Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1article retention"" "subject:"3article retention""
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Analyzing the effects of ionic strength, particle size and particle characteristics on the transport mechanisms of colloids in single, saturated dolomite fractures.Seggewiss, Graham 04 1900 (has links)
<p>A series of experiments were carried out to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms governing the transport of biological and non-biological particles through single, saturated dolomite fractures at the laboratory scale. Fracture apertures and general roughness were characterized using hydraulic and conservative solute tracer experiments.</p> <p>The effects of particle size, surface characteristics and ionic strength of carrying solution were all evaluated. Particulate material studied included MS2, <em>E. coli</em> and two sizes of carboxylated microspheres. To elucidate the effect of ionic strength on particulate transport, the ionic strength of the carrying solution was altered during each experiment. All particulate experiments were completed at a specific discharge of 15 m/day to facilitate comparisons.</p> <p>Recovery of biological particulate material was found to be much less relative to the carboxylated microspheres, even though the energy profiles predicted similar interactions with the fracture surface. This suggests that the biological surface has a significant impact on retention within the fracture. Further, altering the ionic strength of the carrying solution did not spur significant elution of additional particulate material, regardless of surface characteristics. Therefore, it was determined that retention within the secondary energy minimum was negligible under these operating conditions.</p> <p>With respect to carboxylated microspheres, increased retention was observed within the less variable fracture. This suggests that increased variability within a fracture results in increased eddying within the aperture field. This eddying effectively reduces the aperture region available for particle transport, lessening the particle/fracture interaction. Overall, while mean residence times were similar, recovery of biological particles was poorly replicated by microspheres.</p> / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Grain-scale mechanisms of particle retention in saturated and unsaturated granular materialsRodriguez-Pin, Elena 10 February 2011 (has links)
The phenomenon of particle retention in granular materials has a wide range of implications. For agricultural operations, these particles can be contaminants transported through the ground that can eventually reach to aquifers, consequently contaminating the water. In oil reservoirs, these particles can be clays that get detached from the rock and migrate with the flow after a change of pressure, plugging the reservoir with the consequent reduction in permeability. These particles can also be traceable nanoparticles, introduced in the reservoir with the purpose of identifying bypassed oil. For all these reasons it is important to understand the mechanisms that contribute to the transport and retention of these particles.
In this dissertation the retention of micro and nano size particles was investigated. In saturated model sediments (sphere packs), we analyzed the retention of particles by the mechanism of straining (size exclusion). The analysis focused on experiments reported in the literature in which particles smaller than the smallest pore throats were retained in the sediment. The analysis yields a mechanistic explanation of these observations, by indentifying the retention sites as gaps between pairs of sediment grains. A predictive model was developed that yields a relationship between the straining rate constant and particle size in agreement with the experimental observations.
In unsaturated granular materials, the relative contributions of grain surfaces, interfacial areas and contact lines between phases to the retention of colloidal size particles were investigated. An important part of this analysis was the identification and calculation of the length of the contact lines between phases. This estimation of contact line lengths in porous media is the first of its kind. The algorithm developed to compute contact line length yielded values consistent with observations from beads pack and real rocks, which were obtained independently from analysis of high resolution images. Additionally, the predictions of interfacial areas in granular materials were consistent with an established thermodynamic theory of multiphase flow in porous media. Since there is a close relationship between interfacial areas and contact lines this supports the accuracy of the contact line length estimations. Predictions of contact line length and interfacial area in model sediments, combined with experimental values of retention of colloidal size particles in columns of glass beads suggested that it is plausible for interfacial area and contact line to contribute in the same proportion to the retention of particles.
The mechanism of retention of surface treated nanoparticles in sedimentary rocks was also investigated, where it was found that retention is reversible and dominated by attractive van der Waals forces between the particles and the rock’s grain surfaces.
The intricate combination of factors that affect retention makes the clear identification of the mechanism responsible for trapping a complex task. The work presented in this dissertation provides significant insight into the retention mechanisms in relevant scenarios. / text
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Experimental investigations on nuclear aerosols in a severe accidentDelgado Tardáguila, Rosario 02 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] In case of a severe accident in a NPP fission products are released from the degraded fuel and may reach the environment if their confinement is lost and/or bypassed. Given the high radio-toxic nature of nuclear aerosols for environment and population, their unrestricted release should be absolutely avoided.
