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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Between Being and Nothingness: The Metaphysical Foundations Underlying Augustine's Solution to the Problem of Evil

Kooy, Brian Keith 30 November 2007 (has links)
Several commentators make the claim that Augustine is not a systematic thinker. The purpose of this thesis is to refute that claim in one specific area of Augustine's thought, the metaphysical foundations underlying his solutions to the problem of evil. Through an exegetical examination of various works in which Augustine writes on evil, I show that his solutions for both natural and moral evil rely on a coherent metaphysical system, conceived of and expounded upon within a Platonically influenced Christian context.

Plato Exits the Pharmacy: An Answer to the Derridean Critique of the Phaedrus and Timaeus

Tsantsoulas, Tiffany 12 March 2014 (has links)
By framing his deconstruction of Plato’s Phaedrus and Timaeus as a response to Platonism, Jacques Derrida overlooks the possibility of a Platonic philosophy beyond dogma and doctrine. This thesis argues that Derrida’s deconstructions target a particularly Platonist abstraction of the dialogues, and thus, his critique relies on the underlying assumption that Plato defends the metaphysics of presence. Derrida attempts to show how the thesis that Being is presence undermines itself in both dialogues through hints of différance like pharmakon and khôra. To answer the Derridean critique, I analyze the hermeneutics of Derrida’s deconstruction of Plato and identify what in the dialogues lies beyond the limits Derrida’s reading, for example Derrida’s notable exclusion of ἔρως.

Le réel dans l'oeuvre poétique d'Yves Bonnefoy / The real in the poetic theory of Yves Bonnefoy

Geronta, Constantia 12 January 2017 (has links)
Qu’ est-ce que signifie le réel pour un poète si reconnu, comme Yves Bonnefoy ? Quelle est la relation entre le réel et sa théorie poétique ? Constitue-il, le réel, une catégorie essentielle de sa théorie poétique ? Quelle est la place de la présence ? Comment elle se situe par rapport aux grands courants de la pensée du XXème siècle et aux Poèmes ? Quel est le rôle des essais critiques et des sciences comme la psychanalyse, la sémiotique et la philosophie quant à l’ étude du réel ? Finalement, quel rôle y jouent le langage et la poésie ? Le réel est une catégorie ontologique qu’ on distingue du terme de la réalité. En outre, le réel est un autre mot pour désigner le défaut et l’ excès de chaque étant en comparaison de tout ce qui le forme. Avec son premier recueil, Anti-Platon, Bonnefoy pose les fondements de sa propre ontologie qui attaque l’ idéalisme à la fois antique ( la philosophie platonicienne ) et moderne ( Hegel ) et qui reconnaît le rôle du sensible. Après Pierre Écrite, la présence remplace la notion de sensible et elle devient la notion-clé de son œuvre. La présence est l’ émergence soudaine de la chose dans son évidence. Aussi, est-elle ‘’une intuition de l’ universel dans le particulier’’ et l’ expérience de l’ unité, de l’ altérité et de l’ échange. En outre, les essais critiques et les études sur le langage, la poésie, la sémiotique, la psychanalyse et la philosophie, mettent en scène le projet poétique de Bonnefoy comme totalité. / What does real mean for a poet as recognized an Yves Bonnefoy? What is the relationship between the real and his poetic theory? What is the role of presence? How it is placed compared to the main currents of twentieth century’s thought and Poems? What is the role of critical essays and sciences like psychoanalysis, semiotics and philosophy regarding the study of real? Last but not least, what role does language and poetry play? The real is an ontological category that is distinguished by the term reality. In addition, the real is another word for default and excess of each being compared to all that form it. With his first book, Anti-Plato, Bonnefoy lays the foundation of his own ontology that attacks idealism both ancient ( Plato’s philosophy ) and modern ( Hegel ) and recognizes the role of the sensible. After Written Stone ( Pierre Écrite ), the presence replaces the term of sensible and becomes the key-concept of Bonnefoy’s work. Presence is the sudden emergence of the thing in it’s obviousness. Also, it is ‘’an intuition of the universal in the particular’’ and the experience of unity, of otherness and exchange. Thus, it offers a vision of renewing the poetic act. In addition, critical essays and studies on language, poetry, semiotics, psychoanalysis and philosophy, set the poetic project of Bonnefoy as a totality

