Spelling suggestions: "subject:"payment c.method"" "subject:"payment 20method""
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Det är Lugnt, vi tar det Klarna! : A Qualitative Study of Gen Z’s Purchase Intentions for Fashion Using BNPL in an online and in-store context.Persson, Amanda, Millner, Alexandra January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Background: The evolution of technology has transformed the way we shop, with BNPL services like Klarna and Qliro gaining popularity among consumers. This form of short-term financing offers flexibility by allowing customers to either pay later or divide their costs into interest-free installments. While BNPL is initially associated with online shopping, BNPL has expanded to physical stores, enabling customers to choose from even more payment options. The fashion industry has especially benefited from the evolving BNPL, as it facilitates easier exploration of new styles and product comparison from the comfort of one’s home. Furthermore, BNPL users are more likely to make purchases, spend more, and exhibit higher customer loyalty. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting the intention to use BNPL technology and how they differ in an online and in-store context. Method: For the researchers to accomplish the purpose of this study, a qualitative research strategy was applied. The empirical data was obtained through semi-structured interviews held with Gen Z participants residing in Jönköping, who had previous experience using BNPL either in-store, online, or both. The data was later analyzed and interpreted using an abductive approach, using thematic analysis. Conclusion: The research findings indicate that multiple factors influence purchase intention when using BNPL in both online and in-store contexts. A theoretical model, previous research, and empirical findings was incorporated for the study’s revised research framework including perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk, trust and security pain of payment and attitudes. For the online context, gen Z perceived all factors included in the revised research framework were found to have a noteworthy influence on purchase intentions using BNPL in the fashion industry. Moreover, the study identified both differences and similarities between the online and in-store context. For the in-store context, five out of the six factors in the revised research framework were perceived to be important for gen Z when purchasing fashion. Further the study suggests that there may be relational patterns between the factors, however the study did not examine relationships or degrees of associations between the factors, leaving room for future investigation.
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The Performance of Serial Acquirers : Evidence from the Nordic marketGionis, Mattias, Stugemo, Jesper January 2022 (has links)
This thesis examines the performance of serial acquirers in the Nordic market between 2006-2016. We investigate how serial acquirers perform in the short-term and long-term and if serial acquirers are affected by hubris, or if they learn by experience. The payment method is examined to determine if cash-financed deals outperform equity-financed deals. The short-term performance study is measured by the Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) and the long-term performance study is measured by the Calendar-Time Portfolio (CTP) combined with the Fama-French Four-Factor model. The main findings show that serial acquirers underperform relative to single acquirers only in the short term. No significant results are found for the hubris and learning hypotheses. In addition, we find that acquirer size and the deal size have a significant effect on the short-term post-M&A performance.
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Företagsförvärv- fördelaktig eller förkastlig? : En studie om hur svenska företags aktiekurser påverkas i samband med tillkännagivande av företagsförvärvBratan, Dastan, Leväinen, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Studien undersöker den abnormala avkastningen för de 100 största förvärven genomförda av svenska företag mellan 2007-2017. Studien beaktar även variabler som kan vara påverkande faktorer för denna avkastning. Variablerna som undersöks i denna studie är; betalningsmetod, affärsstorlek samt förvärvsland. Tillvägagångssättet som tillämpades för att mäta den abnormala avkastningen var i form av en eventstudie. Hypoteser framläggs utifrån studiens referensram, som