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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Accuracy optimisation and error detection in automatically generated elevation models derived using digital photogrammetry

Gooch, Michael J. January 1999 (has links)
Users of current Digital Photogrammetric Systems (DPS) can now rapidly generate dense Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) with a minimal amount of training. This procedure is controlled through a set of strategy parameters embedded in the software. Previous research into the effect of these parameters on the resulting DEMs produc'ed mixed results, with some researchers finding that significant changes to the DEM can be made through manipulation of the parameters whilst others suggested that they have little effect. This thesis builds upon this early work to develop two systems that provide assistance for novice users. The first technique optimises the parameters with respect to DEM accuracy and takes the form of an expert system and compares the output from the DEM with a knowledge base to prescribe an improved set of parameters. The results suggest that the system works and can produce improvements in the accuracy of a DEM. It was found that in certain circumstances, changes to the parameters can have a significant effect on the resulting DEM, but this change does not occur across the entire DEM. The second aspect of the thesis details the development of a completely new approach that automatically detects low accuracy areas of the DEM and presents this information graphically. This is an important development since, as documented in the current literature, few quality control procedures are offered to users. The user can use this information to assist in the manual checking and editing of the final DEM, thus speeding up the workflow and improving the accuracy of the output. The results of tests (using the ERDAS Imagine OrthoMAX software) on a wide variety of imagery are presented and show that the technique reliably detects areas of a DEM with high errors. More significantly, the technique has also been tested on two other DPSs (Zeiss Phodis TS and VirtuoZo) and it was found that it worked well for the Zeiss system but could not be applied to the VirtuoZo software. This demonstrates that the research is not limited to the users of one software package and is of interest to the wider photogrammetric community.

Effects of Feeding Essential Oils and Prebiotics on Late Laying Hen’s Egg Production, Quality, and Gut Microbiome

Ferrenberg, Zachary Michael 01 December 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The increasing regulation of antimicrobial use in agriculture has driven the search for alternative solutions that support livestock health and production. Essential oils (EO) and prebiotics have recently gained attention as potential alternative supplements due to their antimicrobial properties (benefits for gut health) and ability to improve production parameters in livestock. This study evaluates the impact of a commercially available blend of EO and prebiotics on laying hen production parameters, egg quality, and Gastrointestinal microbiota composition as a possible substitute for antibiotic growth promotors (AGPs). Sixty Hy-Line W-80 laying hens, aged 60 weeks, were divided into four dietary treatment groups: 1) a corn-soybean meal-based basal diet (control), 2) the control diet mixed with 0.5 kg EO (low EO), 3) the control diet mixed with 1.0 kg EO (High EO), 4) the control diet supplemented with 0.5 kg prebiotics (prebiotic). Each diet was administered for 12 weeks, and phased feeding did not occur. Egg production and feed intake were measured weekly, egg quality was measured biweekly, bird body weight was measured monthly, and microbiome samples from both the ileum and ceca were collected at the conclusion of the feeding trial. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze the data for egg production, egg quality, and feed intake using the GLIMMIX function in SAS (9.4). Microbiome samples were processed and analyzed differently. Briefly, 16s rDNA sequencing was conducted on the NovaSeq platform using paired-end reads. Microbiome data underwent quality control and chimera filtering using DADA2. Clean data was then used to construct operational taxonomic units (OTU), and proceed with diversity analysis, species classification annotation, and differential analysis. Taxonomic classification was performed using SILVA (release 138) and NT-16s databases with confidence level set at >0.07. Differential abundance analysis was conducted based on the relative abundance table. Fisher's exact test, Mann-Whitney U, and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for statistical differences testing. Results showed that prebiotic supplementation negatively affected both body weight (p0.05) on these metrics. Prebiotic-fed hens also exhibited reduced egg production (p = 0.002) compared to control and EO diets. Although egg weight, yolk color, yolk weight, and albumen height remained consistent across treatments (p>0.05), external egg quality assessments revealed significant differences in eggshell thickness and breaking strength between the low and high EO diets (p = 0.01; p = 0.0003, respectively), though these treatments were not significantly different when compared to the control diet. Microbial analysis showed higher microbial diversity in the ceca when compared to the ileum (p < 0.001), with a highly dominant presence of the Lactobacillalesgenus in the ileum. Notably, high EO diets significantly increased Lactobacillus coryniformis (p = 0.009) and Lactobacillus capillatus (p = 0.04) compared to the control diet. Clostridium sensu stricto (mean 0.011) and Salmonella bongori (mean 0.001) were witnessed in control diet birds, while these microorganisms were absent from the high EO and prebiotic diet fed birds. Lastly, this feeding trial observed that the vast majority of potentially pathogenic, anaerobic, biofilm former, and gram-negative microorganisms are found in the ceca. In contrast, aerobic, facultative anaerobic, and mobile microorganisms are found in the ileum. These findings suggest that while EO supplementation alone does not enhance production parameters or egg quality compared to standard diets, it could support beneficial microbiota, offering a promising route to reduce AGP reliance and mitigate antibiotic resistance in livestock production.

