Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tests control"" "subject:"tests coontrol""
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Mecanismos de resistência e resposta aos herbicidas inibidores da ALS e da PROTOX em Euphorbia heterophylla LXavier, Elouize 25 February 2014 (has links)
Euphorbia heterophylla (EPHHL) é uma importante planta daninha na agricultura
mundial, e a resistência aos herbicidas dificulta ainda mais o seu controle. Assim,
conhecer o nível de resistência, os seus mecanismos e a persistência destas
populações resistentes nas lavouras é fundamental para o estabelecimento de
estratégias de prevenção e manejo. Foram realizados experimentos, objetivando
estudar a resistência de EPHHL aos herbicidas inibidores da ALS e PROTOX nos
níveis bioquímico, de planta e populacional. O capítulo I objetivou confirmar a
ocorrência de resistência aos inibidores da ALS e determinar se existe resistência
cruzada aos herbicidas dos grupos químicos das imidazolinona, sulfoniluréia,
pirimidil-benzoato e sulfonanilida em biótipos de EPHHL com resistência múltipla
(ALS e PROTOX). O capítulo II objetivou confirmar a existência de novos biótipos de
EPHHL com resistência a PROTOX nos estados do Paraná e Rondônia e determinar
se existe resistência cruzada aos herbicidas dos grupos químicos difeniléteres,
ftalamida, triazolinona, oxadiazol e pirimidinedione. O capítulo III objetivou comparar a atividade da enzima ALS de biótipos com resistência múltipla com biótipo
suscetível, na ausência e na presença dos herbicidas inibidores enzimáticos imazapyr, imazethapyr e nicosulfuron. O capítulo IV objetivou caracterizar as atividades das enzimas peroxidase, catalase e superóxido dismutase, em biótipos de EPHHL suscetível e com resistência múltipla, pela aplicação de herbicidas inibidores da PROTOX. E o capítulo V objetivou identificar a persistência de populações resistentes aos inibidores da ALS de EPHHL em lavouras da região Sudoeste e Oeste do Paraná que apresentavam resistência em levantamento prévio e verificar a existência de resistência de EPHHL ao glifosato nestas lavouras. Os resultados destes capítulos confirmaram que os biótipos de EPHHL Bom Sucesso do Sul, Vitorino, Vilhena e Medianeira, com suspeita de resistência múltipla aos inibidores da ALS e PROTOX, apresentam a resistência aos herbicidas inibidores da ALS e da PROTOX e esta sendo cruzada aos 4 grupos químicos dos inibidores da ALS e aos 5 grupos químicos dos inibidores da PROTOX, testados. A resistência dos biótipos de EPHHL aos inibidores da ALS é atribuída à menor sensibilidade da enzima a estes herbicidas. A atividade das enzimas antioxidantes superóxido dismutase, peroxidase e catalase, para os biótipos resistentes e suscetível é dependente do herbicida e da dose utilizada e pode ser um dos mecanismos envolvidos na
resistência aos inibidores da PROTOX. Os biótipos de EPHHL resistentes aos herbicidas inibidores da ALS permanecem nas áreas mesmo após longo período de constatação da resistência. Plantas de EPHHL com resistência aos inibidores da PROTOX também permanecem nas áreas, no entanto em menor frequência. / Euphorbia heterophylla (EPHHL) is an important weed species in world agriculture
and its control becomes difficult due to herbicide resistance. To develop proper
EPHHL management strategies it is important to know the level and the mechanisms
of resistance and persistence of resistant populations in the fields. Experiments were
carried out to study the resistance of EPHHL to ALS and PROTOX inhibitors at
biochemical, plant and population levels. The objectives on chapter I are to confirm
the occurrence of resistance to ALS inhibitors and to determine whether there is
cross resistance to other chemical groups, such as imidazolinone, sulfonylurea,
pyrimidinyl (thio) benzoates and triazolopyrimidines in biotypes of EPHHL with
multiple resistance (ALS and PROTOX). The objectives on chapter II are to confirm
the existence of new EPHHL biotypes with resistance PROTOX in the states of
Paraná and Rondônia and to determine whether there is cross resistance to other
chemical group, such as diphenyl ethers, N-phenyl-phthalimide, triazolinone,
oxadiazole and pyrimidinedione. The objectives on chapter III are to evaluate the
