得結論,本研究最後並分別對教育行政機關、國中校長、學校及後續研究提出建議,提供校長領導風格、學校知識管理與提昇教師專業成長之參考。 關鍵字:校長領導風格、知識管理、教師專業成長 / The study of teachers' professional growth,knowledge management and leadership styles of junior high school principals Abstract This study aimed to the correlations among three factors,i.e. teachers' professional growth,knowledge management and leadership styles of junior high school principals in Taipei city and county.In order to achieve the objective of this study,the methods of literature review about the correlated themes were first adopted,and then this study proceeded to make the questionnarie survey. Afterward,all the schools were divided into large,middle,and small classes to do the cluster sampling.The survey subjects included teachers from junior high school in Taipei city and county,namely 626 teachers were sampled in a random way.The rate of the retrieval was 83.23% and the valid samples were 440 copies,exclusive of the ineffective samples.The research data acquired was anaiyzed by SPSS for Windows 10.0 version based on the research purpose.The statistic procedures included the means,standard deviation and one-way ANOVA,examining variances in different variables.Scheffé method was used for post-comparison to examine the interrelations among the subject groups.Besides,canonical correlation,Pearson product-moment correlation & stepwise multiple regression analysis were applied in the research to comprehend interrelations as well as predictions among the three aspects of leadership styles of principals,knowledge management in schooling and teachers' professional growth.According to the integrated analysis,which was from the adoption of research methodologies of literature review .And the conclusions were as follows: 1.The factor of “culture”and“tacit knowledge” were considered in the issue of knowledge management of junior high school in Taipei city and county;and for the topic of“transformational leadership of principals of junior high schools”,the factor of “inspired intelligence”was commonly employed;for the topic of“transactional leadership of principals junior high schools”,the “management by exception ”was generally used;With regard to the teachers' professional growth,the “professional knowledge”and“export knowledge” were paid much close attention to. 2.The consciousness of the survey subjects differed greatly in some part of backgrounds from one another. 3.There were remarkable interrelations between “leadership styles of principals”and “knowledge management in schooling”. 4.The strong interrelation among the ”knowledge management in schooling”,“leadership styles of principals”and“teachers' professional growth”occurred obviously. 5.The cumulative variance of knowledge management to “teachers' professional growth”was about 82.6%,and the “ knowledge center“held strongest predictable effects. 6.The cumulative variance of leadership styles of principals to “teachers' professional growth”was about 80.9%,and the “management by exception “held strongest predictable effects. According to the conclusions of this study,the further suggestions were provided to the department of educational administration,principals of junior high school and schools for reference and different views about the ”knowledge management”,“leadership styles of principals”and“teachers' professional growth” . keywords:knowledge management,leadership styles of junior high school principals,and teachers' professional growth


