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Imposing communities Pwo Karen experiences in Northwestern Thailand /Fink, Christina Lammert. January 1994 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D. in Anthropology)--University of California, Berkeley, Dec. 1994. / eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 297-311).
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Imposing communities Pwo Karen experiences in Northwestern Thailand /Fink, Christina Lammert. January 1994 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D. in Anthropology)--University of California, Berkeley, Dec. 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 297-311).
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Har kombinationen av koffein, beta-alanin, kreatin och L-arginin någon prestationshöjande effekt på styrketränande individer? : Med en randomiserad, dubbelblind samt placebokontrollerad studiedesign.Hedman, Alexander January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Idag finns det en stor marknad som enbart fokuserar sig på kostillskott, vars uppgift är att få styrketränande människor att prestera maximalt. Många sätter idag sin tro på de preparat som säljs i kostillskottsbutiker, detta medför att försäljningen av kosttillskott under de senaste åren har ökat explosionsartat runt om i världen, inte minst i Sverige. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka friska, fysiskt aktiva mäns styrka, muskulära uthållighet och deras mentala tillstånd vid konsumtion av prestationshöjande preparat (PWO) med ingredienserna koffein, beta-alanin, kreatin, och L-arginin. Metod: Denna studie använde en randomiserad, dubbelblind, placebokontrollerad studiedesign där 18 fullt friska, fysiskt aktiva män deltog. Testpersonerna utförde styrketester, uthållighetstester samt tester gällande deras mentala tillstånd vid intag av PWO och placebo (PL). Testresultaten analyserades sedan i SPSS. Resultat: Bänkpressen samt uthållighetstestet påvisade ingen signifikant skillnad (p=0,362), (p=0,195). Styrketestet i knäböj visade däremot en signifikant skillnad mellan PWO och PL (Placebo) där deltagarana presterade bättre efter PWO (p=0,007). Den mentala energinivån visade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan PWO och PL (P=0,340). PWO visade dock på en signifikant förbättring av trötthetsnivå, (P=0,002), vakenhetsnivå (P=0,003) och fokuseringsnivå (P=0,002). Diskussion: Om nu PWO till förstone är anpassat och framför allt används av personer med en tydlig träningsinriktning i egenskap av att öka styrka. Prestationsökningen är något som är viktigt för inte bara personer som tränar utan även för dem som antigen rehab-tränar eller för dem som, av olika anledningar, ordineras träning av läkare. Frågan är om PWO kan användas på annat sätt än enbart för gymintresserade personer? Slutsats: PWO har en effekt att den möjliggör en förbättring av träningsresultaten på friska styrketränande individer 24 år ± 4 år
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Har PWO effekt på muskulär uthållighet i övningarna knäböj, armhävningar och sit-ups?von Hamm, Victor, Strelitz, Robin January 2015 (has links)
Pre-workout(PWO) är idag ett välkänt fenomen som med ökat användande varje år. I denna studie testas preworkout-preparatet Rampage™ som är ett av Sveriges mest använda preparat. Det finns för få studier som testar preworkout-preparat i samband med muskulär uthållighet och vår hypotes är att det är där pre-workout har som störst effekt. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur Rampage™ påverkar muskulär uthållighet hos män i åldern 18 och uppåt. För att undersöka detta har ett experiment med dubbelblind crossover-design skapats, där 13 deltagare efter behandling av antingen placebo eller Rampage™, blivit utsatta för tre set knäböj, tre set armhävningar och tre set sit-ups var. Antalet repetitioner som utfördes användes sedan till statistisk analys och resultatet visade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna(p=0,858). Det finns några orsaker till varför det kan vara såhär och det finns anledning att fortsätta forska om det här specifikt. Vår hypotes att pre-workout påverkar muskulär uthållighet är fortfarande under prövning. / Pre-workout supplementation is today a well-known phenomenon ever increasing in popularity every year. In this study, we investigate Rampage™; a popular product in Sweden. There’s too few studies that investigate the link between pre-workout and strength training to failure and we believe that is where pre-workout is most effective. The aim of this study is to research Rampage’s™ effects on muscular endurance in male participants above the age group of 18. To do this a double-blind cross-over design has been applied to 13 participants who, unknowingly, either ingest a placebo or the actual pre-workout in order to do three sets of squats, three sets of push-ups and three sets of sit-ups. When they couldn’t perform one more repetition the set was concluded. The number of repetitions was later used for statistical analysis and we found no significance between the groups (p=0,858). There are some reasons this might be the case, and we believe this could be investigated further, although our hypothesis remains unproven.
