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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência da fase sigma na corrosão em microrregiões de juntas soldadas por processos MIG do aço inoxidável AISI 316L / Influence of the sigma phase on corrosion in microrregions of welded joints by MIG processes of stainless steel AISI 316L

Luis Henrique Guilherme 06 February 2017 (has links)
Projetos de instalações industriais com requisitos de assepsia e resistência à corrosão têm os aços inoxidáveis austeníticos como materiais de engenharia, e a liga AISI 316L é amplamente utilizada. A soldagem de chapas espessas é executada por processos MIG e a qualificação do procedimento de soldagem é realizada com base em propriedades mecânicas, avaliação insuficiente para aplicações que necessitam de uma película passiva resistente. A microestrutura da zona fundida da liga AISI 316L exerce influência sobre a resistência à corrosão, e há a necessidade de definir os mecanismos que governam a influência da fase sigma na resistência à corrosão. Inserido neste contexto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a influência da fase sigma na resistência à corrosão em microrregiões de juntas soldadas multipasse da liga AISI 316L produzidas pelo processo MIG nos modos de transferência metálica pulsado, curto-circuito e spray. A metodologia consistiu em reproduzir amostras soldadas com parâmetros de soldagem aplicados na indústria para os modos de transferência metálica de interesse, com detalhada caracterização microestrutural da zona fundida de cada condição de soldagem. Em seguida, foram conduzidos ensaios eletroquímicos de corrosão em microrregiões da junta soldada em solução de 3,5% NaCl, e a influência da fase sigma na corrosão por pite foi avaliada por ensaio de imersão em solução de cloreto férrico (6% FeCl3). Caracterizou-se a área exposta à varredura por técnicas de microscopia ótica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microanálise química. A soldagem no modo pulsado resultou em uma zona fundida com microestrutura bifásica com a mais baixa fração volumétrica de ferrita delta, de refinada morfologia e isenta de fase sigma, proporcionando o mais nobre desempenho nos ensaios de corrosão, que se manifestou pelo mecanismo de corrosão localizada. A avaliação da área exposta à varredura demonstrou que, previamente a corrosão por pite, a corrosão incia-se de forma localizada, contudo, sem corrosão preferencial de uma das fases, característica que proporcionou parâmetros eletroquímicos mais nobres do que aqueles com corrosão seletiva de fases. Está característica é atribuída à ausência da fase sigma na microestrutura da zona fundida do modo pulsado. No modo curto-circuito ocorreu à decomposição eutetóide da ferrita delta formando a austenita secundária e a fase sigma, sendo está última precipitada principalmente no interior da ferrita delta. A morfologia da corrosão se dá, na fase inicial, como corrosão seletiva de fases, com degradação preferencial da austenita secundária e em direção a ferrita delta, devido à fragilização desta fase pela precipitação de fase sigma em seu interior. A degradação seletiva das fases austenita secundária e ferrita delta causam danos localizados ao filme passivo e, nestas regiões empobrecidas de cromo e molibdênio, ocorre à corrosão por pite. O modo spray com a mais elevada energia de soldagem resultou em uma ferrita delta grosseira e com estreitas bandas de austenita na microrregião de enchimento do chanfro e na raiz da solda, com alto índice de fase sigma nestas localizações. O processo corrosivo da zona fundida caracterizou-se por corrosão seletiva da fase austenita secundária e em direção à matriz austenítica, uma vez que a fase sigma revestiu a ferrita delta, tornando-a a região de comportamento catódico entre o par galvânico formado entre as fases austenita e ferrita delta. A corrosão seletiva da matriz austenítica causa a fragilização localizada do filme passivo com consequente corrosão por pite. O trabalho realizado permite concluir que o potencial de pite foi reduzido com a presença de fase sigma e fases a esta associada, e justamente o modo pulsado obteve destacada resistência à corrosão em função da ausência da fase sigma em sua microestrutura. / Industrial plant designs with asepsis and corrosion resistance requirements have austenitic stainless steels as engineering materials, and the AISI 316L alloy is widely used. The welding of thick plates is performed by MIG processes and the qualification of the welding procedure is carried out based on mechanical properties, insufficient evaluation for applications that require a resistant passive film. The microstructure of the molten zone of the AISI 316L alloy influences the corrosion resistance, and it is necessary to define the mechanisms that govern the influence of the sigma phase on corrosion resistance. In this context, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of the sigma phase on the corrosion resistance in microrregions of multipass welded joints of the AISI 316L alloy produced by MIG process with metal transfer in pulsed, short circuit and spray modes. The methodology consisted in reproducing welded samples with welding parameters applied in the industry for the modes of metallic transfer of interest, with detailed microstructural characterization of the molten zone of each welding condition. Then, electrochemical corrosion tests were carried out in microrregions of the welded joint in 3.5% NaCl solution, and the influence of the sigma phase on pitting corrosion was evaluated by immersion test in ferric chloride solution (6% FeCl3). The area exposed to the scanning was characterized by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and chemical microanalysis. Pulsed mode welding resulted in a molten zone with a biphasic microstructure with the lowest volume fraction of delta ferrite, refined morphology and sigma phase free, providing the noblest performance in the corrosion tests, which occurred in the form of localized corrosion. The evaluation of the area exposed to the scan showed that, prior to pitting corrosion, the corrosion started in a localized manner, however, without preferential corrosion of one of the phases, a characteristic that gave better electrochemical parameters than those with selective corrosion of phases. This characteristic is attributed to the absence of the sigma phase in the microstructure of the molten zone of the pulsed mode. In the short-circuit mode, the eutectoid decomposition of the delta ferrite formed the secondary austenite and the sigma phase, the latter being mainly precipitated inside the delta ferrite. The corrosion morphology occurs in the initial phase as selective corrosion of phases, with preferential degradation of the secondary austenite and towards the ferrite delta, due to the embrittlement of this phase by the precipitation of the sigma phase inside. The selective degradation of the secondary austenite and delta ferrite phases causes localized damage to the passive film and, in these impoverished regions of chromium and molybdenum, occurs to pitting corrosion. The spray mode with the highest welding energy resulted in a coarse delta ferrite with narrow bands of austenite in the chamfer filling microrregion and at the root of the weld, with a high sigma phase index at these locations. The corrosive process of the molten zone was characterized by selective corrosion of the secondary austenite phase and towards the austenitic matrix, since the sigma phase covered the delta ferrite, making it the region of cathodic behavior between the galvanic pair formed between the austenite and ferrite delta phases. Selective corrosion of the austenitic matrix causes localized embrittlement of the passive film with consequent pitting corrosion. The study accomplished allows concluding that the pitting potential was reduced with the presence of sigma phase and phases associated with it, and precisely the pulsed mode obtained outstanding corrosion resistance due to the absence of the sigma phase in its microstructure.

