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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Rol van die eie ouer in die hersaamgestelde gesin

Kruger, Barend Johan 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Die hersaamgestelde gesin word in hierdie navorsingstudie ondersoek as in komplekse alternatiewe gesinstruktuur met eiesoortige strukturele kenmerke, probleemareas en rituele wat nie aan die norm van die kerngesin ontleen kan word nie. In die literatuuroorsig word hierdie aspekte van nader beskou en tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dot die belangrike rol van die eie ouer in die hersaamgestelde gesin grootliks misgekyk word. Die verbondenheid van die eie ouer aan beide die ouer-kind- en die nuwe egpaarsisteme maak dit vir hom/haar moontlik om 'n sleutelrol te vervul tydens gesinsinteraksies, eenheidsvorming en die opvoedingsgebeure in die hersaamgestelde gesin. Dit is moontlik vir die eie ouer om vanuit in unieke posisie as 'n buffer te dien in die problematiese stiefouer-stiefkindverhoudinge. Hierdie moontlikheid bestaan egter slegs indien die eie ouer oor voldoende kennis, insig en vaardighede beskik. 'n Uitgebreide kwalitatiewe ondersoek aan die hand van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met die lede van ses hersaamgestelde gesinne het die volgende tendense aan die lig gebring Eie ouers verwag van nuwe egliede om kinders in die hersaamgestelde gesin uit die staanspoor te aanvaar en lief te he. Eie ouers koester konflikterende gevoelens ten opsigte van die dissiplinering van hul kinders deur die stiefouer. Eie ouers, stiefouers en kinders in hersaamgestelde gesinne gaan dikwels gebuk onder die las van onverwerkte gevoelens van verdriet en verlies. Die hantering van finansies ten opsigte van inwonende eie en stiefkinders, asook nie-inwonende kinders en vorige egliede skep spanning en bemoeilik goeie verhoudinge. Eie ouers is dikwels so verdeeld tussen die belange van hul kinders en die van hul nuwe maats dat hulle dit moeilik vind om in 'n tweede huwelik 'n betekenisvolle verhouding met hul nuwe lewensmaat op te bou. Genoemde tendense het 'n bepalende rol gespeel in die ontwikkeling van 'n begeleidingsprogram vir eie ouers. Agt sessies met doelwitte gebaseer op hierdie probleemareas is gestruktureer om die eie ouer met noodsaaklike kennis en vaardighede toe te rus ten opsigte van harmoniese verhoudingstigting en -onderhouding in hersaamgestelde gesinne. Die begeleidingsprogram is deur middel van 'n fokusgroeponderhoud aan die evaluering van vier ouerpare in hersaamgestelde gesinne onderwerp en is aan die hand van hul aanbevelings verfyn en gefinaliseer. / In this research study the reconstituted family is investigated as a complex alternative family structure with distinctive structural characteristics, problem areas and rituals which cannot be adopted from the norm of the nuclear family. In the literature survey these aspects are examined closely and the conclusion is drawn that the important role of the biological parent in the reconstituted family is ignored to a large extent. The biological parent's commitment to both the parent-child and new couple systems allows him/her to play a key role in family interactions, unit formation and educational events in the reconstituted family. It is possible for the biological parent to act as a buffer in the problematic stepparent-stepchild relationships from a unique perspective. However, this possibility only exists if the biological parent possesses sufficient knowledge, insight and skills. An extensive qualitative investigation on the basis of semi-structured interviews with members of six reconstituted families revealed the following tendencies: Biological parents expect their new spouses to accept and love children in the reconstituted family from the onset. Biological parents harbour conflicting feelings regarding the disciplining of children by the stepparent. Biological parents, stepparents and children in reconstituted families often still carry the burden of unresolved feelings of sadness and loss. The handling of finances with regard to resident own and stepchildren, as well as non-resident children and former spouses creates tension and compromises good relationships. Biological parents are often so divided between the interests of their own children and those of their new spouses that they find it difficult to build a meaningful relationship with their new spouse in a second marriage. The tendencies mentioned played a decisive role in the development of a guidance programme for biological parents. Eight sessions with aims based on these problem areas were structured to equip biological parents with the necessary knowledge and skills in respect of the development and maintenance of harmonious relationships in reconstituted families. The guidance programme was subjected to the evaluation of four sets of parents in reconstituted families by means of a focus group interview and was refined and finalised on the basis of their recommendations. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Perceptions of girl children's parents regarding HPV vaccine roll-out programme at schools in Tshwane District

