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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林虹君 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討高職學生中輟之社會影響因素,並藉由中輟生輟學後之追蹤,了解中輟生輟學後的工作或復學生活狀態。研究中將整體樣本稱為「全體中輟生」,中輟後未繼續就學者簡稱為「未復學組」,中輟後復學生簡稱為「復學生組」,並進行其中輟社會因素之比較分析研究。 中輟生在每位教師的眼中,除了是個問題學生之外,其實內心對他們是感到十分痛心及惋惜的,他們總是天真的以為休學一陣子後就會再回到學校就讀,但是復學的學生卻在少數,因為休學時所稱之總總因素的影響,並沒有隨著時間而改善,且社會的大染缸反而將他們越推越遠,無法再回到學校生活。 本研究為探討高職中輟生之中輟社會因素,試圖比較「中輟未復學生」與「中輟後復學生」兩組間的各項分析差異,並從以下幾個因素著手探討:家庭結構因素、家庭經濟因素、特殊社會身分、校系選擇因素及中輟生之社會連結關係等五大因素切入,探索幕後影響其中輟行為之動力。另一個研究重點是詳述中輟生目前的生活狀態,及分析他們重返校園的可能性。 本研究希冀研究結果能提供各界參考高職學生中輟之共同特點、因素,使教育單位越加重視高職學生之就學情況,莫因高職教育非義務教育,就如此忽視他們的中輟情形,致使高職生在中輟之後就一去不復返,沒有任何單位追蹤、了解其後的動向,導致中輟生之低學歷、低工作地位,而造成日後社會的負累。 / Dropout issue have been highly valued in the educational sociology for decades of years. While dropouts are normally regarded as the “outside system” ones comparing with students who are still inside the system of compulsory education, the dropouts who depart the non-compulsory education are less discussed. This study therefore demonstrates the problems after their suspension of schooling and tries to find the social factors that influence their decisions of dropouts. Thirty dropouts are selected in this research from Nation Keelung Maritime School and defined as “resume” and “non-resume” ones. They are analyzed throughout their family structure, family income, social status, majors, and social network bonding by the comparison between these two groups. Moreover,this research represents the non-resume dropouts’ working adaptation after their suspension, and the re-adoption of schooling those who chose to resume. This thesis is aimed to appeal attention on the suspension problems especially in the non-compulsory educational system and provide elaborating information for the Taiwan education.


繆敏志, MIAO, MIN-ZHI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共一冊,約九萬字,計分七章,二十八節,茲將其章節內容分述如后: 第一章 緒論 本章計分研究動機、研究目的、研究範圍、研究方法、文獻探討等五節。 第二章 高職公民教育之理論基礎 本章計分公民教育之哲學基礎、心理學基礎及社會學基礎等三節。 第三章 世界主要國家高職公民教育之探討 本章計分六節,分別探討美國、英國、法國、西德、日本等五國之高職公民教育,並 對五國之高職公民教育作一綜合分析。 第四章 我國高職公民教育之沿革 本章計分六節,分就民國建立以前、民國初年、國民政府成立後、抗戰及戡亂時期、 政府遷臺後的高職公民教育而述之,並對高職公民教育的演進作一綜合分析。 第五章 我國高職公民教育的內涵分析。 本計分三節,分就高職公民科及公民教育相關課程的內涵分析,並對高職公民教育內 涵作一綜合分析。 第六章 我國高職﹁公民﹂科教學現況之調查分析 本章分就問卷與調查表之編製與內容、調查之對象、調查結果與分析等三節而述之。 第七章 結論與建議 本章對本研究發現作一結論,並 對我國高職錢民教育出改進建議。

從上下文推論字義教學對高職學生英文字彙學習之影響:個案研究 / The Effects of “Word Meanings Inferred from Context” Instruction in English Vocabulary Learning of Vocational High School Students: A Case Study

