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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulation aérodynamique d'extrémités de pales de rotors sustentateurs d'hélicoptère / Aerodynamic simulations of helicopter main-rotor blade tips

Joulain, Antoine 08 December 2015 (has links)
L’aérodynamique de l’hélicoptère est fortement impactée par les tourbillons générés aux extrémités de pales. La complexité des phénomènes en jeux et l’insuffisance de données expérimentales locales font du design d’extrémité un véritable défi. Cette étude propose une nouvelle approche dédiée à l’étude des extrémités en vol stationnaire. Une méthode numérique rapide et précise est mise au point afin d’étudier une extrémité de pale en rotation comme une extrémité d’aile fixe. Chaque étape de la construction de la méthode est validée par des comparaisons détaillées avec des données expérimentales publiées. Le code CFD elsA est dans un premier temps utilisé pour mettre en place une méthode de calcul basée sur la résolution des équations Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes en stationnaire. La convergence de la solution et l’indépendance au maillage et aux paramètres numériques sont étudiées en détail en deux, puis en trois dimensions. La précision importante de la solution numérique permet d’analyser finement la physique de l’enroulement tourbillonnaire en extrémité. Des géométries tronquée et arrondie sont étudiées en détail, et révèlent la présence de systèmes tourbillonnaires complexes. Puis la nouvelle méthode d’adaptation pale en rotation / aile fixe est présentée. Une méthode de calcul hybride est mise au point entre le code de mécanique du vol HOST et le code elsA. En repère fixe, l’aérodynamique globale sur la pale et locale en extrémité est calculée fidèlement pour toutes les configurations étudiées. Comparée aux méthodes d’adaptation précédemment publiées, cette nouvelle stratégie offre une amélioration considérable concernant la simulation de l’aérodynamique de pale. / Helicopter aerodynamics is strongly influenced by the vortices generated from the rotor-blade tips. The design of efficient tip shapes is a challenging task because of the complexity of the aerodynamic phenomena involved and the lack of local blade-tip flow measurements. This work provides a contribution to the design of helicopter tips in hover. An efficient, relatively simple and quick numerical method is set up to study rotating blade tips in fixed-wing configurations. The accuracy of the method is shown at each step of the construction by comprehensive comparisons with reliable experimental data from the literature. First, an efficient steady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes method is constructed using ONERA's elsA code. Comprehensive studies of convergence, grid dependence and sensitivity to the numerical method are performed in two and three dimensions. The very good agreement of the solution with measurements and the accuracy of the numerical method allow a physical analysis with unprecedented detail of the vortex generation and roll-up near square and rounded wing tips. The new methodology of framework adaptation is then presented. An uncoupled hybrid strategy is set up using AIRBUS HELICOPTERS' Comprehensive Analysis code HOST and the Computational Fluid Dynamics solver elsA. Global and local performance calculations are validated for all investigated test cases. Comparison with previously published adaptation methods indicates considerable improvement in the prediction of the blade aerodynamics.

"A memória e a história do 'Shteitl'na canção popular judaica" / The Memory and History of the "Shtetl" in the Jewish Popular Songs

