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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mudanças relacionadas à idade nos ajustes posturais compensatórios em crianças com e sem DCD

Souza, Jaqueline de January 2006 (has links)
O presente estudo investigou as mudanças relacionadas à idade nos ajustes posturais compensatórios em crianças com e sem Desordem Coordenativa Desenvolvimental (DCD). Os ajustes posturais compensatórios foram investigados em 105 crianças (5-12 anos de idade) que foram selecionadas a partir de 538 crianças no sul do Brasil. As crianças com DCD foram definidas como aquelas com escores abaixo do 5º percentil no Teste Movement ABC. As crianças com desenvolvimento típico (DT) foram aquelas cujos escores no teste foram acima do 30º percentil (52 crianças). Os sujeitos foram solicitados a permanecerem em pé ereto sobre uma plataforma de força e a executar um movimento rápido alvo direcionado com o membro superior direito. O tempo de movimento e os erros absolutos do movimento do braço e também a amplitude e direção das mudanças do centro de pressão foram mensuradas. O resultado mostrou mudanças relacionadas à idade nos ajustes posturais compensatórios e, tempo de movimento, significativos em ambos os grupos. As crianças com DT mostraram mudanças com a idade significativas sobre a direção e amplitude do centro de pressão (COPy), sugerindo que eles melhoram suas habilidades para ajustar o equilíbrio quando realizando um movimento voluntário do membro superior com a idade, pelo uso do seu feedback. Crianças com DCD mostraram grandes amplitudes médio-laterais e tempo de movimento, quando comparadas com as crianças com DT. Uma correlação forte e positiva foi encontrada entre a amplitude do centro de pressão e o tempo de movimento em crianças com DCD sugerindo que os atrasos no movimento, frequentemente observados na criança com DCD, poderia ser causada por déficits posturais. Nós concluímos que a tendência desenvolvimental dos ajustes posturais compensatórios nas crianças com DCD é semelhante à criança com DT. / The present study investigated age-related changes of compensatory postural adjustments in children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Compensatory postural adjustments were investigated in 105 children (5-12 years old) screened from 538 children in the south of Brazil. Children with DCD were defined as those with scores at or below the 5th (53 Children) percentile on Movement ABC Test. Typically developing children (TD) were those whose scores on the test were above the 30th percentile (52 children). Subjects were asked to stand upright and still on the force platform and perform a quick goal movement directed with the right superior limb. Movement time and absolute error of the arm movement and also amplitude and direction changes of the center of pressure were measured. The results showed significant age-related changes in the compensatory postural adjustments and movement time in both groups. TD children showed significant age-related changes on direction and amplitude of center of pressure (COPy), suggesting that they improve their ability to adjust their balance when performing an arm voluntary movements with the age by using their feedback. Children with DCD showed larger medium-lateral amplitudes and movement times as compared with TD children. A positive and well correlation found between center of pressure amplitude and movement time in children with CD suggests that the movements delays, often observed in children with DCD, could be caused by postural deficits. We conclude that the development trend of compensatory postural adjustments in children with DCD is similar to TD children.

Desenvolvimento de um circuito de avaliação da postura dinâmica das atividades de vida diária de escolares

