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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La biologie structurale des polykétide synthases de type trans-AT / Structural biology of trans-AT polyketide synthase

Dorival, Jonathan 18 November 2016 (has links)
Les polykétides sont des molécules complexes possédant des rôles thérapeutiques divers (antibiotiques, anticancéreux, immunosuppresseurs, etc..). Ces composés sont synthétisés par les polykétides synthases (PKS) qui présentent donc un intérêt certain. Une stratégie prometteuse et en développement, appelée biologie synthétique, consiste en l’ingénierie protéique des PKS pour produire de nouveaux polykétides. Cependant, un prérequis au succès de cette méthode est la compréhension du fonctionnement des PKS. En effet, les PKS sont des systèmes complexes composés de plusieurs sous-unités. Celles-ci comportent chacune un ou plusieurs modules responsable d’un cycle d’extension du polykétide. Les modules sont composés également de plusieurs domaines assurant chacun un rôle biosynthétique. Il est ainsi nécessaire de comprendre comment s’opère la communication entre domaines au sein d’un module. Pour cela, nous avons étudié le module 5 de la PKS synthétisant la virginiamycine M par une approche combinant la diffusion des rayons X aux petits angles (SAXS), la résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) et la modélisation par homologie. Ainsi nous sommes parvenus à caractériser la structure en solution du module 5, mais également à positionner les structures à haute résolution des domaines à l’intérieur de l’enveloppe SAXS. De plus, notre étude de la dynamique du module 5 a montré que les deux domaines acyl carrier protein (ACP) composant le module semblent non-équivalents, et que l’ACP5b doit être doté d’une certaine mobilité afin d’être fonctionnel, ceci dû à la flexibilité du linker reliant les deux ACP. L’interaction entre les sous-unités consécutives est également primordiale pour assurer la fidélité de la synthèse des polykétides. Ces interactions sont assurées, au moins en partie, par des domaines de petite taille appelés « domaine de docking (DD) ». Jusqu’alors, les DD avaient été caractérisés uniquement chez les PKS de type cis-AT. Nous avons caractérisé une nouvelle classe de DD, la première chez les PKS trans-AT. Grâce à une approche pluridisciplinaire, nous avons montré que l’un des DD constitue probablement une protéine intrinsèquement désordonnée (IDP) : son interaction avec le DD partenaire induirait son repliement. Nous avons résolu la structure RMN d’une protéine de fusion entre les deux DD, affichant une nouvelle topologie pour une interaction protéine-protéine. Cette interface de docking a ensuite été replacée dans son contexte modulaire par SAXS. Contrairement aux autres DD qui ne forment qu’une seule interface de docking, ces DD forment deux complexes de docking à l’intersection des deux sous-unités. Nos données SAXS nous avons également permis de proposer un modèle de l’interface créée entre deux sous-unités PKS dans laquelle une chambre réactionnelle est formée, qui pourrait servir à protéger des intermédiaires réactifs de polykétide. Des enzymes post-PKS interviennent suite à la synthèse du polykétide pour maturer ce dernier. Cette étape est d’une importance considérable puisqu’elle confère la structure et l’activité finale du polykétide. Dans ce contexte, nous avons mené une étude structure/fonction de l’enzyme post-PKS catalysant la macrocyclisation de l’antibiotique lankacidine C. Après un phasage par SAD sur la protéine séléniée, nous avons résolu la structure de l’enzyme en complexe avec des analogues de substrats, puis procéder à la conception de mutants pour résoudre la structure de l’enzyme avec son substrat naturel / Polyketides are structurally complex molecules which exhibit diverse therapeutic activities (antibiotic, antitumor, immunosuppressant…). These compounds and the enzymes responsible for their synthesis, the polyketide synthases (PKSs), are thus of significant biomedical interest. An emerging though promising strategy for the generation of novel polyketides is the engineering of the PKS proteins, an approach called synthetic biology. Nevertheless, a fundamental understanding of the mode of operation of the PKS enzymes is directly correlated with the success of this methodology. Indeed, PKSs are molecular-scale assembly lines which are composed of several subunit, each of which includes one or several modules catalyzing a polyketide elongation cycle. The module themselves are composed of several domains each with a specific role in the biosynthesis. It is therefore necessary to understand how the domains within a module communicate with each other. To address this question, we studied module 5 of the PKS responsible for virginiamycin M using an approach combining small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and homology modeling. This strategy allowed us to characterize the solution structure of module 5, but additionally to position high-resolution domain structures inside the SAXS envelopes. We also studied the dynamics of module 5, demonstrating that the two component acyl carrier proteins (ACPs) appear to be non-equivalent, and that the function of ACP5b is likely dependent on the mobility conferred on it by the flexible linker between the two domains. The interaction between the consecutive subunits is also critical to ensuring the fidelity of polyketide synthesis. This communication is assured, at least in part, by small domains called docking domains (DD), which have to date only been characterized from cis-AT PKS. Here, we have identified a new class of DD, the first shown to be present in trans-AT PKSs. Using a multidisciplinary approach, we have demonstrated that the N-terminal DD (VirFG NDD) is likely to be an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP), whose interaction with its partner DD (VirA CDD) induces its folding. We have solved the NMR structure of a fusion protein between the two DD, revealing a new topology for a protein-protein interaction. This docking interface was then placed into its modular context by SAXS. In contrast to the other classes of DD which form a single docking complex, this new type of DD gives rise to two docking interfaces at the intersubunit junction. Finally, our SAXS data have allowed us to propose a model for the complete interface between two PKS subunits in which a reaction chamber is formed, which may allow reactive polyketide intermediates to be protected. Post-PKS enzymes catalyze maturation of the polyketide after its release from the last module of the PKS. This processing is critical as it yields the final structure and activity of the polyketide. In this context, we conducted a structure/function study of the post-PKS enzyme catalyzing the macrocyclisation of the antibiotic lankacidine C. After phasing by SAD using a seleniated protein, we solved the structure of the enzyme in complex with substrate analogues. We then proceeded to site-directed mutagenesis of specific residues, in order to solve the structure of the enzyme in complex with its natural substrate