One particular situation is the core meltdown sequence with steam generator tube rupture (SGTR). The containment bypass turns this sequence into an indispensable scenario to model when assessing PWR risk. As a result, a significant database on the aerosol behavior in the secondary side of the steam generator (SG) has been developed within the international projects EU-SGTR, ARTIST and ARTIST-2. The role played by the break stage is particularly significant since it might be responsible for a good fraction of the total mass retained and for the shift of the particle size distribution towards smaller diameters. This awoke the interest in the effect of variables such as the particle nature, the breach type (size and shape) and the tubes vibration on the particle retention within the breach stage of a dry steam generator. Those aspects have been experimentally investigated in the first part of this thesis.
Two experimental campaigns, CAAT2 and SET, were conducted in order to explore the potential influence of the particle nature on their retention. Moreover, the effect of the breach size and shape has been investigated in the CAAT2 campaign while the SET experiments were devoted to the tube vibration characterization and the effect of the vibration on the particle retention. The tests conducted highlighted several key insights: the strong effect of particle nature in the secondary side capability to scrub the particle-laden gas; the confirmation of the high retention efficiency when using compact particles and the significant one when using agglomerates; the similarities between guillotine and fish-mouth breaches in terms of efficiency, but their noticeable different deposition patterns; and the secondary effect of the breach size. Finally, the tube vibration is not as significant as the particle nature effect on the net deposition.
The second part of the thesis is focused on the fraction of particles susceptible of leaving the containment in case of a severe accident regardless of the SGTR sequence. Accidents like Fukushima highlighted the importance of relying on efficient mitigation systems capable of reducing any release to the environment as much as possible. Although many reactors worldwide had installed filtered containment venting systems (FCVS) the interest in FCVS and even other mitigation systems has become of outstanding importance in nuclear safety. This is the frame of the PASSAM project in which an experimental sound database is being built to explore potential enhancement of existing source term mitigation devices and demonstrate the ability of innovative systems to achieve even larger source term attenuation. As a matter of fact, particle agglomeration processes via the propagation of acoustic vibrations through a gas could be applied for a better decontamination. High-intensity acoustic fields applied to an aerosol induce interaction effects among suspended particles, giving rise to successive collisions and agglomerations, resulting in larger particles that can be more easily removed or precipitated.
The mitigative system acoustic agglomerator was built-up and tested in the AAA experimental campaign. The tests were conducted under a constant ultrasonic field with aerosols of different nature and size with different gas mass flow rates. The results pointed out two main insights: the small acoustic-agglomeration effect and the key effect of the gas mass flow rate and the aggregation state of the former particles in the agglomeration process. This research is the first approximation on the application of the ultrasonic chamber as an innovative system for the source term mitigation. / [ES] Durante un accidente severo en una central nuclear los productos de fisión liberados como consecuencia de la degradación del combustible podrían llegar a la atmósfera si se pierde la hermeticidad de la contención o si encuentran vías alternativas (bypass) para salir. Dada la radio-toxicidad del término fuente, las centrales nucleares deben contar con medios y medidas técnicas de seguridad para contener estos productos.
En un reactor PWR, un caso particular de secuencia accidental donde los productos de fisión tienen acceso directo a la atmósfera, es aquella en el que además de la fusión de núcleo existe rotura de tubos del generador de vapor (secuencia SGTR). En este caso, es de vital importancia la evaluación del riesgo del suceso, objetivo de los proyectos internacionales EU-SGTR, ARTIST y ARTIST-2. Particularmente significativa es la "etapa de rotura" (break stage) del generador de vapor (SG), que es responsable de la retención de una fracción importante de partículas y de la evolución de su distribución a tamaños más pequeños. Estos motivos despertaron el interés hacia la propia retención de las partículas sobre los tubos y el efecto de variables como la naturaleza de la partícula, el tipo de rotura y la vibración de tubos sobre la retención en la etapa de rotura en condiciones secas; aspectos en los que se centra la primera parte de esta tesis.