Estudo da corrosão em junta tubo-espelho soldada por SATG entre as ligas AISI 316L e AISI 444 / Study of corrosion process on tube-to-tubesheet welded joints performed with TIG process and using AISI 316L and AISI 444 alloys

Luis Henrique Guilherme 21 November 2011 (has links)
Nos últimos anos houve, no Brasil, um significativo investimento em usinas de álcool para suprir a demanda. Todavia, surgiram problemas de natureza econômica e ambiental, já que a tecnologia atualmente utilizada nas destilarias de álcool produz em média 13 litros de vinhaça para cada litro de álcool. Na busca de uma solução para reduzir o volume deste resíduo, desenvolveu-se um equipamento para concentração de vinhaça, denominado Ecovin, pela empresa Citrotec localizada em Araraquara-SP. Para cada Ecovin são utilizados cerca de 4000 tubos com costura nos trocadores de calor, e para reduzir seu custo de fabricação, avaliou-se como opção o uso de tubos da liga AISI 444. Inserido neste contexto, o presente trabalho procurou caracterizar os mecanismos de corrosão e mostrar de forma comparativa o desempenho dos tubos nas juntas tubo-espelho. Estudo-se, portanto, dois tipos de junta, a do projeto atual, composta por chapa e tubo da liga AISI 316L; e a nova proposta, composta por chapa da liga AISI 316L e tubo da liga AISI 444. Para tanto, iniciou-se com a avaliação da soldabilidade das ligas estudadas, através da caracterização microestrutural, qualificação do procedimento de soldagem da junta tubo-espelho e de ensaios de sensitização nas soldas. Em seguida, ensaios de perda de massa por imersão foram realizados nas soluções de 0,5 M \'H IND.2\'SO IND.4\' e 0,5 M \'H\'CL\', nas temperaturas de 30°C, 50°C, 70°C e 90°C, de acordo com o intervalo de temperatura de operação do Ecovin. Nas mesmas soluções, e na temperatura ambiente, foram realizados ensaios eletroquímicos de polarização potenciodinâmica em amostras que reproduziram o ciclo térmico de soldagem das juntas tubo-espelho estudadas, nas regiões do metal de base, zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC) e no metal de solda. Na junta tubo-espelho a corrosão ocorreu preferencialmente na ZAC formada entre a interface tubo-metal de solda, e no cordão de solda à margem do tubo, com a atuação de mecanismos de corrosão generalizada e localizada. Na junta tubo-espelho dissimilar observou-se que o processo corrosivo foi predominante na superfície do tubo AISI 444, típico do mecanismo de corrosão galvânica, onde o tubo AISI 444 caracterizou-se como a região anódica. O desempenho da liga AISI 316L, assim como a junta soldada composta somente por essa liga, apresentou um melhor desempenho em corrosão, porém, na solução contendo cloreto, a variação da temperatura exerceu uma influência proporcional para ambos os casos avaliados nesse estudo. Destaca-se ainda que a liga AISI 316L sofreu corrosão por pite na ZAC e no metal de solda, em ambas as soluções, com maior severidade do que a liga AISI 444. Os resultados obtidos indicam que para a aplicação requerida, o tubo AISI 444 pode ser utilizado na temperatura de 50°C com satisfatório desempenho e similar à junta composta somente por AISI 316L. / Recently in Brazil there has been constant investments in ethanol plants, to supply the internal and external market, resulting at a high increase of the volume of this product. However, economical and environmental problems arose because of this new demand, whereas the current technologies produce thirteen liters of vinasse for each liter of alcohol. Each ECOVIN uses nearly 4000 welded tubes in the heat exchangers, and there is an option to use welded AISI 444 alloy tubes in order to reduce the manufacture costs of the ECOVIN. In this context, this work determines the corrosion mechanisms and analyzes the performance of welded tubes and the tube-to-tubesheet welded joints. The following types of tube-to-tubesheet were evaluated: current welded joints of this project, with all components manufactured with AISI 316L alloy; and the welded joint suggested for the project, using the welded tubes of AISI 444 alloy and the plate of AISI 316L alloy. For this purpose, the first step was to evaluate the weldability of the studied alloys, through microstructural characterization, welding procedure qualification and the intergranular corrosion test. After that, mass loss tests were conducted in 0,5 M \'H IND.2\'SO IND.4\' and 0,5 M \'H\'CL\' solutions, at 30°C, 50°C, 70°C and 90°C, according to the temperature range of the equipment operating. Electrochemical polarization tests were made in the same solution concentration used in the mass loss tests, but only in room temperature. These tests were made in samples that were welded with the same thermal cycle of the tube-to-tubesheet welded joints, and the evaluations were made on the base metal, heat affected zones and weld metal. The uniform and localized corrosion process occurred preferentially in the interface formed between tube and weld metal, and on weld metal near the tubes. In the tube-to-tubesheet dissimilar welded joints, it was observed that the corrosion process was predominant on the surface of AISI 444 alloy, probably because of the galvanic corrosion process, where the AISI 444 was an anodic region. The best performance on corrosion process was observed in AISI 316L, both the base metal and the similar welded joints. However, for the tests in chloride environment, in this process, the temperature caused a proportional influence in the corrosion rate of AISI 316L and AISI 444. In the AISI 316L alloy it was observed nucleation of pitting in HAZ and in weld metal, in both solutions, and more aggressive than observed in the AISI 444 alloy. The results showed that the AISI 444 alloy can be applied for the initial ranging temperatures of the equipments operation, with satisfactory performance.