sedan prövas via signifikanstest och multipel regressionsanalys. Resultaten visar en totalt positiv marknadsreaktion vid tillkännagivandet av förvärv. Samtliga portföljer genererar en värdeskapande affär, med undantaget av förvärv som uppstått i samband med kontantbetalning. Stora förvärv påvisade högre genomsnittlig kumulativ abnormal avkastning än för små förvärv. Ett signifikant samband mellan förvärv finansierade av kontanter och positiv abnormal avkastning påvisades. Däremot visar studiens resultat att förvärv finansierade med aktier/tillgångar genererade en högre genomsnittlig kumulativ abnormal avkastning jämfört med förvärv som var finansierade med kontanter. Detta resultat påvisar dock ingen signifikans. Ytterligare påvisas en högre positiv abnormal avkastning under händelsefönstret, för utländska förvärv. Det existerar ett signifikant samband, på 90%, mellan betalningsmetoden kontanter och den kumulativa genomsnittliga abnormala avkastningen. Studien fann inte ett signifikant samband för varken storlek på förvärv eller huruvida förvärvet var inhemskt eller utländskt och den kumulativa abnormala avkastningen. / This study examines the abnormal return for the 100 largest acquisitions made by Swedish companies between 2007-2017. The study also considers variables that may be influencing factors for the abnormal return. The variables examined in this study are; payment method, deal size and country of acquisition. The approach used to measure the abnormal return was an event study method. Hypotheses are presented based on the study's frame of reference, which is then tested via significance test and multiple regression analysis. The results show a total positive market reaction when announcing acquisitions. All portfolios generate value creation, with the exception of acquisitions with connection to cash payment. Large deal value acquisitions showed higher average cumulative abnormal returns than for small deal value acquisitions. A significant relationship between acquisitions financed by cash and positive abnormal returns was demonstrated. However, the study's results show that acquisitions financed by shares/assets generated a higher average cumulative abnormal return compared to acquisitions that were financed with cash. However, this result shows no significance. Further, a higher positive abnormal return is shown, during the event window, for foreign acquisitions. There is a 90% significant relationship between the cash payment method and the cumulative average abnormal return. The study did not find a significant relationship between either deal size or domestic/foreign acquisitions and the cumulative abnormal return.
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Factors for perceived trust in mobile applicationsPersson, Felicia, Thorslund, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Mobile commerce can be seen as the phenomenon, which is likely to take over e-commerce since purchasing online is increasing on mobile applications (Parameswari, 2015). The problem this study addresses is the uncertainty that may follow when purchasing online via mobile applications. The purpose of this study is to investigate some human and technology factors for perceived trust in mobile applications. Human factors are defined as the same thing as user factors throughout this thesis. This will answer the research question: What are the most important user and technology factors for perceived trust in mobile applications? The study is limited to two main areas (human and technology factors) that have been broken down into three subgroups based on perceived trust. These subgroups are: informative context for decision-making, ease of use and payment methods. To gather data, an online self-completion questionnaire was conducted and was sent out to different social groups on Facebook. The participated segmentation resulted in needing to be modified according to uneven response rates in the different age groups. The target group went from the whole Swedish population to only people in the ages span of 16-32. The collected data was processed in the analysis program SPSS to find relations among the variables. All the chosen factors resulted in being of great importance for users to perceived trust in mobile applications and to increase the interactivity between human and machine. However, only payment methods showed a significant value in relation to perceived trust. This result will be useful to companies when developing mobile applications to keep customers and increase sales.
