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Autotuning of RPM controller / Självkalibrering av varvtalsregulatorDahm, Rickard January 2013 (has links)
Under detta projekt som utfördes på Scania CV AB undersöktes möjligheten att använda sig av en adaptiv regulator för att reglera motorvarvtalet på en lastbilsmotor som driver utrustning via ett kraftuttag. Fördelen med att använda sig av adaptiv reglering istället för den parameterstyrda PID reglering som används idag är att regulatorn kan klara av fler utrustningstyper. Dagens regulator kan få problem vid stora belastningsmoment eller tröghetsmoment. Detta kan lösas med adaptiv reglering. I rapporten presenteras en modellbaserad regulator som använder systemets tröghetsmoment. Då systemets tröghetsmoment är okänt ges även förslag på hur detta skulle kunna estimeras. Den modellbaserade regulatorn visar sig vara mycket effektiv då skattningen av tröghetsmomentet lyckas. Det Kalmanfilter som designats för att estimera systemet fungerar dock ej för alla önskvärda fall och en fortsatt studie på hur denna design ska se ut krävs innan regulatorn testas på ett verkligt system.
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Design and control of hydraulic power take-offs for wave energy convertersCargo, Christopher January 2013 (has links)
Renewable marine energy has attracted considerable interest in recent years, especially in the UK due to its excellent location to take advantage of this sustainable energy source. Dierent types of device have been developed over several decades to capture the energy of sea waves but they all need to be able to convert this mechanical energy into electrical energy. The success of wave energy converters (WECs) depends on their eciency, reliability and their ability to react to the variable wave conditions. Although a number of simulation studies have been undertaken, these have used signicantly simplied models and any experimental data is scarce. This work considers a heaving point absorber with a hydraulic power takeo unit. It employs a common hydraulic power take-o design, which uses the heaving motion of the buoy to drive an actuator that behaves like a linear pump. Energy storage is used to provide power smoothing in an attempt to give a constant power output from a hydraulic motor coupled to a generator. Although this design has been presented before, the ineciencies and dynamics of the components have not been investigated in detail. The aim of this work is to create an understanding of the non-linear dynamics of a hydraulic power take-o unit and how these aect the hydrodynamic behaviour of the WEC. A further aim is to predict the eciency of the power take-o unit and determine tuning and control methods which will improve the power generation. In order to do this and test the device in dierent wave conditions, a full hydrodynamic and hydraulic model is developed using the Simulink and SimHydraulics software package. The model is initially tested with regular waves to determine the behaviour of the power take-o unit and a method for adjusting the hydraulic motor displacement depending on the frequency of the incoming wave is investigated. The optimal eective PTO damping to maximise power generation is found to be dependent on the signicant wave frequency and the values of PTO damping are signicantly dierent to previous work using a linear power take-o model which emphasises the importance of including the ineciencies of the hydraulic components. The model is then analysed with irregular waves to predict the behaviour and power levels in realistic wave conditions. Power generation reduces in comparison to regular waves but a similar tuning method to maximise power generation still exists. A hydraulic motor speed control method is shown to increase power generation in irregular waves by maintaining the motor speed within an acceptable working range. Wave data from the Atlantic Ocean is then used to investigate the benets of an adaptive tuning method which uses estimated wave parameters for a number of dierent sea conditions. Results show only minimal gains from using active tuning methods over a passive method. However, results revealed signicant power losses in both calm and rough sea conditions with the PTO most ecient, at approximately 60%, in an average sea power. A scaled experimental power take-o unit is developed to help validate the simulation results. The power take-o unit is tested using a hardware-in-the-loop system in which the hydrodynamic behaviour of the WEC is predicted by a realtime simulation model. The experimental results show good agreement to the simulation with the PTO showing similar characteristics and tuning trends for maximising power generation.
