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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

PPAR-gamma Regulates T Cell Responses in Air Pollutant-associated Inflammation

Kim, Dasom 21 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Transcriptional regulation of 12/15-lipoxygenase expression and the implication of the enzyme in hepoxilin biosynthesis and apoptosis

Pattabhiraman, Shankaranarayanan 03 November 2003 (has links)
Die 12/15-Lipoxygenasen (12/15-LOXs) gehören zu einer heterogenen Klasse Lipid-peroxidierender Enzyme, deren biologische Rolle noch nicht vollständig geklärt ist. Eine Reihe experimenteller Daten deuten darauf hin, dass diese Enzym an Reifungs- und Differenzierungsprozessen beteiligt sind und auch für die Pathogenese verschiedener Erkrankungen (Asthma bronchiale, Entzündung, Atherosklerose) bedeutsam zu sein scheinen. Die Expression von 12/15-LOXs wird in vielen Säugetierzellen durch TH2-Zytokine reguliert und die Zytokin-induzierte Signaltransduktionskaskade verläuft über die Aktivierung van JAK-Kinasen und STAT6. Nach einer Stimulation von A549 Lungenkarzinomzellen mit Interleukin-4 (IL-4) kommt es erst nach 12 Stunden zu einer Hochregulation der 12/15-LOX mRNA Expression. Untersuchungen zum Induktionsmechanismus haben gezeigt, dass Genistein, ein Hemmstoff von Tyrosinkinasen, die Phosphorylierung von STAT6 und dessen Bindung an den Promoter des 12/15-LOX Gens verhinderte. Damit konnte die Induktion der katalytisch aktiven LOX geblockt werden. In Gegensatz dazu verhinderte Zykloheximid, ein spezifischer Hemmstoff der Proteinbiosynthese, die Expression der 12/15-LOX mRNA nicht, Dieses Ergebnis deutet darauf hin, dass die Neusynthese eines Transkriptionsfaktors im Rahmen der IL-4 induzierten Transduktionskaskade unwahrscheinlich ist. Weiterhin wurde beobachtet, dass IL-4 die zelluläre Histonacetyltransferase-Aktivität stark erhöhte und dass dieser Effekt überwiegend auf die enzymatische Aktivität des (CREB-bindenden Protein)-bindenden Proteins (CBP) zurückzuführen ist. Transfektion der Zellen mit E1A, einem viralen Protein, welches als Hemmstoff der Histonacetyltransferase-Aktivität von CBP/p300 bekannt ist, führte zu einer Unterdrückung der 12/15-LOX Expression. Andererseits stimuliert Natriumbutyrat, ein Hemmstoff der Histondeacetylase, die 12/15-LOX Synthese. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Acetylierung von Histonproteinen und von STAT6 ein essentieller Prozesse bei der IL-4 induzierten 12/15-LOX Expression in A549 Zellen ist. Weiterhin belegen diese Daten, dass sowohl die Phosphorylierung als auch die Acetylierung von STAT6 an der transkriptionellen Aktivierung des 12/15-LOX Gens beteiligt sind, obwohl beide Prozesse eine unterschiedliche Kinetik aufweisen. STAT6 Phosphorylierung erfolgt innerhalb der ersten Stunde nach IL-4 Stimulation, während die Acetylierungsreaktion zeitlich verzögert abläuft. Zusammenfassend kann die Signaltransduktionskaskade, die in A549 Zellen zur Expression der 12/15-LOX führt, wie folgt beschrieben werden: IL-4 induziert über die Aktivierung von JAK-Kinasen eine Phosphorylierung von STAT6, dessen Bindung an den 12/15-LOX Promotor jedoch zunächst durch nicht-acetylierte Histonproteine verhindert wird. Nach 9-11 Stunden werden Histone und der phosphorylierte STAT6 durch die Acetyltransferase-Aktivität von CBP/p300 acetyliert. Diese Reaktion führt zu einer Veränderung der Histonstruktur, wodurch die Bindung von modifizierten STAT6 und damit die Expression des 12/15-LOX Gens ermöglicht wird. Als wesentliche zellphysiologische Konsequenz der IL-4 induzierten 12/15-LOX Expression in A549 Zellen, wurde eine Apoptoseinduktion beobachtet. Das endogene 12/15-LOX Produkt 15-HETE bindet an den Kernrezeptor PPARg und induziert damit den programmierten Zelltod. Vorinkubation von A549 Zellen mit dem LOX-Hemmstoff NDGA oder der Einsatz von PPARg Dominant Negativ Vektor verhinderten die Apoptose. Mechanistische Untersuchungen zum Ablauf des durch IL-4 induzierten Zelltodes zeigten, dass der Prozess überwiegend dem extrinsischen Mechanismus folgt, bei dem Kaspasen-8 direkt zu einer Aktivierung der Effektorkaspase-3 führt. Der mitochondriale Mechanismus (Spaltung von Bid bzw. initiale Cytochrom C Freisetzung) scheint dabei nicht involviert zu