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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating Geochemical Proxies for Paleoclimate Reconstruction in Tropical Montane Peat : A Case Study from the Nilgiris, Southern India

Bala, P Ramya January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Peat from the temperate regions has been used for paleoenvironmental reconstruction using diverse proxies for over a century now. Peat is rare and severely understudied in the tropics. The montane peat bogs of the Nilgiris, southern India have been found to preserve global climatic signals including the Holocene Optimum and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). At Sandynallah, one of the oldest peat accumulations in the world at >40 kyr BP, we had undertaken a high resolution paleoenvironmental reconstruction using multiple proxies which are yet to be evaluated in the tropical context. The study consists of 3 main objectives, i. Establishing an accurate high resolution chronology for the peat profile using radiocarbon dating, ii. Extracting vegetation and climate information from C/N ratio and Rock-Eval indices and iii. Using elemental profiles to establish the utility of inorganic geochemical proxies for processes such as weathering and dust transport. High resolution chronology for the site was built using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates. To improve accuracy of the age-depth model, we also tested 4 samples for the effects of the AAA (Acid-Alkali-Acid) extraction method, the most common pre-treatment method for peat in the world. We compared ages on bulk samples (acid washed) and AAA treated samples from 4 different depths. We find that for all depths, the ages of the untreated samples do not lie within the internal uncertainty window and differ from the AAA treated sample age by at least an order of magnitude of the internal error, if not more. Based on these results we argue that the internal error should be used in conjunction with a reliable estimate of external error in an age-depth model for more realistic dating of paleoclimatic events. C/N ratios were explored for their paleoclimatic potential in conjunction with Rock-Eval indices and it was found that decomposition in tropical peat, as opposed to temperate peat, may not be sensitive to climatic perturbations. Inorganic geochemical proxies were also evaluated through this study. We see that the major and trace elements, except the lanthanide series do not show many significant trends for paleoenvironmental interpretation. But the lanthanides show some promise for identifying potential sources of dust and weathered material. Our study has addressed the gap in knowledge about the utility of recent geochemical proxies in tropical peat and has attempted to provide a solution to improve reliability in constructing age-depth models.

Les tourbières ombrotrophes en tant qu'archives de la variabilité des apports de poussières atmosphériques holocènes au Québec boréal - Implications paléoenvironnementales et paléoclimatiques. / Peat bogs as archives of the variability of holocene dust deposition in boreal Quebec - Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic implications