activity of the ALS enzyme from biotypes with multiple resistance and to compare it to
the enzyme activity of susceptible population in the absence and in the presence of the herbicides imazapyr, imazethapyr and nicosulfuron. The objectives on chapter IV is to characterize the activity of several antioxidant enzymes, such as peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase in EPHHL biotypes treated with PROTOXinhibiting herbicides. The objective on chapter V are to identify the persistence of EPHHL populations resistant to ALS inhibitors on fields from Southwest and Western Paraná that were resistant in a previous survey and check for resistance to
glyphosate in EPHHL these crops. The results support the hypothesis that EPHHL
biotypes from Bom Sucesso do Sul, Vitorino, Vilhena and Medianeira have multiple
resistance to ALS and PROTOX inhibitors. Four EPHHL biotypes are cross-resistant
to all ALS chemical groups and five populations are cross-resistant to the PROTOX
inhibitors tested. The resistance to ALS inhibitors on the EPHHL biotypes evaluated
is attributed to the lower sensitivity of the herbicide target enzyme. The activity of all antioxidant enzymes, both on the resistant and susceptible biotypes, is dependent of the herbicide and on the dose used and can be one of the mechanisms of resistance to PROTOX inhibitors. The biotypes of EPHHL resistant to ALS-inhibiting herbicides remain in the area even after long-term observation of resistance. The resistance to PROTOX inhibitors also remains in areas, but less frequently.
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Associação de pós vegetais e Bacillus thuringiensis para o controle de Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) / Association between Bacillus thuringiensis and vegetable powders for the control of Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)Alencar, Rafael Vido de 18 September 2015 (has links)
O inseto-praga de maior importância na produção avícola mundial é Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), conhecido como cascudinho de aviário. Sua presença nos galpões avícolas ocasiona diversos prejuízos à cadeia, sendo eles, ransmissores de patógenos, perdas no ganho de peso das aves, danificação de instalações, prejuízos nas carcaças. O controle de A. diaperinus é feito principalmente com produtos químicos sintéticos que trazem malefícios como a contaminação do ambiente, deixam resíduos nas carcaças dos animais e contaminação de aplicadores. Desta forma, é necessário encontrar novas alternativas de controle que visam minimizar impactos ligados à produtividade e ao meio ambiente. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de pós vegetais e Bacillus thuringiensis e a associação destes sobre larvas e adultos de A. diaperinus, em condições de laboratório. Foram testadas três linhagens de B. thuringiensis, ips82, br147 e br81, na concentração de 3x 108, adicionados à ração para aves. A mistura foi dividida em cinco placas de acrílico com 12 poços cada, sendo alocadas 12 larvas ou 12 adultos de A. diaperinus em cada poço. As plantas utilizadas para a obtenção dos pós vegetais foram arruda, pitanga, menta e laranjeira na concentração de 20%. Os pós (20g) foram adicionados e misturados a 80 g de ração de frangos esterilizada. A mistura foi dividida em cinco partes e adicionada em placas de petri, sendo alocadas 20 larvas ou 20 adultos de A. diaperinus em cada repetição. A associação dos métodos consistiu na preparação de suspensões das linhagens br 81 ips 82 e br 147 de B. thuringiensis, na concentração 3 × 108 UFC/mL à concentração do pó vegetal (5%) de pitanga incluídos em 22,8 g de ração comercial para frangos. Todos os experimentos foram avaliados a mortalidade dos cascudinhos, durante dez dias. O extrato de pitanga ocasionou 63,73% de mortalidade acumulada em larvas de cascudinho, diferindo dos demais extratos. Já para a mortalidade em adultos, a pintanga e a laranja 70% e 61,55% respectivamente diferiram significamente da testemunha. No experimento com Bt para larvas as três subespécies diferiram significamente da testemunha, apresentando mortalidade acumulada respectivamente de 60%, 55% e 61,66%, já a testemunha apresentou apenas 15%. Para adultos as três