呂志崗, Lu ,Chi-gan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解與分析學校組織變革、校長領導風格與教師抗拒變革變項間之實際關係,採用問卷調查方式對學校組織變革、校長領導風格與教師抗拒變革進行瞭解。據此,本研究之研究目的有以下: 一、瞭解國民中小學校長領導風格的現況。 二、瞭解國民中小學教師抗拒變革程度的現況。 三、探討國民中小學校長領導風格與教師抗拒變革間的關係。 四、探討國民中小學校長領導風格對教師抗拒變革的預測關係。 五、根據研究發現與結果,提出建議供相關機構與成員參考。 本研究以自編之「校長領導風格與教師變革認知概念轉化問卷」作為資料蒐集之主要工具,並以台北縣市與基隆市公立國民中學與公立國民小學760為教師為研究樣本,有效回收問卷共計541份。經t考驗、變異數分析、Pearson積差相關及逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料處理後獲致以下研究結論: 一、教師背景變項與教師知覺校長轉型領導風格方面:(一)不同性別、在校職務、學校類別與組織變革關注焦點之教師,知覺整體校長轉型領導風格具有顯著差異;(二)不同年齡、最高學歷、服務年資與學校規模之教師,知覺整體校長轉型領導風格及各層面上無顯著差異。 二、教師背景變項與教師知覺校長互易領導風格方面:(一)不同性別、在校職務、學校類別與組織變革關注焦點之教師,知覺整體校長互易領導風格及各個層面上具有顯著差異;(二)不同年齡、最高學歷、服務年資與學校規模之教師,知覺整體校長互易領導風格無顯著差異。 三、教師背景變項與教師知覺變革認知概念轉化方面:(一)不同在校職務、學校類別與組織變革關注焦點之教師,知覺整體變革認知概念轉化具有顯著差異;(二)不同性別、年齡、最高學歷、服務年資、學校規模之教師,知覺整體變革認知概念轉化無顯著差異。 四、教師知覺校長領導風格、教師組織變革關注焦點與教師知覺變革認知概念轉化的關係方面:(一)教師知覺整體校長轉型領導風格及各層面與整體變革認知概念轉化及各層面間具有顯著正相關;(二)教師知覺整體校長互易領導風格及各層面與整體變革認知概念轉化及各層面間具有顯著正相關;(三)教師整體組織變革關注焦點及各層面與整體變革認知概念轉化及各層面間具有顯著正相關。 五、教師知覺校長領導風格預測教師知覺變革認知概念轉化的關係方面:整體校長轉型領導風格、整體校長互易領導風格與整體教師組織變革關注焦點對教師整體變革認知概念轉化具有顯著預測力。 根據以上研究結論,提出以下研究建議: 一、對教育行政主管機關的建議:(一)應適度擴充師資培育制度中學校行政相關課程之內涵,以增進初任教師對於學校組織運作之瞭解;(二)校長的領導風格並非絕對,應給予校長在工作上更多的尊重與協助;(三)應給予教師在學校組織變革計畫與執行上更多參與的機會;(四)應給予國民中學與教師在學校組織變革的過程中更多的協助。 二、對國民中小學校長的建議:(一)在推動學校組織變革時應增加與教師溝通互動的機會;(二)應妥善運用領導技巧來推動學校組織變革;(三)應重視學校組織運作在各層面上的公平性。 三、對國民中小學教師的建議:(一)應主動參與相關變革計畫的擬定與執行;(二)應利用機會發表自己對於學校組織變革的意見,多與校長接觸並藉此擴大對學校組織變革的認知能力;(三)教師應給予學校行政單位更多的支持與鼓勵。 四、對後續研究的建議:(一)研究對象上,後續研究或可從擴大抽樣範圍著手,以提高研究結果的適用性;(二)研究方法上,後續研究亦可從質化研究的領域著手,對學校組織變革進行實際觀察與瞭解,以歸結教師抗拒變革的成因與內涵,並謀求化解之道。 / The study focuses on the relation among school organizational change, principal's leadership style and teacher's resistance to change. Purposes of this research are as follow: I. To realize principals' leadership styles in elementary and junior high schools. II. To realize how teachers resist change in elementary and junior high schools. III. To study the relation between principal's leadership style and teacher's resistance to change in elementary and junior high schools. IV. To study how principal leadership styles relate to teacher's resistance to change. The inventory of "Questionnaire of the Relation between Principal's Leadership Style and Teacher's Resistance to Change" was sent to 760 teachers in elementary and junior high schools in Taipei County, Taipei City and Keelung City and 541 valid questionnaires were returned. Statistical methods such as t-test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation and stepwise regression with forward selection were adapted to data analysis. Major findings include the following: I. The relation between teacher's background and one's sense of principal transformational leadership are as follow. A. There is difference for teachers to sense principal's transformational leadership style in terms of sex, school position, elementary and junior high schools and their sense to organizational change. B. There is no difference among teachers in terms of age, academic background, work experience and school scale. II. The relation between teacher's background and one's sense of principal transactional leadership include the following. A. There is difference for teachers to sense principal's transactional leadership style in terms of sex, school position, elementary and junior high schools, and their sense to organizational change. B. There is no difference among teachers in terms of age, academic background, work experience and school scale. III. The relation between teacher's background and one's acceptance of change are below. A. There is difference in terms of school position, elementary and junior high schools and one's sense of organizational change. B. There is no difference in terms of sex, age, academic background, work experience and school scale. IV. The relation among teacher's sense of principal's leadership style, teacher's sense of organizational change and one's acceptance of organizational change are the following. A. There is difference between teacher's sense and acceptance of principal's transformational leadership style. B. There is difference between teacher's sense and acceptance of principal's transactional leadership style. C. There is difference between teacher's sense and acceptance of organizational change. V. There is difference among teacher's acceptance of principal's transformational leadership style, principal's transactional leadership style and one's sense of organizational change.

