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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Treatment of acid mine lakes

Schipek, Mandy 26 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Mining of lignite in Lusatia has a long history of over 100 years. The extracted brown coal is utilized to generate electricity in three large power plants: Jänschwalde, Boxberg, and Schwarze Pumpe. With an annual carbon dioxide (CO2) output of approximately 50 million tons, these power plants are among Germany’s large-scale CO2 emitters. The environmental impact from open-pit mining is of a considerable degree and currently poses a challenging problem. The groundwater deficit in 1990 was 7 billion m3 over a surface area of approximately 2100 km2 (Luckner, 2006a) and was bisected in value until today. Due to the decline of mining activity and the termination of mine drainage at most open pits in the Lusatian region, the groundwater table has recovered forming 28 pit lakes (Zschiedrich, 2011). The majority of the post mining lakes do not meet the quality standards for pH, iron or sulfate parameters; because of pyrite oxidation that produces acid mine drainage (Luckner, 2006b, Klapper and Schultze, 1995, Schultze et al., 2010). The post mining lakes in Lusatia have low pH values (3 – 4), high sulfate contents (up to 2800 ppm) as well as high iron concentrations (100 – 150 ppm). Lakes are flooded by groundwater and using surface water from Spree and Neisse River to achieve fast filling and dilution; however, due to the limited availability of surface water, further rehabilitation strategies for the region had to be investigated. Between 1970 and 1990, approximately 26 million m3 of suspended fly ash were deposited in the lake Burghammer and settled as an ash body at its base; where it may be used for rehabilitation. In a first experiment conducted in 2001 material from the ash body was picked up and redistributed throughout the lake. By this treatment the pH of the lake was raised temporarily; however, a sustainable remediation was not achieved. Based on these experiments it was investigated whether the ash reacts more sufficiently through additional CO2 injection or not. Aim was to combine the rehabilitation of acid mine lakes with the utilization of atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants. The CO2 sequestration is achieved through the generation and accumulation of carbonates in the lake. The following equations describe the precipitation of carbonate by using CO2 and alkaline earth cations M: CO2 + MO → MCO3 (s) CO2 + M(OH)2 → MCO3 (s) + H2O Therefore, neutral pH conditions are necessary for the long-term accumulation of carbonates in the lakes. In laboratory investigations it was shown, that the 20 to 30 years old fly ash deposits of lake Burghammer can be used for carbonate sequestration and lake water treatment. Bivalent ions (Ca2+, Mg2+) are eluable and available for carbonate precipitation; on average we assumed 1 wt.-% of reactive calcium to be contained in the settled ash sediments. Settled fly ash sediments are less reactive than fresh fly ash from a power plant (e.g. Schwarze Pumpe). During batch experiments, we increased the buffering capacity to maximum values of 7 mmol/L. Beforehand no buffering capacity exists due to the low pH of 2.9 in the lake. Batch investigations provided a sequestration potential of 17 g CO2/kg ash sediment; in comparison fresh fly ash results in a sequestration potential of 33 g CO2/kg ash (Schipek and Merkel, 2008b, Schipek and Merkel, 2008a, Schipek, 2009). Based on the laboratory results a field experiment was conducted. In this field experiment gas injection lances were installed to a sediment depth of 12 m. Gaseous CO2 was applied with a pressure of 2.2 bar and 2.2 m³/h for 3 months and lake water was monitored during injection. Variations in total inorganic carbon due to diffusion processes of CO2 saturated pore waters could be observed. As the pilot experiment comprised only a small area of lake Burghammer no initial neutralisition (e.g. by a suction excavator) was possible. Thus, no further changes in water chemistry were observed. Drilling cores in the vicinity of the injection area provided mineralogical and geochemical conditions before and after CO2 treatment. No trace metal mobilization was found during CO2 injection. Most elements showed decreasing trends or didn’t change significantly. Calculated saturation indices for calcite indicated equilibrium conditions or slightly oversaturated conditions (SICalcite,average +0.12; SICalcite,median +0.31). Geochemical and mineralogical investigations proved that CO2 sequestration is possible with an average precipitation rate of 0.5 wt.-% (2.2 g CO2/kg). The maximum rate for carbonate precipitation was determined with 7.4 wt.