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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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新北市國民小學小型學校校長領導風格與教師投入學校行銷之相關研究 / A Study on the Relationship between Principals' Leadership Style and Teachers' Participation in School-marketing at New Taipei City Public Small-scale Elementary Schools

吳秉樺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市國民小學小型學校校長領導風格與教師投入學校行銷的關係,並根據文獻探討、問卷調查、統計分析後提出結論與建議。 為達成上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,針對新北市國民小學小型學校教師為研究樣本。正式施測共發出問卷210份,回收問卷203份,回收率96.67%,可用率94.76%。回收後將所有資料輸入電腦使用SPSS軟體加以統計分析,分別採用敘述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步多元迴歸分析。本研究之主要結論歸納如下: (一)目前新北市國民小學小型學校校長領導風格與教師投入學校行銷之現況,屬於「中高」程度的表現。 (二)不同學校所在行政分區、學校歷史(校齡)、學校特色發展之教師,對於知覺校長領導風格類型有顯著差異。 (三)不同年齡、教育程度(學歷)的教師,與身處不同學校所處之行政分區、學校特色發展之教師,對於投入學校行銷有顯著差異。 (四)校長領導風格類型與教師投入學校行銷之間有顯著相關。 (五)校長領導風格對教師投入學校行銷具有中高程度的預測力。 最後,根據研究結果提出相關建議,以提供學校教育人員、教育行政機關及後續研究之參考。

學校行銷策略與學生選校就讀關係之研究-以新北市公私立高職為例 / A study of the relationships between education marketing strategy and affecting students selection of schools-take the public and private senior vocational high schools in Taipei County for example.

蔡永智 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市公私立高職學校行銷策略與學生選校就讀關係之研究。首先進行相關文獻探討,其次依循研究背景、動機目的與待答問題及文獻探討之相關發現,編製「學校行銷策略與選讀學校關係之研究」問卷調查。針對新北市公私立高職一年級學生為施測對象,發出問卷1096份,總計回收有效問卷924份,回收率為84%。以SPSS進行分析處理,進行項目分析、t考驗檢定、單因子變異數分析、簡單迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料處理分析,獲得以下結論: 一、學校整體行銷策略(產品、價格、通路、推廣、人員)的運作普遍受到認 同與肯定,尤以「價格策略」的認知程度最高。 二、公立學校學生對「通路策略」的認知最高;私立學校學生則以「價格策略」的認知最高。 三、選校就讀所考量的因素面向中,學生以「學習取向」為最優先考慮的面向,「生活取向」次之、再其次為「就業取向」。 四、不同學校屬性的學生對學校行銷策略認知有顯著差異,但不同性別、入學方式、家長學歷之學生則無顯著差異。 五、不同性別、學校屬性、母親教育程度的學生對學校行銷策略認知有顯著差異,但不同入學方式、父親教育程度之學生則無顯著差異。 六、學校行銷策略之產品、價格、通路、推廣、人員等面向與學生選校因素之生活、學習、聲望、就業等取向有顯著性預測力。 根據研究結論提出以下建議: 一、對學校教育機關的建議 (一)因應社會脈動,調整經營策略。 (二)提供獎助學金,吸引就近入學。 (三)充實專業認證,提升就業能力。 (四)推動產學合作,凸顯務實致用。 (五)精緻類科內涵,強化技職特色。 (六)報導最新動態,宣揚辦學績效。 (七)強化學校科系,增加多元社團。 (八)落實評鑑制度,打造優質品牌。 二、對未來研究的建議 (一)在研究對象方面,本研究以新北市公私立高職學生為研究範圍,未來研究可以擴大到其他縣市的高職師生,以增加研究的廣度及信度。 (二)在研究變項方面,本研究以5p進行研究,目前行銷理論已經有6p甚至7p,未來研究者可多加斟酌相關變項,使學校行銷策略的研究更為周全。 (三)在研究方法方面,本研究以問卷調查為主,未來研究可利用質性方法進行訪談,相互佐證問卷調查的結果,以求研究的客觀性和真實性。