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Effektivisering av monteringslina genom simuleringprogrammet ExtendSim / Efficiency assembly line through the simulation program, ExtendSimEjdeskog, Madeleine, Woo, Sungji January 2019 (has links)
Uppdragsbeskrivningen till detta examensarbete kom från Sweparts verksamhet i Liatorp. Målet med examensarbetet var att utreda hur tillverkningsprocessen av Sweparts kraftuttag kan effektiviseras i avseende: kapacitet, mätt i antal produkter samt investeringskostnader och operatörslöner, genom att använda simuleringsprogrammet ExtendSim. En kartläggning av dagens den nuvarande monteringslinan gjordes för att få en få en klar bild av monteringsprocessen, processtider och antal operatörer, för att sedan kunna simulera en realistisk version av den nuvarande monteringslinan. En litteraturstudie av simulering, diskret händelsestyrd simulering, ExtendSim samt val av sannlikhetsfördelning gjordes för att fördjupa kunskapen inom ämnet simulering. När den nuvarande monteringslinan simulerats och verifierats, simulerades de valda nio scenarierna. De fem första scenarierna experimenterades det med olika antal operatörer, uppdelning av stationer och antal testmaskiner. De resterande tre var sammanslagna PTO- linor med olika antal operatörer och testmaskiner. Dessa analyserades med ett antal indikatorer: antal produkter efter åtta timmar, genomsnittlig kö och väntetid framför testmaskin samt utnyttjandegrad av operatörer. Resultatet av simuleringarna visade att de scenario 3 gav flest produkter efter åtta timmar med två testmaskiner och fyra operatörer. Följt av scenario 2, med tre testmaskiner och fem operatörer. Resultatet i avseende investeringskostnader och operatörslöner efter 15 år var bäst för scenario 8, med sammanslagen PTO- lina med två testmaskiner och tre operatörer. Scenario 4 var näst bäst med två testmaskiner och tre operatörer. / The objective for this thesis came from Swepart's operations in Liatorp. The aim of the thesis was to investigate how the manufacturing process of Swepart's power take-off can be improved in terms of: capacity, measurement in number of products and investment costs and operator salaries, by using the simulation program ExtendSim. A survey of today's current assembly line was made to get a clear picture of the assembly process, process times and number of operators, in order to then simulate a realistic version of the current assembly line. A literature study of simulation, discrete event-controlled simulation, ExtendSim and choice of truth distribution were made to deepen the knowledge in the subject of simulation. When the current assembly line was simulated and verified, the selected nine scenarios were simulated. The first five scenarios were experimented with different numbers of operators, division of stations and number of test machines. The remaining three were merged PTO lines with different numbers of operators and test machines. These were analyzed with a number of indicators: number of products after eight hours, average queue and waiting time in front of the test machine and the utilization rate ofoperators. The result of the simulations showed that the third scenario gave the most products after eight hours with two test machines and four operators. Followed by the second scenario, with three test machines and five operators. The result in terms of investment costs and operator salaries after 15 years was best for the eight scenario, with combined PTO line with two test machines and three operators. The fourth scenario was came in second, with two test machines and three operators.
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Estimering av laster på PTO-kraftuttagSelldén, Magnus January 2011 (has links)
För att utöka ett fordons användningsområde kan det utrustas med olika typer av arbetsredskap och lasthanteringsutrustning. För att driva dessa finns möjlighet till kraftuttag (PTO - Power Take-Off) från ett antal anslutningar vid motor och drivlina. I dagsläget saknar motorns styrsystem information om dessa laster vilket kan påverka styrningen negativt. I detta arbete presenteras en metod för att estimera det okända lastmomentet på kraftuttaget. Metoden utgår från Newtons andra lag för svänghjulet och det drivande momentet till drivlinan beskrivs av en dynamisk modell. Genom att beräkna hur mycket moment som borde krävas vid aktuellt körfall och jämföra detta med det moment som motorn levererar kan parasitförluster och okända externa laster estimeras. En känslighetsanalys av omgivningens inverkan på modellen och PTO-estimeringen visar att estimeringen i dagsläget inte går att utföra på ett robust och tillförlitligt sätt. De fel som uppstår till följd av bristfällig information om bland annat väglutning och fordonsmassa ger upphov till fel i PTO-estimeringen som är vida större än de lastmoment som ska estimeras. Vidare konstateras att värdet på det levererade motormomentet i motorstyrsystemet (EMS) kan ha ett statiskt fel på upp till cirka 70Nm. / To extend the possible use of a truck it can be equipped with auxillary equipment for handling cargo and different working tools. These are powered using a Power Take-Off (PTO) connected to the vehicle´s drivetrain. In the current situation the control system lacks information about these loads, which can have a negative impact on the control. In this thesis a method for estimating the unknown PTO torque is presented. The method is based on Newtons second law of motion describing the motion of the flywheel. The driving torque from the drivetrain is described by a dynamic model. By calculating how much torque that should suffice in the present driving situation and comparing this to the torque delivered by the engine, the parasitic losses and unknown external loads can be estimated. A sensitivity analysis of the ambient influence on the model and the PTO estimation shows that the estimation cannot be performed in a robust and reliable way. The errors that arise from faulty input to the model such as deficient road slope and vehicle mass information result in errors with greater magnitude than the load torque to be estimated. It is also concluded that in the Engine Management System (EMS), the calculation of the torque delivered by the engine can show a static error of up to approximately 70Nm.
