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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mining Parallel Corpora from the Web / Mining Parallel Corpora from the Web

Kúdela, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Title: Mining Parallel Corpora from the Web Author: Bc. Jakub Kúdela Author's e-mail address: jakub.kudela@gmail.com Department: Department of Software Engineering Thesis supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Irena Holubová, Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail address: holubova@ksi.mff.cuni.cz Thesis consultant: RNDr. Ondřej Bojar, Ph.D. Consultant's e-mail adress: bojar@ufal.mff.cuni.cz Abstract: Statistical machine translation (SMT) is one of the most popular ap- proaches to machine translation today. It uses statistical models whose parame- ters are derived from the analysis of a parallel corpus required for the training. The existence of a parallel corpus is the most important prerequisite for building an effective SMT system. Various properties of the corpus, such as its volume and quality, highly affect the results of the translation. The web can be considered as an ever-growing source of considerable amounts of parallel data to be mined and included in the training process, thus increasing the effectiveness of SMT systems. The first part of this thesis summarizes some of the popular methods for acquiring parallel corpora from the web. Most of these methods search for pairs of parallel web pages by looking for the similarity of their structures. How- ever, we believe there still exists a non-negligible amount of parallel...

Alignement de phrases parallèles dans des corpus bruités

Lamraoui, Fethi 07 1900 (has links)
La traduction statistique requiert des corpus parallèles en grande quantité. L’obtention de tels corpus passe par l’alignement automatique au niveau des phrases. L’alignement des corpus parallèles a reçu beaucoup d’attention dans les années quatre vingt et cette étape est considérée comme résolue par la communauté. Nous montrons dans notre mémoire que ce n’est pas le cas et proposons un nouvel aligneur que nous comparons à des algorithmes à l’état de l’art. Notre aligneur est simple, rapide et permet d’aligner une très grande quantité de données. Il produit des résultats souvent meilleurs que ceux produits par les aligneurs les plus élaborés. Nous analysons la robustesse de notre aligneur en fonction du genre des textes à aligner et du bruit qu’ils contiennent. Pour cela, nos expériences se décomposent en deux grandes parties. Dans la première partie, nous travaillons sur le corpus BAF où nous mesurons la qualité d’alignement produit en fonction du bruit qui atteint les 60%. Dans la deuxième partie, nous travaillons sur le corpus EuroParl où nous revisitons la procédure d’alignement avec laquelle le corpus Europarl a été préparé et montrons que de meilleures performances au niveau des systèmes de traduction statistique peuvent être obtenues en utilisant notre aligneur. / Current statistical machine translation systems require parallel corpora in large quantities, and typically obtain such corpora through automatic alignment at the sentence level: a text and its translation . The alignment of parallel corpora has received a lot of attention in the eighties and is largely considered to be a solved problem in the community. We show that this is not the case and propose an alignment technique that we compare to the state-of-the-art aligners. Our technique is simple, fast and can handle large amounts of data. It often produces better results than state-of-the-art. We analyze the robustness of our alignment technique across different text genres and noise level. For this, our experiments are divided into two main parts. In the first part, we measure the alignment quality on BAF corpus with up to 60% of noise. In the second part, we use the Europarl corpus and revisit the alignment procedure with which it has been prepared; we show that better SMT performance can be obtained using our alignment technique.

Construction automatique d'outils et de ressources linguistiques à partir de corpus parallèles / Automatic creation of linguistic tools and resources from parallel corpora