-% Calcite, according to 32.6 g CO2 per kilogram treated ash. Besides the use of the settled fly ash as neutralizing agent in acidic mining lakes, laboratory and field investigations were conducted in order to improve in-lake liming. In batch and columns experiments, different liming agents (synthetic marble powder and industrial products) were tested and investigated. Significant differences in reactivity were obvious at pCO2 > 3.8 • 10-4 atm. Ions typical for acid mine drainage (e.g. Mn2+, Cd2+, SO42-) do have different effects on the kinetic of carbonate dissolution. Manganese concentrations typical for acidic mining lakes inhibit calcite dissolution. Cadmium has as well a significant influence on dissolution and kinetics. Only circa 50 % of the calcium concentration was reached with cadmium as inhibitor compared to the dissolution in pure water. Increased CO2 partial pressure might be used to compensate inhibtion by material impurities and/or water constituents. Column experiments showed that a multi-stage application of liming agent increases the efficiency of a lake treatment. The combination of a first application of calcite (up to pH 4.5) and further application of Ca(OH)2 seemed to be the most promising method. This treatment sheme was successfully applied in lake Burghammer from March 2009 – December 2010 (initial neutralisation and 6 follow-up treatments). Finally, it can be concluded, that in lignite mining districts in-lake treatment of acidic mining lakes is a seminal method to handle water quality problems. Using gaseous CO2 in combination with industrial by-products can be accounted as sustainable method for CO2 sequestration and for treatment of AMD. The advantage for mining areas lays in the prevention during treatment of acid mine lakes. Nevertheless, this method presents only a niche solution due to the dependence on alkaline materials, e.g. fly ash. The development of further strategies and optimization during lake water treatment by in-lake liming might improve the effectiveness of the method. Using calcite instead of NaOH or CaO as liming agent will provide advantages in being more economic and ecological (CO2 bilance). In order to enhance efficiency the use of calcite in combination with CO2 can be a worth considering suggesting. If meteorological parameters (wind) and lake specific characteristics (morphology, currents, etc.) will be considered efforts and costs for in-lake liming will be minimized. / Der Abbau von Braunkohle im Lausitzer Bergbaurevier hat seit über 100 Jahren Tradition. Die abgebaute Braunkohle wird dabei hauptsächliche zur Energieerzeugung in den drei großen Kraftwerken Jänschwalde, Boxberg und Schwarze Pumpe genutzt. Mit einem jährlichen Kohlenstoffdioxid (CO2) – Ausstoß von circa 50 Millionen Tonnen gehören diese Kraftwerke zu Deutschlands größten CO2-Emittenten. Der Einfluss auf die Umwelt durch Tagebau-Betrieb ist von beträchtlichem Ausmaß und bringt große Probleme mit sich. Im Jahr 1990 betrug das Grundwasser-Defizit im Lausitzer Bergbaurevier 7 Milliarden m³ auf einer Fläche von circa 2100 km² (Luckner, 2006a). Dieses Defizit hat sich bis zum heutigen Zeitpunkt halbiert. Durch den Rückgang der Bergbauaktivitäten und die Beendigung der Wasserhaltungsmaßnahmen in den meisten Tagebauen, hat der ansteigende Grundwasserspiegel 28 Tagebaufolgeseen geschaffen (Zschiedrich, 2011). Der überwiegende Teil der Tagebaufolgeseen ist aufgrund der Pyritoxidation, welche AMD (acid mine drainage) produziert, hinsichtlich der Wasserqualitätsparameter stark beeinflusst (Luckner, 2006b, Klapper and Schultze, 1995, Schultze et al., 2010). Die Tagebaufolgeseen im Lausitzer Bergbaurevier sind durch niedrige pH-Werte (3 – 4), hoche Sulfat-Konzentrationen (bis zu 2800 ppm) und hohe Eisengehalte (100 – 150 ppm) gekennzeichnet. Die entstehenden Seen sind hauptsächlich durch aufsteigendes Grundwasser und Oberflächenwasser aus den Flüssen Spree und Neisse geflutet. Aufgrund der geringen Verfügbarkeit von Oberflächenwasser mussten weitere Sanierungsmaßnahmen für die Region untersucht werden. Zwischen 1970 und 1990 wurden im Tagebaufolgesee Burghammer circa 26 Millionen m³ Flugasche-Suspension als Aschekörper abgelagert, wobei eine Nutzung zu Sanierungszwecken angedacht war. Im Rahmen einer Aschesedimentumlagerung im Jahr 2001 wurde der pH-Wert des Seewassers kurzzeitig angehoben, eine nachhaltige Sanierung fand jedoch nicht statt. Auf Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse wurde im Rahmen dieser Dissertation untersucht, ob die abgelagerten Aschesedimente nachhaltiger durch Einsatz von CO2 reagieren. Ziel war es die Sanierung von Tagebaufolgeseen mit der Reduktion von CO2-Emissionen aus Kohlekraftwerken zu kombinieren. Diese CO2-Sequestrierung sollte durch die Bildung und Ablagerung von Carbonaten im Seesediment erfolgen. Die Gleichungen (1) und (2) beschreiben dabei die Fällungsreaktion von Carbonaten aus CO2 mit dem Alkalimetall M (aus Oxiden bzw. Hydroxiden): CO2 + MO → MCO3 (s) CO2 + M(OH)2 → MCO3 (s) + H2O Zur Carbonatfällung und nachhaltigen Ablagerung sind neutrale pH-Bedingungen notwendig. In Laboruntersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die 20 bis 30 Jahre alten Flugaschesedimente zur CO2-Sequestrierung in Kombination mit Seewasserbehandlung genutzt werden können. Zweiwertige Ionen (Ca2+, Mg2+) sind aus den Aschesedimenten eluierbar und stehen für die Fällungsreaktion