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ITC/USA 2005 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-First Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 24-27, 2005 / Riviera Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / The PAM representation was used to formulate a reduced-complexity detector for the Enhanced Flight Termination System (EFTS) whose performance is 5.6 dB better than limiter-discriminator detection when no phase noise is present and 3.4 dB better in the presence of expected phase noise in EFTS.
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Polymer Aids for Settling and Filtration of Oil Sands TailingsWang, Xiaoyan 06 1900 (has links)
Commercial Magnafloc 1011and in-house synthesized Al-PAM were used as flocculants for model tailings, laboratory extraction tailings and tailings from paraffin froth treatment unit. The polymers were tested for their flocculation ability in settling and filtration.
For model tailings, both polymers showed excellent ability to improve the settling and filtration performance. Magnafloc 1011 is found sensitive to overdosing, but Al-PAM is not sensitive to the dosage within the tested range.
For the laboratory extraction tailings, both polymers showed excellent ability to enhance settling. Al-PAM performed very well as a filtration aid. The moisture of the cake obtained from tailings derived from a low fines ore was 6.6 1.2wt% and that from a high fines ore was 16.9 0.8wt%. However, Magnafloc 1011 was found not effective as a filtration aid.
For the froth treatment tailings, Al-PAM improved the settling and filterability dramatically. Although the moisture of the cake obtained was 42.5wt%, no free water is seen visually in the cake. The solid cake is self-supportive and remains intact.
This class of Al-PAM polymers can provide an alternative approach for oil sands tailings disposal that can potentially eliminate tailings ponds. / Chemical Engineering Read more
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AFS and the Web - Using PAM for Apache for an authorized access to AFS filespace from the WebMüller, Thomas 12 December 2000 (has links) (PDF)
This are the slides of a talk held at the German AFS Meeting 2000 in Garching.
It deals with the using of PAM in the context of the apache web server
to allow authorized access to web pages housed in AFS filespace.
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Polymer Aids for Settling and Filtration of Oil Sands TailingsWang, Xiaoyan Unknown Date
No description available.
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Translokáza proteinů do mitosomů Giardia intestinalis. / Protein translocase in the mitosomes of Giardia intestinalis.Fixová, Ivana January 2012 (has links)
During the transformation of the bacterial endosymbiont into current mitochondria the protein import apparatus had to be created de novo. The reduced mitochondria (mitosomes) of the parasitic protist Giardia intestinalis represent unique cellular model for the examination of these fundamental transport processes. As the main objective of this project I will try to characterize the motor complex, which propels the protein transport, and also the translocation channel in the inner mitosomal membrane. To this aim I will exploit the presence of two membrane components Pam16 and Pam18, which were discovered in our laboratory, and which constitute the functional core of the motor complex. Based on the information from the analogous systems of yeast and mammalian mitochondria, these two components should physically interact with so far unknown translocation channel. In all other eukaryotes this channel is formed by a conserved protein Tim23. The absence of this protein in the genome of G. intestinalis suggests presence of completely novel, or maybe the original-bacterial protein. Having in hand this simplified mitochodrial model the project has potential to bring not only new data in parasite biology but also generate new information on the function and evolution of mitochondrial protein import. Read more