國民小學轉型特色學校過程中校長領導行為之個案研究 / A case study on the principal's leadership behaviors in the process of transforming an elementary school to characteristic school

徐淑慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在了解校長帶領國民小學轉型特色學校過程中的領導行為。為達以上研究目的,本研究首先對「學校轉型」與「校長領導行為」相關文獻進行探討,並依據研究目的,初步提出國民小學轉型特色學校過程中校長領導行為的六個面向,透過文獻探討編製《半結構式的訪談大綱》,以立意取樣方式,選擇榮獲教育部九十六、九十七年度特色小學的桃園縣藍天國小校長為研究對象,進行匿名訪談,探討領導行為之實踐。歸納分析訪談所得,本研究結論共分為六大面向,十七項具體領導行為,分別為關懷倡導、願景理念、人際溝通、課程教學、專業成長,以及公共行銷六大面向領導行為,每一面向領導行為之下各有二至四個具體領導行為。根據研究所得,本研究提出對教育行政機關的建議、對小學現職校長的建議、對未來研究的建議。 / This study aimed to recognize the principal’s leadership behaviors in the process of transforming an elementary school to characteristic school. In order to achieve this end, the author had reffered to a range of literature on transformation of a school and leadership behavior of principals. Based on the arguments of the literature, the author developed a semi-structured interview outline including 6 core aspects of the principal’s leadership behaviors in the process of transformation of an elementary school. The author adopted purposive selection approach to sampling an elementary school principal in Taoyuan County, of whom were the winners of 96 and 97 year characteristics of school to be anonymous interview for the survey. Based on the results of interview survey, the conclusions of this study include 6 ascept, with 17 features of behaviors in total. The aforesaid 6 ascepts are, consideration and initiation, creative vision, positive communication skills, advanced arrangement of curriculum and teaching, professional development and marketing strategy. Each ascept contains 2 to 4 desired behaviors. The author wishes to make the following suggestions for the competent authorities of education, suggestions for principals of elementary schools, and suggestions for further study.


蔡炳坤, Tsai, Ping-Kun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在探討高中校長領導行為、教師組織承諾與學校組織效能之關係。所稱「高中校長」包括公立(含國立與縣市立)高級中學與私立高級中學校長。   本研究採用文獻分析法與問卷調查法,文獻分析法以蒐集、探討國內外相關文獻,作為擬定研究架構與編製調查問卷內容之依據;問卷調查法以自編「高級中學學校組織運作現況調查問卷」(內含校長領導行為問卷、教師組織承諾問卷與學校組織效能問卷)為工具,對全國公私立高中進行問卷調查。問卷以高中教師為調查對象,經分層隨機取樣,計調查49所學校,發出問卷1,185份、回收1,090份、有效問卷1,053份,可用率89%。調查所得資料分別以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、典型相關分析、逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法實施資料分析,據以進行研究結果的分析與討論。   本研究獲得下列重要結論: 一、高中校長領導行為、教師組織承諾與學校組織效能的現況良好。 二、不同教師背景變項下,高中校長領導行為、教師組織承諾與學校組織效能,各有明顯的差異性。 (一)男性教師、年齡較大的教師、兼任行政職務的教師,所感受與知覺的高中校長領導行為、教師組織承諾與學校組織效能,都明顯高於女性教師、年齡較小的教師、未兼任行政職務的教師。 (二)在「本校服務年資」比較資深的教師,所感受與知覺的教師組織承諾與學校組織效能,明顯高於比較資淺的教師。 (三)在「學歷」變項方面,「研究所以上」在「組織認同」、「目標達成」大於「師範院校」;「一般大學」在「主動例外管理」大於「師範院校」、「研究所以上」;「一般大學」、「研究所以上」在「態度型承諾」、「努力意願」大於「師範院校」;「師範院校」只有在「被動例外管理」大於「研究所以上」。 (四)私立學校教師、大型學校教師,所感受與知覺的「轉型領導」、「態度型承諾」與學校組織效能,都明顯高於公立學校教師、小型與中型學校教師。 (五)市區學校教師在「被動例外管理」、「組織認同」、「留職傾向」、「目標達成」等層面,明顯高於鄉鎮學校教師;而鄉鎮學校教師則在「型塑願景」、「智能啟發」、「主動例外管理」等層面,明顯高於市區學校教師。 三、高中校長呈現高度的領導行為、教師具有高度的組織承諾,則會有較高的學校組織效能。 四、高中校長領導行為、教師組織承諾與學校組織效能之間有密切的關係。 五、高中校長領導行為中的「個別關懷」、教師組織承諾中的「組織認同」,最能 有效預測學校組織效能。 根據本研究之結論,提出建議如下: 一、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)建立完整的高中校長培育與證照制度,以提高校長領導行為。 (二)建立教師專業發展、評鑑與分級制度,以提高教師組織承諾。 (三)研訂學校組織效能更具體、明確的指標,建立績效責任制度。 二、對高中校長的建議 (一)轉型領導與互易領導等校長領導行為近年來受到重現,且與學校組織效能有密切關係,值得善加運用。 (二)宜多關懷女性教師、年齡較小的教師、未兼任行政職務的教師,以提高校長領導行為。 (三)應致力於學校組織效能的提升。 三、對高中教師的建議 (一)教師組織承諾對學校組織效能具有重要之影響,值得高中教師們重視並實踐。 (二)女性教師、年齡較小的教師、服務年資較淺的教師、未兼任行政職務的教師,宜增強對組織的承諾。 (三)公立學校教師應自珍自重,用心於學校校務的運作、專注於對組織的承諾,進而致力於學校效能的提升。 四、對其他單位之建議 (一)建議師範院校,應加強教育專業知能、教學專業態度之培育,以養成具備高度組織承諾、高度組織效能的高中教師。 (二)建議教師專業組織,可致力於教師組織承諾的提高,俾有助於學校組織效能,進而提升教師專業地位。


王天才 Unknown Date (has links)