Reason turned into sense: John Smith on spiritual sensation

Michaud, Derek 12 March 2016 (has links)
John Smith (1618-1652), the 17th century Cambridge Platonist, employed the traditional language of the spiritual senses of the soul to develop an early modern theological aesthetic central to his religious epistemology and thus to his philosophy of religion and systematic theology. Smith's place in this tradition has been under-appreciated by scholars working on the Cambridge Platonists and the spiritual senses. However, as a Christian Platonist, Smith advocated intellectual intuition of Divine Goodness as the key to theological knowledge and spiritual practice. Furthermore, Smith's theory of prophecy rests on the reception of sensible images in the imagination. In order to demonstrate this the dissertation first presents an interpretive summary of the spiritual senses tradition and proposes a functional typology that registers three uses of non-corporeal perception throughout the history of Christian theology: (1) accounts of the origin and methods of theological knowledge, (2) descriptions of spirituality, and (3) attempts to systematically present or defend Christian theology. Additionally, Smith's historical and intellectual context in early seventeenth century England is discussed with particular attention to how his education prepared him to contribute to the mystical tradition of the spiritual senses of the soul. Through a close reading of his extant writings it is shown that Smith's theories of theological knowledge, method, and prophecy rest on his development of the spiritual senses tradition, combining intellectual intuition and imaginative perception. Likewise, the role of spiritual aesthetics in Smith's prescriptive account of Christian piety is presented. Here the spiritual senses are both means and reward in the spiritual life through the process of deification (theosis). Moreover, it is shown how Smith's theology forms a coherent system with intellectual intuition informing natural theology and revelation being supplemented by spiritual perception via the imagination. The central uniting feature therefore is the spiritual perception of theological truth. Finally, the dissertation closes with a summary of Smith's various uses of the spiritual senses and proposes future research on his influence upon later figures including Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, and suggests future constructive work inspired by Smith's combination of reason and experience in religion.

Cartografia de Orfeu:analogia e assurreição nas Soledades de Luis de Góngora y Argote / Orpheus cartography: analogy and assurrection in Gongora's soledades

Rodrigo Petronio Ribeiro 18 February 2013 (has links)
O tema desta Dissertação de Mestrado é a análise dos conceitos de analogia e assurreição (objetos formais) na obra Soledades (objeto material) de Luis de Góngora, bem como suas implicações filosóficas e formais. Pretendi fazer uma análise do poema, tendo em vista perseguir a seguinte hipótese: a desmesura e a desproporção que as Soledades apresentam não são fruto de um mero capricho estilístico. Elas nascem de uma intervenção do furor poético, entendido como furor divino. Góngora teve acesso a essas concepções mediante o influxo de ideias herméticas e neoplatônicas na Península Ibérica. Tais influxos são responsáveis por uma amplificação especialmente aguda da doutrina da analogia. O desdobramento máximo dessa ênfase no princípio da analogia é propriamente a assurreição, tal como definida por Claude-Gilbert Dubois. A partir desses elementos, esta Dissertação de Mestrado pretendeu proceder a uma análise de alguns motivos, cenas e trechos do poema narrativo Soledades, de Luis de Góngora y Argote, mostrando como ele elabora a doutrina da analogia de proporcionalidade e em que momento essa analogia aguda produz a assurreição, ou seja, o corte transversal na hierarquia dos corpos institucionais, movimento este em geral entendido em termos teológicos e políticos como heresia. Por outro lado, há a importante relação entre hermetismo, neoplatonismo e literatura na Renascença, bem como a maneira pela qual a doutrina do furor poético se infiltrou nas artes e na poesia espanholas por via italiana nos séculos XVI e XVII. Concentrei-me no conceito de assurreição e na análise do deslocamento metafísico-teológico das analogias de proporcionalidade presentes nas Soledades, cotejando-as com a distribuição dos lugares naturais de cada elemento do cosmos, fixada sobretudo por Santo Tomás de Aquino, a maior autoridade da teologia católica na Península Ibérica do século XVII / The theme of this Master Thesis is the analysis of the concepts of analogy and assurreição (formal objects) in the work Soledades (material object) of Luis de Góngora, as well as formal and philosophical implications. Wanted to do an analysis of the poem in order to pursue the following hypothesis: the excesses and the disproportion that Soledades have are not the result of a stylistic whim. They are born of an intervention poetic furor, understood as divine wrath. Góngora had access to these conceptions by the influx of Hermetic and Neoplatonic ideas in Iberia. Such inflows are responsible for a particularly acute amplification of the doctrine of analogy. The splitting up of this emphasis on the principle of analogy is properly assurreição as defined by Claude-Gilbert Dubois. From these elements, this Dissertation intended to carry out an analysis of some reasons, scenes and snippets of narrative poem Soledades, Luis de Góngora y Argote, showing how he prepares the doctrine of proportionality and analogy in that moment that analogy acute assurreição produces, ie the cross section in the hierarchy of institutional bodies, this movement generally understood in theological and political terms as heresy. On the other hand, there is the important relationship between Hermeticism, Neoplatonism and literature in the Renaissance, as well as the manner in which the doctrine of poetic fury seeped in arts and poetry by Italian Spanish in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. I focused on the concept of assurreição and analysis of the shifting metaphysical and theological analogies of proportionality present in Soledades, comparing them with the distribution of natural places for each element of the cosmos, basically fixed by St. Thomas Aquinas, the greatest authority of Catholic theology in seventeenth-century Iberian Peninsula

