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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A case study of Kurt Donald Cobain

Pieterse, Candice Belinda January 2009 (has links)
Case study research allows for an in depth study of an individual and yields relevant insight and results while examining an individual in their entirety. This approach allows the researcher to capture the uniqueness of a subject and thus provide an interesting understanding of that individual. The study is a case study of Kurt Donald Cobain. Cobain (1967-1994) was an American musician who served as songwriter, lead singer and guitarist for the band, Nirvana. He struggled with drug addiction during the last years of his life, and died on 8 April 1994 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his head (Sandford, 1995). The study is a single case research design, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative data. It aimed to explore and describe Kurt Cobain’s personality according to the Five Factor Model of Personality. He was chosen as the research subject by means of purposive sampling on the basis of the researcher’s interest and on his uniqueness and inspirational influences on the general public. Collected data was analyzed in accordance with Huberman and Miles’s (1994) general approach which consists of data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing and verification. Descriptive tables from the NEO-PI-R personality measure were further interpreted to provide quantitative information regarding the personality traits of the subject. The findings of this study suggest that Kurt Cobain portrayed a complex personality profile as an individual, and it appears that he experienced much distress and emotional instability within his life. However, he was able to provide the youth a means of expressing themselves through his music.

'n Impakstudie van 'n lewensvaardigheidsprogram gerig op gemeenskaps/persoonsverryking deur die uitbouing van selfkennis

Kruger, J. W. 17 October 2008 (has links)
M.A. / 1. Introduction Internationally there has been a paradigm shift towards a developmental and preventative approach in social work. Also, the cost-effectiveness of programs aimed at community development has been noted. 2. Goal of the study The main aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of a life skills program aimed at personal / community enrichment through the extension of self-knowledge according to the themes of temperament, early childhood experiences, transactional analysis, self-presentation and cognitive reconstruction and presented according to experiential instruction methods. 3. Objectives of the study In order to come to a conclusion regarding the impact of the abovementioned program, the following objectives were identified: - Has the program empowered the respondents to enhance their self-knowledge; - Has the program led the respondents to a better understanding of others; - Has the knowledge created a willingness to undertake necessary adjustments; - Respondents’ impressions of the program and the presentation thereof. 4. Methodology A qualitative grounded evaluative research design was used for the study. An availability sampling method was used: In this case the attendants at a workshop where the abovementioned program was implemented. 5. Data collection methods The following methods of data gathering were implemented: - The respondents had to give feedback on what they have realized or learned about each theme. - The theme on self-presentation was introduced by a brainstorming session on which aspects the respondents regarded as important aspects by which first impressions are formed. - Each respondent had to complete a questionnaire (enclosed as annexure 3) at the end of the workshop. - The results were compared with the literature overview. 6. Limitations of study - The researcher had no control over whether the faxed invitations to the workshop (enclosed as annexure 1) actually reached the intended population or not. - Although the invitation was intended for adults as well as teenagers, eventually only one teenager and nine adults were included in the sample. - The category: “Other”, was not included to the biographic questions. Because it was a small group which was known to the researcher, the question on marital status could be rectified and: “Divorced and remarried”, could be included for analysis. - The fact that some of the open ended questions in the questionnaire (annexure 3) didn’t require the respondents to motivate their answers, left a gap in the interpretation of those answers. - After the respondents named so many aspects attributing to first impressions, the researcher assumed that the topic was known so well, that the theoretic information wasn’t presented in full. When the results were analyzed, this seemed to be a wrong assumption, as more discussion was requested on this topic. - Despite the small sample, the results have been confirmed by the literature overview, which means that literature based on Western research also apply to the Afrikaans speaking case sample. 7. Goal achievements The abovementioned goals were conclusively achieved and can be summarized as follows: The life skills program for personal / community development presented according to experiential instruction methods and aiming at the extension of self-knowledge according to the themes of temperament, early childhood experiences, transactional analysis, self-presentation and cognitive reconstruction, has indeed: - Led to the enhancement of the respondents’ self-knowledge; - Created a better understanding for others; - Created a willingness to make adjustments; - As a whole been evaluated positively: As a dynamic, organized, understandable and effective presentation. 8. Recommendations The following recommendations were made: 8.1. Methodology - The program can be marketed as a personal-, marriage- family- or community enrichment program, and even as an employee assistance program (EAP). - Personal invitations, preparation and screening are recommended. - The questionnaire for completion at the end of the program, should be adapted to eliminate the limitations that were identified. 8.2 Program content and presentation - The program content can be perceived as effective for enhancing self-knowledge, to create a better understanding for others, as well as creating a willingness for change and adaptations. - Experiential instruction methods contribute to the success of the program and should be retained. - Do not deviate from the intended theory included in the program. - The participant manual (annexure 2) is a resourceful device which is also useful for future reference. - Permanent transparencies can be added to the program to enhance the efficiency thereof. - The five themes lend itself for presentation during five group sessions. 8.3 With regards to social work profession - This study proved that the case sample were more inclined to change and for adaptations once they got to know themselves better. Thus the social worker should experience less resentment or poor/lack of co-operation with helping programs. Indeed, the more the client gets to know himself, the more inclined should he be to accept responsibility for his own growth as a person in his social environment. - It would be unethical to leave a client who is ready for change and growth without further directions. Therefore the social worker should be capable to either present follow-up programs or to refer appropriately. / Prof. W.A. Mitchell