zur Verfügung. Durchschnittlich 1 Masse-% reaktives Calcium befindet sich in den Sedimenten. Die abgelagerten Aschesedimente sind dabei weniger reaktiv als frische Flugaschen aus Kohlekraftwerken (z.B. Schwarze Pumpe). In Batch-Versuchen mit Tagebaufolgesee-Wasser konnte die Säure-Pufferkapazität auf maximal 7 mmol/L erhöht werden. Sequestrierungs-Raten von 17 g CO2/kg Aschesediment wurden im Rahmen der Versuche erreicht. Im Vergleich dazu betrugen die Sequestrierungs-Raten in Versuchen mit frischen Flugaschen bis 33 g CO2/kg Asche (Schipek and Merkel, 2008b, Schipek and Merkel, 2008a, Schipek, 2009). Auf Grundlage dieser Laborergebnisse wurde ein Feldversuch im Tagebaufolgesee Burghammer geplant. Während diesem wurden Gasinjektionslanzen bis in eine Sedimenttiefe von 12 m im abgelagerten Aschesediment installiert. Gasförmiges CO2 wurde mit einem durchschnittlichen Druck von 2.2 bar und 2.2 m³/h für eine Dauer von 3 Monaten injiziert. Während dieser Zeit fand ein kontinuierliches Monitoring des Seewassers im Bereich der Injektion statt. Veränderungen des Gehaltes an TIC (total inorganic carbon) aufgrund von Diffusionprozessen von CO2-gesättigtem Porenwasser aus dem Aschekörper waren beobachtbar. Da der Feldversuch nur in einem begrenzten Bereich des Tagebaufolgesees Burghammer stattfand und keine Initialneutralisierung vorsah, konnten keine weiteren, großmaßstäblichen Veränderungen im Wasserkörper festgestellt werden. Bohrkernentnahmen im Umfeld des Behandlungsgebietes lieferten Aussagen bezüglich der mineralogischen und geochemischen Beschaffenheit vor und nach CO2-Injektion. Im Porenwasser wurde keine Spurenmetall-(re)-mobilisierung durch die Behandlung mit CO2 festgestellt. Nahezu alle Elemente zeigten einen abnehmenden Trend durch die Behandlung mit CO2, bzw. keine signifikanten Veränderungen. Modellierte Sättigungsindizes für Calcit wiesen auf Gleichgewichtsbedingungen oder leichte Übersättigung bzgl. Calcit hin (SICalcit, Mittelwert +0.12; SICalcit, Median +0.31). Geochemische und mineralogische Untersuchungen zeigten, daß CO2-Sequestrierung mit einer durchschnittlichen Fällungsrate von 0.5 Masse-% (2.2 g CO2/kg Aschesediment) erreicht wurde. Die maximale Fällungsrate wurde mit 7.4 Masse-% Calcit bestimmt, dies entspricht einer Festlegung von 32.6 g CO2/ kg Aschesediment. Neben der Nutzung der abgelagerten Aschesedimente zur Behandlung des Tagebaufolgeseewassers wurden desweiteren Labor- und Feldversuche durchgeführt um In-Lake-Behandlungen mit industriellen Kalkprodukten zu optimieren. In Batch- und Säulenversuchen wurden verschiedene Kalkprodukte (synthetisches Marmorpulver und industrielle Produkte) getestet und untersucht. Signifikante Unterschiede auf die Reaktivität wurde bei erhöhten CO2-Partialdrücken (pCO2 > 3.8 • 10-4 bar) beobachtet. Wasserinhaltsstoffe, die typisch für AMD sind (z.B.. Mn2+, Cd2+, SO42-) zeigten einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Calcit-Lösungskinetik. Mangankonzentrationen, wie sie in Lausitzer Tagebaufolgeseen vorkommen, zeigten – ebenso wie Cadmium - eine inhibitierende Wirkung auf die Kinetik. Im Vergleich zu Versuchen mit destilliertem Wasser wurden nur ungefähr 50 % der Calcium-Gleichgewichtskonzentration mit Cadmium als Inhibitor erreicht. Erhöhte CO2-Partialdrücke könnten genutzt werden, um die inhibitierende Wirkung von vorhanden Materialverunreinigungen und/oder Wasserinhaltsstoffen zu kompensieren. Säulenversuche zeigten, dass der mehrstufige Einsatz von Kalkprodukten die Effizienz während einer Seewasserbehandlung erhöht. Die Kombination einer Erstbehandlung mit Kalksteinmehl (bis pH 4.5), und einer Behandlungsfortsetzung mit Ca(OH)2 erwies sich als wirkungsvollste Methode. Dieses Behandlungsschema (Initialneutralisation, 6 Nachfolgebehandlungen) wurde im Tagebaufolgesee Burghammer von März 2009 – Dezember 2010 erfolgreich angewandt. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass in ehemaligen Bergbaurevieren die In-Lake-Behandlung von Tagebaufolgeseen eine zukunftsträchtige Methode zur Behandlung von Wasserqualitätsproblemen darstellt. Die Nutzung von gasförmigen CO2 in Kombination mit industriellen „Abfall-Produkten“ kann als nachhaltige Methode zur CO2-Sequestrierung und zur Behandlung von AMD bezeichnet werden. Der Vorteil in Bergbaurevieren liegt dabei in der Vorbeugung der Entstehung von Wasserqualitätsproblemen. Dennoch stellt diese Methode nur eine Nischenlösung aufgrund der Verfügbarkeit der alkalischen Materialien (Flugasche) dar. Die Entwicklung und Optimierung weiterführender Strategien zur In-Lake-Behandlung durch Kalkung wird zur Effizienzerhöhung beitragen. Die Nutzung von Kalksteinmehl anstelle von NaOH bzw. CaO als Neutralisationsprodukt wird Vorteile hinsichtlich ökonomischer und ökologischer Sicht (CO2-Bilanz) mit sich führen. Um die Effizienz beim Einsatz von Kalksteinmehl zu steigern, kann der Einsatz von CO2 in Betracht gezogen werden. Sobald meteorologische Parameter (Wind) und see-spezifische Merkmale (Morphologie, Strömungen, etc.) berücksichtigt werden, kann der Aufwand und die Kosten für In-Lake-Behandlungen minimiert werden.