Filogenia molecular e metabolismo secundário de espécies de Peperomia / Molecular phylogeny and secondary metabolism from Peperomia species.

Valero Gutiérrez, Lady Yasmin 02 September 2015 (has links)
Árvores evolutivas de espécies de Peperomia baseadas nas regiões de ITS e matK foram confrontadas com perfis metabólicos de extratos brutos obtidos por RMN 1H, HPLC-DAD e LC-ESI-MS. A análise de clusters (HCA) e a análise discriminante de componentes principais (DAPC) suportaram em parte os agrupamentos observados por ITS e matK. As principais classes de metabólicos secundários observadas foram policetídeos, meroterpenos, cromenos, fenilpropanoides e amidas, sendo que foram ainda isolados um policetídeo (malabaricona D) de P. megapotamica; o fenilpropanoide elemicina e a lignana tetraidrofurânica diyangambina de P. rotundifolia; e as flavonas 5,6,7-trimetoxiflavona e 4\',5,6,7- tetrametoxiflavona de P. sincorana. As PKS tipo chalcona sintase (CHS) de peperomias, diferiram daquelas de famílias filogeneticamente próximas como Myristicaceae (Virola) e Lauraceae (Aniba). Como muitos meroterpenos de espécies de Peperomia possuem como núcleo básico o ácido orselínico, produto típico de líquens e bactérias, o gene ácido orselínico sintase (OSAS) foi investigado nas plantas e nos 27 fungos endofíticos isolados de espécies de Peperomia (identificados pelas sequências de ITS1-5.8S-ITS2). Foram amplificadas pelo menos uma PKS (NR, HR e PR) em cada uma das linhagens e AOS em várias delas (UR1, UC3, UF1, UF2, UF3, UF4, GC3, NR1, NC1, NC2, NF1, AR1, AC1, AC4, OC1 e OF1). A homologia de 60% da OSAS amplificada de UR1 com a sequência de Streptomyces viridochromogenes é sugestivo de transferência horizontal de bactéria para fungos. / Phylogenetic tree of Peperomia species based on ITS and matK were compared to the metabolic profiling of crude extracts using 1H NMR, HPLC-DAD and LC-ESI-MS. Cluster analysis (HCA) and discriminant analysis of principal componentes (DAPC) supported significantly the clustering observed by ITS and matK. The major classes of secondary metabolites were polyketides, meroterpenes, chromenes, phenylpropanoids and amides and besides, one polyketide (malabaricone D) of P. megapotamica; the phenylpropanoid elemicin and the tetrahydrofuran lignan diyangambin from P. rotundifolia; and the flavones 5,6,7- trimethoxyflavone and 4\',5,6,7-tetramethoxyflavone were isolated from P. sincorana. The PKS chalcone synthase type (CHS) from peperomia, differed from phylogenetically related families Myristicaceae (Virola) and Lauraceae (Aniba). Since several meroterpenes from Peperomia species have the orsellinic acid as an aromatic core, typical of liquens and bacteria, the orsellinic acid (OSAS) was investigate in the plants and 27 endophytes isolated from Peperomia (identified based on ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences). At least one PKS (NR, HR and PR) were isolated from each strains and AOS were isolated from several strains (UR1, UC3, UF1, UF2, UF3, UF4, GC3, NR1, NC1, NC2, NF1, AR1, AC1, AC4, OC1 and OF1). The 60% of homology observed for OSAS amplified from UR1 with that of Streptomyces viridochromogenes is suggestive of a horizontal transferring from bacteria to fungi.