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Adaptiv varvtalsstyrning vid användning av en lastbils kraftuttag / Adaptive speed control for truck PTO usageClaesson, Adam January 2010 (has links)
Med ett växande fokus på ett långsiktigt hållbart samhälle som tar ansvar för miljön strävar fordonstillverkare efter att sänka energiförbrukningen på sina fordon. Detta arbete behandlar hur man kan sänka bränsleförbrukningen för lastbilar med påbyggnader. En påbyggnad kan t.ex. vara en kran, en lastväxlare eller en betongpump. En metod för att sänka energiförbrukningen är att sänka det varvtal som lastbilens dieselmotor arbetar vid. Vid lägre varvtal jobbar motorn oftast mer effektivt och en mindre del av motorarbetet försvinner då i förluster, dock kan inte motorn belastas lika hårt. Varvtalet kan i vissa situationer sänkas under drift av påbyggnaden. Mellan drift då applikationen väntar på användarens kommando kan varvtalet alltid sänkas så att energiförbrukningen sjunker.För att veta när varvtalet ska sänkas används en signal från motorn som anger vilket lastmoment som motorn jobbar mot. Vid låg last sänks varvtalet och bränsle kan sparas, vid hög last höjs varvtalet för att kunna möta det pålagda momentet.Fältstudier har genomförts för att kunna undersöka vilka typer av lastbilspåbyggnader som skulle kunna ha nytta av en funktion som sänker varvtalet när lasten är låg. Under arbetet har även uppskattningar över hur mycket bränsle som skulle kunna sparas om varvtalet sänks mellan operationerna med påbyggnaden gjorts. Resultatet pekar på att det i många fall går att spara bränsle genom att sänka motorns varvtal då lastbilens påbyggnad inte används. De visar också på att det inte går att spara bränsle med denna metod i de fall där föraren sitter kvar i hytten under påbyggnadsanvändningen.
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High quality molecular beam epitaxy growth and characterization of lead titanate zirconate based complex-oxidesGu, Xing 07 December 2007 (has links)
Research interest in complex oxides has resurged owing to progress in modern epitaxial techniques. Among such oxides, lead-titanate-based thin films such as PbTiO3 (PTO) and Pb(ZrxTi1−x)O3 (PZT) offer attractive advantages for a wide variety of applications. Moreover, integration between functional oxides with compound semiconductors has the potential to realize multi-functional devices which enjoy the properties from both groups of materials. Ferroelectric materials with a perovskite structure (ABO3) and semiconductors such as GaN with a hexagonal structure, require a careful choice of a bridge layer and suitable epitaxial technique. Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) has been an established technique in providing epitaxial growth with high crystal perfection and precise control over material composition. Single-crystal oxides grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) can in principle avoid grain boundaries and provide a sharp interface as well.
In this dissertation, the MBE growth mechanism of PZT was investigated. In-situ RHEED patterns indicate that the growth of PTO and PZT occur in a two-dimensional, layer by layer mode, as confirmed by a streaky pattern. The crystal quality of PTO, PZO, and PZT thin films prepared by MBE are evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), and have a full width at half maximum (FWHM) value of 4 arcmin for an 80nm thick layer. Optical properties of the PTO thin films have been characterized by variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE), and well resolved dielectric functions are extracted. The refractive index is determined as 2.605 at 633 nm, and bandgap energy as 3.778eV. The electrical properties of the PTO and PZT are evaluated by the measurement of polarization-field hysteresis loops, give a remanent polarization of 83 μC/cm2 and a coercive field of 77 kV/cm. Lead oxide (PbO), titanium dioxide (TiO2), and zirconium dioxide (ZrO2), on GaN templates for potential PZT/GaN integration. The epitaxial growth of TiO2, PbO, and ZrO2 is realized on GaN templates for the first time by MBE. The PbO epitaxial layer was also used as a nucleation layer to enable single crystalline, perovskite PTO growth on GaN.