sein. Die IL-4 induzierte Apoptose könnte von patho-physiologischer Bedeutung für den Verlauf von Lungenerkrankungen sein, bei denen Zellen mit hoher konstitutiver 12/15-LOX Expression, z.B. eosinophile Granulozyten, beteiligt sind. Hepoxiline sind bioaktive Mediatoren des 12/15-LOX Weges der Arachidonsäurekaskade, die durch Isomerisierung des primären Oxygenierungsproduktes 12S-HpETE gebildet werden. Zu Beginn unserer Untersuchungen war überwiegend unklar, welche Enzyme an der Isomerisierungsreaktion beteiligt sind. Bei der Suche nach geeigneten zellulären Modellen für die Untersuchung dieser Fragestellung fanden wir heraus, dass in den Ratteninsulinom-Zellen Rinm5F, die wegen ihres Mangels an Glutathionperoxidasen eine geringe Kapazität zur Reduktion von 12S-HpETE aufweisen, die Synthese von Hepoxilin A3 (HXA3) besonders hoch ist. Da wir vermuteten, dass 12/15-LOXs für die Isomerisierung von 12S-HpETE zu HXA3 verantwortlich sein könnten, verfolgten wir eine duale Forschungsstrategie um experimentelle Hinweise für unsere Arbeitshypothese zu finden. In den 12/15-LOX exprimierenden Rinm5F Zellen führte eine Immunopräzipitation mit 12/15-LOX spezifischen Antikörper zu einen vollständigen Verlust der 12/15-LOX- und der Hepoxilinsynthase-Aktivität eines Zelllysates. Beide Aktivitäten wurden fast vollständig im Immunopräzipitat wiedergefunden. 2. Transfektion von HeLa Zellen, die selbst keine 12/15-LOX exprimieren, mit 12/15-LOX und gleichzeitige Hemmung der zellulären Glutathionperoxidasen (Depletion von GSH mit Diethlmaleat) führte zu einer deutlichen zellulären Hepoxilinsynthese. Bei entsprechenden Kontrolltransfektanten wurde diese Aktivität nicht beobachtet. Weiterhin konnte festgestellt werden, dass rekombinante 12/15-LOXs (Expression in E. coli) in vitro eine intrinsische Hepoxinsynthase-Aktivität aufweisen, wenn 12S-HpETE als Substrat angeboten wird. Diese Daten belegen, dass 12/15-LOXs neben den bisher beschriebenen katalytischen Aktivitäten (Oxygenase, Hydroperoxidase, Leukotrienesynthase) auch Hepoxilinsynthase-Aktivität aufweisen. / 12/15-Lipoxygenases (human 15-LOX-1, rat 12/15-lipoxygenase) belong to family of lipid peroxidising enzymes. The enzyme has been implicated with roles in a variety of pathological conditions such as asthma, atherosclerosis, inflammation and in cellular differentiation. The enzyme expression in most human cell types is tightly regulated by Th2 cytokines, interleukin-4 (IL-4) and interleukin-13 (IL-13). Interleukin-4 (IL-4) induces expression of reticulocyte-type 15-lipoxygenase-1 (15-LOX-1) in various mammalian cells via the Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (STAT6) signaling system. 15-LOX-1 mRNA expression was first observed only 12h post IL-4 stimuation and required a minimum of 11h exposure to the cytokine. The mechanism of 15-LOX-1 induction in A549 lung epithelial cells and the observed delay was studied and it was found that genistein, a potent tyrosine kinase inhibitor, prevented phopsphorylation of STAT6, its binding to the 15-LOX-1 promoter, and the expression of catalytically active enzyme. In contrast, cycloheximide did not prevent 15-LOX-1 induction. Surprisingly, it was observed that IL-4 up-regulated the histone acetyltransferase activity of CREB-binding protein (CBP)/p300, which is responsible for acetylation of nuclear histones and STAT6. The acetylation of both proteins appears to be essential for the IL-4-induced signal transduction cascade, because inhibition of CBP/p300 by the viral wild-type E1A oncoprotein abrogated acetylation of both histones and STAT6 and strongly suppressed transcriptional activation of the 15-LOX-1 gene. Moreover, the inhibition by sodium butyrate of histone deacetylases, which apparently suppress 15-LOX-1 gene transcription, synergistically enhanced the IL-4-stimulated 15-LOX-1 expression. These data suggest that both phosphorylation and acetylation of STAT6 as well as acetylation of nuclear histones are involved in transcriptional activation of the 15-LOX-1 gene, although these reactions follow differential kinetics. STAT6 phosphorylation proceeds within the first hour of IL-4 stimulation. In contrast, CBP/p300-mediated acetylation requires 9-11 h, and similar kinetics were observed for the expression of the active