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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Internal punishment : a psychoanalytical reading of F.M. Dostoevsky's 'Crime and Punishment' (1866), L. Rebreanu's 'Ciuleandra' (1927) and P. Ackroyd's 'Hawksmoor' (1985)

Ciofu, Natalia January 2018 (has links)
This doctoral thesis examines the representations and dynamics of crime and inner punishment in a range of European literary works of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: F.M. Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment (Преступлeние и наказaние, 1866), L. Rebreanu’s Ciuleandra (1927) and P. Ackroyd’s Hawksmoor (1985), while tracing the developments of crime fiction and the changes in criminal legal system over the span of one hundred and nineteen years. Utilising the methodology of comparative literature, I argue that the interiorized punishment - which I identify, after Foucault, as a new episteme - is a narrative thread that runs through all three novels, and informs much other writings in the same period. Informed by different socio-cultural, temporal, political, and stylistic backgrounds, each novelist utilizes distinct narrative techniques and strategies to configure their protagonists in such a way that permits the reader to get an insight into their psyches. The present study locates the literary tendency to fuse the character of the protagonist/hero and the perpetrator/anti-hero into one narrative entity and examines the literary representation of the factors that trigger the guilt or need for punishment in this entity. To this end, I focus on the narrative structure, temporal framework, geographical setting as well as the protagonists’ relations with other characters within the texts. The idea of self-punishment, its representations and manifestations, is explored through the lens of psychoanalytical theories of Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein, Jacques Lacan and Otto Rank. My psychoanalytical readings of the texts are furthermore complemented by the theoretical frameworks offered by Mikhail Bakhtinʼs theory of polyphony, Linda Hutcheonʼs account of historiographic metafiction and relevant philosophical perspectives such as Søren Kierkegaardʼs and Jean-Paul Sartreʼs existentialisms.

A internacionalização da educação superior no Brasil : um estudo de caso de alunos estrangeiros do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social/UFRGS

Feijó, Rosemeri Nunes January 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa o Programa de Estudantes-Convênio de Pós-Graduação (PEC-PG), promovido pela CAPES e CNPq, por meio do estudo de alunos estrangeiros contemplados com esta modalidade de bolsa, tomando o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social (PPGAS) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul como estudo de caso. Neste trabalho, contempla-se a perspectiva histórica do processo de internacionalização da educação superior e a influência do Protocolo de Bolonha no avanço da internacionalização no Brasil. Salienta-se que o PPGAS tem participado no processo de internacionalização desde o seu início. A investigação, baseada em 10 entrevistas, contempla o grau de relevância da formação científica na trajetória de vida dos alunos bolsistas beneficiados pelo PEC-PG. Parte-se da tomada de conhecimento do referido programa pelos bolsistas, suas motivações, experiências e aproveitamento acadêmico, assim como as implicações desta capacitação na sua inserção profissional e social, após a conclusão do curso nos países de origem, ou em sua permanência no Brasil. Os dados coletados indicam que os estudantes vêm em busca de formação em um programa de excelência e que essa expectativa se realiza: a experiência na Antropologia brasileira lhes trouxe novos aportes teóricos e metodológicos que não se faziam presentes na antropologia praticada em seus países de origem. Foram apontados alguns aspectos que poderiam facilitar a experiência de estudantes estrangeiros em Porto Alegre: orientação para entender a burocracia e as dinâmicas da Universidade, maior atenção e reconhecimento de suas experiências vividas no âmbito do PPGAS. Foram, também, apontadas dificuldades: o rigor do inverno e o preconceito racial na cidade de Porto Alegre. Entre alunos latino-americanos, há forte motivação de fixar residência e trabalhar no Brasil; entre os estudantes africanos, a busca por um ensino de qualidade faz parte de um projeto de vida motivado pelo desejo de retornar para promover o desenvolvimento de seu país. Estes egressos podem se tornar atores importantes nas parcerias entre instituições brasileiras e estrangeiras, com o potencial de ajudar na realização de acordos e eventos científicos, envolvendo a participação de pesquisadores de ambos os países. / This dissertation analyzes the PEC-PG, a scholarship program for graduate students) sponsered by CAPES (an agency of Brazil’s Ministry of Education) and CNPq (Brazil’s national science foundation), that targets foreign students. It takes the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGAS-UFRGS) as a case study. In order to do that, the research started by presenting a historical perspective of the process of internationalization of higher education and the influence of the Bologna Protocol in accelerating the internationalization of higher education in Brazil. The PPGAS-UFRGS has been involved in the process of internationalization since its beginning. This research, based on 13 interviews, shows the impact of scientific training for the life trajectory of students who got scholarships from PEC-PG. The interviews covered a number of issues, starting with how the students learned about the fellowship program, their motivations, experiences and academic achievements, as well as the implications of this training to their professional and social integration back in their countries of origin, upon completion of the course, or their stay in Brazil. The data collected indicate that students were seeking education in a program of academic excellence and, in this perspective, they have their expectations fulfilled: the contact with Brazilian Anthropology provided them with new theoretical and methodological approaches which did not exist in the anthropology practisced in their countries of origin. Students also pointed out aspects that could facilitate their experience as foreign students in Porto Alegre. Among others things, they report difficulty in understanding the dynamics of the University and a lack of recognition of their own experiences at the PPGAS. Other challenges were also pointed out, such as the rigors of winter and racial prejudice in the city of Porto Alegre. The research also shows that among students coming from Latin American countries, there is strong motivation to settle and work in Brazil, while among African students the quest for quality education is part of a larger project motivated by a desire to return and foster the development of their countries. These graduates may become important actors in partnerships between Brazilian and foreign institutions, with the potential to help in the accomplishment of scientific agreements and events, involving the participation of researchers from both countries.


