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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da educa??o infantil ao ensino fundamental: o que contam as crian?as sobre essa travessia na cultura de escola

Monteiro, I?da Licurgo Gurgel Fernandes 29 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-08-16T21:04:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 IedaLicurgoGurgelFernandesMonteiro_DISSERT.pdf: 2706403 bytes, checksum: 67858444a0ff860a89d7d5025c68b7f0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-08-19T22:47:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 IedaLicurgoGurgelFernandesMonteiro_DISSERT.pdf: 2706403 bytes, checksum: 67858444a0ff860a89d7d5025c68b7f0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-19T22:47:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IedaLicurgoGurgelFernandesMonteiro_DISSERT.pdf: 2706403 bytes, checksum: 67858444a0ff860a89d7d5025c68b7f0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-29 / A partir de indaga??es sobre a crian?a como sujeito de direitos, este trabalho toma como objeto de estudo a percep??o de crian?as de 5 a 7 anos de idade sobre sua travessia da Educa??o Infantil para o Ensino Fundamental, na cultura de escola. O objetivo da pesquisa ? portanto investigar o que contam as crian?as em narrativas elaboradas numa roda de conversa sobre suas experi?ncias da vida escolar na Educa??o Infantil e no primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental. Participaram da pesquisa 18 crian?as de uma escola p?blica da cidade do Natal (RN). Foram realizadas cinco rodas de conversa em que contaram a um pequeno alien?gena que desconhecia a cultura escolar, o que elas sabiam sobre a escola e o que nela faziam. A pesquisa est? vinculada ao Projeto ?Narrativas infantis. O que contam as crian?as sobre as escolas da inf?ncia?? (Passeggi et all, 2011) e adota princ?pios epistemol?gicos e m?todos da pesquisa (auto)biogr?fica em educa??o, tomando como hip?tese de trabalho a capacidade da crian?a de refletir sobre suas experi?ncias e compreender, do seu ponto de vista, o que lhes acontece. As an?lises foram organizadas com base no conceito de cultura escolar (Barroso, 2012). Nas narrativas das crian?as, as tr?s dimens?es da cultura escolar: a funcionalista (finalidades e normas), a estruturalista (estrutura e organiza??o pedag?gica) e a interacionista (rela??o com o outro, com os espa?os e com o saber), se apresentam entrela?adas em suas percep??es da escola e sinalizam tens?es vivenciadas em um processo de ?convers?o? de crian?a em aluno(a). As crian?as demonstram perceber as singularidades de cada n?vel de ensino. Reconhecem como caracter?stica da Educa??o Infantil as atividades l?dicas e como injun??es do primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental o ?estudar?, o ?aprender a ler e escrever? para ?ser inteligente?, para ?mudar?. A escolariza??o vai assim se constituindo, aos seus olhos, como um tempo e um espa?o em que a cultura infantil d? lugar a cultura escolar, e nessa travessia experienciam que o desejo de brincar e o dever/querer estudar atravessam as tr?s dimens?es da cultura de escola. No final da viagem, confirma-se o estatuto da crian?as como seres culturais e de direitos, cujas narrativas sobre a escola e sobre suas experi?ncias de ?convers?o? em aluno(a)s muito revelam sobre o poder de reflex?o sobre elas mesmas, a escola e a sociedade na qual vivem, legitimando o seu lugar na pesquisa educacional e nas pol?ticas de aten??o ? inf?ncia. / From inquiries concerning the child as an individual with rights, this work takes as its object of study the perception of 5-7 years old children on their journey from kindergarten to elementary school, in a school culture. The objective of the research is, therefore, to investigate what the children tell in narratives drawn into a conversation circle about their experiences of school life in kindergarten and the first grade of elementary school. The participants were 18 children from a public school in the city of Natal (RN). Five rounds of conversation were held in which the children told a little alien, who was unaware of the school culture, what they knew about school and what they did at it. The research is linked to the project "Children's Narratives. What the children tell about childhood schools?"(Passeggi et all, 2011) and adopts epistemological principles and research methods of (auto)biographical education, taking as a working hypothesis the child's ability to reflect on their experiences and understand from their point of view, what happens to them. Analyses were organized based on the concept of school culture (Barroso, 2012). In the narratives of children, the three dimensions of school culture: the functionalist (purpose and rules), structural (structure and pedagogical organization) and the interactional (relations with others, with the spaces and with knowledge) are considered intertwined in their school perceptions and signal experienced tensions in a process of "conversion" from child to student. Children seem to realize the uniqueness of each level of education. They recognize as a characteristic of early childhood education the recreational activities, and as injunctions of the first year of elementary school the "study", "learning to read and write" to "be smart" to "change." The schooling will thus, constitute, in their eyes, as a time and a place where the children's culture gives way to school culture, and in this journey they experience that the desire to play and the duty/want to study cross the three dimensions of school. At the end of the journey, the status of children as cultural beings with rights is confirmed, whose narratives about school and about their experiences of "conversion" in a student, reveal much about the power of reflection on themselves, the school and the society in which they live, legitimizing their place in educational research and in child care policies.