桃園縣高中職學校教育人員對學校行銷策略認知及其運作之研究 / A Study on the Understanding and Operation of Marketing Strategies Concerning Education Administrators in Senior and VocationaHigh High Schools in Taoyuan County

陳樂斌, Chen,.Le Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討,桃園縣高中職學校行銷制度及現況、學校教育人員對行銷策略認知與運作情形、執行學校行銷之困境。有效樣本數445人,回收率為75.4%,利用問卷調查法,透過統計分析,得出本研究結果如下: 一、桃園縣高中職教育人員,對校行銷單位編制不甚瞭解,且各校大都未設置負責行銷工作之專責單位。 二、推動學校行銷的最理想方式傾向於設置專責之行銷業務單位。 三、推展學校行銷的最主要內容為營造良好的學習環境及教學設施特色。 四、學校行銷主要推廣主要對象為,本校家長會及學生家長級及本縣國民中學成員。 五、學校行銷首要功能在於有利籌募校務發展基金或經費,拓展學生來源並招收到優秀學生,提升學校整體知名度及形象。 六、學校辦理有關行銷活動中,以建置網頁公告訊息與特色,赴各國中演講和宣傳,發行刊物宣傳教學成果與活動最有成效。 七、學校教育人員普遍肯定學校行銷策略的重要性。 八、學校行銷策略層面的重要性認知與實際運作看法之間有明顯的落差,其中以產品策略落差最大。 九、不同背景變項在整體學校行銷策略重要性與學校實際運作認知程度的差異情形。 (一)男性教育人員,對學校行銷策略重要性認知得分顯著大於女性。 (二)對學校整體行銷策略認知重要性與實際運作,參加過行銷研習之教育人員的態度較未參加者積極。 (三)對學校整體行銷策略略認知重要性與實際運作,私立學校得分顯著大於公立學校,顯示私立學校比公立學校重視學校行銷工作。 (四)擔任或曾任行政工作年資「16年以上」的教育人員,對學校行銷策略重要性認知得分顯著高於行政年資「5年以下」、「6-10年」、「11至15年」的教育人員。 (五)教師兼行政工作者,對學校整體行銷策略實際運作,得分上顯著高於擔任「導師」職務的教育人員。 十、執行行銷策略上,遭遇的主要困境為缺乏專責單位的運作機制或專業的行銷人員,行政人員業務繁雜無暇兼顧策劃推動行銷活動,缺乏推展學校行銷之經費。 / The major purpose of this study is to examine the marketing system and current conditions in senior and vocational high schools in Taoyuan County, the importance of the marketing strategies and its actual operation, and the schools’ difficulties in putting the marketing strategies into practice. Testing was conducted with the sampling of 445 subjects, and 75.4% of the questionnaires were returned. With the questionnaire as the research method, the data were subsequently analyzed with statistical means, and the conclusions were as follows: 1.The education personnel in senior and vocational high schools in Taoyuan County do not understand very well about the organization of the marketing department, so almost every school has not set up a marketing department. 2.To promote a school, the idealist way lies in the tendency to establish a new marketing department. 3.The major content of promoting school marketing is to build a satisfactory learning environment with satisfying teaching facilities. 4.The major targets of school promotion and marketing are: parents and parents association, and all of the junior high school students in Taoyuan County. 5.The major functions of the school marketing are to help raise school funds, to increase the source of new members of the students, to recruit outstanding students in this county, and to promote the image and the satisfaction regarding the school identification. 6.The most effective items in the schools’ marketing activities are establishing a school website as a communication platform, giving a promotion address in junior high schools, and issuing a publication to promote effective teaching activities. 7.The education personnel generally understand and recognize the importance of the school marketing strategies. 8.There is a distinct difference between the understanding of the importance of the school marketing strategies and the actual operation, especially in “product strategy.” 9.Different backgrounds create differences in understanding the importance of the overall school marketing strategies and in the actual operation. (1)The scores of the male education personnel are higher than those of the female education personnel in understanding the importance of school marketing strategy. / (2)Concerning the overall school marketing strategy and the actual operation, the education administers who have participated in marketing seminars are more positive than those who haven’t. (3)Concerning the overall school marketing strategy and the actual operation, the scores of the private schools are significantly higher than those of the public schools, showing private schools put more emphasis on school marketing than public schools. (4)In understanding the importance of school marketing, the senior education personnel with “more than 16 years’ history” of having participated in the administration department obtain higher scores than those having participated in the administration department but with the history of “less than 5 years”, “more than 6 years but less than 10 years”, and “more than 11 years but less than 15 years”. (5)Concerning the overall school marketing strategy and the actual operation, the teachers working as administrators at the same time obtain obviously higher scores than the ones working as homeroom teachers. 10.The major difficulties in executing the marketing strategies are : “the schools lack professional marketing department or marketing personnel to take charge of the marketing affairs,” “teachers working in the administration department are occupied with their own school business and don’t have enough time to participate in promoting the school marketing activities,” and “the schools lack the budget to promote school marketing.” Keywords: senior and vocational high schools, marketing, school marketing, school marketing strategy


