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Metal-cyclic hydrocarbon complexes were prepared in a laser-vaporization molecular beam source and studied by single-photon zero electron kinetic energy (ZEKE) and IR-UV resonant two-photon ionization (R2PI) spectroscopy. The ionization energies and vibrational frequencies of the metal complexes were measured from the ZEKE spectra. Metal-ligand bonding and low-lying electronic states of the neutral and ionized complexes were analyzed by combining the ZEKE measurements with density functional theory (DFT) calculations. In addition, C-H stretching frequencies were measured from the R2PI spectra.
In this dissertation, metal complexes of 1, 3, 5, 7-cyclo-octatetraene (COT), toluene, p-xylene, mesitylene, hexamethylbenzene, biphenyl, naphthalene, pyrene, perylene, and coronene were studied. For each metal-ligand complex, different effects from the metal coordination have been identified. Although free COT is a nonaromatic molecule with a tub-shaped structure, the group III transition metal atoms (Sc, Y, and La) donate two electrons to a partially filled π orbital of COT, making the ligand a dianion. As a result, metal coordination converts COT into a planar, aromatic structure and the resulting complex exhibits a half-sandwich structure. For the Sc(methylbenzene) complexes, the benzene rings of the ligands are bent and the π electrons are localized in a 1, 4-diene fashion due to differential Sc binding with the carbon atoms of the rings. Due to differential metal binding, the degenerate d orbitals split and the Sc-methylbenzene complexes prefer the low-spin ground electronic states. In addition, as the number of methyl group substituents in the ligand increases, the ionization energies (IEs) of the Sc-methylbenzene complexes decrease. However, Ti, V, or Co coordination does not disrupt the delocalized π electron network within the carbon skeleton in the high-spin ground states of the metal complexes. For group VI metal (Cr, Mo, and W)-bis(toluene) complexes, methyl substitution on the benzene ring yields complexes with four rotational conformers of 0°, 60°, 120°, and 180° conformation angles between two methyl groups. In addition, variable-temperature ZEKE spectroscopy using He, Ar, or their mixtures has determined the totally eclipsed 0° rotamer to be the most stable. When there are two equivalent benzene rings, the metal (Ti, Zr or Hf) binds to both the benzene rings of biphenyl, or the metal (Li) binds to one of the benzene rings of naphthalene. On the other hand, the metal (Li) favors the ring-over binding site of the benzene ring with a higher π electron content and aromaticity in pyrene, perylene, and coronene.
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Metal-hydrocarbon complexes were prepared in a laser-vaporization molecular beam source and studied by single-photon zero electron kinetic energy (ZEKE) and mass-analyzed threshold ionization (MATI) spectroscopy. The ionization energies and vibrational frequencies of the metal complexes were measured from the ZEKE and MATI spectra. Metal-ligand bonding and low-lying electronic states of the neutral and ionized complexes were analyzed by combining the spectroscopic measurements with quantum chemical calculations and spectral simulations.
In this dissertation, the metal complexes of mesitylene, aniline, cyclooctatetraene, benzene, ethene, and propene were studied. For each complex, different effects from metal coordination have been identified. Although metal-bis(mesitylene) sandwich complexes may adopt eclipsed and staggered conformations, the group VI metal-bis(mesitylene) complexes are determined to be in the eclipsed form. In this form, rotational conformers with the methyl group dihedral angles of 0 and 60° are identified for the Cr complex, whereas the 0° rotamer is observed for the Mo and W species. The unsuccessful observation of the 60° rotamer for the Mo and W complexes is the result of its complete conversion to the 0° rotamer in both He and He/Ar carriers. For group III metal aniline complexes, the ZEKE spectrum of each complex exhibits a strong origin band, a short M+-aniline stretching progression, and several low-frequency ligand based vibrational modes. The intensities of most of the transitions can be explained by the Franck-Condon (FC) principle within the harmonic approximation. However, the intensity of the low frequency out-of-plane ring deformation mode is greatly overestimated by the FC calculations and may be caused by the anharmonic nature of the mode. Although aniline offers two possible binding modes for the metal atoms, a п binding mode is identified with the metal atom over the phenyl ring. For Ce, Pr, and Nd(cyclooctatetraene) complexes multiple band systems are observed. This is assigned to the ionization of several low-lying electronic states of the neutral complex. This observation is different from the Gd(cyclooctatetraene) complex, for which a single band system is observed. The presence of the multiple low-energy electronic states is caused by the splitting of the partially filled lanthanide 4f orbitals in the ligand field. The ZEKE spectrum of the Gd(benzene) complex exhibits a strong origin band, whereas the spectrum of Lu(benzene) displays a weak one. The benzene ring is planar in the Gd complex, but bent in the Lu complex. Dehydrogenation and C-C coupling products are observed in the reaction of La atom and ethene/propene. For the La and ethene reaction, La(C2H2) and La(C4H6) complexes are identified. With propene, C-H bond activation leads to the formation of the La(C3H4) and H-La(C3H5) complexes, whereas the C-C coupling yields the La(trimethylenemethane) complex. In addition, the La(CHCCH3) and La(CHCHCH2) isomers of La(C3H4) are observed, which are produced by the 1,2- and 1,3-hydrogen elimination of propene.
