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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Territ?rio, participa??o cidad? e turismo: um estudo sobre as experi?ncias participativas em turismo no munic?pio de Porto do Mangue/RN

Wanderley Filha, Iracy 26 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-10-04T22:48:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 IracyWanderleyFilha_DISSERT.pdf: 9075030 bytes, checksum: 2ff3a78ef6244bece69e8130cc731146 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-10-14T00:38:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 IracyWanderleyFilha_DISSERT.pdf: 9075030 bytes, checksum: 2ff3a78ef6244bece69e8130cc731146 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-14T00:38:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IracyWanderleyFilha_DISSERT.pdf: 9075030 bytes, checksum: 2ff3a78ef6244bece69e8130cc731146 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-26 / Este estudo tem como objetivo principal investigar as experi?ncias participativas em Porto do Mangue/RN, nos direcionamentos do turismo, com foco nas rela??es entre a sociedade civil, o poder p?blico e suas inst?ncias, visando compreender como ? produzido o turismo no local. Os objetivos espec?ficos delineados para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foram: a) Apresentar a articula??o conceitual e os princ?pios l?gicos que orientam as an?lises emp?ricas deste estudo, notadamente sobre territ?rio, participa??o cidad? e turismo; b) Caracterizar o munic?pio de Porto do Mangue, evidenciando os processos tur?sticos locais e os Programas das Pol?ticas P?blicas de Turismo, com foco na participa??o dos agentes/atores sociais; c) Identificar as tipologias de participa??o previstas pela Escada da Participa??o Cidad? e as poss?veis ocorr?ncias em Porto do Mangue/RN. Adotou-se uma abordagem qualitativa, um aporte metodol?gico explorat?rio e descritivo, com o aux?lio de t?cnicas de pesquisa bibliogr?fica e documental. Utilizou-se a investiga??o participativa de campo, obedecendo ?s seguintes etapas: 1) Aplica??o de roteiros de entrevistas semiestruturadas com agentes/atores sociais do poder p?blico (municipal e estadual), sociedade civil e empreendedores locais ligados ? atividade tur?stica; 2) Sistematiza??o das informa??es constantes nas entrevistas semiestruturadas; 3)Reuni?es para confirma??o e legitima??o das informa??es pelos agentes/atores da sociedade civil. Para tratar as informa??es coletadas em campo, utilizou-se a t?cnica de an?lise de conte?do. A reposta aos objetivos parte das an?lises realizadas sobre os n?veis de participa??o da sociedade civil de Porto do Mangue/RN na elabora??o e implementa??o de Pol?ticas P?blicas para o desenvolvimento do turismo neste munic?pio. Dessa forma, pode-se observar que, de modo geral, as experi?ncias participativas neste munic?pio est?o concentradas em modos n?o participativos e de participa??o simb?lica, tendo por base a classifica??o proposta pela Escada da Participa??o Cidad?. Sem perder de vista a complexidade do fen?meno tur?stico, as reflex?es deste estudo permitem compreender a import?ncia da participa??o cidad? como um dos instrumentos capazes de transformar as decis?es coletivas em projetos de interesses sociais, com foco na realidade do territ?rio. Destarte, os resultados deste trabalho identificam a realidade atual do turismo em Porto do Mangue/RN, podendo assim auxiliar nos desafios do planejamento, organiza??o e gest?o da atividade tur?stica e sua interface com os demais setores da sociedade. / The aim of this study is to investigate the participative experiences in Porto do Mangue/RN, in the tourism directions, focused on the relationship between society, the government and its institutions, to understand how tourism is developed there. The specific objectives that we outlined for the development of this work were: a) Present the conceptual articulation and the logical principles that guide the empirical analyzes of this study, especially on territory, citizen participation and tourism; b) Distinguish the municipality of Porto do Mangue, evidencing the local tourist processes and the Programs of the Public Policies of Tourism, focusing on the participation of the social agents / actors; c) Identify the types of participation provided by the Participation?s Ladder and their occurrence in Porto do Mangue/RN .A qualitative approach, an exploratory and descriptive methodological contribution was adopted. In addition to this, we had an aid of bibliographic and documentary research techniques. Participatory field research was used, following the following steps: 1) Application of semi-structured interviews with agents / social actors of the public power (municipal and state), civil society and local entrepreneurs linked to the tourist activity; 2) organization of the information contained in semi-structured interviews; 3) Meetings to confirm and legitimize information by civil society actors / actors. To treat the information collected in the field, the technique of content analysis was used. The response to the objectives is based on the analyzes carried out on the levels of society participation in Porto do Mangue/RN in the elaboration and implementation of Public Policies for the development of tourism in this city. In such wise as to, it can be observed that, in general, participatory experiences in this municipality are concentrated in non-participatory and figurative participation modes, based on the classification proposed by the Participation?s Ladder. Without losing sight of the complexity of the tourist phenomenon, the reflections of this study allow us to understand the importance of citizen participation as one of the instruments capable of transforming collective decisions into social interest projects, focusing on the reality of the territory. Therefore, the results of this work identify the current tourism reality in Porto do Mangue / RN, and thus help in the challenges of planning, organizing and managing the tourism activity and its interface with other sectors of society.

