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Byggstopp 2013? : Vilken betydelse och påverkan har kontrollansvarigLans, Lisen, Stridh, Karolina January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka om ett byggstopp skulle kunna inträffa 2013, på grund av införandet av det nya begreppet kontrollansvarig. För att få en realistisk bild av frågeställningen genomfördes intervjuer och en enkätundersökning. Problematiken uppstod när den nya plan- och bygglagen (2010:900) (PBL) trädde i kraft den 2 maj 2011. Då infördes det nya begreppet kontrollansvarig för att stärka kontrollen och kvaliteten i byggprocessen. Lagen kräver certifierade kontrollansvariga och detta har gett upphov till vissa problem. Enligt Boverkets statistik gällande certifierade kontrollansvariga, kan man konstatera att det finns en risk att det uppstår en brist på sådana framöver. Nuvarande antalet certifierade är cirka 1500, dock uppskattar Boverket behovet till 4000 – 8000, för att undvika ett byggstopp. Baserat på dessa siffror, skulle det från och med idag behöva certifieras 15-30 kontrollansvariga per dag fram till 1 januari 2013. Med anledning av denna problematik skapades övergångsregler, som endast gäller fram till den 1 januari 2013. Våra respondenter upplever dock inte lilla antalet certifierade som finns idag, som ett så stort dilemma med tanke på övergångsreglerna som löper fram till och med årsskiftet 2012/2013. För att undvika ett byggstopp krävs att antalet kontrollansvariga ökar radikalt i den närmaste framtiden eller att en ändring av lagen, i detta avseende, sker. I studien presenteras dels olika förslag som framkommit under intervjuer samt vår uppfattning hur problemet skulle kunna lösas. En av de viktigare lösningarna skulle kunna vara en kombination av att införa arbetsansvarig samt en lättnad på kravet för vilka byggnader som kräver kontrollansvarig. En lättnad på kraven är endast möjligt om man i stället låter ansvarsbördan falla på entreprenören genom arbetsansvarig. Vidare framhävs byggnadsinspektörers, entreprenörers, kontrollansvariga och andra sakkunnigas åsikter i olika frågor som hjälpt oss komma fram till vår slutsats. Respondenternas svar tillsammans med övrig bakomliggande information har hjälpt oss fastställa en viktig slutsats; om ingenting händer kommer med all säkerhet ett byggstopp att inträffa.
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Medborgarinflytande i detaljprocessen : En jämförelse mellan PBL 1987 samt PBL 2010 ur ett demokratiperspektivLantto, Joni, Lehtonen, Henri January 2011 (has links)
In the year 2002 a commission wasappointed by the government and taskedto clear up possible flaws in the lawgoverning spatial planning (Plan ochbygglagen, PBL). The commission's reportlaid the foundations for a new law whichwas adopted by the Swedish parliament onthe 20th of June 2010 and is scheduledto come into effect on the 2nd of May2011.The purpose of this thesis has been toexamine the changes made in the new law,primarily from a civil-rights point ofview, focusing on the appeal process.This is a highly interesting subjectconsidering one reason behind the newlaw was to simplify and streamline theplanning process while keeping civilrights intact.Through a comprehensive literature studyand interviews with experts the currentplanning process was mapped out andrelevant changes in the new law wereexamined. After the study had beenconcluded we were able to distinguishseveral areas that underwent especiallyinteresting changes;The requirement of a plan program wasremoved and the exhibition process wasremoved and replaced by a writtenreview. Individuals were given thepossibility of requesting a plan notice.The different spatial plan documentswere merged into one single document andthe number of responsible authoritiesfor spatial plans is no longer limitedto one.The study has shown that the aspirationfor a more effective spatial planningprocess has mostly been conducted at theexpense of individual rights.The single biggest obstacle forachieving a democratic planning processis learning how the law works and howthe spatial planning process isimplemented, this is has been proven tobe a very hard and time consuming taskfor individuals to undertake.