Zennaki, Othman 11 March 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la construction automatique d’outils et de ressources pour l’analyse linguistique de textes des langues peu dotées. Nous proposons une approche utilisant des réseaux de neurones récurrents (RNN - Recurrent Neural Networks) et n'ayant besoin que d'un corpus parallèle ou mutli-parallele entre une langue source bien dotée et une ou plusieurs langues cibles moins bien ou peu dotées. Ce corpus parallèle ou mutli-parallele est utilisé pour la construction d'une représentation multilingue des mots des langues source et cible. Nous avons utilisé cette représentation multilingue pour l’apprentissage de nos modèles neuronaux et nous avons exploré deux architectures neuronales : les RNN simples et les RNN bidirectionnels. Nous avons aussi proposé plusieurs variantes des RNN pour la prise en compte d'informations linguistiques de bas niveau (informations morpho-syntaxiques) durant le processus de construction d'annotateurs linguistiques de niveau supérieur (SuperSenses et dépendances syntaxiques). Nous avons démontré la généricité de notre approche sur plusieurs langues ainsi que sur plusieurs tâches d'annotation linguistique. Nous avons construit trois types d'annotateurs linguistiques multilingues: annotateurs morpho-syntaxiques, annotateurs en SuperSenses et annotateurs en dépendances syntaxiques, avec des performances très satisfaisantes. Notre approche a les avantages suivants : (a) elle n'utilise aucune information d'alignement des mots, (b) aucune connaissance concernant les langues cibles traitées n'est requise au préalable (notre seule supposition est que, les langues source et cible n'ont pas une grande divergence syntaxique), ce qui rend notre approche applicable pour le traitement d'un très grand éventail de langues peu dotées, (c) elle permet la construction d'annotateurs multilingues authentiques (un annotateur pour N langages). / This thesis focuses on the automatic construction of linguistic tools and resources for analyzing texts of low-resource languages. We propose an approach using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and requiring only a parallel or multi-parallel corpus between a well-resourced language and one or more low-resource languages. This parallel or multi-parallel corpus is used to construct a multilingual representation of words of the source and target languages. We used this multilingual representation to train our neural models and we investigated both uni and bidirectional RNN models. We also proposed a method to include external information (for instance, low-level information from Part-Of-Speech tags) in the RNN to train higher level taggers (for instance, SuperSenses taggers and Syntactic dependency parsers). We demonstrated the validity and genericity of our approach on several languages and we conducted experiments on various NLP tasks: Part-Of-Speech tagging, SuperSenses tagging and Dependency parsing. The obtained results are very satisfactory. Our approach has the following characteristics and advantages: (a) it does not use word alignment information, (b) it does not assume any knowledge about target languages (one requirement is that the two languages (source and target) are not too syntactically divergent), which makes it applicable to a wide range of low-resource languages, (c) it provides authentic multilingual taggers (one tagger for N languages).

Effective Techniques for Indonesian Text Retrieval

Asian, Jelita, jelitayang@gmail.com January 2007 (has links)
The Web is a vast repository of data, and information on almost any subject can be found with the aid of search engines. Although the Web is international, the majority of research on finding of information has a focus on languages such as English and Chinese. In this thesis, we investigate information retrieval techniques for Indonesian. Although Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world, little attention has been given to search of Indonesian documents. Stemming is the process of reducing morphological variants of a word to a common stem form. Previous research has shown that stemming is language-dependent. Although several stemming algorithms have been proposed for Indonesian, there is no consensus on which gives better performance. We empirically explore these algorithms, showing that even the best algorithm still has scope for improvement. We propose novel extensions to this algorithm and develop a new Indonesian stemmer, and show that these can improve stemming correctness by up to three percentage points; our approach makes less than one error in thirty-eight words. We propose a range of techniques to enhance the performance of Indonesian information retrieval. These techniques include: stopping; sub-word tokenisation; and identification of proper nouns; and modifications to existing similarity functions. Our experiments show that many of these techniques can increase retrieval performance, with the highest increase achieved when we use grams of size five to tokenise words. We also present an effective method for identifying the language of a document; this allows various information retrieval techniques to be applied selectively depending on the language of target documents. We also address the problem of automatic creation of parallel corpora --- collections of documents that are the direct translations of each other --- which are essential for cross-lingual information retrieval tasks. Well-curated parallel corpora are rare, and for many languages, such as Indonesian, do not exist at all. We describe algorithms that we have developed to automatically identify parallel documents for Indonesian and English. Unlike most current approaches, which consider only the context and structure of the documents, our approach is based on the document content itself. Our algorithms do not make any prior assumptions about the documents, and are based on the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm for global alignment of protein sequences. Our approach works well in identifying Indonesian-English parallel documents, especially when no translation is performed. It can increase the separation value, a measure to discriminate good matches of parallel documents from bad matches, by approximately ten percentage points. We also investigate the applicability of our identification algorithms for other languages that use the Latin alphabet. Our experiments show that, with minor modifications, our alignment methods are effective for English-French, English-German, and French-German corpora, especially when the documents are not translated. Our technique can increase the separation value for the European corpus by up to twenty-eight percentage points. Together, these results provide a substantial advance in understanding techniques that can be applied for effective Indonesian text retrieval.