Pratte, Steve 06 June 2016 (has links)
Les poussières atmosphériques naturelles jouent un rôle complexe dans le système climatique global étant à la fois un facteur affectant le climat et variant en fonction de ce dernier. Notre compréhension des différentes interactions entre les poussières atmosphériques et le climat est limitée par l’importante variabilité spatiale et temporelle des celles-ci. À l’aide de tourbières ombrotrophes, la variabilité spatiale et temporelle des dépôts de poussières atmosphériques holocènes au Québec boréal fut caractérisée en lien avec les fluctuations climatiques. Les flux de poussières atmosphériques furent reconstruits à l’aide des concentrations en terres rares. Les isotopes du Nd et Pb en combinaison avec les terres rares ont été utilisés afin de déterminer la source des particules déposées dans les tourbières. Afin d’évaluer les liens entre les flux de poussières et la variabilité climatique, les changements temporels dans les flux de poussières et l’isotopie du Nd furent comparés à la taille des particules déposée et des reconstitutions écohydrologiques basées sur l’analyse des macrorestes végétaux et des thécamoebiens. Dans les deux premiers volets de l’étude, les flux de poussières atmosphériques furent reconstruits dans deux tourbières de la Côte-Nord alors que les particules déposées dans celles-ci furent caractérisées à l’aide des concentrations des terres rares (REE), des isotopes du néodyme et du plomb ainsi que la granulométrie. Les deux profils présentent des valeurs de Nd similaires, ce qui s’explique soit par une source commune des poussières atmosphériques ou encore des sources distinctes, mais possédant des valeurs de Nd similaires dans les deux régions. Les deux sites étudiés montrent des tendances différentes dans les flux de poussières. La tourbière IDH montre peu de variations dans les flux de poussières, ce qui s’explique en partie par l’emplacement du site d’étude, qui prévient les apports de poussières atmosphérique. La tourbière Baie quant à elle, montre deux périodes de flux de poussières plus élevés soit 1700-1000 et 650-100 cal a BP correspondant avec des périodes de refroidissement du climat documentées. Les REE, le Nd et les tailles de particules suggèrent qu’au cours des 2000 dernières années, la tourbières de Baie a reçu une proportion accrue de poussières atmosphériques provenant de sources locales. Ces deux périodes ont été identifiées comme des épisodes d’instabilité climatique en réponse à une instabilité hydroclimatique régionale et une plus grande variabilité des températures (principalement contrôlée par l’activité solaire). Un changement du régime des vents dans la région a aussi probablement influencé ces les variations observées. Dans le troisième chapitre, les mêmes analyses furent réalisées sur des carottes de tourbe d’une tourbières de la Baie James, La Grande 2 (LG2). Des apports accrus de poussières furent observés lors de différentes période : 4000 à 3000, 2600 à 2000, 1600 à 1000, 800 à 650 cal a BP et de 1960 à 1990AD. Au moins trois sources distinctes constituent les apports de poussières dans le temps: les sédiments marins à la base de la tourbières, la moraine de Sakami, deux sources locales, ainsi qu’une source probablement plus régionale dont l’origine est non-identifiée. La période allant de 7000 à 4100 cal a BP montre des valeurs près des sources locales (Nd : -36 à -29). Une augmentation graduelle des valeurs de Nd à partir de 4100 cal a BP suggère une diminution des apports locaux de poussière à la faveur d’une source non identifiée. La majorité des périodes d’apports accrus de poussières identifiées correspondent à des périodes documentées comme étant froides et sèches probablement lié à des intrusions de masses d’air arctiques. La présence de certains de ces pics de poussières lors de minimums solaires suggère que la variabilité solaire joue aussi un rôle dans la variabilité climatique de la région. / Mineral dust plays an important role in the global climate system having effects on the radiation budget and the chemical composition of the atmosphere. Our understanding of the exact role of dust in the Earth’s climate system is still poorly constrained mostly due to a lack of data reflecting the high spatial and temporal variability of dust. Using peat bogs, spatial and temporal variability of Holocene dust deposition in boreal Quebec was investigated in relation to climate fluctuations. Dust fluxes were reconstructed using rare earth elements (REE) concentrations in bulk peat, while Nd and Pb isotopes in combination with REE were used to identify the source of dust particles deposited into these bogs. In order to evaluate the relationship between dust fluxes and climate variability, temporal changes in dust flux, and Nd isotopes were compared to dust grain size and ecohydrological reconstructions derived from testate amoebae and plant macrofossils. In two peat bogs from the North Shore region of the St. Lawrence Estuary (Baie bog) and Gulf (IDH bog), atmospheric dust fluxes were reconstructed using REE concentration while the geochemical composition of deposited dust was characterized using Nd and Pb isotopes combined with REE and grain size. Both peat bogs present similar Nd values, which suggests either a common source or sources with similar signatures in both regions. In terms of dust flux, the two study sites display distinct tendencies. IDH bog show few variations in dust flux, which can be explained by its geographical setting, where a tree fringe and higher altitude likely partially prevent dust from reaching the peat bog. Two dust events were recorded in the Baie bog from 1750 to 1000 cal BP and 600 to 100 cal BP and correspond to documented cold periods. These two periods have been found to occur at the same time as periods of high variability in the macrofossil record (i.e. successive layers dominated by Sphagnum or Ericaceae). REE elements, Nd and grain-size distribution suggest that, over the last 2000 years, the Baie bog received more local dust. The two periods were identified as periods of increased local storminess in response to regional hydroclimatic instability and temperature variations mainly controlled by solar activity. These episodes of climatic instability could also have been caused by changes in the wind regime. The same set of analyses were performed in a third peatland located in the James Bay region, the La Grande 2 bog (LG2). Increases in dust flux were reconstructed from 4000-3000, 2600-2000, 1600-1000, 800-650 cal BP and from 1960-1990AD. The Nd values show a large variability from -37 to -12, identifying a least three sources: local marine sediment, the Sakami moraine and another unidentified source likely from a more regional origin. Between 7000 and 4100 cal BP, Nd values resemble those localsources (-36 to -29). A gradual increase in Nd signature is observed from 4100 to 1500 cal BP suggesting a decreasing influence of local sources in favor of a yet unidentified source. The occurrence of increased dust deposition during cold periods in two of the three studied bogs suggests that dust fluxes can be used as an indicator of cold and dry climatic conditions in boreal Quebec. In northeastern Canada, these cold and dry conditions are usually the results of the intrusion of Arctic air masses. The exact mechanism controlling these incursion is yet unknown, but the similar timing of solar minima and dust peaks suggest that solar irradiance may also have played a role. The fact that both Baie and LG2 sites display similar tendencies during the last 2000 years reveals that both regions were likely controlled by the same climatic processes.

