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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fluidodinamika protivstrujnog kontaktora gas-čvrsto-punjenje

Predojević Zlatica 26 March 1998 (has links)
<p><strong>Apstrakt je obrađen tehnologijama za optičko prepoznavanje teksta (OCR).</strong></p><p>Istraživanja u ovom radu imala su za cilj da daju doprinos razja&scaron;njenju fluidodinamike sistema gas-čvrsto-punjenje i definisanju osnovnih karakteristika ovog sistema: pada pritiska i dinamičkog i statičkog sadržaja čvrste faze. Eksperimentalna merenja osnovnih fluidodinamičkih karakteristika sistema ostvarena su u zavisnosti od: uticaja brzina pokretnih faza (gasne i čvrste faze), tipa punjenja, veličine čestica čvrste faze i visine sloja punjenja. Ispitivanja su ostvarena na najče&scaron;će kori&scaron;ćenim komercijalnim punjenjima: Raschigovim prstenovima, Pall prstenovima, Intaloks sedlima i cilindričnim mrežicama, kao i do sada ne kori&scaron;ćenim punjenjima (keramičke kuglice i lomljeni kamen). Na osnovu eksperimentalnih podataka izvedene su korelacione jednačine za predviđanje pada pritiska i dinamičkog i statičkog sadržaja čvrste faze i granice između režima pre nakupljanja i nakupljanja u zavisnosti od osnovnih parametara kontaktora: brzina gasne i čvrste faze, veličina čestica čvrste faze i karakteristika punjenja. Kori&scaron;ćenjem dosada&scaron;njih literaturnih saznanja o uticaju operativnih parametara i osobina punjenja, gasa i čvrste faze na fluidodinamiku kontaktora gas-čvrsto-punjenje i sospstvenih eksperimentalnih rezultata proverena je validnost predloženih korelacija. Dobijeni zadovoljavajući rezultati predloženih korelacija pružaju mogućnost za predviđanje režima rada i fluidodinamičkih karakteristika ovog tipa kontaktora koji ima &scaron;iroku mogućnost primene u procesima toplotne razmene, adsorpcije, preči&scaron;ćavanja otpadnih gasova i hemijskim reakcijama.</p>

Bioaerosols in the Midwestern United States : spatio-temporal variations, meteorological impacts and contributions to particulate matter

Rathnayake, Chathurika M. 01 July 2016 (has links)
When inhaled, bioaerosols exacerbate respiratory symptoms and diseases. Mitigating the negative health impacts of bioaerosols requires a robust understanding of the temporal and spatial dynamics of bioaerosols in the atmosphere as a function of their type (e.g., bacteria, fungal spores, plant pollens) and particle size, which determines their penetration into the respiratory tract. While it is known that bioaerosol concentrations vary by location, season and meteorological conditions, major gaps remain in understanding the co-occurrence of bioaerosols with one another, their size in the atmosphere, and their mass contributions to PM. Overall, research presented in this thesis advances the current knowledge about bioaerosols (including fungal spores, pollens, and bacteria) in following ways: 1) defining background and urban levels of bioaerosol concentrations in the Midwestern US across four seasons, 2) characterizing ambient bioaerosol and co-pollutant mixtures, 3) determining the influence of meteorology on their concentrations and size distributions, and 4) estimating bioaerosol contributions to PM mass. The spatial analysis of respirable particulate matter (PM10) across urban and background sites in Iowa demonstrated that urban areas are a source of fungal glucans, bacterial endotoxins and total proteins, which gives rise to significantly enhanced bioaerosols in urban locations compared to background sites. Similar urban enhancements in calcium—a crustal element—and its correlation with endotoxins suggested that wind-blown soil is likely the origin. Seasonally, fungal spores peaked in summer with temperature, while bacterial endotoxins peaked in autumn during the row crop harvesting season. Fungal spores, bacterial endotoxins, plant and animal detritus all peaked during the growing season, such that maximum exposures to multiple bioaerosol types concurrently. Under the influence of rain chemical tracers of pollens peaked and decreased in size from coarse (2.5-10 µm) to fine particles (< 2.5 µm), likely due to the osmotic rupture of pollen grains upon wetting. While fine-sized fungal spores also increased during rain events, maximum spore levels were observed in coarse-sized particles post-rain. The comparison of spring to late summer measurements demonstrated these influences of precipitation on bioaerosols also occur during late summer, when fungal spore levels are high and ragweed is the dominant pollen source. The ability to apportion PM mass to bioaerosols was advanced through the development of chemical profiles of pollens and their integration with chemical mass balance (CMB) source apportionment modeling, for the first time. In late-April to early-May in 2013, pollens were estimated to contribute 0.2 - 38% of PM₁₀ (0.04 – 0.8 µg m⁻³) while fungal spores contributed 0.7 – 17% of PM₁₀ (0.1 – 1.5 µg m⁻³). Collectively, this thesis provides insight into spatial, seasonal and daily variations of bioaerosols, and shows elevated outdoor exposures to bioaerosols among urban populations, with maximum levels occurring during growing seasons, periods of high temperature, and during/immediately following rainfall.