陳泠錡, Ling-chi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討從上下文推論字義教學應用在高職英文字彙教學之效益。 本實驗之研究對象為台北縣某高職80位高二學生,所有的受試者依據其原班級,分為實驗及控制兩組,每組再依前一學年英文成績分為高分與低分兩組,實驗組接受推論字意教學法訓練,而控制組則採用傳統的字彙教學法。在教學實驗開始之前,所有的受試者均參加前測;教學實驗結束之後,所有的受試者再參加後測。前測與後測之題目相同,皆為Oxford的學習策略量表及Nation的單字程度測驗。教學時間每週20分鐘,共計12次,利用猜測字義測驗及文意字彙式短文測驗取得相關資料,各項資料經由次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、t考驗等統計分析探討學習成效,最後再對實驗組施以問卷調查,以期了解他們對從上下文推論字義教學之回應。 本研究的結果摘要如下: 一、英文字彙教學實驗之後,除了控制組低分組外,其他受測學生的學習策略都有小幅的進步,惟對於實驗組低分組學生進步達顯著水準。 二、英文字彙教學實驗之後,所有的受測學生在單字程度測驗答對題數均有些微增加,高分組的進步的幅度高於低分組,惟對於實驗組高分組學生進步達顯著水準。 三、文意字彙式短文測驗的成績,控制組較實驗組高,惟對於實驗組低分組與控制組低分組的分數差異達顯著水準。 四、實驗組推論字義的能力與文意字彙式短文字彙測驗的成績,不論對高分組或低分組都呈現高度相關。 五、在60個推論字義的單字測驗當中,實驗組所選出來較難推論的單字,其詞類依序為副詞、形容詞、動詞、名詞。 六、經問卷調查分析,實驗組對於從上下文推論字義教學大部份傾向於正面的肯定。 最後,本文根據研究結果,提出英語教育學上之應用以及未來研究之建議。 / The purpose of this study is to explore two instructional methods on vocational high school students: word meanings inferred from context and word meanings learned from translation. To reach the research goal, the study assumes the quasi-experimental method, which includes the pretest and the posttest. The duration of this experimental teaching program is twelve weeks. A total of 80 sophomores coming from 2 classes at a vocational high school in northern Taiwan are involved in the study. One class is assigned as the experimental group, and the other one the control group. For further comparison, each group is divided into two proficiency subgroups, high and low, based on their English achievement scores in the last academic year. The experimental group receives “word meaning inferred from context” training while the control group is instructed in the traditional vocabulary teaching method. Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) and Nation’s Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT) are selected as the test items in both the pretest and the posttest. Data for analysis are collected from two sources. One is the subjects’ scores on SILL and VLT, word-inferring test and words-in-context test, and the other comes from the questionnaire regarding the experimental group’s feedbacks and reflections on vocabulary learning through inferring. The collected data are analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, means, standard deviation, and t-test. The conclusions of the study are summarized as follows: 1. All the subjects make a little improvement after the experiment except the low achievers in the control group. The low achievers in the experimental group improve significantly in performance on language learning strategies. 2. Both the experimental group and the control group show certain progress in VLT. However, only the high achievers in the experimental group perform significantly better. 3. There exists a positive correlation between the subjects’ performance in word-inferring test and words-in-context test for the experimental group. 4. There is a significant difference in words-in-context test score between the low achievers in the experimental and those in the control group. 5. According to the responses of the experimental group, adverbs cause the heaviest learning burden, followed by adjectives, verbs, and nouns. 6. There is a fairly general agreement that the experimental group shows appreciation of the instruction. Further pedagogical implications and suggestions for future studies are provided at the end of the study.


