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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Facilitating adoption of e-banking in Saudi Arabia through reduction of perceived risk in e-banking

Alsomali, Zawlikhah January 2015 (has links)
A significant amount of work has been done over last one decade on identifying factors that influence adoption of e-banking among consumers. Despite a decade of research the same issues have been highlighted as influencing factors of adoption of e-banking and this is because the existing research has provided little practical guidance on how to address the issues highlighted in the researches in order to increase adoption of e-banking. This research aims to investigate one of the key factors identified as influencing factor of adoption of e-banking, perception of risk. This research looks at perception of risk in Saudi e-banking sector in detail, identifying the factors that affect the perception of risk and how to resolve this so as to reduce the perception of risk and increase adoption of e-banking. This research also considers the influence of cultural factors on perception of risk and adoption of e-banking. This research adopts a pragmatist philosophy and mixed method design in order to provide sufficient depth and understanding of the findings to be of practical use. Data was collected using questionnaire surveys and focus groups in two stages. Based on the findings of the questionnaire survey the conceptual framework was validated. Then focus group interviews were conducted to obtain more insight into the responses and findings of the research. One of the contributions of the focus groups was identification of solutions to the problems that related to perception of risk. This research finds security and financial risks are the key risks affecting perception of risk in Saudi e-banking sector. But in addition other risks such as transaction risk, time risk, and performance risks also influence perception of risk. In addition, this research finds that e-banking should be implemented considering the cultural dimensions in mind because cultural factors also have a significant influence on the perception of risk in Saudi e-banking sector. Based on the findings, this research proposes several solutions to reduce perception of risk in Saudi e-banking sector. The key recommendation is that e-banking channel should preserve some of the attributes of the brick and mortar channel which are valued high by Saudi customers such as one-to-one interaction.

Motivations for Insulin Misuse Among Women with Disordered Eating and Type 1 Diabetes

Tyo, Robyn Ann 22 July 2013 (has links)
The present study assessed participants’ motivations for misusing insulin using phenomenological analysis and risk theory. Eleven women with type 1 diabetes were interviewed and asked to discuss body image, their experiences with adjusting to type 1 diabetes, and their particular insulin misuse behaviour. Nine women misused insulin for body image and weight concerns, as a result of diabetes burnout, or a combination of these factors. The majority of participants had poor body image at the time of insulin misuse, and reported feeling more confident following weight loss related to misusing insulin. The opinions of family, friends, and health care providers were, generally, not influential on the women’s self-care behaviour. The perceived benefits of insulin misuse (i.e. weight loss and improved body image) were deemed more important than both short-term and long-term health. Participants in this study did not consider themselves to be at risk of developing diabetes-related complications in the short-term, and this belief appeared to foster their continued insulin misuse. There is a need for health care providers to recognize the signs of insulin misuse behaviour and offer resources where available. / Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care as supporter of the Ontario Women's Health Scholar Award

Development and validation of a new instrument to measure perceived risks associated with the use of tobacco and nicotine-containing products

Cano, Stefan, Chrea, Christelle, Salzberger, Thomas, Alfieri, Thomas, Emilien, Gerard, Mainy, Nelly, Ramazzotti, Antonio, Lüdicke, Frank, Weitkunat, Rolf 21 September 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Making tobacco products associated with lower risks available to smokers who would otherwise continue smoking is recognized as an important strategy towards addressing smoking-related harm. Predicting use behavior is an important major component of product risk assessment. In this context, risk perception is a possible factor driving tobacco product uptake and use. As prior to market launch real-world actual product use cannot be observed, assessing risk perception can provide predictive information. Considering the lack of suitable validated self-report instruments, the development of a new instrument was undertaken to quantify perceived risks of tobacco and nicotine-containing products by adult smokers, former smokers and never-smokers. Initial items were constructed based on a literature review, focus groups and expert opinion. Data for scale formation and assessment were obtained through two successive US-based web surveys (n=2020 and 1640 completers, respectively). Psychometric evaluation was based on Rasch Measurement Theory and Classical Test Theory. Psychometric evaluation supported the formation of an 18-item Perceived Health Risk scale and a 7-item Perceived Addiction Risk scale: item response option thresholds were ordered correctly for all items; item locations in each scale were spread out (coverage range 75-87%); scale reliability was supported by high person separation indices > 0.93, Cronbach's alpha > 0.98 and Corrected Item-Total Correlations > 0.88; and no differential item functioning was present. Construct validity evaluations met expectations through inter-scale correlations and findings from known-group comparisons. The Perceived Risk Instrument is a psychometrically robust instrument applicable for general and personal risk perception measurement, for use in different types of products (including cigarettes, nicotine replacement therapy, potential Modified Risk Tobacco Products), and for different status groups (i.e., current smokers with and without intention to quit, former smokers, never smokers).