Tisk up-konverzních značek / Printing of up-conversion marks

Azariová, Viktória January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this these is a preparation and printing of upconversion marks that have been printed by two printing techniques, namely screen printing and pad printing. The makrs were designed to visualize another chemical code identifiable by instrumentation. The impact of chemical code components on the fluorescence intensity of upconversion marks and the impact of individual components on printability and print sustainability were studied. The upconversion pigment was excited by NIR laser.

Formulace inkoustů pro materiálový tisk chemických značek / Ink formulation for chemical labels printing

Martiniaková, Ivana January 2019 (has links)
This diploma theses is about the study of the effect of individual components of printing compositions intended for material printing of identificaton codes, read by X-ray fluorescence. Two printing technologies were used – screen printing and pad printing. The composition of the print compositions has been optimized in term of visual recognition, print repeatability, a dry matter content providing an X-ray fluorescence signal, as well as optimization of the material print process leading to the creation of invisible identification tags for archive documents.

Optimalizace tisku chemického kódu s XRF identifikací / Optimization of chemical code printing with XRF identification

Uher, Tadeáš January 2020 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with study printing and optimization of a chemical labels with a code readable by XRF technique. The study is focusing on the identifiability of components in chemical code through data analysis in the Origin program environment and reproducibility of the analysis. The responses of the XRF signal on real samples of historical documents were studied and possible interfering elements were identified. Based on these analyses, a recommendation was formulated for the method of evaluating the obtained data, code analysis and also for the composition of the printing formulation.

Financial inclusion i svenska kreditinstitut : - en kritisk studie av hur utformningen av den svenska regleringen bidrar till inkludering / Financial inclusion in Swedish credit institutions : - a critical study of how the regulation of Swedish credit institutions contributes to inclusion

Wulff, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Financial inclusionär det tillstånd i vilket människor har tillgång till och använder sig av finansiella tjänster. Sedan början av 2000-talet bedrivs arbete för att främja financial inclusion världen över, bland annat genom att öka antalet personer som är anslutna till ett finansiellt institut och har tillgång till ett betalkonto. Anslutning till ett betalkonto har identifierats som en betydande komponent för att uppnå en hållbar framtid. Särskilt stor vikt läggs vid att nå ut till personer som tidigare aldrig varit anslutna.   En viktig faktor för att åstadkomma en hög anslutningsgrad till finansiella institut är att regler avseende anslutning till samt användning av institutets tjänster verkar för inkludering och inte exkluderar sårbara konsumentgrupper. I denna uppsats görs en kritisk analys av regleringen av svenska kreditinstitut för att utröna om, och i så fall på vilket sätt, den svenska regleringen av kreditinstitut främjar financial inclusion. Analysen i uppsatsen begränsas till sju fokusområden i den svenska regleringen, vilka har identifierats ha särskild betydelse för financial inclusion. Uppsatsens sju fokusområden utgörs av rätt till betalkonto, avgifter för användande av finansiella tjänster, tillgång till kontanttjänster, förutsättningar för utnyttjande av finansiella tjänster, auktoriserade finansiella aktörer, kundkännedom och riskbedömning samt verifikation av identitet.    En genomförd granskning av den svenska regleringen ger vid handen att utformningen av kreditinstitutsregleringen idag främjar financial inclusioni flera avseenden. Antagandet av betalkontodirektivet, PAD, medförde bland annat en rätt för samtliga konsumenter bosatta i EES att på ett icke-diskriminerande sätt ges tillgång till ett betalkonto med grundläggande funktioner. Denna rätt utgör en central del för arbetet att uppnå financial inclusioni Sverige, eftersom tillgången till finansiella tjänster underlättas. Skyldighet för kreditinstitut att tillhandahålla kontanttjänster, transparenskrav avseende avgifter och krav på tydlig och lättförståelig information är andra exempel på hur den svenska regleringen utformats på ett inkluderande sätt. Trots flertalet främjande faktorer, konstateras även brister i form av exkluderande lagstiftning. Genom framställningen i denna uppsats presenteras förslag på hur identifierade brister potentiellt kan åtgärdas och hur ökad financial inclusioni Sverige kan genereras.