蔡玲玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討私立高級職業學校學生學習動機與學習態度間之相關,並分析不同背景變項學生學習動機與學習態度的差異情形,同時進行兩者關聯性之研究。為達研究目的,首先經由文獻探討確認理論架構,並以「私立高職學生學習動機與學習態度相關之研究調查表」為施測工具進行問卷調查,受調查之有效樣本共計936名學生。所得資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森相關係數等方法進行資料處理與分析,所獲致結論如下: 壹、私立高職學生學習動機之表現顯著高於符合程度。 貳、私立高職學生學習態度之表現顯著高於符合程度。 叁、私立高職學生背景變項中的性別、科別滿意度、休閒活動及父母教育程度等四項,對學習動機有不同程度之影響。 肆、私立高職學生背景變項中的性別、年級別、就讀科別、科別滿意度、休閒活動及父母教育程度等六項,對學習態度有不同程度之影響。 伍、私立高職學生學習動機與學習態度有顯著正相關。 最後,依本研究所得結論提出四點建議,以供學校、教師、家長及後續研究之參考。 / This paper is to research the relationship between the motivation to learn and learning attitude of students in Private Higher Vocational School. It also takes into consideration of students’ background differences as affecting factors. To achieve the goal, a theoretical framework is first established by literature study. A survey is then performed on students with 936 effective samples. Several statistic methods were used to analyze the collected data sets, including descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The conclusions obtained as followed: 1. Students’ motivation to learn in Private Higher Vocational School is higher than that acceptable level. 2. Students’ learning attitude in Private Higher Vocational School is more positive than acceptable level. 3. Among all those background variances - gender, satisfactory in the course they study, leisure activities, and parent education level affect students’ motivation to learn. 4. Among all those background variances - gender, grade, the course they study, satisfactory in the course they study, leisure activities, and parent education level affect students’ learning attitude. 5. Students’ motivation to learn and their learning attitude are positively proportional. Based on conclusions drawn, four suggestions were provided as references for school authority, teachers, parents, and also for follow-up studies.

四技二專英文科測驗之演變與高職英文課程綱要之互動 / A Study on the Development of the English Tests of the Technological and Vocational Education Joint College Entrance Examination (TVEE) and its Interaction with the Guidelines of the Vocational High School English Program (VHSEP)

劉妃欽, Liu, Fei Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討四技二專英文科測驗與高職英文課程綱要之互動,分別從以下三方面來探討: 一、四技二專英文試題的發展歷程。二、高職英文課程綱要在不同階段的特色。三、四技二專英文科試題與高職英文課程綱要之互動。 本研究採試題定性分析法,以分析81年至97年四技二專英文科試題及76、87、95年教育部所頒布之高職英文課程綱要,同時參考相關之測驗、教學研究論文,探討四技二專英文科測驗與高職英文課程綱要之互動。主要發現如下: 第一, 81-87年四技二專英文科測驗的重點在於僅測驗學生單項的語言知識,且偏重學生的記憶力而非綜合分析的能力,題幹也較少提供足夠的情境及線索供受試者參考。測驗的重點與課程綱要在某方面有相呼應之處,例如著重文法及單項的語言知識;閱讀測驗的取材雖多樣化,設計卻有不當之處;另外, 課程綱要雖重視聽說讀寫技巧, 但測驗僅能測出讀的能力。 第二,88-89 年試題轉變為漸漸著重整合式試題及語言的使用,例如,發音及拼字不再出現,且因課程綱要鼓勵老師使用溝通式教學法,所以測驗的特質亦略具溝通式語文學習,取材的內容著重與生活相關。當時的課程綱要亦有此特色。然聽、說、寫能力並沒有被測驗出來,題幹所提供的線索不足,文法測驗停留於單句的測驗,都是與課程綱要不符合之處。 第三,90-97年為試題產生最大變革的階段,90年教育部成立技專校院入學測驗中心,負責命題、建立題庫、分析試題、開發新題型等工作。因此90年度之後考試題型固定,溝通式語文教學及測驗目標確定,多為整合式題型,題幹有足夠的線索及情境,整體理解重於局部理解。例如:文法測驗併入克漏字測驗, 閱讀測驗需應用閱讀策略。此時的課程綱要著重後設認知理論,要學生培養有效的學習策略,測驗有反應此特色。但聽、說、寫能力並沒有被測驗出來,這違反課程綱要的目標。 此研究結果對於四技二專英文科測驗及高職英文教學有相當的啟示,是值得投注更多關注與研究的領域。