Unge mødres risikooplevelse i forhold til børneulykker / Young mothers perception of risk in relation to child accidents

Rüdiger, Jane January 2006 (has links)
BAGGRUND: Ulykker er et af de alvorligste sundhedsproblemer for børn. Hvert år mister mellem 50 og 60 børn i Danmark livet ved ulykker og skadestuerne behandler omkring 160.000 børn for faldulykker, forgiftningsulykker, el-ulykker, kvælningsulykker med flere. Børn af unge mødre ser ud til at være betydeligt mere udsatte for at komme ud for ulykker end andre børn. FORMÅL: Undersøgelsen fokuserer på unge mødres risikooplevelse, holdning og adfærd i forhold til forebyggelse af børneulykker i hjemmet. METODE: Der er taget udgangspunkt i en induktiv kvalitativ undersøgelse med interview af 7 førstegangsfødende mødre i alderen 18-25 år med børn i alderen 3 måneder til 1 år. Alle mødre er af dansk oprindelse. I undersøgelsen indgik 2 mødre som havde fået piger og 5 mødre som havde fået drenge. RESULTATER: Mødrene anså ulykker som uundgåelige og vigtige for barnet, hvis de ikke havde alvorlige konsekvenser. Mindre ulykker eller skader gav barnet erfaringer, som kan anvendes, når barnet senere selv skal vurdere en eventuel risiko. Det var vigtigt for flere mødre, at deres børn bliver robuste, således at de ville kunne klare sig i det sociale fælles-skab i blandt andet daginstitutionen. Mødrene anså ikke deres egen alder som en afgørende faktor i forhold til ulykkesforebyggelse. Mødrene pegede i stedet på, at deres egne erfaringer med at udforske livet var afgørende for, hvor vigtig de anså ulykkesforebyggelse i hjemmet for at være. Undersøgelsen viste, at mødrene havde svært ved at forholde sig til hjemmet, som et sted, hvor der kan ske alvorlige ulykker til trods for, at de alle kunne udpege de farlige steder. Enkelte mødre havde indrettet hjemmet, således at barnet ikke var så udsat for at komme til skade, men flere mødre ønskede i stedet at lære børnene, hvad de må og ikke må til trods for, at mødrene ikke havde et klart billede af, hvornår disse forventninger til barnet var realistiske. KONKLUSION: Hvis mødres holdning til forebyggelse af ulykker skal påvirkes, vil det være nødvendigt sammen med moderen at drøfte, hvornår børn kan lære af erfaring, og hvornår børn bør beskyttes mod ulykker. / BACKGROUND: Accidents are one of the most serious health issues for children. Every year 50 to 60 children die in accidents and emergency departments treat approximately 160.000 children for accidents related to slips and falls, poisoning, electricity, suffocation etc. Children of young mothers appear to be significantly more exposed to accidents than other children. AIM: The survey targets the risk perception, attitude and behaviour of young mothers with regards to domestic child accidents. METHODOLOGY: The paper is based on an inductive qualitative survey with interviews of 7 first time mothers' ages 18-25 years with children ages 3 months to one year. All mothers are ethnically Danish. Of the 7 children, 2 were girls and 5 were boys. RESULTS: The mothers perceived accidents as inevitable and important for the child if they were not of a serious nature. Small accidents or injuries gave the child experiences, which could be used when the child at a later stage had to evaluate a potential risk. It was important for several mothers that their children grow up to be robust enabling them to take part in social activities, amongst others at day care institutions. The mothers did not see their own age as a factor related to accident prevention. Instead they draw attention to their own experiences as a crucial determinant of the degree of importance they attach to domestic accident prevention. The survey has shown that the mothers had trouble perceiving their home as a place where serious accidents could occur although they could all identify the potentially dangerous situations. A few mothers had arranged their home so as to lower the risk of their child having an injury but more instead desire to teach their child what it can and cannot do despite these mothers not having a clear picture of how realistic these expectations to the child were. CONCLUSION: To influence the mothers’ attitude to prevention of accidents it will be necessary to discuss with the mother which lessons children can learn from experience and when they are to be protected against accidents. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-159-8</p>