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PBL som didaktisk metod i vuxenutbildning - Tutorers upplevelserAllgulander, Christina January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet har varit att belysa PBL som didaktisk metod genom att undersöka hurtutorer upplever denna. Jag har genomfört åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med tutorer vid läkarutbildningen i Lund. Sammanfattningsvis pekar resultatet av min undersökning på att PBL-metoden är en lämplig didaktisk metod på läkarutbildningen i Lund. De flesta tutorer tycker också att studenterna är positivt inställda till metoden och att de tar ett stort ansvar försitt lärande. Gruppdynamiken och grupprocessen har mycket stor inverkan och betydelse för PBL-arbetet och den sociala processen spelar en framträdande roll för tutorernas positiva upplevelser av sin yrkesroll. Dessutom kan jag konstatera att PBL-metoden innebär många positiva upplevelser för tutorer och att metoden har ett stort didaktiskt värde.Nyckelord: Basgrupper, gruppdynamik, grupprocess, kommunikation lärandeprocess, PBL, tutorer.
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Kontrollplan för nybyggnation av ett flerbostadshus / Inspection plan for the construction of a multi-family residential buildingLundmark, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
In the construction sector, errors, damages, and deficiencies in buildings often occur, and are estimated to result in significant economic costs of up to 111 billion Swedish kronor annually in Sweden. Addressing these errors also has ecological consequences in terms of inefficient use of materials and resources. The purpose of this work is to investigate the critical aspects of constructing a multi-family residential building and to examine the requirements of the Planning and Building Act for an inspection plan. The goal is to create a template for an inspection plan for the construction of a multi-family residential building with comprehensive checks to minimize the risk of these errors, deficiencies, and damages. The standard building in the inspection plan is a multi-family residential building with a concrete frame and a slab-on-grade foundation. The work has resulted in a template for an inspection plan for the standard building, containing 35 checkpoints covering 8 of the 11 technical performance requirements. The checkpoints refer to relevant regulations and requirements in the Swedish Building Regulations (BBR) and the National Board of Housing, Building, and Planning Construction Regulations (EKS), and describe the nature of the checks, who is responsible for them, and when they should be carried out. The conclusion of this work is that an inspection plan with comprehensive checks is time-consuming and complicated to establish, as it must be adapted based on the competence possessed by the developer's organization. The time and effort involved in creating a detailed inspection plan may be worth the investment, as there are economic and environmental benefits in preventing errors and damages. / Inom byggsektorn förekommer ofta fel, skador och brister på byggnader och uppskattas ge stora ekonomiska kostnader upp mot 111 miljarder kronor årligen i Sverige. Att åtgärda dessa fel har även ekologiska konsekvenser med avseende på ineffektiv material- och resursanvändning. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vilka de kritiska momenten är för en nybyggnation av ett flerbostadshus samt undersöka vilka krav Plan- och bygglagen har för en kontrollplan. Målet är skapa en mall till kontrollplan för nybyggnation av ett flerbostadshus med omfattande kontroller för att minimera risken att dessa fel, brister och skador uppstår. Typbyggnaden i kontrollplanen är ett flerbostadshus med betongstomme och platta på mark som grundläggning. Arbetet har resulterat i en mall till kontrollplan för typbyggnaden innehållandes 35 kontrollpunkter som omfattar 8 av de 11 tekniska egenskapskraven. Kontrollpunkterna hänvisar till relevanta föreskrifter och krav i BBR och EKS samt beskriver vad kontrollen innebär, vem som ansvarar för kontrollen och när den ska utföras. Slutsatsen av detta arbete är att en kontrollplan med omfattande kontroller är tidskrävande och komplicerad att upprätta då den ska anpassas utifrån kompetens byggherrens organisation besitter. Tidsåtgången och arbetet med en utförlig kontrollplan kan vara värd investeringen då det finns ekonomiska och miljömässiga fördelar genom att förebygga att fel och skador uppstår.
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The introduction of problem based learning in Hospitality Management at the Central University of Technology, Free State, South AfricaDe Wet, M.A. January 2009 (has links)
Published Article / Problem-based learning (PBL) is a learner-centred strategy that can be used to achieve the objectives of Outcomes Based Education (OBE). The Hospitality management program has no evidence of a fixed learner-centred didactic approach such as PBL, E-learning or Resource-based learning (RBL). In considering PBL, we raised questions: Why PBL? To what extent are staff and learners prepared for PBL? What are the characteristics of the curriculum when implementing PBL etc? This paper highlights these and other questions. The outcome shows that principles of PBL are extremely applicable to Hospitality but that timetabling within the program is a concern.