Modélisation et simulation numérique de la propagation de la corrosion par piqûres du fer en milieu chloruré : contribution à l'évaluation de la durabilité des aciers au carbone en conditions de stockage géologique / Modeling and numerical simulation of the propagation of pitting corrosion of iron in chlorinated medium : contribution to the evaluation of the durability of carbon steels in geological storage conditions

Tricoit, Sandy 14 November 2012 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur la compréhension des mécanismes de la corrosion par piqûres susceptible d’affecter les aciers au carbone prévus pour le stockage des déchets radioactifs. Des modèles de transport/réaction ont été développés pour simuler, par la méthode des éléments finis, la propagation d’une piqûre à la surface du fer en milieu chloruré. Pour les modèles conservatifs, la piqûre est activée par un potentiel imposé au métal. A partir de différentes études paramétriques (géométrie, environnement…), les simulations ont permis d’identifier les facteurs critiques responsables d’un accroissement ou d’une inhibition de la vitesse de corrosion localisée. Par ailleurs, les essais sur des électrodes occluses, dites « lead-in-pencil », confirment que le confinement favorise la précipitation d’un film salin en fond de piqûre. Enfin, la simulation de situations de couplage entre la piqûre et la surface cathodique externe a permis de décrire l’évolution réaliste de la vitesse de corrosion localisée en milieu aéré et en potentiel libre. L’analyse des résultats de ces trois axes démontre que la chute ohmique dans la piqûre est le facteur contrôlant sa progression. Dans la majorité des cas, toute augmentation de cette chute ohmique (due à la précipitation, au confinement ou à l’augmentation du rapport des surfaces cathodique/anodique), conduit à une vitesse de corrosion plus rapide des surfaces externes. Ce phénomène est qualifié « d’évasement ». La croissance en profondeur, pour une vitesse d’oxydation dépendante du pH, reste à confirmer. Pour simuler le comportement à long terme du fer vis-à-vis de la piqûration, dans les conditions de stockage, les nouveaux modèles devront reposer sur la détermination plus précise de l’environnement et des lois de dissolution et de précipitation / This study deals with the understanding of the mechanisms of pitting corrosion susceptible to occur on carbon steel selected for high level nuclear waste containers. Transport/reaction models have been developed in order to simulate, by finite element method, the propagation of a pit on iron in chlorinated medium. For conservative models, pit is activated by imposing a potential on metal. Thanks to different parametric studies (geometry, environment…) simulations have permitted to classify, by severity order, the factors responsible of the increase or the inhibition of the localized corrosion rate. Otherwise, experiments on occluded (called « lead-in-pencil ») electrodes confirm that confinement favors the formation of a salt film at the bottom of the pit. Finally, the simulation of galvanic coupling between the pit and the surrounding cathodic surface has permitted to describe the realistic evolution of the localized corrosion rate in aerated medium and for free corroding conditions. The analysis of the results from these three ways of investigation has demonstrated that the ohmic drop inside the pit is the most important factor controlling his growing. In most study cases, any increase of this ohmic drop (due to precipitation, confinement or augmentation of the cathodic /anodic surfaces ratio), leads to a faster corrosion rate of the surrounding surface. This phenomenon is called “opening” of the pit. The progression at the pit bottom for a pH-dependant oxidation rate is still to confirm. In order to simulate the long term behavior of iron during pitting, in storage application, new models require a more accurate determination of the environment conditions, dissolution and precipitation laws