Cartografia de Orfeu:analogia e assurreição nas Soledades de Luis de Góngora y Argote / Orpheus cartography: analogy and assurrection in Gongora's soledades

Rodrigo Petronio Ribeiro 18 February 2013 (has links)
O tema desta Dissertação de Mestrado é a análise dos conceitos de analogia e assurreição (objetos formais) na obra Soledades (objeto material) de Luis de Góngora, bem como suas implicações filosóficas e formais. Pretendi fazer uma análise do poema, tendo em vista perseguir a seguinte hipótese: a desmesura e a desproporção que as Soledades apresentam não são fruto de um mero capricho estilístico. Elas nascem de uma intervenção do furor poético, entendido como furor divino. Góngora teve acesso a essas concepções mediante o influxo de ideias herméticas e neoplatônicas na Península Ibérica. Tais influxos são responsáveis por uma amplificação especialmente aguda da doutrina da analogia. O desdobramento máximo dessa ênfase no princípio da analogia é propriamente a assurreição, tal como definida por Claude-Gilbert Dubois. A partir desses elementos, esta Dissertação de Mestrado pretendeu proceder a uma análise de alguns motivos, cenas e trechos do poema narrativo Soledades, de Luis de Góngora y Argote, mostrando como ele elabora a doutrina da analogia de proporcionalidade e em que momento essa analogia aguda produz a assurreição, ou seja, o corte transversal na hierarquia dos corpos institucionais, movimento este em geral entendido em termos teológicos e políticos como heresia. Por outro lado, há a importante relação entre hermetismo, neoplatonismo e literatura na Renascença, bem como a maneira pela qual a doutrina do furor poético se infiltrou nas artes e na poesia espanholas por via italiana nos séculos XVI e XVII. Concentrei-me no conceito de assurreição e na análise do deslocamento metafísico-teológico das analogias de proporcionalidade presentes nas Soledades, cotejando-as com a distribuição dos lugares naturais de cada elemento do cosmos, fixada sobretudo por Santo Tomás de Aquino, a maior autoridade da teologia católica na Península Ibérica do século XVII / The theme of this Master Thesis is the analysis of the concepts of analogy and assurreição (formal objects) in the work Soledades (material object) of Luis de Góngora, as well as formal and philosophical implications. Wanted to do an analysis of the poem in order to pursue the following hypothesis: the excesses and the disproportion that Soledades have are not the result of a stylistic whim. They are born of an intervention poetic furor, understood as divine wrath. Góngora had access to these conceptions by the influx of Hermetic and Neoplatonic ideas in Iberia. Such inflows are responsible for a particularly acute amplification of the doctrine of analogy. The splitting up of this emphasis on the principle of analogy is properly assurreição as defined by Claude-Gilbert Dubois. From these elements, this Dissertation intended to carry out an analysis of some reasons, scenes and snippets of narrative poem Soledades, Luis de Góngora y Argote, showing how he prepares the doctrine of proportionality and analogy in that moment that analogy acute assurreição produces, ie the cross section in the hierarchy of institutional bodies, this movement generally understood in theological and political terms as heresy. On the other hand, there is the important relationship between Hermeticism, Neoplatonism and literature in the Renaissance, as well as the manner in which the doctrine of poetic fury seeped in arts and poetry by Italian Spanish in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. I focused on the concept of assurreição and analysis of the shifting metaphysical and theological analogies of proportionality present in Soledades, comparing them with the distribution of natural places for each element of the cosmos, basically fixed by St. Thomas Aquinas, the greatest authority of Catholic theology in seventeenth-century Iberian Peninsula