Zdravstveno stanje i kvalitet mesa svinja rase mangulica i meleza između rase mangulica i duroka / The state of health of the pig meat breeds of mangulets and molasses between the race of mangulets and durok

Šević Radoslav 07 February 2018 (has links)
<p>Istraživanje je sprovedeno u cilju utvrđivanja uticaja ukrštanja mangulice sa durokom&nbsp; na proizvodne i zdravstvene parametre, kao i na kvalitet mesa, a sve to uporedo sa jednom modernom plemenitom rasom svinja &ndash; veliki jorkšir. U tu svrhu formirane su tri grupe &ndash; genotipa svinja, čista rasa bela mangulica (BM), melezi duroka i bele mangulice (DBM), i čista rasa veliki jorkšir (VJ), koji su smešteni u iste uslove ishrane, nege i držanja. Svinje iz grupa DBM i VJ su znatno brže prirasle do ciljane telesne mase od 150 kg u odnosu na svinje BM. Tako je melezima duroka i bele mangulice trebalo u proseku 168 dana manje, a svinjama iz grupe VJ 288 dana manje kako bi dostigli ciljanu telesnu masu u odnosu na svinje bele mangulice u čistoj rasi. Po pitanju zdravstvenog stanja i nalaza na trupovima zaklanih svinja post mortem nisu utvrđene značajne razlike. Značajne razlike su utvrđene u hematološkim i biohemijskim parametrima i to između sve tri ispitivane grupe, ali i između različitih starosnih kategorija u okviru iste ispitivane grupe, što nam ukazuje na značaj tačnijeg utvrđivanja referentnih parametara normalnih fizioloških vrednosti hematoloških i biohemijskih parametara ne samo posebno za pojedine vrste životinja, već dakako i za različite starosne kategorije u okviru iste vrste. Meso poreklom od svinja iz grupe BM imalo je najveći sadržaj intramuskularne masnoće, i tamniju i crveniju boju, dok za njima odmah slede melezi sa značajnim razlikama između sva tri ispitivana genotipa. Nadalje, meso svinja rase bela mangulica je imalo značajno veću krajnju vrednost pH, bolju sposobnost vezivanja vode, veći sadržaj kalcijuma, cinka, gvožđa, bakra i mangana, u poređenju sa druga dva genotipa. Ukrštanje bele mangulice i duroka je imalo značajan uticaj na pojedinačni sastav masnih kiselina u mesu. Međutim, zbir zasićenih, mononezasićenih i polinezasićenih masnih kiselina je ostao nepromenjen. Meso svinja rase bela mangulica i meleza dobijenih ukrštanjem svinja rasa bela mangulica i durok značajno je nežnije &ndash; mekše. Mononezasićene masne kiseline su najzastupljenije u mesu poreklom od svih životinja, dok za njima slede zasićene i na kraju polinezasićene masne kiseline. Meso poreklom od BM i DBM je imalo značajno veći sadržaj mononezasićenih masnih kiselina, i značajno manji sadržaj zasićenih masnih kiselina u odnosu na VJ. Generalno, na osnovu svih ispitanih parametara kvaliteta polutki i mesa može se konstatovati da svinje rase bela mangulica karakteriše manja mesnatost polutki, ali i meso koje ima odličan senzorski, tehnološki i nutritivni kvalitet, dok meleze svinja dobijenih ukrštanjem svinja rasa bela mangulica i durok karakteriše veća mesnatost polutki i nešto slabiji, ali još uvek veoma dobar, kvalitet mesa, te su neophodna dodatna istraživanja kako bi smo dobili i podatake o kvalitetu suvomesnatih proizvoda. Takođe, potrebna su dodatna<br />istraživanja, preciznijeg karaktera u pogledu kvaliteta i ekonomičnosti proizvodnje kod autohtonih rasa, kao i preispitivanje kriterijuma selekcije koji se primenjuju kod mangulice, te parametara genetskog progresa, tj. efekta selekcije, kako bi iako autohtona uhvatila korak za opstanak ili prestiž u odnosu na moderne rase svinja.</p> / <p>The research was carried out in order to determine the effect of the cross-breeding of mangulets with durok on production and health parameters, as well as on the quality of meat, all along with a modern, noble breed of pigs - a large Yorkshire. For this purpose, three groups - pig genotypes, pure breeds of white mangulica (BM), meliaceae and white manguns (DBM), and pure breed, Yorkshire (VJ), were placed in the same conditions of nutrition, care and keeping. Pigs from the DBM and VJ groups increased significantly to a target bodyweight of 150 kg compared to BM pigs. Thus, mulberry and white mangulets were average 168 days less, and 288 days lower for pigs from the VJ group in order to reach their target body mass compared to white mangun pigs in a clean race. There are no significant differences in terms of health status and findings on carcases of slaughtered pigs post-mortem. Significant differences were established in the hematological and biochemical parameters, among all three groups studied, but also between different age categories within the same investigated group, which points to the importance of more precise determination of the reference parameters of normal physiological values of hematologic and biochemical parameters not only for individual species of animals, but also for different age categories within the same species. Meat originating from pigs from the BM group had the highest content of intramuscular fat, and the darker and redder color, followed by moles with significant differences between all three investigated genotypes. Furthermore, the pig meat of the white mangulce had a significantly higher end value of pH, better water binding capacity, higher content of calcium, zinc, iron, copper and manganese, compared to the other two genotypes. The crossing of white mangulce and durok had a significant effect on the individual composition of fatty acids in the meat. However, the sum of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids remained unchanged. Meat of pig breeds white mangulica and molasses obtained by crossing the pig race white mangulica and durok is significantly more gentler - softer. Monounsaturated fatty acids are the most common in meat originating from all animals, followed by saturated and at the end of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Meat originating from BM and DBM had a significantly higher content of monounsaturated fatty acids, and significantly lower saturated fatty acid content than VJ. In general, on the basis of all the tested parameters of the quality of the halves and flesh, it can be concluded that the pig breeds of white mangulets are characterized by lower meatiness of the hemispheres, but also meat that has excellent sensory, technological and nutritive quality, while the piglets of pigs obtained by crossing the pig rasa white mangulica and durok are characterized by larger lean meat and slightly weaker but still very good quality of meat, and further research is needed in order to obtain data on the quality of the cream products. Also, additional ones are needed<br />research, a more precise character in terms of quality and cost-effectiveness in autochthonous breeds, as well as the reconsideration of selection criteria applied to mangulas and parameters of genetic progress, i.e. the effect of the selection, in order to take an autochthonous step in survival or prestige in relation to modern pig breeds.</p>

Qualidade e maturação de frutas avaliada através de métodos não destrutivos / Quality and maturation of fruits assessed through nondestructive methods