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Brain Tissue Oxygenation in Traumatic Brain Injury : Experimental and Clinical StudiesPurins, Karlis January 2013 (has links)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability. TBI is frequently followed by cerebral ischemia which is a great contributor to secondary brain damage. The main causes of cerebral ischemia are pathophysiological changes in cerebral blood flow and metabolism. Treatment of TBI patients is currently based on intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) targeted treatment protocols. However, ICP and CPP alone do not provide information of the oxygen availability in the brain. Monitoring of brain tissue oxygenation (BtipO2) may give additional and valuable information about the risk for development of ischemia in TBI patients. The aims of this thesis were to study BtipO2 monitoring devices in-vitro regarding accuracy and stability, to detect threshold level of cerebral ischemia in-vivo and finally to examine the cerebral oxygen levels and cerebral metabolism in TBI patients. The BtipO2 probes performed with high accuracy and stability at different clinically relevant oxygen concentrations. A pig TBI model was developed by step-wise intracranial volume/pressure increase. Volume increase resulted in a gradual increased ICP, decreased CPP, intracranial compliance and BtipO2, respectively. Brain death (BD) was confirmed by negative CPP and negligible amount of previously injected microspheres in the brain tissue. The model simulated the clinical development of BD in humans with a classical pressure-volume response and systemic cardiovascular reactions. The model should be suitable for studies of brain injury mechanisms. From the same in-vivo model it was also possible to detect the threshold level of cerebral ischemia in the pig, where BtipO2 below 10 mmHg and CPP below 30 mmHg was associated with an impaired cerebral metabolism (microdialysis lactate to pyruvate ratio >30). BtipO2 together with cerebral microdialysis were studied in 23 severe TBI patients. We observed different patterns of changes in BtipO2 and cerebral microdialysis biomarkers in focal and diffuse TBI. Increased cerebral microdialysis levels of glutamate, glycerol or the lactate/pyruvate ratio were observed at BtipO2 < 5 mmHg, indicating increased vulnerability of the brain at this critical level of tissue oxygenation in TBI patients.
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Redesign of Adapted Crossmember / Design av Adapterad tvärbalkRudbeck, Gustaf, Linder-Aronson, Philip January 2023 (has links)
This thesis aims to address the incompatibility issues between Scania's 600 mm silencers and the second position 2 o'clock PTO adapted crossmember, by exploring redesign possibilities. The goal is to enable the co-mounting of these components, expanding customization options and enhancing Scania's modularization capabilities. The research investigates various design constraints and parameters associated with the crossmember were gathered in a QFD, and compares the structural rigidity and manufacturing processes of new crossmember concepts to Scania's standard crossmember. The evaluation of concepts is conducted using a Pugh's matrix analysis, which allows for performance assessment and comparison. The investigation reveals that two concepts, namely the Z-beam and trusses-based designs, show the most promise. The Z-beam can be manufactured using either sheet metal or casting methods, while the trusses concept can be realized through laser cutting or CNC machining. Both concepts demonstrate comparable structural rigidity to the current adapted and standard crossmembers. They exhibit good stress distribution, possess potential for further weight reduction, and importantly, are compatible with Scania's modularization system. Additionally, these concepts can effectively accommodate a 2 o'clock PTO and the 600 mm silencers, resolving the incompatibility issue. / Denna avhandling syftar till att adressera inkompabiliteten mellan Scanias 600 mm ljuddämpare och den nuvarande klockan 2 PTO-anpassade tvärbalken i den andra tvärbalkspositionen. Genom att utforska möjligheter till omkonstruktion strävar avhandlingen efter att möjliggöra sammontering av dessa komponenter, vilket utvidgar anpassningsalternativen och förbättrar Scanias modulära system. Forskningen undersöker olika begränsningar och parametrar för tvärbalken som fastställs i en QFD, samt jämför den strukturella styvheten och tillverkningsprocesserna för nya tvärbalkskoncept med Scanias standardtvärbalk. Utvärderingen av koncepten genomförs med hjälp av en Pugh-matrisanalys, vilket möjliggör bedömning och jämförelse av prestanda. Undersökningen visar att två koncept, nämligen Z-balken och fackverk-baserade designen, visar mest lovande resultat. Z-balken kan tillverkas antingen i plåt eller gjutas, medan fackverks-konceptet kan förverkligas genom laserskuren plåt eller CNC-bearbetning. Båda koncepten uppvisar jämförbar strukturell styvhet med den nuvarande anpassade och standardtvärbalken. De visar även en god fördelning av belastningar, har potential för ytterligare viktreducering och är kompatibla med Scanias modulsystem. Dessutom är dessa koncept kompatibla med en klockan 2 PTO i andra tvärbalkspositionen och Scanias 600 mm ljuddämpare, vilket löser imkompabilitetsproblemet.