enzyme. Thus, the results suggest that in the absence of IL-4, nuclear histones may be bound to regulatory elements of the 15-LOX-1 gene, preventing its transcription. IL-4 stimulation causes rapid phosphorylation of STAT6, but its binding to the promoter appears to be prevented by nonacetylated histones. After 9-11 h, when histones become acetylated, STAT6 binding sites may be demasked so that the phosphorylated and acetylated transcription factor can bind to activate gene transcription. The proinflammatory cytokine IL-4 is secreted in large amounts during allergic inflammatory response in asthma and plays a pivotal role in the airway inflammation. IL-4 has been shown to up-regulate 15-lipoxygenase and produce 15(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15(S)-HETE) in A549 cells via the Janus kinase/STAT6 pathway under coactivation of CREB binding protein/p300. IL-4 has also been shown to up-regulate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPARg ) nuclear receptors in macrophages and A549 cells. In this study it is observed that 15(S)-HETE binds to PPARg nuclear receptors and induces apoptosis in A549 cells. Moreover, pre-treatment of cells with nordihydroguaiaretic acid, a 15-lipoxygenase inhibitor, prevented PPARg activation and apoptosis. The latter was accomplished by the interaction of the 15(S)-HETE/PPARg complex with the adapter protein Fas-associating protein with death domain and caspase-8, as shown by transfection of Fas-associating protein with death domain dominant negative vector and cleavage of caspase 8 to active subunits p41/42 and p18. Whereas IL-4 and PPARg ligands failed to induce cleavage of Bid and release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, they caused translocation of the proapoptotic protein Bax from cytoplasm to mitochondria with a concomitant decrease in the Bcl-XL level. The cells were, thereofre, observed to follow the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis where caspase-8 directly activates the effector caspase-3, bypassing the mitochondria. The data also suggests that in IL-4-stimulated cells the 15(S)-HETE/PPARg complex down-regulates Bcl-XL, and the translocation of Bax to the mitochondria commits the cell to apoptosis. The IL-4-induced apoptosis may contribute to severe loss of alveolar structures and infiltration of eosinophils, mononuclear phagocytes, etc., into the lung tissue as observed in chronic asthma patients. The 12(S)-lipoxygenase (12-LOX) pathway of arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism after dioxygenation to 12(S)-hydroperoxy-eicosatetraenoic acid is bifurcated in a reduction route to formation of 12(S)-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid (12-HpETE) and an isomerization route to formation of hepoxilins. Interestingly, rat insulinoma RINm5F cells, which are devoid of cytoplasmic glutathione peroxidase (cGPx)/phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx), were observed to produce solely hepoxilin A3 (HXA3). Since HXA3 synthesis was abolished in heat-denatured or cGPx- or PHGPx-transfected cells, suggesting that a HXA3 synthase activity regulated by cGPx/PHGPx is present. To confirm this assumption AA was incubated with HeLa cells overexpressing the rat 12/15-LOX. Neither HXA3 nor 12(S)-HETE were detected due to abundance of cGPx/PHGPx. But, pretreatment of transfected cells with diethyl maleate, an inhibitor of glutathione and PHGPx, restored HXA3 synthase and 12-LOX activities. Moreover, recombinant rat 12/15-LOX produced HXA3 when incubated with 12-HpETE. Further confirmation was obtained by immunoprecipitation with 12/15-LOX specific antibodies. Immunoprecipitation of Rinm5F lysates results in the depletion of hepoxilin synthase activity. The hepoxilin synthase activity was localised in the immunoprecipitated protein. Thus, cells containing rat 12/15-LOX also possess an intrinsic HXA3 synthase activity, which is activated by inhibition of cGPx/PHGPx. In normal cells HXA3 is down-regulated by cGPx/PHGPx, but, it is persistently activated in oxidatively stressed cells deficient in cGPx/PHGPx, such as Rinm5F. Furthermore, formation of corresponding epoxyhydroxy products was observed when 15-HpETE was used as substrate, indicating a broad range of specificity for the enzyme.

