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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Personality, values, and cultural perceptions in the sojourner context / a new perspective on acculturation in Germany, Japan, and the US

Söldner, Tobias 30 May 2013 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Studie wird anhand von sechs vorwiegend studentischen Stichproben von Teilnehmern zeitlich befristeter Austauschprogramme zwischen Deutschland, Japan, und den USA („Sojourner“) der Zusammenhang zwischen Persönlichkeit, Werten, kultureller Distanz und Akkulturation untersucht. Die einleitenden Analysen zeigen, dass alle Teilnehmergruppen die Persönlichkeits- und Werteunterschiede zwischen den Bewohnern der einzelnen Länder ähnlich einschätzten. Andererseits wiesen diese direkten Einschätzungen keinerlei Übereinstimmung mit angeblichen Kulturunterschieden, wie sie sich indirekt auf Basis aggregierter Selbsteinschätzungen berechnen lassen, auf. Ebenso konnte gezeigt werden, dass zwar einige wenige Persönlichkeitseigenschaften und Werte vermutlich als „typisch“ für Sojourner im allgemeinen zu betrachten sind, im Gegensatz dazu jedoch sowohl die Ausgangswerte, als auch die Entwicklung der meisten Charakteristika während des Auslandsaufenthalts, zwischen Teilnehmern unterschiedlicher Nationalität stark variieren. Ein Vergleich von Persönlichkeits- und Werte-Selbsteinschätzungen mit entsprechenden Unterschieden zwischen Herkunfts- und Zielkultur lässt darauf schließen, dass Sojourner dazu tendieren, gezielt in Länder zu reisen, mit deren Bewohnern sie in bestimmten Merkmalen übereinstimmen, und dass die wahrgenommene Ähnlichkeit zu den Bewohnern der jeweiligen Gastgebernation nach der Rückkehr ins Herkunftsland nochmals zunimmt. Der Grad der erreichten Akkulturation während des Auslandsaufenthaltes (insbesondere jener der Zielkultur-Orientierung) ermöglichte über alle Teilnehmergruppen hinweg eine Vorhersage von Gesundheit und Lebenszufriedenheit, war jedoch nur schwach mit der Aufenthaltsdauer korreliert. Zusätzliche Varianz im Akkulturationsgrad konnte durch Persönlichkeit und Werte der Teilnehmer, sowie durch die Größe der entsprechenden Unterscheide zwischen Herkunfts- und Zielland auf Kulturebene aufgeklärt werden. / The present study examined the relationship between personality, personal values, cultural distance and acculturation in primarily academic sojourners travelling between Germany, Japan, and the US. A Preliminary analysis revealed that ratings for the culture-level personality and values differences between each culture were highly consistent across sojourner groups, but that these ratings showed no relation to alleged cultural differences as calculated from national self-rating means. Subsequent analyses discovered a small subset of personality traits and values typical for sojourners in general, while most pre-sojourn characteristics and their development abroad strongly differed across national groups. A significant trend for participants to seek out host cultures fitting their own personality and values patterns was mirrored by an increase in self-rated similarity to host culture members after the return home. The degree of acculturation (especially host culture orientation) reached throughout the sojourn significantly predicted health and life satisfaction across participant samples, but turned out to be only weakly related to the time spent in the host country. Additional variance in acculturation success was explained by participant personality, personal values, and the associated culture-level difference between host and home countries.

Ouerlike opvoedingsgedrag en die persoonlikheidsontwikkeling van die enigste kind