subespécies não diferiram significamente da testemunha. A associação de métodos apresentou mortalidade para larvas, significativamente se comparado com a testemunha, porém apenas o tratamento 3 (br81+5% de extrato de pitanga) obteve acima de 55% de mortalidade. Para adultos os tratamentos 2 (ips82+5% de extrato de pitanga) e 3 (br81+5% de extrato de pitanga) ocasionaram mortalidade significativamente se comparados com a testemunha. A associação de bactéria com extrato apresentou efeito inseticida para larvas e adultos. / The most important insect pest in the global poultry production is Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), known as avian mealworm. This insect can be vector of pathogens, thus its presence in poultry houses results in several losses to the productive chain, such as reduction of weight gain and damages of carcasses. The control A. diaperinus is done mainly with synthetic chemicals that are harmful to the environment, leave residues in the meat and contaminate the workers. Therefore, new alternative of controls that minimize impacts related to productivity and the environment are needed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of vegetable powders, Bacillus thuringiensis and their association upon A. diaperinus larvae and adults at laboratory conditions. Three B. thuringiensis strains have been tested, ips82, br147 and br81, at concentration of 3x108 colony forming unit/ml added to poultry food. The mixture was divided in five acrylic dishes with 12 wells each and 20 larvae or adults of A. diaperinus were allocated in each well. Plants used for vegetable powders were rue, surinam cherry, mint and orange at concentration of 20%. The powders (20g) were added and mixed to 80g of sterilized feed for chickens. The mixture was divided in five parts and added to Petri dishes, where 20 larvae or adults of A. diaperinus were allocated in each replicate. The association of methods consisted in preparing suspensions of B. thuringiensis strains, br81, ips82 and br147 at the concentration of 3x108 spores/ml to the vegetable powder (5%) included in 22.8g of commercial feed for chicken. The mealworm mortality was assessed in all experiments for 10 days. Surinam cherry extract caused 63.73% accumulated mortality of the mealworm larvae, differing from the other extracts. As for mortality of adults, surinam cherry and orange presented 70% and 61.55% respectively with significant difference from the control. The three B. thuringiensis strains differed significantly from the control group for larvae cumulative mortality resulting respectively in 60%, 55% and 61.66%, whereas control group was only 15%. No significant differences were observed for adults. The association of methods presented significant larvae mortality when compared to the control, but only treatment 3 (br81 + 5% surinam cherry extract) presented over than 55% mortality. Treatment 2 (ips 82 + 5% surinam cherry extract) caused significant mortality in adults. Therefore, B. thuringiensis associated with vegetable powders at the described concentrations and associations showed insecticidal effect on larvae and adults of A. diaperinus.
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Efeito de entomopatógenos e extratos vegetais sobre Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) / Effect of entomopathogens and plant extracts on Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae)Silva, Rita Tatiane Leão da 30 May 2014 (has links)
Fundação Araucária / Escassas são as informações sobre os efeitos dos entomopatógenos e extratos vegetais sobre organimos não alvos, como os polinizadores, em especial as abelhas Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Neste sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de micro-organismos entomopatogênicos e extratos vegetais sobre A. mellifera. Para isto, os entomopatógenos Metarhizium anisopliae (Metarril® WP) Beauveria bassiana (Boveril® WP) e Bacillus thuringiensies subespécie Kurstaki (Thuricide® WP) e os extratos vegetais de Romã (Punica granatum L.), Chapéu-de-couro (Echinodorus grandiflorus), Manjerona (Origanum majorana L.), Camomila (Matricaria recutita L.) foram avaliados sobre as operárias de A. mellifera em quatro diferentes formas de