Does it have to be trees? : Data-driven dependency parsing with incomplete and noisy training data

Spreyer, Kathrin January 2011 (has links)
We present a novel approach to training data-driven dependency parsers on incomplete annotations. Our parsers are simple modifications of two well-known dependency parsers, the transition-based Malt parser and the graph-based MST parser. While previous work on parsing with incomplete data has typically couched the task in frameworks of unsupervised or semi-supervised machine learning, we essentially treat it as a supervised problem. In particular, we propose what we call agnostic parsers which hide all fragmentation in the training data from their supervised components. We present experimental results with training data that was obtained by means of annotation projection. Annotation projection is a resource-lean technique which allows us to transfer annotations from one language to another within a parallel corpus. However, the output tends to be noisy and incomplete due to cross-lingual non-parallelism and error-prone word alignments. This makes the projected annotations a suitable test bed for our fragment parsers. Our results show that (i) dependency parsers trained on large amounts of projected annotations achieve higher accuracy than the direct projections, and that (ii) our agnostic fragment parsers perform roughly on a par with the original parsers which are trained only on strictly filtered, complete trees. Finally, (iii) when our fragment parsers are trained on artificially fragmented but otherwise gold standard dependencies, the performance loss is moderate even with up to 50% of all edges removed. / Wir präsentieren eine neuartige Herangehensweise an das Trainieren von daten-gesteuerten Dependenzparsern auf unvollständigen Annotationen. Unsere Parser sind einfache Varianten von zwei bekannten Dependenzparsern, nämlich des transitions-basierten Malt-Parsers sowie des graph-basierten MST-Parsers. Während frühere Arbeiten zum Parsing mit unvollständigen Daten die Aufgabe meist in Frameworks für unüberwachtes oder schwach überwachtes maschinelles Lernen gebettet haben, behandeln wir sie im Wesentlichen mit überwachten Lernverfahren. Insbesondere schlagen wir "agnostische" Parser vor, die jegliche Fragmentierung der Trainingsdaten vor ihren daten-gesteuerten Lernkomponenten verbergen. Wir stellen Versuchsergebnisse mit Trainingsdaten vor, die mithilfe von Annotationsprojektion gewonnen wurden. Annotationsprojektion ist ein Verfahren, das es uns erlaubt, innerhalb eines Parallelkorpus Annotationen von einer Sprache auf eine andere zu übertragen. Bedingt durch begrenzten crosslingualen Parallelismus und fehleranfällige Wortalinierung ist die Ausgabe des Projektionsschrittes jedoch üblicherweise verrauscht und unvollständig. Gerade dies macht projizierte Annotationen zu einer angemessenen Testumgebung für unsere fragment-fähigen Parser. Unsere Ergebnisse belegen, dass (i) Dependenzparser, die auf großen Mengen von projizierten Annotationen trainiert wurden, größere Genauigkeit erzielen als die zugrundeliegenden direkten Projektionen, und dass (ii) die Genauigkeit unserer agnostischen, fragment-fähigen Parser der Genauigkeit der Originalparser (trainiert auf streng gefilterten, komplett projizierten Bäumen) annähernd gleichgestellt ist. Schließlich zeigen wir mit künstlich fragmentierten Gold-Standard-Daten, dass (iii) der Verlust an Genauigkeit selbst dann bescheiden bleibt, wenn bis zu 50% aller Kanten in den Trainingsdaten fehlen.