Noll, Matias January 2012 (has links)
Tradicionalmente, a utilização de questionários como instrumento avaliativo da postura corporal nas Atividades de Vida Diária (AVD’s) tem sido amplamente divulgada, seja em estudos descritivos, transversais e longitudinais, ou experimentais, como os programas educativos e as Escolas Posturais. Não obstante, o questionário é baseado em auto-relato, sendo dependente da percepção e do nível cognitivo do avaliado, o que pode resultar em um viés nos resultados, principalmente se os avaliados forem crianças e adolescentes. Deste modo, são necessárias metodologias válidas e reprodutíveis capazes de avaliar a postura corporal dinâmica a partir de observações e filmagens, minimizando o viés resultante do auto-relato. Procurando identificar os instrumentos de avaliação da postura dinâmica já publicados na literatura foi realizada uma busca sistemática de artigos em bases de dados (Scopus, ScienceDirect, PubMed, Scielo) publicados a partir da década de 1980 e no Banco de Teses e Dissertações da Capes. Os instrumentos propostos deveriam preencher os seguintes critérios: (a) avaliar a postura corporal durante a realização de AVD’s; (b) utilizar critérios pré-definidos de avaliação; e (c) avaliar a postura a partir de observação ou a partir de filmagem. Foram identificados oito artigos originais que apresentam instrumentos de avaliação da postura dinâmica, avaliando a execução de AVD’s por meio de critérios biomecânicos pré-definidos, por meio de escalas numéricas, sendo que, destes, apenas quatro foram elaborados especificamente com o propósito de avaliar a execução de AVD’s de escolares. Em geral, considera-se que esses instrumentos apresentem algumas limitações metodológicas, tais como carecerem de procedimentos de validação e de reprodutibilidade. O CAPD, desenvolvido a partir de uma pesquisa de campo e em publicações científicas, possibilita avaliar a postura corporal de nove AVD’s: carregar sacolas e mochila escolar; escrever; pegar objeto do solo e transportá-lo; utilizar o computador portátil e de mesa; sentar em um banco; e ao dormir. Os procedimentos de validade e reprodutibilidade do CAPD consistiram na sua: (a) submissão a sete especialistas, para avaliação científica do conteúdo; (b) determinação da reprodutibilidade inter e intra-avaliador e teste-reteste, a partir da filmagem de 112 escolares; (c) validação de constructo, determinada a partir da comparação dos resultados entre 10 universitários e os escolares. A análise estatística foi realizada no Software SPSS18.0, por meio do Coeficiente de Correlação Intra-Classe (ICC), do Coeficiente Kappa e do teste U de Mann Whitney (α=0,05). Os resultados de cada postura, separadamente, demonstraram que a reprodutibilidade intraavaliador foi classificada como excelente (ICC>0,75) e que a reprodutibilidade inter-avaliador e testereteste foram classificadas como moderada (ICC de 0,4 a 0,75) e excelente (ICC>0,75). Os resultados do Coeficiente Kappa, na avaliação dos critérios de pontuação, demonstraram que (1) a reprodutibilidade intra-avaliador apresentou resultados superiores em comparação à reprodutibilidade inter-avaliador e teste-reteste, e que (2) as posturas ao carregar sacolas, transportar mochila escolar, pegar objeto do solo e transportá-lo e ao dormir apresentaram resultados superiores em comparação às posturas sentadas. Os resultados do teste U de Mann Whitney demonstraram que os acadêmicos apresentaram pontuações significativamente superiores aos escolares para todas as posturas, exceto na postura ao transportar mochila escolar. A partir desses achados, conclui-se que o CAPD é um instrumento válido e reprodutível que pode ser utilizado na avaliação da postura nas AVD’s de escolares. / Traditionally, the use of questionnaires as an evaluation tool of corporal posture in Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) has been widely spread in descriptive, transversal and longitudinal, or experimental studies as well as educational programs and Back Schools. Notwithstanding, these questionnaires are based on people’s account of their activities thus depending on these people’s perception and cognitive level which may alter the results, especially if the public being evaluated is mainly of children and teenagers. In this way, it is necessary to have valid methodologies that are capable of reproducing and evaluating the corporal dynamic posture from observations and footage, minimizing the altered results that may come out in people’s self-account of facts. In order to identify the evaluation tools of dynamic posture already published, it was carried out a systemic search of papers on the matter on database sites such as Scopus, ScienceDirect, PubMed and Scielo, published from 1980 on, and also on the database of thesis and dissertation of Capes. The tools suggested should meet the following criteria: (a) evaluate the corporal posture during ADL’s; (b) use pre-defined evaluation criteria of dynamic posture; and (c) evaluate posture from direct observation or through footage. Eight original papers that present tools for the analysis of dynamic posture were identified. These papers analysis the ADL’s through pre-defined biochemical criteria, through numerical scale; however, only four tools were elaborated aiming at assessing school students’ ADL’s. In general, it is considered that the tools used present some methodological limitations such as validation and reproducibility procedures. In this sense, aiming at contributing to fill in this gap, the present study has as its objectives to suggest the use of Analysis of Dynamic Posture Apparatus (ADPA) as an assessment tool of corporal posture adopted in DLA’s common among school students in order to determine its validity and reproducibility. ADPA, developed during field researches and scientific publications, allows the evaluation of nine ADL’s corporal postural during activities such as carrying bags and school bags, writing, picking up object from the floor and carrying it, using a computer both laptop and desktop, sitting on a bench, and sleeping. The procedures of validity and reproducibility of ADPA consist in its: (a) submission to seven specialists for content validity; (b) determination of reproducibility inter and intra-evaluator and test-retest through footage of 112 school students; (c) construct validity, determined from the comparison of results among 10 university students and school students. The statistical analysis was carried out on Software SPSS 18.0, through the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), Kappa Coefficient and the U de Mann Whitney test (α=0,05). The results of each posture, separately, show that the reproducibility intra-evaluator was classified as excellent (ICC>0,75) and that the reproducibility inter-evaluator and test-retest were classified as moderate (ICC from 0,4 to 0,75) and excellent (ICC>0,75). The results of Kappa Coefficient, in the evaluation of scoring criteria, show that (1) the reproducibility of intra-evaluator showed results that are superior in comparison to the reproducibility inter-evaluator and test-retest; and (2) the posture when carrying bags, school bags, picking up objects from the floor and carrying them and sleeping show results superior in comparison to sitting postures. The results of U de Mann Whitney test show that university students have significantly superior scores to all of the postures, except the one of carrying a school bag. Taking these findings into consideration, it is possible to conclude that APDA has validity and reproducibility and that it is possible to be used in the assessment of posture in school students’ ADL’s.