Con el objetivo de estudiar las cuestiones señaladas se han llevado a cabo dos campañas experimentales, CAAT2 y SET, con materiales enmarcados en el posible espectro de los aerosoles nucleares. La primera de ellas se centró en explorar la influencia potencial de la naturaleza de la partícula y el efecto del tipo de rotura de los tubos (forma y tamaño) sobre la retención de aerosoles. La segunda concierne la caracterización de la vibración de los tubos y el estudio de su efecto en la eficiencia de retención de partículas. Las pruebas realizadas resaltan varias ideas clave: el fuerte efecto de la naturaleza de la partícula sobre la retención en el lado secundario del SG; la alta eficiencia de retención cuando las partículas son compactas y la significativa retención cuando están aglomeradas; las pequeñas diferencias en eficiencia neta entre distintos tipos de rotura (guillotina vs. boca de pez) que resultan notables sobre los patrones de deposición, y el efecto secundario del tamaño de la rotura. Finalmente los resultados revelaron que frente a la naturaleza de la partícula, la vibración de tubos juega un papel secundario en la eficiencia de la retención.
La segunda parte de este trabajo se centra en la fracción de partículas que es susceptible de alcanzar la contención en caso de accidente severo. Accidentes como el de Fukushima ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de tecnologías capaces de evitar las indeseadas consecuencias de la emisión de material radiactivo al medio ambiente. Esta es la dirección de investigación del proyecto PASSAM (7º Programa Marco de EURATOM) que está construyendo una base de datos experimental para el desarrollo de sistemas innovadores y la mejora de los sistemas de venteo filtrado de la contención que ya existen. Entre estos sistemas se encuentran las cámaras de ultrasonidos donde las ondas acústicas facilitan la aglomeración y el crecimiento de partículas, resultando sistemas potenciales para su mitigación.
La campaña experimental AAA ha constituido una primera aproximación para la aplicación de las cámaras de ultrasonidos como sistemas innovadores para la mitigación del término fuente en la contención. El sistema de mitigación de aglomeración acústica (MSAA) se construyó y ha sido probado durante los experimentos AAA. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto el leve efecto del campo acústico sobre el crecimiento de las partículas. Además, tanto el flujo másico de gas portador como la naturaleza de la partícula son claves en el proceso de aglomeración. / [CA] En cas d'accident sever d'una central nuclear els productes de fissió resultants del combustible degradat podrien assolir l'atmosfera si es perd la hermeticitat de la contenció o si troben un camí alternatiu que l'evitin. Donada la naturalesa radio-tòxica dels aerosols nuclears ha d'evitar-se per tots els mitjans que surtin a l'exterior.
En un reactor PWR, un cas particular d'accident és en el qual a més de la fusió de nucli existeix trencament de tubs del generador de vapor. En aquest cas, l'alliberament de material radioactiu cap al medi ambient fa que l'escenari sigui indispensable de modelar en l'avaluació del risc d'aquest reactor. Aquesta és la raó dels projectes internacionals EU-SGTR, ARTIST i ARTIST-2, gràcies als quals s'ha construït una extensa base de dades sobre el comportament dels aerosols en el circuit secundari del generador de vapor (Steam Generator, SG). Particularment significativa és l'etapa de trencament, que és responsable de la retenció d'una fracció important de partícules i de modificar la seva distribució cap a les mides més petites. Aquests motius van despertar l'interès vers l'efecte de variables com la naturalesa de la partícula, el tipus de trencament i la vibració de tubs sobre la retenció de partícules sobre els tubs en condicions seques a l'etapa de trencament del SG. Aquests són els aspectes en els quals es centra la primera part d'aquesta tesi.
Dues campanyes experimentals, CAAT2 i SET, s'han dut a terme amb diferents materials, tots ells emmarcats dins del possible rang dels aerosols nuclears. La primera d'elles es va centrar a explorar la influència potencial de la naturalesa de la partícula i l'efecte del tipus de trencament (forma i grandària) sobre la retenció d'aerosols en els tubs. La segona va seguir per la caracterització en termes de vibració dels tubs i el seu efecte en l'eficiència de retenció de partícules. Les proves realitzades ressalten diverses idees clau: el fort efecte de la naturalesa de la partícula sobre la retenció en el costat secundari del SG; l'alta eficiència de retenció quan les partícules són compactes i la també significativa retenció quan són aglomerats; les petites diferències en eficiència entre diferents tipus de trencament (guillotina vs. boca de peix), però notables sobre els patrons de deposició, i l'efecte secundari de la grandària de trencament. Finalment van revelar que enfront de la naturalesa de la partícula, la vibració de tubs juga un paper secundari en l'eficiència de retenció del feix de tubs.