Filogenia molecular e metabolismo secundário de espécies de Peperomia / Molecular phylogeny and secondary metabolism from Peperomia species.

Lady Yasmin Valero Gutiérrez 02 September 2015 (has links)
Árvores evolutivas de espécies de Peperomia baseadas nas regiões de ITS e matK foram confrontadas com perfis metabólicos de extratos brutos obtidos por RMN 1H, HPLC-DAD e LC-ESI-MS. A análise de clusters (HCA) e a análise discriminante de componentes principais (DAPC) suportaram em parte os agrupamentos observados por ITS e matK. As principais classes de metabólicos secundários observadas foram policetídeos, meroterpenos, cromenos, fenilpropanoides e amidas, sendo que foram ainda isolados um policetídeo (malabaricona D) de P. megapotamica; o fenilpropanoide elemicina e a lignana tetraidrofurânica diyangambina de P. rotundifolia; e as flavonas 5,6,7-trimetoxiflavona e 4\',5,6,7- tetrametoxiflavona de P. sincorana. As PKS tipo chalcona sintase (CHS) de peperomias, diferiram daquelas de famílias filogeneticamente próximas como Myristicaceae (Virola) e Lauraceae (Aniba). Como muitos meroterpenos de espécies de Peperomia possuem como núcleo básico o ácido orselínico, produto típico de líquens e bactérias, o gene ácido orselínico sintase (OSAS) foi investigado nas plantas e nos 27 fungos endofíticos isolados de espécies de Peperomia (identificados pelas sequências de ITS1-5.8S-ITS2). Foram amplificadas pelo menos uma PKS (NR, HR e PR) em cada uma das linhagens e AOS em várias delas (UR1, UC3, UF1, UF2, UF3, UF4, GC3, NR1, NC1, NC2, NF1, AR1, AC1, AC4, OC1 e OF1). A homologia de 60% da OSAS amplificada de UR1 com a sequência de Streptomyces viridochromogenes é sugestivo de transferência horizontal de bactéria para fungos. / Phylogenetic tree of Peperomia species based on ITS and matK were compared to the metabolic profiling of crude extracts using 1H NMR, HPLC-DAD and LC-ESI-MS. Cluster analysis (HCA) and discriminant analysis of principal componentes (DAPC) supported significantly the clustering observed by ITS and matK. The major classes of secondary metabolites were polyketides, meroterpenes, chromenes, phenylpropanoids and amides and besides, one polyketide (malabaricone D) of P. megapotamica; the phenylpropanoid elemicin and the tetrahydrofuran lignan diyangambin from P. rotundifolia; and the flavones 5,6,7- trimethoxyflavone and 4\',5,6,7-tetramethoxyflavone were isolated from P. sincorana. The PKS chalcone synthase type (CHS) from peperomia, differed from phylogenetically related families Myristicaceae (Virola) and Lauraceae (Aniba). Since several meroterpenes from Peperomia species have the orsellinic acid as an aromatic core, typical of liquens and bacteria, the orsellinic acid (OSAS) was investigate in the plants and 27 endophytes isolated from Peperomia (identified based on ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences). At least one PKS (NR, HR and PR) were isolated from each strains and AOS were isolated from several strains (UR1, UC3, UF1, UF2, UF3, UF4, GC3, NR1, NC1, NC2, NF1, AR1, AC1, AC4, OC1 and OF1). The 60% of homology observed for OSAS amplified from UR1 with that of Streptomyces viridochromogenes is suggestive of a horizontal transferring from bacteria to fungi.

