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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestörte Homöostase von Inflammation und Antiinflammation bei Risikopatienten nach Herzchirurgie / standardisiertes Immunmonitoring zur Prädiktion infektiöser Komplikationen

Strohmeyer, Jens-Christian 08 February 2006 (has links)
Kardiochirurgische Eingriffe unter Einsatz der Herzlungenmaschine führen über die Sekretion proinflammatorischer Mediatoren im allgemeinen zu einer systemischen Entzündung (SIRS). Um das Ausmaß zu begrenzen, wird diese von einer systemischen Gegenregulation (CARS) begleitet, die mit zunehmender Ausprägung den Organismus anfällig für sekundäre Infektionen macht. Septische Krankheitsbilder zählen zu den häufigsten Todesursachen auf operativen Intensivstationen mit jährlichen Kosten in Milliardenhöhe. Gerade die Früherkennung ist klinisch von größter Wichtigkeit. Bei der Suche nach neuen Infektionsmarkern ist das Verständnis der immunologischen Grundlagen eine Grundvoraussetzung. In dieser Studie sollte untersucht werden, ob das Modell "systemische Immunaktivierung - Gegenregulation mit Immundepression - hohe Infektanfälligkeit" auf Risikopatienten nach Herzchirurgie übertragen werden kann. Außerdem sollte untersucht werden, ob ein standardisiertes Immunmonitoring in der Lage ist, bei diesen Patienten Infektionen frühzeitig vor klinischer Manifestation vorherzusagen, und ob diese neuen Immunparameter konventionellen Routine-Infektionsmarkern (SIRS-Kriterien, CRP) in ihrer diskriminativen Aussagekraft überlegen sind. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Modell an diesem Patientenkollektiv bestätigt werden kann. Die Immunaktivierungsmarker total-IL-8 (nach Erythrozytenlyse), PCT und ex vivo Elastase, sowie das antiinflammatorische IL-10 im Plasma und der Immunkompetenzmarker HLA-DR auf Monozyten zeigten am 1. postoperativen Tag ein hohes diskriminatives Potential, Infektionen im 6-tägigen postoperativen Verlauf vorherzusagen. Analysen der ROC-Kurven ergaben für HLA-DR eine AUC von 0,75, die AUC von total-IL-8 betrug 0,73, ex vivo Elastase erreichte 0,72, und PCT und IL-10 kamen jeweils auf 0,68. Dagegen konnten konventionelle Infektionsmarker nicht signifikant zwischen Patienten mit versus ohne postoperativer Infektion unterscheiden (CRP), beziehungsweise errechnete sich für 2 positive SIRS-Kriterien eine AUC von nur 0,66. Durch die bei einem solchen Patientenkollektiv erstmalige Verwendung hochstandardisierter Messverfahren (exakte Quantifizierung von Oberflächenmolekülen, semi-automatisches ELISA-System) wurde neben einer besseren Quantifizierung der gestörten Homöostase zwischen Inflammation und Antiinflammation eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die klinische Etablierung dieser neuen Marker geschaffen. Auf dieser Basis lassen sich früh identifizierte Risikopatienten adjuvanten Therapieversuchen zuführen. / Basically, cardiac surgery involving cardiopulmonary bypass leads to systemic inflammation (SIRS) by the secretion of proinflammatory mediators. In order to limit its extend, systemic inflammation is associated with systemic counter-regulation (CARS), which, under some circumstances, may lead to high susceptibility of the organism to secondary infections. Septic disease is among the most common causes of death in surgical ICUs, the costs are estimated at several billion Euros per year. The early diagnosis in particular is of great importance clinically. Understanding of the immunologic principles is a basic assumption with regard to finding new markers of infection. This study was performed to determine whether the model "systemic immune activation - counter-regulation and immune depression - high susceptibility to infections" could be transferred to risk patients after cardiac surgery. In addition, a standardized immune monitoring program should be examined regarding its ability to predict infection in this patient population before clinical manifestation. It should also be determined if these new parameters have more discriminative power than conventional routine markers of infection (SIRS, CRP). The results show that this model can be confirmed in this patient collective. On the 1st postoperative day markers of immune activation, total-IL-8 (after lysis of erythrocytes), PCT and ex vivo elastase, as well as anti-inflammatory IL-10 in plasma and the marker of immune competence, HLA-DR on monocytes, have high discriminative potential to predict infections during the 6-day postoperative course. AUCs of the ROC were 0.75 for HLA-DR, 0.73 for total-IL-8, 0.72 for ex vivo elastase, 0.68 for both PCT and IL-10. On the other hand, conventional markers of infection were not able to discriminate significantly between patients with infection versus those without (CRP), or they only had an AUC of 0.66 (for 2 positive SIRS criteria). By using well-standardised laboratory methods (exact quantification of surface molecules, semi-automatic ELISA-system), which were used for the first time in such a patient collective, an important basis for clinical establishing these new markers was created, in addition to a better quantification of the immunologic unbalance (inflammation versus anti-inflammation). Thus, it is possible to supply early identificated risk patients for adjuvant therapy trials.