Marqueurs corrélatifs en français et en suédois : Étude sémantico-fonctionnelle de d’une part… d’autre part, d’un côté… de l’autre et de non seulement… mais en contraste / Correlative markers in French and Swedish : Semantic and functional study of d'une part... d'autre part, d'un côté... de l'autre and non seulement... mais in contrast

Svensson, Maria January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the correlative markers d’une part… d’autre part, d’un côté… de l’autre and non seulement… mais in French and their Swedish counterparts dels… dels, å ena sidan… å andra sidan and inte bara… utan. These markers are composed of two separate parts generally occurring together, and announce a serial of at least two textual units to be considered together. The analyses of the use of these three French and three Swedish markers are based upon two corpora of non-academic humanities texts. The first, principal corpus, is composed only of original French and Swedish texts. The second, complementary corpus, is composed of source texts in the two languages and their translations in the other language. By the combination of these two corpora, this study is comparative as well as contrastive. Through application of the Geneva model of discourse analysis and the Rhetorical Structure Theory, a semantic and functional approach to correlative markers and their text-structural role is adopted. The study shows similarities as well as differences between the six markers, both within each language and between the languages. D’une part… d’autre part and dels… dels principally mark a conjunctive relation, whereas d’un côté… de l’autre and å ena sidan… å andra sidan more often are used in  a contrastive relation, even though they all can be used for both kinds of relations. Non seulement… mais and inte bara… utan mark a conjunctive relation, but can also indicate that the second argument is stronger than the first one. By the use of these two markers, the language users also present the first one as given and the second one as new information. In general, the French correlative markers appear to have a more argumentative function, whereas the text-structural function is demonstrated to be the most important in Swedish.

Alignement de phrases parallèles dans des corpus bruités

Lamraoui, Fethi 07 1900 (has links)
La traduction statistique requiert des corpus parallèles en grande quantité. L’obtention de tels corpus passe par l’alignement automatique au niveau des phrases. L’alignement des corpus parallèles a reçu beaucoup d’attention dans les années quatre vingt et cette étape est considérée comme résolue par la communauté. Nous montrons dans notre mémoire que ce n’est pas le cas et proposons un nouvel aligneur que nous comparons à des algorithmes à l’état de l’art. Notre aligneur est simple, rapide et permet d’aligner une très grande quantité de données. Il produit des résultats souvent meilleurs que ceux produits par les aligneurs les plus élaborés. Nous analysons la robustesse de notre aligneur en fonction du genre des textes à aligner et du bruit qu’ils contiennent. Pour cela, nos expériences se décomposent en deux grandes parties. Dans la première partie, nous travaillons sur le corpus BAF où nous mesurons la qualité d’alignement produit en fonction du bruit qui atteint les 60%. Dans la deuxième partie, nous travaillons sur le corpus EuroParl où nous revisitons la procédure d’alignement avec laquelle le corpus Europarl a été préparé et montrons que de meilleures performances au niveau des systèmes de traduction statistique peuvent être obtenues en utilisant notre aligneur. / Current statistical machine translation systems require parallel corpora in large quantities, and typically obtain such corpora through automatic alignment at the sentence level: a text and its translation . The alignment of parallel corpora has received a lot of attention in the eighties and is largely considered to be a solved problem in the community. We show that this is not the case and propose an alignment technique that we compare to the state-of-the-art aligners. Our technique is simple, fast and can handle large amounts of data. It often produces better results than state-of-the-art. We analyze the robustness of our alignment technique across different text genres and noise level. For this, our experiments are divided into two main parts. In the first part, we measure the alignment quality on BAF corpus with up to 60% of noise. In the second part, we use the Europarl corpus and revisit the alignment procedure with which it has been prepared; we show that better SMT performance can be obtained using our alignment technique.