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Avyttringars inverkan på säljande bolags aktiekurs : En studie på den svenska marknaden med hänsyn till branschtillhörighet, finansieringsalternativ och konjunkturläge / Divestitures effect on shareholder wealth for vendor companies : A study on the Swedish marketwith regards to the economic cycle, choice of payment method and industry affiliationJohan, Åckander, Pontus, Rygert January 2018 (has links)
Background: Previous studies on the subject, contrary to corresponding studies on mergers and acquisitions, have shown significant positive market reactions from all over the world on the announcements of divestitures. However, similar studies have not been done on the Swedish market. There are split opinions on the origin of the abnormal returns from the announcements of divestitures, but the economic cycle, choice of payment method and industry affiliation are recurring explaining variables in event studies. Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the effect on shareholder wealth from the announcements of a divestiture on the Swedish market during the period from 1997-2017, as well as investigating how the abnormal returns are affected by the economic cycle, choice of payment method and industry affiliation. Completion: The study is conducted using the event study methodology and a deductive approach. Historical time series from divesting companies share prices are used to estimate expected returns which are then compared to actual returns to decide whether the announcement of a divestiture has an impact on shareholder wealth. Results: The study finds significant results that divesting companies’ shareholder wealth are positively affected by the announcement of a divestiture for both event windows (-3, +3) and (-1, +1). For each separate day within the event window the authors find statistically significant returns for day T-2 and T0. The authors find no statistically significant differences between the returns regarding the economic cycle. Regarding the choice of method of payment, it is concluded that payment through stock generates excess returns when compared to other financing alternatives. No differences could be found between different industry affiliations. / Bakgrund: Tidigare studier inom ämnet har, till skillnad från motsvarande forskning om företagsförvärv, påvisat signifikanta positiva reaktioner från marknader över hela världen vid tillkännagivandet av en avyttring. Däremot saknas studier om avyttringars effekt på den svenska marknaden. Det råder delade meningar om varför abnormal avkastning uppstår vid tillkännagivandet, där konjunkturläge, finansieringsalternativ och branschtillhörighet är vanligt förekommande förklarande variabler i eventstudier. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur tillkännagivandet av en avyttring påverkar säljande bolags aktiekurs på den svenska marknaden under tidsperioden 1997–2017, samt att undersöka hur rådande konjunkturläge, valt finansieringsalternativ och branschtillhörighet påverkar avkastningen Genomförande: Studien genomförs genom eventstudiemetodologin med en deduktiv ansats. Empirin utgår från historisk tidsseriedata från avyttrande bolags aktiekurser för att bestämma förväntad avkastning som sedan jämförs med faktiskt avkastning för att urskilja om tillkännagivandet påverkar kursutvecklingen. Resultat: Studien visar statistiskt signifikanta resultat för att avyttrande bolags aktiekurs påverkas positivt av tillkännagivandet av en avyttring både för eventfönstret (-3, +3) och (-1, +1). För de enskilda dagarna i eventfönstret finner författarna statistiskt signifikanta avkastningar för dag T-2 och T0. Författarna finner inga statistiskt säkerställda skillnader i avkastning beroende på rådande konjunkturläge. Gällande val av finansieringsalternativ visas att betalning genom aktier genererar signifikant högre avkastning än övriga alternativ. Inga samband kunde säkerställas beroende på företagens branschtillhörighet.
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支付創新架構之研究 / A deconstruction of payment innovation朱芷嫻, Chu, Chih Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
此篇研究以支付系統的角度建構了由支付活動參與角色所組成的架構圖,架構圖中包含了付款者、收款者、付款者的銀行、收款者的銀行、負責結算與清算的清算所與信用卡公司等角色。透過多重個案分析,研究多個支付服務案例,在架構圖中依步驟流程拆解、呈現其資訊流和金流,了解各種支付方式的實際運作過程,觀察各個支付系統及角色間互動合作的關係。不僅透過多個案例的流程解構與套用來強化、驗證此研究所建立的架構圖,針對每個挑選出的個案也進行深入分析,分別以付款者和收款者的角度,呈現相關關鍵特性包含支付服務的手續費及收款與付款的時間。此外,經過多重個案的深度觀察與解析,此研究也根據支付系統現況提出相關現象的討論。此篇研究提供一個解構支付服務的工具,希望透過多重個案的解析與觀察更深入了解支付創新。 / Payment is a crucial part of commercial activity that occurs in our daily lives. As an economy expands, the requirements of payment increase rapidly, which gives rise to the continuous evolvement of various payment methods. We have evolved from a barter system to the use of cash and paper-based payment instruments, to the advent of information communication technology (ICT) which contributes to online payments, along with the creation of many types of innovative payment methods. This process has been a series of innovations in payment domains. Although many payment methods currently exist, there is a limited understanding of how payment systems work and what actually happens when we pay with a single click online or complete the payment in a flash by placing a mobile phone close to a merchant point-of-sale terminal. This study is dedicated to deconstructing various kinds of payment systems to understand payment innovations in depth.
