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桃園縣國中小學生再度中輟問題之探討游貿仁 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 少子化的情況開始發酵,影響各國小新生報到人數,幾年後勢必將影響到國中的學生結構。
二、 都市地區的學生數量明顯多於鄉村地區,但是中輟人數並沒有比較多。
三、 以往男生中輟人數比較多,但近幾年來,女生中輟人數明顯的成長。
四、 國中階段的學生因體格、想法等方面的轉變,使得中輟人數較國小階段超出許多。
五、 家庭結構不完整或者具有原住民血統的學生,本身是中輟的高危險群,如果在國中階段不多加留意費心,很容易「一輟再輟」,難以回頭。
六、 協助中輟生復學需多管齊下,如:警政單位協尋中輟學生、各鄉鎮市的強迫入學委員會確實督導且學校安排適性課程,加強輔導,俾能使復學成效事半功倍。
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高職「中輟未復學生」及「中輟後復學生」中輟社會因素之比較研究林虹君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究希冀研究結果能提供各界參考高職學生中輟之共同特點、因素,使教育單位越加重視高職學生之就學情況,莫因高職教育非義務教育,就如此忽視他們的中輟情形,致使高職生在中輟之後就一去不復返,沒有任何單位追蹤、了解其後的動向,導致中輟生之低學歷、低工作地位,而造成日後社會的負累。 / Dropout issue have been highly valued in the educational sociology for decades of years. While dropouts are normally regarded as the “outside system” ones comparing with students who are still inside the system of compulsory education, the dropouts who depart the non-compulsory education are less discussed. This study therefore demonstrates the problems after their suspension of schooling and tries to find the social factors that influence their decisions of dropouts.
Thirty dropouts are selected in this research from Nation Keelung Maritime School and defined as “resume” and “non-resume” ones. They are analyzed throughout their family structure, family income, social status, majors, and social network bonding by the comparison between these two groups.
Moreover,this research represents the non-resume dropouts’ working adaptation after their suspension, and the re-adoption of schooling those who chose to resume. This thesis is aimed to appeal attention on the suspension problems especially in the non-compulsory educational system and provide elaborating information for the Taiwan education.
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國中補校學生中輟原因及其因應策略之研究 / A Study on the Causes of Drop - out and the Corresponding Tactics of Students in the Middle School蔡朝來 Unknown Date (has links)
六、在國中補校學生中輟的因應策略上,教師及學生的看法頗為一致。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the cause of dropouts among junior high school extention school (JHSES) students, their related variables and the coping strategies to such dropouts. Methology of research document analysis and questionnaires were performed in the 100-102 school year. Among 30 JHSES in New Taipei City, 17 enrolled in the questionnaire. Following important conclusions were obtained from data collected:
1. Factors influencing JHSES student dropout are diverse and complex, involving work, family, self-identity, physical, psychological and school, among others.
2. Most important factor of JHSES dropout is work and family.
3. School is least influential in the JHSES dropout.
4. JHSES dropout with different personal background is most effected by gender, age, marital status and residential areas.
5. Improvement of teacher instruction should be regarded as most important and immediate strategy, supplemented by strengthening student counseling, improving environment and equipment, adjusting curriculum content, etc.
6. Teacher and student views are consistent in the strategies to improve dropout in JHSES.
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國民中學中輟學生返校復學成功案例之研究---以臺北縣某國中為例池旭臺 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究針對上述研究發現加以討論,並提出具體性建議,供各國民中學輔導中輟復學生之參考,及未來後續研究之建議。 / The purpose of this research is to discuss the successful cases of drop out junior high school students to go back to school, and the four major research purposes are: 1. Analyzing the reasons and process for drop out school students to go back to school; 2. Discussing the needs of them; 3. Realizing school’s arrangement measures and difficulty in assisting them; 4. Analyzing the assistance strategy that assist them successfully, and propose to junior high schools as the reference to assist them.
The research methods are semistructured interviewing and qualitative research of focus group. First step is to discuss the theory relevant to this research and relevant researches by literature, and as the basis of the framework of thesis research. The research objects are 8 drop out school students of one junior high school in Taipei County; furthermore, two teacher focus groups are held to discuss factors relevant to drop out school students’ back to school.
The research results are concluded as below:
1. Reasons and process for drop out school students to go back to school
1.1 Stability effect of arrange them to original classes; 1.2 Designing warm and accepting learning environments; 1.3 Attraction of diploma; 1.4 Self-awareness of them; 1.5 Assistance from same generation group; 1.6 Improvement of family function; 1.7 Elimination of outside attraction.