Unidades fraseológicas especializadas : colocações e colocações estendidas em contratos sociais e estatutos sociais traduzidos no modo juramentado e não-juramentado /

Orenha, Adriane. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Diva Cardoso de Camargo / Banca: Francis Henrik Aubert / Banca: Ieda Maria Alves / Banca: Claudia Maria Xatara / Banca: Eli Nazareth Bechara / Resumo: Esta pesquisa visa realizar um estudo a respeito dos termos, colocações e colocações especializadas estendidas presentes em contratos sociais e estatutos sociais que representam os corpora de pesquisa. Nesta pesquisa, também observaremos as semelhanças e diferenças nos corpora de traduções jurídicas e juramentadas, no que concerne ao uso desses termos e padrões lexicais, assim como apontaremos aqueles que são mais frequentemente empregados em documentos do tipo contrato social e estatuto social. A investigação baseia-se na abordagem interdisciplinar dos Estudos da Tradução Baseados em Corpus, da Linguística de Corpus, da Fraseologia, de modo mais específico das colocações, das colocações especializadas e das unidades fraseológicas especializadas. A Terminologia, por meio de seus pressupostos teóricos, também traz sua contribuição para a pesquisa, assim como os trabalhos sobre a tradução juramentada. Uma das motivações que delineia este estudo reside no fato de a tradução juramentada ser considerada de grande relevância nas relações comerciais, sociais e jurídicas entre as nações. Para realizar este estudo, compilamos um corpus de estudo (CE1) constituído por contratos sociais e estatutos sociais traduzidos no modo juramentado, nas direções tradutórias inglês português e português inglês, extraídos de Livros de Registro de Traduções, pertencentes a tradutores juramentados credenciados pela Junta Comercial de dois Estados brasileiros; e um corpus de estudo (CE2) formado por documentos de mesma natureza traduzidos sem o processo de juramentação, nas mesmas direções tradutórias. Além destes corpora, construímos dois corpora comparáveis, formados pelos referidos documentos originalmente escritos em português e em inglês. Os resultados desta pesquisa mostraram várias semelhanças, no tocante aos termos empregados em documentos traduzidos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This investigation aims at carrying out a study on terms, collocations and extended specialized collocations present in articles of incorporation/articles of organization/articles of association and bylaws that represent our research corpora. We will also observe similarities and differences in sworn and legal translation corpora, which concerns the use of such terms and lexical patterns, as well as point out the ones which are more frequently used in the focused documents. This research derives its theoretical and methodological sources from Corpus-Based Translation Studies, Corpus Linguistics, Phraseology, more specifically from collocations, specialized collocations and specialized phraseological units (SPUs). Terminology, from its theoretical standpoint, also offers its contribution to this study, as well as essays on sworn translation. One of the aspects that motivates this study is the fact that sworn translation is considered to be of great relevance to commercial, social and legal relations among nations. To conduct this research, we compiled a study corpus (CE1) composed of articles of incorporation/articles of organization/articles of association and bylaws submitted to the process of sworn translation in the English Portuguese and Portuguese English directions, excerpted from the Books of Sworn Translation Records, made available by five Brazilian sworn translators, duly sworn by the Board of Trade of two Brazilian States; a study corpus (CE2) made up of documents of the same nature not submitted to the process of sworn translation, in the same translation directions. Besides these corpora, we also built two comparable corpora formed by the referred documents originally written in Portuguese and in English. The results obtained in this research showed some similarities which refer to the terms used in documents submitted to the process of sworn translation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

CORPORA PARALLELI E LINGUISTICA CONTRASTIVA: AMPLIAMENTO E APPLICAZIONI DEL CORPUS ITALIANO - RUSSO NEL NACIONAL'NYJ KORPUS RUSSKOGO JAZYKA / Parallel corpora and contrastive linguistics: enlargement and applications of the Italian-Russian corpus in the Nacional'nyj Korpus Russkogo Jazyka