Atuação no pelc-povos e comunidades tradicionais da UFSM: relações com a formação inicial em educação física / Action at slpc- traditional people and communities of UFSM: relation with initial education at physical education

Castilhos, Rosane Lorentz 22 June 2017 (has links)
The present master’s dissertation had as subjects matter the Sport and Leisure Program of City – Traditional People and Communities – Quilombolas and Rural of University Federal of Santa Maria (SLPC/TPC/UFSM) and initial education of teacher of Physical Education and Sport Centre (UESC) of institution concerned. The research aimed to understand how acting experience as social agents at SLPC/PCT/UFSM reverberated in initial education of Physical Education academics of UESC/UFSM. The justification has emerged of questions observed as integrant of Program management team, against intricacies faced by academics that yet in training process, would recruit study periods and meeting between themselves and with project coordination, in perspective to heal difficulties, to look for knowledge and consequently to qualify actions as social agents in communities involved. Methodological ways has characterized by a qualitative research as study of case, using semi-structured interviews as instrument for getting of searches sources with five participating academics of study and content analysis method (Franco, 2012) to analyse them. Through of this method, we found five categories: the choice of Physical Education course; initial education at Physical Education course of PEDC/FUSM; Quilombolas and rural communities; regent activities of social agents’ routine of SLPC/TPC and action legacies at SLPC/TPC/FUSM front initial education in Physical Education of PESC/FUSM. This way for concluding, even in the light of the points, which exhibited different ways of repercussion front initial education at PE of these academics, the view besides academic world is necessary. Because even these points has been relevant contributions for initial education, the inserts in SLP/TPC/FUSM also corroborate with learnings about to live in community, respect to diversity, overcoming adversity and to provide to these people that understanding their rights of citizens. / A presente dissertação de mestrado teve como suas temáticas de estudo o Programa Esporte e Lazer da Cidade - Povos e Comunidade Tradicionais - Quilombolas e Rurais da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (PELC/PCT/UFSM) e a formação inicial de professores do Centro de Educação Física e Desportos (CEFD) da referida instituição. E teve por objetivo buscar compreender de que modo a experiência de atuação como agentes sociais no PELC/PCT/UFSM repercutiu na formação inicial dos acadêmicos de Educação Física do CEFD/UFSM. A justificativa emergiu das questões observadas enquanto integrante da equipe gestora do Programa, frente aos meandros enfrentados pelos acadêmicos que ainda em processo de formação, recrutavam períodos de estudos e encontros entre eles próprios e com a coordenação do projeto, na perspectiva de sanar dificuldades, buscar conhecimentos e consequentemente qualificar as atuações como agentes sociais nas comunidades envolvidas. Os caminhos metodológicos se caracterizaram por meio de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo do tipo estudo de caso, utilizando as entrevistas semiestruturadas como instrumento para obtenção das fontes de pesquisa com os cinco acadêmicos participantes do estudo e o método de analise de conteúdo (Franco, 2012) para analisa-las. E através do referido método, chegou-se a cinco categorias: A escolha do curso de Educação Física; A formação inicial no Curso de Educação Física do CEFD/UFSM; As comunidades quilombolas e rurais; As atividades regentes da rotina dos agentes sociais do PELC/PCT/UFSM e Legados da atuação no PELC/PCT/UFSM frente a formação inicial em Educação Física do CEFD/UFSM. De modo a concluir, que mesmo mediante os pontos apresentados que esporam diversos modos de repercussão frente a formação inicial em EF destes acadêmicos, o olhar além do mundo acadêmico se faz relevante. Pois mesmo que estes pontos tenham sido contribuições relevantes à formação inicial, as inserções no PELC/PCT/UFSM também corroboraram com os aprendizados sobre viver em comunidade, o respeito a diversidade, a superação de adversidades e proporcionar a estas pessoas que conheçam seus direitos de cidadãos.

