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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die sekwestrasie van vennootskappe : geselekteerde anomalieë

Muller, Johannes Ekkert 14 August 2012 (has links)
LL.M. / Tydens die ontwikkeling van die verskeie besigheidsondernemingsvorme in Suid-Afrika is groot aandag geskenk aan statutere regulering van hierdie ondernemingsvorme, asook interaksie tussen hierdie statutere reguleringsmaatreels en harmonisering daarvan met bestaande wetgewing wat daarop van toepassing mag wees. Dit wil egter voorkom dat statutere regulering in Suid-Afrika ten aansien van sekere ondernemingsvorme ver tekort skiet, aangesien daar geen onafhanklike wetgewing in Suid-Afrika bestaan ten aansien van byvoorbeeld vennootskappe nie, anders as in ander werelddele. Daar kan derhaiwe tereg gese word dat die vennootskapsreg beskou kan word as die "stiefkind" van die Suid-Afrikaanse reg. Alhoewel daar steeds verskeie Ieemtes en anomaliee bestaan ten aansien van statutere gereguleerde ondernemingsvorme en harmonisering van sekere statutere bepalings daarop van toepassing, met bestaande wetgewing, wil dit voorkom asof die bestaande verwysingsbronne ten aansien van die vennootskapsreg en ander wetgewing ernstige anomaliee teweegbring, wat vervolgens selektief bespreek gaan word, met spesifieke verwysing na anomaliee wat bestaan in die toepassing van sekere bepalings van die Insolvensiewet ten aansien van vennootskappe.

Die regsaard van die kontraktuele verhouding tussen produsente en kooperasies betreffende die verpoeling van produkte

Taljaard, Jochemus Cornelius 04 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (LLM )--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / Copy not signed by author. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of co-operative pools in the South African Agricultural sector is a common phenomenon and an accepted commercial practice. Although it has seldom been at issue, the pool relationship between producers and the cooperative undoubtedly has certain legal consequences for the respective parties. Our courts have never addressed the aforementioned legal consequences authoritatively, probably because until now no disputes have arisen which could not be settled through negotiation between the parties concerned. Recently die legal nature of the pool relationship has became more of an issue primarily because of queries issued by the South African Revenue Service regarding the treatment of co-operative pools for purposes of income tax. Although this study is not aimed at addressing the income tax issues as regards the pool relationship, determining the legal nature of the pool relationship will be decisive for determining how co-operative pools should be treated for tax purposes. In addition to tax-related consequences, the legal nature of the pool relationship will necessarily also be decisive for issues such as insolvency and breach of contract. In this study the courts' approach to the classification of new types of contracts will be examined in order arrive at an underlying principle for evaluating the contractual nature of the pool relationship. After completion of the aforementioned examination, the functional characteristics of the pool relationship will be outlined and the implications thereof in respect of the law of things determined. The next stage involves the comparison of the functional characteristics of the pool relationship with the essential features of certain types of contracts to determine whether the pool relationship may be classified as one of these types of contract. From the aforementioned investigation it seems that the pool relationship does not satisfy the essential requirements of a contract of partnership, representation, the 'undisclosed principal' situation or mandate. The manner in which new types of contracts are classified in South African law is then revisited and proposals are made as to a possible methodology for classifying contracts that, in terms of the classical approach to the classification of contracts, would have been typified as sui generis. In accordance with this proposed approach to the classification of contracts, the conclusion is reached that the pool relationship is a new contract type that amalgamates elements of a contract of partnership, mandate and locatio conductio operis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van koëperatiewe poele in die Suid-Afrikaanse landbou kom algemeen voor en is In aanvaarde kommersiële praktyk. Alhoewel dit al selde op die spits gedryf is, het die poelverhouding tussen die onderskeie produsente en die koëperasie ongetwyfeld regsgevolge vir die onderskeie partye. Voorgemelde regsgevolge is nog nooit deur In Suid-Afrikaanse hof aangespreek nie, waarskynlik omdat daar nog nie enige dispute was betreffende die die poelverhouding wat nie deur dialoog bygelê kon word nie. In die onlangse verlede het die regsaard van die poelverhouding egter meer relevant geword hoofsaaklik weens navrae van die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens betreffende die belastinghantering van kooperatiewe poele. Alhoewel hierdie verhandeling nie daarop gerig is om die belastinggevolge van die poelverhouding aan te spreek nie, sal die bepaling van die regsaard van die poelverhouding bepalend wees vir die hantering van die poelverhouding vir doeleindes van belasting. Afgesien van belastinggevolge sal die regsaard van die poelverhouding ook uiteraard bepalend wees betreffende kwessies soos insolvensie en kontrakbreuk. In hierdie studie sal die howe se benadering tot die klassifikasie van nuwe kontraksoorte ondersoek word ten einde In grondslag te lê waarvolgens die kontraktuele aard van die poelverhouding beoordeel kan word. Na voorgemelde ondersoek word die funksionele kenmerke van die poelverhouding uiteengesit en die sakeregtelike implikasies daarvan bepaal. Die funksionele kenmerke van die poelverhouding word daarna opgeweeg teen die wesenskenmerke van 'n aantal kontraksoorte ten einde vas te stelof die poelverhouding as sodanig geklassifiseer kan word. Uit hierdie ondersoek blyk dit dat die poelverhouding nie aan die wesenskenmerke van die vennootskapsverhouding, verteenwoordiging, die 'undisclosed principal' situasie of 'n lasgewingsverhouding voldoen nie. Die wyse waarop nuwe kontraktsoorte in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg hanteer word, word daarna weer oorweeg en voorstelle aan die hand gedoen waarop kontrakte wat, ingevolge die klassieke benadering tot die uitleg van kontrakte, as sui generis klassifiseer word, hanteer kan word. In ooreenstemming met hierdie voorgestelde metode van klassifikasie word daar dan tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die poelverhouding 'n mengvorm tussen 'n vennootskap, 'n lasgewingooreenkoms en 'n werkaanbestedingsooreenkoms is.