The value of socialized arithmetic drills and tests as positive factors in personality development

Unknown Date (has links)
"This paper is an account of a project which began primarily as an attempt to set up an activity program that would result in a high degree of accuracy in computational operations. It soon became evident that the activity was serving as an instrument for removing emotional blocks and relieving frustrations. A pleasant atmosphere of cooperative interprise took the place of classroom discipline, and the teacher found herself no longer a 'party to,' but a partner in a learning situation. The program has completed its fourth year. It has been revised, adapted, and added to, when the situation indicated a need. The classes taking part in the most recently revised activities are the ones whose performances are described in this paper"--Introduction. / "August, 1949." / Typescript. / "Submitted to the Graduate Council of Florida State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts under Plan II." / Advisor: W. Edwards, Professor Directing Paper. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 42-44).

Relative Effectiveness of Two Methods of Teaching Personal Development to Homemaking Girls

Fagg, Carmen Bernice 06 1900 (has links)
The question as to whether to teach personality development as a separate unit or to include it as an integral part of the total homemaking program became a problem which required careful investigation. It became the purpose of this study, therefore, to determine whether more measurable growth in personality is achieved by teaching a special unit in personality than by including such subject matter as an integral part of the homemaking program.

The Educational Progress of Under-Age Children

Tunnell, Lucile Stallings 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine the relationship between chronological age and reading achievement and between chronological age and personality development in school children.

Lessons in Character Development

Escobar, Virginia Lizette 01 January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of the project was to provide first grade teachers at the Baldwin Park Unified School District with teaching approaches, tools, and strategies in instructing their students in character development education. These approaches, tools, and strategies will support students' academic learning as they develop a deeper comprehension of responsibility skills.

Die ontwikkeling van morele besluitnemingsvaardighede deur buitelugopvoeding by leerders in die Intermediere fase vanuit 'n Christelike benadering