Calder, Catherine Mary 03 1900 (has links)
The aim of the study was to gain an in-depth understanding of the girl children’s parents perceptions regarding the papillomavirus vaccine roll-out programme at schools in Tshwane District, Gauteng Province. The researcher used a qualitative exploratory research design to address the research objective of the study as the qualitative method enables the researcher to explore and describe the study phenomenon. Data were collected from 12 parents of girl children who received the papillomavirus vaccine at one of the schools in Soshanguve township, which is one of the biggest townships in the Tshwane District. Data was analysed manually using content analysis. The following four superordinate themes emerged from data analysis: a) Communication of the programme, b) Motivation for allowing their children to be immunized. c) Response to immunisation, d) Suggested ways of enhancing the programme. These themes were discussed in relation to existing literature. Recommendations were made based on the findings to enhance the papillomavirus vaccination programme and for future research. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

A psycho-educational programme to enhance the efficacy of parents of adolescents

Kerr, Pamela Pearl 30 November 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate a psycho-educational programme to enhance the efficacy of parents of adolescents. Thus, the research project can be identified as formative, evaluative research. To this end, an investigation was undertaken to determine how the efficacy of parents of adolescents could be enhanced through an understanding of: * the life phase of adolescence; * the life phase of parents of adolescents; * the role of parents of adolescents; * factors influencing the parenting of adolescents (e.g., generational effects and the influence of family structure on parenting); * the challenges facing adolescents and their parents which may hamper parenting efficacy; * factors which assist parents of adolescents to overcome challenges and improve their parenting efficacy; * parenting skills which foster parenting efficacy; and * the nature of a psycho-educational programme which could enhance the efficacy of parents of adolescents. A literature study provided the theoretical background to the development of the above mentioned programme. In the next phase of the study, a psycho-educational programme was developed based on the literature review, a study of similar programmes and a pilot study conducted with parents. The programme aimed at helping parents to become aware of their parenting practices, to encourage them to increase knowledge and understanding of themselves and of their adolescent children and to develop personal strategies and skills to cope with parenting challenges. The programme was implemented with a group of 21 parents of adolescents (five fathers and sixteen mothers) living in George, South Africa during sessions held once per week over a period of six weeks. Participants were divided into three groups: six single parents; eight parents of nuclear families; and seven parents from blended-extended families. Data was collected qualitatively during each meeting. In addition, focus groups were conducted at the end of the six weeks. The findings indicated that the programme enhanced the efficacy of the participating parents in supporting the development of their adolescent children. / Educational Studies / D.Ed (Psychology of Education)

A psycho-educational programme to enhance the efficacy of parents of adolescents

Kerr, Pamela Pearl 30 November 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate a psycho-educational programme to enhance the efficacy of parents of adolescents. Thus, the research project can be identified as formative, evaluative research. To this end, an investigation was undertaken to determine how the efficacy of parents of adolescents could be enhanced through an understanding of: * the life phase of adolescence; * the life phase of parents of adolescents; * the role of parents of adolescents; * factors influencing the parenting of adolescents (e.g., generational effects and the influence of family structure on parenting); * the challenges facing adolescents and their parents which may hamper parenting efficacy; * factors which assist parents of adolescents to overcome challenges and improve their parenting efficacy; * parenting skills which foster parenting efficacy; and * the nature of a psycho-educational programme which could enhance the efficacy of parents of adolescents. A literature study provided the theoretical background to the development of the above mentioned programme. In the next phase of the study, a psycho-educational programme was developed based on the literature review, a study of similar programmes and a pilot study conducted with parents. The programme aimed at helping parents to become aware of their parenting practices, to encourage them to increase knowledge and understanding of themselves and of their adolescent children and to develop personal strategies and skills to cope with parenting challenges. The programme was implemented with a group of 21 parents of adolescents (five fathers and sixteen mothers) living in George, South Africa during sessions held once per week over a period of six weeks. Participants were divided into three groups: six single parents; eight parents of nuclear families; and seven parents from blended-extended families. Data was collected qualitatively during each meeting. In addition, focus groups were conducted at the end of the six weeks. The findings indicated that the programme enhanced the efficacy of the participating parents in supporting the development of their adolescent children. / Educational Studies / D.Ed (Psychology of Education)