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Efeitos das t?cnicas breath-stacking e espirometria de incentivo nos volumes da caixa tor?cica em pacientes com Doen?a de ParkinsonRibeiro, Rhayssa Rhaquel 08 March 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-08 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Avaliar os efeitos da t?cnica Breath-Stacking (BS) e da espirometria de
incentivo (EI) sobre os volumes da caixa tor?cica imediatamente ap?s e em at? trinta
minutos ap?s as t?cnicas em pacientes com doen?a de Parkinson (DP). M?todos:
Trata-se de um estudo do tipo cross-over. Fizeram parte do estudo 14 pacientes
com DP de leve a moderada. Os indiv?duos realizaram a t?cnica Breath-Stacking,
espirometria de incentivo a volume e participaram de uma fase controle de acordo
com a randomiza??o. Os volunt?rios foram avaliados pela pletismografia
?ptoeletr?nica sempre antes, imediatamente ap?s, quinze e trinta minutos ap?s a
realiza??o das t?cnicas. Foi utilizado a ANOVA de medidas repetidas com p?s-hoc
de Tukey para as vari?veis param?tricas, e o teste de Friedman com p?s-hoc de
Dunns para as vari?veis n?o param?tricas. O n?vel de signific?ncia adotado foi de
5%, com p<0,05. Resultados: Ap?s a utiliza??o das t?cnicas BS e do EI foi
observado um aumento do volume corrente e do volume minuto dos volunt?rios
(p<0,05), sem altera??es significativas durante a fase controle (p>0,05). Ap?s o uso
do EI foi observado maior participa??o dos compartimentos pulmonar (Vc, Ctp) e
abdominal (Vc, Cta), sem altera??es significativas ap?s a BS e C. Os efeitos das
t?cnicas n?o permaneceram ap?s quinze minutos da realiza??o. N?o foi observada
diferen?a significativa em rela??o ao volume inspirat?rio alcan?ado durante as
t?cnicas. Conclus?o: a t?cnica Breath-Stacking e a espirometria de incentivo
promovem ganho imediato no volume corrente e no volume minuto dos pacientes
com DP em estadiamento leve a moderado, entretanto o efeito das t?cnicas n?o
permanece ap?s quinze minutos. Os efeitos das duas t?cnicas na gera??o de
volumes inspirat?rios na DP s?o equivalentes. Na pr?tica cl?nica estes resultados
sugerem que estas t?cnicas de reexpans?o podem ser usadas como um recurso
terap?utico para prevenir ou reverter ?reas de atelectasia nestes pacientes
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Spojka pomocného pohonu / Coupling PTO (POWER TAKE - OFFS)Holubec, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deal with a calculation and a construction concept of a PTO coupling used in Tatra vehicles. The coupling allows turn on an accessory machinery when the engine is on. It is designed as an multiplate clutch with a wet surrounding. The operating is managed by a pneumatic system. The construction solution was restricted mainly by space needs. The calculation includes torque issues and aslo a part considering a heat question. The construction section includes individual clutch parts design.
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