Crian?as e investiga??o: aspectos te?rico-metodol?gicos e cuidados ?ticos nas produ??es dos grupos de pesquisa da UFRN

Tinoco, Antonielli Jatob? Bezerra 19 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-06-23T19:39:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AntonielliJatobaBezerraTinoco_DISSERT.pdf: 3301408 bytes, checksum: 02587cba4107f12626c6d822a5cc1b88 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-27T18:04:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AntonielliJatobaBezerraTinoco_DISSERT.pdf: 3301408 bytes, checksum: 02587cba4107f12626c6d822a5cc1b88 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-27T18:04:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AntonielliJatobaBezerraTinoco_DISSERT.pdf: 3301408 bytes, checksum: 02587cba4107f12626c6d822a5cc1b88 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-19 / Os conceitos de inf?ncia fazem parte de uma constru??o cultural, variando conforme a hist?ria em sua diversidade pol?tica, econ?mica e social. Os nomes ?inf?ncia?, bem como ?crian?a?, n?o existiam como unidade de sentido em per?odos anteriores ? modernidade, refor?ando o car?ter hist?rico dos mesmos, conceitos esses que foram constru?dos socialmente tal como defende a Psicologia S?cio Hist?rica, perspectiva te?rica que dar? suporte a esta pesquisa. Diante desse contexto ? necess?rio fazer a distin??o conceitual entre inf?ncia e crian?a j? que muitos autores os utilizam como sin?nimos. Sobre isso, Siqueira (2011) diferencia os termos ao dizer que crian?a e inf?ncia s?o interdependentes, n?o sendo poss?vel deixar de apreender na crian?a a inf?ncia, nem mesmo reconhecer na inf?ncia uma express?o da crian?a, contudo as duas categorias n?o s?o as mesmas, se constituindo como categorias hist?ricas e sociais; a crian?a revela o indiv?duo e a inf?ncia revela o tempo em que esse indiv?duo se constitui e constr?i sua hist?ria. A Sociologia da Inf?ncia faz a distin??o dos termos e traz mudan?a na abordagem do pesquisador adulto junto ?s crian?as, objetivando dar voz ? crian?a. Quando se trata de definir o papel das crian?as nas pesquisas, o pesquisador deve levar em considera??o v?rios crit?rios relevantes, como a idade, o g?nero, o tempo, a escuta dos adultos pr?ximos ?s crian?as, o n?vel de linguagem e escolaridade e quais as crian?as que ser?o ouvidas em um grupo. Diante de tantas especificidades, surgem alguns questionamentos: como as crian?as est?o sendo ouvidas nas pesquisas? Quais condi??es essas crian?as assumem nessa investiga??o cient?fica? E os cuidados ?ticos, est?o sendo espec?ficos para esse p?blico-alvo? ? a partir desta discuss?o, considerando-se a import?ncia da participa??o das crian?as em pesquisas que se estabelece o objetivo desta, qual seja, analisar os aspectos te?rico-metodol?gicos e os cuidados ?ticos considerados no processo de pesquisa com crian?as, por pesquisadores da UFRN, apresentando como objetivos espec?ficos: analisar e discutir, a partir dos relat?rios de pesquisa, os procedimentos ?ticos adotados e os m?todos utilizados em pesquisas com crian?as. Definido o objetivo, iniciou-se uma busca dos Grupos de Pesquisa da UFRN no SIGAA com intuito de selecionarmos aqueles que investigam crian?as para serem participantes de nossa pesquisa. Dentre os Centros da UFRN, selecionamos o Centro de Ci?ncias Sociais Aplicadas - CCSA, o Centro de Ci?ncias Humanas, Letras e Artes - CCHLA, o Centro de Bioci?ncias - CB e o Centro de Ci?ncias da Sa?de - CCS, totalizando 64 relat?rios finalizados a serem analisados. Assim, neste estudo, optamos pela an?lise documental dos relat?rios finalizados dos projetos de pesquisa dos professores/pesquisadores da UFRN como procedimento para a constru??o do corpus da pesquisa. A an?lise dos dados foi realizada a partir da An?lise de Conte?do Tem?tica em que foram estabelecidas as seguintes categorias: conceito de inf?ncia, conceito de crian?a, faixa et?ria dos sujeitos pesquisados, contexto da pesquisa, cuidados te?rico-metodol?gicos adotados e cuidados ?ticos. Espera-se que este estudo contribua com reflex?es acerca dos cuidados ?ticos e te?rico-metodol?gicos em investiga??es com crian?as. / The concepts of childhood are part of a cultural construction and vary throughout history politically, economically and socially. Nouns such as "childhood" and "child" did not exist as sense of unity in periods prior to modernity, reinforcing their historical character as concepts that have been socially constructed as profess the Historical Social Psychology, theoretical perspective which will support this research. The sociology of childhood distinguishes the terms and changes the approach toward the adult researcher approach with respect to children, aiming to give voice to the child. When it comes to defining the role of children in research, the researcher must take into consideration several relevant criteria such as age, gender, time, listening to the adults close to the children, the level of language and education and which children that will be heard in a group. It is from this discussion, considering the importance of children's