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Laboration för Administration av UNIX-lika system : LDAP och KerberosSellstedt, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete har varit att utforma enlaborationsinstruktion som förmedlar teori och kunskap omframförallt Kerberos, ett autentiseringssystem, och LDAP, enkatalogsystem. Arbetet försökte även bena ut vilka LDAPservrarsom är de vanligast förekommande bland företag ochorganisationer. Rapporten börjar med att behandla den teorisom krävs för att kunna implementera ett system somautentiserar användare via Kerberos och som tillhandahålleranvändarinformation via LDAP samt hur dessa kan kopplastill olika tjänster.Med hjälp av teorin implementerades ett system i virtuellmiljö med Ubuntu och utifrån denna implementation samtteorin utformades en laborationsinstruktion kring ämnet. Enenkät kring vilken LDAP-server som används på detillfrågades företag skapades och skickades ut tillslumpmässigt utvalda företag och visade att alla de tillfrågadeanvände sig av Microsofts Active Directory. Den visade ävenatt en tredjedel av de tillfrågade använde sig av Open Sourcevarianterav LDAP som just detta arbete fokuserar på.Slutligen konstateras att LDAP är den huvudsakligafokuspunkten för teorin och att om studenterna får grepp omLDAPs utformning och struktur faller många av de övrigabitarna på plats och underlättar förståelsen när de senareimplementerar systemet i praktiken. / The aim of this work has been to design a laboratoryassignment that conveys the theory and knowledge ofparticularly Kerberos, an authentication system, and LDAP,a directory system. The work also tried to sort out whichLDAP servers that are the most common among businessesand organizations. This work begins with treating the theoryrequired to implement a system that authenticates the uservia Kerberos and provides user information via LDAP andhow these can be linked to different services. With thisknowledge I implemented a system in a virtual environmentwith Ubuntu and based on this implementation as well astheory, designed a laboratory assigment on the subject. Aquestionnaire on which LDAP servers that are used by thequestioned companies were created and sent out torandomly selected companies and showed that allrespondents used Microsoft Active Directory. It also showedthat one third of respondents used the Open Source versionsof LDAP that this report focuses on. Finally the the reportconcludes that LDAP is the main focal point of the theory,and that if the students get a grip on LDAPs layout andstructure many of the other pieces will fall in place andfacilitate understanding when they later implement thesystem in practice. Read more
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 30-November 02, 1989 / Town & Country Hotel & Convention Center, San Diego, California / During high-power microwave (HPM) testing, where the item under test is subjected to power levels up to several thousand W/cm , the RF energy present will make typical 2 telemetry RF links useless. Therefore, other means must be used to retrieve the data during the tests. One method to accomplish data retrieval is to replace the RF data link with a fiber-optic link. This is done by replacing the transmitter with a fiber-optic transmitter on the sending end and the RF receiver with a fiber-optic receiver on the receiving end. Although this sounds simple, it is not always so. Solutions for PCM and FM-FM systems are relatively straightforward, whereas PAM systems present a unique set of problems. This paper addresses possible solutions for PCM and FM-FM and three possible solutions for PAM, one being by using a PAM-to-PCM converter.
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Cymodocea nodosa as a bioindicator of coastal habitat quality : an integrative approach from organism to community scalePapathanasiou, Vasillis January 2013 (has links)
The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) has encouraged considerable research on the development of water quality bioindicators. Seagrasses, that are highly sensitive to direct and indirect anthropogenic stress, and specified as quality elements from the WFD, have been at the center of this effort. In this study the use of Cymodocea nodosa, a widely distributed angiosperm in the Mediterranean Sea, as a bioindicator of anthropogenic stress was tested. Key biotic features of two meadows growing in locations of contrasting ecological status in the N. Aegean Sea, Greece, were sampled and analysed following a hierarchical designed approach. Plants from the degraded meadow (Nea Karvali) were found to have significantly (p<0.05) longer leaves, higher N and P (%) content and lower C/N ratio in their leaves than the less degraded-pristine (Brasidas and/or Thasos) meadows. The application of chlorophyll fluorescence as an easily measurable indicator of the anthropogenic stress has been tested before with limited success. This study, based on a large amount of measurements (ca.500 per meadow) carried out after a short acclimation period in the laboratory under constant temperature and irradiance conditions, showed significantly higher (p<0.05) ΔF/Fm’ and Fm values at plants from the degraded than from the pristine meadows. Three sets of laboratory 8-days experiments were carried out under optimal growth temperature (21±1.5oC) in order to investigate cause-effects relationships between the main local stressors (nutrients-N, P, irradiance and heavy metal-Cu) to shoots collected from differently impacted meadows. High nutrient concentrations (30μΜ Ν-ΝΟ3; 2μM P-PO4) had a significant effect (p<0.05) on ΔF/Fm’ only on shoots from the pristine site. Low irradiance (37 μmol photons m-2 s-1) resulted in a significant increase (p<0.05) of ΔF/Fm’, while high copper concentrations (>4.7 μM) had the opposite effect. Through these experiments light availability and nutrients were identified as the main factor that affects the meadows health. Read more