Contribution à l'effet des éléments d'alliage sur la résistance à la corrosion de nuances duplex exposées à des environnements simulant leur marché d'application par le biais d'approches locales / Contribution to the effect of alloying elements on the corrosion duplex grades exposed to environments simulating their application using local probes

Ba, Djiby 15 December 2014 (has links)
Les aciers inoxydables duplex (DSS) sont caractérisés par une structure biphasée comprenant un mélange de ferrite et d’austénite. La proportion entre les deux phases est d'habitude environ 50 %. Ils sont de plus en plus employés dans les industries chimiques, pétrochimiques, nucléaires, marines et de papier, principalement en raison de leurs excellentes propriétés mécaniques couplées à une bonne résistance à la corrosion par piqûre (basse teneur en nickel et molybdène). L’austénite ayant une composition chimique différente de celle de la ferrite, un film hétérogène se forme à la surface des aciers inoxydable duplex. Par ailleurs, les deux phases métalliques ayant des propriétés mécaniques différentes, un champ de contrainte hétérogène est généré dans les grains. Sous certaines conditions, l’existence de gradients de contraintes peut conduire à des hétérogénéités du film passif. Dans ce travail , on étudie l’effet des éléments d’alliages sur les propriétés physico-chimiques du film passif et le comportement en corrosion par piqures avant et après vieillissement en milieu chlorurés, pour une surface de référence respectant certains critères à savoir une surface lisse exempt de tout défauts (pas de couche écrouie, rugosité faible..). Les propriétés physico- chimiques du film sont étudiés à l’aide des analyses Auger et XPS à l’échelle locale et globale. Le comportement en corrosion des alliages duplex a été ensuite déterminé à partir d’essais TCP (détermination de la température critique de piqûration). Les résultats avant vieillissement ont montré que le film passif est homogène à l’échelle macroscopique et que l’amorçage des piqûres semblent être liée à la taille des grains et à la texture cristallographique décrit par le GOS. Après vieillissement de longue durée en milieu représentatif, les analyses de surface montrent un renforcement de la passivité par un épaississement du film passif, une augmentation significative du rapport Cr/Fe ce qui ont pour effet d’améliorer le comportement en corrosion par piqures des alliages. Des critères métallurgiques ont été proposés pour expliquer l’amorçage de piqûres pour ces alliages. / Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are characterized by a two-phase structure comprising a mixture of ferrite and austenite. The proportion between the two phases is usually about 50%. They are increasingly used in the chemical, petrochemical, nuclear, marine and paper, mainly because of their excellent mechanical properties coupled with good resistance to pitting corrosion (low grade nickel and molybdenum). The austenite having a different chemical composition than the ferrite, a heterogeneous film is formed on the surface of duplex stainless steels. Furthermore, the two metallic phases having different mechanical properties, a field of heterogeneous stress is generated in the grains. Under certain conditions, these differences may also yield formation of a heterogeneous passive film. In this work, we study the effect of alloying elements on the physico-chemical properties of the passive film and behavior pitting corrosion before and after ageing in chloride media for a reference surface that meet certain criteria ie a smooth surface free from any defects (no hardened layer .. low roughness). The physicochemical properties of the film are studied using Auger and XPS analysis at the microscale. The corrosion behavior of duplex alloys was then determined from CPT tests (determination of the Critical Pitting Temperature). The results before ageing have shown that the passive film is homogeneous on a macroscopic scale and that pitting corrosion appear to be related to the grain size and crystallographic texture described by GOS. After ageing, surface analysis shows a strengthening of passivity by thickening of the passive film and the ratio Cr/Fe are significantly increased which has the effect of improving behavior pitting alloys. Metallurgical criteria for pitting were proposed.

Impact de l'usinage de superfinition sur la zone affectée par le procédé : application à un matériau multiphasé / Impact of superfinish machining on the process-affected zone : case of a multiphased material