Managing education-business partnerships within a project cycle management frameworks

Taft, Trevor 04 September 2012 (has links)
D.Ed. / The primary aim of this research was to develop an appropriate management framework to manage education-business partnerships and partnership projects by: determining to what extent education-business partnerships and partnership projects could best be managed at all levels of education especially at the school level; and developing an appropriate framework for managing education business partnerships and partnership projects. In order to achieve the general aim of the research project the following specific aims were investigated, namely to: describe and analyse what education-business partnerships are; describe the management of education-business partnerships and partnership projects as a component of education transformation; investigate a framework for managing education-business partnerships and partnership projects by reviewing the significant literature and examining the possibilities for the South African context; investigate empirically the perceptions and perspectives of business and education in respect of managing education-business partnerships and partnership projects; and devise an appropriate management framework for effective education-business partnerships and partnership projects, and the application of it in practice. The researcher has found that during his sojourn with the Mpumalanga Department of Education that there was no management framework in place to manage education-business partnerships and partnership projects. Neither in Mpumalanga Province nor in any other province are there best practices or benchmarks for managing partnerships. If there are then these are still very much in their infancy. In light of the above this research was conducted. Since 1994 the South African government has attempted to address the legacy of apartheid through a number of policy documents and legislation. Central to these policies and legislation have been the issues of redress, equity, quality and access to education. Similarly, the South African government and especially the education departments (national and provincial) are exploring new, effective and efficient forms of service delivery. These have given rise to new forms of social cooperation in the form of partnerships. In the case of education, partnerships are viewed as creative, innovative, productive and practical responses to the challenges faced by the South African education system. Government in general and education in particular realise, that service delivery is not the exclusive preserve of government alone but that there is a need to engage business and civil society organisations in partnership to address these challenges. In particular, government needs to create a sustainable environment for education-business partnerships to develop.