張標堅 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高職廣告設計科應屆畢業學生升學就業意願的影響因素,並了解高職廣告設計科應屆畢業生升學就業的現況,包括個人因素、家庭因素、實施教學與輔導計畫,以及不同縣市、性別、主要撫養者學歷、技術士證照與學業成績等對於影響高職廣告設計科應屆畢業生升學就業因素的看法,進而歸納目前高職廣告設計科的缺失及改善之道。 本研究以北、中、南三區公私立高職廣告設計科應屆畢業生為研究對象。配合研究編製影響高職廣告設計科學生升學就業因素之探討問卷調查表,問卷分為「基本資料」及「問卷內容」兩部分,共寄發1,803份,回收1,361份,有效問卷共1,344份,回收率為75%。 研究方法則採取文獻分析、問卷調查,透過文獻分析以作為調查研究分析的基礎。在統計方面的使用上,依背景變項的特性而有差異,在「性別」變項上採用t-test的方法進行顯著性考驗。變項則採用單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)來進行顯著性考驗。一旦達統計上顯著差異者,則進一步採用薛費法(Scheffé method test)來進行事後比較。 本研究歸納出主要結論如下: 一、就父母期望方面,不同性別、不同學校所屬區域、有無廣告設計工作經驗等有其差異性。在希望待遇擁有不同種類證照及張數、學業及實習成績方面則未有顯著性影響。 二、就父母期望方面,主要撫養者年齡、職業、教育程度及每月平均收入不同,則其看法亦有所不同。 三、就對廣告設計的願景上,背景變項不同,如不同性別、不同學校所屬區域、有無廣告設計經驗在希望待遇之影響不顯著。在證照、學業與實習成績上則有顯著的差異。 四、就對廣告設計的願景上,不同的家庭變項,並未呈現顯著的正相關。 五、就對廣告設計的興趣方面,其背景變項不同,亦呈現不同的差異性。如性別、區域、經驗、待遇上無差異性。而證照種類愈多、張數愈多則興趣愈高;學業與實習成績愈高,則興趣愈高。 六、就廣告設計的興趣上,其在家庭變項方面,不同年齡、不同職業之主要撫養者及家庭收入等未有顯著差異;而主要撫養者的教育程度會與其對廣告設計的興趣有顯著的相關性。 七、在個人升學、就業的意願方面,性別、學校所屬區域、有無廣告設計經驗、待遇、證照張數,未有明顯差異;而證照種類愈多,學業與實習成績愈高,則其升學與就業意願愈高。 八、在個人升學就業的意願上,家庭變項不同,亦未有顯著影響。 最後依據研究結果提出以下建議: 一、對教育行政機關建議 (一)重視高職招生不足現象 (二)正視高職升學途徑的困境 二、對學校建議 (一)加強學生專業技能的培養 (二)加強輔導學生取得各類技術士證照 (三)加強產學合作,增加校外實習機會 (四)加強教學體系現代化 三、對學生建議 (一)加強培養帶著走的能力 (二)加強實作能力 / The main purposes of this study are to explore the factors influencing Advertisement and Design (AD) department graduates’ aspiration of further study and employment in vocational high school, to understand the current situation of the students’ further study and employment, and then to suggest the strategy of improvement for AD department. The study adopted literature analysis and questionnaires survey. The total copies of questionnaires were 1803, and the effective responses were 1344, with a return rate of 75 percent. After statistics analysis of the collected data, the main findings are as follow: 1. As for parents’ expectation, the significant differences existed in students’ genders, schools’ areas, AD-related job experience and parents’ ages, education levels, occupation types and monthly income; otherwise no significant differences existed in students’ expecting income, hoping to have more different kinds of licenses and academic achievement. 2. As for the vision of AD, the significant differences existed in students’ hoping to have more different kinds of licenses and academic achievement; otherwise no significant differences existed in other variables. 3. As for the interest in AD, the significant differences existed in students’ hoping to have more different kinds of licenses, academic achievement; and parents’ education levels. 4. As for the aspiration of further study and employment, the significant differences existed in students’ hoping to have more different kinds of licenses and academic achievement. According to the findings, the suggestions are as follows: 1. For the government, put emphasis on the insufficiency of students in vocational high schools and the difficulty in the ways of students’ further study. 2. For the schools, put emphasis on students’ practical skills, encourage students to get more licenses, cooperate with the industry, and modernize the facilities. 3. For the students, put emphasis on the with-going ability and practical skills.