林榮洲 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本研究旨在探討臺北縣市公私立高中職學校行銷策略實施現況。為達研究目的,首先係從臺北縣市公私立高中職學校的發展概況切入,探究臺北縣市區域、人口發展與高中職發展之因果關係,進而了解目前高中職學校在少子化及教育市場自由化的趨勢及衝擊下,所引發之經營困境,並利用問卷調查方法,以百分比、次數分配、平均數、標準差、t考驗與單因子變異數等方式進行統計分析,探討學校最佳行銷方式、最優先之行銷對象、學校行銷的主要功能、與不同學校背景變項實際運作行銷策略之狀況及差異情形,以期提供學校訂定最適宜且有利學校永續經營的行銷策略之參考。 本研究依研究目的所獲得之主要研究結論有以下幾點: 壹、臺北縣市公私立高中職學校在推展學校行銷方式上,認為以「設置學校行銷組或公關組--由副校長或校長秘書兼任組長」、「成立跨處室的行銷小組--由校長指派處室主任兼任組長」與「校長親自負責」之方式最佳。 貳、現行臺北縣市公私立高中職學校行銷策略,各項策略之通用性皆極高,尤以「產品策略」與「價格策略」最受重視,而對於「通路策略」、「人員策略」及「推廣策略」則展現較低排序。 參、臺北縣市私立高中職學校在學校行銷的認知、推行與執行困境的感受程度較公立高中職校為強,且高職的危機感較高中更為明顯,顯見現行私立高中職學校的辦學壓力,亟待重視。 關鍵字:臺北縣市公私立高中職、學校行銷策略 / Abstract With the intent to research the status quo of the marketing strategy for the public and private senior high and vocational senior high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County, this study is initiated into a profile of the development of the senior highs in Taipei, which explores the effect of the development of regions and populations on that of senior highs, moreover, probing into the managing difficulties resulted from decreased births and the liberalized educational market. By using poll-taking method, which employs the statistical analysis of percentage, frequency distribution, average, standard deviation, t-test and single-factor-coefficient of variation。 This survey quests for senior high schools’ optimal marketing strategies, the first-priority marketing target, major effect of school marketing, varied practical adaptation in marketing based on different factors of school background, hence, a reasonable guideline emerges for schools to constitute their most adapted marketing strategies that facilitate their sustainable management. The principal conclusions extracted from this research are as follows: 1. As far as school marketing is concerned, the following are currently being widely regarded as best approaches among the senior high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County: A. Setting up a school marketing section or PR section with a section chief concurrently assumed by vice-principal or secretary of the principal. B. Instituting a trans-departmental marketing section with a concurrent chief directly assigned by the principal from one of the section chiefs of the faculty. C. Being under the charge of the principal’s own fair hand. 2. Among the senior high schools in Taipei, the prevailing marketing strategies are highly universal, among which the “product strategy” and “pricing strategy” are especially emphasized, while “marketing channels,” “sales force strategy” and “promotion strategy” are ranked in lower priority. 3. In both Taipei City and Taipei County, with regard to the cognition, promotion and execution of school marketing, private senior high schools perceive more difficulty than public ones, hence, vocational schools appreciate stronger sense of crisis, revealing the crucial pressure on the survival of the private vocational senior highs. Key Words: The public and private senior high schools and vocational high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County, School Marketing Strategy