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PWO Crystal Measurements and Simulation Studies of Anti-Hyperon Polarisation for PANDAGrape, Sophie January 2008 (has links)
The Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) facility in Darmstadt, Germany, will be upgraded to accommodate a new generation of physics experiments. The future accelerator facility will be called FAIR and one of the experimentsat the site will be PANDA, which aims at performing hadron physics investigations by colliding anti-protons with protons. The licentiate thesis consistsof three sections related to PANDA. The first contains energy resolutionstudies of PbWO4 crystals, the second light yield uniformity studies of PbWO4 crystals and the third reconstruction of the lambda-bar-polarisation in the PANDA experiment. Two measurements of the energy resolution were performed at MAX-Lab in Lund, Sweden, with an array of 3x3 PbWO4 crystals using a tagged photon beam with energies between 19 and 56 MeV. For the April measurement, the crystals were cooled down to -15 degrees C and for the September measurement down to -25 degrees C. The measured relative energy resolution, <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csigma" />/E, is decreasing from approximately 12% at 20 MeV to 7% at 55 MeV. In the standard energy resolution expression <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csigma" />/E = a/<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csqrt%5B%5D%7BE%7D" /> <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Coplus" /> b/E <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Coplus" /> c, the three parameters a, b and c seem to be strongly correlated and thus difficult to determine independently over this relative small energy range. The value of a was therefore fixed to that one would expect from Poisson statistics of the light collection yield (50 phe/MeV) and the results from fits were <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csigma" />/E=0.45%/<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csqrt%5B%5D%7BE_%7BGeV%7D%7D" /> <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Coplus" />0.18%/EGeV <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Coplus" />8.63% and <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csigma" />/E = 0.45%/<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csqrt%5B%5D%7BE_%7BGeV%7D%7D" /><img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Coplus" />0.21%/EGeV <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Coplus" />6.12% for the April and September measurements, respectively. The data from the September measurement was also combined with previous data from MAMI for higher energies, ranging from approximately 64 to 715 MeV. The global fit over the whole range of energies gave an energy resolution expression of <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csigma" />/E = 1.6%/<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csqrt%5B%5D%7BE_%7BGeV%7D%7D" /> <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Coplus" />0.095%/EGeV <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Coplus" />2.1%. Light yield uniformity studies of five PbWO4 crystals, three tapered and two non-tapered ones, have also been performed. The tapered crystals delivered a light output which increased with increasing distance from the Photo Multiplier Tube (PM tube). Black tape was put on different sides of one tapered crystals, far from the PM tube to try to get a more constant uniformity prole. It was seen that the light output profile depends on the position of the tape. Generally, the steep increase in light output at large distances from the PM tube could be damped. The third part of the thesis concerns the reconstruction of the lambdabar polarisation in the reaction <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?pbar+p%20%5Crightarrow%20lambdabar%20+%20lambda" />. Events were generated using a modied generator from the PS185 experiment at LEAR. With a 100% polarisation perpendicular to the scattering plane, a polarisation of (99±1.8)% was reconstructed. Slight non-zero polarisations along the axis determined by the outgoing hyperon as well as the axis in the scattering plane, were also reconstructed. These were (4.1±2.1)% and (2.6±2.0)% respectively. From this investigation it was shown that the detector efficiency was not homogeneous and that slow pions are difficult to reconstruct.
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Test and Developments of Crystals for a High-Resolution Electromagnetic Calorimeter for PANDAOhlsson, Sophie January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Response of the PANDA electromagnetic calorimeter to photons with energies below 100 MeVMarcks von Würtemberg, Klas January 2011 (has links)
Characteristics of the electromagnetic calorimeter of PANDA (anti-Proton ANnihilations at DArmstadt), one of the key experiments at FAIR, have been measured at the tagged photon beam facility at MAX-lab for 61 energies in the range 12-63 MeV. The tested detector array consisted of 5x5 PbWO4 (lead tungstate) crystals designed for the forward end-cap. The array was cooled to -25 ºC and read out with conventional photomultiplier tubes. The measured energy resolution, σ/E, (for example 6 % at 20 MeV) shows that the current design meets the criterion of PANDA. The array is now ready to be equipped with vacuum phototriods designed for the forward end-cap. As a part of the experiment, characteristics of the tagging spectrometer at MAX-lab were measured. This revealed a lowered performance in terms of resolution for low energies. A discrepancy between the nominal and the measured tagged energies was also discovered. Possible explanations to these observations are presented.
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Studies of PWO Crystals and Simulations of the p̅p →Λ̅Λ, Λ̅Σ0 Reactions for the PANDA ExperimentGrape, Sophie January 2009 (has links)
The thesis comprises investigations of two topics related to the PANDA experiment. The first part is dedicated to energy resolution and light yield uniformity studies of PWO crystals for the electromagnetic calorimeter. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to simulation studies of the p̅p→Λ̅Λ and the p̅p→Λ̅Σ0 channels. Photon response measurements with one 3×3 crystals matrix of rectangular crystals and one 5×5 matrix with tapered crystals have been performed at the MAX-Lab synchrotron facility in Lund, Sweden. Photon energies in the range of 13-84 MeV were used. GEANT4 simulations were performed in order to find the most suitable method for adding the energy contributions and for calibration purposes. The widths, σ, of the resulting experimental summed energy peaks were fitted using the Novosibirsk distribution. The results show that the electromagnetic shower at 84 MeV is completely contained in the 5×5 matrix. The widths (σ) for the summed energy peaks were determined.Studies of the uniformity of the light yield were performed for crystals of three different shapes and different wrapping materials. The light yield as a function of distance between the point of energy depositions and the PM tube, was shown to be closely related to the crystal shape and the wrapping material. The p̅p→Λ̅Λ channel was studies at beam momenta of 1.64 GeV/c, 4 GeV/c and 15 GeV/c, while p̅p→Λ̅Σ0 was studied at 4 GeV/c. In the simulations, both phase space differential cross-sections and experimental differential cross-sections from PS185 were used as input. The purpose of the simulations was to show that the reaction channels can be reconstructed in the detector. Special interest was paid to the polarisation and spin correlations of the hyperons. The result is that there is acceptance of cosθ angular range over the full momentum range of the HESR for both channels. Using isotropic differential cross-sections, the polarisation for Λ̅ and Σ0 as well as spin correlations between Λ̅Λ and Λ̅Σ0 can be well reconstructed. Using the differential cross-sections from PS185, the particles are more likely to go forwards in their respective directions in the CM-system, thus making reconstruction over the full angular range more difficult at high beam momenta.
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