Hilgendorf, Madison 01 January 2018 (has links)
Patients with liver disease have an increased risk for malnutrition because of side effects of the disease. The Nutrition Focused Physical Exam (NFPE) was developed for nutrition professionals to aid physicians in a nutrition-based diagnosis of malnutrition. The purpose of this study was to examine the NFPE for its validity in liver disease patients being evaluated for transplant. In addition, the NFPE was used to assess incidence and severity of malnutrition in end stage liver disease patients and compare these results to already developed malnutrition tools such as the Patient Generated-Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA), Triceps Skinfolds (TSF), Mid-Arm Circumference (MAC), Lumbar Index, and Total Psoas Muscle Area (TPA). The NFPE was found to be highly correlated with PG-SGA results. There was a weak correlation between the NFPE and the TSF, MAC, and Lumbar Index/TPA, except when comparing the bottom 25% quartile of the Lumbar Index to severe malnutrition using the NFPE. This resulted in a moderate correlation. The odds-ratio for hospital admission based on malnutrition and severe malnutrition were both extremely high (14.571, 18.857 respectively). These preliminary results reinforce the significance of the NFPE and the need for additional studies using this tool.

The Acquisition Of The Copula Be In Present Simple Tense In English By Native Speakers Of Russian

Antonova Unlu, Elena 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the acquisition of the copula be in present Simple Tense in English by native speakers of Russian. The aim of the study is to determine whether or not Russian students with different levels of English proficiency encounter any problems while using the copula be in Present Simple Tense in English. The study also identifies the domains related to the use of the copula be that appear to be most problematic for native speakers of Russian. To carry out the current research two diagnostic tests measuring receptive and productive skills related to the use of the copula be in Present Simple Tense in English were developed. The data were collected from three groups of Russian students who were in the first, fourth and eighth years of learning English. The data in each of the domains related to the use of the copula be in Present Simple Tense in English were classified under four main categories: (i) correct use, (ii) omission, (iii) misinformation, (iv) addition. Both, quantitative and qualitative analyses were used in the study. The results of the study indicated that all the native speakers of Russian who participated in the study had difficulties with the acquisition of the copula be in Present Simple Tense in English. The findings of the study revealed that along with the developmental mistakes/errors (i.e., omissions of the copula be and misuse of the forms of the copula be), which seem to disappear with the lasting exposure to English, there are other mistakes/errors in the performance of the native speakers of Russian which are persistent. Negative transfer at the morphological level and incomplete understanding and application of the rule are suggested as the underlying reasons for the persistent mistakes/errors made by the Russian learners.