Cigarro e outras formas de tabaco: investigação de conhecimento, atitudes e percepção de risco em estudantes de medicina / Cigarette and other forms of tobacco: investigation of knowledge, attitudes and risk perception in medical students

Soares, Tatiana de Abreu Braga 25 April 2018 (has links)
O tabagismo mata um a cada 10 fumantes no mundo e é a principal causa evitável de morbimortalidade. O Brasil possui cerca de 25 milhões de tabagistas. Os profissionais de Saúde têm um importante papel no controle da pandemia do tabagismo, seja como educadores, formadores de opinião ou como promotores de prevenção e tratamento. A epidemia de tabagismo nas últimas décadas caracteriza-se pela redução do número de usuários de cigarro e crescente uso de formas alternativas de tabaco. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar o perfil de consumo, crenças, percepção de risco, atitudes e conhecimentos a respeito de tabagismo em estudantes de Medicina do 1º e 6º anos. Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal, com componente descritivo e com componente analítico. Foram entrevistados alunos do curso de Medicina de uma faculdade pública (FMRP-USP) e de três faculdades privadas (UniSEB, UNAERP e Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá) da cidade de Ribeirão Preto-SP. O questionário incluiu dados sócio demográficos, de exposição ao tabaco e outras substâncias psicoativas, motivação para cessação, avaliação de conhecimento médico sobre tabagismo, atitudes perante o tabaco e percepção de risco. A coleta de dados aconteceu nos anos de 2016 e 2017. A análise de dados foi realizada com o auxílio do programa estatístico Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Adotou-se como nível de significância para todas as análises p <= 0,05. 859 alunos foram convidados a participar da pesquisa e 420 responderam o questionário, 63,3% era do sexo feminino. Os achados do presente estudo vão ao encontro com o que vem sendo descrito na literatura. A prevalência de tabagismo encontrada foi semelhante à prevalência de tabagismo no Brasil, porém uma prevalência menor em alunos do 1º ano. A idade média de experimentação foi de 17,5 anos. A maioria dos estudantes não se via como dependente de tabaco, fazia uso ocasional e utilizava principalmente o Narguilé (15,2%), produto considerado mais prejudicial quando comparado ao cigarro comum (p>0,001). O consumo de álcool foi elevado e descrito como um facilitador para o uso de tabaco. A nicotina foi considerada viciante (p>0,001). O fumo ocasional foi considerado prejudicial (88,3%), assim como o uso dos diferentes produtos de tabaco na gestação. No que diz respeito ao papel dos profissionais de saúde, 93,1% acredita que deveria aconselhar seus pacientes a parar de fumar; 63,7% que profissionais fumantes seriam menos propensos a aconselhar seus pacientes; 81,3% acredita que deveria aconselhar seus pacientes a evitar outras formas de tabaco e 78,2% considera esses profissionais modelo para pacientes e público em geral. Verificou-se a falta de conhecimento e percepção de risco distorcida (crenças) quanto ao potencial de dependência dos produtos alternativos de tabaco e riscos do tabagismo. Sextanistas relataram ter recebido treinamento formal para abordagem do fumante e cessação do tabagismo e sentir-se seguros para orientar seus pacientes. Formação e treinamento adequados são essenciais e demandam maior responsabilidade social e acadêmica pelos estudantes de Medicina. Investir em ações que trabalhem especialmente as crenças, percepções de risco e atitudes a respeito dos diferentes tipos de tabaco, são necessárias para uma maior conscientização quanto ao uso e prejuízos à saúde causados pelo tabagismo. / Smoking kills one out of every 10 smokers in the world and is the leading preventable cause of morbidity and mortality. Brazil has about 25 million smokers. Health professionals play an important role in the control of the tobacco pandemic, whether as educators, opinion makers, or as promoters of prevention and treatment. The smoking epidemic in recent decades is characterized by reduction in the number of cigarette users and increasing use of alternative forms of tobacco. This study aimed to characterize the profile of consumption, beliefs, perception of risk, attitudes, and knowledge about smoking in medical students of 1st and 6th years. This is an observational cross-sectional study, with descriptive and analytical component. Medical students of a public college (FMRP-USP) and of three private colleges (UniSEB, UNAERP and Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá) of the city of Ribeirão Preto-SP were interviewed. The questionnaire included socio-demographic data, exposure to tobacco and other psychoactive substances, motivation for cessation, assessment of medical knowledge about tobacco use, attitudes, and perception of risk. Data collection occurred in 2016 and 2017. Data analysis was performed with the aid of the statistical program Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The significance level adopted for all analyses was p <= 0.05. Among 859 students invited, 420 answered the questionnaire, 63.3% female. The findings of this study respond to what has been described in the literature. The smoking prevalence found was similar to Brazil\'s average, but lowest in first-year students. The average age of experimentation was 17.5 years. Most students did not identify themselves as tobacco addicts, were occasional users and used mainly hookahs (83%), product considered more harmful when compared to cigarettes (p > 0.001). Alcohol consumption was high, described as a facilitator for the use of tobacco; nicotine is regarded as addictive (p > 0.001); casual smoke as harmful (88.3%), as well as the use of different tobacco products in pregnancy. With regard to the role of health professionals, 93.1% believe they should advise their patients to quit smoking; 63.7% believe that professionals who are smokers would be less likely to advise their patients; 81.3% believe they should advise their patients to avoid other forms of tobacco, and 78.2% consider these professionals an example for patients and the general public. A lack of knowledge and distorted perception of risk (beliefs) was noted about the addictiveness of alternative products of tobacco and risks of smoking. Sixth-year students reported having received formal training to approach the smoker and cessation of smoking and feel safe to guide their patients. Appropriate education and training are essential and require greater academic and social responsibility by medical students. Investing in actions that work especially on beliefs, perception of risk and attitudes regarding the different types of tobacco are necessary for a greater awareness regarding the use and damage to health caused by smoking.