Hydro- und geochemische Prozesse in oberflächennahen Kippensedimenten des Braunkohlentagebaus Zwenkau

Wiegand, Ute 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Projektes "Luft- und bodengestützte spektrometrische Untersuchungen zur Differenzierung reaktiv veränderter Braunkohlentagebaugebiete in Mitteldeutschland" (Vorhaben 02 WB 9667/5) als Kooperation zwischen dem GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), dem Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Fernerkundung (GAF) und dem Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig/Halle GmbH (UFZ) angefertigt. Grundidee des Projektes war es, die durch spektrometrische Erfassungsmethoden der Fernerkundung erhaltenen Überfliegungsdaten mittels konventioneller petrographischer, mineralogischer und geochemischer Analytik zu kalibrieren. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit lag dabei in der Charakterisierung der hydro- und geochemischen Veränderungen in den Kippensedimenten des im mitteldeutschen Raum südlich von Leipzig aufgeschlossenen Braunkohlentagebaus Zwenkau. Zu diesem Zweck wurden die Kippensedimente in Abhängigkeit des Schüttungsalters und der Lagerung untersucht sowie die spezifischen Merkmale der Kippenwässer und Bodengase erfaßt, um die im Kippenkörper ablaufenden chemischen, petrographischen und gefügemäßigen Veränderungen sowie die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Sedimenten, Wässern und Bodengasen zu beschreiben. Schließlich wird ein Modell zur zeitlichen Entwicklung der Abraumförderbrückenkippe, beginnend bei ihrer Verkippung bis hin zu einem Alter von etwa 20 Jahren, vorgestellt, welches die beobachteten Erscheinungen bezüglich der auftretenden endogenen und exogenen Wechselwirkungsfaktoren gut erklärt. / This thesis was prepared in cooperation with the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Fernerkundung (GAF), and the Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig/Halle (UFZ) in frame of the project "Airborne and laboratory spectroscopic studies for differentiation of reactively alterated lignite mining pits in Central Germany" (No. 02 WB 9667/5) which was gratefully supported by the Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (BMBF). The major idea of the project was to achieve a calibration of the spectroscopic data acquired by the remote sensing though the results obtained from conventionally petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical analyses. The main goal of this thesis was the characterization of the hydro- and geochemical alterations in the conveyor bridge dump of the open lignite mining pit Zwenkau which is located in the Central Germany District southern of Leipzig. Therefore, dependent on their ages in terms of dumping and their surface-near locations the dump sediments were investigated and the specific properties of the different types of dump water and soil gases were acquired as well in order to describe the ongoing chemical, petrographical and structural alterations and interactions between the sediments, the water and the soil gases in the conveyor bridge. Finally, a model of the chronological development of the overburden sediments starting from their spilling up to an age of about 20 years is proposed which well explains the observed phenomena regarding the appearing endogenous and exogenous interaction factors.