Coudert, Jean-Baptiste 10 December 2014 (has links)
Lors de l’usinage, les conditions de pression et de température à la surface usinée sont trèsélevées. La microstructure et l’état mécanique du matériau sont impactés, ce qui a desconséquences sur la réactivité chimique de la surface usinée. Dans cette thèse, ons’intéresse au tournage de superfinition de l’acier inoxydable martensitique X4CrNiMo16-5-1traité thermiquement (dénommé APX4 optimisé). Il présente la particularité d’êtremultiphasé à la température ambiante (martensite, ferrite et austénite). L’objectif est dequantifier les relations entre les conditions de coupe, les propriétés d’usage et ladégradation par corrosion des surfaces usinées. Des essais d’usinage en coupe orthogonale(type QST) ont été réalisés afin de comparer directement les résultats expérimentaux auxprédictions numériques 2D des surfaces usinées.Les changements de phase du matériau ont été étudiés par des essais de calorimétriejusqu’à 1200°C. Les cycles thermiques réalisés ont mis en évidence différentestransformations métallurgiques. L’étude bibliographique complémentaire permet deconclure quant aux possibilités de transformation de phase en usinage, qui sont quasiinexistantes du fait des cinétiques de chauffage extrêmement élevées en tournage.Les échantillons usinés ont été caractérisés avec une étude microstructurale parmicrographie optique et par MEB-EBSD. Ces deux techniques mettent en évidence lesdéformations importantes en extrême surface indiquées par l’étirement des îlots de ferriteparallèlement à la surface usinée. Ces résultats microstructuraux ont été mis en relationavec les résultats de microdureté Vickers. Une relation de la dureté superficielle a étéexprimée en fonction des conditions de coupe. La technique EBSD a permis de montrer pourles échantillons usinés dans les conditions les plus sévères la déformation de la ferrite avecapparition de sous-joints de grain, un affinement microstructural de la martensite et uneaccentuation de l’affinement de la matrice martensitique à proximité de la ferrite déformée.Une simulation numérique de prédiction des déformations à l’échelle macroscopiquea été réalisée. Ces résultats numériques ont été comparés aux résultats de déformation etde microdureté issus d’une campagne d’essais. Des essais numériques complémentairesappliqués à l’échelle de la microstructure (matériau considéré biphasé) permettent ded’appréhender la déformation de la phase ferritique et son influence locale sur ladéformation de la matrice martensitique. Ces résultats sont cohérents avec les résultatsexpérimentaux.Les phénomènes de corrosion par piqûres ont été étudiés par le biais d’essais depolarisation à l’aide de la microcellule électrochimique et d’essais spécifiques pulsés. Cesderniers essais ont permis l’analyse des piqûres générées (en diamètre et en densité). Larésistance à la corrosion localisée des surfaces d’acier inoxydable martensitique reste bonneaprès usinage, même améliorée (densité de piqûres plusieurs fois plus faible que l’état deréférence). Ce comportement est corroboré à l’état de compression de la surface.La microdureté de surface, qui est contrôlée majoritairement par l’avance, conditionne lepotentiel de piqûre. L’augmentation du diamètre de piqûre a été reliée à l’affinementmicrostructural (observé à partir d’un certain seuil de microdureté superficielle). / During machining, pressure and temperature conditions at the machined surface are veryintensive. Machined material microstructure and mechanical state are changed, whichimpacts the chemical reactivity of the machined surface. In this PhD study, we focus onsuperfinish turning of heat treated martensitic stainless steel X4CrNiMo16-5-1 (namedoptimized APX4). It has to be mentioned that this material has a multiphased microstructureat ambient temperature (martensite, ferrite and austenite). The aim is then to quantifyrelationships between cutting conditions, properties and the deterioration (corrosion) ofmachined surfaces. Machining trials in orthogonal cutting configuration (QST) have beenrealized in order to compare experimental results directly to 2D numerical forecast ofmachined surfaces.Material phase transformations have been studied by calorimetry tests until 1200°C. Testshave evidenced different metallurgical transformations. The complementary bibliographystudy allows to conclude that phase transformation possibilities during machining are veryquasi nonexistent due to extremely high heating kinetics in turning.Machined samples have been characterized by a microstructural study by opticalmicrography and SEM-EBSD. Both techniques highlight high strains in extreme machinedsurface as indicated by the stretching of ferrite islands in parallel to the machined surface.Microstructural results have been linked to the Vickers microhardness results. Surfacehardness has been expressed as a function of the cutting conditions.EBSD measurements have shown for machined samples in the most severe conditionsstraining of the ferrite with low angle grain boundaries, microstructural refining ofmartensite and heightening of martensitic matrix close to the strained ferrite.A numerical simulation predicting strains at the macroscopic scale has been carried out.These numerical results have been compared to strain and microhardness results arise fromone trials campaign. Further numerical simulations applied at the microstructure level(considered as biphased material) allow understanding of ferritic phase strain and its localinfluence on martensitic matrix strain. These results are consistent with experimentalresults.Pitting corrosion phenomenon has been studied by polarization testing using theelectrochemical microcell and specific pulsed testing. Last used method has been conductedto analyze the generated pits (diameter and density). Localized corrosion resistance ofmachined martensitic stainless steel surfaces remains good, even improved (few times lowerpitting density than the reference state). This behaviour is corroborated to the compressivestate of the surface.Surface microhardness, which is mainly controlled by the feed rate, conditions the criticalpitting potential. Increased pitting diameter has been linked to microstructural refining(observed above a surface microhardness level).

Experimental and modelling studies of corrosion fatigue damage in a linepipe steel