A participa??o cidad? no Conselho Municipal (2015-2016) e sua contribui??o para gest?o da Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social de Feira de Santana-BA

Paiva, Eduardo Antonio Pedreira 14 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jadson Francisco de Jesus SILVA (jadson@uefs.br) on 2018-02-21T23:01:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O - PLANTER - DEFESA.pdf: 1746628 bytes, checksum: 5ace5a79c7ad1367b12a3c9a6a51642c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-21T23:01:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O - PLANTER - DEFESA.pdf: 1746628 bytes, checksum: 5ace5a79c7ad1367b12a3c9a6a51642c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-14 / Question Of The AmpliedState , Civil Society : one of the classiques about brazilian reality . The Relations Of Power Between Interests And Disputes .In sequel Brief Track Records Of Public Policy In Social Assistance In Brazil ,Structure And Runnings Of Manager Counsil Of Social Assistance And Participation Pedagogy . The methodology taken in question has followed the field of descriptive nature and qualifying aproach , since the main public were participating the city council of social assistance meetings and to them were aplied semi structured interviews and assistematic observation , considerating the ethical principles that normalizes researches envolving human beings . For the analysis and discussion of the results the technique of contents analysis has been used , that will enable the apprehension of the meaning that the participants of the city counsil of social assistance tributes to what they see and/or do about the city counsil of public assistance politics management .Finally the secundary data assemblance was realized through a documental and biographical cashback. Finally, it was verified that the contribution of the citizen participation in the municipal council in the management of the assistance policy is characterized by actions directed to the improvement and emptied of force for transformation. / Esta disserta??o analisa a participa??o cidad? no Conselho Municipal (2015-2016) e sua contribui??o para gest?o da Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social de Feira de Santana- BA, e pretende demostrar a gest?o participativa como processo tra?ado e compreendido ? luz das rela??es de poder. Na perspectiva de estabelecer as fases da investiga??o, elegeu-se como objetivos espec?ficos: caracterizar como os participantes das reuni?es do Conselho Municipal de Assist?ncia Social definem e identificam as demandas sociais que s?o levadas para a pauta; averiguar com s?o negociadas e formalizadas as contribui??es da participa??o cidad? na gest?o da pol?tica municipal de Assist?ncia Social, e verificar se as delibera??es emitidas pelo Conselho Municipal de Assist?ncia Social t?m acompanhamento para sua realiza??o efetiva. Para tanto, o estudo em quest?o apoiou-se em um referencial te?rico que considerou de suma import?ncia discorrer sobre a quest?o do Estado ampliado, Sociedade Civil: dos cl?ssicos ? realidade brasileira, as Rela??es de Poder Entre Interesses e Disputas. Na sequ?ncia, Breve Hist?rico da Pol?tica P?blica de Assist?ncia Social no Brasil, Estrutura e Funcionamento dos Conselhos Gestores de Assist?ncia Social e a Pedagogia da Participa??o. A metodologia utilizada configurou-se com um estudo de campo de natureza descritiva e abordagem qualitativa, sendo que o p?blico alvo foram os participantes das reuni?es do Conselho Municipal de Assist?ncia Social, e a eles foram aplicadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observa??o assistem?tica, considerando os princ?pios ?ticos que normatizam pesquisas envolvendo seres humanos. Para a an?lise e discuss?o dos resultados, foi utilizada a t?cnica da an?lise de conte?do, o que permitir? a compreens?o do significado que os participantes das reuni?es do Conselho Municipal de Assist?ncia Social atribuem ao que v?em e/ou fazem no que diz respeito ? gest?o da Pol?tica Municipal de Assist?ncia Social. A coleta de dados secund?rios foi realizada atrav?s de um levantamento bibliogr?fico e documental. Finalmente, verificou-se que a contribui??o da participa??o cidad? no conselho municipal, na gest?o da pol?tica de assist?ncia, caracteriza-se por a??es direcionadas ao aprimoramento, e esvaziadas de for?a para transforma??o.