O controle neural do tríceps sural e implicações na manutenção da postura ortostática / Neural control of the triceps surae and implications on upright stance

Emanuele Moraes Mello 11 July 2011 (has links)
Durante a postura ereta quieta (PEQ) há oscilações aleatórias do centro de pressão, que podem ser medidas por uma plataforma de força. Esse movimento aleatório, que ocorre mesmo durante uma posição ortostática, é devido a fontes de variabilidade que vão desde a periferia do sistema sensorial até o sistema muscular na geração de torques, passando pelo sistema nervoso central. Uma vez gerados os comandos motores descendentes pelo encéfalo, fontes de variabilidade geradas na medula espinhal e nas unidades motoras contribuem para variabilidade na força desenvolvida e que não estão contidas nos comandos descendentes. O foco desta tese foi dirigido ao estudo da contribuição de fontes associadas à medula espinhal e às unidades motoras na geração de variabilidades do torque na articulação do tornozelo associadas ao controle do grupo muscular tríceps sural, que é de grande importância no controle da postura ortostática. A metodologia desenvolvida constou no estudo da variabilidade do torque de flexão plantar gerado em diferentes condições juntamente com a análise dos eletromiogramas dos músculos que compõem o tríceps sural. Foram realizados três conjuntos de experimentos: 1) sujeito sentado, com joelho estendido (JE) e joelho flexionado (JF) em tarefa de contração isométrica (tarefa de força - TF); 2) sujeito sentado, com joelho estendido, comparando TF com tarefa de controle de posição (TP); 3) sujeito em posição ortostática livre e apoiada, comparada com TF e TP executadas na posição sentada com o joelho estendido, na manutenção do mesmo torque de flexão plantar mensurado na posição ortostática. Essas últimas condições foram também testadas por meio do reflexo H do músculo SO. Para os experimentos 1 e 2 a amostra constou de 13 sujeitos e para o experimento 3 de 9 sujeitos, todos saudáveis. Os quantificadores utilizados para caracterizar os sinais captados foram o valor médio (), o desvio padrão () e o coeficiente de variação (CV), para os sinais de torque e da envoltória do eletromiograma (EMG) dos músculos sóleo (SO), gastronêmio lateral (GL) e gastronêmio medial (GM) nas condições acima. Os resultados do Experimento 1 são sintetizados a seguir. O torque em contração voluntária máxima (CVM) foi 58% maior na posição JE quando comparado com o valor em JF, mas a variabilidade ( e CV) foi maior em JF do que em JE. Para contrações de 10 a 80% da CVM, a variabilidade do torque ( e CV) também foi maior na posição JF do que na JE. Foi observada relação linear entre e do torque gerado pelo tríceps sural em JE e JF ( e normalizados em relação aos respectivos torques em CVM), aumentando a variabilidade da força gerada ao aumentar o valor médio da força. Os níveis de ativação muscular ( da envoltória) foram maiores em JE do que em JF, principalmente devido à maior ativação de GM e GL. O músculo SO apresentou intensidade de ativação normalizada maior do que a do GM e GL, tanto em JE quanto em JF. Tanto a intensidade do EMG quanto o da envoltória do EMG aumentaram com o valor do torque de flexão plantar exercido, para os três músculos que compõe o tríceps sural. No Experimento 2 foram obtidos os resultados descritos a seguir. A variabilidade do torque ( e CV) foi menor em TP do que em TF. Houve uma relação crescente entre o e o do torque gerado pelo tríceps sural, e entre o e o das envoltórias dos EMG dos três músculos em função do do torque 8 gerado pelo tríceps sural, em ambas as tarefas TF e TP. O da envoltória do EMG mostrou correlação positiva em relação ao do torque de flexão plantar, ambos normalizados em relação aos respectivos valores em CVM. Os resultados do Experimento 3 são sintetizados a seguir. A variabilidade do torque ( e CV) de flexão plantar durante a PEQ foi maior do que nas demais condições, havendo na amostra de sujeitos uma correlação positiva entre os valores de em PEQ e em TF ou TP. Por outro lado, em postura ereta apoiada (PEA), o do torque apresentou correlação nula com o do torque em TF ou TP. Os níveis de ativação muscular no tríceps sural foram maiores em TF do que nas demais condições, em grande parte devido ao nível de ativação do músculo SO em TF ter sido maior do que nas demais condições. O da envoltória do EMG dos músculos SO e GM variaram com as condições analisadas e o CV da envoltória do GM foi maior em PEQ do que nas demais condições. Não houve diferenças significativas no e no CV das amplitudes do reflexo H nas diferentes condições. Os resultados no geral podem sugerir que: i há uma otimização do controle neuromuscular na posição JE quanto comparado com JF no sentido de haver menor variabilidade do torque de flexão plantar em JE do que em JF para uma larga gama de forças; ii o grau de recrutamento relativo dos três músculos do tríceps sural é sensível ao ângulo articular no joelho (pelo menos entre 90º e 180º); iii o músculo SO é o mais ativado no tríceps sural, tanto em JE quanto em JF, para todos os níveis de torque analisados; iv na TP há menor variabilidade no torque de flexão plantar do que na TF, possivelmente devido à ação de diferentes proprioceptores, não se espelhando, entretanto, em diferenças nos graus de ativação ou de variabilidade das envoltórias dos EMGs dos três músculos do tríceps sural; v a variabilidade de torque em PEQ é maior do que nas demais condições, em PEA e TF são equivalentes, mas maiores do que em TP; vi um sujeito com maior variabilidade em TF ou TP apresentaria maior variabilidade em PEQ (como apresentado na análise de correlação), sugerindo que uma fração da variabilidade em PEQ é devida a fatores medulares e neuromusculares; vii em TF houve maior ativação do SO do que nas demais condições (PEQ, PEA e