Expression et régulation des sous-unités beta de l’hCG au cours de la différenciation du trophoblaste humain au premier trimestre de grossesse / Expression and regulation of hCG beta subunit during human trophoblast differentiation in the first trimester of pregnancy

Cocquebert, Mélanie 04 April 2012 (has links)
Le placenta humain est un organe indispensable au maintien de la grossesse et au développement foetal. Son unité structurale et fonctionnelle est la villosité choriale constituée principalement de trophoblastes qui se différencient selon la voie villeuse endocrine ou extravilleuse invasive. Ces deux populations trophoblastiques sécrètent de l'hormone chorionique gonadotrope humaine (hCG), hormone indispensable à la grossesse. C'est une glycoprotéine constituée de deux sous-unités: la sous-unité alpha commune avec la LH, FSH et la TSH et la sous-unité beta, spécifique à chaque hormone, codée par un cluster de gênes regroupés en type I (gêne beta 7) et type II (gênes beta 3, 5 et 8). L'hCG est sécrétée dans le compartiment maternel où elle joue un rôle endocrine essentiel au maintien de la grossesse en stimulant la production de progestérone par l'ovaire. L'hCG joue également un rôle localement en stimulant la différenciation de chaque type de trophoblaste. Elle présente, dans le sang maternel, un pic de sécrétion à 10-12 semaines d'aménorrhée (SA), période ou le statut oxydatif placentaire change. En effet, les bouchons trophoblastiques obstruant la lumière des artères spiralées utérines se délitent à cette période, permettant l'entrée progressive du sang maternel dans la chambre intervilleuse. La pression en oxygène augmente de 18 mm/Hg (8-9 SA, 1er trimestre précoce) à 60 mm/Hg (12-14 SA, 1er trimestre tardif). Dans mon travail de thèse, j'ai cherché à mettre en évidence in situ et in vitro l'impact de ce changement de statut oxydatif sur la différenciation des trophoblastes villeux du 1er trimestre, et plus particulièrement sur l'expression des hCG beta de type I et de type II. J'ai ainsi mis en évidence que les trophoblastes villeux mononucléés du 1er trimestre précoce sécrétaient plus d'hCG beta de type I et II, fusionnaient plus rapidement et exprimaient un panel de facteurs de transcription différents par rapport aux trophoblastes villeux du 1er trimestre tardif. Dans un deuxième temps, j'ai comparé in vitro l'expression et la régulation des deux types d'hCG beta entre les trophoblastes villeux et extravilleux. J'ai montré que: 1) les trophoblastes villeux expriment plus d'hCG beta de type I et II que les trophoblastes extravilleux, 2) dans les deux cas l'hCG beta de type II est majoritaire et 3) PPAR gamma régule de façon opposée ces deux types d'hCG entre les trophoblastes villeux et extravilleux. Enfin j'ai mis en évidence que l'expression de ces deux types d'hCG était dérégulée dans la pré-éclampsie et le RCIU. L'étude des mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation des gênes codants pour l'hCG représente un enjeu important pour la compréhension de la différenciation du trophoblaste humain, du développement précoce du placenta et des pathologies de la grossesse. / The human placenta is an essential organ to maintain pregnancy and for foetal growth. Its structural and functional unit is the chorionic villous, which is mainly composed of cytotrophoblasts that follow two differentiation pathways: the endocrine villous and the invasive extravillous trophoblasts. These two trophoblastic subtypes secrete the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG), an essential hormone for trophoblast differentiation, placental development and pregnancy. hCG is a glycoprotein composed of two subunits: the alpha subunit, which is common to LH, FSH and TSH, and the beta subunit that confers hormone specificity. A gene cluster encodes the beta subunit, type I (CGB7) and type II (CGB3, 5 and 8), that code for two different proteins. hCG is detected in the maternal blood from the first week of pregnancy, with a peak level at 10-12 weeks of gestation (WG). During the first trimester the oxygen concentration in the intervillous space changes from about 2% (prior to 10 WG) to approximately 6-8% (after 12 WG) due to development of blood flow to the placenta. During my PhD work, I studied in situ and in vitro the impact of these different environments during the first trimester on villous cytotrophoblast differentiation, and more specifically on the type I and type II beta hCG gene expression. I showed that type I and type II beta hCG are more expressed in early first trimester cytotrophoblasts and that these cells exibit more fusion features and express a different panel of transcription factors compare to cells from late first trimester. In the second part of my work, I compared the expression and the regulation in vitro of the two types of beta hCG between villous and extravillous cytotrophoblasts. I demonstrated: 1) villous trophoblast express more type I and type II beta hCG compared to the extravillous trophoblast, 2) in both case type II hCG beta is the major form of beta hCG and 3) PPAR gamma differentially regulates type I and type II beta hCG expression in villous and extravillous trophoblasts. Lastly I showed that the expression of type I and type II beta hCG is deregulated in pre-eclampsia and FGR. The study of the mechanisms involved in hCG regulation represents an important issue for the understanding of human trophoblast differenciation and pregnancy pathophysiology.