Belk, Samuel Bynem 06 May 2003 (has links)
RESUMO Neste trabalho procurei retratar resumidamente a diáspora judaica, desde a destruição do Segundo Templo até a expulsão dos judeus da Europa cristã, culminando com o seu refúgio no leste europeu, especialmente na Polônia e Lituânia. Estes dois reinos, que foram unificados em 1569, passaram para o total domínio russo em 1815. Nesta ocasião os judeus ficaram sujeitos aos novos mandatários e foram confinados no assim chamado Distrito de Residência, em algumas cidades e em aldeias denominadas de shteitlach, na Europa Oriental. Em seguida, apresentei a biografia de alguns poetas populares que viveram nessa região onde houve um enorme desenvolvimento cultural e literário da língua ídiche. (século XIX e começo do século XX). Eles foram especialmente escolhidos por seus trabalhos, que resultaram em canções populares, as quais se espalharam pelo mundo judaico, levando as mensagens do judeu dos shteilach da Europa Oriental do seu modo de vida, de sua religiosidade, seus dramas, as perseguições sofridas e também suas alegrias e suas esperanças. Seguem-se quarenta e sete canções transliteradas e traduzidas para o português, bem como algumas delas devidamente comentadas. Depois, sete canções são analisadas com base na lingüística e semiótica, revelando fatos históricos do povo judeu. O capítulo 4, “O fim do shteitl e as canções do gueto", com sete canções, retrata o inferno vivido pelos judeus europeus durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, que se encerra com o bárbaro assassinato de seis milhões de judeus pelos nazistas, marcando quase que em definitivo, o final da literatura poética em língua ídiche. Por fim, uma vasta bibliografia, os créditos relativos às ilustrações utilizadas, bem como um glossário, para melhor entendimento do texto. São apresentados também dois anexos: no Anexo A, um catálogo de seissentas músicas judaicas e, no Anexo B, um livreto com doze músicas, na lingua original,transliteradas e traduzidas para o português, alem das partituras e um CD com as respectivas canções. / ABSTRACT I tried to portray, concisely, the Jewish Diaspora from the destruction of the Second Temple till the expulsion of the Jews from Christian Europe, that obliged then to be refuge in the western Europe specially in Poland and Lithuania. Both Kingdoms were unified in 1569 and after annexed to the Russian Empire in 1815 that forcing the Jews to live in Pales and inside villages called shteitlach, in Oriental Europe. In the sequence I presented some popular poets biographies, specially chosen by their work, which resulted in popular songs that spread through out the jewish world and showed their way of life, their religiosity, their dilemmas, their persecutions, their happiness and their dreams. Forty-seven songs transliterated and translated to Portuguese (some of that properly commented) are presented. Also seven songs analyzed using linguistics and semiotics methods, from which emerge historical facts of the Jewish people. The Fourth Chapter: “The end of the Shteitl and the Ghetto’s Songs," containing seven songs, portrays the Holocaust of the Second World War, the murder of six million Jews, which led to the Yiddish poetic literature ending. Finally., there are a large bibliography, credits to the illustrations, and a Glossary, for a better understanding of the text. There are, also, two enclosures: In Enclosure A: A Six-hundred Jewish Songs Catalog. In Enclosure B: A song book and one CD containing Yiddish songs.

Construction d'une chaîne d'outils numériques pour la conception aérodynamique de pales d'éoliennes / Construction of a numerical tool chain for aerodynamical conception of wind turbine blades

Jin, Xin 19 September 2014 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente les travaux réalisés en aérodynamique afin de pouvoir disposer d’une chaîne de conception complète nécessaire au traitement des différentes problématiques sur les pales éoliennes, qui ne peuvent être pris en compte à l’aide d’une méthode unique. Afin de pouvoir faire de l’optimisation de pales en fonction de différents critères, un outil numérique simplifié (VALDAG) a été développé. Le module de simulation utilise la méthode du Disque Actif Généralisé, qui s’appuie sur la résolution des équations Navier-Stokes, complété par des corrections empiriques. Il respecte un compromis entre la précision et le coût de calcul. Cet outil pour lequel une interface web a été développée pour le rendre adapté à des travaux d’ingénierie est susceptible de se calibrer automatiquement sur une nouvelle géométrie de pale grâce à la méthode Nelder-Mead Simplex. On peut ensuite réaliser une optimisation de la performance de la pale en modifiant cette géométrie, et générer les fichiers 3D qui serviront d’entrée à la simulation 3D et de visualisation des optimisations de forme. Ces designs optimisés sont ensuite validés par des simulations DNS à l’aide de l’outil NaSCar 3D développé à l’INRIA. Cet outil résout des équations Navier-Stokes sur un maillage cartésien 3D et prend en compte des obstacles immergés via la fonction Level-Set et la pénalisation. Après des adaptations sur le traitement de la géométrie de pales, un compromis de configuration CFD est trouvé pour simuler un rotor éolien. En conclusion, ce paquet d’outils VALDAG est peu coûteux, facile à utiliser et efficace. En associant VALDAG aux simulations 3D, une chaîne de conception est complétée. / This Ph.D. thesis presents some research work on aerodynamics of wind turbine blades, in order to dispose a conception chain necessary for different problems, which cannot be treated by one unique method. A simplified numerical toolkit (VALDAG) has been developed to optimize the performance of blades in different creteria. The simulation module use the Generalized Actuator Disc model, which relies on the solution of Navier-Stokes equations and completed with empiric corrections. This tool respects a reasonable compromise between model complexity and computational reliability. An automatic calibration mechanism was implemented using the Nelder-Mead Simplex algorithm. A web users interface (WUI) is also available to adapt VALDAG for industrial engineers. Optimization is then carried on by modifying the blades’ geometry parameters and the designs optimized is stocked in files which can be used for 3D simulation and/or visualization. The blade designed with VALDAG are then simulated by a 3D numerical tool to validate previous predictions. This 3D tool called NaSCar 3D is developed in INRIA and resolve Navier-Stokes equations on to a cartesian mesh, in which the immersed obstacles are considered with the Level-Set function and the penalization method. After some necessary adaptation for the treatment of blades’ geometry, a compromise on CFD configuration is found to simulate a wind turbine rotor. To conclude, this design toolkit VALDAG is low time-costly, user-friendly and efficient. Associated with 3D simulations, a conception chain has been established.