吳廉章 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國高職進修學校學生學習動機及學習滿意度的相關影響因素,並以研究結果提供作為高職進修學校與各教育主管機關提升教育品質之參考。 本研究以臺北縣高職進修學校學生為研究對象,並以「高職進修學校學習情況調查問卷」為施測工具進行問卷調查。有效樣本984 人。所得資料以平均數、標準差、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法加以處理及分析。綜合本研究之結果如下: 壹、台北縣私立高職進修學校學生,就讀台北縣九大行政區中所設立之私立高職進修學校學生,以女性學生佔多數(佔58.9%),男性學生較少(佔41.1%)。 貳、私立高職進修學校學生之學習動機層面中,較佳為「自我學習信念」、「自我認同」及「自我要求」等因素,但仍應加強自我專業與技能實踐能力。 參、私立高職進修學校學生之學習滿意度層面中,較佳為「課程教材」、「學習教材」、「人際互動」、「生涯規劃」等因素,但仍應加強學習環境之改善。 肆、不同背景變項學生學習動機上有所不同。 伍、私立高職進修學校學生在學習動機與學習滿意度呈現正相關。 陸、私立高職進修學校學生在學生學習動機各因素與學習滿意度各層面之相關呈現正相關。 最後,研究者依據研究所得結果提出幾點建議,作為學校教育、 家長及未來研究之參考。 關鍵字:高職進修學校、學習動機、學習滿意度 / The research aims to explore the relationship and relevant factors between learning motivation and satisfaction of continuation vocational high school students. It would provide references for the authority of educational units and administration of continuation vocation high school to enhance teaching and learning quality. The research takes continuation vocational high school students in Taipei County for studying objects. The questionnaire “Continuation vocational high school student learning situation” was used as a tool and the valid data was collected from 984 students. The data was analyzed and processed through statistical methods such as Average, Standard Deviation, T tests, Single factor variance analysis, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation analysis. Finally, according to the results and investigations, findings and conclusions were come up along with recommendations as follows: 1. The female students who study in private continuation vocational high school in nine main districts of Taipei County is more (58.9%) than that of male ones (41.1%). 2. In the coverage of learning motivation, the continuation vocational high school students pay more concern on the factors such as “Self- monitoring learning belief”, “Self- Identity”, and “Self- development”. However, the schools should teach students how to enhance their professional and practical skills. 3. In the coverage of learning satisfaction, the continuation vocational high school students are pleased with the factors such as “Curriculum materials”, “Learning materials”, “Relationship”, and “Career Planning”. However, the school should improve the quality of learning environment. 4. The students from different backgrounds and family conditions have different learning motivation. 5. There is positive correlation between learning motivation and learning satisfaction of private continuation vocational high school students. 6. There is positive correlation between different factors of learning motivation and learning satisfaction of private continuation vocational high school students. In sum, based on the conclusion of the study, the author suggests some recommendations for school education, parents, and future researchers. Key word: continuation vocational high school, learning motivation, learning satisfaction

融合「質疑作者法」於英語閱讀之行動研究 / Incorporating “Questioning the Author” into Reading: An Action Research Study