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Estudo da fotoionização de radicais e reações íon-molécula de interesse planetário, através de radiação VUV síncrotron e laser / Études de la photoionisation de radicaux et de réactions ion-molécule d’intérêt planétaire avec du rayonnement VUV synchrotron et laser / Studies of radical photoionization and ion-molecule reactions of planetary interest with VUV synchrotron and laser radiationCunha de Miranda, Barbara Kelly 19 July 2011 (has links)
Ce travail a pour motivation de fournir des données expérimentales importantes pour l'interprétation de la chimie des ionosphère planétaires, en particulier pour le plus grand satellite de Saturne, Titan. On s'intéresse spécifiquement à la réactivité des espèces ioniques excitées. Cette thèse porte, d'une part, sur des expériences de préparation des cations (CH3+ et CF3+) sélectionnés en énergie interne par photoionisation VUV d'espèces neutres, et d'autre part, sur des réactions de cations sélectionnés en énergie interne avec des molécules, O+ avec CH4 et N+(3P) avec C3H4, C3H6 et C3H8.L'étude de la préparation des cations CH3+ et CF3+ sélectionnés dans des niveaux vibrationnels a été réalisée par la technique de coïncidence TPEPICO et du rayonnement VUV synchrotron à SOLEIL. Un spectromètre de type PFI-ZEKE qui permet d'atteindre une résolution de 0.84 cm-1 a été construit pour la réalisation d'études complémentaires avec le rayonnement laser VUV du Centre Laser de l'Université Paris Sud (CLUPS), à Orsay en France.Les expériences pour la détermination de l'influence de l'excitation du cation O+ (2S,2D,2P) sur sa réactivité avec le méthane ont été réalisées par les techniques de coïncidence TPEPICO et de guides d'ions. Elles ont été réalisées sur la ligne de rayonnement VUV DESIRS du synchrotron SOLEIL. Les études pour déterminer la constante de vitesse et les rapports de branchement entre produits des réactions de N+(3P) avec C3H4, C3H6 et C3H8 ont été réalisées par l'utilisation de la technique SIFT sur un montage de type commercial de petite taille à l'Institut de Physico-Chimie J. Heyrovský à Prague, en République Tchèque. / This work has the motivation to provide experimental data relevant to the interpretation of the chemistry of planetary ionospheres, particularly for the largest satellite of Saturn, Titan. Here we have a particular interest in studying the reactivity of excited ionic species. The first part of this work concerns the production of CH3+ and CF3+ state selected cations by VUV photoionization of neutral species and the second part, the reactions of state selected cations with molecules: O+ with methane and N+(3P) with C3H4, C3H6 and C3H8.The study of the preparation of the CH3+ and CF3+ cations in selected vibrational levels was performed by using the TPEPICO coincidence technique and VUV radiation at the french synchrotron, SOLEIL. A PFI-ZEKE spectrometer, that allowed us to obtain a resolution down to 0.84 cm-1, was constructed to conduct additional studies involving laser VUV radiation at the Laser Center of the University Paris Sud XI, at Orsay in France.Experiments to determine the influence of the O+ (2S,2D,2P) cation excitation on its reaction with methane were performed using the TPEPICO coincidence and the guide ion beam technique. These experiments were performed on the VUV DESIRS beamline at the synchrotron SOLEIL. Rate constants and products branching ratio for the reacion of N+(3P) with C3H4, C3H6 and C3H8 were measured with the SIFT technique in a small commercial apparatus at the Institute of Physical Chemistry J. Heyrovský in