Percepção de risco ambiental em cortiço vertical: uma metodologia de avaliação / Perception of environmental health risk in a vertical slum building: a evaluation methodology

Patricia Brant Mourão Teixeira Mendes 06 December 2006 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado é o resultado de uma pesquisa-ação sobre a percepção de risco ambiental de moradores em um cortiço vertical na região central da cidade de São Paulo, como parte integrante de um projeto interdisciplinar sobre a requalificação de cortiços verticais, desenvolvido pela Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e pela Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia de avaliação de percepção de risco para monitorar e gerenciar as situações de perigo em comunidades que residam em habitações precárias verticalizadas. Por se tratar de uma pesquisa-ação, apresenta um estudo longitudinal de três anos (2003-2006). A metodologia utilizada foi assentada em alguns princípios: a participação popular, a construção de novos conhecimentos, o exercício coletivo de tomada de decisões, a aprendizagem coletiva de novas habilidades e o fortalecimento emancipatório dos moradores. Programas de gerenciamento de risco ambiental voltado para cortiços inexistem em São Paulo; assim a proposta da construção de um plano de gerenciamento pelos moradores tornou-se importante neste processo e valeu-se de estratégias “comuns”, possíveis de serem implantadas pelo poder público e ou replicáveis por outras instituições. A participação da população na tomada de decisões possibilitou uma mudança nas percepções e nos hábitos existentes, motivando-a a formular um gerenciamento mais eficaz dos riscos, promovendo melhorias na qualidade de vida no cortiço. / This study is about the perception of environmental health risks by inhabitants living in a vertical slum building in the central area of São Paulo. This research is part of big social project for requalification of vertical slum buildings. developed by two Post- Graduation Center: Architecture(Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo-FAU) and Public Heath (Faculdade de Saúde Pública _FSP. This study is an action research which takes place in a building finished by its inhabitants. It portrays the reality of poor urban population living under the threats of environmentally hazardous areas. This study is longitudinal with a focus on the need of a specific methodology to analyze the process of popular awareness of risks in such hazardous areas. This study was based on population access to information, collective knowledge construction, participation on the collective decision making and the learning of new skills. The main goal of this project was to develop an assessment method in risk’s perception to be used in environmental health risk communication for communities living in hazardous areas. Therefore, there is no environmental risk policy or program for slum buildings in Brazil. This experience provided good results and possibilities for a policy in this field. Finally, this experience has shown that it is possible to empower the inhabitants through the participation in the collective decision-making process, with news knowledges, news abilities, new behavior and also a possibility of projects to enhance the quality of life.