Identidade e participa??o da comunidade rural nos processos de desenvolvimento local:desafios e compet?ncias do regulado de Nhambita-Mo?ambique

Nguiraze, Andr? Camanguira 25 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AndreCN_TESE.pdf: 4363081 bytes, checksum: d04b213f3fd0fa5a1d21d48c56ea7c86 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-25 / This thesis is defined as a reflection on the mechanisms of expression and insertion of the homo situs in the participatory governance in Mozambique. For a better understanding of this social fact, it was settled a periodization which covered the decline of colonialism at the time of the independence, which was proclaimed in June 1975, the civil war that lasted over 16 years and the period of the democratic State, further established. Therefore, we sought to understand the mechanisms and failures of the participation of the homo situs in local development projects that absorbed the needs and problems of these peasants, not mobilizing the skills and social competences of these communities. It would be essential for the homo situs a genuine democratic practice involving a political culture based on the social construction of the territories of the traditional man which was characterized by being procedural and historical, finding in participation its higher base. In this context, it would be desirable that the community development in Mozambique could contemplate and respect the choices of the homo situs. For this purpose, it would be fundamental the consistency between theory and practice, which builds and rebuilds, continually the competence of the peasants, facilitating the possibility of realization of their primordial aspirations. In the research, it became apparent that there is not a continuous process of participation of the rural communities, which appear as participants, only at the time of the implementation of the activities. Therefore, even having the participation of the communities expected by the law, with predictable moments of discussion and necessary conditions for that, the State failed to establish an ongoing process of democratic dialogue with traditional populations, as well as it failed to organize, properly, accurate informational bases to help solve the problems of rural areas. These facts have led to obstacles to the process of conquest of the human and civil rights of the traditional communities / A presente tese define-se como uma reflex?o sobre os mecanismos de express?o e inser??o do homo situs na governan?a participativa de Mo?ambique. Para uma melhor compreens?o desse fato social estabeleceu-se uma periodiza??o que abrangeu o decl?nio do colonialismo ? ?poca da independ?ncia, proclamada em junho de 1975, a guerra civil que perdurou ao longo de 16 anos e o per?odo do Estado democr?tico, posteriormente, institu?do. Para tanto, procurou-se compreender os mecanismos e fracassos da participa??o do homo situs nos projetos de desenvolvimento local que absorveram as necessidades e problemas desses camponeses, n?o mobilizando as habilidades e compet?ncias sociais dessas comunidades. Seria imprescind?vel para o homo situs uma pr?tica democr?tica genu?na que envolvesse uma cultura pol?tica fundamentada na constru??o social dos territ?rios do homem tradicional que se caracterizasse por ser processual e hist?rica, encontrando na participa??o o seu maior fundamento. ? nesse contexto que seria desej?vel que o desenvolvimento comunit?rio em Mo?ambique contemplasse e respeitasse as escolhas do homo situs. Para este prop?sito, seria fundamental a coer?ncia entre a teoria e a pr?tica, que constr?i e reconstr?i, continuamente a compet?ncia dos camponeses, facilitando a possiblidade de realiza??o das suas aspira??es primordiais. Na pesquisa ficou evidente que n?o h? um processo cont?nuo de participa??o das comunidades rurais, as quais aparecem como participantes, apenas, no momento da operacionaliza??o das atividades. Portanto, mesmo tendo a participa??o das comunidades prevista na lei, com previs?o de momentos de discuss?o e condi??es necess?rias para tanto, o Estado n?o conseguiu estabelecer um processo cont?nuo de di?logo democr?tico com as popula??es tradicionais, bem como n?o logrou organizar, devidamente, bases informacionais precisas que ajudassem a resolver os problemas da zona rural. Tais fatos acarretaram entraves ao processo de conquista dos direitos humanos e civis das comunidades tradicionais

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