校長是學校的掌舵者,也是形塑學校組織文化的導引者。研究想透過四大研究問題(一)榮獲六項特優之校長如何擬定校務發展計畫及學校願景。(二)榮獲六項特優之校長主要的領導理念、如何帶領學校同仁達成預期發展目標。(三)榮獲六項特優之校長如何促使學校行政、教師會及家長會良性互動,共創三贏。(四)榮獲六項特優之校長的用人哲學。瞭解校務評鑑榮獲六項特優學校校長領導之特性。 本研究採深度訪談法,以榮獲臺北市國中校務評鑑六項皆特優之校長為訪談對象,輔以研究者自行設計之開放式問卷,請六所學校各一位主任、組長、教師與家長,分別就其所觀察校長領導之作為,協助填答,研究結論如下: 一、校長高瞻遠矚,都把學校願景與校務發展目標弄清楚,所有問題看短程、中程及長程三個方向。 二、學校組織的控制與管理,有了願景與校務發展目標、有人員、有組織,要如何控管?問題來了要怎麼解決?都能列出問題的先後緩急,並提出解決之道,達成預期目標。 三、 要了解學校組織結構文化,並與社區家長建立良好關係。學校組織注重的就是團隊合作,整合協調團體的力量,才能共創三贏。 四、 要知人善任,激勵同仁,充分了解學校同仁努力及所獲得的成果,多鼓勵、多獎賞,提供資源,支持同仁改革創新。 本研究建議如下: ㄧ、以校長評鑑制度及提供師傅校長的支持系統,促進校長專業成長與獲得應有的協助。 二、建立正確領導理念,要有好的領導績效,可從願景、品格、人性、學習、影響力等方向努力。 三、努力修練成為第五級領導人,除堅持教育專業理念外,應以人性關懷的謙和態度,耐心傾聽與接納同仁、家長意見。 四、堅守用人唯才原則,盡心盡力,無愧良知。 / A principal is the head of a school and a director who shapes the school culture. This study attempts to understand the characteristics of the leadership of principals of six Taipei municipal junior high schools evaluated as excellent in school affairs. This study explores four research questions: 1. How do these principals devise their plans of school affairs development and their school vision? 2. What are the main leading concepts of these principals and how do these principals achieve their goals with their staff? 3. How do these principals encourage good interaction among the school administration, the Teachers Association, and the Parents Association? 4. What are the employment concepts of these principals? The in-depth interviews are used as the research method in this study. Six principals are interviewed. Their junior high schools are evaluated as excellent in school affairs. In addition, an open questionnaire devised by me is answered by one office director, one section chief, one teacher, and one parent of each school. Through their observation of their principal’s leadership, they filled out the questionnaires. The conclusions are as in the following: 1. These principals see far and think big. Their school visions and school development goals are very clear. They see everything in three directions: the short-term, mid-term and long-term. 2. With the visions and school development goals, with employees and organizations, these principals know exactly how to control and manage the school organization, and they know how to solve problems. They can always solve problems according to their priority and achieve their goals. 3. These principals understand the school culture. They establish good relationship with parents and the community. Team work is the focus of their school organizations. Good integration and coordination is the key to win-win situation. 4. These principals know how to choose the right person for the right position. They understand how hard the staff works and how great are their efforts. With appreciation and encouragement, they know how to inspire the staff, how to provide resources to the staff, and how to support the staff to try something new. The suggestions of this study are as in the following: 1. The principal evaluation system and the support system of “the master principal” should be established to help principals’ professional development. 2. Good leadership effects come from correct leadership concepts. Principals can try to improve their visions, characters, personality, learning, and influences. 3. Principals should try hard to be the fifth-grade leaders. In addition to their professional concepts, they should listen to and accept opinions from staff and parents with modest attitude. 4. Principals should employ the right person for the right position. They should always try their best and follow their conscience.