Griggs, Ryan B. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Neuropathic pain affects up to 50% of the 29 million diabetic patients in the United States. Neuropathic pain in diabetes manifests as a disease of the peripheral and central nervous systems. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is far greater than type 1 (90%), yet the overwhelming focus on type 1 models this has left the mechanisms of pain in type 2 diabetes largely unknown. Therefore I aimed to improve the current mechanistic understanding of pain associated with type 2 diabetes using two preclinical rodent models: Zucker Diabetic Fatty rats and db/db mice. In addition, I highlight the translational importance of simultaneous measurement of evoked/sensory and non-evoked/affective pain-related behaviors in preclinical models. This work is the first to show a measure of motivational-affective pain in a model of type 2 diabetes. I used methodological approaches including: (1) immunohistochemical and calcium imaging to assess stimulus-evoked sensitization; (2) measurement nociceptive behaviors and evoked sensory thresholds as well as pain affect using novel mechanical conflict avoidance and conditioned place preference/aversion assays; (3) pharmacological and genetic manipulation of methylglyoxal, TRPA1, AC1, and PPARγ. I hypothesized that the thiazolidinedione class of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) agonists would reduce neuropathic pain-like behavior and spinal neuron sensitization in traumatic nerve injury and type 2 diabetes. As PPARγ is a nuclear receptor, and already targeted clinically to promote cellular insulin sensitization to reduce hyperglycemia, sustained changes in gene expression are widely believed to be the mechanism of pain reduction. In two separate research aims, I challenged this view and tested whether the PPARγ agonist pioglitazone would (1) rapidly alleviate neuropathic pain through a non-genomic mechanism and (2) reduce painful sensitization in nociceptive and neuropathic pain models independent from lowering blood glucose. I aimed to investigate the contribution of the glucose metabolite methylglyoxal to painful type 2 diabetes. I tested the hypothesis that methylglyoxal produces nociceptive, evoked, and affective pain that is dependent on activation of the sensory neuron cation channel TRPA1 and the secondary messenger enzyme AC1. I also tested whether pioglitazone or the novel methylglyoxal scavenging peptide GERP10 could alleviate painful type 2 diabetes.

The role and regulation of argininosuccinate synthase in endothelial function /

Goodwin, Bonnie L. January 2005 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph.D.)--University of South Florida, 2005. / Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 179-187). Also available online.

Mécanismes impliqués dans le remodelage du tissu adipeux et dans l'amélioration de la lipémie par les agonistes PPAR-[gamma]