Ocenění pro účely manažerského rozhodování / Business valuation for the purpose of management decision making process

Dostálek, Michal January 2009 (has links)
Thesis is focused on business valuation of PKS Mont, a.s., which operates in plastic window manufacturing sector. The valuation considers intended investment to manufacturing capacity expansion and it's influence on company's value. Thesis wil compare company's value both with or without the intended investment, using the method of discounted cash flows.

Bioinformatics and Biological Databases: 1) Sigma-54 Promoter Database – A Database of Sigma-54 Promoters Covering a Wide Range of Bacterial Genomes 2) ClusterMine360 – A Database of PKS/NRPS Biosynthesis

Conway, Kyle 14 January 2013 (has links)
The Sigma-54 Promoter Database contains computationally predicted sigma-54 promoters from over 60 prokaryotic species. Organisms from all major phyla were analysed and results were made available online at http://www.sigma54.ca. This database is particularly unique due to its inclusion of intragenic regions, grouping of data by COG and COG category, and the ability to summarize results either by phylum or database-wide. ClusterMine360 (http://www.clustermine360.ca/) is a database of microbial polyketide and nonribosomal peptide gene clusters. It takes advantage of crowd-sourcing by allowing members of the community to make contributions while automation is used to help achieve high data consistency and quality. The database currently has over 200 gene clusters from over 185 compound families. It also features a unique sequence repository containing over 10,000 PKS/NRPS domains. The sequences are filterable and downloadable as individual or multiple sequence FASTA files. This database will be a useful resource for members of the PKS/NRPS research community enabling them to keep up with the growing number of sequenced gene clusters and rapidly mine these clusters for functional information.

Bioinformatics and Biological Databases: 1) Sigma-54 Promoter Database – A Database of Sigma-54 Promoters Covering a Wide Range of Bacterial Genomes 2) ClusterMine360 – A Database of PKS/NRPS Biosynthesis

Conway, Kyle 14 January 2013 (has links)
The Sigma-54 Promoter Database contains computationally predicted sigma-54 promoters from over 60 prokaryotic species. Organisms from all major phyla were analysed and results were made available online at http://www.sigma54.ca. This database is particularly unique due to its inclusion of intragenic regions, grouping of data by COG and COG category, and the ability to summarize results either by phylum or database-wide. ClusterMine360 (http://www.clustermine360.ca/) is a database of microbial polyketide and nonribosomal peptide gene clusters. It takes advantage of crowd-sourcing by allowing members of the community to make contributions while automation is used to help achieve high data consistency and quality. The database currently has over 200 gene clusters from over 185 compound families. It also features a unique sequence repository containing over 10,000 PKS/NRPS domains. The sequences are filterable and downloadable as individual or multiple sequence FASTA files. This database will be a useful resource for members of the PKS/NRPS research community enabling them to keep up with the growing number of sequenced gene clusters and rapidly mine these clusters for functional information.

Bioinformatics and Biological Databases: 1) Sigma-54 Promoter Database – A Database of Sigma-54 Promoters Covering a Wide Range of Bacterial Genomes 2) ClusterMine360 – A Database of PKS/NRPS Biosynthesis

Conway, Kyle January 2013 (has links)
The Sigma-54 Promoter Database contains computationally predicted sigma-54 promoters from over 60 prokaryotic species. Organisms from all major phyla were analysed and results were made available online at http://www.sigma54.ca. This database is particularly unique due to its inclusion of intragenic regions, grouping of data by COG and COG category, and the ability to summarize results either by phylum or database-wide. ClusterMine360 (http://www.clustermine360.ca/) is a database of microbial polyketide and nonribosomal peptide gene clusters. It takes advantage of crowd-sourcing by allowing members of the community to make contributions while automation is used to help achieve high data consistency and quality. The database currently has over 200 gene clusters from over 185 compound families. It also features a unique sequence repository containing over 10,000 PKS/NRPS domains. The sequences are filterable and downloadable as individual or multiple sequence FASTA files. This database will be a useful resource for members of the PKS/NRPS research community enabling them to keep up with the growing number of sequenced gene clusters and rapidly mine these clusters for functional information.

Conditions for Moderation: Unpacking the Inclusion Experience of Islamist Parties in Three Different Political Systems in Indonesia

Murniati, Sri 02 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Bioprospecção de Actinobactérias da rizosfera de milho ( Zea mays L.) com atividade antifúngica / Bioprospection of actinobacteria from maize (Zea mays L.) rhizosphere with antifungal activity.