柯景煌 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市國民中學校長領導風格、教師知識管理與學校效能之關係。採用問卷調查法進行研究,以97學年度臺北市公立國民中學教師為研究對象,各校依班級數多寡,選取8至16位教師進行問卷調查,總計發出問卷750份,回收問卷663份,問卷回收率88.4%,有效樣本620份。所得資料輸入電腦後,以SPSS for Windows 12.0版統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。採用平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法加以處理,獲致如下之結論: 一、臺北市國民中學校長領導風格中,轉型領導較注重「願景」;交易領導較注重「介入管理」;教師知識管理,較注重「知識取得」及與「知識創新」;學校效能整,較注重「社區關係」及「學生表現」 二、臺北市國民中學校長領導風格之現況受性別、服務年資、擔任職務、學校規模、學校歷史影響有所差異;教師知識管理受性別、年齡、教育程度、服務年資、擔任職務、學校歷史影響有所差異;學校效能受性別、年齡、服務年資、擔任職務、學校規模、學校歷史影響而有所差異。 三、校長領導風格愈佳則教師知識管理愈佳;教師知識管理愈佳則學校效能愈佳 四、校長領導風格各層面對學校效能之預測力,以「激勵」最具有預測力 五、教師知識管理各層面對學校效能之預測力,以「知識取得」最具有預測 依據本研究之結論,提出下列建議: 一、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)加強校長之專業發展,強化校長專業領導能力 (二)針對校長培育課程增列轉型領導概念課程 (三)針對教師增列知識管理研習課程、提升知識管理能力 二、對校長的建議 (一)應增進校長轉型領導的運用,以提升學校效能 (二)少使用法職權、多用專業與熱忱帶領學校組織 三、對教師的建議 (一)、增進教師間的交流平台,提昇教育專業知識分享 (二)、教師應積極參加研習活動、多方請益,以提昇教師專業知能 四、對學校的建議 (一)、建置硬體設備及設計相關課程,提供有利於教師知識管理的情境 (二)、推動學校教師知識管理,營造知識分享的學校文化,以提昇學校效能 / The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship among principals’ leadership style, teachers’ knowledge management and the school effectiveness of the municipal junior high schools in Taipei. The research was conducted through questionnaire survey. The participants were the teachers in Taipei municipal junior high schools in academic year 2009. 8 to 16 teachers were selected from each school according to the class number of the schools. 750 questionnaires were issued, and a total of 663 questionnaires were collected from all the target schools, with the rate of retrieval, 88.4%. 620 copies were valid samples. The research data acquired was processed by SPSS for Windows 10.0 version and analyzed with average mean, standard deviation, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. Based on the results, the following conclusions were reached: 1.In Taipei municipal junior high schools, principals’ transformational leadership pays more attention to the “vision” field; while principals’ transactional leadership emphasizes more on the “interference management” field. Besides, “knowledge acquisition” and “knowledge innovation” are more valued among the knowledge management conducted by the teachers. In the aspect of school effectiveness, “community relationship” and “student achievements” are more emphasized. 2.In Taipei municipal junior high schools, principals’ leadership styles are verified with the influence of teachers’ gender, seniority, position, school scale, and school history. Teachers’ knowledge management is verified with the influence of teachers’ gender, age, education background, seniority, position, and school history. And the school effectiveness is verified with the influence of teachers’ gender, age, seniority, position, school scale, and school history. 3.The better principals’ leadership style is, the better teachers’ knowledge management is. The better teachers’ knowledge management is, the better school effectiveness is. 4.“Encouragement” is the best way to enhance the predictions of principals’ leadership style on school effectiveness. 5.“”Knowledge acquisition” is the best way to enhance the predictions of teachers’ knowledge management on school effectiveness. According to the findings, some suggestions were made: 1. Suggestions for education and administration institutes 1) Strengthen principals’ professional development and leadership. 2) Integrate courses about transformational leadership into principal preparation curriculum. 3) Arrange more workshops or seminars about knowledge management for teachers and upgrade teachers’ knowledge management ability. 2. Suggestions for principals 1) Develop principals’ transformational leadership and thus improve school effectiveness. 2) Make use of less authority but more profession and enthusiasm on school leading. 3. Suggestions for teachers 1) Enhance the communication among teachers; increase opportunities to share and exchange educational knowledge. 2) Be active in participating in seminars or workshops, listen to good advice, and upgrade teachers’ professional knowledge. 4. Suggestions for schools 1) Construct hardware facilities, design correlated curriculum, and offer the circumstances which are helpful for teachers’ knowledge management. 2) Promote teachers’ knowledge management, build a knowledge-sharing atmosphere at school, and thus enhance school effectiveness.