Investigation of the Impact of Turboprop Propulsion on Fuel Efficiency and Economic Feasibility

Antcliff, Kevin Richard 02 October 2014 (has links)
This study explored a 130-passenger advanced turboprop commercial airliner with the purposes of economic feasibility and energy efficiency. A baseline vehicle and a derivative vehicle were researched and analyzed in detail. Based on the findings of this analysis, an advanced future airliner was designed. For the advanced airliner, advanced technologies were suggested and projections of these technology benefits were implemented. Detailed performance analysis was conducted for all three aircraft. The energy efficiency of each vehicle was compared to current and future N+3 aircraft. Lastly, cost analysis was performed to observe the impact of these energy savings. The three existing and future concepts evaluated were: 1) Bombardier 80- passenger Q400 baseline, 2) An expanded 130-passenger Bombardier Q400 termed the Q400XL, and 3) an N+3 advanced 130-passenger turboprop airliner termed the N+3 Airliner. The N+3 Airliner was compared to the SUGAR High, a Boeing/NASA N+3 aircraft, in both fuel efficiency and economic feasibility. The N+3 Airliner was 22 percent more energy efficient. At current oil prices, the N+3 Airliner had nearly identical operating cost. However, at two times current oil prices, the N+3 Airliner has a slight advantage economically. Therefore, as long as the price of oil is above 2011 oil prices, $3.03 per barrel, the N+3 Airliner will be an economically viable option. / Ph. D.

Test Results for Shaft Tracking Behavior of Pads in a Spherical Pivot Type Tilting Pad Journal Bearing

Sabnavis, Giridhar 24 May 2005 (has links)
Most tilting pad journal bearing dynamic characteristics estimation methodologies assume perfect shaft tracking by the pads. In other words, they neglect pivot friction. In case of pads having point or line contact that operate under most normal load conditions, the pad tilting is due to a rocking motion which is not greatly influenced by friction. Hence this simplifying assumption might be acceptable. Heavier loading conditions, such as those typically encountered in gearboxes, demand the use of spherical pivots to avoid pivot failure. The spherical pivot is very attractive for this reason, but the tilting motion is rather a sliding action that must occur in the precision ball socket. A valid concern exists for verifying the soundness of assumed shaft tracking by the pads of such bearings. A "fixed test bearing, floating shaft" type of test rig previously built for determining the dynamic characteristics of bearings was accordingly modified to facilitate the testing of shaft tracking for a spherical pivot bearing. This thesis describes the modifications carried out on the rig. The special instrumentation and data acquisition systems implemented to observe the minute pad motion are also discussed. Some preliminary results of the tests are presented for various loading conditions. They show excellent shaft tracking by the pads. More detailed testing and analysis of data is required to fully understand the pad motion and tracking ability of the spherical pivot design. / Master of Science

Desempenho de almofadas de argamassa modificada na transferência de tensões de compressão em ligações de concreto pré-moldado / Performance of modified mortar pads in the compression stresses transfer in precast concrete connections