Desenvolvimento de uma sistemática de melhoria do desempenho econômico de indústrias extrativas : o caso de uma mineração a céu aberto / Development of a systematic of economic performance improvement of Extractive Industries – the case of an open-pit mining

Schäfer, Fábio January 2012 (has links)
Em função da globalização, os ambientes empresariais estão se tornando mais competitivos; assim, aumenta a preocupação e a necessidade de se prover um sistema de informações gerenciais que seja eficaz, confiável e relevante para auxiliar os gestores a tomarem decisões inteligentes. Com a utilização de princípios e métodos de custeio vinculados aos serviços inerentes aos métodos e operações de lavra, este trabalho tem como primeiro objetivo identificar e compreender as deficiências dos atuais sistemas de custeio e de produção e estruturar uma sistemática que apoie a avaliação do desempenho econômico-financeiro nas minerações a céu aberto. O segundo objetivo deste trabalho é utilizar o método do custo-padrão vinculado à produção e às regras de negócio e validá-lo mediante a comparação do realizado versus previsto nas minerações a céu aberto, através da utilização de conceitos de desperdícios, do princípio do custeio por absorção parcial, do controle e gestão de custos e de produção para avaliação de resultados. A unidade de extração mineral estudada utiliza o método de lavra por bancadas em cava e terceiriza as operações de descobertura, perfuração, detonação, escavação, carregamento e transporte. A empresa contratada utiliza o princípio de custeio por absorção total e o método de custeio de centros de custos. Assim, a sistemática que apoia a avaliação do desempenho econômico-financeiro juntamente com o método do custo-padrão foi validada e desenvolvida em três serviços terceirizados com o objetivo de verificar a sua funcionalidade e a sua praticidade. Portanto, as novas informações gerenciais auxiliam o gestor identificar a produtividade e a lucratividade do empreendimento e os resultados dos serviços e de suas operações, além de todos os custos gerenciais já existentes. / In the light of globalization, the enterprise environments are becoming more competitive; thus, increases the concern and the need to provide a management information system that is effective, reliable and relevant to assist managers to make intelligent decisions. With the use of principles and costing methods linked to services inherent in mining operations and methods, this work is intended mainly identify and understand the weaknesses of the current costing and production system and structure a systematic that supports performance evaluation productive-economic-financial in surface mining. The second objective of this work is to use standard cost method linked to production and business rules and validate it by comparing the accomplished against foreseen in surface mining, through the use of concepts of wastes, the principle costing of partial absorption, cost control and management for production to evaluation of results. The mineral extraction unit studied uses the open pit mining method and outsources the mining operations of pre stripping, drilling, blasting, rock excavation, loading and transportation. The outsourced company uses the costing principle of total absorption and the costing method is the cost centers. Thus, the systematic that support the evaluation of productive-economic-financial performance and the standard cost method were developed and validated in three outsourced services with the goal of verifying its functionality and practicality. Therefore, the new management information assists the manager to identify the productivity and profitability of the enterprise and the results of its operations and services, in addition to all of the existing management costs.

The concurrent validity of learning potential and psychomotor ability measures for the selection of haul truck operators in an open-pit mine

Pelser, Marikie Karen 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to determine the concurrent validity of learning potential and psychomotor ability measures for the prediction of haul truck operator (N=128) performance in an open-pit mine. Specific aims were to determine the nature of the relationship between learning potential and psychomotor ability; whether there are higher order cognitive or psychomotor factors present in the combined use of the TRAM 1 and Vienna Test System measures; and the relative contribution of learning potential and psychomotor ability in the prediction of haul truck operator performance. The validity of learning potential and psychomotor ability measures was partially supported. A positive correlation between general (cognitive) ability (g) and psychomotor ability was reported. Factor analysis provided relatively consistent evidence for a general (cognitive) ability factor (g) underlying performance on all measures. The relative contribution of learning potential and psychomotor ability in the prediction of performance could not be established. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Forecasting annual tax revenue of the South African taxes using time series Holt-Winters and ARIMA/SARIMA Models

Makananisa, Mangalani P. 10 1900 (has links)
This study uses aspects of time series methodology to model and forecast major taxes such as Personal Income Tax (PIT), Corporate Income Tax (CIT), Value Added Tax (VAT) and Total Tax Revenue(TTAXR) in the South African Revenue Service (SARS). The monthly data used for modeling tax revenues of the major taxes was drawn from January 1995 to March 2010 (in sample data) for PIT, VAT and TTAXR. Due to higher volatility and emerging negative values, the CIT monthly data was converted to quarterly data from the rst quarter of 1995 to the rst quarter of 2010. The competing ARIMA/SARIMA and Holt-Winters models were derived, and the resulting model of this study was used to forecast PIT, CIT, VAT and TTAXR for SARS fiscal years 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13. The results show that both the SARIMA and Holt-Winters models perform well in modeling and forecasting PIT and VAT, however the Holt-Winters model outperformed the SARIMA model in modeling and forecasting the more volatile CIT and TTAXR. It is recommended that these methods are used in forecasting future payments, as they are precise about forecasting tax revenues, with minimal errors and fewer model revisions being necessary. / Statistics / M.Sc. (Statistics)

Considerações sobre dissipação de energia a jusante de vertedouros salto esqui / Aspects to consider about energy dissipation downstream of a ski-jump spillyay