Botha, Sarah 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Moral development demands a process of individual acceptance or rejection of values and the integration of accepted values in a personal value system. However, for the development of a personal value system, it is not sufficient - particularly in a post-modem era - merely to moralise and set an example. Children therefore have to be guided to internalise positive values and to demonstrate these values in their behaviour. In this process decision-making plays an important role. The moral decision-making model that became more popular than character building in the nineteen-sixties, does not equip learners sufficiently for moral decision-making. In order to attend to this research problem, a qualitative investigation was done, comprising a literature study and field work. The purpose ofthe investigation was to determine the indicators that playa role in compiling a programme for out-door education for learners of the Intermediary Phase, with special reference to decision-making skills. The following important aspects came to the fore from the literature study: It is becoming increasingly difficult for learners to choose between right and wrong. They are surrounded by deviating moral values. Therefore learners should be assisted in making important choices of life, based on a healthy value system. The Intermediary Phase, also known as the mid childhood period, serves as preparation for the adjustments that take place during the adolescent years. The development of moral values, therefore, is an important development task during this phase of life. For children to be able to make ajudicial decision about what is "right" and what is "wrong", they have to be knowledgeable about what is "right" and what is "wrong". There ought to be a specific criterion for making such a decision. The debate whether something such as life orientation as learning area in schools can be or cannot be approached from a particular religious conviction, is currently in progress. Values can not be instructed in a neutral way. Religion is a determining factor from a Christian frame of reference in learning values and norms, as it has moral implications. This study has been approached from a Christian frame of reference. The premises of the humanistic movement, in which the classic moral decision-making approach finds its grounding, is irreconcilable with the Christian religion. Should the moral decision-making model be accepted without protest as a final decision in the complex values debate, it could result in moral selfdestruction. There are, however, aspects of the moral decision-making model that could be integrated meaningfully with character building with a view to guiding the learner to moral development. This integrated approach is a focal point in this study. Based on the literature study as well as the field work, which comprised an indaba (ideas conference), study visits abroad, and interviews, the researcher arrived at the conclusion that an integration of an institution for out-door education and an activity circuit with well-trained instructors and facilitators may provide the answer to the research problem. It is problematic to pull together an integrated approach in a simple framework; however, this study offers an intellectual framework in which twenty indicators are highlighted. These indicators can make a contribution in compiling a programme for out-door education for learners in the Intermediary Phase, with a view to teaching decision-making skills, based on character building and aspects of the moral decisionmaking model. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mórele ontwikkeling vereis 'n proses van individuele aanvaarding of verwerping van waardes en die integrasie van aanvaarde waardes in 'n persoonlike waardesisteem. Vir die ontwikkeling van 'n persoonlike waardesisteem is blote moralisering en voorbeeldstelling egter nie genoeg nie - veral nie in 'n postmoderne era nie. Kinders behoort derhalwe begelei te word om positiewe waardes te verinnerlik en dit in hul gedrag te demonstreer. In hierdie proses speel besluitneming 'n belangrike ror Die morele besluitnemingsmodel wat in die sestigerjare meer populêr as karakteropvoeding geword het, rus leerders nie genoegsaam toe vir die neem van morele besluite nie. Om aan hierdie navorsingsprobleem aandag te skenk, is 'n kwalitatiewe ondersoek bestaande uit 'n literatuurstudie en veldondersoek, gedoen. Die doel van die ondersoek is om die indikatore te bepaal wat 'n rol speel by die opstel van 'n buitelugopvoedingsprogram vir leerders van die Intermediêre Fase met die oog op besluitnemingsvaardighede. Vanuit die literatuurstudie blyk die volgende van belang te wees. Dit is vir leerders al moeiliker om tussen reg en verkeerd te kies. Hulle word omring deur , a(~'Ykende morele waardes. Leerders behoort dus gehelp te word om belangrike lewenskeuses vanuit 'n gesonde waardestelsel te maak. Die Intermediêre Fase, ook bekend as die middelkinderjare, dien as 'n voorbereiding vir die aanpassings wat in die adolessente jare plaasvind. Die ontwikkeling van morele waardes is dus 'n belangrike ontwikkelingstaak tydens hierdie lewensfase. Vir kinders om 'n oordeelsbesluit tussen wat "reg" en wat "verkeerd" is te kan maak, moet hulle kennis dra van wat "reg" en wat "verkeerd" is. Daar behoort 'n bepaalde kriterium te wees om hierdie keuse te kan maak. Daar is tans 'n debat in Suid-Afrika aan die gang dat iets soos lewensoriëntering as leerarea in skole nie vanuit 'n bepaalde geloofsoortuiging gedoen kan word nie, aangesien Suid-Afrika se skole in 'n sekulêre samelewing opereer. Waardes kan egter nie neutraal onderrig word nie. Godsdiens is 'n bepalende faktor vanuit 'n Christelike perspektief in die aanleer van waardes en norme, aangesien dit morele implikasies het. Hierdie studie is vanuit 'n Christelike verwysingsraamwerk benader. Die uitgangspunte van die humanistiese beweging, waarop die klassieke morele besluitnemingsbenadering gebaseer is, is onversoenbaar met die Christelike geloof. Indien die morele besluitnemingsmodel kritiekloos aanvaar word as 'n uitkoms vir die komplekse waarde-debat kan dit tot morele selfvernietiging aanleiding gee. Daar is wel aspekte van die morele besluitnemingsmodel wat sinvol geïntegreer kan word met karakteropvoeding ten einde 'n leerder tot morele ontwikkeling te lei. Hierdie geïntegreerde benadering is 'n fokuspunt van hierdie studie. Die navorser het vanuit die literatuurstudie en veldondersoek, bestaande uit 'n ideëberaad, studiebesoeke aan die buiteland asook onderhoude, tot die insig gekom dat 'n integrering van 'n buitelugopvoedingsinstansie en 'n aktiwiteitsbaan met goed opgeleide instrukteurs en fasiliteerders 'n antwoord kan wees op die navorsingsprobleem. Dit is moeilik om 'n geïntegreerde benadering in 'n enkelvoudige raamwerk saam te vat. Tog word in hierdie studie wel 'n denkraamwerk aangebied waarin twintig indikatore uitgelig word. Hierdie indikatore kan help met die opstel van 'n buitelugopvoedingsprogram vir leerders in die Intermediêre Fase ten einde besluitnemingsvaardighede, gegrond op karakteropvoeding en aspekte van die morele besluitnemingsmodel, te onderrig.