Betemps, Débora Leitzke 28 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:22:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Debora_Leitzke_Betemps.pdf: 4121028 bytes, checksum: ee28f25c1660db7ee2ce97d47b512205 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-28 / Currently consumers are not focused only on the external characteristics of the fruits, as color and size, the internal characteristics such as sugar content and the presence of antioxidant compounds acquires a greater importance in purchasing decisions. The measurement of these parameters is usually done by traditional analysis that presented as main characteristic the sample destruction, beyond being held in a limited number of fruits, normally not representative of the lot or orchard. The optical methods based in visible spectroscopy techniques (Vis) and near-infrared (NIR), as the chlorophyll fluorescence are pointed as a solution of the classic evaluation methods, allowing to assess several components at the same time, without the sample destruction. This study aimed to use the spectroscopy Vis/NIR and the chlorophyll fluorescence as non destructive methods to evaluate quality parameters in peaches, mangos and apples. In peaches it was used the NIR-Case equipment to establish models of calibration for estimating parameters of soluble solids (SS) and flesh firmness for the cultivars Chimarrita, Maciel, Eldorado and Jubileu for two years in a row, being in the second year, it was also evaluated the effect of harvesting time on the calibration models. From the obtained results it can be infer that the attribute soluble solids the calibrations models presented coefficient of determination values acceptable and appropriate to predict the future behavior of the samples in two consecutive years. For flesh firmness only the models developed for the cultivars Jubileu and Eldorado were considered satisfactory, requiring for the others cultivars, new setting for future harvests. The calibration models presented different results over the harvest dates, being the best fits occur in the end of the harvest, fact observed in all peaches cultivars. In mangoes of the cultivar Tommy Atkins and in peaches of the cultivars Eldorado and Jubileu the use of this technique for the separation of fruits in categories according to their maturation stage and monitoring directly from the field using a portable spectrophotometer (DA-meter®) that emits two 9 light signals of wavelength 570 and 720 nm and provides an indes (DA), which correlates with the content of chlorophyll in the peel of the fruit. Through these studies it was conclude that, with the index DA it is possible to separate the mangoes fruits in categories according the maturation degree as well monitor the maturation of the peaches directly from the field, and the relations between these index and quality parameters determinate through the coefficients of determination (R2) were satisfactory. In apples of the cultivars Fuji, Granny Smith and Golden Delicious it was used a sensor based on the technique of chlorophyll fluorescence for the estimation of chlorophyll, anthocyanins and flavonoids present in the skin of the fruit. In general, sides with greater sunlight exposure have higher rates of anthocyanins and flavonois and lower chlorophyll. The correlations between the non-destructive index and the real content of these pigments in the apple skin show the existence of significant correlations the two methods proposed. A negative correlation was found between soluble solids in apples and the chlorophyll fluorescence (CHL) in the far red spectrum. The results also indicate that a single multiparameter sensor of a fluorescence base can provide quality and maturity indices of apples in a nondestructively way. Thus, after the execution of the study, it can be conclude that different methods and technologies have potential for non-destructive evaluation of fruit quality parameters. / Atualmente