Verreynne, Karin 11 1900 (has links)
Die algemene persepsie bestaan dat dit 'n struikelblok is om 'n enigste kind te wees omdat hierdie kinders meestal sosio-emosionele probleme ervaar. Hulle word getipeer as onder andere selfsugtig, eensaam, afhanklik, ongelukkig, dominerend en bederf. Daar bestaan betreklik min navorsing omtrent die enigste kind as sodanig. Die meeste inligting wat omtrent hierdie kinders beskikbaar is, is verkry uit"'vergelykende studies waarvan enigste kinders toevallig deel gevorm het en waarin die invloed van veranderlikes soos geboorterangorde en gesinsgrootte op aspekte soos intelligensie, persoonlikheid en gedrag ondersoek is. Die gebruik van hierdie veranderlikes het wye kritiek uitgelok omdat dit aanleiding gegee het tot teenstrydige navorsingsresultate wat sowel negatiewe as positiewe persoonseienskappe uitgewys het. 'n Sterk pleidooi is gelewer vir 'n holistiese benadering tot die persoonlikheidsontwikkeling van die enigste kind met grater klem op die bepalende invloed van f aktore binne en buite die gesin. In hierdie studie word die invloed van ouerlike opvoedingsgedrag op die persoonlikheidsontwikkeling van die enigste kind ondersoek. Die vertrekpunt van die studie is 'n ondersoek na die rol wat gehegtheid en die gesin as sosiale sisteem as grondslag van 'n ouer-kind-verhouding speel. Albei ouers dra vanuit hul onderskeie ouerhuise bepaalde opvoedingsinhoude, gebaseer op die opvoedingsgedrag wat hulle as kinders ervaar het, in hul huwelik en gesin in. Dit dien as grondslag vir die opvoedingsgedrag wat hulle teenoor hul kind openbaar. Sodoende skep hulle 'n eie opvoedingskultuur. Die literatuur Die literatuur bevestig die regstreekse verband tussen ouerlike opvoedingsgedrag en die persoonlikheidsontwikkeling van die enigste kind. In hierdie studie word agt dimensies van - ouerlike opvoedingsgedrag beskryf, asook die invloed daarvan op die persoonlikheid van die enigste kind. In die empiriese ondersoek word die opvoedingsgedrag van vyf ouerpare, asook hul enigste kinders se betekenisgewing daaraan en belewing daarvan, aan die hand van vraelyste en ongestruktureerde onderhoude kwalitatief geevalueer. Op grond hiervan is bevind dat die populere stereotipering van die enigste kind ongegrond is en dat daar nie sprake is van 'n tipiese enigste kind nie. 'n Waardering van die persoonlikheidsontwikkeling van die enigste kind, trouens van enige kind, is eerder gelee in die kind se belewing van en betekenisgewing aan sy ouers se opvoedingsgedrag. / A general perception exists that it is an impediment to be an only child because these children frequently experience socio-emotional problems. They are typified as self-centred, lonely, dependent, domineering and spoit Little research exists to verify this description. Most of the available information has been obtained through comparative studies in which only children participated through sheer coincidence. These studies investigated the effects of variabl~ such as position in family and family size on aspects such as intelligence, personality and behaviour. The use of these variables elicited wide criticism since it resulted in contradictory research findings which indicated the presence of both negative and positive personality traits. This prompted a plea for a holistic approach to the personality development of the only child, with a greater emphasis on the determining influences of factors within and outside the family. This study investigates the influence of parental educational behaviour on the personality development of the only child. The point of departure is an inquiry into the roles played by the family as a social system and attachment in the foundation of the parent-child relationship. From their respective parental homes, both parents bring certain educational contents into their marriage, based on the educational behaviour that they experienced as children. This serves as a basis for the behaviour that they display towards their children. The literature establishes a linear relationship between parental educational behaviour and the personality development of the only child. In this study, eight dimensions of parental educational behaviour are described, as well as the influence of these on the personality of the only child. In the empirical investigation, the educational behaviour of five couples was quantitatively evaluated using questionnaires and unstructured int~rviews. The only child's attribution of meaning to and experience of this behaviour were also evaluated. Based on these results, it was found that the popular stereotyping of the only child is unfounded, and that there is no such thing as a typical only child. An appreciation of the personality development of the only child, and indeed any child, lies rather in the child's experience of and meaning attribution to his parents' educational behaviour. / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Evaluation of a social-emotional and character development program : methods and outcomes

