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Associações de mulheres em entidades religiosas: local favorável para educação permanente em saúdeKarina dos Santos Franco 30 June 2012 (has links)
O objetivo geral dessa pesquisa é demonstrar como uma Associação de Mulheres em uma entidade religiosa pode proporcionar um local favorável para a realização de educação em saúde com a finalidade de proporcionar conhecimento em um ambiente seguro vinculando a ação individual e coletiva de busca de vivências que melhore a saúde das mulheres e combatendo uma doença que no Brasil é a terceira causa de morte feminina em território nacional segundo o Ministério da Saúde. As associações de mulheres em entidades religiosas possuem estatutos próprios que estabelecem as diretrizes a serem seguidas pelas as mulheres. Através de um conhecimento prévio do estatuto das Associações de Mulheres em entidades religiosas, do Programa Atenção Integral a Saúde da Mulher (PAISM), conhecimento das Leis do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e do programa de prevenção do câncer de colo uterino, os profissionais da saúde responsáveis por promover promoção, prevenção e reabilitação poderão ter um local propicio onde as mulheres de forma individual e coletiva se sintam seguras para obter conhecimento, estabelecer metas e realizar ações de promoção e prevenção para o Câncer de Colo Uterino e a superação das barreiras enfrentadas pelas mulheres na realização do exame citopatológico. A hipótese do trabalho é que os profissionais de saúde que trabalham com educação permanente em saúde podem e devem utilizar o ambiente religioso para realizar promoção, prevenção e reabilitação de todas as politicas de saúde preconizadas pelo Programa Atenção Integral a Saúde da Mulher. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa baseada no estudo fenomenológico-hermenêutico direcionado ao método de analise de estudos teóricos, documentos e textos. O fenômeno foi descrito pelo método descritivo através da escolha do tema, levantamento bibliográfico, formatação do problema, formulação das hipóteses, ficha de leitura do material e fichamento, delimitação da pesquisa, coleta de dados, discussão e conclusão. A pesquisa foi delineada através da analise do estatuto da Sociedade de Socorro que é uma associação de mulheres de A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos últimos Dias conjuntamente com uma analise das politicas do SUS do PAISM e do programa de promoção e prevenção do câncer de colo uterino vigente em território brasileiro. Uma associação de mulheres em uma entidade religiosa possui um extraordinário trabalho, estabelecendo como propósito dessa organização de mulheres preparadas para as bênçãos da vida eterna, ajudando-as a aumentar sua fé e retidão pessoal, fortalecer a família e o lar, e auxiliar os necessitados. A educação em saúde nesses locais fortalecerá os princípios do SUS e a melhoria na condição de saúde das mulheres como proposito primordial. O cumprimento desse propósito se dará por meio de aulas proporcionadas pelos profissionais de saúdes e reforçada nas aulas do evangelho aos domingos e de outras reuniões, do trabalho de professoras visitantes, do serviço de bem-estar e do serviço de solidariedade. Sendo assim, venho advogar pela inclusão ou manutenção da educação permanente em saúde nas associações de mulheres nas mais diversas religiões. / The overall goal of this research is to demonstrate how an Association of Women in a religious entity may provide a favorable location for conducting health education with the purpose of providing knowledge in a safe environment while linking individual action and collective research experience that improves women's health and fighting a disease in Brazil that is the third leading cause of death of women in the country according to the Ministry of Health. Women's associations in religious bodies have their own statutes that establish the guidelines to be followed by the women. Through a prior knowledge of the status in Womens Associations in religious entities, the Comprehensive Care Program for Women's Health (CCPWH), knowledge of the Laws of the Unified Health System (UHS) and the program for prevention of cervical cancer, the professionals responsible for promoting health promotion, prevention and rehabilitation may have a conducive place where women individually and collectively feel safe to obtain knowledge, set goals, and achieve promotion and prevention for cervical cancer and overcome barriers faced by women in the Pap smear testing. The hypothesis of the study is that health professionals who work with continuing health education can and must use this environment to perform religious promotion, prevention and rehabilitation of all health policies advocated by the CCPWH. This is a qualitative research study based on hermeneutic-phenomenological directed method for analysis of theoretical studies, documents and texts. The phenomenon was described by the descriptive method for choosing the topic, bibliography, formatting the problem, formulating hypotheses, form reading and cataloging the material, delimitation of the research, data collection, discussion and conclusion. This research was designed through analyzing the status of the Relief Society, the association for women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in conjunction with an analysis of the policies of the UHS with the CCPWH a program for promotion and cervical cancer prevention currently in force in Brazil. An association of women in a religious entity has an extraordinary work; establishing the purpose of this organization of women prepared for the blessings of eternal life by helping them to increase their faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and help the needy. Health education in these locations will strengthen the principles of the UHS and improve the health status of women as a primary purpose. The fulfillment of this purpose will be through classes offered by health professionals and enhanced gospel classes on Sundays and other meetings, also through visiting teaching, welfare service, and compassionate service to the poor and needy. Therefore, come advocate for inclusion or maintenance of continuing health education in women's associations in various religions.