"A memória e a história do 'Shteitl'na canção popular judaica" / The Memory and History of the "Shtetl" in the Jewish Popular Songs

Samuel Bynem Belk 06 May 2003 (has links)
RESUMO Neste trabalho procurei retratar resumidamente a diáspora judaica, desde a destruição do Segundo Templo até a expulsão dos judeus da Europa cristã, culminando com o seu refúgio no leste europeu, especialmente na Polônia e Lituânia. Estes dois reinos, que foram unificados em 1569, passaram para o total domínio russo em 1815. Nesta ocasião os judeus ficaram sujeitos aos novos mandatários e foram confinados no assim chamado Distrito de Residência, em algumas cidades e em aldeias denominadas de shteitlach, na Europa Oriental. Em seguida, apresentei a biografia de alguns poetas populares que viveram nessa região onde houve um enorme desenvolvimento cultural e literário da língua ídiche. (século XIX e começo do século XX). Eles foram especialmente escolhidos por seus trabalhos, que resultaram em canções populares, as quais se espalharam pelo mundo judaico, levando as mensagens do judeu dos shteilach da Europa Oriental do seu modo de vida, de sua religiosidade, seus dramas, as perseguições sofridas e também suas alegrias e suas esperanças. Seguem-se quarenta e sete canções transliteradas e traduzidas para o português, bem como algumas delas devidamente comentadas. Depois, sete canções são analisadas com base na lingüística e semiótica, revelando fatos históricos do povo judeu. O capítulo 4, “O fim do shteitl e as canções do gueto”, com sete canções, retrata o inferno vivido pelos judeus europeus durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, que se encerra com o bárbaro assassinato de seis milhões de judeus pelos nazistas, marcando quase que em definitivo, o final da literatura poética em língua ídiche. Por fim, uma vasta bibliografia, os créditos relativos às ilustrações utilizadas, bem como um glossário, para melhor entendimento do texto. São apresentados também dois anexos: no Anexo A, um catálogo de seissentas músicas judaicas e, no Anexo B, um livreto com doze músicas, na lingua original,transliteradas e traduzidas para o português, alem das partituras e um CD com as respectivas canções. / ABSTRACT I tried to portray, concisely, the Jewish Diaspora from the destruction of the Second Temple till the expulsion of the Jews from Christian Europe, that obliged then to be refuge in the western Europe specially in Poland and Lithuania. Both Kingdoms were unified in 1569 and after annexed to the Russian Empire in 1815 that forcing the Jews to live in Pales and inside villages called shteitlach, in Oriental Europe. In the sequence I presented some popular poets biographies, specially chosen by their work, which resulted in popular songs that spread through out the jewish world and showed their way of life, their religiosity, their dilemmas, their persecutions, their happiness and their dreams. Forty-seven songs transliterated and translated to Portuguese (some of that properly commented) are presented. Also seven songs analyzed using linguistics and semiotics methods, from which emerge historical facts of the Jewish people. The Fourth Chapter: “The end of the Shteitl and the Ghetto’s Songs,” containing seven songs, portrays the Holocaust of the Second World War, the murder of six million Jews, which led to the Yiddish poetic literature ending. Finally., there are a large bibliography, credits to the illustrations, and a Glossary, for a better understanding of the text. There are, also, two enclosures: In Enclosure A: A Six-hundred Jewish Songs Catalog. In Enclosure B: A song book and one CD containing Yiddish songs.

Formulation d’un élément fini de poutre pour la dynamique des pales d’hélicoptère de géométrie complexe / Formulation of a beam finite element for dynamic of complex shaped helicopter blades