Borja, João Gerdau de January 2012 (has links)
Em aproveitamentos hídricos, onde podem estar envolvidas elevadas alturas de água armazenada, o vertedouro é a estrutura hidráulica responsável por conduzir com segurança o escoamento que excede a capacidade de armazenamento do reservatório. Neste aspecto, é necessário considerar o processo de dissipação de energia a fim de proteger o pé da barragem e a própria estrutura do vertedouro contra a ação erosiva da água. Este fluxo que é descarregado é usualmente amortecido por um colchão d’água, o qual é delimitado em uma bacia de dissipação projetada com intuito de resistir aos esforços impostos pelo escoamento. Em grandes barramentos, a utilização de um vertedouro tipo salto esqui, que é caracterizado por um defletor de fluxo no final de sua calha, possibilita que não haja necessidade de revestir o leito próximo do pé da barragem, pois a incidência do jato lançado ocorre distante deste local. Desta maneira, a dissipação da energia é efetuada sobre o próprio leito do rio, sendo formada uma fossa de erosão, contudo, dependendo da resistência do leito e de suas características anisotrópicas, os padrões de recirculação do fluxo podem fazer a fossa evoluir para uma situação nociva. Por isso, desde a fase de projeto desse tipo de vertedouro, monitoramento e previsões da progressão da fossa são essenciais. Então, conforme proposta deste trabalho, abordou-se cada fenômeno que influencia no potencial erosivo do jato, como a turbulência em sua emissão e o grau de difusão do mesmo no colchão d’água. Assim, com ensaios sobre modelo físico, foi possível desenvolver duas metodologias, aplicáveis tanto para a verificação da erosão de material granular na superfície de leitos, quanto para o interior de leitos rochosos fissurados, cujas forças atuantes em um bloco de rocha isolado, podem vencer seu peso submerso e o destacar da matriz. / In hydroelectric plants, which may be involved elevated heights of stored water, the dam spillway is responsible for safely flow the water that exceeds the storage capacity of the reservoir. In this respect, it is necessary to consider the process of energy dissipation in order to protect the base of the dam and the spillway structure itself against the erosive action of the water. This stream discharged is usually cushioned by a waterbed, which is bounded into a stilling basin designed with the purpose of resist the efforts imposed by the flow. In large dams, the use of a ski jump spillway type, which is characterized by a flow deflector at the end of its chute, allows no need lining the bed near the foot of the dam, since the impact of the jet is launched away this location. Thus, the energy dissipation is performed on the riverbed itself, generating a scour hole, however, depending on the resistance of the bed and its anisotropic features, patterns of flow recirculation can evolve the pit into a harmful state. For this reason, since the design phase of this type of spillway, monitoring and predicting the progression of the pit are essential. Then, according to the proposal of this work, it was dealt with each phenomenon that influences the erosive potential of the jet, as the turbulence at its issue on the air, and the level of its diffusion of on waterbed. Based on physical model tests, it was possible to develop two methodologies, applicable both for verifying erosion of granular material from the surface of the bottom, as for analyze the interior of a fissured bedrock, which the forces acting on an isolated block of rock can overcome its submerged weight and uplift it off the matrix.

Reparabilidadede um cimento ionomérico aderido ao esmalte com sistemas adesivos autocondicionantes

Guimarães, Murilo de Sousa [UNESP] 16 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-02-16Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:24:35Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 guimaraes_ms_dr_arafo.pdf: 1443329 bytes, checksum: 2d3d8b079af9426aadd16dd726576433 (MD5) / O objetivo deste trabalho, dividido em três estudos, foi investigar (1) a reparabilidade de um cimento de ionômero de vidro modificado por resina, (2) o efeito cariostático e (3) a retenção de selantes ionoméricos aderidos ao esmalte não desgastado com sistemas adesivos autocondicionantes simplificados. Materiais e Métodos: Para o estudo 1 foram confeccionados 60 espécimes de cada material, Vitremer (VT) e resina Z250 (RC). Após envelhecimento químico e térmico, eles foram divididos em 3 grupos de acordo com o tratamento mecânico da superfície: ponta diamantada em alta rotação, ponta em ultra-som e sem desgaste. Cada espécime foi reparado com o mesmo material utilizado inicialmente. Aplicou-se na superfície do VT o Vitremer Primer (VP), e para a resina, utilizou-se ácido fosfórico seguido de adesivo Single Bond. Os espécimes foram isolados deixando exposta a interface de união. Após novo envelhecimento, os mesmos foram impregnados por nitrato de prata, seccionados e avaliados quanto à infiltração e formação de fendas. Os dados foram analisados pelos testes de Kruskal-Wallis e Mann-Whitney (α=0,05). No segundo estudo 64 incisivos bovinos foram distribuídos em 4 grupos segundo o tratamento da superfície de esmalte: VP, Prompt L-Pop (Pr), Xeno III (Xe) ou sem tratamento. Um cilindro de VT foi construído em metade dos dentes, enquanto que a RC foi utilizada na outra metade. Os corpos de prova foram 19 submetidos a desafio cariogênico e seccionados, para realização de testes de dureza em três regiões: externa, união e interna, até a profundidade de 300 μm. Os dados transformados em porcentagem de perda mineral foram analisados pelo teste de ANOVA complementado pelo teste de Tukey ao nível de significância de 5%. No terceiro estudo, 20 pares de molares permanentes hígidos foram selecionados de crianças entre 6 e 10 anos. Em um dos dentes foi aplicado... / The purpose of this work, divided into three studies, was to investigate (1) the reparability of a resin-modified glass-ionomer cement, as well as (2) the cariostatic effect and (3) retention of glass-ionomer sealants bonded to enamel with one-step self-etching adhesive systems. Materials and Methods: For the first study, 60 specimens were prepared with Vitremer (VT) and Z250 resin. After chemical and thermal aging, the specimens were divided into 3 groups according to the mechanical treatment of the surface: diamond bur, ultrasound coupled bur or no treatment. Each specimen was repaired with the original restorative material. For VT repairs, Vitremer Primer (VP) was first applied while for composite resin the surface was phosphoric acid etched followed by the application of Single Bond. The specimens were coated with acid resistant varnish except for 1 mm around de interface. After additional aging, the specimens were impregnated by silver nitrate and sectioned medialy for the evaluation of silver infiltration and gap formation in SEM. Data were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (α=0.05). In the second study, 64 bovine teeth were randomly assigned to 4 groups according to the enamel surface treatment: VP, Prompt L-Pop (Pr), Xeno III (Xe) or no treatment. A cylinder of VT was built up in half of the teeth while a composite resin was used in the other half. The teeth were then submitted to a cariogenic challenge after which they 23 were medialy cut. Transversal hardeness evaluation was performed in three regions, external, interface and internal, up to the depth of 300μm. Hardness numbers were converted to percentage of mineral loss and the data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey tests at the level of significance of 5%. For the third study, 20 pairs of sound permanent molars were selected from children between 6 and 10 years of age. One tooth of the pair received... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Reparabilidadede um cimento ionomérico aderido ao esmalte com sistemas adesivos autocondicionantes /

