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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faktorer hos sjuksköterskan som påverkar patientens förtroende och trygghetskänsla: En intervjustudie

Fransson, Caroline, Persson, Sara January 2005 (has links)
FAKTORER HOS SJUKSKÖTERSKAN SOM PÅVERKAR PATIENTENS FÖRTROENDE OCH TRYGGHETSKÄNSLAEn intervjustudieCaroline FranssonSara PerssonFransson, C & Persson, S. Faktorer hos sjuksköterskan som påverkar patientens förtroende och trygghetskänsla. En intervjustudie. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 10 poäng. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och Samhälle, Utbildningsområde omvårdnad, 2005.Syftet: Syftet med denna studie var att belysa vilka faktorer (inre och yttre) hos sjuksköterskan som påverkar patientens förtroende och trygghetskänsla i omvårdnaden. Frågeställningarna lyder: Hur kan sjuksköterskan göra för att få patientens förtroende och känsla av trygghet? På vilket sätt påverkas förtroendet och trygghetskänslan utav sjuksköterskans bemötande? Har sjuksköterskans personliga utseende och stil någon betydelse för patienten? I denna undersökning menar författarna att yttre faktorer är t ex smycken, smink, frisyr och tatueringar. De inre faktorerna syftar mer på sjuksköterskans bemötande mot patienten. Metod: Studien var en kvalitativ empirisk intervjustudie som utfördes på sex inneliggande patienter över 60 år. Materialet bearbetades och analyserades genom kategorisering. Resultat: Resultatet av studien visar bland annat att patientens förtroende och trygghetskänsla påverkas till stor del utav sjuksköterskans inre respektive yttre faktorer. Det som påverkar patientens förtroende och trygghetskänsla är främst de inre faktorerna så som bemötandet.Nyckelord: bemötande, förtroende, personlig stil, sjuksköterska, trygghet / FACTORS IN NURSES THAT INFLUENCE THE PATIENTS TRUST AND FEELING OF SECURITYAn interview studyCaroline FranssonSara PerssonFransson, C & Persson, S. Factors in nurses that influence the patients trust and feeling of security. An interview study. Degree project, 10 Credit Points. Nursing Program, Malmö University: Health and Society, Department of Nursing, 2005.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to shed light on what factors (internal and external) the nurse has that influence the patients trust and feeling of security while in their care. The Posed Questions: What can the nurse do to gain the patients trust and feeling of security? In what ways are trust and feeling of security affected by the nurse’s personal approach? Does the nurse’s personal appearance and style have any significant influence on the patient? In this study, the authors exemplify external factors as jewellery, make-up, hair style and tattoos. The internal factors are referring to the nurse’s behaviour towards the patient. Method: The study is an empirical qualitative interview study that was conducted with six inpatients above the age of 60. The material was processed and analysed through categorisation. Results: The findings showed that the patients trust and feelings of security are largely of both by the nurse’s internal and external factors. The main influences on the patient’s trust and feeling of security are the internal factors, such as personal approach by the nurse.Keywords: feeling of security, nurse, personal approach, personal style, trust

Flyktingars upplevelser och erfarenheter av att söka hälso- och sjukvård i ett nytt land : en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt / Refugees' experiences of seeking healthcare in a new country : a non-systematic literature review