Dostoevsky's French reception : from Vogüé, Gide, Shestov and Berdyaev to Marcel, Camus and Sartre (1880-1959)

McCabe, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
This history of Dostoevsky’s reception in France draws from critical responses, translation analysis, and the comparative analysis of adaptations as well as intertextual dialogues between fictional, critical and philosophical texts. It begins from the earliest translations and critical accounts of the 1880s and 1890s, such as Eugène-Melchior de Vogüé’s seminal moralist reading. It then traces modernist responses and adaptations from the turn of the century to the twenties. Existential readings and re-translations dating from the arrival of émigré critics and religious philosophers in the wake of the Russian Revolution are examined, assessing the contribution of these émigré readings to emerging existential readings and movements in France. Finally, French existentialist fiction is analysed in terms of its intertextual dialogue with Dostoevsky’s work and with speculative and critical writings of French existentialist thinkers on and around the philosophical reflections expressed in Dostoevsky’s fiction. By following specifically the existential and existentialist branches of Dostoevsky’s French reception, an overlooked aspect of the history of French, Russian and European existentialisms comes to the fore, reframed within a pivotal period in the history of European intercultural exchange, and of transmodal literary and philosophical discourse.

Hybrid forest modelling of Pinus Radiata D. Don in Canterbury, New Zealand

Pinjuv, Guy L January 2006 (has links)
During this study two models were developed to predict growth of Pinus radiata D.Don plantations in Canterbury, New Zealand. The first, CanSPBL(1.2), is a model for whole rotations of stands owned by Selwyn Plantation Limited in Canterbury. The second model, CanSPBL(water) is a hybrid growth model for the Selwyn estate in Canterbury that incorporates an index of root zone water balance over the simulation period. An existing stand growth and yield model CanSPBL was examined using a validation dataset of PSP measurements that were not used in model fitting. Projection bias was shown for mean top height, basal area per hectare, and residual stand stocking particularly for stands at elevations exceeding 450 metres. The new model, CanSPBL(1.2) showed an increase in precision of 4 - 46% over CanSPBL(1.0) at a stand level. The components of the stand model include mean top height, basal area per hectare, stems per hectare, and diameter distribution. The mortality model was made in conjunction with managers at CanSPBL to exclude catastrophic mortality events from model projections. Data used for model fitting was filtered using a mortality index based on the -3/2 power law. An examination of this model with an independent dataset showed little apparent bias. The new model, CanSPBL(water) was developed to include an index of water balance over the simulation period. Water balance estimates were made using a sub model for root zone water balance included in the hybrid physiological model 3-PG (Landsberg and Waring, 1997). The new model showed an increase in precision of 1 - 4% over CanSPBL(1.2) at a stand level (with the exception of the model for maximum diameter which showed a decrease in precision of 0.78%) using climatic inputs that included yearly variation. However the model showed increases of precision from 0.5 to 8% (with the exception of maximum diameter again, showing a decrease in precision of 0.13%) using long term monthly average climatic inputs. The components of the stand model also include mean top height, basal area per hectare, stems per hectare, and diameter distribution. The mortality model was also fitted with a data set filtered using a mortality severity index based on the -3/2 power law to exclude catastrophic mortality events. An examination of this model with an independent dataset showed little apparent bias. Two models to predict a one sided canopy leaf area index (LAI) of radiata pine stands in the Canterbury Plains of New Zealand were also developed. The models were fitted using non-linear least squares regression of LAI estimates against stem measurements and stand characteristics. LAI estimates were derived from digital analysis of fisheye lens photography. The models were kept simple to avoid computational circularity for physiological modelling applications. This study included an objective comparison and validation of a range of model types. The models CANTY (Goulding, 1995), CanSPBL(1.2) (Pinjuv, 2005), CanSPBL-water (Pinjuv, 2005), and 3-PG (Landsberg and Waring, 1997) were compared and validated with the main criteria for comparison being each model s ability to match actual historical measurements of forest growth in an independent data set. Overall, the models CanSPBL(water), and CanSPBL(1.2) performed the best in terms of basal area and mean top height prediction. Both models CanSPBL(water), and CanSPBL(1.2) showed a slightly worse fit in predictions of stocking than did the model CANTY. The hybrid model 3PG showed a better fit for the prediction of basal area than the statistically based model CANTY, but showed a worse fit for the prediction of final stocking than all other models. In terms of distribution of residuals, CanSPBL(1.2) had overall the lowest skewness, kurtosis, and all model parameters tested significant for normality. 3PG performed the worst on average, in terms of the distribution of residuals, and all models tested positively for the normality of residual distribution.