Explicating logicality / Explicando a lógica

Daniel Arvage Nagase 02 June 2017 (has links)
The present study aims at analyzing the so-called Tarski proposal, a proposal about which objects should be considered as logical. My analysis has two parts: the first part, more historically oriented, compares Tarskis evolving methodology to Carnaps and Quines, in particular with the dierent conceptions of these latter two regarding that which they called explication. The second, more argumentative part, attempts to show that the most natural environment for this proposal is a platonic metaphysics of a neo-Fregean variety. / O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a assim chamada proposta de Tarski, a qual visa fornecer uma resposta à pergunta: quais objetos são lógicos? Nossa análise consiste em duas partes: uma primeira, mais histórica, compara a metodologia de Tarski àquela de Carnap e de Quine, se atentando principalmente às diferentes acepções que cada um deles atribui à noção de explicação (explication). A segunda parte, mais argumentativa, procura mostrar que um ambiente natural para essa proposta é uma metafísica platônica de franca inspiração neo-fregeana.

Uno, Diada e demiurgia no Timeu de Platão

Xavier, Dennys Garcia 11 April 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Lucas Angioni / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-05T10:41:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Xavier_DennysGarcia_M.pdf: 7944534 bytes, checksum: 77e2496063769340dd4d68fef190b077 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Nesta dissertação, apresentamos e analisamos alguns dos fundamentos hermenêuticos e filosóficos a partir dos quais se propôs um Novo Paradigma de interpretação para a filosofia platônica. O Novo Paradigma representa uma alternativa ao critério hermenêutico tradicional originalmente concebido por F. Schleiermacher - na medida em que não só admite a legitimidade filosófica da tradição indireta dedicada ao platonismo, mas também lhe confere grande importância numa releitura dos diálogos e da filosofia de Platão. A confiar nos textos que compõem aquela tradição, nosso filósofo desenvolveu em lições orais apresentadas no recesso da Academia uma parte do seu pensamento que, por motivos didático-filosóficos, preferiu não registrar nos seus diálogos - ou registrar apenas por remissões e imagens analógicas. No entanto, ao contrário do que se poderia pensar, essas ágrapha dógmata de Platão não parecem ser compostas por elementos negligenciáveis ou de pouca importância filosófica: estariam contidos ali os ensinamentos acerca do que ele considerou os princípios supremos de toda a realidade, uma protologia que nos remete para além dos diálogos, mas, ao que tudo indica, em plena harmonia com eles. Além do estudo dos textos que sustentam a nova proposta interpretativa, apresentamos também uma sua aplicação prática, a partir de uma análise do papel do Demiurgo no diálogo Timeu de Platão. Nossa intenção neste "estudo de caso" do Timeu é lançar as bases de uma hipótese de leitura de um dos vários temas tratados no diálogo, possível apenas com a adoção de parte significativa do instrumental oferecido pelo Novo Paradigma. Em especial, tentamos demonstrar em que medida as operações protológicas supostamente pensadas por Platão podem se tomar valiosas chaves de compreensão tanto da natureza quanto do agir do Demiurgo e do princípio material sobre o qual ele imprime sua marca: a Necessidade, receptáculo de tudo o que devém / Abstract: In this paper we present and analyze some philosophical and hermeneutic foundations, which helped in the proposal of a New Paradigm of interpretation for the platonic philosophy. The New Paradigm represents an alternative to the traditional hermeneutic criterion - originally developed by F. Schleiermacher - because not only admits the philosophic legitimacy of the indirect tradition dedicated to Plato's philosophy, but also gives him a great importance in a rereading of Plato's dialogues and philosophy. Trusting the texts that take part in that tradition, our philosopher developed in oral lessons presented in the Academy' s break a part of his thought that, for philosophic-didactic purposes, he preferred not to register in his dialogues - or to register only by remissions and analogical images. On the other hand, these Plato's ágrapha dógmata don't seem to be constituted by negligible elements or with little philosophic importance: there were thought related to what he considered the uItimate principaIs of alI the reality, a Protology that address us beyond the dialogues, but, we can notice, a fuIl harmony with them. Besides the texts study that support the new interpretative proposal, we also present a practical application, from an analysis of Demiourgo' s role in the dialogue Timeu of Plato. Our intention in this study of Timeu is to throw the basis of a reading hypothesis of one of the several themes studied in the dialogue, possible only by adopting a significant part of the instrumental offered by the New Paradigm. Specially we tried to demonstrate in what ways the Protology operations supposed1y though by Plato, can become valuable keys for the comprehension of the nature, from Demiourgo' s way of acting and also of the material element where he leaves his marc: the Necessity, receiver of everything that is coming / Mestrado / Historia da Filosofia Antiga / Mestre em Filosofia