Prague, Czech Republic. / Este trabalho tem como motivação fornecer dados experimentais importantes para a interpretação da química de ionosferas planetárias, em particular para o maior Satélite de Saturno, Titan. Aqui temos o interesse específico pelo estudo de reatividades de espécies iônicas excitadas. Uma parte deste trabalho consistiu de experiências de preparação de cátions (CH3+ e CF3+) selecionados em energia interna via a fotoionização VUV de espécies neutras e de reações de cátions selecionados em massa e energia interna com moléculas (O+ com metano e N+(3P) com C3H4, C3H6 e C3H8).O estudo de preparação dos cátions CH3+ e CF3+ selecionados energia interna (vibracional) foi realizado pela utilização da técnica de coincidência TPEPICO com a radiação VUV do síncrotron SOLEIL. Um espectrômetro do tipo PFI-ZEKE que nos permite obter uma resolução de até 0.84 cm-1 foi construído para a realização de estudos complementares envolvendo a radiação VUV laser do Centro de Laser da Universidade Paris Sud XI, em Orsay na França.Experiências para determinar a influência da excitação do cátion O+ (2S,2D,2P) na produção de íons devido a sua reação com o metano foram realizadas com a utilização da técnica de coincidência TPEPICO e da técnica de guia de íons. Estes experimentos foram realizados na linha de radiação VUV DESIRS do síncrotron SOLEIL. Estudos de determinação de constantes de velocidade e dos produtos formados da reação N+(3P) com C3H4, C3H6 e C3H8 foram realizados a partir da utilização da técnica SIFT em uma montagem do tipo comercial de pequeno porte no Instituto de Físico-Química J. Heyrovský em Praga, na República Checa.
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Estudo da fotoionização de radicais e reações íon-molécula de interesse planetário, através de radiação VUV síncrotron e laserCunha De Miranda, Barbara Kelly 19 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail a pour motivation de fournir des données expérimentales importantes pour l'interprétation de la chimie des ionosphère planétaires, en particulier pour le plus grand satellite de Saturne, Titan. On s'intéresse spécifiquement à la réactivité des espèces ioniques excitées. Cette thèse porte, d'une part, sur des expériences de préparation des cations (CH3+ et CF3+) sélectionnés en énergie interne par photoionisation VUV d'espèces neutres, et d'autre part, sur des réactions de cations sélectionnés en énergie interne avec des molécules, O+ avec CH4 et N+(3P) avec C3H4, C3H6 et C3H8.L'étude de la préparation des cations CH3+ et CF3+ sélectionnés dans des niveaux vibrationnels a été réalisée par la technique de coïncidence TPEPICO et du rayonnement VUV synchrotron à SOLEIL. Un spectromètre de type PFI-ZEKE qui permet d'atteindre une résolution de 0.84 cm-1 a été construit pour la réalisation d'études complémentaires avec le rayonnement laser VUV du Centre Laser de l'Université Paris Sud (CLUPS), à Orsay en France.Les expériences pour la détermination de l'influence de l'excitation du cation O+ (2S,2D,2P) sur sa réactivité avec le méthane ont été réalisées par les techniques de coïncidence TPEPICO et de guides d'ions. Elles ont été réalisées sur la ligne de rayonnement VUV DESIRS du synchrotron SOLEIL. Les études pour déterminer la constante de vitesse et les rapports de branchement entre produits des réactions de N+(3P) avec C3H4, C3H6 et C3H8 ont été réalisées par l'utilisation de la technique SIFT sur un montage de type commercial de petite taille à l'Institut de Physico-Chimie J. Heyrovský à Prague, en République Tchèque.
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