A internacionalização da educação superior no Brasil : um estudo de caso de alunos estrangeiros do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social/UFRGS

Feijó, Rosemeri Nunes January 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa o Programa de Estudantes-Convênio de Pós-Graduação (PEC-PG), promovido pela CAPES e CNPq, por meio do estudo de alunos estrangeiros contemplados com esta modalidade de bolsa, tomando o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social (PPGAS) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul como estudo de caso. Neste trabalho, contempla-se a perspectiva histórica do processo de internacionalização da educação superior e a influência do Protocolo de Bolonha no avanço da internacionalização no Brasil. Salienta-se que o PPGAS tem participado no processo de internacionalização desde o seu início. A investigação, baseada em 10 entrevistas, contempla o grau de relevância da formação científica na trajetória de vida dos alunos bolsistas beneficiados pelo PEC-PG. Parte-se da tomada de conhecimento do referido programa pelos bolsistas, suas motivações, experiências e aproveitamento acadêmico, assim como as implicações desta capacitação na sua inserção profissional e social, após a conclusão do curso nos países de origem, ou em sua permanência no Brasil. Os dados coletados indicam que os estudantes vêm em busca de formação em um programa de excelência e que essa expectativa se realiza: a experiência na Antropologia brasileira lhes trouxe novos aportes teóricos e metodológicos que não se faziam presentes na antropologia praticada em seus países de origem. Foram apontados alguns aspectos que poderiam facilitar a experiência de estudantes estrangeiros em Porto Alegre: orientação para entender a burocracia e as dinâmicas da Universidade, maior atenção e reconhecimento de suas experiências vividas no âmbito do PPGAS. Foram, também, apontadas dificuldades: o rigor do inverno e o preconceito racial na cidade de Porto Alegre. Entre alunos latino-americanos, há forte motivação de fixar residência e trabalhar no Brasil; entre os estudantes africanos, a busca por um ensino de qualidade faz parte de um projeto de vida motivado pelo desejo de retornar para promover o desenvolvimento de seu país. Estes egressos podem se tornar atores importantes nas parcerias entre instituições brasileiras e estrangeiras, com o potencial de ajudar na realização de acordos e eventos científicos, envolvendo a participação de pesquisadores de ambos os países. / This dissertation analyzes the PEC-PG, a scholarship program for graduate students) sponsered by CAPES (an agency of Brazil’s Ministry of Education) and CNPq (Brazil’s national science foundation), that targets foreign students. It takes the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGAS-UFRGS) as a case study. In order to do that, the research started by presenting a historical perspective of the process of internationalization of higher education and the influence of the Bologna Protocol in accelerating the internationalization of higher education in Brazil. The PPGAS-UFRGS has been involved in the process of internationalization since its beginning. This research, based on 13 interviews, shows the impact of scientific training for the life trajectory of students who got scholarships from PEC-PG. The interviews covered a number of issues, starting with how the students learned about the fellowship program, their motivations, experiences and academic achievements, as well as the implications of this training to their professional and social integration back in their countries of origin, upon completion of the course, or their stay in Brazil. The data collected indicate that students were seeking education in a program of academic excellence and, in this perspective, they have their expectations fulfilled: the contact with Brazilian Anthropology provided them with new theoretical and methodological approaches which did not exist in the anthropology practisced in their countries of origin. Students also pointed out aspects that could facilitate their experience as foreign students in Porto Alegre. Among others things, they report difficulty in understanding the dynamics of the University and a lack of recognition of their own experiences at the PPGAS. Other challenges were also pointed out, such as the rigors of winter and racial prejudice in the city of Porto Alegre. The research also shows that among students coming from Latin American countries, there is strong motivation to settle and work in Brazil, while among African students the quest for quality education is part of a larger project motivated by a desire to return and foster the development of their countries. These graduates may become important actors in partnerships between Brazilian and foreign institutions, with the potential to help in the accomplishment of scientific agreements and events, involving the participation of researchers from both countries.