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Systemutvärdering i tillämpning : erfarenhet och riktlinjer för utvärdering av informationssystem. / System Evaluation of the application : experience and guidelines for the evaluation of information systems.Can, Tuba, Citak, Habibe January 2009 (has links)
System är för att stödja samarbete, samordning av arbetsinsatser och medvetenhet ombland annat organisationens gemensamma mål.För att hantera komplexa verksamhetsprocesser har metoder och applikationer tagitsfram. Många av dagens system har dock allvarliga problem, en hel del forskning harutförts kring design av system, men utvärdering av sådana system är betydligt mindreundersökta. Det beror på till stor del att det inte finns många enkla och praktiskametoder som kan användas av samtliga.Det finns företag som väljer att investera i systemutvärdering för att effektivisera arbetetoch anpassa verksamheten till nya förutsättningar.Huvud syftet med denna uppsats var att ta reda på hur systemutvärderingen utförs samtta fram riktlinjer för systemutvärdering. Även att ta fram vilka utvärderingsmetoder somanvänds för att utvärdera ett system inom olika verksamheter.För att åstadkomma till resultat har vi använd oss av bland annat delfrågan ”hur bör ensystemutvärdering vara utformad”.Enligt våra intervjupersoner är ordningen av systemutvärdering olika, att man fåranpassa sig till kunden. Man kan inte använda samma metod för alla kunder.Vilket är en av vårt resultat att en metod inte använd hos alla kunder vilket ocksåbetyder att det inte finns bara en metod vid systemutvärdering.Ett annat resultat av forskningen var att det växer fram olika metoder samt modellersom man använder sig av under systemutvärderingen t.ex. PPS har tagits fram avföretaget Pulsen. En bra systemutvärdering bör ha bra kravspecifikation och en brametod som borde vara anpassad till kunden. Att genomföra systemutvärdering iverksamheten är en komplex och svår uppgift som kräver en god genomförandeplanering och styrning.I denna uppsats presenteras ett flertal kritiska faktorer som förekommer vidsystemutvärdering. Vi anser att det är viktigt att känna till dessa för att lyckas medsystemutvärdering. Uppsatsen bygger till största delen på den empiriskaundersökningen som ger förståelse för hur systemutvärdering kan se ut i verkligheten. Read more
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Propuesta para la regulación jurídica de pasivos ambientales mineros: casos de relaves de Chañaral y AnadacolloToro Araos, Daniela Andrea January 2017 (has links)
Tesis (Magister en Derecho Ambiental) / Actividad Formativa equivalente a tesis (AFET) / El abandono de faenas mineras en Chile, sin mayores regulaciones en el
pasado, ha ocasionado a través del tiempo la generación de pasivos
ambientales mineros (PAM), los que en algunos casos se conoce el dueño y en
otros no. Entre los años 2002 y 2014 se realizó un levantamiento y registro de
las faenas mineras abandonadas y/o paralizadas, cuyo resultado determinó que
en Chile existen en total 653 faenas, concentrándose cerca del 70% en norte de
nuestro país. Muchas de estas faenas presentan un riesgo para la salud de la
población y el medio ambiente, lo que puede provocar contaminación del aire,
agua, suelos, etc.
El Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN) en convenios
de Cooperación con países como Alemania y Japón, han realizado estudios
respecto al estado de las faenas mineras abandonadas y/o paralizadas,
centrándose en aspectos técnicos para evaluar el riesgo que éstas presentan.
Como resultado de una de estos convenios, se realizó un Anteproyecto de Ley
para el manejo de los PAM, el cual no prosperó. Este Anteproyecto, presenta
ciertos aspectos que pueden ser mejorados, sobretodo en temas relacionados
con la asignación de responsabilidades, el financiamiento, y el procedimiento de
Debido a lo anteriormente expuesto el presente trabajo pretende indagar en
el marco jurídico nacional y en experiencias internacionales, para determinar un
mecanismo que permita hacerse cargo de los PAM que presenten un riesgo
significativo para el medio ambiente y/o la salud de la población, previo a la
entrada en vigencia de la Ley 20.551 Read more
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