Fatoba, Olusegun Oludare January 2016 (has links)
The work is concerned with the development of a multi-stage corrosion fatigue lifetime model, with emphasis on pitting as a precursor to cracking. The model is based upon the quantitative evaluation of damage during the overall corrosion fatigue process. The fatigue response of as-received API 5L X65 linepipe steel has been investigated in terms of the evolution of damage during pit development, pit-to-crack transition and crack propagation. Micro-potentiostatic polarisation was conducted to evaluate role of stress on pit development. Crack growth rate measurements were conducted on pre-pitted specimens, which were tested in air and brine, to evaluate the initiation and propagation behaviour of cracks emanating from artificial pits. Finite element analysis was undertaken to evaluate the stress and strain distribution associated with the pits. A cellular automata finite element model was also developed for predicting corrosion fatigue damage. Pit growth rate was enhanced under stress. It was considered that the strain localisation effect of the pit facilitated strain-assisted dissolution. In air, cracks initiated predominantly from the pit mouth. FEA results indicated that this was due to localisation of strain towards the pit mouth. In corrosion fatigue, cracks tended to initiate at the pit base at low stress and at the pit mouth at higher stresses. Crack initiation lifetimes were shorter in the aggressive environment compared to air and the effect of the environment on crack initiation lifetime was lower at higher stress levels. Crack initiation lifetime for double pits generally decreased with decreasing pit-to-pit separation distance. The microstructure was observed to influence crack growth behaviour in air particularly in the early stages when cracks were short. The acceleration and retardation in crack growth were attributed to the resistance of grain boundaries to crack advance. Cracks sometimes arrested at these barriers and became non-propagating. Introduction of the environment for a short period appear to eliminate the resistance of the microstructural barriers thus promoting re-propagation of the previously arrested crack. The continued crack propagation after the removal of the environment suggests that the influence of the environment is more important in the early stages of crack growth. Crack growth rates were higher in the aggressive environment than in air. The degree of environmental enhancement of crack growth was found to be greater at lower stress levels and at short crack lengths. Oxide-induced crack closure and crack coalescence were two mechanisms that also affected crack growth behaviour.2-D cellular automata finite element simulation results, with and without stress, show good agreement agreed with experiments i.e. pit depth and pit aspect ratio increase with time. Results from 3-D cellular automata simulations of pits are also consistent with experiments. Fatigue lifetimes were significantly shorter (i) in the brine environment than in air and (ii) for specimens with double pits compared to single pits of similar depth. Fatigue strength in air was found to decrease with increasing pit depth. Corrosion fatigue lifetimes predicted based upon the developed model showed good agreement with the experimental lifetimes.

Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Stahlbeton: Ermittlung des nicht sichtbaren Korrosionsverhaltens von Bewehrungsstählen im Beton durch die galvanostatische Pulsmessung

Jackobasch, Andreas, Schneck, Ulrich, Grieger, Christoph 19 March 2015 (has links)
Das Ziel der Arbeit bestand darin, die aus der Literatur bekannten Zusammenhänge zwischen Korrosionsaktivität von Stahl im Beton und einer galvanostatischen Pulsmessung, welche unter Laborbedingungen gute Ergebnisse liefern, auf Messungen an realen Bauwerken anzuwenden. Dazu wurden zunächst Untersuchungen an 13 Jahre alten Prüfkörpern durchgeführt und ausgewertet. Die abgeleiteten Zusammenhänge konnten anschließend an realen Bauteilen verifiziert werden. Somit stellt die galvanostatische Pulsmessung eine hilfreiche zerstörungsfreie Prüfmethode zur Interpretation des Korrosionszustandes dar. Die neuen Erkenntnisse lassen eine bessere Einschätzung des Korrosionsverhaltens in Stahlbetonbauwerken zu, als es die Potentialmessung erlaubt.

Corrosion Behaviour of Advanced Fe-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses

Gostin, Petre Flaviu 08 April 2011 (has links)
Early developed non-bulk Fe-based glasses, e.g. Fe-Cr(-Mo)-metalloid(s), exhibit extraordinary corrosion resistance, but low glass formation ability (GFA). Newly developed bulk glass-forming Fe-based alloys have on the contrary high GFA, but also very different compositions and therefore their corrosion behaviour is expectedly not similar. Fundamental investigations regarding corrosion behaviour were performed for one of the most prominent bulk glassy alloy, namely (Fe44.3Cr5Co5Mo12.8Mn11.2C15.8B5.9)98.5Y1.5. Particularly, the free corrosion and the anodic polarization behaviour, the passivation ability and the pitting susceptibility have been assessed in electrolytes with varying pH values and anion species concentrations. Due to its monolithic single phase microstructure this alloy has a much lower corrosion rate in acids than a two-phase conventional steel (DIN X210Cr12) with much higher content of passivating Cr, i.e. 11.4 at. %. However, the high concentration of electrochemically active Mn and B as well as the unfavourably high Mo to Cr concentration ratio determine a higher corrosion rate of this bulk glassy alloy in strong alkalis and also a very poor passivation ability in acids. On the contrary, the high content of Mo has a positive influence on the pitting resistance by inhibiting very effectively the propagation of pits occurring at Y2O3 inclusions. Detailed microscopic analysis investigations by HRSEM and in-situ AFM revealed the formation of characteristic morphological features at the micro- and nanometre scale on the surface of samples exposed to acidic solutions. These were explained by selective dissolution of active elements, e.g. Mn, B. This study demonstrated the necessity to investigate the corrosion properties of newly developed bulk glass-forming Fe-based alloys – they are not per-se highly corrosion resistant, but their corrosion behaviour depends on their particular chemical composition. / Früh entwickelte, nicht-massive amorphe Eisenbasislegierungen, z.B. Fe-Cr(-Mo)-Metalloid(e), zeigen bemerkenswerte Korrosionsbeständigkeit, aber niedrige Glasbildungsfähigkeit (englisch: glass-forming ability, GFA). Neu entwickelte massiv-glasbildende Eisenbasislegierungen haben im Gegenteil eine höhere GFA, aber auch sehr unterschiedliche Zusammensetzungen und deshalb ist ihr Korrosionverhalten ist wie zu erwarten nicht änlich. Grundlegende Untersuchungen des Korrosionsverhaltens einer der bekanntesten massiven amophen Legierung, nämlich (Fe44.3Cr5Co5Mo12.8Mn11.2C15.8B5.9)98.5Y1.5, wurden vorgenommen. Insbesondere wurde das Augenmerk auf das freie Korrosions- und das anodische Polarisationsverhalten, die Passivierungseigenschaften und die Anfälligkeit gegenüber Lochfraß in Elektrolyten mit verschiedenen pH-Werten und Anionenkonzentrationen gerichtet. Aufgrund ihres einphasig monolitischen Gefüges zeigt diese Legierung in Säuren eine viel niedrigere Korrosionsgeschwindigkeit als die eines zweiphasigen herkömmlichen Stahls (DIN X210Cr12) mit viel höherem Gehalt an passivierendem Cr, d.h. 11.4 at.%. Der höhere Gehalt an electrochemisch aktivem Mn und B sowie das nachteilige Verhältnis von Mo zu Cr Konzentration sind für eine höhere Korrosionsgeschwindigkeit dieser massiven amorphen Legierung in konzentrierten Alkalien sowie eine geringere Passivierungsfähigkeit in Säuren verantwortlich. Der hohe Gehalt an Mo hat jedoch einen positiven Einfluss auf die Lochfraßbeständigkeit – er hindert sehr wirksam das Wachstum der an Y2O3-Einschlüssen gebildeten Löcher. Detaillierte mikroskopische Untersuchungen durch HRSEM und in-situ AFM zeigten die Bildung charakteristischer Morphologien im Mikrometer- und Nanometerbereich auf der Oberfläche von Proben, die starken Säure ausgesetzt waren. Dieses wurde durch selektive Auflösung aktiver Elemente, z.B. Mn, B, erklärt. Diese Arbeit unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit, die Korrosionseigenschaften der neu entwickelten, massivglasbildenden Eisenbasislegierungen zu untersuchen – diese sind nicht per-se „hochkorrosionsbeständig“, stattdessen hängt ihr Korrosionsverhalten vielmehr von ihrer besonderen chemischen Zusammensetzung ab.