To explore the information flow and cash flow operating in the ecosystem, this study develops a framework for analyzing a payment system based on the literature. The framework consists of a payer and payee who connect through transactions and launch a series of payment processes that include institutions such as the payer’s and payee’s bank, and intermediaries such as a credit card association, a settlement bank, and a clearing house that handles the clearing and settlement process. These components interact and cooperate to fulfill payment activities. The framework, which aims to illustrate the role that each component plays and how complicated payment systems work, is expected to cover all kinds of payment methods. We enhance and verify the framework by applying several cases for traditional and innovative payment methods. With these selected cases, we analyze payment processes between participants and clarify features relating to payment fees and time in respect to payers and payees. Through the observation of multiple cases, we also derive particular facts from the payment operation in the present ecosystem. We hope that the research will offer an instrument to better understand payment systems and provide an in-depth deconstruction and observation for payment innovation.
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Evaluación del bitcoin como medio de pago electrónico y su impacto financiero y tributario en los establecimientos comerciales de Lima Metropolitana, año 2019 / Evaluation of bitcoin as a means of electronic payment and it’s financial and tax impact on commercial establishments in Lima Metropolitana, 2019Cainicela Villalobos, Gianella 15 June 2020 (has links)
La globalización y la tecnología traen consigo diversos cambios en las empresas, el bitcoin es un nuevo medio de pago que es usado por los usuarios alrededor del mundo para adquirir diversos productos o servicios. El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el uso del bitcoin como medio de pago electrónico y su impacto financiero y tributario en los establecimientos comerciales de Lima Metropolitana, año 2019.
La investigación se desarrolló en cinco partes:
Capítulo I, Marco teórico, se desarrolló las variables dependientes e independientes donde se incluye los antecedentes, definiciones, nociones y las dimensiones del tema de estudio; Capítulo II, Plan de Investigación, se enuncia la problemática del contexto de la presente investigación como, el problema, el objetivo, la hipótesis general y específicas; Capítulo III, Metodología de Investigación, se definió la población y muestra de la investigación para poder realizar el método de investigación mixta, que se encarga de recabar información cualitativa y cuantitativa, estas se realizaron a través de entrevistas en profundidad a expertos en Finanzas y Tributación. Además, se elaboraron encuestas a establecimientos comerciales que aceptan el bitcoin como medio de pago; Capitulo IV, Desarrollo de la Investigación, se aplicaron las herramientas de investigación como son la entrevista a profundidad y las encuestas, así como posibles escenarios en el caso práctico; Capítulo V, Análisis de Resultados, se realizó el análisis de la información obtenida de la aplicación de los instrumentos y el caso práctico, concluyendo con la validación de las hipótesis. / Globalization and technology bring various changes in companies; bitcoin is a new means of payment that is used by users around the world to purchase products or services. This research work aims to analyze the use of bitcoin as an electronic means of payment and its financial and tax impact on the commercial establishments of Metropolitan Lima, 2019.
The research was developed in five parts:
Chapter I, Theoretical framework, in which the dependent and independent variables were developed, which includes the background, definitions, notions and dimensions of the study topic; Chapter II Research Plan, sets out the problems of the context of this research, the problem, the objective and the general and specific hypotheses; Chapter III, Research Methodology, the population and the research sample were defined in order to carry out the mixed research method, which is responsible for gathering qualitative and quantitative information, these will be carried out through in-depth interviews with experts in finance and taxation; and surveys of commercial establishments that accept bitcoin as a means of payment; Chapter IV, Research Development, Research tools such as in-depth interview and surveys were applied, as well as possible scenarios in the practical case; Chapter V, Analysis of Results, the analysis of the information obtained from the application of the instruments and the practical case were carried out, concluding with the validation of the hypotheses. / Tesis
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The effect of bidder conservatism on M&A decisions: Text-based evidence from US 10-K filings.Ahmed, Y., Elshandidy, Tamer 2016 May 1925 (has links)
Yes / This paper examines whether and how bidders' conservative tone in 10-K filings influences the subsequent mergers and acquisitions (M&A) investment decisions of these US firms from 1996 to 2013. Based on 39,260 firm-year observations, we find, consistent with behavioural consistency theory, that conservative bidders are less likely to engage in M&A deals. Further, those that decide to engage in M&As are likely to acquire public targets and within-industry firms. These bidders are inclined to employ more stock acquisitions than cash acquisitions. Our results also indicate that conservative bidders experience abnormally poor stock returns around the announcements of M&A investments. This provides new insights on the mechanism through which bidders' sentiments influence shareholders' wealth. Overall, these findings highlight the implications of the textual sentiment of corporate disclosure for the forecasting of corporate investment and financing decisions. Our results have practical implications, since they shed light on the value relevance of the information content of major Securities Exchange Commission (SEC)-mandated 10-K filings.
