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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台北市高職學生政治信任感之研究-學校社會化機制之觀察視角 / A Study on political trust of Taipei city vocational high school students: School as an agent of political socialization

李志強, Li, Chih Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的係由學校社會化機制探討台北市高職學生政治信任感,以及個人背景中性別、政黨偏好與政治信任感之關係。 本研究採問卷調查之量化研究方法,研究對象為台北市四所公立高職學生,使用的統計方法主要為次數分配、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關,以及多元迴歸分析。 經分析後主要研究發現: 台北市高職學生政治信任感普遍偏低,顯見其對於現今政府之施政績效並不滿意。  一、在個人背景部份,性別不會造成政治信任感差異;不同之政黨偏好與政治信任感則具有顯著差異。其中政黨偏好為「藍色」者政治信任感低於「綠色」及中立無反應;政黨偏好為「綠色」者政治信任感高於中立無反應及「都不喜歡」者;政黨偏好為中立無反應者高於「都不喜歡」者。 二、在學校社會化機制部分,申訴管道、學生自主性、年級等三項因素與政治信任感具有顯著差異。認為有申訴管道的學生其政治信任感較高;學生自主性愈高者,其政治信任感愈高;一年級較三年級學生具有較高之政治信任感。其他在學校控制度、教室民主氣氛、學校、科系等四部份,則與政治信任感間無顯著差異。 三、藉由多元迴歸分析,綜合考量申訴管道、學生自主性、年級以及政黨偏好四項因素,可看出申訴管道、年級以及政黨偏好對於政治信任感具有相當之影響,至於影響政治信任感高低之其他因素則有待進一步研究。 關鍵字:高職學生、政治信任感、性別、政黨偏好、學校、申訴管道、學生自主性、學校控制度、教室民主氣氛、年級、科系 / The purpose of this study aimed to understand the political trust of Taipei city vocational high school students by school as an agent of political socialization. Also, this study analyzed the relation among gender, party preference and political trust. The study employed quantitative approaches of questionnaire survey, and the subjects were the students of four Taipei municipal vocational high schools. Statistical methods included frequency distribution, t-test, oneway ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. Principal findings of the study were: 1.The political trust of Taipei city vocational high school students was universally low. It was obvious that nowadays the government did not make students satisfied. 2.In individual background, gender had no significant differences on political trust, but different party preference had significant differences on political trust. People whose party preference was “blue” had lower political trust than those whose party preference was “green” and neutrality with no response. People whose party preference was “green” had higher political trust than those whose party preference was “dislike” and neutrality with no response. People whose party preference was neutrality with no response had higher political trust than those whose party preference was “dislike”. 3.As for the school as an political socialization agent, grievance channels, student autonomy and grades had significant differences. Students who thought there were grievance channels at school had higher political trust. Students with higher autonomy had higher political trust. The first graders had higher political trust than the third ones. There were no significant differences between political trust and the four factors: school control, classroom democratic atmosphere, schools and majors. 4.By the multiple regression analysis of grievance channels, students autonomy, grades and party preference, there were influences among grievance channels, grades and party preference to a certain degree. As for other factors which influenced political trust, the further study needs researching. Keywords:vocational high school students; political trust; gender; party preference; school; grievance channel; student autonomy; school control; classroom democratic atmosphere; grade; major

應用短篇故事閱讀引導英語句型寫作 / Developing Sentence Writing through Short Story Reading

王姵涵, Wang, Pei Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣中部地區一所高級職業學校的27名三年級學生為對象,旨在探討利用課外時間應用短篇故事引導學生英語句型寫作的效果。藉由學習日記、教學觀察日記、以及訪談等質化研究方法收集資料,資料分析則以深入了解研究對象對於短篇故事教學的感受為目的,並於研究期間經由不斷反思與調整,以尋求更為實用可行的教學方法。本研究結果發現:一、短篇故事教學能更強化研究對象的句型寫作能力與學習動機;二、短篇故事教學的經驗對於研究者的課程設計能力以及教學技巧具有相當大的助益;三、經由不斷地反思與調整,研究者逐步發現了更為實用可行的教學方法;四、對於研究對象的句型寫作能力發展具有真正影響力的是他們自身的學習態度,而不是程度高低。根據上述幾點發現,研究者於文末總結出幾項研究重點與局限性,並對未來相關研究提出建議。 / Targeting 27 senior three students at a vocational high school in central Taiwan, this action research project used extracurricular activities to explore the effects of applying short stories on the development of learners’ sentence writing competence. By means of qualitative techniques, including learning logs, teaching logs and interviews, results were analyzed and interpreted with an attempt to have a profound understanding of the participants’ responses to short story teaching and to derive a more feasible approach through continuous reflections as well as adjustments. The findings concluded from the results included: 1) short story teaching could better enhance both the development of the participants’ sentence writing and their motivation; 2) the experience of short story teaching was beneficial for the teacher researcher’s curriculum design and teaching techniques; 3) a more feasible approach had been built through continuous reflections and adjustments; 4) it was not a learner’s proficiency level but his learning attitude that affected the development of his sentence writing during the teaching stages. Based on these findings, pedagogical implications and limitations of this project are proposed; in addition, recommendations for future studies are provided at the end of this thesis.

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