FABIANA DA SILVA SANTOS 18 May 2023 (has links)
[pt] Atualmente, pesquisas envolvendo metais e suas ligas têm como um de seus objetivos o controle microestrutural, como forma de aprimorar as propriedades de interesse, para as aplicações desejadas. Um fator importante que possui influência nas propriedades dos materiais policristalinos são os tipos, e distribuições de contornos de grãos e/ou de fase. A aplicação de processos que envolvam altas temperaturas, como tratamentos térmicos ou processos de soldagem, podem levar a transformações de fase, as quais modificam a cristalografia, composição química, distribuição e tamanho dos grãos. Os aços inoxidáveis duplex são ligas bifásicas constituídas de proporções aproximadamente iguais de ferrita e austenita pertencentes ao sistema Fe-Cr-Ni. Essa estrutura bifásica combina elevada resistência, boa tenacidade e excelente resistência à corrosão. Devido à essas excelentes propriedades são utilizadas em vários setores industriais como: indústrias químicas, petroquímicas, de petróleo e gás, e de construção naval. Incrementos na concentração de Cr e Ni nestes aços levam a formação de duas novas classes, os aços super e hiper duplex, cujas propriedades são semelhantes aos aços duplex, porém superiores. Neste caso, devido ao aumento no teor dos elementos de liga os processos de soldagem podem levar a formação de fases intermetálicas e/ou precipitados, as quais são deletérias as propriedades dos aços, facilitando o processo de corrosão. Muitas das transformações no estado sólido que ocorrem nos aços, seguem determinadas relações de orientação cristalográfica. Essas relações descrevem as interfaces de baixa energia que determinam os processos de nucleação e crescimento de novas fases. Portanto a determinação das relações de orientação presente nos aços duplex, super-duplex e hiper-duplex, a partir de transformações de fase obtidas em condições de equilíbrio e paraequilíbrio foram estudadas com a intenção de correlacionar com a susceptibilidade à corrosão por pites. Foram estudados os aços UNS S32205, UNS S32750 e UNS S33207, respectivamente pertencendo as classes duplex, super e hiperduplex A determinação das relações de orientação e fração de fases foi obtida por difração de elétrons retroespalhados (Electron Backscattering Diffraction - EBSD). A composição química das fases foi obtida por Espectroscopia de Energia Dispersiva (Energy Dispersion Spectroscopy - EDS). Estes dados foram correlacionados com os resultados obtidos após testes de corrosão ASTM G-48. Para todos os aços se observa a tendência do aumento da relação de orientação KS após submissão aos ciclos térmicos. No entanto, para as condições estudadas não foi encontrada uma correlação clara entre a presença da orientação KS com a formação de pites na ferrita. / [en] Currently, research involving metals and their alloys has microstructural control as one of its objectives, to improve the properties of interest, for the desired applications. An important factor that influences the properties of polycrystalline materials are the types and distributions of grain and/or phase boundaries. The application of processes involving high temperatures, such as heat treatments or welding processes, can lead to phase transformations, which modify the crystallography, chemical composition, distribution and size of the grains. Duplex stainless steels are biphasic alloys made up of approximately equal proportions of ferrite and austenite belonging to the Fe-Cr-Ni system. This two-phase structure combines high strength, good toughness and excellent corrosion resistance. Due to these excellent properties, they are used in various industrial sectors such as: chemical, petrochemical, oil and gas, and shipbuilding industries. Increases in the concentration of Cr and Ni in these steels lead to the formation of two new classes, super and hyper duplex steels, whose properties are like duplex steels, but superior. In this case, due to the increase in the content of alloying elements, the welding processes can lead to the formation of intermetallic phases and/or precipitates, which are deleterious to the properties of the steels, facilitating the corrosion process. Many of the solid-state transformations that occur in steels follow certain crystallographic orientation relationships. These relationships describe the lowenergy interfaces that determine the processes of nucleation and growth of new phases. Therefore, the determination of orientation relationships presents in duplex, super-duplex and hyper-duplex steels, from phase transformations obtained under equilibrium and paraequilibrium conditions, were studied with the intention of correlating with the susceptibility to pitting corrosion. The UNS S32205, UNS S32750 and UNS S33207 steels were studied, respectively belonging to the duplex, super and hyperduplex classes. of the phases was obtained by Energy Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS). These data were correlated with the results obtained after ASTM G-48 corrosion tests. For all steels, there is a trend towards an increase in the KS orientation ratio after submission to thermal cycles, however no clear correlation between the presence of the KS orientation and the formation of pits in the ferrite was found.