TP), que deve ser uma estratégia do sistema nervoso em face dos diferentes desafios postos pelas diferentes tarefas; viii de forma geral, a amplitude do reflexo H por si, não parece ser um indicador sensível dos diferentes eventos neurais ocorrendo na medula espinhal durante as várias condições experimentais PEQ, PEA, TF e TP / Random oscillations of the center of pressure are an inevitable feature associated with quiet standing (PEQ). This random movement may be attributed to different sources of variability including the sensory inputs at the periphery, the central nervous system and the neuromuscular system that generates the torques. Once the descending commands are generated by the brain, there are sources at the spinal cord and at the motor units that contribute with an added variability to the force generated by synergist muscles acting around a joint. These sources of force variability (generated at the spinal cord and at the motor units) were the focus of the present research, with a specific emphasis on the ankle joint and the triceps surae muscle group, which are directly involved in postural control during PEQ. The methodology consisted in studying the plantarflexion torque variability generated in different conditions together with the analyses of the electromyograms (EMGs) of the three triceps surae muscles. Three sets of experiments were used in the research: 1) subject seated, with either extended knee (JE) or flexed knee (JF), executing isometric contractions; 2) subject seated, with extended knee, comparing force task (isometric contraction, with force control TF) with position task (non-isometric force generation with position control TP); 3) subject standing, either naturally (PEQ) or attached to a fixed structure (PEA), compared with TF and TP exerted while seated, with JE, and with same torque as during PEQ. These conditions were also tested with the soleus H reflex. For experiments 1 and 2 the number of subjects was 13, while for experiment 3 it was 9, all healthy. The quantifiers that were used to characterize the signals were the mean value (), the standard deviation () and the coefficient of variation (CV). These were applied to the torque signal and for the EMG envelope of the muscles soleus (SO), lateral gastrocnemius (GL) and medial gastrocnemius (GM). The results of Experiment 1 are synthesized in what follows. The torque during maximal contraction (CVM) was 58% higher in JE as compared with JF, but the variability ( and CV) was higher in JF than in JE. The variability was also higher in JF for torque levels in the range 10 to 80% CVM. There was a linearly increasing relation between and of the torque generated by the triceps surae in JE and JF ( and normalized with respect to the respective CVMs). The levels of muscle activation (envelope ) were higher in JE than in JF, mainly due to the higher activation of GM and GL in JE when compared with JF. The SO muscle was more activated than GM and GL, both in JE and JF. Both the EMG level and envelope increased as a function of the plantarflexion torque, for SO, GL and GM. The results for Experiment 2 are described in what follows. Torque variability ( e CV) was lower in TP than in TF. There was an increasing relation between and of the torque generated by the triceps surae, and between and of the EMG envelopes of the three muscles as a function of the plantarflexion torque , during TF and TP. The EMG envelope was positively correlated with the plantarflexion torque , both normalized with respect to the respective values at CVM. The results of Experiment 3 are summarized in what follows. Plantarflexion torque variability ( e CV) during PEQ was higher than in the other conditions, the subject sample showing a positive correlation between torque in PEQ and in TF or TP. On the other hand, during 10 PEA, torque was uncorrelated with torque measured in TF and TP. The muscle activation levels in triceps surae were higher in TF than in the other conditions, mainly due to the higher SO activation in TF as compared with the other conditions. The EMG envelope of SO and GM varied with the conditions analyzed, and the GM envelope CV was higher in PEQ than in the other conditions. There were no statistical differences in the values of and CV of the H reflex amplitudes in the different conditions. The results in general may suggest the following: i there is an optimization of the neuromuscular control in position JE with respect to that in JF from the point of view that a lower variability of plantarflexion torque occurs in JE than in JF for a wide force range; ii the relative level of recruitment among the three muscles is sensitive to the knee angle (at least at 90º and 0o); iii the SO muscle is the most activated in the triceps surae, both in JE and JF, for all torque levels analyzed; iv there is less variability in plantarflexion torque in TP than in TF, perhaps due to the action of different proprioceptors, but without significant difference in muscle activation or EMG envelope variability between the two conditions; v plantarflexion torque variability in PEQ is higher than in the other conditions, being similar in PEA and TF and in TP being the smallest of all; vi a subject with a higher torque variability in TF or TP will present a higher variability in PEQ (as suggested by correlation analysis), suggesting that a fraction of the variability in PEQ originates in the spinal cord and neuromuscular system; vii the SO was more activated in TF than in the other conditions (PEQ, PEA and TP), which could be a strategy of the central nervous system to cope with the different tasks; viii in a general sense, the H reflex amplitude does not seem to be a sensitive indicator of the different neural events occurring in the spinal cord during the different experimental conditions (PEQ, PEA, TF and TP)

