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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Creating an Endless Procedural Game World that is Realistic and Purposeful

Ström, Linus January 2021 (has links)
Procedural content generation is a useful tool to use when generating content for games. An issue with this type of content is often the lack of realism and purpose, especially regarding procedurally generated worlds or levels, aswell as outlier bugs, that can block the players progression, that can be hard to find since they could only show up in a few select seeds of the randomized world. This thesis examines the best use of procedural content generation for a game that features an endless world, as well as evaluating the final product against established definitions of the terms "realistic" and "purposeful", while also taking into account the prevention of outliers. The world is constructed as a series of interconnected sections that are generated incrementally as needed, with each section's landscape using Perlin-noise for its topography and A* pathfinding to build paths that ensure that the player can navigate through the randomized terrain and not get stuck. The topography is also modified by different techniques to generate a realistic coastline and feature different areas of interest within a section. The world was evaluated against the established definitions of realism and purposefulness by eight participants that gave the world a high score on all aspects of both definitions. To ensure the validity of the generated content, iterative evaluations were performed that showed no outlier bugs that prevented progressing through the world. The techniques used in this thesis can serve as a good starting ground for continued development of endless worlds.

Procedurell generering av volymetrisk terräng på olika beräkningsenheter / Procedural generation of volumetric terrain on different processing units

Mathiason, Jesper January 2016 (has links)
Detta arbete undersöker om de existerande algoritmerna Marching cubes och Perlin noise kan användas för att procedurellt generera terräng. Implementationen av dessa algoritmer genererar en terräng som representeras som en tredimensionell volym, för att lösa problem som kan uppkomma när terrängen representeras av ett tvådimensionellt höjdfält. Vidare parallelliseras kombinationen av dessa algoritmer och anpassas för körning på GPU, där experiment visade att parallelliseringen gav prestandaökning och således kortare genereringstider. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p><p>There are other digital material (eg film, image or audio files) or models/artifacts that belongs to the thesis and need to be archived.</p>


Carli, Daniel Michelon de 05 March 2012 (has links)
This Master s thesis proposes a non-assisted procedural method for 3D canyons scenes generation based on techniques of computer graphics, computer vision and graph search algorithm. In order to define all the features to be reproduced in our scenes, we have analyzed several images of real canyons and have categorized them in two canyon features models: a recursive and an ordinary one. The proposed approach manipulates a heightmap, created using Perlin noise, in order to imitate the geological features formation previously analyzed. Several parametrizations are used to guide and constraint the generation of terrains, canyons features, course of river, plain areas, soft slope regions, cliffs and plateaus. This work also uses the Mean Shift algorithm as mechanism of segmentation to define regions of interest. A binary mask, with plain areas, is defined based on a threshold operation by a given data set provided by the Mean Shift algorithm. Thereafter a connected-component labeling algorithm is executed using the previously binary mask. This algorithm finds all plains centroids. Right after that, the Dijkstra s algorithm is performed in order to connect all plain areas, creating a valid path between the centroids. The Dijkstra s algorithm is executed again to define the river s course. Finally, a Gaussian smoothing operation is applied to interpolate the soft slope regions. The combination of all those techniques produces as a result automatically generated feature-rich canyons. / Esta dissertação propõe um método procedural não assistido, baseado em técnicas de computação gráfica, visão computacional e busca em grafos, para a geração de cenários 3D de cânions com foco em jogos digitais. Para definir as características a serem reproduzidas, foram analisadas diversas imagens de cânions reais chegando-se em dois modelos, um comum e outro recursivo. A abordagem proposta manipula um reticulado gerado com ruído de Perlin, moldando assim as características inerentes a essa formação geológica. São levadas em conta as diversas parametrizações necessárias para permitir que o algoritmo construa cânions com curso de rio, áreas de planícies, regiões de encosta suave, estruturas de penhascos e, por fim, planaltos nas regiões mais altas. Para atingir o resultado final, o trabalho utiliza o algoritmo Mean Shift como mecanismo de segmentação, definindo dados e regiões de interesse. Munido dos dados do algoritmo de clusterizacao, é definido um limiar para a criação de uma máscara binária com a definição das planícies. Em um segundo momento, um algoritmo de rotulação de componentes conectados é executado, extraindo-se os centróides de cada planície. Por sua vez, o algoritmo de Dijkstra encaixa-se na definição de rotas que conectam estas planícies. O algoritmo de Dijkstra é, então, executado novamente, tendo por base uma função de custo de inclinação, para definir o curso do rio. Por fim, uma filtragem espacial baseada em um filtro Gaussiano é aplicada para interpolar as regiões de encostas de declive suave. A combinação dessas técnicas gera terrenos com grande variabilidade e com as características inerentes à formação geológica de cânions.