臧明煥, Tsang, Ming-Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討一批判思考策略「質疑作者法」,如何融入於台灣高職學生的英語閱讀能力養成,以及該策略對學生英語能力的影響。研究以台灣北部某高職38位高一學生為研究對象,為期五週。研究藉由學習單、學習歷程調查、教學觀察日誌、及焦點團體訪談等質性研究方法收集研究資料,再進一步歸納分析,以期廣泛且深入了解「質疑作者法」對於增進學生閱讀能力的效果,並同時得到更為適宜可行的教學應用。主要的研究發現如下: 一、 本研究中大多數學生對「質疑作者法」抱持肯定的態度。不論英語程度高低,該策略使學生獲得有別於過去的閱讀經驗,並同時增進其閱讀興趣及閱讀理解力。 二、 當教學者融入「質疑作者法」於教學活動時,教學者以協助者身分觀察學生對於教學活動的反應,隨時調整活動的進行。 三、 閱讀中的討論使學生能在一個支持的、低焦慮的學習環境中表達意見,並同時主動地建構文章的意義。 四、 本研究中,高成就與低成就學生在批判思考與閱讀能力方面皆有提升。透過「質疑作者法」,低成就學生相較於高成就學生建立較強的自信心並養成更高的閱讀興趣,從而由該策略中得到較多的助益。 根據上述結果,文末呈現教學上的義涵和應用,並對未來相關研究提出建議。 / This action research study aims to investigate the process of fostering reading comprehension ability of EFL vocational high school students by incorporating a critical thinking strategy, namely, “Questioning the Author”, into the English reading teaching activities. A total of thirty-eight 10th graders from a vocational high school in northern Taiwan participated in the present study for a five-week implementation. The data were collected through qualitative methods, including participants’ worksheets, learning surveys using Likert Scale and open-ended questions, the field notes and the teaching logs of the teacher researcher, and the focus group interviews for high and low achievers. The results were analyzed and interpreted with an attempt to have a profound and extensive understanding of the effect of the strategy “Questioning the Author” on students’ reading comprehension ability, along with generating more feasible pedagogical implications. Major findings are as follows: 1. Most students in the present study had a positive perception to the strategy “Questioning the Author”. Despite their different English proficiency levels, the strategy made a difference in their reading experiences, and meanwhile boosted their interest in reading and improved their reading comprehension ability. 2. When incorporating the strategy into teaching activities, the teacher as a facilitator observed the responses from students to modify the ongoing activities. 3. Discussions during reading provided a low-anxiety and supportive environment for students to express their opinions and construct meanings actively as well. 4. Although both high and low achievers made progress in their critical thinking and reading ability, the latter benefited more from the strategy than the former, for they developed more interests in reading as well as obtained higher confidence in themselves through the strategy. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for future studies are also included at the end of the thesis.

高職英文教師對於字彙學習策略融入教學的信念與實踐 / Vocational High School English Teachers' Beliefs and Practices in Integrating Vocabulary Learning Strategies into Their Instruction