校長領導風格與校園危機管理之研究─以基隆市高級中等學校為例 / A study on relationships between high school principals' leadership and crisis management in Keelung city

魯和鳳, Lu, Ho-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解基隆市高級中等學校校長領導風格與校園危機管理之現況,並分析教師人口變項、教師危機管理變項、學校環境變項在校長領導風格以及校園危機管理的差異情形,最後探討校長領導風格與校園危機管理之關係。 本研究以問卷調查法為主,半結構訪談為輔。問卷調查法以「高級中等學校校長領導風格與校園危機管理調查問卷」(內含基本資料、校長領導風格量表與校園危機管理量表)為工具,以基隆市高級中等學校教師為研究對象,分層隨機抽取11所學校,共發出問卷330份,回收272份,有效問卷272份,有效回收率為82.4%。所得資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析與 Scheff'e事後比較、 Pearson's積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。並依正式問卷調查的結果,歸納相關的問題,設計並確定訪談大綱,做為訪談的依據,實地訪談2位校長,以釐清及延續問卷調查之結果,並藉由整理訪談文字資料、編碼歸類整理,綜合問卷調查與訪談資料,進行研究結果的分析與討論。研究結論如下: 壹、基隆市高級中等學校校長領導風格與校園危機管理之現況, 均屬良好程度。 貳、教師不同性別、服務年資、最高學歷對校長領導風格各個層 面之感受,並無顯著不同;教師不同性別、服務年資、最高 學歷在校園危機管理各個層面的感知上,並無顯著不同。 参、主任在校長領導風格與校園危機管理之感知上較好。 肆、教師是否參與危機研習、處理危機經驗、成立危機小組在校 園危機管理之整體及各個層面的感知上,並無顯著不同。 伍、學校規模不同的教師在校長領導風格及校園危機管理之感 受,並無顯著不同。 陸、創校歷史在「21~50年」及「51年以上」之教師對校長領導風 格及校園危機管理之感受,較「10年以下」之教師感受深刻。 柒、校長領導風格與校園危機管理間,有顯著的正相關。 捌、校長領導風格對整體校園危機管理具有預測力。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、高級中等學校校長、相關行政人員以及未來研究的參考。 / This study aims to investigate the current development of principals’ leadership style and crisis management in Keelung high schools and to analyze the differences in teachers personal variables、teachers’ crisis management and school environmental variables. concerning principals’ leadership style and crisis management. Finally, it explores the relationship between principals’ leadership style and crisis management. This study employs the research method of questionnaire surveys and semi structured interviews. There were two survey tools used in the study, including Principals’ Leadership Style Questionnaire and Crisis Management Questionnaire. Three hundred and thirty subjects are randomly selected from eleven high schools in Keelung city. A total of 272 questionnaires was returned. Out of those, 82.4% was valid (272 out of 330). Valid sample data was analyzed and processed using the methods of description statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA. Scheff’e posteriority comparison, Pearson's product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regressions. The frame of the interview questions was designed according to the findings from the questionnaire. Two principals, were interviewed to clarify and extend the findings of the survey. Then. the data retrieved from questionnaires and interviews were compiled, categorized, synthesized and analyzed. Following is the summary of the study: 1. The current development of principals’ leadership style and the crisis management in high schools are both above the average. 2. There is no significant difference in teachers’ experiences of principals’ leadership style in terms of gender, seniority and educational background; and, there is no significant difference in teachers recognition about crisis management in terms of teachers gender, seniority, educational background. 3. Teacher to act as director in schools give better recognition in principals’ leadership style; and, teacher to act as director in schools give better recognition in the crisis management. 4. There is no significant difference in teachers’ experiences about crisis management in terms of crisis study, crisis experience, and crisis management team background. 5. There is no significant difference in both principals’ leadership style and crisis management to teachers from schools of different scales. 6. There are significant differences in both principals’ leadership style and crisis management to teachers from schools of different history. 7. It shows significant positive correlation between principals’ leadership style and crisis management. 8. Principals’ leadership style demonstrates the predictability of crisis management in high schools in Keelung city. This study is finalized at proposing practical suggestions based on the findings and conclusions to educational administration authorities, high principals, the director of schools and faculty for further study and reference.