Invloed van samelewingsveranderinge op verhoudinge binne die stedelike gesin : 'n sosio-opvoedkundige verkenning / The influence of changing societal phenomena on urban families : a socio-educational analysis

Scholtz, Renée 01 1900 (has links)
Die 21ste eeuse postmodeme samelewing word gekenmerk deur dinamiese veranderinge op aile gebiede wat die kwaliteit van die gesinslewe en opvoedingsbegeleiding binne gesinne bepaaL Hierdie studie poog om aan die hand van 'n omvangryke literatuurstudie en kwalitatiewe ondersoek, die aard, omvang en invloed van sodanige samelewingsverskynsels op verhoudingstigting- en onderhouding en die kwaliteit van opvoedingsbegeleiding in eietydse stadsgesinne te bepaal. Bevindinge toon dat sommige gesinne, as gevolg van hierdie veranderinge, uiters kwesbaar is, dat verhoudinge ontaard en opvoedingsbegeleiding ontoereikend voltrek. Die verval van norme en waardes is veral verswarend vir opvoeding en volwassewordingshulp. Ouers en kinders moet onder verswarende omstandighede die verantwoordelikheid opneem om harmoniese en Iiefdevolle verhoudinge in die gesin te stig en te onderhou. Ondersteunings- en begeleidingsprogramme vir ouers en kinders om toereikende opvoedingsbegeleiding en selfaktualisering te verseker, word aanbeveel. Hierdie programme moet op die mikro-, meso- en makrovlak van die samelewing geloods word. / The post-modem society of the 21st century is characterized by dynamic changes which determine the quality of family life and educational support in families. This study aims to determine, by means of a comprehensive literature study and qualitative investigation, the nature, extent and influence of social phenomena on the constitution and maintenance of relationships as well as the quality of educational support in contemporary urban families. Findings show that some families are vulnerable, that relationships deteriorate and that educational support is inadequate as a result of these changes. The decline of norms and values is an aggravating factor in education and adolescence support. Parents and children have to take responsibility to establish harmonious and loving relationships in the family. Support and guidance programmes are recommended for parents and children to ensure adequate educational support and self-actualization. These programmes must be launched on the micro, meso and macro level of society. / Educational studies / M. Ed. (Sosio-Opvoedkunde)

Invloed van samelewingsveranderinge op verhoudinge binne die stedelike gesin : 'n sosio-opvoedkundige verkenning / The influence of changing societal phenomena on urban families : a socio-educational analysis