廖乙驊, Liao,I hua Unknown Date (has links)
回溯過去的研究,教師信念對於其教學行為影響非常深遠,但是對於字彙學習策略融入教學這個議題,相關的研究仍然不多。本研究旨在探討高職英文教師對於字彙學習策略融入教學的信念還有實際的教學情形。文獻探討涵蓋字彙教學的發展、字彙學習策略的理論以及教師信念與實踐。 本研究所蒐集到的有效問卷為二百零一份,研究的對象為台灣的高職英文教師。研究方式採用量化的教師問卷佐以質性的教師訪談。共有八位教師參與本研究的訪談。訪談的內容經過整理分析,用來解釋或補充問卷統計的結果。分析問卷時,採用的統計方法有描述性統計、相關係數、單因子變異數分析。本研究的主題如下:(一) 教師信念及教學情形:分別以認知策略、社會策略、後設認知以及學習媒介等策略來探討、(二)教師信念與其實踐情形是否符合,與造成兩者之間不相符的可能原因以及(三)探討影響教師信念與實踐的各種因素。 本研究的主要發現是: 1. 教師對於字彙學習策略融入教學抱持相當正面的態度,而實踐程度是中低等以上。 2. 由於統計顯示教師信念和實踐是正相關,教師實踐和他們的信念大致符合,不過教師所面臨的一些問題如教學時數限制、學生動機、教科書的設計、資源不足等會使他們無法完全遵照其信念於教學。 3. 一些因素如教學年資、教師學歷、學生程度、英語教學時間長短、教師是否參加字彙相關研習,以及是否接觸學習策略相關的研究報告等確實會影響教師的教學信念與實踐。 本研究有助於了解高職英文教師對於字彙學習策略融入教學的信念以及他們實踐的情形,希望能夠提升老師對於策略教學的覺知。研究者對於英文教師、師資培育機構、教育部還有教師書出版社提出建議改善之道,期望能進一步提升高職的英語教學。 / Although research has shown that teacher beliefs play a decisive role in teachers’ instructional judgments and decisions, their beliefs and practices in integrating vocabulary learning strategies have not gained enough attention in the recent English educational forum. This study aimed to explore what attitudes vocational high school English teachers held toward the instruction of vocabulary learning strategies and their practices of the beliefs. Literature review ranged from vocabulary instruction, vocabulary learning strategies to teachers’ beliefs and practices. The participants of this study were vocational high school teachers in Taiwan. The data collection instruments were questionnaire and interview. The former provided mainly quantitative data and the latter qualitative data. A total of 201 valid questionnaires were analyzed and computed by means of descriptive statistics, correlation, t-test and one-way ANOVA. Eight teachers were contacted for the follow-up interviews. Their interview results were utilized to further support and explain the questionnaire data. There were three issues investigated in this study. The first one was teachers’ beliefs and practices in integrating vocabulary learning strategies into their instruction. Teachers’ beliefs and practices of cognitive strategies, social strategies, multiple sources, and metacognitive strategies were discussed. The second was the consistency and inconsistency between teachers’ beliefs and their practices and the possible problems that might cause the inconsistency. The third one was influential factors that affected teachers’ beliefs and practices. Based on the results of the study, major findings were summarized. First, teachers approved highly of the integration of vocabulary learning strategies and the frequency of their practices ranged from low to high. Second, based on the significant correlation of teachers’ beliefs and practices, the relationship was generally consistent. However, teachers were not able to teach what they believed completely. Some of the strategies revealed larger gap due to the problems from the curriculum, students’ motivation, textbook design and teachers’ preparation. Third, variables such as teachers’ teaching experience, educational background, students’ BCT test score, instructional time, teachers’ attendance of workshops and their exposure to related research were found to be significant in affecting teachers’ beliefs and practices. It is hoped that the study can contribute to more understanding of vocational high school teachers’ beliefs and practices in vocabulary learning strategies. Teachers may inspect their teaching process and raise the awareness of integrating vocabulary learning strategies into their teaching. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher further made suggestions to English teachers, teacher education institutes, the Ministry of Education and the textbook publishers. Results of this study might help enhance English teaching in vocational high schools.

桃園縣高中職學校教育人員對學校行銷策略認知及其運作之研究 / A Study on the Understanding and Operation of Marketing Strategies Concerning Education Administrators in Senior and VocationaHigh High Schools in Taoyuan County