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A self-report of university nursing students' competence in learning skills and processes as a result of problem-based learning.Bomvana, Nthabiseng Maureen 23 April 2014 (has links)
A Research Report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Nursing Johannesburg, 2013 / Problem-based learning is recognized as an appropriate teaching-learning strategy for the preparation and development of health professionals in South Africa. Four university nursing schools have adopted a problem-based learning (PBL) model for the design and implementation of their Bachelor of Nursing curricula. Problem-based learning is learning by facilitating the acquisition of knowledge and skills such as communication, team work, self-directed learning, problem-solving and critical thinking. Although competence is implied in students’ academic marks, it is not known how students feel about problem-based learning or whether they are satisfied with their PBL courses and how they view their own competence as a result of PBL.
The purpose of the study was to determine the level of undergraduate nursing students’ satisfaction with their problem-based learning course as well as their reported competence in learning skills and processes as a result of problem-based learning. A quantitative, descriptive survey was used to collect data. The study population consisted of all nursing students enrolled in the second, third and fourth year of the Bachelor of Nursing degree in the 2010 academic year (N=42). Students who agreed to participate completed questionnaires per year of study and per PBL course. The final number of questionnaires that were analysed amounted to 92 (n=92).
Data were analysed using STATA version 11. The results showed that overall, students were satisfied with the organizational aspects of their PBL course, facilitator expertise and quality of facilitation. They were less satisfied with facilitator attitude in the senior years of study. Students reported with certainty their competence in the learning processes and skills as a result of PBL; some senior students (16.3%) did not feel competent to access and use literature sources and to integrate information into and plan nursing care (17.3%). Students reported that PBL is useful, empowering, enlightening and felt that the structured use of core lectures and more practise opportunities would enhance their competence.
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Investigation of surface inhomogeneity and estimation of the GOES skin temperature assimilation errors of the MM5 implied by the inhomogeneity over Houston metropolitan areaHan, Sang-Ok 01 November 2005 (has links)
This study developed a parameterization method to investigate the impacts of inhomogeneous land surfaces on mesoscale model simulations using a high-resolution 1-d PBL model. Then, the 1-d PBL model was used to investigate the inhomogeneity-caused model errors in applying the GOES satellite skin temperature assimilation technique into the MM5 over the Houston metropolitan area (HOU). In order to investigate the surface inhomogeneity impacts on the surface fluxes and PBL variables over HOU, homo- and inhomogeneous 1-d PBL model simulations were performed over HOU and compared to each other. The 1-d PBL model was constructed so that the surface inhomogeneities were able to be represented within model grid elements using a methodology similar to Avissar and Pielke (1989). The surface inhomogeneities over HOU were defined using 30-m resolution land cover data produced by Global Environment Management (GEM), Inc. The inhomogeneity parameterization method developed in the 1-d model was applied to a standard MM5 simulation to test the applicability of the parameterization to 3-d mesoscale model simulations. From the 1-d simulations it was inferred that the surface inhomogeneities would enhance the sensible heat flux by about 36 % and reduce the latent heat flux by about 25 %, thereby inducing the warmer (0.7 %) and drier (-1.0 %) PBL and the colder and moister PBL top induced by greater turbulent diffusivities. The 3-d application of the inhomogeneity parameterization indicated consistent results with the 1-d in general, with additional effects of advection and differential local circulation. The original GOES simulation was warmer compared to observations over HOU than over surrounding areas. The satellite data assimilation itself would lead to a warm bias due to erroneous estimation of gridpoint-mean skin temperature by the satellite, but 1-d simulations indicate that the impact of this error should be much weaker than what was observed. It seems that, unless the already existing warm and dry bias of the MM5 is corrected, the inhomogeneity parameterization in the MM5 would adversely affect the MM5 performance. Therefore, consideration of the surface inhomogeneities in the urban area needs to be confined to the GOES skin temperature retrieval errors at the moment.