Lewis, Kendra M. 20 April 2012 (has links)
Schools are increasingly expected to prevent and decrease violence, substance use, and other problem behaviors linked to academics and prepare students to be contributing members of society. One approach with proven success in promoting positive outcomes related to a broad range of student behaviors and personal characteristics is social-emotional learning, also known as positive youth development or social-emotional and character development (SECD) programs. Currently, little is known about the relationship between SECD and these outcomes in low-income, urban, minority populations. The present studies (a) examine key methodological design issues in conducting a cluster-randomized trial with such populations, and (b) assess whether an intervention designed to promote SECD was effective in improving the SECD developmental status of children from this population. Data for this study come from the Chicago cluster-randomized controlled trial (CRCT) of Positive Action (PA). The trial was longitudinal at the school level with a place-focused intent-to-treat design at the student level. This CRCT collected data on children in grades 3 through 8, for a total of 6 years and 8 data collection points. Manuscript #1 focuses on the design, sample, planned analyses, and a latent class analysis (LCA) of mobility patterns. Specifically, the setting and recruitment of schools is described, as well as the process by which schools were matched into pairs and randomized into PA or control, including the list of criteria for school eligibility and variables used for matching. Additionally, this paper thoroughly describes the primary analyses to test for program effects using three-level growth curve models (time nested within students nested within schools), as well as several sensitivity analyses that will also be conducted when evaluating this program. Further, this manuscript discusses secondary tests of meditation and moderation, which will assist in the understanding of how the program works (mediation) and for whom (moderation). Finally, this paper also provides several descriptive statistics and characteristics of the students and teachers in this sample. In terms of baseline equivalency, PA and control schools did not significantly differ on matching variables before or during the trial. Minimal differences were found on baseline reports from students, teachers, and parents; half of these differences favored PA students and half favored control students. Manuscript #2 focuses on the intervention effects on the student-, teacher-, and parent-reported social-emotional outcomes assessed during the Chicago CRCT, following the analytic procedures outlined in the first paper and focusing on the effectiveness of PA on social-emotional outcomes. Results indicate that PA had a significant effect on student self-reports of prosocial interactions, honesty, self-development, self-control, respect for parents and teachers, empathy, altruism, positive actions/feelings, negative moral center, and aggressive problem solving. Additionally, it was found that PA had marginal effects on teacher-reported responsibility. Minimal differences by gender were found; no differences by mobility status were found. Together, these two papers involved a sample of students in a high-risk setting; generating improvements can be particularly difficult in urban areas. The empirical evidence of effectiveness of a SECD program in a high-risk population, as demonstrated in the present study, should serve as a call to action for policymakers and school officials who are increasingly challenged to positively impact not only academic achievement, but also behavior and character development. / Graduation date: 2012

Ouerlike opvoedingsgedrag en die persoonlikheidsontwikkeling van die enigste kind