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全民健保下之預防醫療照護需求研究:婦女子宮抹片檢查之利用 / The Demand for Preventive Care Services under National Health Insurance System: Pap-smear Testing Utilization林晏如, Yen-Ju,Lin Unknown Date (has links)
接者,在第四章則利用國家衛生研究院於民國90年所進行的「國民健康訪問調查」資料,應用Bivariate Probit 迴歸模型,並將台灣地區所有316個鄉鎮市分成八個都市化層級,探討都市化程度高低對婦女預防保健利用度之影響。結果發現都市化程度不同,的確造成婦女抹片檢查利用率存在顯著差異,居住在第二至第六個都市化層級的婦女,其接受抹片篩檢的比率明顯較都市化程度最高者低;而第七和第八層級(都市化程度最低)並無顯著較第一層級不願做篩檢。究其原因,乃因政府為均衡不同地區抹片篩檢的可近性,積極鼓勵相關醫療院所加入健保特約醫院,以配合健保給付政策並提供篩檢服務,至民國86年,有超過90%約1500家的醫療院所加入;此外,衛生當局亦在偏遠地區提供巡迴車設站採檢服務,以解決偏遠地區醫療資源不足問題。意味全民健保制度在婦女抹片檢查服務上,已達到提昇偏遠地區醫療服務可近性的貢獻。
最後,在第五章我們利用國民健康局於民國91年所進行的「國民健康促進知識、態度與行為調查」資料,應用兩階段最小平方法(2SLS)估計模型,分析健康資訊對抹片檢查的影響程度。應用Kenkel(1990)衡量資訊的方法,將受訪者對子宮頸癌及抹片檢查相關知識的得分加總,以代表婦女健康資訊程度。實證結果發現,健康資訊的確是影響婦女是否接受抹片檢查的重要因素,擁有愈多相關健康資訊的婦女,因愈了解抹片檢查對預防子宮頸癌的重要,故明顯較願意去接受篩檢。因此,政府除了積極全面衛教宣導工作、建立子宮頸抹片篩檢服務網等工作外,也應針對擁有較低健康資訊的婦女多加宣導抹片防癌的重要性,以有效提高我國婦女的篩檢利用率。 / The National Health Insurance program provided free annual cervical cancer screening for women aged above 30 years old since July, 1995, just four months after the inauguration of the NHI. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the demand for Pap-smear utilization among women under NHI program. To explore the factors influencing cervical cancer screening and the empirical results can be of great importance to health policy decisions aimed at reducing the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer.
In Chapter 2, we attempt to analyze the theoretical foundations applying the household production function developed by Becker (1965) and Grossman’s (1972) health decision-making model and summarize the literatures through a review of the demand for preventive care services. Three empirical essays will proceed in following three chapters.
First of all, chapter 3 presents data obtained from the 1992 and 1998 surveys on ‘Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice’ administered by Taiwan’s Provincial Institute of Family, performing a logit model. The results show that factors affecting Pap smear test utilization varied significantly before and after NHI, besides, the coefficient of the South*NHI and village/town*NHI interaction variable for women above 30 become significant and positive. This indicates that NHI system plays an important contributor on reducing the disparities in utilization of Pap smear tests between different areas. In addition to NHI coverage, other strategies such as strengthening educational activities and establishing a service network for Pap-smear screening are other vital contributors to increase the utilization rate of Pap smear screening for those aged below 30 years under NHI. To further increase the utilization of cervical cancer screening, the insurance coverage could be extended to all married women regardless of age.
In chapter 4, we attempt to explore the impact of urbanization level on the use of female preventive services under NHI, using a bivariate probit model and dataset obtained from the 2001 National Health Interview Survey provided by the National Health Research Institutes. All 316 cities/counties in Taiwan was stratified into 8 levels of urbanization. The results showed that urbanization levels have a significant influence on Pap-smear screening. Those living between the second and sixth levels of urbanized regions were significant negative to the cervical cancer screening compared to the highest urbanization level. In order to balance the accessibility of cervical cancer screening between different areas, the health authorities encourage the obstetric, gynecological hospitals and clinics to contract with the government, more than 90%, about 1,500 medical care institutions were under contract until 1997. Besides, government authorities introduced mobile testing stations to provide specimen collection services in the deeper remote regions. As a result, those living in the areas with the 7th level and the 8th level (the lowest level) of urbanization were not less likely to take Pap-smear test. It means that the implementation of NHI has enhanced the accessibility of taking pap-smear test.
Finally, in chapter 5, the nationwide survey dataset was obtained from the 2002 Health Promotion of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice (HPKAP) in Taiwan, provided by the Bureau of Health Promotion and two-stage estimation model was adopted to investigate the association of cervical cancer screenings with the healthcare information. The results showed that women’s healthcare information has a significant positive effect on the utilization of cervical cancer screening; that is, the more informed women are, in terms of information and knowledge on cervical cancer screening, the more likely they are to undergo Pap-smear testing. Therefore, it is important for the healthcare authorities to place greater effort into strengthening the knowledge and information on cervical cancer screening and Pap-smear testing, for those who are currently less informed, so as to enhance the overall efficiency of the screening program.
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