Laplante, Mathieu 12 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2007-2008. / Les agonistes des récepteurs activés par les proliférateurs des peroxysomes-y (PPAR-y) sont utilisés en clinique pour le traitement de la résistance à l'insuline et du diabète de type 2. En plus de favoriser l'amélioration de la sensibilité à l'insuline, ces agonistes induisent de profondes modifications du métabolisme des lipides. Entre autres, ces composés augmentent l'accumulation des graisses dans le tissu adipeux blanc souscutané et diminuent leur accumulation dans le tissu adipeux blanc viscéral. Aussi, ces agonistes réduisent les triglycérides (TG) et les acides gras libres (AGL) circulants. Les mécanismes impliqués dans ces effets ne sont pas parfaitement élucidés. Les travaux décrits dans cette thèse montrent chez le rat que l'agonisme de PPAR-y augmente l'accumulation des graisses dans le tissu adipeux sous-cutané en augmentant la différenciation adipocytaire et l'expression/l'activité des déterminants métaboliques impliqués dans la captation et la rétention des lipides. Dans le tissu adipeux viscéral, ces déterminants n'ont pas été fortement affectés par le traitement. La dissipation de l'énergie et l'oxydation des lipides fut préférentiellement induite dans le tissu adipeux viscéral, contribuant ainsi à réduire l'accrétion des lipides dans ce tissu. Ces travaux montrent que l'augmentation de l'activité de la lipase lipoprotéique (LPL) dans le tissu adipeux sous-cutané et le tissu adipeux brun contribue fortement à l'augmentation de l'accumulation des graisses dans ces tissus et à la réduction de la triglycéridémie. Ces études soulignent le rôle majeur du tissu adipeux brun dans l'amélioration de la lipémie chez les rongeurs traités avec des agonistes PPAR-y. Bien que la LPL du tissu adipeux soit importante dans l'effet hypotriglycéridémiant des agonistes PPAR-y, les études décrites dans cet ouvrage montrent que sa présence n'est pas essentielle à cet effet. En absence de LPL, la réduction des AGL causée par l'augmentation de la rétention des lipides dans les tissus adipeux a réduit l'accumulation des lipides dans le foie, le potentiel de sécrétion des TG et la triglycéridémie. L'amélioration de l'effet antilipolytique de l'insuline et l'augmentation de l'expression des gènes impliqués dans l'estérification et le recyclage des acides gras dans le tissu adipeux ont contribué à réduire les AGL. Cette diminution s'est produite malgré le fait que l'agonisme de PPAR-y a augmenté le potentiel lipolytique du tissu adipeux en stimulant l'expression des lipases impliquées dans ce sentier métabolique. / Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-y (PPAR-y) agonists are used clinically for the treatment of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. In addition to improving insulin sensitivity, these agonists induce profound changes in lipid metabolism. Indeed, PPAR-y agonists increase lipid accumulation in subcutaneous fat and reduce lipid deposition in visceral fat. Concomitantly with these changes, PPAR-y agonism reduces circulating triglycerides (TG) and non-esterified free fatty acids (NEFA). The precise mechanisms involved in these effects are not known. The work presented in this thesis shows in rats that PPAR-y agonism increases lipid accumulation in subcutaneous fat by increasing adipocyte differentiation and the expression/activity of determinants of lipid uptake and retention. In visceral fat, these determinants were not strongly affected by the treatment. In this tissue, energy dissipation and lipid oxidation were preferentially increased, contributing to reduce fat accretion in visceral depots. We show here that PPAR-y agonists increased lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity especially in subcutaneous and in brown adipose tissues and that this effect was strongly associated with the stimulation of fat accretion in these depots and with the reduction in circulating TG. This work underlies the major role of brown adipose tissue in the hypolipidemic effect of PPAR-y agonism in rodents. Although adipose tissue LPL is important for the reduction in circulating TG in PPAR-y agonist-treated animals, some observations indicate that LPL is not essential in this effect. In mice lacking LPL in fat and muscles, the stimulation of NEFA uptake and retention in adipose tissue reduced lipid accumulation in the liver, TG secretion potential and triglyceridemia. The improvement of insulin's anti-lipolytic action and the stimulation of the expression of genes involved in fatty acid esterification and recycling contributed to reduce circulating NEFA. This effect occurred even if PPAR-y agonism strongly increased the expression of the lipases involved in TG breakdown in adipose tissue.