aplicação: 1- pulverização direta dos tratamentos sobre as abelhas operárias ; 2- contato em superfície vítrea pulverizada com os tratamentos; 3- contato com as folhas de soja imersas na solução dos tratamentos e 4- misturando-se os tratamentos na pasta Cândi. Para as respectivas testemunhas utilizou-se água destilada esterilizada e pasta Cândi pura. Cada tratamento foi composto por cinco repetições, com 20 abelhas por repetição, estas foram acondicionadas em caixa gerbox e posteriormente em câmara climatizada tipo B.O.D. (27 ± 2 °C, U.R. 60% ± 10%, fotofase de 12 h). A mortalidade/sobrevivência das operárias foi avaliada a partir da uma hora até ás 240 horas, sendo os dados submetidos ao procedimento Bayesiano. As operárias mortas pela ingestão de pasta Cândi contaminada foram separadas e selecionadas aleatoriamente para a retirada do mesêntero (ventrículo) e posterior análise histológica. Os mesmos foram avaliados quanti e qualitativamente.Os produtos Boveril®, Metarril® e Thuricide® e os extratos vegetais de Manjerona, Camomila, Romã e Chapéu-de-couro reduziram a sobrevivência das operárias de A. mellifera. Verificou-se que o produto Boveril® e o extrato vegetal de Manjerona reduziram a sobrevivência das operárias de A. mellifera em todos os bioensaios realizados. Os tratamentos com os produtos biológicos comerciais Boveril® e Thuricide® provocaram alterações morfológicas no mesêntero de A. mellifera, quando alimentadas com pasta Cândi incorporada com esses produtos. Os extratos vegetais Manjerona e Romã causaram modificações morfométricas, reduzindo o comprimento de células do mesêntero de A. mellifera,mas sem causar alterações morfológicas.Estes resultados fornecem informações importantes para o manejo dos insetos-pragas com o intuito de preservar os agentes polinizadores. / Information on the effects of plant extracts and entomopathogens on non-target organisms such as pollinators, especially bees Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) are scarce. In this sense, the present work aimed to evaluate the effect of entomopathogenic microorganisms and plant extracts on A. mellifera. For this, the entomopathogenic Metarhizium anisopliae (Metarril® WP), Beauveria bassiana (Boveril® WP) and Bacillus thuringiensies subspecies Kurstaki (Thuricide® WP) and plant extracts of Romã (Punica granatum L.), Chapéu-de-couro (Echinodorus grandiflorus), Manjerona (Origanum majorana L.), Camomila (Matricaria recutita L.) were evaluated on the workers of A. mellifera in four different forms of application: 1 - direct spray of treatments on the worker bees; 2- contact in a glass surface sprayed with the treatments; 3- contact with soybean leaves immersed in the solution treatments and 4- mixing the treatments in a paste Candi pure. For the respective controls it has been used sterile distilled water and paste Candi pure. Each treatment consisted of five replicates, with 20 bees per replication, and these were placed in Gerboxes and later in a climate chamber type B.O.D. (27 ± 2 °C, U.R. 60% ± 10%, photoperiod of 12 h). The mortality / survival of the workers were assessed from one hour to 240 hours, and the data submitted to the Bayesian procedure. The workers bee killed by the ingestion of contaminated Candi paste were separated and randomly selected for the withdrawal of the midgut (ventricle) and subsequent histological analysis. The same quality and quantity have been assessed. The products Boveril®, Metarril® and Thuricide® and the plant extract of Manjerona, Camomila, Romã e Chapéu-de-couro have decreased the survival of A. mellifera workers. It has been found that the product Boveril® and the plant extract of Manjerona have reduced the survival of A. mellifera workers in all bioassays performed. The treatments with the biological commercial products Boveril® and Thuricide® caused morphological changes in the midgut of A. mellifera, when they were fed with Candi paste incorporated to these products.The plant extracts of Manjerona and Romã caused morphological changes, reducing the length of the midgut cells of A. mellifera, but without causing morphological changes. These results provide important information for the management of insect pests in order to conserve pollinator’s agents.