2. The needs of them
2.1 Improvement of family function; 2.2 Teachers that could accept and tolerate them; 2.3 Identification, respect, care and tolerance from others; 2.4 Assistance in study; 2.5 Friends that could guide them positively.
3. Arrangement measures and difficulty in assisting them
Frequent arrangement measures by schools after they back to school:
3.1 Arrange them to original classes; 3.2 Offer project assistance system, such as inviting them to join assistance system, skill training class or class with high care; 3.3 Long term assistance by specialized assistance teacher 3.4 Introduce and transfer them to department of social welfare or nearby hospitals for assistance. For the difficulty in arrangement: 3.5 Teachers do not have enough specialized assistance knowledge; 3.6 Could not handle the best time for assistance; 3.7 Family function is not complete; 3.8 Disadvantage factors of school’s course design; 3.9 Social attraction is still high.
4. Assistance strategy that assist them successfully
4.1 Assist them to establish their psychology; 4.2 Establish consulting and assistance channel to help parents; 4.3 Provide teaching that could make them feel accomplished and develop their potential; 4.4 Establish emotion between teachers and students in daily life, and teachers shall treat all students alike; 4.5 (1) Hold the turning point, (2) Accompany them patiently and waiting them to become mature, (3) Set up goals with them; 4.6 Establishing their relation with same generation of positive example; 4.7 Family interview.
Finally, specific suggestions are addressed after the discussion of the above research results, and propose to junior high schools as the reference for assisting drop out school students and suggestion for follow-up researches.
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原住民大專中輟生學習模式之研究:南澳鄉碧候部落為例 / A Research on Learning Pattern of Aboriginal College Dropouts:吉渥絲˙拉娃, Ciwas.Lawa Unknown Date (has links)
中輟,一直是近年來被廣為討論的議題,特別是在台灣屬於少數民族的原住民,其就學的學生常因為許多不利的因素,造成其學業成就低落。因而原民學生中輟率,和漢人比較起來,比率較偏高。在台灣,礙於我國對義務教育的定義,對於原住民大專學生中輟的研究更是有限,並且多以如何促使原住民學生融入學校體制中的學習問題為主。類似的研究總是試圖引導原住民學生回歸教育主軸,因此筆者欲尋部落中與學習相關的生長過程,企圖追尋學生在部落中的學習價值、動機、內涵與教育體制所認定的學習兩者間落差為何。 / 部落學習的環境中,包括家庭教育、同儕學習、部落環境、社會環境。然而部落傳統學習方式下,學生學習習慣的養成過程及偏好,卻在一般研究其教育環節中隱而未現。筆者欲藉此論文看見以家庭教育、部落教育為主的中輟生生活面貌,企圖了解部落學習的樣貌。而這樣的學習是無法用簡單的因果導向為論文內容,因此本文切入角度十分多元由部落經濟、家庭教育、同儕關係、傳統文化學習、宗教信仰等面向述及,欲意探究碧候村原住民中輟生的輟學因素。本研究以歸因理論為架構,以質性研究為取向,採用半結構性訪談、深度訪談等研究方法,探討碧候部落原住民中輟生對自己輟學的歸因歷程。 / 並認為傳統學習與學校學習的落差,來自教科書內容,而其中隱而未現的是主流價值觀替代部落中實用導向的學習價值,教材中並早已決定何未有價值的知識,這與原住民從小生活價值學習取向相異甚鉅。以及學校同儕間與部落生長環境不同的人際互動,部落孩子的直言,與戲謔遊戲卻常引發學校體系師生對立情況,部落所慣於展示的群體力量,被看成是擾亂學校風紀挑戰師長權威的矩動。部落裡,以實用性為主的學習學習動機不同於漢人社會教科書所教導的取向,並且從小對自然理解、對生活需求的認知都是來自部落智慧而非書本式的課外讀物,自然而然對閱讀並不感到興趣。而這一切都是在做中學,並非像教科書先給予我們預防性的知識,這都是與部落學習差異處。 / 部落與補習班的距離,以及家中所可以提供的資源性,甚至部落的師資再再都展現部落學生在面對城鄉差距間學生的弱勢出外就讀後,人際相處模式或課業教與學的不同,所需獨立面對、承擔,甚至改變的各種習慣都是需要長時間調適的,並不若外界想像的容易,而這些弱勢還層遞著原住民世世代代對gaga生活規範的價值觀,何謂人生的價值,因此才造就中輟。 / 沒有祭典的部落,gaga的概念由傳統價值觀濡化基督宗教價值觀,例如,男女關係的保守,以及努力遵守gaga的人可以通過彩虹橋(今為基督教天堂),使得他們不想汲汲營營於書中的智慧,反而以遵守傳統規範為生活要點。這是源於過去歷史故事的集體記憶。而過去對人生的價值觀是人雖勤勞工作,但究竟不是主宰,一切耕耘的成果猶待神的賜予,所以在盡本份後,認為人事盡矣,其他的就只有期待神的裁判了。對部落社會和宇宙觀的典範都需遵守,尤其是兩性間更有嚴格的行為準則,對這些典範和準則如有違犯,也就是迫害整個群體的制序,違害全體安全,因此遵守人與人之間的一切準則,是其重要價值觀念所在。 / 這樣種種的價值觀,都是與社會大眾價值觀不同的。