Grafické intro 64kB s použitím OpenGL / Graphics Intro 64kB Using OpenGL

Sykala, Filip January 2012 (has links)
Master's Thesis is about the techniques of creating a small executable program with size limited to 64kB. Describes one of the possible ways to use OpenGL for such purposes. With more detail describe the rigid body simulation, creating shaders, dynamic generating of texture and make music in intro scene applications. Presents using of WinApi to create windows, V2 synthetizer for sound and GLSL language for creating shaders. Everything is demonstratively created under Windows.

A Graph-Based Approach to Procedural Terrain

Mijailovic, Vidak January 2015 (has links)
Procedural terrain generation is a field that handles procedural, not by hand, generated realistic looking terrain for use in simulations, video games, movie special effects or art. It allows for creation of vast and far more detailed terrain than humans can create by hand. In this paper a new method for procedural terrain generation is presented. Terrain is generated in three steps. An arbitrarily shaped network oh nodes, a graph, is used as a base to design the shape and layout of terrain features. Common algorithms are used to generate custom terrain features inside the graphs sealed areas and finally the generated terrain is merged into a single piece using a new method. In this manner, more controlled and detailed terrain can be created as the layout and shape of features can be controlled. / Området terräng generering hanterar procedurellt, icke för hand, skapande utav realistisk terräng för användning inom simulationer, data spel, filmers specialeffekter och konst. I denna uppsats presenteras en ny metod för procedurell terräng generation. Terrängen genereras i tre steg. Ett godtyckligt nätverk av noder skapas, en graf, och används som grund för att designa och forma utläggningen av terrängens drag. Kända algoritmer används för att skapa dragen inuti grafens tomma ytor och slutgiltigen sys den genererade terrängen ihop till en sammanhängande helhet med en ny metod. På detta vis kan man skapa mera detaljerad och bättre styrd terräng då man både kan kontrollera dragens former och utläggning. Nyckelord: Terräng, realtid datorgrafik, digital-kartografi, graf-grammatik, Perlin

Zobrazení šachů pomocí sledování paprsku / Rendering Chess Using Ray Tracing

Turek, Vojtěch Unknown Date (has links)
This work deals with ray tracing technique, focused to rendering of chess scene with procedural texture materials. Based on this knowledge, program that displays specified chess set is designed.

PGG - Processuell Grottgenerering : En jämförelse mellan Cellulär Automat, Random Walk och Perlin Noise / PCG - Procedural Cave Generation : A comparative study of Cellular Automata, Random Walk and Perlin Noise

Antonijevic, Filip January 2021 (has links)
I detta arbete undersöktes processuell generering med tre algoritmer i syfte att skapa grottliknande banor och utvärdera kriterier baserat på eftertraktande egenskaper gällande tid, storlek, variation och pålitlighet. Algoritmerna är cellulär automat, random walk och Perlin noise. Flera olika hjälpfunktioner och algoritmer användes för utvärderingen av kriterierna. Syftet med arbetet var att ta reda på vilken av dessa algoritmer skulle passa bäst att användas i ett roguelikespel. Slutsatsen som drogs från undersökningen är att algoritmen random walk gav det bästa resultat gällande pålitlighet, variation och minst antal områden. Cellulär automat gav bäst resultat för genereringstid och minst antal golvytor. Perlin noise gav minst märkvärdigt resultat, men tillät relativt bättre kontroll över mängden golvytor än både cellulär automat och random walk. Överlag gav random walk det bästa resultat för att användas i syftet att skapa grottliknande banor för roguelikespel.

Procedurální generování voxelových modelů / Procedural Generation of Voxel Models

Hypeš, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with procedural generation techniques and its use in the creation of voxel models. The techniques that have been used are Perlin Noise, Voronoi diagram, L-systems etc. This knowledge is then used to create a world generator for computer game with open world. This game provides players with the ability to modify this world and use its creativity, for example, in building construction. The game, however, will not give to the player all options for free, but for example for build, he or she will first have to find and mine the material. The game has been written in programming language C++ with the use of libraries Boost, SDL and OpenGL.

Noise Function Turbulence Optical Phase Screens and Physics Based Rendering

Riley, Joseph T. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Mapování textur / Texture Mapping

Strach, Zdeněk Unknown Date (has links)
In this master's thesis I'm engaged in problematic of texture mapping in ray tracing. Ray tracing is shortly described in the beginning. Texture mapping methods are described then, solid textures first and 2D textures follow. Implementation of MIP map method is deeply described in next chapters. The results are evaluated at the end.

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