Verreynne, Karin 11 1900 (has links)
Die algemene persepsie bestaan dat dit 'n struikelblok is om 'n enigste kind te wees omdat hierdie kinders meestal sosio-emosionele probleme ervaar. Hulle word getipeer as onder andere selfsugtig, eensaam, afhanklik, ongelukkig, dominerend en bederf. Daar bestaan betreklik min navorsing omtrent die enigste kind as sodanig. Die meeste inligting wat omtrent hierdie kinders beskikbaar is, is verkry uit"'vergelykende studies waarvan enigste kinders toevallig deel gevorm het en waarin die invloed van veranderlikes soos geboorterangorde en gesinsgrootte op aspekte soos intelligensie, persoonlikheid en gedrag ondersoek is. Die gebruik van hierdie veranderlikes het wye kritiek uitgelok omdat dit aanleiding gegee het tot teenstrydige navorsingsresultate wat sowel negatiewe as positiewe persoonseienskappe uitgewys het. 'n Sterk pleidooi is gelewer vir 'n holistiese benadering tot die persoonlikheidsontwikkeling van die enigste kind met grater klem op die bepalende invloed van f aktore binne en buite die gesin. In hierdie studie word die invloed van ouerlike opvoedingsgedrag op die persoonlikheidsontwikkeling van die enigste kind ondersoek. Die vertrekpunt van die studie is 'n ondersoek na die rol wat gehegtheid en die gesin as sosiale sisteem as grondslag van 'n ouer-kind-verhouding speel. Albei ouers dra vanuit hul onderskeie ouerhuise bepaalde opvoedingsinhoude, gebaseer op die opvoedingsgedrag wat hulle as kinders ervaar het, in hul huwelik en gesin in. Dit dien as grondslag vir die opvoedingsgedrag wat hulle teenoor hul kind openbaar. Sodoende skep hulle 'n eie opvoedingskultuur. Die literatuur Die literatuur bevestig die regstreekse verband tussen ouerlike opvoedingsgedrag en die persoonlikheidsontwikkeling van die enigste kind. In hierdie studie word agt dimensies van - ouerlike opvoedingsgedrag beskryf, asook die invloed daarvan op die persoonlikheid van die enigste kind. In die empiriese ondersoek word die opvoedingsgedrag van vyf ouerpare, asook hul enigste kinders se betekenisgewing daaraan en belewing daarvan, aan die hand van vraelyste en ongestruktureerde onderhoude kwalitatief geevalueer. Op grond hiervan is bevind dat die populere stereotipering van die enigste kind ongegrond is en dat daar nie sprake is van 'n tipiese enigste kind nie. 'n Waardering van die persoonlikheidsontwikkeling van die enigste kind, trouens van enige kind, is eerder gelee in die kind se belewing van en betekenisgewing aan sy ouers se opvoedingsgedrag. / A general perception exists that it is an impediment to be an only child because these children frequently experience socio-emotional problems. They are typified as self-centred, lonely, dependent, domineering and spoit Little research exists to verify this description. Most of the available information has been obtained through comparative studies in which only children participated through sheer coincidence. These studies investigated the effects of variabl~ such as position in family and family size on aspects such as intelligence, personality and behaviour. The use of these variables elicited wide criticism since it resulted in contradictory research findings which indicated the presence of both negative and positive personality traits. This prompted a plea for a holistic approach to the personality development of the only child, with a greater emphasis on the determining influences of factors within and outside the family. This study investigates the influence of parental educational behaviour on the personality development of the only child. The point of departure is an inquiry into the roles played by the family as a social system and attachment in the foundation of the parent-child relationship. From their respective parental homes, both parents bring certain educational contents into their marriage, based on the educational behaviour that they experienced as children. This serves as a basis for the behaviour that they display towards their children. The literature establishes a linear relationship between parental educational behaviour and the personality development of the only child. In this study, eight dimensions of parental educational behaviour are described, as well as the influence of these on the personality of the only child. In the empirical investigation, the educational behaviour of five couples was quantitatively evaluated using questionnaires and unstructured int~rviews. The only child's attribution of meaning to and experience of this behaviour were also evaluated. Based on these results, it was found that the popular stereotyping of the only child is unfounded, and that there is no such thing as a typical only child. An appreciation of the personality development of the only child, and indeed any child, lies rather in the child's experience of and meaning attribution to his parents' educational behaviour. / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Exploring temperaments in the mother-child relationship: an educational-psychological perspective

Vogel, Jacoleen 30 November 2003 (has links)
The mother-child relationship is the first basic relationship with which any human being is confronted. The temperaments of mother and child play an important role in this relationship. The aim of this study is to explore the perception of mothers with regards to temperaments. This study uses a qualitative approach, which is explorative and descriptive, to gain insight into the influence of temperaments in the mother-child relationship. Seven mothers were selected by purposeful sampling to participate in the group work as research process. Group work progresses through the following three phases: awareness, exploration and personalisation. Naive sketches were used to determine the perception of the mothers during the awareness and personalisation phases. A focus group interview was utilised in the exploration phase. Finding showed that the mother-child relationship plays an important role in the optimal development of the child and his or her mother. This study confirmed the importance of understanding temperaments in the mother-child relationship. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Specialisation in Guidance & Counseling)

Die invloed van jaloesie tussen kinders in 'n gesin op die kind se selfkonsep

Rossouw, Carla 30 November 2003 (has links)
Educational Studies / M. Ed.

Spelterapeutiese riglyne ter bevordering van emosionele veerkragtigheid by egskeidingsgetraumatiseerde kinders