La segona part d'aquesta tesi es centra en la fracció de partícules que en cas d'accident sever, amb o sense seqüència SGTR, és susceptible d'aconseguir la contenció. Accidents com Fukushima posen de manifest la necessitat de tecnologia capaç de cobrir les indesitjades conseqüències de l'emissió de material radioactiu al medi. Aquesta és la raó del projecte PASSAM (7é Programa Marc d'EURATOM) que està construint una base de dades experimental per al desenvolupament de sistemes innovadors i millorar els sistemes de venteig filtrat que ja existeixen de la contenció. Les ones d'ultrasons faciliten l'aglomeració de partícules i resulten sistemes potencials per a la seva mitigació.
S'ha realitzat una primera aproximació per a l'aplicació de les càmeres d'ultrasons com a sistemes innovadors per a la mitigació del terme font en la contenció. El sistema de mitigació d'aglomeració acústica (MSAA) es va construir i ha estat provat durant la campanya experimental AAA. Els experiments duts a terme en la planta PECA-MSAA del LASS. Els resultats obtinguts posen de manifest dues idees: el sistema MSAA és efectiu en la reducció de la massa de partícules i tant el flux màssic de gas portador com la naturalesa de la partícula són claus en l'eficiència de retenció del sistema. / Delgado Tardáguila, R. (2016). Experimental investigations on nuclear aerosols in a severe accident [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63243
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An?lise da modelagem experimental da perda de injetividadeBonato, Adriano Jos? do Amaral Mello 13 July 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-07-13 / Injectivity decline, which can be caused by particle retention, generally occurs during water injection or reinjection in oil fields. Several mechanisms, including straining, are responsible for particle retention and pore blocking causing formation damage and injectivity decline. Predicting formation damage and injectivity decline is essential in waterflooding projects. The Classic Model (CM), which incorporates filtration coefficients and formation damage functions, has been widely used to predict injectivity decline. However, various authors have reported significant discrepancies between Classical Model and experimental results, motivating the development of deep bed filtration models considering multiple particle retention mechanisms (Santos & Barros, 2010; SBM). In this dissertation, inverse problem solution was studied and a software for experimental data treatment was developed. Finally, experimental data were fitted using both the CM and SBM. The results showed that, depending on the formation damage function, the predictions for injectivity decline using CM and SBM models can be significantly different / A perda de injetividade, que pode ser causada pela reten??o de part?culas, ocorre geralmente durante a inje??o ou reinje??o de ?gua em campos de petr?leo. V?rios mecanismos, incluindo a exclus?o pelo tamanho (straining), s?o respons?veis pela reten??o de part?culas e bloqueio dos poros da forma??o, causando dano e o decl?nio da injetividade. A previs?o para o dano ? forma??o e a queda da injetividade ? essencial para o gerenciamento de projetos de inje??o de ?gua. O modelo cl?ssico (MC), que incorpora os coeficientes de filtra??o e de dano ? forma??o, tem sido amplamente utilizado na previs?o da perda de injetividade. Esse modelo apresenta bons resultados quando apenas um mecanismo de reten??o ? atuante. Entretanto, v?rios autores relataram discrep?ncias significativas entre o modelo cl?ssico e os dados experimentais, motivando o desenvolvimento de modelos que consideram m?ltiplos mecanismos de reten??o de part?culas, como o modelo de Santos e Barros (MSB, 2010). Neste trabalho, foi estudada a solu??o do problema inverso para diferentes modelos. A partir deste estudo, foi desenvolvido um software para o tratamento dos dados experimentais. Finalmente, os dados experimentais foram ajustados usando tanto o MC quanto o MSB. Os resultados demonstraram que, dependendo da fun??o dano ? forma??o utilizada, as previs?es dos modelos MC e MSB para a perda de injetividade podem ser significativamente diferentes
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