Melo, Flávia Mandolesi Pereira de 10 December 2009 (has links)
Actinobactérias ocorrem em diversos ambientes e possuem grande potencial na produção de enzimas, antibióticos e fármacos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o isolamento, a identificação e a bioprospecção de actinobactérias da rizosfera de milho. Foram isoladas 60 linhagens de actinobactérias de plantas sadias de milho, cultivadas em diferentes regiões do Estado de São Paulo. Os isolados com maior atividade, CCMA30 e CCMA33, foram identificados por meio do seqüenciamento parcial do gene 16S rRNA como pertencentes à espécie Streptomyces griseorubiginosus, nestes isolados foi também detectada a presença de genes PKS.O fracionamento do extrato bruto da linhagem CCMA 33 revelou que a fração 7 (m/z 719-768) com atividade antifúngica, foi submetida a fragmentação (MS/MS), onde pelas buscas no dicionário de produtos naturais confirmou-se a presença de Julichromes Q 6-6, substância sintetizada por policetídeos e de mais duas Julichromes (Q 1-3 e Q 3-3). Estes resultados evidenciam a produção de biocompostos de interesse biotecnológico por actinobactérias da rizosfera. / Actinobacteria occur in different environments and have a great potential in producing enzymes, antibiotics and medical molecules. The present work aimed the isolation, identification and the bioprospection by rhizosphere actinobactérias. Sixty strains were isolated from healthy plants of maize, cultivated in different regions Socorro, Serra Negra and Ribeirão Preto. The two isolates with higher activity CCMA30 and CCMA33 were identified by the partial sequencing of the 16S rDNA gene as belonging to the species Streptomyces griseorubiginosus. In these isolates it was detected the presence of PKS genes. The fractioning of the crude extract of the strain CCMA 33 has revealed that fraction 7 (m/z 719-768) displayed antifungal activity and it was submitted to fragmentation (MS/MS), where by searches in the dictionary of natural products detected the presence of Julichromes Q6-6 and the presence of two other Julichromes (Q1-3 and Q3-3). These results highlight the production of secondary metabolites of biotechnological interest by rhizosphere actinobacteria.

Bioprospecção de Actinobactérias da rizosfera de milho ( Zea mays L.) com atividade antifúngica / Bioprospection of actinobacteria from maize (Zea mays L.) rhizosphere with antifungal activity.

Flávia Mandolesi Pereira de Melo 10 December 2009 (has links)
Actinobactérias ocorrem em diversos ambientes e possuem grande potencial na produção de enzimas, antibióticos e fármacos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o isolamento, a identificação e a bioprospecção de actinobactérias da rizosfera de milho. Foram isoladas 60 linhagens de actinobactérias de plantas sadias de milho, cultivadas em diferentes regiões do Estado de São Paulo. Os isolados com maior atividade, CCMA30 e CCMA33, foram identificados por meio do seqüenciamento parcial do gene 16S rRNA como pertencentes à espécie Streptomyces griseorubiginosus, nestes isolados foi também detectada a presença de genes PKS.O fracionamento do extrato bruto da linhagem CCMA 33 revelou que a fração 7 (m/z 719-768) com atividade antifúngica, foi submetida a fragmentação (MS/MS), onde pelas buscas no dicionário de produtos naturais confirmou-se a presença de Julichromes Q 6-6, substância sintetizada por policetídeos e de mais duas Julichromes (Q 1-3 e Q 3-3). Estes resultados evidenciam a produção de biocompostos de interesse biotecnológico por actinobactérias da rizosfera. / Actinobacteria occur in different environments and have a great potential in producing enzymes, antibiotics and medical molecules. The present work aimed the isolation, identification and the bioprospection by rhizosphere actinobactérias. Sixty strains were isolated from healthy plants of maize, cultivated in different regions Socorro, Serra Negra and Ribeirão Preto. The two isolates with higher activity CCMA30 and CCMA33 were identified by the partial sequencing of the 16S rDNA gene as belonging to the species Streptomyces griseorubiginosus. In these isolates it was detected the presence of PKS genes. The fractioning of the crude extract of the strain CCMA 33 has revealed that fraction 7 (m/z 719-768) displayed antifungal activity and it was submitted to fragmentation (MS/MS), where by searches in the dictionary of natural products detected the presence of Julichromes Q6-6 and the presence of two other Julichromes (Q1-3 and Q3-3). These results highlight the production of secondary metabolites of biotechnological interest by rhizosphere actinobacteria.

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