Risques sanitaires et perception chez les agriculteurs utilisateurs de produits phytopharmaceutiques / Health risks and perception among farmers users of plant protection products

Boissonnot, Romain 08 December 2014 (has links)
ContexteDe nombreux facteurs influencent l’exposition des agriculteurs aux produits phytopharmaceutiques (PP) : facteurs techniques (matériel de pulvérisation, forme et type des PP employés), agronomiques (pression parasitaire, doses employées, type de culture) et humains. La perception d'un risque est un facteur déterminant du comportement humain face à celui-ci. La perception du risque phytosanitaire chez les agriculteurs et ses conséquences sur l'exposition aux substances actives des utilisateurs sont peu étudiées.ObjectifL’objectif de ce travail est d’évaluer comment la perception du risque influe sur les pratiques des agriculteurs. Il vise aussi à décrire et évaluer les déterminants de cette perception, et leurs impacts sur le risque sanitaire des utilisateurs de PP. Méthode.Des entretiens individuels sont menés pour évaluer la perception du risque auprès d’utilisateurs de PP. Des mesures et modélisations d’exposition complètent ces observations. Les mesures se focalisent sur les paramètres influencés par la perception du risque décrits lors des entretiens. Les résultats des mesures d’exposition sont comparés aux pratiques observées et servent à qualifier et quantifier l’impact de la perception sur le risque sanitaire.RésultatsCe travail montre que la perception des agriculteurs du risque liés aux PP est empirique et se base sur des critères tels que l'odeur, le type, la forme ou l'efficacité des produits pour estimer le risque. Les comportements des agriculteurs pour réduire leur exposition sont corrélés à leur perception des produits employés. L'utilisation des équipements de protection individuelle (EPI) est le marqueur le plus fort de la perception. Plus le risque est perçu comme important, plus l'utilisation d'EPI est élevée. Mais les pratiques de réduction du risque ne sont pas toujours efficaces pour réduire l'exposition. En effet, les mesures d'exposition réalisées montrent que les opérateurs, même utilisateurs d'EPI, n'ont pas conscience des phénomènes de contaminations indirectes (cabine des tracteurs, environnement de travail). Combinés à un mauvais usage fréquent des EPI (réutilisation d'EPI à usage unique, utilisation partielle ou inadaptée), ces défauts de perception jouent sur l'exposition aux PP.Les modélisations et mesure d’exposition en fonction des pratiques observées ont permis de quantifier les conséquences sanitaires de ces comportements. Il ressort que le risque sanitaire lors de l'utilisation des PP dans le cadre des bonnes pratiques est acceptable. Cependant ces bonnes pratique sont théoriques et les observations montrent que les opérateurs ont des comportements qui s'éloignent des bonnes pratiques et les exposent aux PP, mais ces comportements ne sont pas perçus comme tels. Le risque sanitaire associé aux pratiques est très individuel et difficilement généralisable. Cependant, ce travail exploratoire a permis de mettre à jour des profils de risque et de décrire les déterminants forts de la perception. La sensation de maîtrise du risque est le déterminant clef dans l'acceptation du risque par les agriculteurs. ConclusionCe travail montre que la perception du risque joue un rôle décisif dans l'exposition totale des agriculteurs aux PP. Le risque sanitaire est sensiblement dépendant de la perception du risque. Les politiques de prévention des risques doivent s'appuyer sur cet aspect afin d'adapter les messages et d'éduquer les opérateurs aux pratiques exposantes telles que la contamination indirecte ou le mauvais usage des EPI, aujourd'hui peu pris en compte par les utilisateurs de pesticides. / IntroductionMany factors influence the exposure of farmers to pesticides. Technical (spraying equipment, type of pesticides used), agronomic (type of crop, doses used, frequency) and human factors. The perception of risk is a determinant key of human behavior and how human faces to risk. Pest risk perception among farmers and the consequences of exposure to active substances of farmers have not been clearly studied.AimsThe objective of this study is to evaluate how risk perception affects farmers' practices. It also aims to describe and assess the determinants of this perception, and their impact on the health risk of pesticides users.Individual interviews are conducted to describe the perception of risk of pesticides' users. Measurements and modeling of exposure complement these observations. The measures focus on the parameters influenced by the perception of risk described in the interviews. The results of exposure measurements are compared to practices observed and used to qualify and quantify the impact of perception on health risk.ResultsThis work shows that farmers' perceptions of risk related to pesticides used is empirical and based on criteria such as smell, type, form or effectiveness of products to estimate the risk. Farmers' behavior to reduce exposure is correlated with their perception of the products used. The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is the strongest marker of perception. The higher the risk perceived, the greater the use of PPE is high. But the practical risk reductions are not always effective in reducing exposure. Indeed, exposure measurements show that operators, even in users of PPE, are unaware of indirect contamination (cab tractors, work environment). Combined with frequent misuse of PPE (reuse of disposable PPE, partial or improper use), these defects perception are increase exposure to pesticides.Modeling and exposure’s measurement based on observed practices are used to quantify the health consequences of these behaviors. It appears that the health risk of pesticides is acceptable when used as recommended. However, recommended practices are theoretical and observations show that operators have behaviors that deviate from recommended practices depending on pesticides used. But these behaviors are not perceived as risky. The health risks associated with individual practice is very difficult to generalize. However, this work highlights profiles of risk and describes strong determinants of perception. The risk-control feeling is the key determinant in risk acceptance by farmers.ConclusionThis work shows that the perception of risk plays a decisive role in the exposure to pesticide of farmers. The health risk is substantially dependent on the perception of risk. The risk prevention policies must support this risk perception to adapt messages and educate the operators to not adapted practices such as indirect contamination or improper use of PPE, few considered by some pesticides users.