陳樂斌, Chen,.Le Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討,桃園縣高中職學校行銷制度及現況、學校教育人員對行銷策略認知與運作情形、執行學校行銷之困境。有效樣本數445人,回收率為75.4%,利用問卷調查法,透過統計分析,得出本研究結果如下: 一、桃園縣高中職教育人員,對校行銷單位編制不甚瞭解,且各校大都未設置負責行銷工作之專責單位。 二、推動學校行銷的最理想方式傾向於設置專責之行銷業務單位。 三、推展學校行銷的最主要內容為營造良好的學習環境及教學設施特色。 四、學校行銷主要推廣主要對象為,本校家長會及學生家長級及本縣國民中學成員。 五、學校行銷首要功能在於有利籌募校務發展基金或經費,拓展學生來源並招收到優秀學生,提升學校整體知名度及形象。 六、學校辦理有關行銷活動中,以建置網頁公告訊息與特色,赴各國中演講和宣傳,發行刊物宣傳教學成果與活動最有成效。 七、學校教育人員普遍肯定學校行銷策略的重要性。 八、學校行銷策略層面的重要性認知與實際運作看法之間有明顯的落差,其中以產品策略落差最大。 九、不同背景變項在整體學校行銷策略重要性與學校實際運作認知程度的差異情形。 (一)男性教育人員,對學校行銷策略重要性認知得分顯著大於女性。 (二)對學校整體行銷策略認知重要性與實際運作,參加過行銷研習之教育人員的態度較未參加者積極。 (三)對學校整體行銷策略略認知重要性與實際運作,私立學校得分顯著大於公立學校,顯示私立學校比公立學校重視學校行銷工作。 (四)擔任或曾任行政工作年資「16年以上」的教育人員,對學校行銷策略重要性認知得分顯著高於行政年資「5年以下」、「6-10年」、「11至15年」的教育人員。 (五)教師兼行政工作者,對學校整體行銷策略實際運作,得分上顯著高於擔任「導師」職務的教育人員。 十、執行行銷策略上,遭遇的主要困境為缺乏專責單位的運作機制或專業的行銷人員,行政人員業務繁雜無暇兼顧策劃推動行銷活動,缺乏推展學校行銷之經費。 / The major purpose of this study is to examine the marketing system and current conditions in senior and vocational high schools in Taoyuan County, the importance of the marketing strategies and its actual operation, and the schools’ difficulties in putting the marketing strategies into practice. Testing was conducted with the sampling of 445 subjects, and 75.4% of the questionnaires were returned. With the questionnaire as the research method, the data were subsequently analyzed with statistical means, and the conclusions were as follows: 1.The education personnel in senior and vocational high schools in Taoyuan County do not understand very well about the organization of the marketing department, so almost every school has not set up a marketing department. 2.To promote a school, the idealist way lies in the tendency to establish a new marketing department. 3.The major content of promoting school marketing is to build a satisfactory learning environment with satisfying teaching facilities. 4.The major targets of school promotion and marketing are: parents and parents association, and all of the junior high school students in Taoyuan County. 5.The major functions of the school marketing are to help raise school funds, to increase the source of new members of the students, to recruit outstanding students in this county, and to promote the image and the satisfaction regarding the school identification. 6.The most effective items in the schools’ marketing activities are establishing a school website as a communication platform, giving a promotion address in junior high schools, and issuing a publication to promote effective teaching activities. 7.The education personnel generally understand and recognize the importance of the school marketing strategies. 8.There is a distinct difference between the understanding of the importance of the school marketing strategies and the actual operation, especially in “product strategy.” 9.Different backgrounds create differences in understanding the importance of the overall school marketing strategies and in the actual operation. (1)The scores of the male education personnel are higher than those of the female education personnel in understanding the importance of school marketing strategy. / (2)Concerning the overall school marketing strategy and the actual operation, the education administers who have participated in marketing seminars are more positive than those who haven’t. (3)Concerning the overall school marketing strategy and the actual operation, the scores of the private schools are significantly higher than those of the public schools, showing private schools put more emphasis on school marketing than public schools. (4)In understanding the importance of school marketing, the senior education personnel with “more than 16 years’ history” of having participated in the administration department obtain higher scores than those having participated in the administration department but with the history of “less than 5 years”, “more than 6 years but less than 10 years”, and “more than 11 years but less than 15 years”. (5)Concerning the overall school marketing strategy and the actual operation, the teachers working as administrators at the same time obtain obviously higher scores than the ones working as homeroom teachers. 10.The major difficulties in executing the marketing strategies are : “the schools lack professional marketing department or marketing personnel to take charge of the marketing affairs,” “teachers working in the administration department are occupied with their own school business and don’t have enough time to participate in promoting the school marketing activities,” and “the schools lack the budget to promote school marketing.” Keywords: senior and vocational high schools, marketing, school marketing, school marketing strategy

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