Evaluating the performance of farmworker participation schemes in the Western Cape Province

Ndlozi, Collen Vusi 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is generally acknowledged that South African commercial agriculture will have to be restructured to integrate the previously disadvantaged communities in the agricultural economy of the country. This is so because of the prevailing disparities between agriculture amongst the black societies and the traditional "white" commercial agriculture. After the inception of the ANC governance in 1994, affirmative action measures viz inequalities and inequitable access to resources and markets became necessary to remove these imbalances. However, it is not seen as a quick fix; it will take decades to eradicate the imbalances created during the period of apartheid rule. A farmworker equity-sharing scheme (FWESS) was first introduced at the Whitehall farm in the Grabouw area of the Western Cape in 1992. The South African Department of Land Affairs adopted this strategy in the face of land reform as one of the major Land Redistribution for Agricultural Development programmes to provide basic support to the farmworkers in order to enable them to participate in the financial stakes of the commercial farming in South Africa. The main research objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of FWESSs and assess the contribution of the programme to the improvement of the living standards of the previously disadvantaged individuals, viz farmworkers. This was achieved through a survey, which included five FWESSs administered by the Cape Town regional office of the Department of Land Affairs (DLA). Interviews were conducted amongst the ordinary farmworkers, members of the board of worker trustees and the original owners. Among other things, the motivations, characteristics of governance, socio-economic factors and financial performance of the schemes were evaluated. It is evident from the investigation that the original owners are in the forefront in the initiation of the equity-sharing schemes on their farms. Job security was shown as the most important motivation by some farmworkers for their participation in equity-sharing schemes, while other shareholders (original owners) indicated that the initial capital injection in the business and the empowerment of the farmworkers through capital appreciation and dividends was the most important motivation. Equity-sharing schemes are a relative new concept in farms that were included in this study and after the initial negative impact with the change in the management of the organisation, the schemes are faring good financially. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit word algemeen erken dat die Suid-Afrikaanse kommersiële landboubedryf herstrukturering sal moet ondergaan om voorheen-benadeelde gemeenskappe by die landbou-ekonomie van die land te integreer. Dit is toe te skryf aan die ongelykhede wat ten opsigte van die landboubedryf tussen swart gemeenskappe en die tradisionele "blanke" landboubedryf bestaan. Na die bewindoomame van die ANC-regering in 1994, is maatreëls vir regstellende aksie ten opsigte van ongelykheid en onregverdige toegang tot hulpbronne en markte in werking gestelom hierdie ongelykhede uit die weg te ruim. 'n Kitsoplossing is egter nie moontlik nie; dit sal tientalle jare neem om die ongelykhede wat gedurende die apartheidsbewind geskep is, uit te wis. Die eerste plaaswerker kapitaaldelingskema is in 1992 op die Whitehall-plaas in die Grabouw-distrik van die Wes-Kaap ingestel. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Departement van Grondsake het hierdie strategie as een van die hoofprogramme vir grondherverdeling vir die ontwikkeling van die landboubedryf aanvaar, om basiese steun aan die plaasarbeiders te verleen om hulle in staat te stelom 'n deel in die finansiele belang van die kommersiële landboubedryf in Suid -Afrika te verkry. Die hoof navorsingsdoelwit van hierdie studie was om die uitwerking van die plaaswerker kapitaaldelingskema te evalueer en die bydrae van die program tot die verbetering van die lewenskwaliteit van voorheen-benadeelde individue, naamlik plaasarbeiders, te beoordeel. Dit is bewerkstellig deur middel van 'n opname wat die vyf plaaswerker kapitaaldelingskemas wat deur die Departement Grondsake se streekkantoor in Kaapstad geadministreer word, te betrek. Onderhoude is met gewone plaasarbeiders, lede van die raad van arbeidertrustees en die oorspronklike eienaars gevoer. Evaluering is onder andere gerig op die motivering agter deelname aan die skemas, kenmerke van die bestuur daarvan, sosio-ekonomiese faktore en die finansiële prestasie van die skemas. Dit het uit die ondersoek duidelik geword dat die oorspronklike eienaars die voortou geneem het met die inisiriëng van die kapitaaldelingskemas op hul plase. Werksekuriteit is as die belangrikste motivering deur plaasarbeiders gegee vir die deelneming aan die kapitaaldelingskemas, terwyl die ander deelnemers (oorspronklike eienaars) die aanvanklike kapitaal-inspuiting in die boerderyen die bemagtiging van die plaasarbeiders deur kapitaalappresiasie en dividende as die belangrikste motiverings aangedui het. Kapitaaldelingskemas is 'n relatiewe nuwe konsep by boerderye wat in hierdie studie betrek is en na die aanvanklike negatiewe bëinvloeding met die verandering in die bestuur van die organisasie, is die skemas besig om finansiël goed te vaar.