NOSEDA, VALENTINA 19 September 2017 (has links)
La Linguistica dei corpora - che fa uso di corpora elettronici annotati per lo studio delle lingue - è un approccio ormai diffuso e consolidato. I corpora paralleli, in particolare, in cui i testi in una lingua A sono allineati con la traduzione in lingua B, sono uno strumento molto utile nell’analisi contrastiva. La mancata disponibilità di corpora paralleli di qualità per le lingue di nostro interesse - russo e italiano - ci ha portati a volere ampliare e migliorare il corpus parallelo italiano-russo presente come corpus pilota nel Nacional’nyj Korpus Russkogo Jazyka (Corpus Nazionale della Lingua Russa). Il presente lavoro ha avuto pertanto uno scopo applicativo e uno teorico. Da un lato, dopo aver studiato le questioni imprescindibili per la progettazione di un corpus di qualità, sono stati stabiliti i criteri per l’ampliamento e inseriti nuovi testi, consentendo così al corpus parallelo di passare da 700.000 a più di 4 milioni di parole, entità che consente ora di condurre ricerche scientificamente valide. In seguito, sono state proposte tre analisi corpus-based così da mettere in luce le potenzialità del corpus ampliato: lo studio dei verbi prefissali di memoria russi e la loro resa in italiano; il confronto tra il causativo analitico italiano “fare + infinito” e il causativo russo; l’analisi comparata di quindici versioni italiane de Il Cappotto di N. Gogol’. Le tre analisi hanno consentito di avanzare innanzitutto osservazioni di carattere metodologico in vista di un ulteriore ampliamento e miglioramento del corpus parallelo italiano-russo. In secondo luogo, la prospettiva corpus-based si è dimostrata utile per approfondire lo studio di questi temi dal punto di vista teorico. / Corpus Linguistics - which exploits electronic annotated corpora in the study of languages - is a widespread and consolidated approach. In particular, parallel corpora, where texts in a language are aligned with their translation in a second language, are an extremely useful tool in contrastive analysis. The lack of good parallel corpora for the languages of our interest - Russian and Italian - has led us to work for improving the Italian-Russian parallel corpus available as a pilot corpus in the Russian National Corpus. Therefore, this work had a twofold aim: practical and theoretical. On the one hand, after studying the essential issues for designing a high-quality corpus, all the criteria for expanding the corpus were established and the number of texts was increased, allowing the Italian-Russian parallel corpus, which counted 700.000 words, to reach more than 4 million words. As a result, it is now possible to conduct scientifically valid research based on this corpus. On the other hand, three corpus-based analyses were proposed in order to highlight the potential of the corpus: the study of prefixed Russian memory verbs and their translation into Italian; the comparison between the Italian analytic causative "fare + infinitive" and Russian causative verbs; The comparative analysis of fifteen Italian versions of The Overcoat by N. Gogol'. These analyses first of all allowed to advance some methodological remarks considering a further enlargement and improvement of the Italian-Russian parallel corpus. Secondly, the corpus-based approach has proved to be useful in deepening the study of these topics from a theoretical point of view.

Text and Speech Alignment Methods for Speech Translation Corpora Creation : Augmenting English LibriVox Recordings with Italian Textual Translations

Della Corte, Giuseppe January 2020 (has links)
The recent uprise of end-to-end speech translation models requires a new generation of parallel corpora, composed of a large amount of source language speech utterances aligned with their target language textual translations. We hereby show a pipeline and a set of methods to collect hundreds of hours of English audio-book recordings and align them with their Italian textual translations, using exclusively public domain resources gathered semi-automatically from the web. The pipeline consists in three main areas: text collection, bilingual text alignment, and forced alignment. For the text collection task, we show how to automatically find e-book titles in a target language by using machine translation, web information retrieval, and named entity recognition and translation techniques. For the bilingual text alignment task, we investigated three methods: the Gale–Church algorithm in conjunction with a small-size hand-crafted bilingual dictionary, the Gale–Church algorithm in conjunction with a bigger bilingual dictionary automatically inferred through statistical machine translation, and bilingual text alignment by computing the vector similarity of multilingual embeddings of concatenation of consecutive sentences. Our findings seem to indicate that the consecutive-sentence-embeddings similarity computation approach manages to improve the alignment of difficult sentences by indirectly performing sentence re-segmentation. For the forced alignment task, we give a theoretical overview of the preferred method depending on the properties of the text to be aligned with the audio, suggesting and using a TTS-DTW (text-to-speech and dynamic time warping) based approach in our pipeline. The result of our experiments is a publicly available multi-modal corpus composed of about 130 hours of English speech aligned with its Italian textual translation and split in 60561 triplets of English audio, English transcript, and Italian textual translation. We also post-processed the corpus so as to extract 40-MFCCs features from the audio segments and released them as a data-set.

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