Chiropractic manipulative therapy of the thoracic spine in combination with stretch and strengthening exercises, in improving postural kyphosis in women

Castelo Branco, Kim Bianca 15 July 2015 (has links)
M.Tech. (Chiropractic) / Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy to the thoracic spine or stretch and strengthening exercises (stretching the pectoralis major muscle and strengthening the rhomboid, middle and inferior trapezius muscles), versus the combined treatment of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy to the thoracic spine in conjunction with the stretch and strengthening exercises. This would then establish which treatment approach was the most effective in improving postural kyphosis with regards to a change in thoracic curvature over time. Method: A total of thirty female participants volunteered to take part in this study. All the participants were between the ages of twenty and thirty nine. The participants were randomly placed into one of three groups, each group consisted of ten participants. Group 1 received chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy to the thoracic spine. Group 2 received chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy to the thoracic spine as well as stretch and strengthening exercises i.e. stretching the pectoralis major muscles and strengthening the rhomboid, middle and inferior trapezius muscles. Group 3 received stretch and strengthening exercises. The stretch and strengthening exercises were performed in the consultation rooms to ensure that the participants were complying with the treatment and doing the exercises properly. Procedure: In this study group 1 participants received treatment once a week for 6 weeks. Groups 2 and 3 participants received 3 treatments a week for 6 weeks. Postural advice was given to all 3 groups. One final follow-up visit was done in the 7th week where no treatment was administered but only data collection was done. Objective data was recorded at the beginning of the first, fourth and seventh consultations for Group 1 and the first, tenth and nineteenth consultations for groups 2 and 3. Objective data included the Flexicurve® Ruler measurements for the angle of kyphosis. Visual analysis was done by taking lateral (sagittal) view photographs at the beginning of the initial and final consultations. Results: Statistical analysis performed included the non-parametric tests to determine if significant results were found over time. The Friedman and Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests were performed for the intragroup analysis and the Kruskall-Wallis test for the intergroup analysis. Statistical analysis revealed significant statistical changes for the intragroup results for all 3 groups. No significant statistical difference was found between the groups for the intergroup analysis. Conclusion: The study showed that all three treatment protocols for groups 1, 2, and 3 were effective. However, group 1 had not shown a great improvement in their postural kyphosis. Group 3 had shown a VII relatively good improvement in their posture. Group 2 had shown the best results with regards to improvement of the participants’ posture. Therefore in conclusion group 2 and 3 treatment protocols can be used effectively to treat postural kyphosis but group 2’s treatment protocol consisting of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy to the thoracic spine in combination with stretch and strengthening exercises will yield the best results.

Combined Effects of High-heeled Shoes and Load Carriage on Gait and Posture in Young Healthy Women

Lee, Soul January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the combined effects of high-heeled shoes and load carriage on gait and posture adaptation. Furthermore, the adaptation of gait and posture to the combined two conditions was examined by a comparison of the measured parameters between experienced and novice groups. 30 participants underwent a quantitative measurement of temporospatial, kinematic, and kinetic parameters of hip, knee, and ankle on both loaded and unloaded limbs using 3D motion analysis. Double support time and stride length increased during high-heeled gait and the magnitude of alteration was greater with a load. Increased plantarflexion was main cause of raised heel. Ankle plantarflexor moment increased with high-heeled but decreased with load carriage. As a result, plantarflexor moment diminished, in addition knee extensor moment exaggerated further. Hip extensor moment increased with heel height but not with load weight, however, hip angle was affected only by the load.

Nordic Walking Improves Postural Alignment and Leads to a More Normal Gait Pattern Following 8 Weeks of Training in Older Adults

Dalton, Christopher January 2016 (has links)
Background: Declines in gait velocity, stride length, cadence, and postural stability are common with advancing age and have further been linked to heightened fall risk and functional decline. Physical activity can slow or prevent such gait declines in older adults. In young adults, Nordic walking (NW) training has been shown to increase stride length and gait speed, yet has demonstrated inconsistent findings regarding joint loading, with reports of both increases and decreases in this respect. Further, research of this facet has very minimally been examined as it pertains to older adults. Purpose: The aim of the present study was to determine both the initial effect, and the prolonged effect following an 8-week intervention, of Nordic walking (NW) on older adult gait performance and postural alignment and stability. Methods: Gait and postural alignment and stability during NW and conventional walking were assessed and compared following an 8-week NW program (2x/week) in 12 healthy older adults (age: 68 ± 6.8 years; 8 female, 4 male). Participants performed six 5m walking trials, 3 with poles and 3 without, followed by two 6 Minute Walk Test (6MWT) trials, one with poles (WP) and the other without (NP). Gait characteristics and trunk measures in the sagittal and frontal planes were quantified using a 6 inertial sensor accelerometry system (APDM, Oregon, USA) as well as an eight camera 3-dimensional motion capture system (Vicon, Oxford, UK) with 2 force platforms (Kistler, Winterthur, Switzerland) embedded within. All variables were assessed using two-way repeated measures ANOVAs to compare NW to conventional walking and before and after the intervention. Results: When comparing walking WP to NP at initial pre-testing, significantly longer stride length, slower gait speed, and increased double support time were found to coincide with decreases in power generation and absorption at the hip and knee WP. However, following prolonged practice, a longer stride length, faster gait speed, and increased power generation at pre-swing at the hip and power absorption during loading and terminal swing about the knee were found WP post-intervention. Conclusions: An initial 8-week training period is necessary for novice NW in order to develop technique and to restore gait and postural alignment to more “normal” standards following training. Additionally, since the acquisition of the skill requires proper allocation of attention between two tasks: walking and pole manipulation, NW should be done so in a relatively safe environment, free of distraction and obstacles. Finally, with frail elderly, a longer acquisition period may be necessary since facilitation of movement must first occur.