Scholtz, Renée 01 1900 (has links)
Die 21ste eeuse postmodeme samelewing word gekenmerk deur dinamiese veranderinge op aile gebiede wat die kwaliteit van die gesinslewe en opvoedingsbegeleiding binne gesinne bepaaL Hierdie studie poog om aan die hand van 'n omvangryke literatuurstudie en kwalitatiewe ondersoek, die aard, omvang en invloed van sodanige samelewingsverskynsels op verhoudingstigting- en onderhouding en die kwaliteit van opvoedingsbegeleiding in eietydse stadsgesinne te bepaal. Bevindinge toon dat sommige gesinne, as gevolg van hierdie veranderinge, uiters kwesbaar is, dat verhoudinge ontaard en opvoedingsbegeleiding ontoereikend voltrek. Die verval van norme en waardes is veral verswarend vir opvoeding en volwassewordingshulp. Ouers en kinders moet onder verswarende omstandighede die verantwoordelikheid opneem om harmoniese en Iiefdevolle verhoudinge in die gesin te stig en te onderhou. Ondersteunings- en begeleidingsprogramme vir ouers en kinders om toereikende opvoedingsbegeleiding en selfaktualisering te verseker, word aanbeveel. Hierdie programme moet op die mikro-, meso- en makrovlak van die samelewing geloods word. / The post-modem society of the 21st century is characterized by dynamic changes which determine the quality of family life and educational support in families. This study aims to determine, by means of a comprehensive literature study and qualitative investigation, the nature, extent and influence of social phenomena on the constitution and maintenance of relationships as well as the quality of educational support in contemporary urban families. Findings show that some families are vulnerable, that relationships deteriorate and that educational support is inadequate as a result of these changes. The decline of norms and values is an aggravating factor in education and adolescence support. Parents and children have to take responsibility to establish harmonious and loving relationships in the family. Support and guidance programmes are recommended for parents and children to ensure adequate educational support and self-actualization. These programmes must be launched on the micro, meso and macro level of society. / Educational studies / M. Ed. (Sosio-Opvoedkunde)

The Welbedacht East parents’/ primary caregivers’ perceptions and practices of ‘good enough’ parenting and the development of a locally specific parenting support intervention

Petty, Ann 11 1900 (has links)
Intensifying interventions to improve the quality of care that children receive from parents/ primary caregivers is mandated by several strategic objectives, such as the National Plan of Action for Children 2012-2017 (South Africa 2012), the White Paper on Families in South Africa (2013), and the Children’s Amendment Act 41 of 2007 (South Africa 2007). Parenting programmes remain popular parenting interventions (Daly, Bray, Bruckauf, Byrne, Margaria, Pecnik & Samms-Vaughan 2015:18; Richter & Naicker 2013:9) reporting outcomes of enhanced parent-child relationships, improved behaviour of children, and reduced parental stress. There is a concern that parenting programmes offered in South Africa lack evidence of their efficacy (Wessels 2012:9) and cultural and contextual relevance for the recipients (Begle, Lopez, Cappa, Dumas & de Arellano 2012:56; Richter & Naicker 2013:1). The study developed a locally specific parenting support intervention for parents/ primary caregivers living in the low-cost housing development of Welbedacht East using the Intervention Development Design model. Parents/ primary caregivers were involved throughout the study, contributing to the intervention’s applicability, as well as its contextual and cultural relevance. Bioecological and social inclusion theories framed the study. A qualitative research approach supported by an exploratory, descriptive and contextual design was used. Two purposive samples (parents/ primary caregivers and community champions) were recruited. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect the data. Thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke 2006) produced the findings that were presented at a consultation workshop attended by research participants and relevant stakeholders where the parameters of the intervention were determined. These were subsequently developed into the elements and intervention protocols by four indigenous community experts following the Delphi process. Lincoln and Guba’s (1985) approach to trustworthiness as presented by Porter (2007:85) and Thomas and Magilvy (2011:152) was used. Cultural competence was maintained throughout and ethical considerations were observed to circumvent harm to participants and uphold the integrity of the research process. The perceptions of the parents/ primary caregivers were consistent with scholarly indicators of ‘good enough’ parenting, but the contextual stressors they experienced challenges their ability to fulfil some of these indicators. An intervention was needed to increase parental capacity to improve parent-child relationships, cultivate life skills for improved psychological health, and advance the financial independence of parents. It was concluded that a parenting programme on its own would fail to address the most pressing needs of parents/ primary caregivers living in disadvantaged circumstances and custom-made parenting support interventions were needed to increase parental capacity to manage the structural challenges that compromised parenting, such as socioeconomic interventions of a social developmental nature. / Social Work / D. Phil. (Social Work)

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