Part 1: Troglitazone analogues as cyclin D1 ablative agents: the potential drugs for breast cancer therapy Part 2: Vitamin E and its analogues induce apoptosis in prostate cancer cells in part through inhibition of Bcl-2/Bcl-xL functions

Huang, Jui-Wen 08 November 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Interação entre as vias de sinalização CD40/CD40L e os PPARs / Interections between CD40/CD40L and PPARs signaling pathways

Oxer, Daniella Stefani 15 December 2008 (has links)
O receptor CD40 e seu ligante CD40L possuem um papel importante na interface entre a resposta imune inata e a adaptativa. Disfunções desta via de sinalização são descritas em doenças de origem inflamatória e autoimunes. Em Lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES) foi descrito um aumento nos níveis séricos de CD40L solúvel, que participa na produção de autoanticorpos. Receptores ativados por proliferadores de peroxisomos (PPARs) são fatores de transcrição que inicialmente foram descritos como envolvidos apenas no metabolismo lipídico, mas que atualmente são também descritos como atuantes no controle da resposta imune. Com isso, nosso objetivo é determinar se a ativação dos PPARs modula o processo inflamatório através da interação com CD40/CD40L in vitro ou in vivo. Células de linhagem monocítica humana THP-1 foram tratadas por 24 horas com forbol-éster (PMA, 40 nM) e posteriormente estimuladas com CD40L recombinante (rhCD40L, 1 g/ml) por diferentes períodos. Transcritos de mRNA foram analisados por real time PCR e os resultados expressos como razão da expressão do gene housekeeping GAPDH. As células THP-1 apresentam um aumento na expressão de PPAR e após 16 e 2 horas de estímulo com rhCD40L, respectivamente. Estas células também foram estimuladas com LPS (10 g/ml) e LPS+rhCD40L para sabermos se a resposta obtida anteriormente era específica ao estímulo com rhCD40L. O resultado mostra que há uma diminuição na expressão de PPAR e após o estimulo com LPS ou LPS+rhCD40L, indicando que nessas condições a modulação da expressão de PPARs é especifica para a via de sinalização CD40/CD40L. Foi medida também a expressão de CD36, que é descrito na literatura como um indicador da atividade de PPARs. O resultado mostra que o estímulo com CD40L promove um aumento de CD36, o que indica indiretamente que o PPAR estava ativo neste modelo experimental. Para mostrar a interação direta destas duas vias de sinalização, silenciamos o gene de PPAR por siRNA e posteriormente anlisamos a expressão de CD80, cuja expressão encontra-se aumentada logo após a ativação do CD40 de acordo com a literatura. O resultado mostra que, com o silenciamento de PPAR , há um aumento de CD80 logo após a ativação do CD40, evidenciando assim a interação entre essas duas vias de sinalização. A fim de verificar se os achados encontrados in vitro poderiam ser observados in vivo, foi isolada a fração mononuclear de sangue periférico de pacientes com LES com a doença em atividade (n=17), a doença inativa (n=21) ou doadores saudáveis (n=12) e foi medida a expressão de PPAR e por real time PCR. PPAR apresenta um aumento em pacientes com a doença ativa ou inativa em comparação aos doadores saudáveis. Já a expressão de PPAR apresenta aumento apenas em lúpicos em atividade quando comparados com lúpicos inativos ou doadores saudáveis. Quando considerado nesta análise o efeito do tratamento dos pacientes com corticosteróides nos níveis de PPAR, obsevou-se que a expressão de PPAR apresenta o mesmo padrão anterior. Estes resultados sugerem a hipótese de que PPAR seja um possível marcador de atividade de LES. Para confirmar esta especificidade, foram adicionadas à analise células mononucleares retiradas de pacientes com tuberculose e com infecções agudas. Os dados mostram que os níveis elevados de PPAR se mantém apenas em pacientes com lúpus ativo, o que confirma nossa hipótese. Nossos achados sugerem que PPAR e são regulados especificamente em reposta a ativação da via do CD40/CD40L, em monócitos em cultura e em células obtidas de pacientes com LES. Podemos também sugerir que PPAR possa ser um marcador para a atividade de LES. Estes resultados podem representar um novo mecanismo de controle da via de sinalização do CD40/CD40L, participando no controle da resposta inflamatória em cultura e em células de pacientes lúpicos / The membrane receptor CD40 and its ligand CD40L play an important role in the interface between innate and acquired immunity. Dysfunction of this signaling pathway was described in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. In systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), increased serum levels of soluble CD40L have been detected, where it plays a significant role in the generation of auto-antibodies. Peroxisome proliferator activator receptors (PPARs) are transcription factors originally described in lipid metabolism. More recently, they were also characterized as inflammatory modulators. Therefore, our objective was to determine whether the activation of PPARs may modulate the inflammatory process through interaction with the CD40/CD40L signaling pathway in vitro and in vivo. Macrophages derived from the human monocytic cell line THP-1 by 24h-treatment with PMA (40 nM) were stimulated with human recombinant CD40L (rhCD40L, 1 g/ml) for different periods. Messenger RNA (mRNA) transcripts for PPAR , and were determined by real time PCR and expressed as a ratio of the housekeeping gene GAPDH transcripts. THP-1 cells express a basal level of PPAR and gene transcription, which is increased 16 and 2 hours after exposure to rhCD40L, respectively. We also stimulated the THP-1 cells with LPS (10 g/ml) and LPS+rhCD40L to see if the increase of PPAR was a response specific to the rhCD40L stimuli. The data show that there is a decrease in PPAR and genes expression upon LPS or LPS+rhCD40L stimulation, indicating that in these times (2 and 16 hours) the response is specific for the CD40/CD40L signaling pathway. Increased expression of CD36 is known as an indicator of PPARs activity. We measured CD36 and saw an increase of this receptor after rhCD40L stimulus, indicating indirectly that PPARs were active in this experimental model. To prove the direct interaction between CD40/CD40L and PPAR , we silenced the PPAR gene by siRNA and analyzed the expression of CD80, which is known to increase after CD40 activation. The results show an increase in CD40L-stimulated CD80 expression upon silencing of PPAR , showing that there is an interaction between these signaling pathways. To confirm whether these findings also occur in vivo, mononuclear cells were isolated from whole blood samples from SLE patients with active (n=17) and inactive disease (n=21), and healthy donors (n=12). The mRNA transcripts for PPARs were detected by real time PCR. In both active and inactive SLE patients, monocytes show an increase in PPAR mRNA expression, as compared to healthy donors. PPAR mRNA is increased only in active patients when compared to healthy donors and inactive lupus patients. Further in this analysis, when we separated the patients with and without the administration of corticosteroids, PPAR displayed the same pattern as above. These results suggested that PPAR may be a marker for lupus activity. To validate this hypothesis, we compared the results obtained from patients with tuberculosis and acute infections. Results showed that only active-lupus patients have an increase in PPAR , confirming the specificity of this phenomenon and hence our hypothesis Our findings suggest that PPAR and are up-regulated specifically in response to CD40/CD40L activation, in both cultured macrophages and in monocytes obtained from SLE patients. We could also suggest that PPAR may be marker for lupus activity. Our results may represent a new control mechanism of the CD40/CD40L signaling pathway and seem to be implicated in the control of the inflammatory response in both human macrophages in vitro and SLE patients