高中職學校行銷策略運用之研究─以北部地區為例 / School marketing strategy of senior high schools and vocational high schools: A study of schools in North Taiwan

洪秉彰, Hung, Ping Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國高中職學校運用學校行銷策略之現況為何,並探究學校行銷中之外部行銷、內部行銷與互動行銷及其分層面之適配度關係為何。研究採用問卷調查法,研究工具為自編之「高中職學校行銷策略運用調查問卷」,並以北部地區(台北市、新北市、桃園縣、基隆市)之高中職任教教師為研究對象,共發出630份問卷,回收561份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為89.04%,問卷回收後,分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關與結構方程模式等統計方式對回收資料進行分析。 根據分析結果,本研究歸納如下結論: 壹、學校行銷之整體運用程度為中上。 一、外部行銷運用程度最高,內部行銷運用程度最低。 二、外部行銷之中,「師生產品策略」運用程度最高,「成本價值策略」運用程度最低。 三、內部行銷之中,「教育訓練策略」運用程度最高,「參與授權策略」運用程度最低。 四、互動行銷之中,「服務熱忱策略」運用程度高於「服務能力策略」運用程度。 貳、不同性別、服務年資與職務之教師對學校行銷之知覺有所差異。 參、不同性質之學校運用學校行銷之程度達顯著差異。 肆、公私立學校運用學校行銷之程度達顯著差異。 一、外部行銷中,私立學校運用「形象推廣策略」程度較高,公立學校運用「通路規劃策略」程度較高。 二、公立學校運用內部行銷之程度顯著高於私立學校。 三、公立學校運用互動行銷之程度顯著高於私立學校。 伍、高職運用外部行銷「師生產品策略」之程度顯著高於高中。 陸、不同規模之學校運用外部行銷之程度達顯著差異。 柒、外部行銷、內部行銷與互動行銷之間達顯著相關。 捌、本研究模式具有良好之適配度。 最後,本研究根據研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、對主管教育機關之建議 一、協助各校發展特色,成為優質學校 二、進行高中職學校之評比,供家長與學校參考 貳、對高中職學校之建議 一、由外部顧客導向,轉為兼顧內部顧客導向的經營 二、重視班級導師與專任教師之意見與需求 參、對後續研究之建議 分別就研究對象與研究方法,對未來後續研究提出建議。 / The main purpose of the study is to investigate how marketing strategies operate in senior high schools and vocational high schools currently. The research method this study adopted is survey research. Data were collected from 630 teachers of senior high schools and vocational high schools in north Taiwan. There are 561 valid samples used in this study, and the usable rates were 89.04%. The collected data were analyzed by the statistical methods of descriptive statistics, t-tset, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and structural equation modeling. The conclusions of this study were as follows: 1. The degree of using school marketing was intermediate to higher-intermediate. 2. There was a significant difference in teachers’ perceptions of school marketing due to the differences in the participants’ sex, years of service, and position of service. 3. There was a significant difference in schools’ use of school marketing due to the difference in the participants’ school category. 4. There was a significant difference in schools’ use of school marketing due to the differences of public schools and private schools. 5. The degree of vocational high schools using product strategy was significant higher than that of senior high schools. 6. There was a significant difference in schools’ use of school marketing due to the differences in the participants’ school size. 7. There were positively correlations existed among external marketing, internal marketing, and interactive marketing. 8. The model of school marketing is proper. According to the research results, this study provides recommendations for education authorities, administrative personnel of senior high schools and vocational high schools, and future study.

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