因此如何看見部落價值與主流價值的不同,進而幫助原住民學生可以肯定自己生活環境中,所賦予的價值觀,並在主流社會中自信的成長,是本論文的研究目的。筆者並企圖理清原住民之所以是原住民,不單單是因為血緣,更重要的是代代相傳的價值觀,這樣的價值觀來自家庭、同儕及部落。本篇論文所寄望的是幫助學校師長,連結原住民中輟原因的起源,進而看見多元文化的世界觀。 / 本研究已中輟學生訪談為主,也嘗試經由訪談部落學生的老師、家長和同學,以及部落中的耆老,企圖聯結受訪者對孩子的成敗歸因與中輟生的自我歸因之間的關係,以大致推論碧候部落原住民學生中途輟學的原因。研究的結果將可供關心原住民學童教育之家長、學校老師及教育單位參考。 / Over the past years, a lot of discussions have specially targeted on aboriginal dropouts. Because of many unfavorable factors, aboriginal students have poor academic performances. Compared with Han students, they are much more likely to drop out of school. However, few papers focus on aboriginal college dropouts. Such essays simply argue how to resolve their learning problems and call them back to the mainstream education system. I think otherwise. In their tribes, aboriginal students are cultivated and affected by its surroundings and its norms. They are influential but invisible in the learning process. What matters for aboriginal students is not only the genealogy but also the values passed down from generation to generation. In working on my paper, I aim to find out the relationship between what aboriginal students learn from their tribes and learning models of the current education system. My thesis takes dropouts of Pi-hou Tribe as an example and investigates such factors as tribal economy, family education, peer relationships, religious beliefs, and traditions learning. My study builds upon attribution theory, orients toward qualitative research, and adopts semi structure and in-depth interviews so as to explore Pi-hou-Tribe case. Finally, this paper can serve as a reference for those who are concerned with aboriginal dropouts in view of schooling education and as a starting point for further studies on related issues.
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發展性書目療法應用於國中中輟高關懷學生之研究─以嘉義市某國中資源式中介班為例 / A study on the application of developmental bibliotherapy for dropout high-risk students : the example of one junior high school in Chiayi city江瑋珉 Unknown Date (has links)
研究之結果,中輟高關懷學生經過十二次書目療法團體後,在青少年心理健康量表各向度有明顯的下降,顯示書目療法之「認同」、「淨化」、「領悟」架構有助於調節情緒,並達到改善其心理健康之狀態。 / "Development", "interactive" and "group bibliography" were implemented to this study. 5 male and 6 female students in the ninth grade were selected, including 4 students from midway-resources-class and 7 students with high risk. A total of 12 times bibliographic therapy group courses were conducted on weekdays, and the (MHSA-SA) was used as a research tool to collect 11 members before and after the bibliographic therapy courses , on "depression-tendency", "anxiety-tendency", "suicide-tendency", "impulse behavior", "mental disturbance" and other psychological conception of the percentage of changes in the course situation, and supplemented by interviews with information, analysis of bibliographic therapy group courses for dropout high-risk students psychological level and changes in behavior and influence.
The results of the study showed that the items of (MHSA-SA) had decreased significantly after 12 times of bibliographic therapy group courses, and the "identification", "catharsis" and "insight" adjust the mood, and to improve the state of its mental health.
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