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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Musiikkialan tekijänoikeuksien kesto, ansaintalogiikat ja digitaalisen aineiston saatavuus internetissä

Rytinki, M. (Markus) 27 November 2018 (has links)
Abstract This study addresses the justifications of the duration of copyright, the revenue-generating models in the music business, and the availability of digital music in Finland. The first goal was to understand how different stakeholders in the music industry relate to copyright and how they justify what they consider the optimal duration. The second goal was to map out the revenue-generating models in the music industry at a time when the consumption of music has changed from analogue to digital formats, from physical products to streaming services. The third goal was to find out the different ways in which digital music is available on the internet in Finland. The research material consists of survey research, half-structured theme interviews and documentary material. The applied research methods are theory- and material-based content analysis. The theoretical approaches utilized are the theory of justice by John Rawls, the theory of hegemony by Antonio Gramsci, the classical communication model by Roman Jakobson, and power theory by Lawrence Lessig. It uses as its interpretational theory the model of justification of copyright by Laura Leppämäki. The results state the following: The most common justification provided for the optimal duration of copyright is utilitarianism – advantage to society as a whole. The same justification is given by stakeholders who want to keep the duration as it stands, and also by those who wish to shorten it. Another common justification is to see copyright as a natural item of ownership, claimed by work, and especially as a subject of inheritance, preferably for two subsequent generations. The problems concerning the revenue-generating models in the digital world tend to focus on distribution of income on three different levels: record contracts; the distribution models of the streaming companies; and contracts between content sharing companies, record companies and rights organizations. The authors and artists have the weakest bargaining position in the negotiations. The results on availability of digital music show that digital music can be discovered via public services (music libraries), commercial services (streaming companies), and ad hoc societal services (peer-to-peer networks). The role of music libraries as a content provider has decreased since the majority of music consumption has altered to digital services. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimus käsittelee musiikin tekijänoikeuden keston perusteluja, musiikkialan ansaintalogiikoita ja digitaalisten musiikkiaineistojen saatavuutta Suomessa. Tarkoituksena oli hahmottaa, miten musiikkiteollisuuden eri osapuolet suhtautuvat tekijänoikeuteen ja miten ne perustelevat tekijänoikeuksien optimaalista kestoa. Tavoitteena oli myös kartoittaa musiikkialan ansaintalogiikat, jotka ovat muuttuneet siirryttäessä analogisesta musiikin kulutuksesta digitaaliseen musiikin kulutukseen, ennen kaikkea suoratoistopalveluihin. Kolmantena tehtävänä oli selvittää, millä tavoilla digitaalista musiikkia on saatavilla internetin välityksellä Suomessa. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kyselytutkimuksesta, puolistrukturoiduista teemahaastatteluista sekä dokumenttiaineistosta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin sekä teoria- että aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysia. Tutkimuksessa sovellettuja teorioita ovat John Rawlsin oikeudenmukaisuusteoria, Antonio Gramscin hegemoniateoria, Roman Jakobsonin klassinen kommunikaatiomalli ja Lawrence Lessigin valtateoria. Tutkimus käyttää tekijänoikeuksia koskevan tutkimuskysymyksen kohdalla tulkintateoriana Laura Leppämäen esittämää mallia oikeuksien perusteluista. Tutkimuksen tuloksena on, että sekä tekijänoikeuden nykyistä kestoa että sen lyhentämistä perustellaan ennen kaikkea utilitarismilla. Toinen keskeinen perustelukeino oli työn kautta teoksiin saatava omistusoikeus ja tämän omistusoikeuden kautta tarjoutuva mahdollisuus oikeuksien jättämiseen perintönä tekijän jälkipolville. Ansaintalogiikoiden kohdalla esiin nousi digitaalisesta myynnistä generoituvien tulojen jakamiseen liittyvät ongelmat, joita esiintyy niin musiikintekijöiden ja levy-yhtiöiden välisissä sopimuksissa, suoratoistopalvelujen sisäisissä maksumalleissa kuin internetin alustapalveluiden ja oikeudenhaltijoiden sekä heitä edustavien järjestöjen välisissä sopimuksissa. Heikoimmassa asemassa sopimuksia koskevissa neuvotteluissa ovat musiikintekijät ja artistit. Digitaalisen musiikkiaineiston saatavuuden kohdalla keskeisenä tuloksena on, että aineistoa on saatavilla julkisen palvelun eli yleisten musiikkikirjastojen, kaupallisten palveluiden eli suoratoistopalveluiden ja yhteisöllisten palveluiden eli vertaisverkkojen välityksellä. Musiikkikirjastojen rooli aineistojen tarjoajana on pienentynyt siirryttäessä analogisen musiikin kulutuksesta digitaalisen musiikin kulutukseen.

Distribuição e personalização de conteúdo multimídia em ambientes educacionais ubíquos

Araújo, Rafael Dias 06 August 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Ubiquitous computing is known as the third wave of computing, which aims at making computational devices become more permeated to the users lives. It has helped people to perform their daily activities in many areas of expertise, especially in the educational domain where it assists instructors and students during their academic duties, achieving knowledge anywhere and anytime, making use of unobtrusive ways of reaching the desired content. Multimedia capture and context-awareness are two relevant subjects in ubiquitous computing research. While the former results in large amounts of digital media (e.g., video, audio, slides, text comments) being automatically produced, the latter oers the proper means to integrate and access such content. By merging the two concepts, users may benet from tools that allow them to retrieve, view and interact with the captured media artifacts. Thus, this work presents a communication model based on peer-to-peer networks, used for transferring and replicating the captured content. Furthermore, a contextual access architecture is presented for personalization and recommendation of interactive multimedia content captured in an instrumented educational environment. This architecture takes into account context information, user preferences and presentation constraints in order to personalize the access experience, tailoring it to users\' needs. As a case study, the proposals were implemented in Classroom eXperience, which is a ubiquitous computing platform for multimedia capturing designed to automatically record lectures and make them available to students. / Computação ubíqua é conhecida como a terceira onda da computação, a qual visa tornar os dispositivos computacionais mais integrados à vida das pessoas. Ela tem ajudado as pessoas a realizarem suas atividades diárias em diferentes domínios, especialmente no domínio educacional, onde auxilia instrutores e alunos durante as suas atividades acadê- micas obtendo conhecimento em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento, fazendo uso de formas não intrusivas para recuperar o conteúdo desejado. Captura e acesso multimídia e ciência de contexto são dois importantes temas em pesquisas de computação ubíqua. Enquanto o primeiro produz automaticamente um grande volume de mídias digitais (ex., vídeo, áudio, slides, comentários de texto), o segundo oferece meios adequados para integrar e acessar tal conteúdo. Ao fundir os dois conceitos, os usuários podem se beneciar de ferramentas que lhes permitam recuperar, visualizar e interagir com os artefatos de mídia capturados. Assim, este trabalho apresenta um modelo de comunicação baseado em redes peer-to-peer, utilizado para transferência e replicação do conteúdo capturado. Além disso, uma arquitetura de acesso contextual é apresentada para personalização e recomendação de conteúdo multimídia interativo capturado em ambientes educacionais instrumentados. Essa arquitetura utiliza uma abordagem que considera informações de contexto, preferências do usuário e restrições de apresentação a m de personalizar a experiência de acesso, adequando-a às necessidades dos usuários. Como estudo de caso, as propostas foram implementadas no Classroom eXperience, que é uma plataforma de computação ubíqua para captura multimídia concebida para gravar automaticamente as aulas ministradas e disponibilizá-las posteriormente aos alunos. / Mestre em Ciência da Computação

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