os consumidores não estão focados apenas nas caracterísiticas externas das frutas, como cor e tamanho, as características internas como teores de açúcares e a presença de compostos antioxidantes passam a ter uma maior importância na decisão de compra. A mensuração destes parâmetros, normalmente é feita através de análises tradicionais que apresentam como característica principal a destrutição da amostra, além de ser realizada em um número restrito de frutas, normalmente não representativo do lote ou do pomar. Os métodos ópticos baseados nas técnicas da espectroscopia do visível (Vis) e do infravermelho próximo (NIR), assim como a fluorescência da clorofila são apontadas como uma evolução dos métodos clássicos de avaliação, permitindo avaliar vários componentes ao mesmo tempo, sem a destruição das amostras. O objetivo da realização deste trabalho foi utilizar a espectroscopia do Vis/NIR e da fluorescência da clorofila como métodos não destrutivos para avaliar parâmetros de qualidade de pêssegos, mangas e maçãs. Em pêssegos utilizou-se o equipamento NIR-Case para o estabelecimento de modelos de calibração para a estimação dos parâmetros sólidos solúveis (SS) e firmeza de polpa para as cultivares Chimarrita, Maciel, Eldorado e Jubileu por dois anos consecutivos, sendo que no segundo ano avaliou-se também o efeito de época de colheita sobre os modelos de calibração. Pelos resultados obtidos podemos inferir que para o atributo SS, os modelos de calibração apresentaram valores de coeficiente de determinação aceitáveis e adequados para prever o comportamento de amostras futuras, nos dois anos consecutivos. Para a firmeza de polpa apenas os modelos desenvolvidos para as cultivares Jubileu e Eldorado foram considerados satisfatórios, necessitando para as demais cultivares, novos ajustes para safras futuras. Os modelos de calibração apresentam resultados diferentes ao longo das datas de colheita, sendo que os melhores ajustes ocorrem no final da safra, fato 7 observado em todas as cultivares de pêssegos. Em mangas da cultivar Tommy Atkins e em pêssegos das cultivares Eldorado e Jubileu, foi testada o uso desta técnica para a separação das frutas em categorias de acordo com o estádio de maturação e acompanhamento desta diretamente no campo, com o uso do espectrofotômetro portátil (DA-meter®) que emite dois sinais luminosos nos comprimentos de onda 670 e 720nm e fornece um índice (DA), que se correlaciona com o conteúdo de clorofila presente na epiderme das frutas. Através destes trabalhos foi possível concluir que, com o índice DA é possível separar as frutas de manga em categorias de acordo com o grau de maturação bem como acompanhar a maturação de pêssegos diretamente no campo, e as relações entre os valores destes índices e os parâmetros de qualidade, determinadas através dos coeficientes de determinação (R2) foram satisfatórios. Em maçãs das cultivares Fuji, Granny Smith e Golden Delicious utilizou-se um sensor com base na técnica da fluorescência da clorofila para a estimação de clorofilas, antocianinas e flavonóides presentes na epiderme das frutas. De uma maneira geral os lados com maior exposição a luz solar apresentaram os maiores índices para os antocianinas e flavonóides e menores para clorofila. As correlações entre os índices não destrutivos e o conteúdo real destes pigmentos nas epidermes das maçãs demonstraram a existência de correlações signifcativas entre os dois métodos propostos. Uma correlação negativa foi encontrada entre o teor de sólidos solúveis em maçãs e a fluorescência da clorofila (CHL) no espectro do vermelho distante. Os resultados também indicam que um sensor multiparamético de base fluorescente pode fornecer índices de maturação e qualidade de maçãs de forma não destrutiva. Sendo assim, após a execução dos trabalhos pode-se concluir que os diferentes métodos e tecnologias não destrutivas apresentam potencial para avaliação dos parâmetros de qualidade em frutas.