Nordenskiöld, Yasmine, Melin, Benjamin January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund  Drygt 110 miljoner människor är på flykt världen över, med målet att söka skydd och få fristad i ett nytt land. Flykten och att etablera sig i ett nytt land kan vara präglat av många utmaningar vilket påverkar både den psykiska och fysiska hälsan. Förekomsten av ohälsa är hög bland flyktingar och forskning visar att denna population generellt sett söker vård i lägre utsträckning än den övriga befolkningen. Sjuksköterskor ska erbjuda jämlik vård till alla med ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt. Det är fördelaktigt att sjuksköterskor innehar insikter om specifika patientgrupper, såsom flyktingar, och deras upplevelser samt erfarenheter av att söka vård.  Syfte  Syftet var att belysa flyktingars upplevelser och erfarenheter av att söka hälso- och sjukvård i ett nytt land.  Metod  En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt som baserades på 17 vetenskapliga originalartiklar varav 16 av kvalitativ ansats och en av kvantitativ ansats. Datainsamlingen skedde med sökord kombinerade i olika sökblock i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Resultatet analyserades och sammanställdes sedan med en integrerad dataanalys. Med hjälp av Sophiahemmet Högskolas bedömningsunderlag för vetenskaplig klassificering och kvalitet kunde artiklarnas kvalitet granskas.  Resultat  Resultatet i denna litteraturöversikt redogör för flyktingars upplevelser och erfarenheter av att söka hälso- och sjukvård i ett nytt land, där både positiva och negativa aspekter framkom. Tre huvudkategorier identifierades som centrala: Tillgänglighet av hälso- och sjukvård, kommunikation samt existentiella och psykologiska upplevelser och erfarenheter vid vårdbesök. Individuella upplevelser och erfarenheter lyfts fram, som påverkats av såväl samhälleliga som individuella faktorer.  Slutsats  Denna litteraturöversikt påvisade att flyktingars erfarenheter och upplevelser av att söka hälso- och sjukvård i ett nytt land kan skilja sig. I många fall upplevdes bristande bemötande från vårdpersonal genomsyrat av respektlöshet, språkbarriärer samt diskriminering och rasism. Vårdpersonalens kulturella kompetens och förståelse för individuella behov och förutsättningar belystes som central i mötet med flyktingar för en positiv upplevelse. / Background  About 110 million people are displaced worldwide, aiming to seek protection and asylum in a new country. The process of fleeing and establishing in a new country can be characterized by numerous challenges that impact both the mental and physical health. The prevalence of mental and physical health issues is high among refugees, and research indicates that the refugee population generally seeks healthcare to a lesser extent than the rest of the population. Nurses should provide equitable care to all people with a person- centered approach. It is beneficial for nurses to have insights into specific patient groups, such as refugees, and their experiences in seeking healthcare.  Aim  The aim of this study was to highlight refugees' experiences of seeking healthcare in a new country.  Method  A non-systematic literature review based on 17 scientific original articles, comprising 16 articles with a qualitative study design and one with a quantitative study design. Data collection was retrieved using keywords combined in different search blocks in the databases PubMed and CINAHL. The results were analyzed and compiled through an integrated data analysis. The quality of the articles was reviewed by using the evaluation criteria for scientific classification and quality from Sophiahemmet University.  Results  The results of this study describe refugees' experiences of seeking health care in a new country, revealing both positive and negative experiences. Three main categories were identified as central: Accessibility of healthcare, communication, existential and psychological experiences in the encounter with health care. Individual experiences were highlighted, influenced by both societal and individual factors.  Conclusions  This literature review demonstrated that refugees' experiences of seeking health care in a new country can vary. In many cases, there was a perceived lack of respect from healthcare personnel, marked by disrespect, language barriers, discrimination, and racism. The cultural competence and understanding of individual needs and circumstances by healthcare personnel were emphasized as crucial in interactions with refugees for a positive experience.

Multikulturní výchova v mateřské škole / Multicultural education at nursery school

Švaříková, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
TITLE Multicultural education in a nursery school SUMMARY The aim of my thesis is to define the issue of multicultural education in today's nursery school, especially in terms of care about the climate. The theoretical part is focused on the concept of multicultural education in a nursery school with a view to the global framework program for preschool education, creation of a multicultural environment and care for foreigners' children integrated into common activities of the nursery school classes. The practical part of my thesis consists of author's yearlong project within multicultural education in nursery schools, and research mapping the issues of integration and education of foreigners' children in regular nursery school classes. KEYWORDS Multicultural education, intercultural education, nursery school, foreigners, national minority, personal approach

Uplatnění osobnostního zřetele ředitele školy v oblasti vedení lidí / Applying of personality traits of headteacher in area of leadership

Hassmanová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
Final thesis describes to what extent the current school practice puts attention to personality qualities of headteacher in area of leadership. The topic is based on the experience, knowledge and abilities that use the present headmasters of elementary schools in practice. The aim of the work and selected combined investigation using methods of "shadowing" of structured and unstructured interviews and a questionnaire survey was to describe the extent to which personal qualities headteacher of elementary schools appear in contemporary educational practice in area of leadership. In the theoretical part, the author focused on gathering information from a wide resource that can provide a wider range of these areas (psychology, leadership, self-management, self-esteem, etc.). These were mainly the vocational literature on leadership, human personality and competencies. An important contribution was a personal meeting and interview with Mr. Prof. PhDr. Z. Helusem, DrSc. (interview captured in the theoretical part), which anchored the personal qualities mentioned as one of the prerequisites for a successful life and being a human in personal and professional life. Combined investigation could confirm or refute the tendency to influence personality qualities for managers on performance in education, for...

Formativní hodnocení na 1. stupni ZŠ / Assesment for learning at a primary schoool

Štěpánová, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis follows up on the topic of an increasingly used method called formative assessment. The goal is to analyze formative assessment as a complex method. It includes its development, psychological context of assessment, essential methods and techniques of this kind of assessment and a part about competences mainly of a teacher beginner to be a professional evaluator, whose methods reflect his personality and individual principles based on the best intentions. The first chapter of the practical part introduces qualitative research which took a place in Czech Republic and foreign countries. Results from Czech Republic refer to the fact, that Czech teachers use techniques of formative assessment, but not yet as a complex system. The results from foreign countries connect teachers' working conditions for using formative assessment based on the adjustment of schooling curriculums in the countries they teach in. The second chapter of the practical part is a methodological collection of formative assessment techniques. KEYWORDS Assessment, personal approach to a pupil, classroom climate, evaluation norms, self- assessment, peer-assessment, criteria, learning objectives, motivation, core competencies.

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