Percepção de risco ambiental em cortiço vertical: uma metodologia de avaliação / Perception of environmental health risk in a vertical slum building: a evaluation methodology

Mendes, Patricia Brant Mourão Teixeira 06 December 2006 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado é o resultado de uma pesquisa-ação sobre a percepção de risco ambiental de moradores em um cortiço vertical na região central da cidade de São Paulo, como parte integrante de um projeto interdisciplinar sobre a requalificação de cortiços verticais, desenvolvido pela Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e pela Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia de avaliação de percepção de risco para monitorar e gerenciar as situações de perigo em comunidades que residam em habitações precárias verticalizadas. Por se tratar de uma pesquisa-ação, apresenta um estudo longitudinal de três anos (2003-2006). A metodologia utilizada foi assentada em alguns princípios: a participação popular, a construção de novos conhecimentos, o exercício coletivo de tomada de decisões, a aprendizagem coletiva de novas habilidades e o fortalecimento emancipatório dos moradores. Programas de gerenciamento de risco ambiental voltado para cortiços inexistem em São Paulo; assim a proposta da construção de um plano de gerenciamento pelos moradores tornou-se importante neste processo e valeu-se de estratégias “comuns", possíveis de serem implantadas pelo poder público e ou replicáveis por outras instituições. A participação da população na tomada de decisões possibilitou uma mudança nas percepções e nos hábitos existentes, motivando-a a formular um gerenciamento mais eficaz dos riscos, promovendo melhorias na qualidade de vida no cortiço. / This study is about the perception of environmental health risks by inhabitants living in a vertical slum building in the central area of São Paulo. This research is part of big social project for requalification of vertical slum buildings. developed by two Post- Graduation Center: Architecture(Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo-FAU) and Public Heath (Faculdade de Saúde Pública _FSP. This study is an action research which takes place in a building finished by its inhabitants. It portrays the reality of poor urban population living under the threats of environmentally hazardous areas. This study is longitudinal with a focus on the need of a specific methodology to analyze the process of popular awareness of risks in such hazardous areas. This study was based on population access to information, collective knowledge construction, participation on the collective decision making and the learning of new skills. The main goal of this project was to develop an assessment method in risk’s perception to be used in environmental health risk communication for communities living in hazardous areas. Therefore, there is no environmental risk policy or program for slum buildings in Brazil. This experience provided good results and possibilities for a policy in this field. Finally, this experience has shown that it is possible to empower the inhabitants through the participation in the collective decision-making process, with news knowledges, news abilities, new behavior and also a possibility of projects to enhance the quality of life.