Evaluation of the performance of equity-sharing schemes administered by the Department of Land Affairs, Worcester district office of the Western Cape Province

Ralehoko, Enoch Ntala 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAgricAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study evaluated farmworker equity-sharing schemes administered by the Worcester regional office of the Department of Land Affairs in the Western Cape. The objectives were to investigate the performance of farmworker equity-sharing schemes against recent literature, to evaluate the motivation for the establishment of these schemes and whether they served the purpose for which they were established. Through investigating the role these schemes play in improving the farmworkers ' livelihood, the study investigated the changes farmworkers experienced on the farm since the establishment of the schemes. The perceptions of farmworkers regarding the schemes were also investigated. The study found that at all the farms evaluated there was a lack of formal training to all the levels of farmworkers, including committee members and shareholder workers. These farms did not have the funds to finance training programmes for their farmworkers. Poor training impeded farmworkers to utilise their skills and participate in decision making on the farm. Contrary to the objectives of financial participation and farmworker equity-sharing schemes, most of these schemes did not achieve the broad objectives of the participation schemes such as empowering their workers. Living and working conditions seem to have improved on most of the farms although some farms seem to have experienced no change at all. The ESTA Laws could be the cause of the improvements in housing and working conditions but not the implementation of the farmworker equity-sharing schemes. Respondents did not seem to experience discrimination due to gender. Financially the schemes are not performing well. This is evident from the number of schemes that were liquidated due to financial problems and for which financial statements could not be obtained. These schemes face various institutional and structural challenges, which includes financial challenges. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het plaaswerker-aandeelhouerskemas wat deur die Worcesterstreekskantoor van die Departement van Grondsake in die Wes-Kaap bestuur word, geëvalueer. Die oogmerke van die studie was om die verrigting van plaaswerkeraandeelhouerskemas teenoor onlangse literatuur te ondersoek, om die motivering vir die vestiging van hierdie skemas te evalueer en te bepaal of hulle wel die doel dien waarvoor hulle gevestig is. Deur die rol van hierdie skemas in die verbetering van plaaswerkers se bestaan te ondersoek, het die studie ook ondersoek ingestel na die veranderinge wat sedert die vestiging van die skemas deur plaaswerkers ervaar is. Die plaaswerkers se persepsies van die skemas is ook ondersoek. Die studie het bevind dat daar by al die plase wat betrek is 'n tekort aan formele opleiding aan al die vlakke van plaaswerkers was, met inbegrip van komiteelede en aandeelhouer-werkers. Hierdie plase het nie oor die fondse beskik om opleidingsprogramme vir hulle plaaswerkers te finansier nie. Swak opleiding strem plaaswerkers in die toepassing van hulle vaardighede en in hulle deelname aan besluitneming op die plaas. In stryd met die doelwitte van finansiële deelname en plaaswerker-aandeelhouerskemas het hierdie skemas nie in hulle doel geslaag nie. Woon- en werksomstandighede op die meeste plase het blykbaar sedert die vestiging van die skemas verbeter, alhoewel sommige plase skynbaar geen vemaderinge ondergaan het nie. Die Wet op die Uitbreiding van Sekerheid op Verblyfreg kan 'n verklaring vir die verbetering in behuising en werksomstandighede wees, en nie noodwendig die implementering van die plaaswerker-aandeelhouerskemas nie. Respondente het volgens alle aanduidings nie diskriminasie op grond van geslag ondervind nie. Die skemas presteer finansieel nie goed nie. Dit is duidelik uit die getal skemas wat as gevolg van finansiële probleme gelikwideer is en waarvoor finansiële state nie verkry kon word nie. Hierdie skemas staar verskeie institusionele en strukturele uitdagings in die gesig, waaronder ook finansiële uitdagings.