Wolhuter, Catharina Maria Louisa 30 November 2007 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Every year, a significant number of children are being traumatized by the divorce of their parents. The aim of this study was to provide a guideline for Gestalt play therapists to enhance the resilience of children in middle childhood who have been traumatized by the divorce of their parents. To achieve this goal, the researcher made use of both the qualitative and the quantitative method of data collection. Data were collected by means of a literature study, four case studies, a semistructured interview and two questionares. The integration of the data collected through the empirical investigation enabled the researcher to compile a guideline to assist Gestalt play therapists in enhancing the resilience of children in middle childhood, traumatized by the divorce of their parents. By utilizing this guideline, Gestalt play therapists can assist children to overcome the damaging effects of the divorce. Simultaneously, the children are being empowered with skills enabling them to successfully deal with future setbacks. / 'n Beduidende aantal kinders word jaarliks getraumatiseer weens die egskeiding van hul ouers. Die doel vir die studie was om 'n riglyn vir Gestaltspelterapeute saam te stel waarvolgens die emosionele veerkragtigheid van die egskeidingsgetraumatiseerde kind in die middelkinderjare bevorder kan word. Ten einde bogenoemde doel te bereik het die navorser inligting ingesamel aan die hand van sowel die kwalitatiewe as die kwantitatiewe benadering. Inligting is ingesamel deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie, vier gevallestudies, 'n semigestruktureerde onderhoud en twee vraelyste. Vanuit die prosessering en integrering van bevindinge tydens die empiriese ondersoek verkry, is 'n riglyn vir Gestaltspelterapeute saamgestel. Deur die riglyn te benut kan Gestaltspelterapeute egskeidingsgetraumatiseerde kinders help om die skadelike uitwerking van egskeiding te oorkom. Tegelyk word die kinders ook met vaardighede bemagtig wat hulle toerus om toekomstige teleurstelling, teenspoed en trauma effektief te hanteer. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Riglyne vir hulpverlening aan seksueel gemolesteerde kinders / Guidelines for aid to sexually abused children

Hood, Olga 06 1900 (has links)
Summary in English / Text in Afrikaans / Awareness of and interest in the incidence of sexual child abuse has been increasing. The current prominence of this phenomenon in south Africa, . is evidenced by reports in the printed and electronic media. A study of the prehistoric era, ancient civilizations, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and later shows that children have been sexua·lly abused throughout all ages. Yet, the sexual abuse of children is incompatible with the values and goals of authentic nurturing. i • Child sexuality can never ~e equated w1.th adult I sexuality. The child lacks the emotional~ mental, intellectual and physical capabilities to manage sexual contact with an adult person. He/ she is therefore not in a position to agree to intimate intercourse. This research project mainly focused on the relationship between the identification of and aid to the sexually abused child, and the personality functioning of adults who were sexually abused as children. An ontological-antropological approach to childhood has shown that the sexually abused child has the right to the school guidance teacher's respect for his dignity as child and a need for a response to his pain and yearning. The sexually abused child is situated in a distinctive lifeworld and sexual abuse has affective, social and physical consequences. Social relations are negatively affected and some children show self-destructive behavior. The establishment of an authentic and stable sexual identity is especially threatened. Children should be educated to resist the sexual advances of adults, while sexually abused children should be provided with adequate aid. Educators (guidance teachers) should therefore have the necessary guidelines at their disposal for the prevention and treatment of sexual child abuse. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Cesta ke změně a vítězství: projekt pro 3. ročník ZŠ s cílem osobnostního rozvoje s využitím metod a technik dramatické výchovy. Rozvoj schopnosti smysluplně žít svůj život, pozitivního přístupu k životu a k sobě sama a pozitivního programování si svých cílů / Journey to Change and Victory : The project has been developed based on the material for the 3rd grade of elementary school with the aim of using the method and technique of dramatic education to achieve personality development.

Heřmanská, Irena January 2012 (has links)
The work is focusing on children personality development in the sense of developing ability to live meaningful life, positive thinking and programming of own goals. Theoreti- cally are described key laws of life that children learn through the completed project. This projecttakesintoaccountandusesthepsychologicalassumptionsofrelevantagegroup.The project also applies methods and techniques of dramatic education.The result of the project is evaluation of the successfulness and effectiveness from the long term perspective and thereforeitscontributioninrelationtochildrenandtheirabilitytolivetheirlivesmeaningfully. Keywords: Dramatic education, positive thinking, programming of own goals, personality develo- pment, self-perception, conscious intentions, the power of thoughts

Ukucwaningwa kwamagama abaliswa emidlalweni kaLawrence Molefe : Izwe lizothini nethi Bahlukumezekile behlakaniphelana nje / (Analysis of character naming in Lawrence Molefe's plays : Izwe lizothini and Bahlukumezekile behlakaniphelana nje)