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Ácaros predadores do Estado de São Paulo, com ênfase em Laelapidae (Acari: Mesostigmata), com potencial de uso no controle de pragas de solo / Predatory mites of the State of São Paulo, with emphasis on Laelapidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) potentially useful for the control of soil pestsRenata Angélica Prado Freire 23 March 2007 (has links)
A fauna edáfica em ecossistemas naturais é grande e variada, envolvendo em escala considerável os ácaros. Dentre os vários grupos de ácaros presentes no solo, destaca-se a Ordem Mesostigmata, por compreender um grande número de espécies, muitas das quais predadoras de outros artrópodes edáficos. Diversas pragas agrícolas, como espécies de ácaros, tripes e dípteros da família Sciaridae vivem no solo ou nele passam parte do seu ciclo. Tem-se verificado em outros países que algumas dessas pragas são atacadas e podem em certos casos ser controladas por predadores Mesostigmata. Entre os predadores mais estudados deste grupo estão os pertencentes à família Laelapidae. O Brasil tem sido citado como um país de "mega-diversidade" biológica. Compete aos pesquisadores despenderem esforços no sentido de detectar a possibilidade de uso prático desta diversidade. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram a elaboração de um catálogo com informações taxonômicas para espécies de Laelapidae pertencentes às subfamílias Hypoaspidinae e Melittiphinae que ocorrem no mundo, a identificação dos gêneros de ácaros Mesostigmata edáficos e das espécies de ácaros da família Laelapidae coletados em trabalhos anteriores e que permaneciam não identificados na coleção acarológica do Laboratório de Acarologia da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"-Universidade de São Paulo, a descrição de espécies novas de Laelapidae encontradas naquele material; a elaboração de chaves taxonômicas para auxiliar na distinção dos gêneros mencionados no catálogo elaborado e das espécies determinadas neste estudo, a avaliação preliminar do uso prático de predadores encontrados naturalmente no Estado de São Paulo para o controle de pragas edáficas e o desenvolvimento de um método para a produção massal de uma espécie daquele grupo. Foram realizadas buscas em bancos de dados para a detecção de bibliografia para a elaboração do catálogo, o qual é de grande utilidade para o desenvolvimento de trabalhos com a família Laelapidae, reunindo informações taxonômicas e referências a gêneros e espécies dispersos na literatura internacional. Esse catálogo contém informações sobre 792 espécies que constituem as subfamílias Hypoaspidinae e Melittiphinae. Com base nas características dos ácaros coletados e na literatura, foram elaboradas chaves taxonômicas, fundamentais para pesquisadores que trabalham com Mesostigmata de solo do Estado de São Paulo. Foram coletados ácaros predadores da família Laelapidae em áreas naturais para a realização de testes que indicaram seu potencial de uso em programas de controle biológico de pragas edáficas de várias culturas. Cosmolaelaps sp. n. e Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Womersley) mostraram um bom potencial como agentes de controle biológico sobre pragas de solo. Estimulados pelos resultados obtidos por pesquisadores em outros países com o uso de ácaros Laelapidae no controle de pragas edáficas, e em função da presente demanda de agricultores paulistas, desenvolveu-se também neste trabalho um método de criação massal de um daqueles predadores, Stratiolaelaps scimitus. / The edaphic fauna in natural ecosystems is large and diverse, involving the mites in large scale. Among the groups of soil mites, the Order Mesostigmata is of great importance, because it contains a large number of species, many of which are predators of other edaphic arthropods. Several agricultural pests, as mites, thrips and Sciaridae flies, live in the soil or spend part of their cycles in it. It has been verified in other countries that some of these pests are attacked and in some cases can be controlled by Mesostigmata predators. Some of the best studies predators of this group are species of Laelapidae. Brazil has been cited as a country of " biological megadiversity" . It is expected that the Brazil?s researchers dedicate efforts to detect the possible practical use of this diversity. The objectives of this work were the publication of a catalog with taxonomic information on the world species on the subfamilies Hypoaspidinae and Melittiphinae (Laelapidae), the identification of the genera of edaphic Mesostigmata and of the species of laelapids collected in previous works and remaining unidentified in the acarology collection of the Acarology Laboratory of Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" -Universidade de São Paulo, the description of new species of Laelapidae found in that material, the construction of taxonomic keys to assist in the separation of the genera mentioned in the catalog and of the species determined in this study, the preliminary evaluation of the practical use of predators naturally occurring in the State of São Paulo for the control of edaphic pests and the development of the mass production of a species of that group. Literature searches were conducted to detect publications to be included in the catalog, which is of great importance for the development research on Laelapidae, for putting together taxonomic information and references on the genera and species of this family that is disperse in international literature. Based on the characteristics of the collected mites and literature information, taxonomic keys, fundamental tools for researchers that work with edaphic Mesostigmata of the State of São Paulo, were prepared. Laelapid species were collected in natural areas to test their potential use in programs of biological control of edaphic pests. Stimulated by the results of authors of other countries in relation to the use of laelapid mites in the control of edaphic pests, and because of the present demand of growers of the State of São Paulo, a method of mass production of those predators was also developed in this work.