Ditz, Jackson Deliz 23 April 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa visa analisar a transferência de tensões de compressão entre elementos de concreto pré-moldado através de almofadas de argamassa modificada. A argamassa foi modificada com as adições de fibras de polipropileno, látex estireno-butadieno e vermiculita termo-expandida. A caracterização da argamassa foi realizada com ensaios de compressão, de tração por compressão diametral e de módulo de elasticidade, além de ensaios de rigidez de almofada, que medem a capacidade da peça de se deformar sob tensão de compressão uniforme. As análises de transferência de tensões foram realizadas intercalando uma almofada entre dois blocos de concreto e submetendo o corpo de prova formado a ensaios de compressão. Os parâmetros variados nesses ensaios foram: rugosidade superficial e resistência mecânica dos blocos ligados, excentricidade de carregamento, solidarização ou não da almofada ao bloco inferior de concreto e carregamento monotônico e cíclico. Em relação à massa do cimento, a argamassa das almofadas possuía 30% de agregados, dos quais 95% eram areia fina e 5% eram vermiculita, 10% de látex, 2% de taxa volumétrica de fibras de polipropileno e relação água / cimento de 0,25, além da água incorporada no látex. A argamassa apresentou resistência à compressão média de 27,65 MPa, resistência à tração de 3,62 MPa e módulo de elasticidade igual a 11,53 GPa. Os principais resultados dos ensaios de ligação foram: a) para compressão centrada, a presença da almofada aumentou a resistência em 20% para espessuras de saliências de 0,5 mm e 30% para saliências de 1,0 mm; b) ganho de efetividade da almofada à medida que se reduziu a resistência do concreto; c) em ligações excêntricas, a dispersão dos resultados não permitiu uma correta avaliação dos resultados; d) para carregamento cíclico, a almofada de apoio aumentou em 45% a resistência da ligação. / This research aims to analyze the compressive stresses transfer between precast concrete elements by modified mortar pads. The mortar was modified with additions of polypropylene fibers, styrene-butadiene latex and heat-expanded vermiculite. Mortar characterization was performed in compression, tension and elastic modulus tests, further pad rigidity tests, that measure the pad capacity to deform under uniform compressive stress. Stress transfer analyzes were performed interleaving a bearing pad between two concrete blocks and subjecting the specimen formed in the compression tests. Varied parameters in these tests were: surface roughness and mechanical strength of the connected blocks, loading eccentricity, solidarization or not of the bearing pad to the bottom concrete block and monotonic and cyclic loading. In relation to the cement weight, the mortar of the pads showed 30% of aggregates, which 95% were fine sand and 5% were vermiculite, 10% of latex, 2% of volumetric rate of polypropylene fibers and water / cement ratio of 0,25, in addition of water incorporated into the latex. The mortar showed compression strength of 27,65 MPa, tension strength of 3,62 MPa and elastic modulus equal to 11,53 GPa. The main results of connection test were: a) for centered compression, presence of pad increased the strength in 20% for thicknesses of imperfections of 0,5 mm and 30% for imperfections of 1,0 mm; b) gain of effectiveness of the bearing pad when the concrete strength was reduced; c) in eccentrical connections, the dispersion of results did not allowed a correct evaluation of results; d) for cyclic loading, the bearing pad increased in 45% the connections strength.

PadsTool: uma Ferramenta Gráfica para Mapeamento e Posicionamento dos Pads

Primo, João Janduy Brasileiro 30 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:36:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1579166 bytes, checksum: d3ba80babda5e722f7dbc5aaf9f3a941 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / EDA Tools (Electronic Design Automation) are used to facilitate the project and layout of Integrated Circuits (IC). Floorplanning is an important step in the layout design phase of the development of an IC. In this step the macroblocks are positioned on the chip, and the following properties are determined: the location of input and output pads, the location of the power pads and the strategies of distribution of the power and clock signal by the core. Commonly a wrapper in HDL that maps the input and output ports of the project in instances of pads is done, with the different types, defined by the developer and a file that indicates the position of each pad on the circuit. Thus, both the mapping and positioning are usually manually done through scripts, generating a great difficulty for developers, because an IC with a reasonable amount of inputs and outputs becomes extremely susceptible to human failure. These files are generally used by all EDA tools as well as by the Design kits suppliers, moreover, the tools have different syntaxes for the files. This work shows a tool with a GUI (Graphical User Interface) able to provide to the developers an easy and intuitive way to manage both the mapping and positioning of the pads, making the process faster and less susceptive to human failure. To validate the work, the tool is tested on some IC projects / As ferramentas EDA (Electronic Design Automation) são utilizadas para facilitar o projeto e desenho de circuitos integrados (CI). O Floorplaning é uma importante etapa na fase de design do layout no desenvolvimento de um CI. Nesta etapa, os macroblocos são posicionados no chip, além de serem decididas: a localização dos pads de entrada e saída, a localização dos pads de alimentação e as estratégias de distribuição da alimentação e do sinal de clock pelo núcleo. Comumente, é feito um wrapper em HDL que mapeia as portas de entrada e saída do projeto em instâncias de Pads, com seus diferentes tipos, definidos pelo desenvolvedor e um arquivo que indica a posição de cada Pad no circuito. Dessa maneira, tanto esse mapeamento quanto tal posicionamento, em geral, são feitos manualmente por meio de scripts, gerando uma dificuldade para os desenvolvedores, pois para um CI com uma quantidade razoável de entradas e saídas esses procedimentos são susceptíveis a falhas. Esses arquivos, em geral, são utilizados em todas as ferramentas EDA e também pelos fornecedores de Design Kits, além disso, as ferramentas possuem sintaxes diferentes para os arquivos. Este trabalho propõe a construção de uma ferramenta com interface gráfica capaz de fornecer aos desenvolvedores uma maneira mais fácil e intuitiva de gerenciar tanto o mapeamento quanto o posicionamento dos pads, tornando o processo mais rápido e menos susceptível a falhas humanas. Para validar o trabalho, a ferramenta é testada em projetos de CI s.

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