Influence of Post-treatments on Corrosion Properties of 3D printed Metal Components for Bioprocessing Applications

Koort, Leyla January 2023 (has links)
Additive manufacturing (AM) has the potential to overtake the conventional production of pipe systems of stainless steel grade 316L intended for bioprocessing applications by utilising powder bed fusion laser beam (PBF-LB) technologies. However, challenges such as high surface roughness need to be overcome and corrosion properties improved to meet industry standards. This can be done by applying surface post-treatments to the printed parts. Therefore, the first aim of this thesis was to investigate the ability of different post-treatments of PBF-LB 316L samples, including tumbling, electropolishing, chemical milling, Hirtisation®, and DryLyte®, to reduce the surface roughness. One set of samples was left untreated, as-built set, and used as reference. The second aim was to try to correlate the surface roughness with the corrosion properties of the various post-treated samples. Analytical techniques used included needle profilometry, light optical microscopy (LOM), critical pitting temperature (CPT), cyclic potentiodynamic polarisation (CPDP) and immersion in 1M NaCl and 1M NaOH for two different durations for each solution. While some results were expected, others were surprising. Even though tumbled samples resulted in the lowest surface roughness, the results for immersion and CPDP curves tests indicated the lowest corrosion resistance compared to the other post-treatments. On the other hand, electropolishing resulted in the lowest surface roughness reduction among the post-treated samples. However, these samples had comparatively high corrosion resistance in the CPT and CPDP tests. The DryLyte® samples were tested using two DryLyte® medias where one of them resulted in the second lowest surface roughness and showed highest corrosion resistance in all three corrosion tests even though the process parameters are still to be developed. The results for samples post-treated by Hirtisation® and chemical milling were inconsistent and need further investigations. The reference as-built set showed high corrosion resistance in its untreated state, indicating post-treatments having minor impact on its performance from a corrosion perspective. / Additiv tillverkning (AM) har möjlighet att konkurrera ut konventionell produktion av rörsystem i rostfritt stål typ 316L avsett för bioprocessapplikationer genom att använda pulverbäddsinfusionslaserstråleteknik (PBF-LB). För tekniken kvarstår dock utmaningar för att uppfylla branschstandarder då tillverkningen medför material med hög ytråhet och sämre korrosionsegenskaper än traditionella metoder. Detta kan åstadkommas genom olika typer av efterbearbetning av de printade ytorna. Ett syfte med denna studie var att utvärdera hur olika typer av efterbehandling av PBF-LB 316L (trumling, elektropolering, kemisk etsning, Hirtisation® och DryLyte®) påverkar ytråheten. Som referensmaterial användes obearbetade printade ytor. Studiens andra huvudmål var att undersöka möjligheten för korrelation mellan ytråhet efter behandling och korrosionsegenskaperna. Analyser gjordes med hjälp av nålprofilometri, ljusoptisk mikroskopi (LOM), bestämning av kritisk gropfrätningstemperatur (CPT), framtagning av cykliska potentiodynamiska polarisationskurvor (CPDP) samt nedsänkning i 1M NaCl och 1M NaOH under två olika tidsperioder per lösning. Resultaten var delvis väntade och delvis överraskande. Trots att de trumlade proverna resulterade i lägst ytråhet, visade de elektrokemiska studierna (CPDP) i de olika lösningarna på att lägre korrosionsbeständighet jämfört med övriga efterbehandlingar. Å andra sidan resulterade elektropolering resulterade i den lägsta minskningen i ytråhet bland de efterbehandlade proverna. Dessa prover visade dock på en jämförelsevis hög korrosionsbeständighet i både CPT och CPDP testerna. DryLyte®-proverna studerades med två olika DryLyte®-medier, varav en av dem gav näst lägst ytråhet samt visade högst korrosionsbeständighet i samtliga korrosionstester trots att processparametrarna inte ännu är optimerade för denna nya teknik. Resultaten för prover som efterbehandlats med Hirtisation® och kemisk etsning var tvetydiga och behöver studeras vidare. De obehandlade referensproverna indikerade hög korrosionsbeständighet, vilket tyder på att efterbehandlingar hade minimal påverkan ur ett korrosionsperspektiv.

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