Skladanek, Yan 25 November 2011 (has links)
L'optimisation des rotors d'hélicoptère, tant en termes de forme, de structure interne, ou de performance aérodynamique conduit à explorer de nouveaux types de design pour les pales. L'emploi massif de matériaux composites, le recours à des formes courbes et non plus simplement droites ou encore l'ajustement du vrillage aérodynamique font partie des pistes explorées. Ces nouveaux concepts de pales font apparaitre des comportements élastiques complexes où la torsion, la flexion et l'allongement axial viennent se coupler entre eux. L'étude de ces couplages est réalisée dans le repère tournant afin de pouvoir y intégrer tous les effets inhérents à la rotation des pales. Un élément fini de poutre droite non-linéaire et haute précision est formulé dans ce mémoire afin de répondre aux besoins de modélisation tant pour la prédiction des déformations quasi-statiques sous charge aérodynamique et centrifuge que pour la réalisation d'études dynamiques et de stabilité sur les pales. Le modèle a pour but d'être implémenté dans un code de calcul global de simulation d'hélicoptère et se doit donc de proposer un compromis acceptable entre la précision, la robustesse et le temps de calcul. La validation du modèle proposé s'appuie sur des études analytiques, numériques et expérimentales. La grande précision de l'élément fini proposé est démontrée sur des pales de dernière génération. Il est maintenant attendu que le couplage de ce modèle élastique avec les modèles aérodynamiques les plus avancés permette d'améliorer sensiblement la précision des outils de simulation, en particulier lors de l'étude de phénomènes instables dont la maitrise est indispensable au vol de l'hélicoptère. / Structural, shape and performances optimization in helicopter rotor leads to design composite blades initially curved and twisted. This design yields a highly coupled behavior between torsion, longitudinal and bending motions of blades. Besides, dynamic studies of blades have to be performed in the rotational frame, so that all rotatory effects could be siezed by the modeling. A highly accurate non-linear straight beam finite element is proposed to predict the static deformation under aerodynamic and centrifugal loads and achieve dynamic and stability analysis. This elastic model is to be implemented in a comprehensive rotorcraft analysis code, which means accuracy, reliability and calculation time compromise. Model validation is based on analytical, numerical and experimental investigations. The developed model reveals to be very accurate for new blade design including important twist angle and initially curved shape. It is expected to improve prediction quality for full helicopter simulation tools, undergoing strong coupling with advanced aerodynamic model

The Voices of David Foster Wallace: Comic, Encyclopedic, Sincere

Hoffman, Yonina A. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Between Artifice and Actuality: The Aesthetic and Ethical Metafiction of Vladimir Nabokov and David Mitchell

McDonald, Trent A. 14 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

New men for a new world: reconstituted masculinities in Jewish-Russian literature (1903 – 1925)

Calof, Ethan 01 May 2019 (has links)
This Master’s thesis explores Jewish masculinity and identity within early twentieth-century literature (1903-1925), using texts written by Jewish authors in late imperial Russia and the early Soviet Union. This was a period of change for Russia’s Jewish community, involving increased secularization and reform, massive pogroms such as in Kishinev in 1903, newfound leadership within the 1905 and 1917 Revolutions, and a rise in both Zionist and Revolutionary ideology. Subsequently, Jewish literary masculinity experienced a significant shift in characterization. Historically, a praised Jewish man had been portrayed as gentle, scholarly, and faithful, yet early twentieth century Jewish male literary figures were asked to be physically strong, hypermasculine, and secular. This thesis first uses H.N. Bialik’s “In the City of Slaughter” (1903) and Sholem Aleichem’s “Tevye Goes to Palestine” (1914) to introduce a concept of “Jewish shame,” or a sentiment that historical Jewish masculinity was insufficient for a contemporary Russian world. It then creates two models for these new men to follow. The Assimilatory Jew, seen in Isaac Babel’s Red Cavalry cycle (published throughout the 1920s), held that perpetual outsider Jewish men should imitate the behaviour of a secular whole in order to be accepted. The Jewish Superman is depicted in Vladimir Jabotinsky’s “In Memory of Herzl” (1904) and Ilya Selvinsky’s “Bar Kokhba” (1920), and argues that masculine glory is entirely compatible with a proud Jewish identity, without an external standard needed. Judith Butler’s theories on gender performativity are used to analyze these diverse works, published in Hebrew, Yiddish, and Russian by authors of varying political alignments, to establish commonalities among these literary canons and plot a new spectrum of desired identities for Jewish men. / Graduate / 2020-04-10

Storytelling and survival in the "Murderer's House": gender, voice(lessness) and memory in Helma Sanders-Brahms' Deutschland, bleiche Mutter

Reed, Rebecca 28 August 2009 (has links)
Helma Sanders-Brahms’ film Deutschland, bleiche Mutter is an important contribution to (West) German cinema and to the discourse of Vergangenheitsbewältigung or “the struggle to come to terms with the Nazi past” and arguably the first film of New German Cinema to take as its central plot a German woman’s gendered experiences of the Second World War and its aftermath. In her film, Deutschland, bleiche Mutter, Helma Sanders-Brahms uses a variety of narrative and cinematic techniques to give voice to the frequently neglected history of non-Jewish German women’s war and post-war experiences.

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