The development of posture in very low birthweight infants (<1500 grams)

Magasiner, Vivien Adele January 1993 (has links)
The aims of the study were to examine postural development in very low birthweight and normal birthweight infants and to determine whether deviant postures were predictive of adverse neurodevelopmental outcome. In the first part of the study the 7 postural responses selected by Vojta to evaluate neuromotor development were applied to 69 very low birthweight (VLBW < 1 500 grams) infants and to 28 healthy full-term infants of normal birthweight (> 2500 grams). Of the 69 VLBW infants, 43 were small for gestational age and 26 appropriate for gestational age. All infants were examined at term and 4 months corrected age. They were all later assessed on the Griffiths Mental Development Scale at 12 and 18 months corrected age. There were significant differences in postural reactions between the 2 groups which confirmed the lower tone and greater extension previously described in VLBW infants. An important finding in the study was that poor head and trunk righting noted at 4 months corrected age in VLBW infants, was associated with less developed locomotion at 12 and 18 months as assessed by the Griffiths Mental Development Scale. Thus, a delay in maturation in VLBW infants which was apparent from the assessment of postural responses was still identifiable on the locomotor sub-scales at 12 and 18 months. Five of Vojta's responses were shown to be useful as part of the neurological assessment of high risk infants. In the second part of the study, the 5 useful Vojta responses were incorporated into the Infant Neurodevelopmental Assessment (INA) which was used to assess 76 high risk VLBW infants. The 76 infants consisted of 34 infants with intracranial lesions on ultrasound and 42 without intracranial lesions. All infants were assessed at term and 4 % months corrected age using the INA. At 12 months corrected age they were all assessed on the Griffiths Mental Development Scale. Six infants were diagnosed as having cerebral palsy, all of whom had intracranial lesions. Several clinical signs indicative of cerebral palsy were significant at 4 % months corrected age and will be useful in future studies to diagnose cerebral palsy early. The association between lack of head and trunk control at 4 % months corrected age and a lower locomotor score at 12 months corrected age proved to be significant again and reinforces the finding that early delay in maturation is identifiable on the locomotor scale at 12 months corrected age.

Boudoirs and Harems: The Seductive Power of Sophas

Cevik, Gulen 07 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Inferences of Sexual Orientation and Gender Role Based on Clothing and Posture

Wiens, Paul A. (Paul Anthony) 08 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the effect of clothing, posture, and sex of subject on inferences concerning sexual orientation and gender role. Subjects were a convenience sample of 327 students. The study wa sa 2 (masculine/feminine clothing) X 2 (masculine/feminine posture) X2 (sex of subject) between subject experimental design. Perceptions of sexual orientation were measured by a single item anchored at one end by homosexual and the other end by not homosexual.

Development and validation of a posture prediction algorithm

Dysart, Marc James 31 October 2009 (has links)
Biomechanical models are used in many situations to help understand the risks associated with performing different work tasks. A necessary input to most biomechanical models is the body posture of the worker. Measuring posture has proven to be a difficult and time-consuming process. The research reported in this thesis investigated if a posture can be predicted instead of measured. The posture prediction model employs a whole-body sagittal plane representation of the worker with five links using inverse kinematic procedures to calculate the postures. The model chooses a posture by optimizing an objective function using a nonlinear programming search. Three separate models have been formulated to predict the postures of 16 subjects humans performing four static sagittal lifting tasks. Each model uses a different objective function or criterion defined relative to the torques on the human joints. These criteria are labeled as Total Torque, Percent Strength, and Balance. The influence of gender, hand position, and criteria on the prediction accuracy were investigated. The results showed that there was less postural variability for higher hand positions compared to lower hand positions. For lower hand positions there were two distinct types of postures chosen by subjects which implies that there are two different types of criteria being used by subjects at these hand positions. Student t tests, which investigated the accuracy of the predictions, showed that all of the prediction errors were significantly greater than zero at α=0.05. A mixed factor, repeated measures ANOVA investigating the prediction error showed that the Total Torque criterion was more accurate than the two other criteria. / Master of Science

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