Metaforas do corpo : reflexões sobre o estatuto da linguagem na filosofia do jovem Nietzsche / Metaphors of body : reflexions about language in the phylosopy of young Nietzsche

Garcia, Andre Luis Muniz 23 April 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Oswaldo Giacoia Junior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T23:30:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Garcia_AndreLuisMuniz_M.pdf: 1269359 bytes, checksum: 7467c3803d09d9126c3f6e3442b1c031 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o estatuto da linguagem em três domínios da filosofia de juventude de Nietzsche: filosofia estética, teoria do conhecimento e moral. Para executar essa tarefa, propusemo-nos investigar fontes histórico-filosóficas utilizadas por Nietzsche como material preparatório de sua teoria da linguagem, fontes do período que antecede sua entrada na Universidade da Basiléia ¿ denominado pelos editores de Militärzeit ¿ até meados dos anos de 1874. Essa etapa, configurada no primeiro capítulo dessa dissertação, pode também ser entendida como introdução ao tema dessa dissertação. Nela, trabalhamos também o conceito, muitas vezes não analisado pela bibliografia secundária consultada, de influência, objetivando, assim, encontrar um fio condutor que nos permitisse discutir o significado de seu consentimento ou não a doutrinas filosóficas e científicas do século XVIII e XIX. O segundo capítulo, que marca, propriamente, nossa incursão no domínio dos textos nietzscheanos de juventude, discutimos o estatuto da linguagem na filosofia estética de Nietzsche, notadamente, naquela apresentada nos fragmento e escritos póstumos preparatórios d¿O Nascimento da Tragédia. Como se poderá notar, nosso exame, respaldado nos profícuos estudos de literatura secundária, primou por uma precisa, porém não exaustiva, reconstituição paulatina do trinômio: linguagem sonora (Tonsprache), linguagem-de-gesto (Geberdensprache) e linguagem-de-palavra (Wortsprache), que margeiam sua pesquisa sobre a origem, desenvolvimento e perecimento da tragédia grega. O terceiro capítulo, que se inicia retomando temas do capítulo anterior, assenta-se em dois tópicos fundamentais: (i) sobre o novo paradigma da teoria da linguagem, projetado por Nietzsche, em especial, no enigmático e afamado aforismo 12[1], e (ii), partindo da tese oferecida por esse novo paradigma, o qual, é válido dizer, foi dispensado por Nietzsche quando da publicação de O Nascimento da Tragédia, apresentaremos a origem e o escopo de sua crítica à teoria do conhecimento, mais precisamente, à pergunta fundamental dessa disciplina, qual seja, como é possível o conhecimento universal e necessário dos objetos. O quarto capítulo tem como escopo explicitar, em linhas gerais, o estatuto da linguagem na crítica nietzscheana à moral. Essa investigação, por sua vez, tem como pressuposto o exame lingüístico e psicológico, operado pelo jovem Nietzsche em uma série de preleções, redigidas entre 1871 e 1878, sobre a filosofia platônica, dos principais conceitos da metafísica, tais como ser, essência, coisa em si e verdade. Nessa última incursão, indicaremos como a relação entre linguagem e moral pode oferecer um fio condutor para compreensão das bases futuras de seu filosofar / Abstract: The goal of the present dissertation is the analysis of the status of language in three areas of young Nietzsche's philosophy, namely aesthetic philosophy, theory of knowledge and moral philosophy. In order to fulfill this task, I intend to investigate the historical and philosophical sources that Nietzsche has used as preparatory material for his language theory. The composition period I will analyse, corresponds to the time preceding his entrance in the University of Basel ¿ period referred to as Militärzeit by the publishers ¿ until the middle of 1874. This stage, the first chapter of this dissertation, can be seen as a simple introduction to Nietzsche's philosophy of language. In this context, I also work with the concept of influence, largely ignored by scholars. With it I aim at finding a conducting line which would allow a discussion about the meaning of Nietzsche's assent or not concerning philosophical and scientific doctrines of the XVIII and XIX centuries. The second chapter, which properly shows our dealing with his youth texts, discusses the status of language in the aesthetic philosophy of Nietzsche, namely that which is presented in the preparatory and posthumous works and fragments of The Birth of Tragedy. As it should be noted, my analysis, endorsed by importants studies of secondary literature, aimed at a keen, and yet not exhaustive, gradual reconstruction of the tripartite: tonal language (Tonsprache), language-of-gesture (Geberdensprache) and language-of-word (Wortsprache). This, in order to elucidate the origin, development and extinction of the Greek tragedy. The third chapter, which starts off with themes from the previous chapter, bases itself on two importants topics: (i) the new paradigm of theory of language, projected by Nietzsche, especially, in the enigmatic and famous aphorism 12[1], and (ii), from the thesis offered by this new paradigm, which was dispensed with by Nietzsche for the publication of The Birth of the Tragedy, I will present the origin and the target of his critique to the theory of knowledge, that is, to the basic question of this discipline, namely how universal and necessary knowledge of objects is possible. The fourth chapter aims, in general lines, at expliciting the status of language in the nitzschean critique to morals. This inquiry has a presupposition the linguistic and psychological examination, operated by Nietzsche in a series of lectures, written between 1871 and 1878, concerning platonic philosophy. In these lectures, Nietzsche has focused on the main concepts of metaphysics, such as essence, thing in itself and truth. In this last incursion, I will show how the relation between language and morals can offer a conducting line to understanding the future basis of his philosophy / Mestrado / Mestre em Filosofia