Towards the feasibility of a landowner enterprise in the western Baviaanskloof : an external stakeholder analysis

Wiles, Kira Leigh Deborah January 2014 (has links)
In May 2012, a meeting was held between various stakeholder representatives of the Western Baviaanskloof to discuss the concept of a proposed landowner-enterprise. This concept was put forward in response to a need for collaboration in the midst of economic, environmental and social issues at play in the Baviaanskloof. Owing to the conservation value and rapidly decreasing economic output of the land, a radical shift to sustainable land-use practices was called for by various stakeholders. Suggested as a vehicle to generate income for the local landowners through alternative sustainable land-uses, the proposed enterprise may aid in addressing this shift by use of a bottom-up approach. During the stakeholder meeting, it was requested by the representative landowners that a feasibility assessment be conducted on the concept of the proposed enterprise prior to establishment. As an integral part of this assessment, the researcher took on the task of investigating stakeholder reception to the enterprise by means of a stakeholder analysis. It was decided to limit this to three markets: water, carbon and tourism. The purpose of this research study is twofold, namely to: investigate stakeholder influence and their reception of the proposed enterprise using a stakeholder analysis; and also to identify and advise on the opportunities and constraints relating to stakeholders, thus contributing to determining the feasibility of the proposed enterprise. In achieving the purpose of this study, a systematic stakeholder analysis framework was constructed, based on existing theory. This was necessary because, although stakeholder analysis is commonly practiced, no study was found to provide a theoretically based framework for the purpose of feasibility in the initial stages of enterprise establishment. Thus the contribution of the study is also twofold, namely the practical outcome of determining stakeholder reception for feasibility, and a secondary outcome of constructing a stakeholder analysis framework. The stakeholder analysis framework is based on an interpretation of existing stakeholder theory, with the addition of four "relational indicators" – goals, intentions, relationships, and resources. These four indicators provide a link between theory and practice in gauging the two attributes of stakeholder influence – power and interest. Dealing with a number of stakeholder interests in a unique context, the study takes on a single network case study approach in the paradigm of phenomenology. To suit the complex nature of the study, semi-structured interviews with various stakeholder representatives were conducted, using groups or organisations as units of analysis. Drawing from the stakeholder analysis framework and overall purpose of the study, four research objectives were set. The first was to identify the proposed enterprise's legitimate key external stakeholders, based on the three markets: water, carbon and tourism; the second to describe, categorise and assess relative dyadic influence of the above stakeholders by gauging their power and interest; the third, to determine the stakeholder network influence and probable reception of the proposed enterprise; and the last to advise the landowners on any identified opportunities or constraints stakeholders might pose, and thus to contribute to determining feasibility. In addressing the first objective, 21 stakeholders were identified, 12 of whom were found to be key to the current investigation. These key stakeholders were: Gamtoos Irrigation Board (GIB), LivingLands, R3G, Rhodes Restoration Group, Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency (ECPTA), Department of Water Affairs (DWA), Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan (NMBM), Saaimanshoek, South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT), Baviaans Tourism, and Baviaans Municipality. In applying the stakeholder analysis framework, ECPTA was categorised as the definitive (most influential) stakeholder to the enterprise, and DEDEAT, SANBI (through Working for Wetlands), Baviaans Tourism, GIB, and NMBM were categorised as pivotal (influential and active). In discerning stakeholder interest in the proposed enterprise, a number of emerging themes were found to affect the projected interest and behaviour of stakeholders, apart from their specified goals. Emerging themes included: tunnel visioning, internal disparity, individual/personality clashes, and misaligned interests. In addition to this, in interpreting stakeholder interest, specific intentions or agendas that might affect the interest shown towards the proposed enterprise were also taken into account. Five predominant intentions of stakeholders were identified as: implementing a stewardship programme, establishing a tourism association, establishing a water users' association, social development, and "the big vision". Findings on the final objective revealed a number of perceived opportunities and constraints relative to the feasibility of the enterprise. Three prime opportunities were identified as: partnerships with definitive and pivotal stakeholders, the possibility of tendering for implementer of the "Working for" programmes, and taking on the role of Tourism Association. The following potential constraints were also emphasised by participants: social aspects such as individuals and personalities, the incompatibility or non-existence of local market structures, and the need for external funding. With regard to stakeholder reception, most of the stakeholders, with the exception of NMBM and Saaimanshoek, responded positively to the idea of the enterprise. Overall, based on participant perceptions, the tourism market was found to be the most feasible the carbon market uncertain and a long-term possibility, and the water market the least feasible.

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