Adolescents with Depression Grown up : Education, Intimate Relationships, Mental Health, and Personality

Jonsson, Ulf January 2010 (has links)
Unipolar depression, estimated to be the leading contributor to burden of disease in middle- and high-income countries, often has an onset in adolescence. The disorder is associated with substantial role impairment and is highly recurrent. This raises questions about both subsequent mental health and social outcome. In order to shed light on this, a community sample of adolescents with depression and non-depressed peers was followed-up after 15 years. In 1991-93, first-year students in upper secondary school (age 16-17) in the town of Uppsala, Sweden, were screened for depression. Adolescents with positive screening and selected peers with negative screening (n=631 in total) were assessed regarding mental health, social situation, and personality. At around age 31, the participants were followed-up in both national registers (n=609) and personal interviews (n=409). Outcome regarding social factors, mental health, and personality was assessed. At follow-up, the former depressed adolescents had completed higher education to a lesser extent than the former non-depressed adolescents. The females with adolescent depression were also at increased risk of subsequent abortion, divorce, single parenthood, and partner violence. Characteristics associated with depression in adolescence (such as poor school performance and disruptive disorders) seemed to contribute to the poor outcome in the social domain. Regarding adult mental health, long-term depression in adolescence was associated with a particularly poor outcome. Compared to adolescents with shorter episodes of depression, those with long-term depression were more likely to report recurrent depression, suicidal ideation, and a range of other mental disorders in adulthood. Measures of personality traits related to neuroticism (a tendency towards negative emotionality) were elevated during ongoing depression and anxiety disorders, but were normalized with remission. However, repeated depressive episodes seemed to leave the individual more vulnerable to stress. It is now important to assess if early treatment can alter the poor outcome depicted in this thesis. Since social adversity, educational difficulties, and interpersonal problems accompany the depressive disorder from adolescence onward, it should also be investigated if interventions aimed at such contextual factors can prevent recurrence and improve quality of life.

Strukturomvandling och social utslagning : en analys av sambanden mellan social struktur och social missanpassning och utslagning under perioden 1860-1975 / Structural change and social elimination

Frick, Willy January 1982 (has links)
Structural changes in society have often been related to social problems such as crime, alcoholism and social elimination. In this analysis of the development of social elimination in Sweden during the period 1860-1975, which is mainly based on official data, it is demonstrated that there is not always a causal relationship between structural change and such social problems. If structural changes lead to social problems or not depend on whether the structural changes occur according to a "Budding" or an "Ex­pansion" model. The historical period in which a rapid structural change followed the "Budding" model closely was the time right before and after the turn of the century in which the final leap into the industrial society occured. This was a period characterized by an increasing number of industries, communities and organizations. During this period the structural changes increased the legal economic opportunities, strengthened the social and cultural integration as well as the informal social control within the working class. This period was also a period with decreasing human malad­justment symptoms and social elimination. After World War II a new period of rapid structural changes occured. But now the development followed closely to the "Expansion" model. This was a period when different subsystems in society became larger, more centra­lized specialized and difficult to survey. The consequences were not only more individual freedom and higher standards of living but also many individuals experienced a great deal of social stress together with a decreasing social and cultural integration. Increasing opportunities for crime and drugs to­gether with a decreasing social control increased the risks for social mal­adjustment for many people. This latter period can also be described as a period of rapidly increasing human maladjustment symptoms and increasing social elimination of the socially maladjusted. / digitalisering@umu

The career satisfaction and success of corporate executives : the relationship among attachment style, sex-type, and gender /

Toepfer, Elizabeth Anne. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (Ed.D.)--Teachers College, Columbia University, 1996. / Includes tables. Typescript; issued also on microfilm. Sponsor: Debra A. Noumair. Dissertation Committee: Patricia M. Raskin. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 130-143).

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