Risques sanitaires et perception chez les agriculteurs utilisateurs de produits phytopharmaceutiques / Health risks and perception among farmers users of plant protection products

Boissonnot, Romain 08 December 2014 (has links)
ContexteDe nombreux facteurs influencent l’exposition des agriculteurs aux produits phytopharmaceutiques (PP) : facteurs techniques (matériel de pulvérisation, forme et type des PP employés), agronomiques (pression parasitaire, doses employées, type de culture) et humains. La perception d'un risque est un facteur déterminant du comportement humain face à celui-ci. La perception du risque phytosanitaire chez les agriculteurs et ses conséquences sur l'exposition aux substances actives des utilisateurs sont peu étudiées.ObjectifL’objectif de ce travail est d’évaluer comment la perception du risque influe sur les pratiques des agriculteurs. Il vise aussi à décrire et évaluer les déterminants de cette perception, et leurs impacts sur le risque sanitaire des utilisateurs de PP. Méthode.Des entretiens individuels sont menés pour évaluer la perception du risque auprès d’utilisateurs de PP. Des mesures et modélisations d’exposition complètent ces observations. Les mesures se focalisent sur les paramètres influencés par la perception du risque décrits lors des entretiens. Les résultats des mesures d’exposition sont comparés aux pratiques observées et servent à qualifier et quantifier l’impact de la perception sur le risque sanitaire.RésultatsCe travail montre que la perception des agriculteurs du risque liés aux PP est empirique et se base sur des critères tels que l'odeur, le type, la forme ou l'efficacité des produits pour estimer le risque. Les comportements des agriculteurs pour réduire leur exposition sont corrélés à leur perception des produits employés. L'utilisation des équipements de protection individuelle (EPI) est le marqueur le plus fort de la perception. Plus le risque est perçu comme important, plus l'utilisation d'EPI est élevée. Mais les pratiques de réduction du risque ne sont pas toujours efficaces pour réduire l'exposition. En effet, les mesures d'exposition réalisées montrent que les opérateurs, même utilisateurs d'EPI, n'ont pas conscience des phénomènes de contaminations indirectes (cabine des tracteurs, environnement de travail). Combinés à un mauvais usage fréquent des EPI (réutilisation d'EPI à usage unique, utilisation partielle ou inadaptée), ces défauts de perception jouent sur l'exposition aux PP.Les modélisations et mesure d’exposition en fonction des pratiques observées ont permis de quantifier les conséquences sanitaires de ces comportements. Il ressort que le risque sanitaire lors de l'utilisation des PP dans le cadre des bonnes pratiques est acceptable. Cependant ces bonnes pratique sont théoriques et les observations montrent que les opérateurs ont des comportements qui s'éloignent des bonnes pratiques et les exposent aux PP, mais ces comportements ne sont pas perçus comme tels. Le risque sanitaire associé aux pratiques est très individuel et difficilement généralisable. Cependant, ce travail exploratoire a permis de mettre à jour des profils de risque et de décrire les déterminants forts de la perception. La sensation de maîtrise du risque est le déterminant clef dans l'acceptation du risque par les agriculteurs. ConclusionCe travail montre que la perception du risque joue un rôle décisif dans l'exposition totale des agriculteurs aux PP. Le risque sanitaire est sensiblement dépendant de la perception du risque. Les politiques de prévention des risques doivent s'appuyer sur cet aspect afin d'adapter les messages et d'éduquer les opérateurs aux pratiques exposantes telles que la contamination indirecte ou le mauvais usage des EPI, aujourd'hui peu pris en compte par les utilisateurs de pesticides. / IntroductionMany factors influence the exposure of farmers to pesticides. Technical (spraying equipment, type of pesticides used), agronomic (type of crop, doses used, frequency) and human factors. The perception of risk is a determinant key of human behavior and how human faces to risk. Pest risk perception among farmers and the consequences of exposure to active substances of farmers have not been clearly studied.AimsThe objective of this study is to evaluate how risk perception affects farmers' practices. It also aims to describe and assess the determinants of this perception, and their impact on the health risk of pesticides users.Individual interviews are conducted to describe the perception of risk of pesticides' users. Measurements and modeling of exposure complement these observations. The measures focus on the parameters influenced by the perception of risk described in the interviews. The results of exposure measurements are compared to practices observed and used to qualify and quantify the impact of perception on health risk.ResultsThis work shows that farmers' perceptions of risk related to pesticides used is empirical and based on criteria such as smell, type, form or effectiveness of products to estimate the risk. Farmers' behavior to reduce exposure is correlated with their perception of the products used. The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is the strongest marker of perception. The higher the risk perceived, the greater the use of PPE is high. But the practical risk reductions are not always effective in reducing exposure. Indeed, exposure measurements show that operators, even in users of PPE, are unaware of indirect contamination (cab tractors, work environment). Combined with frequent misuse of PPE (reuse of disposable PPE, partial or improper use), these defects perception are increase exposure to pesticides.Modeling and exposure’s measurement based on observed practices are used to quantify the health consequences of these behaviors. It appears that the health risk of pesticides is acceptable when used as recommended. However, recommended practices are theoretical and observations show that operators have behaviors that deviate from recommended practices depending on pesticides used. But these behaviors are not perceived as risky. The health risks associated with individual practice is very difficult to generalize. However, this work highlights profiles of risk and describes strong determinants of perception. The risk-control feeling is the key determinant in risk acceptance by farmers.ConclusionThis work shows that the perception of risk plays a decisive role in the exposure to pesticide of farmers. The health risk is substantially dependent on the perception of risk. The risk prevention policies must support this risk perception to adapt messages and educate the operators to not adapted practices such as indirect contamination or improper use of PPE, few considered by some pesticides users.