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Road Traffic Safety Problem Based Learning ModuleDavid, Iuliana January 2008 (has links)
Road traffic safety has increasingly become in need of educated road safety professionals, as the number of accidents in the World Health Organization member countries exceeds one million. The profession itself is transitioning from experience based decision making to empirical, theoretical and mathematical based solutions. However, road traffic safety is a multidiscipline, crossing over many fields and requiring a high degree of communication between different institutions. There are very few institutions that provide programs in the field; furthermore, they employ traditional lecture-based teaching methods. The traditional teaching environment does not fulfill the educational needs of future traffic safety professionals due to its rigidity and lack of problem solving exercises. An alternative method, namely problem based learning, is recommended as an alternative teaching method in this paper. The thesis is constructed in such a way as to develop a complete road traffic safety educational module at graduate and post graduate level. The theoretical basis on which a road traffic safety module is later built is presented in the first part of the thesis. Major concepts in road traffic safety, as well as problem based learning methods are investigated. In addition, a literature review SWOT analysis based on literature is conducted.The module development consists of establishing the road traffic safety learning goals for each segment in the module, appropriate assessment criteria and group work format. The module contains gradual difficulty level problems, starting from the easiest topic and easiest format (closed ended problem) and ending with the hardest topic and hardest format (open ended problem). The last section employs the SWOT analysis findings in the theoretical section to develop a SWOT analysis of the road traffic safety module presented in the thesis.
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Investigation of surface inhomogeneity and estimation of the GOES skin temperature assimilation errors of the MM5 implied by the inhomogeneity over Houston metropolitan areaHan, Sang-Ok 01 November 2005 (has links)
This study developed a parameterization method to investigate the impacts of inhomogeneous land surfaces on mesoscale model simulations using a high-resolution 1-d PBL model. Then, the 1-d PBL model was used to investigate the inhomogeneity-caused model errors in applying the GOES satellite skin temperature assimilation technique into the MM5 over the Houston metropolitan area (HOU). In order to investigate the surface inhomogeneity impacts on the surface fluxes and PBL variables over HOU, homo- and inhomogeneous 1-d PBL model simulations were performed over HOU and compared to each other. The 1-d PBL model was constructed so that the surface inhomogeneities were able to be represented within model grid elements using a methodology similar to Avissar and Pielke (1989). The surface inhomogeneities over HOU were defined using 30-m resolution land cover data produced by Global Environment Management (GEM), Inc. The inhomogeneity parameterization method developed in the 1-d model was applied to a standard MM5 simulation to test the applicability of the parameterization to 3-d mesoscale model simulations. From the 1-d simulations it was inferred that the surface inhomogeneities would enhance the sensible heat flux by about 36 % and reduce the latent heat flux by about 25 %, thereby inducing the warmer (0.7 %) and drier (-1.0 %) PBL and the colder and moister PBL top induced by greater turbulent diffusivities. The 3-d application of the inhomogeneity parameterization indicated consistent results with the 1-d in general, with additional effects of advection and differential local circulation. The original GOES simulation was warmer compared to observations over HOU than over surrounding areas. The satellite data assimilation itself would lead to a warm bias due to erroneous estimation of gridpoint-mean skin temperature by the satellite, but 1-d simulations indicate that the impact of this error should be much weaker than what was observed. It seems that, unless the already existing warm and dry bias of the MM5 is corrected, the inhomogeneity parameterization in the MM5 would adversely affect the MM5 performance. Therefore, consideration of the surface inhomogeneities in the urban area needs to be confined to the GOES skin temperature retrieval errors at the moment.
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Road Traffic Safety Problem Based Learning ModuleDavid, Iuliana January 2008 (has links)
<p>Road traffic safety has increasingly become in need of educated road safety professionals, as the number of accidents in the World Health Organization member countries exceeds one million. The profession itself is transitioning from experience based decision making to empirical, theoretical and mathematical based solutions. However, road traffic safety is a multidiscipline, crossing over many fields and requiring a high degree of communication between different institutions. There are very few institutions that provide programs in the field; furthermore, they employ traditional lecture-based teaching methods. The traditional teaching environment does not fulfill the educational needs of future traffic safety professionals due to its rigidity and lack of problem solving exercises.</p><p>An alternative method, namely problem based learning, is recommended as an alternative teaching method in this paper. The thesis is constructed in such a way as to develop a complete road traffic safety educational module at graduate and post graduate level.</p><p>The theoretical basis on which a road traffic safety module is later built is presented in the first part of the thesis. Major concepts in road traffic safety, as well as problem based learning methods are investigated. In addition, a literature review SWOT analysis based on literature is conducted.The module development consists of establishing the road traffic safety learning goals for each segment in the module, appropriate assessment criteria and group work format. The module contains gradual difficulty level problems, starting from the easiest topic and easiest format (closed ended problem) and ending with the hardest topic and hardest format (open ended problem).</p><p>The last section employs the SWOT analysis findings in the theoretical section to develop a SWOT analysis of the road traffic safety module presented in the thesis.</p>
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