Guimarães, Murilo de Sousa. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Josimeri Hebling / Banca: Elisa Aparecida Maria Giro / Banca: Angela Cristina Cilense Zuanon / Banca: Célia Regina Moreira Lanza / Banca: Darlon Martins Lima / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho, dividido em três estudos, foi investigar (1) a reparabilidade de um cimento de ionômero de vidro modificado por resina, (2) o efeito cariostático e (3) a retenção de selantes ionoméricos aderidos ao esmalte não desgastado com sistemas adesivos autocondicionantes simplificados. Materiais e Métodos: Para o estudo 1 foram confeccionados 60 espécimes de cada material, Vitremer (VT) e resina Z250 (RC). Após envelhecimento químico e térmico, eles foram divididos em 3 grupos de acordo com o tratamento mecânico da superfície: ponta diamantada em alta rotação, ponta em ultra-som e sem desgaste. Cada espécime foi reparado com o mesmo material utilizado inicialmente. Aplicou-se na superfície do VT o Vitremer Primer (VP), e para a resina, utilizou-se ácido fosfórico seguido de adesivo Single Bond. Os espécimes foram isolados deixando exposta a interface de união. Após novo envelhecimento, os mesmos foram impregnados por nitrato de prata, seccionados e avaliados quanto à infiltração e formação de fendas. Os dados foram analisados pelos testes de Kruskal-Wallis e Mann-Whitney (α=0,05). No segundo estudo 64 incisivos bovinos foram distribuídos em 4 grupos segundo o tratamento da superfície de esmalte: VP, Prompt L-Pop (Pr), Xeno III (Xe) ou sem tratamento. Um cilindro de VT foi construído em metade dos dentes, enquanto que a RC foi utilizada na outra metade. Os corpos de prova foram 19 submetidos a desafio cariogênico e seccionados, para realização de testes de dureza em três regiões: externa, união e interna, até a profundidade de 300 μm. Os dados transformados em porcentagem de perda mineral foram analisados pelo teste de ANOVA complementado pelo teste de Tukey ao nível de significância de 5%. No terceiro estudo, 20 pares de molares permanentes hígidos foram selecionados de crianças entre 6 e 10 anos. Em um dos dentes foi aplicado... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The purpose of this work, divided into three studies, was to investigate (1) the reparability of a resin-modified glass-ionomer cement, as well as (2) the cariostatic effect and (3) retention of glass-ionomer sealants bonded to enamel with one-step self-etching adhesive systems. Materials and Methods: For the first study, 60 specimens were prepared with Vitremer (VT) and Z250 resin. After chemical and thermal aging, the specimens were divided into 3 groups according to the mechanical treatment of the surface: diamond bur, ultrasound coupled bur or no treatment. Each specimen was repaired with the original restorative material. For VT repairs, Vitremer Primer (VP) was first applied while for composite resin the surface was phosphoric acid etched followed by the application of Single Bond. The specimens were coated with acid resistant varnish except for 1 mm around de interface. After additional aging, the specimens were impregnated by silver nitrate and sectioned medialy for the evaluation of silver infiltration and gap formation in SEM. Data were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (α=0.05). In the second study, 64 bovine teeth were randomly assigned to 4 groups according to the enamel surface treatment: VP, Prompt L-Pop (Pr), Xeno III (Xe) or no treatment. A cylinder of VT was built up in half of the teeth while a composite resin was used in the other half. The teeth were then submitted to a cariogenic challenge after which they 23 were medialy cut. Transversal hardeness evaluation was performed in three regions, external, interface and internal, up to the depth of 300μm. Hardness numbers were converted to percentage of mineral loss and the data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey tests at the level of significance of 5%. For the third study, 20 pairs of sound permanent molars were selected from children between 6 and 10 years of age. One tooth of the pair received... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Desenvolvimento de uma sistemática de melhoria do desempenho econômico de indústrias extrativas : o caso de uma mineração a céu aberto / Development of a systematic of economic performance improvement of Extractive Industries – the case of an open-pit mining