Perceptions and risks : food-borne pathogens in the domestic environment

Millman, Caroline Elizabeth January 2012 (has links)
Food-borne illness is a significant burden both with regard to public health and financially. Efforts to reduce the level of food-borne illness continue to concentrate on the full food supply chain with particular regard given to Campylobacter, the most commonly reported zoonosis and the greatest burden to public health. The focus of this research is domestic food safety practises, where there is no regulation. Food safety is reliant on people’s knowledge or awareness, their ability to adopt safe food handling practises and for the correct behaviours to achieve this, to be routine. The elicitation of awareness and perceptions with regard to food safety are problematic due to the complexities of human nature, including the presence of several forms of bias, such as social desirability bias and optimistic bias. The research was designed in order to try to minimise such biases, whilst further understanding influences on food safety preparation behaviour. Food safety preparation behaviours and kitchen hygiene were investigated between people who had campylobacteriosis in comparison to people who had not had food poisoning. Whilst no difference was noted in the kitchen hygiene between the two groups, significant differences were noted in self-reported food preparation behaviours. Optimistic bias was exhibited by both groups but when tested again after six months had elapsed, the group who had not had food poisoning increased their optimism, introducing a significant difference in optimistic bias between the two groups. Awareness of a number of unsafe food behaviours was explored for individuals and groups of people using a method developed as part of the research. This method of hazard awareness uses video as a stimulus, creating an interactive survey, combined with attitudinal and demographic data. Changes were made to perceptions of knowledge and risk following the hazard perception challenge, with the number of hazards missed, influencing this movement in perception. The risk perception of unsafe food handling behaviours was examined using a novel technique Best-Worst Scaling, in order to identify relative risks. This technique, in conjunction with latent class modelling, demonstrated a difference in perceptions between food safety experts and members of the general public. However, these differences are nuanced and demonstrate that heterogeneity exists both within and across the groups. Taken together, these findings have extended the research on domestic food safety behaviour and risk perceptions. It has done so by developing and testing novel methods to elicit relative risk perceptions and hazard perception with regard to food safety behaviours. The results provide valuable evidence for stakeholders particularly with regard to the novel methods used in identifying the heterogeneity and influences of food safety behaviour between groups of people. It also provides important tools for stakeholders, risk managers and communicators to use in future research, communication and education.

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