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Efeitos de novaluron, glifosato e Metarhizium rileyi sobre o sistema imune, parâmetros biológicos e metabolismo redox de Anticarsia gemmatalisVisentin, Ana Paula Vargas 14 December 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES
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Efeito de terpenóides e extratos vegetais sobre carnorhabditis elegansOnzi, Angélica Carla 07 February 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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RNA viruses of Sphaeropsis sapinea and Diaporthe ambigua and their possible use as biological control agentsMoleleki, Ntsane 28 November 2005 (has links)
Sphaeropsis sapinea and Diaporthe ambigua are important pathogens of forest and orchard tree species, respectively. Some isolates of S. sapinea are co-infected with two dsRNA viruses, SsRVl and SsRV2. Isolates of D. perjuncta (formerly thought to be D. ambigua) are infected with a positive-stranded RNA virus known as DaRV. While S. sapinea is. infected with a heterogeneous mixture of dsRNA elements of different sizes, D. perjuncta is infected with a single virus. This presents excellent opportunity for biocontrol of Diaporthe. The aim of this study was to assess these three viruses for possible application as biological control agents of S. sapinea and D. ambigua. This was' done by transfecting these with in vitro-produced RNA from the cloned viral genomes and assessing the pathogenicity of the transfected isolates on apples and apple trees. Attempts to transfect S. sapinea spheroplasts with SsRVl and SsRV2 failed. Co¬transfection of S. sapinea spheroplasts with both viruses also failed. Three isolates of D. ambigua and a single isolate of a Phomopsis sp. were successfully transfected with DaRV. Attempts to transfect the same fungi with a mutant of DaRV, bearing six codons for histidine immediately downsteam of an AUG thought to be a start codon for the translation of ORFl, failed. DaRV was originally thought to be isolated from D. ambigua. The fungal isolates transfected with DaRV were thought to be D. ambigua. The transfectants did not resemble the naturally-infected isolate. The ITS regions from the ribosomal DNA operon of these isolates were amplified using ITS 1 and ITS4 primer pair. The blast search revealed that the ITS sequence of the naturally-infected isolates are identical to D. perjuncta. One virus-free isolate was identified as a Phomopsis sp. while three other virus-free isolates were identified as D. ambigua. A PCR-based RFLP was developed to differentiate the naturally-infected D. perjuncta isolates from the virus¬free Phomopsis sp. and D. ambigua isolates. In the growth and pathogenicity studies, a DaRV-transfected, wild-type and negative control isolate of one Phomopsis and three D. ambigua isolates, were used. The DaR V -transfected Phomopsis sp. had a higher growth rate than the wild-type isolate. This DaRV-transfected Phomopsis sp. was more virulent on apples than the wild-type isolate. The wild-type isolate was slightly more virulent than the DaR V -transfected Phomopsis sp. on apple trees. There were no significant differences in growth rates between the DaRV-transfected and wild-type isolates of D. ambigua CMW5587 and D. ambigua CMW5287. There were no significant differences in virulence on apples between the DaRV-transfected and wild-type isolates of these fungi. The DaRV-transfected D. ambigua CMW5287 was more virulent than the wild-type isolate on apple trees. The DaRV-transfected D. ambigua CMW5587 had the same virulence as the wild-type isolate on both apples and apple trees. The DaRV-transfected D. ambigua CMW5288 had a slower growth rate than the wild-type isolate. There were no significant differences in virulence on apples between these isolates. The wild-type isolate of this isolate was significantly more virulent on apple trees than the DaRV-infected isolate. Although transfection was successfully done, the effects of DaRV on the Phomopsis sp. and D. ambigua isolates are not conclusive. In order to obtain conclusive results, virus-free isolates of D. perjuncta must be transfected. During the course of this study, there were no available virus-free isolates of this fungus. / Dissertation (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Genetics / Unrestricted
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Eficiência de métodos de controle de pragas do tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), na região de Presidente Prudente - SP / Efficiency of pest control methods in the culture of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in the area of Presidente Prudente SPLebedenco, Anatoli 07 March 2006 (has links)