Tumane, Sylvia Puseletso 06 1900 (has links)
In isiZulu and English abstract / Lolu cwaningo lucubungula amagalelo kaLawrence Molefe ekubhaIweni kwemidlalo yakhe emibili ethi Bengithi Lizokuna kanye nethi Bahlukumezekile Behlakaniphelana Nje. Inhloso yocwaningo kule midlalo ukubheka ukuthi abalingiswa bayo bethiwe kanjani na? Lolu cwaningo luhamba luthinte izinsiza kuhlaziya esingathi amathiyori (theories) nendlela aytha abalingiswa bakhe ngayo kanye nesitayela esisetshenziswe umbhali kule midlalo yakhe emibili. Kukhethwe le mibhalo kaLawrence Molefe ukuze sibone ukuthi ingabe kukhona okusha esingakufunda kuye uma sibheka indlela aytha ngayo abalingiswa bakhe nokuthi uhambisana kanjani kuyiphiramidi kaFreytagi (1863). Lo msebenzi wehlukaniswe waba yizahluko eziyisithupha . Lolu cwaningo lubhekelele indlela elandelwayo uma kwethiwa amagama ukuthi ingabe indlela efanele nokuthi okuphi okumelwe kulandelwe uma kwethiwa amagama. Kubhekwa ukuthi ikuphi lokhu kubaluleka okuqukethwe ukuba khona kwegama emuntwini. Kuyazeka nokho ukuthi lolu hlobo locwaningo lunalo izingqinamba okuhlangatshezwana nazo okungaba ukungatholi izinsiza ezifanele ezizoba nolwazi olwanele mayelana nokwethiwa kwamagama ikakhulukazi asuke ebhalwe ngesiZulu. Kuyatholakala ukuthi kwezinye izilimi akuyona inkinga kangakho ukuthola ulwazi olusuke luxhumene nalo mkhakha. Miningi imiqulu ekhiqiziwe ewusizo ngezilimi zesiNgisi ikakhulukazi. Lokhu kusho ukuthi kumele umcwaningi embule ambulule azame ukuthi abe nezindlela eziphusile azokwazi ukuzisebenzisa ukuqhuba ucwaningo lwakhe. Kubuye kubeke umcwaningi ethubeni lokuthi abheke phela ukuthi izinhloso zocwaningo lwakhe ziwela emkhakheni wesikhashana esifushane noma wesikhathi eside. Kodwa lokhu kuchaza ukuthi azibhekelele lezo zinhloso uma eqhuba ucwaningo lwakhe. Kubalulekile ukuthi umcwaningi abheke ukuthi iyiphi ithiyori yokwethiwa kwamagama angase ayilandele nokuthi athini manye mathiyori na. Lokhu kubuye kweyame esifundweni esitholakala ekwethiweni kwamagama. Kuhle futhi ukuthi sethulelwe ukubaluleka kocwaningo lapho kubhekwe ukuthi yini ezocwaningwa emagameni abalingiswa nokuthi yini edala ugqozi olungaka noma intshisekelo yokwazi kabanzi ngokwethiwa kwamagama ikakhulukazi esiZulu. Kubalulekile futhi ukuthi kubhekwe noma kwethulwe izinsizakuhlaziya ucwaningo oluzohamba phezu kwazo ekwethiweni kwamagama. Nakuba inhloso isekutheni kubhekelelwe lawo esiZulu, kodwa kuhle kuphinde kubhekwe nakwezinye izilimi ukuthi ingabe eyabo indlela ihluke kanjani kweyesiZulu na?Ucwaningo lubuye lulandelele imvelaphi yombhali wezincwadi ezisuke zizocwaningwa ukuze kutholakale kabanzi ngobungaye nezinhloso zakhe ekubhaleni nokuthi uma kubhekwa umlando wakhe yini emenza ahluke kwabanye ababhali. Uma kuqhutshwa ucwaningo kuhle ukugxila ezindleleni ezizosetshenziswa ekuqoqeni ulwazi nezizolandelwa. Akupheleli lapho, kuhle ukuthola ukuthi abanye ongoti noma osolwazi bathini ngokucwaningwa kokwethiwa kwamagama. Kubuye kubhekwe ukuthi ucwaningo luzobhekiswa emibhalweni eyimidlalo lapho kubhekwa ukuthi abalingiswa bawuqhubekisa kanjani umdlalo ngendlela abasuke bethiwe ngayo. Lana kubhekwa imidlalo emibili ebhalwe ngu Molefe ethi ‘Izwe Lizothini’ kanye nothi ‘Bahlukumezekile Behlakaniphelana Nje. Kuhle ukuthi ukuthi umcwaningi athulele abahloli bakhe nomeluleki isithombe ngokuba ethule imidlalo ngamafuphi. Lokhu kuyobasiza ukuba bakwazi ukubona indlela abethiwe ngayo abalingiswa ukuthi kukhona yini okumele akulungise noma anconywe kukho. Ubuye abheke ukuthi kuyisakhiwo nesizinda sayo le midlalo abalingiswa balukhuphula kanjani izinga. Ucwaningo kumele lubheke futhi isitayela sombhali emdlalweni yomibili Izwe Lizothini kanye nothi Bahlukumezekile Behlakaniphelana Nje ukuthi sihluke kanjani kwabanye ababhali nokuthi sime kanjani. Lolu cwaningo kumele manje liyiphothule indima yalo ngokuba lethule okusuke kuhlaziywa, okuphi okuncomekayo okuphawuliwe nokuthi lapho kunegebe okumele livalwe kanjani. Kumele iphothulwe ngokuba kunikwe umhlahlandela ekuthuthukiseni ucwaningo lwalolu hlobo ikakhulukazi olimini lwesiZulu. / This research analyses the impact by Lawrence Molefe made as an author for two drama books known as Izwe Lizothini and Bahlukumezekile Behlakaniphelana Nje. The primary aim of the research in these drama books is to see how much power and influence is in naming of the characters and how have they been named? The research also focuses on theories