A internacionalização da educação superior no Brasil : um estudo de caso de alunos estrangeiros do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social/UFRGS

Feijó, Rosemeri Nunes January 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa o Programa de Estudantes-Convênio de Pós-Graduação (PEC-PG), promovido pela CAPES e CNPq, por meio do estudo de alunos estrangeiros contemplados com esta modalidade de bolsa, tomando o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social (PPGAS) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul como estudo de caso. Neste trabalho, contempla-se a perspectiva histórica do processo de internacionalização da educação superior e a influência do Protocolo de Bolonha no avanço da internacionalização no Brasil. Salienta-se que o PPGAS tem participado no processo de internacionalização desde o seu início. A investigação, baseada em 10 entrevistas, contempla o grau de relevância da formação científica na trajetória de vida dos alunos bolsistas beneficiados pelo PEC-PG. Parte-se da tomada de conhecimento do referido programa pelos bolsistas, suas motivações, experiências e aproveitamento acadêmico, assim como as implicações desta capacitação na sua inserção profissional e social, após a conclusão do curso nos países de origem, ou em sua permanência no Brasil. Os dados coletados indicam que os estudantes vêm em busca de formação em um programa de excelência e que essa expectativa se realiza: a experiência na Antropologia brasileira lhes trouxe novos aportes teóricos e metodológicos que não se faziam presentes na antropologia praticada em seus países de origem. Foram apontados alguns aspectos que poderiam facilitar a experiência de estudantes estrangeiros em Porto Alegre: orientação para entender a burocracia e as dinâmicas da Universidade, maior atenção e reconhecimento de suas experiências vividas no âmbito do PPGAS. Foram, também, apontadas dificuldades: o rigor do inverno e o preconceito racial na cidade de Porto Alegre. Entre alunos latino-americanos, há forte motivação de fixar residência e trabalhar no Brasil; entre os estudantes africanos, a busca por um ensino de qualidade faz parte de um projeto de vida motivado pelo desejo de retornar para promover o desenvolvimento de seu país. Estes egressos podem se tornar atores importantes nas parcerias entre instituições brasileiras e estrangeiras, com o potencial de ajudar na realização de acordos e eventos científicos, envolvendo a participação de pesquisadores de ambos os países. / This dissertation analyzes the PEC-PG, a scholarship program for graduate students) sponsered by CAPES (an agency of Brazil’s Ministry of Education) and CNPq (Brazil’s national science foundation), that targets foreign students. It takes the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGAS-UFRGS) as a case study. In order to do that, the research started by presenting a historical perspective of the process of internationalization of higher education and the influence of the Bologna Protocol in accelerating the internationalization of higher education in Brazil. The PPGAS-UFRGS has been involved in the process of internationalization since its beginning. This research, based on 13 interviews, shows the impact of scientific training for the life trajectory of students who got scholarships from PEC-PG. The interviews covered a number of issues, starting with how the students learned about the fellowship program, their motivations, experiences and academic achievements, as well as the implications of this training to their professional and social integration back in their countries of origin, upon completion of the course, or their stay in Brazil. The data collected indicate that students were seeking education in a program of academic excellence and, in this perspective, they have their expectations fulfilled: the contact with Brazilian Anthropology provided them with new theoretical and methodological approaches which did not exist in the anthropology practisced in their countries of origin. Students also pointed out aspects that could facilitate their experience as foreign students in Porto Alegre. Among others things, they report difficulty in understanding the dynamics of the University and a lack of recognition of their own experiences at the PPGAS. Other challenges were also pointed out, such as the rigors of winter and racial prejudice in the city of Porto Alegre. The research also shows that among students coming from Latin American countries, there is strong motivation to settle and work in Brazil, while among African students the quest for quality education is part of a larger project motivated by a desire to return and foster the development of their countries. These graduates may become important actors in partnerships between Brazilian and foreign institutions, with the potential to help in the accomplishment of scientific agreements and events, involving the participation of researchers from both countries.