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DISSERTACAO_AGRONOMIA_ AnatoliL_mar07.pdf: 471165 bytes, checksum: 5d2837d12d1418bc7070a2a9cc694841 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006-03-07 / This research aimed to evaluate five methods for the control of the pests that infest the culture of tomato: a) Conventional method for the application of phytosanitary products commonly, used by farmers; b) Integrated pest management method (IPM) using the control levels (CL) of each insect-pest determined by the research; c) IPM with the use of extract of Azadirachta indica at 5% (v/v) concentration of solution (Neem); d) Sacking the tomato bunches right after flowering. e) Control plants, without any treatment against pests. Both the conventional and IPM methods were both efficient in controlling the pests of the tomato and resulted in reduced number of viral infected plants, and as a consequence, increasing in productivity of the culture by 156% and 165%, respectively. The number of pulverizations was reduced in 66.7% with the IPM method compared to the conventional. The IPM-Neem method showed low control of the sucker insects and lepidopterous and did not differ significantly from the control. The practice of sacking the bunches of tomato fruits represents a promising alternative in the production of fruits without the employment of pesticides, however, it is necessary a protection against sucker insects transmitters of viral illnesses and demands the utilization of protecting materials with better efficiency. / Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar cinco métodos de controle das pragas que infestam a cultura do tomateiro: a) Método convencional de aplicação de produtos fitossanitários, utilizado pelos agricultores; b) Manejo integrado de pragas (MIP) utilizando os níveis de controle (NC) de cada inseto-praga determinados pela pesquisa; c) MIP com o emprego de extrato de Azadirachta indica a 5% (Nim); d) Ensacamento das pencas de tomate logo após a floração e) Testemunha. O método convencional e o método MIP foram eficientes no controle das pragas do tomateiro, reduzindo o número de plantas viróticas e lepidópteros broqueadores, e em conseqüência, aumentando a produtividade da cultura em 156% e 165% respectivamente. O número de pulverizações foi reduzido em até 66,7% com o método MIP comparado ao convencional. O MIP-Nim apresentou baixo controle aos insetos sugadores e lepidópteros e não diferiu significativamente da testemunha. O ensacamento das pencas de tomate consistiu em uma alternativa promissora na produção de frutos sem a presença de inseticidas; no entanto, há a necessidade de proteção contra sugadores transmissores de vírus e utilização de material protetor de melhor eficiência
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Eficiência de métodos de controle de pragas do tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), na região de Presidente Prudente - SP / Efficiency of pest control methods in the culture of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in the area of Presidente Prudente SPLebedenco, Anatoli 07 March 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T17:51:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DISSERTACAO_AGRONOMIA_ AnatoliL_mar07.pdf: 471165 bytes, checksum: 5d2837d12d1418bc7070a2a9cc694841 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006-03-07 / This research aimed to evaluate five methods for the control of the pests that infest the culture of tomato: a) Conventional method for the application of phytosanitary products commonly, used by farmers; b) Integrated pest management method (IPM) using the control levels (CL) of each insect-pest determined by the research; c) IPM with the use of extract of Azadirachta indica at 5% (v/v) concentration of solution (Neem); d) Sacking the tomato bunches right after flowering. e) Control plants, without any treatment against pests. Both the conventional and IPM methods were both efficient in controlling the pests of the tomato and resulted in reduced number of viral infected plants, and as a consequence, increasing in productivity of the culture by 156% and 165%, respectively. The number of pulverizations was reduced in 66.7% with the IPM method compared to the conventional. The IPM-Neem method showed low control of the sucker insects and lepidopterous and did not differ significantly from the control. The practice of sacking the bunches of tomato fruits represents a promising alternative in the production of fruits without the employment of pesticides, however, it is necessary a protection against sucker insects transmitters of viral illnesses and demands the utilization of protecting materials with better efficiency. / Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar cinco métodos de controle das pragas que infestam a cultura do tomateiro: a) Método convencional de aplicação de produtos fitossanitários, utilizado pelos agricultores; b) Manejo