and ways that can be used in naming characters as well as the style the author used in his two drama books that would be analyzed. The researcher has chosen drama books from the author Lawrence Molefe to see whether is there anything new that can be learnt from him on how he has name his characters. This will go to as far as analyzing how the author has name his characters and how his style of naming does fit in Freytag’s pyramid (1863). This research is divided into six chapters. This research also focuses on acceptable ways and methods that are being followed and used when naming the characters or even children at large. Analysis focuses on the importance of giving a name to a human being. It is also known that this kind of research has some challenges that are usually experienced. Challenges such as relevant resources that can be used in assisting a research especially when research conducted in naming is written in isiZulu. It is well known that these kinds of resources are widely and abundantly available in other languages. There are many resources whether it is books, articles or journals on naming or onomastics in English available. This simply says that it is imperative for the researcher to go all out in finding important ways that would be used in conducting the research. This also gives a researcher an opportunity to look into the aims and objectives of the analysis. The researcher will also be mindful of whether the analysis will be based on the short term or long term period. This means that the researcher will have to take into consideration the aims and objectives of the research. It is imperative for the researcher to be mindful of the theory that will be used in analyzing naming or onomastics and also look at other theories of onomastics. This lies on the theme or lesson that will be found in naming or giving a name in a character. The analysis needs to focus on the theory that focuses on naming . The research analysis also focuses on what will be analyzed on naming the characters and what inspires the research to be conducted especially giving Zulu names. It is important to look at the resources that will be used when conducting the research on naming. Even though, at this stage the focus is on analyzing Zulu names, it is also vital to look at how different analysis is on naming specifically in other languages. The research analysis also looks at the biography of the author regarding drama books that he published. This allows readers to know more about the author and what inspired his love of writing. This go beyond on finding more about the author and what makes him different from other authors when analyzing his name giving his characters. When conducting research analysis, ways or methods of collecting data or information needs to be clearly explained. Again, it is outmost vital to read what other onomasticians or linguists say about how to analyze name giving or naming. The focus is also on analyzing two literary dramas where attention is given to the role that characters play in ensuring that the story is a success of course with the help of how they have been named. We look at the impact their names have in the drama by just being given names. x The researcher also gives a summary or an overview of story from each book so that the supervisor and co-supervisor have understood what the story is about so that they are able to see how characters have been named. This also allows the researcher to see whether is there any gap that needs to be closed when analyzing naming in isiZulu nor commend on the good work done. It also allows the researcher to look at how names of the characters have impacted on plot and the structure of the drama. Research analysis has also to focus on the naming style used by the author in his two drama books namely Izwe Lizothini and Bahlukumezekile Behlakaniphelana Nje and how does his style differ from other authors. At the end, the research summarizes the role and the impact of name giving and its analysis, what are recommendations on the gap identified during the research and how to close challenges identified. The research is concluded by giving way forward or guidelines that would ensure that more researchers engage in analyzing naming in isiZulu and perhaps other African languages. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

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