Plotin, les gnostiques et les chrétiens : un débat autour du concept de premier principe / Plotinus, Gnostics and Christians : a debate about the conception of the first principle

Jurasz, Izabela 25 November 2017 (has links)
Dans le Traité 33 (II 9), Plotin se dresse contre les « gnostiques » : ceux qui disent que le démiurge et le monde sont mauvais. Ses critiques sont précédées par une introduction qui résume sa doctrine de l’Un-Bien et de l’Intellect. Dans le premier chapitre du Traité 33, à partir des thèses de ses adversaires, Plotin construit une série de propositions concernant les réalités premières – leur nombre, leur nature et leurs actions. Il dénonce les erreurs de chaque proposition, comme conduisant à la construction d’un univers des intelligibles défectueux, ignorants et impuissants. La thèse porte sur la place de la métaphysique de Plotin dans sa polémique antignostique. Les arguments qui introduisent cette polémique sont construits de manière à pouvoir rejoindre les principales conceptions du principe premier : celles proposées par les principales écoles philosophiques et celles qui ont été élaborées par les différents courants du gnosticisme et du christianisme. Plotin s’intéresse à ces doctrines nouvelles, émergentes en marge des écoles philosophiques. Le rapport entre Plotin et le christianisme est l’objet de notre attention. La perspective métaphysique permet d’examiner tous les courants doctrinaux du christianisme primitif. Une partie de la critique plotinienne va à l’encontre des efforts des chrétiens à respecter les exigences du monothéisme par rapport à l’idée d’un « autre Dieu ». À leur opposé se situent les gnostiques qui proposent une multiplication des entités issues du premier principe. Ainsi, la conception plotinienne du principe transcendant, après lequel viennent les hypostases ayant rang de principes, répond aux interrogations de ses nombreux adversaires. / In Treatise 33 (II 9), Plotinus stands against the “Gnostics”: those who consider the demiurge and the cosmos to be evil. His criticisms are preceded by an introduction summarizing the Plotinian doctrine of the supreme principle – the One. In the first chapter of Treatise 33, based on the theses of his opponents, Plotinus constructs a series of propositions concerning the first realities - their number, their nature and their activities. He denounces the errors of each proposition as leading to the construction of a universe of defective, ignorant and helpless intelligibles. This thesis deals with the place of the metaphysics of Plotinus in his anti-Gnostic polemics. The arguments constituting these polemics are constructed to fit within the principal conceptions of the first principle - not only those proposed by the main philosophical schools, but especially those designed within different currents of Gnosticism and of Christianity. Plotinus is interested in these new doctrines emerging on the margins of the established philosophical schools. The object of our attention is the relationship between Plotinus and Christianity. The metaphysical perspective enables us to examine all the doctrinal currents of primitive Christianity. Part of Plotinian criticism may go against the efforts of Christian writers to respect the demands of monotheism in relation to the idea of "another God". At their opposite are the Gnostics, who propose multiplication of entities derived from the first principle, the Pleroma. Thus, the Plotinian conception of the supreme principle, after which come the hypostases having the rank of principles, answers the questions posed by his adversaries.

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