Feed-and-bleed transient analysis of OSU APEX facility using the modern Code Scaling, Applicability, and Uncertainty method

Hallee, Brian Todd 05 March 2013 (has links)
The nuclear industry has long relied upon bounding parametric analyses in predicting the safety margins of reactor designs undergoing design-basis accidents. These methods have been known to return highly-conservative results, limiting the operating conditions of the reactor. The Best-Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) method using a modernized version of the Code-Scaling, Applicability, and Uncertainty (CSAU) methodology has been applied to more accurately predict the safety margins of the Oregon State University Advanced Plant Experiment (APEX) facility experiencing a Loss-of-Feedwater Accident (LOFA). The statistical advantages of the Bayesian paradigm of probability was utilized to incorporate prior knowledge when determining the analysis required to justify the safety margins. RELAP5 Mod 3.3 was used to accurately predict the thermal-hydraulics of a primary Feed-and-Bleed response to the accident using assumptions to accompany the lumped-parameter calculation approach. A novel coupling of thermal-hydraulic and statistical software was accomplished using the Symbolic Nuclear Analysis Package (SNAP). Uncertainty in Peak Cladding Temperature (PCT) was calculated at the 95/95 probability/confidence levels under a series of four separate sensitivity studies. / Graduation date: 2013

Enabling intellectual property and innovation systems for South Africa's development and competitiveness

Sibanda, McLean 16 April 2018 (has links)
During the last two decades, there have been a number of policy and legislative changes in respect of South Africa’s intellectual property (IP) and the national system of innovation (NSI). In 2012, a Ministerial Review of the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) landscape in South Africa made recommendations to improve the STI landscape and effectively the national system of innovation. The study provides a critical review of drafts of the national IP policy published in 2013 as well as the IP Framework released in 2016 for public comment. The review of the IP and the NSI are within the context of the National Development Plan (NDP), which outlines South Africa’s desired developmental goals. South Africa is part of the BRICS group of countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). The South African economy is characterised by a desire to move away from being dependent on resources and commodities, to becoming a more knowledge based and innovation driven economy. It is hoped that such a move would assist the country to address some of the social and economic development challenges facing South Africa, as captured in the NDP. South Africa has a functioning IP system, but its relationship with South Africa’s development trajectory is not established. More particularly, the extent to which the IP system relates to the innovation system and how these two systems must be aligned to enable South Africa to transition successfully from a country based on the production of primary resources and associated commodity-based industries to a viable knowledge-based economy is unclear. The Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) provides that IP must contribute to innovation and to transfer of technology and knowledge in a manner that is conducive to social and economic welfare. Certain provisions set out the foundations of intellectual property systems within the context of each member state. This study has thus explored the complex, complementary and sometimes contested relationships between IP and innovation, with particular emphasis on the potential of an intellectual property system to stimulate innovation and foster social and economic development. The study has also analysed the interconnectivity of IP and innovation with other WTO legal instruments, taking into account South Africa’s positioning within the globalised economy and in particular the BRICS group of countries. The research involved a critical review of South Africa’s IP and innovation policies, as well as relevant legislation, instruments, infrastructure, IP and innovation landscape, and relationship with international WTO legal instruments, in addition to its performance, given the developmental priorities and the globalised economy. The research documents patenting trends by South Africans using European Patent Office (EPO), Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), United States Patents and Trademarks Office (USPTO) databases over the period 1996-2015. A comparative analysis of patenting trends amongst BRICS group of countries has also been documented. The study also documents new findings, observations and insights regarding South Africa’s IP and innovation systems. Some of these, particularly in relation to higher education and research institutions, are directly attributable to the Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and Development Act. More particularly, the public institutions are becoming relevant players in the NSI and are responsible for growth of certain technology clusters, in particular, biotechnology. At the same time, the study makes findings of a decline of private sector participation in patenting as well as R&D investment over the 20-year period. Recommendations are included regarding specific interventions to ensure coherence between the IP and innovation systems. Such coherence and alignment should strengthen the systems’ ability to stimulate innovation and foster inclusive development and competitiveness, which are relevant for addressing South Africa’s socio-economic development priorities. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.


Vice President Research, Office of the January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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