Co-purification of Nuclear Receptor Ligand(s) and Interacting Proteins from Zebrafish Embryos

Shih, Norrapat 17 March 2014 (has links)
The main focus of this project was to optimize a protocol for small molecule ligand co-purification from an in-vivo tissue source. For this purpose, I employed a transgenic zebrafish line called the pLT-gypsy, which expresses a fusion protein containing a tagged-NR LBD (Tiefenbach et al., 2010). The particular line I used to optimize the ligand identification protocol is the pLT-PPARγ zebrafish line, which expresses the tagged-PPARγ receptor's LBD (also called PPARγ-fusion protein). By using rosiglitazone (a known PPARγ ligand) as a positive control, I managed to optimize a protocol to purify the PPARγ-fusion protein and identify the co-purified ligand by mass spectrometry. This protocol can be used to identify the physiological/endogenous ligand for the PPARγ receptor as well as other orphan NRs. Compared to previous methods of ligand identification, this method allows for the identification of the ligand from the tissues where it is functional.

Co-purification of Nuclear Receptor Ligand(s) and Interacting Proteins from Zebrafish Embryos

Shih, Norrapat 17 March 2014 (has links)
The main focus of this project was to optimize a protocol for small molecule ligand co-purification from an in-vivo tissue source. For this purpose, I employed a transgenic zebrafish line called the pLT-gypsy, which expresses a fusion protein containing a tagged-NR LBD (Tiefenbach et al., 2010). The particular line I used to optimize the ligand identification protocol is the pLT-PPARγ zebrafish line, which expresses the tagged-PPARγ receptor's LBD (also called PPARγ-fusion protein). By using rosiglitazone (a known PPARγ ligand) as a positive control, I managed to optimize a protocol to purify the PPARγ-fusion protein and identify the co-purified ligand by mass spectrometry. This protocol can be used to identify the physiological/endogenous ligand for the PPARγ receptor as well as other orphan NRs. Compared to previous methods of ligand identification, this method allows for the identification of the ligand from the tissues where it is functional.

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