Razvoj dinamičkog modela kontrole procesnih parametara postupaka rastriranja i njihov uticaj na otisak kao stimulus / Development of dynamic model of control rasterization process parameters and their influence on proof as stimulus

Pinćjer Ivan 15 January 2016 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji su prikazana istraživanja vezana za objektivnu i subjektivnu,<br />psihofizičku metodu koja u eksperimentu utvrđuje koliki uticaj imaju različiti<br />parametri rasterizacije kao i dimenzija posmatrane slike na percepciju<br />realističnog prikaza i zrnaste strukture uz poređenje sa objektivnim metodama<br />obuhvaćenim eksperimentalnim merenjima. U metodologiji istraživanja su<br />korišćeni uzorci rastrirani sa dva različita tipa rastera frekventno<br />modularni i amplitudno modularni. Poznatim i priznatim naučnim metodima<br />obrade podataka došlo se do relevantnih rezultata koji potvrđuju različitost<br />posmatranih reprodukcija i model kontrole parametara rasterizacije.</p> / <p>The research presented in this dissertation is related to the image reproduction quality<br />assessment. Dissertation was designed to determine the impact of halftone attributes<br />on image quality. Objective and subjective quality assessment results were designed<br />to complement recently published findings for quality assessment. These attributes are<br />directly dependent on the chosen halftoning method. In this research the samples were<br />halftoned using two different types of screening methods: frequency modulated and<br />amplitude modulated method. Experiment data samples, were analysed by adequate<br />statistical methods. Results indicate significant influence of halftoning method on the<br />quality assessment and defines control model.</p>

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