integrado de pragas (MIP) utilizando os níveis de controle (NC) de cada inseto-praga determinados pela pesquisa; c) MIP com o emprego de extrato de Azadirachta indica a 5% (Nim); d) Ensacamento das pencas de tomate logo após a floração e) Testemunha. O método convencional e o método MIP foram eficientes no controle das pragas do tomateiro, reduzindo o número de plantas viróticas e lepidópteros broqueadores, e em conseqüência, aumentando a produtividade da cultura em 156% e 165% respectivamente. O número de pulverizações foi reduzido em até 66,7% com o método MIP comparado ao convencional. O MIP-Nim apresentou baixo controle aos insetos sugadores e lepidópteros e não diferiu significativamente da testemunha. O ensacamento das pencas de tomate consistiu em uma alternativa promissora na produção de frutos sem a presença de inseticidas; no entanto, há a necessidade de proteção contra sugadores transmissores de vírus e utilização de material protetor de melhor eficiência
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Status of Nutria (Myocastor coypus) Populations in the Pacific Northwest and Development of Associated Control and Management Strategies, with an Emphasis on Metropolitan HabitatsSheffels, Trevor Robert 07 March 2013 (has links)
The nutria (Myocastor coypus) is a semi-aquatic rodent native to South America that was introduced to the Pacific Northwest, USA, in the 1930s. Primary damage categories from this invasive species include burrowing and herbivory, resulting in habitat degradation. Nutria have become well-established in metropolitan habitats, and anecdotal information suggests the problem has increased in recent years. However, little regional research on the species has been conducted. The scope of this research, which emphasizes metropolitan habitats, includes three primary foci in relation to nutria populations in the Pacific Northwest: modeling habitat suitability, assessing activity and movement patterns, and identifying and managing negative impacts. Large-scale management of any invasive species requires understanding of the current and potential future population distribution. Cold temperatures have been assumed to be a limiting factor for the geographic distribution of nutria populations, but this assumption had not been explicitly tested. A mechanistic habitat suitability model based on winter temperatures performed well in predicting nutria distribution in the Pacific Northwest and nationally. Regional results suggest nutria currently occupy most accessible suitable habitat. However, coupling the model with future climate change data suggests a much larger suitable habitat zone regionally and nationally in the near future. Management of an invasive species on a local scale requires region-specific information about behavior patterns. Radio-telemetry tracking of local nutria populations in metropolitan habitats suggested higher diurnal activity levels than reported elsewhere. Activity areas were also on the lower end of reported nutria home ranges, suggesting the studied metropolitan wetland sites represent core habitat for nutria in the region. Comparison of two transmitter attachment methods, a neck collar and a tail mount, did not identify a clearly superior attachment method for short-term nutria behavior studies. The presence of nutria in metropolitan habitats in the Pacific Northwest necessitates the need to expand the limited management techniques available for these habitats. Standard Vexar® plastic mesh tubes very effectively mitigated nutria herbivory damage to woody vegetation live stakes planted in a metropolitan habitat restoration site. A recently developed nutria multiple-capture cage trap captured larger nutria and reduced non-target captures compared to a standard cage trap. The design of the multiple-capture trap, however, prevented multiple-capture events because small nutria escaped the trap. This research contributes substantially to previously limited information about nutria in the Pacific Northwest and resulted in several new findings. Climate change modeling provides the first evidence that nutria ranges could expand in the near future. Evaluation of new radio-telemetry methods will benefit future behavior studies. The assessment of new damage prevention tools provides more options for the management of nutria in urban habitats. Management recommendations include creating regional nutria management plans, identifying and targeting priority monitoring regions, finding key stakeholders, focusing on public education, and initiating a pilot control program. Recommendations for research include evaluating effects on native fauna, conducting disease surveys, assessing the extent of damage, continuing habitat suitability analysis, and developing population indices.
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