Reading femininity, beauty and consumption in Russian women's magazines

Porteous, Holly January 2014 (has links)
Western-origin women’s lifestyle magazines have enjoyed great success in post-Soviet Russia, and represent part of the globalisation of the post-Soviet media landscape. Existing studies of post-Soviet Russian women’s magazines have tended to focus on either magazine content or reader interpretations, their role in the media marketplace, or representations of themes such as glamour culture or conspicuous consumption. Based on a discourse analysis of the three Russian women’s lifestyle magazines Elle, Liza and Cosmopolitan, and interviews with 39 Russian women, the thesis interrogates femininity norms in contemporary Russia. This thesis addresses a gap in the literature in foregrounding a feminist approach to a combined analysis of both the content of the magazines, and how readers decode the magazines. Portrayals of embodied femininity in women’s magazines are a chief focus, in addition to reader decodings of these portrayals. The thesis shows how certain forms of aesthetic and cultural capital are linked to femininity, and how women’s magazines discursively construct normative femininity via portraying these forms of cultural capital as necessary for women. It also relates particular ways of performing femininity, such as conspicuous consumption and beauty labour, to wider patriarchal discourses in Russian society. Furthermore, the thesis engages with pertinent debates around cultural globalisation in relation to post-Soviet media and culture, and addresses both change and continuity in post-Soviet gender norms; not only from the Soviet era into the present, but across an oft-perceived East/West axis via the horizontalization and glocalisation of culture. The thesis discusses two main aspects of change: 1) the role now played by conspicuous consumption in social constructions of normative femininity; and 2) the expectation of ever increasing resources women are now expected to devote to beauty labour as part of performing normative femininity. However, I also argue that it is appropriate from a gender studies perspective to highlight Russian society as patriarchal as well as post-socialist. As such, I highlight the cross-cultural experiences women in contemporary Russia women share with women in other parts of the world. Accordingly, the research suggests that women’s lifestyle magazines in the post-Soviet era have drawn on more established gender discourses in Soviet-Russian society as a means of facilitating the introduction of relatively new norms and practices, particularly linked to a culture of conspicuous consumption.


Dameron, Serena 17 July 2015 (has links)
The several million years preceding the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary has been the focus of many studies. Changes in ocean circulation and sea level, extinctions, and major volcanic events have all been documented for this interval. Important research questions these changes raise include the climate dynamics during the warm, but not hot, time after the decay of the Late Cretaceous greenhouse interval and the stability of ecosystems prior to the mass extinctions at the end-Cretaceous. I document several biotic perturbations as well as changes in ocean circulation during the Maastrichtian stage of the latest Cretaceous that question whether the biosphere was being preconditioned for the end-Cretaceous extinction. The first event at Shatsky Rise in the tropical North Pacific was the brief acme of inoceramid clams at ~71 Ma, followed by their abrupt extinction during the “mid-Maastrichtian event” at 70.1 Ma. The second is an intriguing dissolution event that began ~67.8 Ma at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1209 (2387 m). The dissolution event is marked by very poor planktic foraminiferal preservation and sharply reduced calcareous plankton diversity. The shift into the dissolution interval was initially gradual, then rapid. Within the late Maastrichtian dissolution interval, the planktic/benthic (P/B) ratio is low, planktic foraminifera are highly fragmented, larger taxa are mostly absent, small taxa are relatively abundant, and planktic foraminifera and nannofossil species richness are low. The event is followed by an abrupt recovery in carbonate preservation ~300 kyr prior to the K/Pg boundary. Was the dissolution event caused by a change in deep water circulation, migration of the site out of the high productivity tropical belt, or ocean acidification associated with Deccan Traps volcanism? Our data show that changing deep water masses, coupled with reduced productivity and associated decrease in pelagic carbonate flux was responsible for the dissolution interval, while Deccan Traps volcanism may have caused surface ocean acidification ~200-kyr prior to the K/Pg mass extinction event.

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