Hochmoore im Erzgebirge - Untersuchungen zum Zustand und Stoffaustragsverhalten unterschiedlich degradierter Flächen

Böhm, Anna Katharina 24 February 2006 (has links)
Die Hochmoore des Erzgebirges sind auf Grund ihrer jahrhunderte langen Nutzung und der ökosystemaren Wandelprozesse der vergangenen 10 - 15 Jahre unterschiedlich stark degradiert. Gleichzeitig sind sie durch den Austrag vergleichsweise hoher Austräge von DOC (Dissoloved Organic Carbon) gekennzeichnet. Um den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Zustand der Hochmoore, als Ergebnis in erster Linie der unterschiedlich nutzungsbedingten Degradation und den Stoffausträgen speziell den DOC-Austrägen zu erfassen, wurden mittels landschaftsökologischer Methoden Hochmoortestflächen verschiedener Zustände vergleichend untersucht. Die Ergebnisse lieferten erste Hinweise, dass in Flächen mit natürlicher Regeneration oder anthropogener Wiedervernässung vergleichsweise hohe DOC-Konzentrationen und – Austräge zu beobachten waren. Demgegenüber standen stärker degradierte Flächen mit zum Teil aktueller forstlicher Nutzung (geräumte Entwässerungsgräben), die durch geringere DOC-Konzentrationen und – Austräge charakterisiert waren. Da die gefundenen Zusammenhänge nicht endgültig belegt werden konnten, besteht insbesondere Forschungsbedarf hinsichtlich landschaftshaushaltlicher Untersuchungen unterschiedlich degradierter Hochmoore im Erzgebirge. / Natural peat bogs are known as a sinks especially for carbon because of theire special matter and water balance. The use of peat bogs requiers their drainage, but consequently the peat will decompose unreversible and peatlands turn to a source esspecially for carbon. The peat bogs in the “Erzgebirge Mountains” were used over several centuries. Thats why the peatlands existing nowadays have different states dependent on the duratian of their use. Beside the use peatlands were mostly negativly effected by processes of ecological change in the “Erzgebirge Maountains” in the last 10 to 15 years. As one result of ecological change the increased output of DOC (Dissolved Organic Carbon) into surface waters can be seen. The main source for DOC are peatlands. By the way it seems to exist a connection between the output of DOC and other dissolved substances and the state of the peatlands especially of their ditches. To research this hypothesis four test areas of different state were chosen. Their state and the output of DOC and other dissolved substances were investigated with methods from landscape ecology from 2001-2003. It was the first time, that peatlands in the “Erzgebirge Mountains” were investigated in such a way. The badest state had the test area where the ditches were cleaned in 2000/ 2001 (“Weiße Mulde”, Western “Erzgebirge Mountains”). This test area showed the lowest but constant DOC-concentrations and DOC-output during the investigation period. The test areas “Carlsfeld” and “Löffelsbach” (Western “Erzgebirge Mountains”) had the best state. The state of “Carlsfeld” is related to the narueal closed ditches, which cause the processes of self regeneration. Due to such processes the DOCconcentrations were distinctly higher but very variable in dependence on weather and runoff. The same was supposed to DOC-output. The same valuation got the test area “Löffelsbach”, because of rewetting by technical closed ditches in 2001. During the investigation period the highest DOC-concentrations of all test areas were measured there. Similar to “Carlsfeld” DOC-concentrations and –output were highly variable in dependence on weather and runoff. The state of the test area “Salzflüßchen” (Eastern “Erzgebirge Mountains”) is also related to processes of self regeneration but was valuated bader than “Carlsfeld”, because the effect of former drainage was stronger in this area. In 2005 the rewetting of the test area is planed by “Naturpark Erzgebirge/ Vogtland”. In the consequence the DOC-concentrations and –output will increase similar to “Löffelsbach”. The results of the investigations indicate that a connection exists between state of peatlands and output of dissolved substances esspecially DOC. The results are supported by national and international literature. It will be clear, that more research is necessary especially on the field of comparative investigations of peatlands with different states in the “Erzgebirge Mountains”.

Tvorba odtoku a jeho dynamika v pramenné oblasti Otavy / Streamflow generation process and its dynamics in the Otava river headwaters

Kocum, Jan January 2012 (has links)
In context of catastrophic floods and extreme droughts in recent years there is an urgent need of solving of issues dealing with protection against hydrological extremes, not using just classical engineering methods but also untraditional practices. There is a new protection strategy focusing on gradual increase of river catchment retention capacity including its headwater regions. All of the issues related to various possibilities and measures leading to river headstream areas retention capacity increase should be discussed by experts in various fields taking into account objectives and priorities of a supra-regional, regional and local significance. Natural runoff process is affected by man already by its birth, thus in headwaters where numerous procedures related to runoff retardation and water retention increase in headstream areas could be realized. Suitable conditions for the research realization at present is related to the Otava River headwaters (sw. Czechia) representing the core zone of a number of extreme runoff events and with high heterogeneity in the terms of physical-geographic and socio-economic aspects. To understand and clarify the runoff generation process and the effect of various physical-geographic factors on its dynamics, the detailed analyses of runoff regime in chosen...

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