participation in the research that are established the purpose of this work, namely, to analyze the theoretical and methodological aspects and ethical guidelines considered in the research process with children, by researchers at the UFRN, presenting as specific objectives: analyze and discuss, from research reports, the adopted ethical procedures and methods used in research with children. Set the goal, it was made a search of the UFRN Research Groups in SIGAA in order to select those which investigate children for participating in our survey. Among the centers of UFRN, we selected the Health Sciences Centre - CCSA, the Humanities Center, Letters and Arts - CCHLA, the Biosciences Center - CB and the Health Sciences Center - CCS, a total of 64 finalized reports to be analyzed. And here it is the observation that the foolish reports were not analyzed for ethical reasons as the guiding of this dissertation is the coordinator of the research group mentioned. In this study, we chose the documentary analysis of the finalized reports from UFRN research projects teachers / researchers as procedure to set up the corpus of the research. Data analysis was performed from the qualitative analysis in the following categories were established: the concept of childhood, concept of child, age of the subjects, the research context, theoretical and methodological care adopted and ethical care. It is hoped that this study will contribute with reflections on the ethical and theoretical and methodological care on research with children. The research showed how some of the results: significant number of reports excluded by repetition, most reports did not bring any closing remarks, no different procedures for children, with rare exceptions, the ethical issue was not mentioned in 50% of reports.

Faz de conta que eu cresci: o processo de transi??o da educa??o infantil para o ensino fundamental

Martinati, Adriana Zampieri 12 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Adriana Zampieri Martinati.pdf: 4869657 bytes, checksum: acf4ce5f7119bf55d063cea6eefd9b99 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-12 / The transition from Childhood Education (Educa??o Infantil EI) to Elementary School (Ensino Fundamental EF) is the topic of this study, which presents as main objective to analyze this passage from the perspective of their main characters, the children and teachers. The Brazilian Law number 11.274/06 has broadened the duration of EF to 9 years, having children entering at 6 years old; and the official documents prescribe that the transition from EI to EF shall not happen in an abrupt way, because it is a potential moment of breaches and crises which may interfere on the child s bio-psychological development. Such moment shall be lived in the most productive way possible. In this sense, the issue on this research has been formulated in the following way: How has the process of school transaction from EI to the nine-year EF taken place in both schools segment?. The specific objects are: (i) analyzing the children s interpretation on their experiences in EI and EF, (ii) identifying the teachers actions regarding the passage from EI to EF; and (iii) identifying the teachers conceptions on the mandatory entrance of six-year-old children in EF. The method, of qualitative nature, is based on the school transition process, which happens in two moments: Phase I, completed with a group of 10 children between 5 and 6 years old in a Childhood Education Municipal School (Escola Municipal de Educa??o Infantil EMEI); Phase II, completed with 4 children who were part of the previous EI group, but who now are in the 1st year of EF in an Elementary Municipal School (Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental EMEF), aged between 6 and 7 years old. The research instruments have been: (i) documental analysis (of the pedagogical projects in EMEI and EMEF), (ii) questionnaire for the parents, (iii), participative observation, (iv) semi-structured interview with teachers in EMEI and EMEF, (v) (reflexive and narrative) interview with the children; and (vi) drawing. The empirical material has been recorded in video and there was a daily field registration, besides, the drawings produced by the children have been kept. The results of the research indicate the absence of reciprocal references about the school transaction in both school units, which do not exist on the pedagogical projects and on the school day-by-day. There is not a systematic work on the children s future lives in EMEI; their entrance on the EMEFs is only mentioned when the children show curiosity about their new school. They know the new school will be different, and they want to change, most likely because the elementary school is socially valued. Also, in EMEF, there are few references on the children s previous lives, and it is as if a new child was born, who must adjust to the new reality through silence and body control. In this scenario, the playing, which, in the Historical-cultural theory, is the main activity of the child, is cramped. Because of the