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Nästa steg i betalningsbranschensutveckling? : En kvalitativ studie om kontaktlösbetalningsmetod ur ett bankperspektivSahlman, Alex, Zhang, Henry January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka framtidsutsikter och utmaningar för kontaktlös betalningsmetod som är NFC-baserad. Detta mynnade ut i frågor som undersökte kring varför enbart ett fåtal banker valt att satsa på kontaktlösa betalkort, vilka utmaningar som NFC-baserade betalningar står inför i den svenska marknaden och även vilka framtidsutsikter den kontaktlösa betalningsmetoden har i den svenska betalningsbranschen. För att svara på dessa frågor, tillämpades en kvalitativ fallstudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Två respondenter från varsin bank som infört kontaktlös betalningsmetod i Sverige intervjuades, likaså en respondent från en bank som inte hade infört kontaktlös betalningsmetod i Sverige och ytterligare två respondenter från en annan bank som inte infört kontaktlösa betalningsmetoder i Sverige. Utöver detta, intervjuades även en forskare från Sveriges riksbank och en konsult som arbetar inom ett forum för kontaktlös betalningsmetod. Studien påvisade att anledningen till att ett fåtal banker erbjudit kontaktlös betalningsmetod till sina kunder var till följd av att Sverige varit relativt sena med att byta från magnetremsa som betalningsmetod till chip och PIN, vilket gjort att man ogärna investerade i kontaktlös betalningsmetod. Utmaningar som kontaktlös betalningsmetod står inför är att se till att infrastrukturen utökas i Sverige samt informera kunder om kontaktlös betalningsmetod. Framtidsutsikterna för kontaktlös betalningsmetod är positiva och tanken bland flera aktörer är att kontaktlös betalningsmetod ska vara väldigt utbrett i Sverige år 2020. / The purpose of this research was to investigate future prospects and challenges regarding contactless payment method which is based on NFC. These lead to the formulation of questions which researched why only a few banks had chosen to employ contactless payment cards, which challenges that NFC-based payments are facing in the Swedish market, and also which future prospects the contactless payment method has in the Swedish payment market. In order to answer these questions, a qualitative case study with semi-structured interviews was utilized. Interviews were conducted with two respondents from respective banks which had introduced contactless payment in Sweden while additional interviews were conducted with one respondent from a bank which had not introduced contactless payment in Sweden and two respondents from another bank which had not introduced contactless payment methods in Sweden. In addition to this, one respondent from the central bank of Sweden and one consultant working within a forum regarding contactless payment have been interviewed. The study showed that the reason to why few banks have offered contactless payment method to their customers was due to that Sweden had been relatively late in regards to changing from magnetic strip as a payment method to chip and PIN, which resulted in that the market participants did not wish to invest in the contactless payment method. Challenges which the contactless payment method is facing, is to make sure that the infrastructure will be increased in Sweden, and inform customers about the contactless payment method. The future prospects for the contactless payment methods are positive and the intention among several market participants is that the contactless payment method will be very widespread in Sweden 2020.
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âLetters of credit with focus on the UCP 600 and the exceptions to the principle of autonomy with emphasis on the âfraud ruleâ under the laws of the USA, the UK and the RSAâMueller, Frank Roland Hans January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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