國民中小學校長領導能力指標權重之建構:以美國ISLLC學校領導者標準為例 / The construction of weight system of principal’s leadership competence indicators for the elementary and junior high school: The case of ISLLC Standards for School Leaders in American

陳遵行, Chen, Zun Shing Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在參照美國跨州學校領導標準證照聯合會(ISLLC)所提出的「ISLLC學校領導者標準」為例,藉以建構出國民中小學校長領導能力指標權重體系。研究方法運用分析網路程序法(ANP),研究工具則採用編修之「國民中小學校長領導能力指標權重體系調查問卷」,並以校長學、校長培育、學校行政等領域之13位學者專家為研究對象,對國民中小學校長領導能力指標之內容進行重要性評比。 本研究依據研究結果,得到以下二項研究結論: 一、學校文化與教學方案為最重要之校長領導能力向度 二、提升教師專業能力為最重要之校長領導能力指標 而依據研究結論,本研究提出以下建議,以作為教育行政機關、校長培育機構等之參考。 一、對教育行政機關之建議 (一)儘速研擬設立校長培育標準及專責單位 (二)校長領導能力指標可作為校長評鑑與校長證照制度之基礎 二、對校長培育機構之建議 (一)校長培育課程中其校長領導能力的規劃,以「學校文化的建立」與「教師能力的提升」作為初階能力的養成 (二)「提升教師專業能力」、「合作發展與共享」、「發展績效評估系統」作為校長培育課程的首要目標 此外,本研究亦針對後續研究者在研究對象、研究方法及研究範圍等三方面,提出相關建議。 關鍵字:校長領導能力、校長培育課程、分析網路程序法 / The purpose of this study is to construct a weight system of principal’s leadership competence indicators for the elementary and junior high school, and this study refer to “Interstate school leaders licensure consortium: Standards for school leaders” as an example. The main method of this study is Analytic Network Process (ANP). The research instrument of this study is a modified questionnaire which is used to survey the elementary and junior high principal’s leadership competence. 13 scholar experts most in principalship, principal preparation and school administration are taken as the research object to estimate the importance of indicator for the elementary and junior high school principal’s leadership competence. According to the research results, two conclusions are as follows: 1. School culture and instructional program is the most important dimension of school principals' leadership competence. 2. Enhancement of the professional competence of teachers is the most important indicator of school principals' leadership competence. This study provides the following suggestions from the conclusions to the educational administrations and the organizations of principal preparation for reference: 1. For education administration authority (1) Plan to establish the standards of principal preparation and set up an unit in charge of them. (2) The indicator of school principals' leadership competence can be a basis of principal evaluation and principals’ licensure. 2. For the institutes of principal preparation (1) Planning of principals' leadership capacity in the principal preparation courses as entry-level capacities are “The establishment of school culture” and “The enhancement of the professional competence of teachers”. (2) The principal of the primary objective of the course are “The enhancement of the professional competence of teachers”, “The cooperation and development and sharing”, and “The development of performance evaluation system”. In addition, this study also provides future researchers in three areas of the object of study, research methods and scope of the study to make recommendations. Keywords: principal leadership capacity, principal preparation program, analytic network process

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