breach, the lack of articulation and of continuity in the pedagogical work, some children have signed suffering in the process of adaptation; and others, subverting the established order, have presented frequent small playful episodes during classes, somehow attenuating the loss of playing. EI and EF children give a great importance to playing; and a systematic work on the school transaction would cause relevant contributions, moreover in EF, where there is the diminution of playful activities. Therefore there is an urgent need of articulating actions between EI and EF and investing on the initial and ongoing formation of teachers, mainly regarding playful activities from the Historical-cultural theory point of view, especially when these activities are considered to be the instrument for developing superior psychological functions. The problems noticed on the implementation of the new nine-year EF are also a consequence of how the public agencies prescribe, as in laws and regulations, but do not provide, which indicates the need for debates on what our education project for childhood really is. / A transi??o da Educa??o Infantil (EI) para o Ensino Fundamental (EF) foi o tema deste trabalho, que apresentou como principal objetivo analisar essa passagem na perspectiva de seus protagonistas, as crian?as e os professores. A Lei n? 11.274/06 ampliou a dura??o do EF para 9 anos com ingresso da crian?a aos seis anos de idade e os documentos oficiais prescrevem que a transi??o da EI para o EF n?o ocorra de maneira abrupta, pois ? um momento potencial de rupturas e crises que incidem sobre o desenvolvimento biopsicol?gico da crian?a, devendo ser vivenciada de maneira mais produtiva poss?vel. Assim, o problema da presente pesquisa foi formulado da seguinte maneira: Como se tem constitu?do o processo de transi??o escolar da EI para o EF de nove anos em institui??es de ambos segmentos? . Os objetivos espec?ficos foram: (i) analisar as interpreta??es das crian?as sobre suas experi?ncias na EI e no EF, (ii) identificar as a??es das professoras relativas ? passagem da EI para o EF e (iii) identificar as concep??es das professoras sobre a obrigatoriedade do ingresso da crian?a de seis anos no EF. O m?todo, de natureza qualitativa, foi constitu?do no processo de transi??o escolar, ocorrida em dois momentos: Fase I, realizada com um grupo de 10 crian?as de 5 e 6 anos de idade de uma Escola Municipal de Educa??o Infantil (EMEI); Fase II, feita com 4 crian?as do grupo da EI, mas, agora, ingressantes do 1? ano do EF de uma Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental (EMEF), com idades entre 6 e 7 anos. Os instrumentos de pesquisa foram: (i) an?lise documental (projetos pedag?gicos da EMEI e da EMEF), (ii) question?rio com os pais, (iii), observa??o participante, (iv) entrevista semiestruturada com as professoras da EMEI e da EMEF, (v) entrevista com as crian?as (reflexiva e narrativa) e (vi) produ??o de desenhos. O material emp?rico foi videogravado e houve o registro em di?rio de campo e tamb?m de desenhos produzidos pelas crian?as. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram aus?ncias de refer?ncias rec?procas sobre a transi??o escolar em ambas as institui??es de ensino, inexistentes nos projetos pedag?gicos e no cotidiano escolar. N?o h? um trabalho sistem?tico sobre a vida futura das crian?as na EMEI; men??es quanto ao seu ingresso em EMEFs s?o feitas apenas quando elas manifestam curiosidade sobre a nova escola. As crian?as sabem que a nova escola ser? diferente e querem mudar, muito provavelmente porque a escola de ensino fundamental ? socialmente valorizada. Tamb?m na EMEF, h? poucas refer?ncias ? vida pregressa das crian?as, pois ? como se nascesse uma nova crian?a, que tem que se ajustar ? nova realidade por meio do sil?ncio e do controle corporal. Nesse cen?rio, tolhe-se o brincar, que dentro da Teoria Hist?rico-Cultural, ? a principal atividade da crian?a. Em fun??o da ruptura, da desarticula??o e descontinuidade do trabalho pedag?gico, algumas crian?as sinalizaram sofrimento no processo de adapta??o e outras, subvertendo a ordem estabelecida, realizaram frequentes microepis?dios l?dicos em sala de aula, de certo modo, atenuando a perda do brincar. As crian?as da EI e do EF atribuem grande import?ncia ao brincar e um trabalho sistem?tico sobre a transi??o escolar traria contribui??es relevantes, sobretudo no EF, onde h? o esmaecimento da atividade l?dica. Portanto, urge a necessidade de a??es articuladoras entre a EI e o EF e o investimento na forma??o inicial e continuada de docentes, principalmente no que diz respeito ? atividade l?dica ? luz da Teoria Hist?rico-Cultural, sobretudo, quando se considera esta atividade como instrumento do desenvolvimento das fun??es psicol?gicas superiores. Os problemas evidenciados sobre a implanta??o do novo EF s?o tamb?m consequ?ncia da forma pela qual o poder p?blico prescreve, como em leis e normas, mas n?o prov?, indicando a necessidade de debates sobre qual ?, de fato, nosso projeto para a educa??o da inf?ncia.

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