Schäfer, Fábio January 2012 (has links)
Em função da globalização, os ambientes empresariais estão se tornando mais competitivos; assim, aumenta a preocupação e a necessidade de se prover um sistema de informações gerenciais que seja eficaz, confiável e relevante para auxiliar os gestores a tomarem decisões inteligentes. Com a utilização de princípios e métodos de custeio vinculados aos serviços inerentes aos métodos e operações de lavra, este trabalho tem como primeiro objetivo identificar e compreender as deficiências dos atuais sistemas de custeio e de produção e estruturar uma sistemática que apoie a avaliação do desempenho econômico-financeiro nas minerações a céu aberto. O segundo objetivo deste trabalho é utilizar o método do custo-padrão vinculado à produção e às regras de negócio e validá-lo mediante a comparação do realizado versus previsto nas minerações a céu aberto, através da utilização de conceitos de desperdícios, do princípio do custeio por absorção parcial, do controle e gestão de custos e de produção para avaliação de resultados. A unidade de extração mineral estudada utiliza o método de lavra por bancadas em cava e terceiriza as operações de descobertura, perfuração, detonação, escavação, carregamento e transporte. A empresa contratada utiliza o princípio de custeio por absorção total e o método de custeio de centros de custos. Assim, a sistemática que apoia a avaliação do desempenho econômico-financeiro juntamente com o método do custo-padrão foi validada e desenvolvida em três serviços terceirizados com o objetivo de verificar a sua funcionalidade e a sua praticidade. Portanto, as novas informações gerenciais auxiliam o gestor identificar a produtividade e a lucratividade do empreendimento e os resultados dos serviços e de suas operações, além de todos os custos gerenciais já existentes. / In the light of globalization, the enterprise environments are becoming more competitive; thus, increases the concern and the need to provide a management information system that is effective, reliable and relevant to assist managers to make intelligent decisions. With the use of principles and costing methods linked to services inherent in mining operations and methods, this work is intended mainly identify and understand the weaknesses of the current costing and production system and structure a systematic that supports performance evaluation productive-economic-financial in surface mining. The second objective of this work is to use standard cost method linked to production and business rules and validate it by comparing the accomplished against foreseen in surface mining, through the use of concepts of wastes, the principle costing of partial absorption, cost control and management for production to evaluation of results. The mineral extraction unit studied uses the open pit mining method and outsources the mining operations of pre stripping, drilling, blasting, rock excavation, loading and transportation. The outsourced company uses the costing principle of total absorption and the costing method is the cost centers. Thus, the systematic that support the evaluation of productive-economic-financial performance and the standard cost method were developed and validated in three outsourced services with the goal of verifying its functionality and practicality. Therefore, the new management information assists the manager to identify the productivity and profitability of the enterprise and the results of its operations and services, in addition to all of the existing management costs.

Rekonstrukce zdraví a životního stylu jedinců pohřbených v sídlištních jamách a hrobech starší a střední doby bronzové na základě patologických znaků na kostře / Health reconstruction of individuals buried in settlements and graves in Early Bronze Age based on pathological traces on skeletons

Pankowská, Anna January 2014 (has links)
An increase in the diversity of Early Bronze Age (EBA) burial practices is well documented in central and southern Moravia between 2200-1500 BC. Apart from scarce cremations and pithoi burials, two more frequent parallel burial types appear. One is the standard burials in cemeteries, the other burials in settlement pits, the latter considered a deviation until recently. Thanks to recent excavations and new quantification procedures, however, abundance of settlement burials as well as uniformity and predictability of body deposition and grave equipment in pit burials has been shown. My intention is to show the existence of two parallel burial rites on the basis of bioarchaeological and archaeological evidence. I focus on the reconstruction of health and social status of individuals buried in settlement pits and graves. I observe the amount of demographic variability, diseases and trauma within each group. I suppose the distribution of diseases according to age, sex and archaeological record will be similar within each of the groups. As a result, we may speak about two equivalent burial practices. If deviations are encountered within settlement pits, however, we should speak about deviations or burials determined for a minority and homogeneous segment of population. Skeletons originate in two...

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