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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ocenění podniku VAFO Praha s.r.o. metodou ekonomické přidané hodnoty a srovnávací metodou / Business valuation of VAFO PRAHA Ltd.

Chiriac, Zinaida January 2011 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to determine the market value of the company VAFO PRAHA Ltd. as of 1. 1. 2012. VAFO PRAHA manufactures and sells pet food, in the Czech republic and all over the world. The thesis is divided into following parts: strategic and financial analysis, generators of value, financial plan and business valuation. The valuation is based on the EVA Entity method and as a support an EBITDA multiple was used. The final value spread is determined by the alternative scenarios of the EVA Entity method.

Propuesta de mejora para disminuir la rotura de stock de insumos que generan parada de planta mediante DDMRP y estandarización en una empresa que fabrica alimento para mascotas

Guerra Gamarra, Lisbeth Yesenia 02 September 2021 (has links)
Actualmente, existen empresas que tienen pérdidas de ventas debido a paradas de planta por quiebre de stock debido a la falta de insumo. Esto genera un escenario crítico ya que se tiene un bajo nivel de servicio y se incumple con la producción programada, para poder resolver este problema se propondrá una mejora con la metodología para disminuir la rotura de stock de insumo. La presente investigación se desarrolla en una empresa de fabricación de alimento para mascotas. Se tiene como objetivo disminuir la rotura de stock que genera parada de planta mediante la metodología Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning. Con la aplicación de metodología se podrá disminuir la rotura de stock. Con ello se disminuirá las paradas de planta que son generadas por ello. Se investigó sobre la metodología y los casos de éxito. Esta metodología fue implementada en varias empresas con resultados favorables. Se iniciará analizando los motivos de este problema con la finalidad de resolverlo, cumpliendo los procedimientos para poder obtener resultados favorables. / Currently, there are companies that have lost sales due to factory shutdows due to lack of input. This generates a critical scenario since it has a low level of Service and the scheduled production is not fulfilled. In order to solve this problema, an improvement will be proposed with the methodology to reduce the rotation of input stock. This research is developed in a pet food manufacturing company. The objective is to reduce the stock rotation that generates factory stoppages through the demand driven material requirements planning methodology. With the application of methodology, stock breakage can be reduced. This will reduce the factory shutdowns that are generated by it. The mehodology and success stories were investigated This metodology was implemented in several companies with favorable results. It will begin by analyzing the reasons for this problema in order to solve it, complying with the procedures to obtain favorable results. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Cool Dog: Bebida nutricional para perros

Alegría Díaz, Cynthia Marlene, Arrieta Zavaleta, Sussan Estefany, Porras Ore, Jensin, Torres Durand, Cesar Rolando, Tumbalobos Huapaya, Ela Teresa 18 July 2021 (has links)
En el Perú, el bienestar y la salud de los perros han adquirido mayor atención e importancia en los últimos años. De ahí que la industria PET haya crecido tanto en nuestro país. No obstante, a pesar de la amplia oferta de complementos nutricionales para perros, aún no existen complementos líquidos que permitan una rápida absorción de nutrientes. Es así que surge la idea de Cool Dog, un proyecto de negocio que se dedicará a la importación, distribución y comercialización de un producto innovador para el mercado PET. El principal objetivo de la empresa es mejorar la calidad de vida de los perros a través de una bebida nutricional hecha a base de vitaminas y componentes naturales. El potencial del negocio se validó a través de investigación de campo de tipo cualitativa y experimentos de producto. En la etapa inicial del proyecto, la cobertura de la empresa se concentrará en solo tres zonas de Lima Metropolitana; sin embargo, se planea ampliar la cobertura en los años posteriores. Las ventas se realizarán a través de dos canales: el canal directo (página web) y el canal indirecto (veterinarias asociadas). Ambos informarán al cliente final sobre el producto y absolverán dudas. El precio de venta es elevado debido al valor percibido del producto y a que la frecuencia de ingesta recomendada es semanal. No obstante, el análisis financiero muestra que las proyecciones son rentables para los socios accionistas e inversionistas, por lo que el negocio es viable y perdurable en el tiempo. / In Peru, the well-being and health of dogs have gained greater attention and importance over the recent years. This explains why the pet industry has grown so much in our country. However, despite the wide variety of nutritional supplements for dogs, currently, there are still no liquid supplements that allow rapid nutrients absorption. This is how the project of Cool Dog was born, a business idea that will be dedicated to the import, distribution and commercialization of an innovative product for the pet market. The company’s main objective is to improve the quality of life of dogs through a nutritional beverage with vitamins and made from natural components. The potential of this business idea was validated through field research and product experiments. In the initial stage of the project, the company's coverage will be concentrated in only three areas of Lima Metropolitan area; however, the coverage will be expanded in the following years of the project. Sales are mainly done through two channels: the direct channel (website) and the indirect channel (associated veterinarians). Both channels will inform the end customer about the product characteristics and answer their doubts. The sales price is high due to the perceived value of the product and because the suggested intake frequency is weekly. However, the financial analysis shows that the projections are profitable for both the shareholders and the investors, so the main conclusion is that business is viable and durable over time. / Trabajo de investigación

Fly dog: comida para mascotas eco – sostenibles / Fly dog: eco - sustainable pet food

Maslucan Navarro, Kerman Luis, Terrones Hernández, Sandra Yasneli, Zúñiga Flores, Edith Rosa 28 August 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto busca ofrecer soluciones para todas las personas que piensan que los canes son miembros de la familia, brindando soluciones a los problemas de salud más comunes que traen las mascotas, y el problema más importante es brindarles una nutrición adecuada y una dieta equilibrada. Nuestro producto está dirigido a canes. Está elaborado con un ingrediente nutriente principal (Harina de mosca Soldado Negro). Este ingrediente es rico en nutrientes y además estará acompañado de insumos naturales. El mayor beneficio es que puede ayudar a las mascotas a prevenir enfermedades comunes, como Alergias o problemas de estomacales. Su presentación será en el sabor (camote y frutas) y se entregará en paquetes de 200g. Además, contaremos con una web y una red social para aceptar pedidos, que se distribuirán a través de delivery. Para llevar a cabo este proyecto contaremos con personas calificadas, capacitadas y con los conocimientos para administrar y gestionar las actividades que implica poner en marcha este negocio. Estará constituido por emprendedores egresados de la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas en carreras como Administración de empresas y Contabilidad. Finalmente, cabe mencionar que el proyecto tiene una vida útil de 5 años, el monto de inversión es de S / 43,983.00 soles, la tasa de retorno (TIR) es de 61.98% y el valor actual neto de los soles es de 644,034, por lo cual se determinó que el proyecto es rentable. / This project seeks to offer solutions for all people who think that dogs are family members, providing solutions to the most common health problems that pets bring, and the most important problem is to provide them with adequate nutrition and a balanced diet. Our product is aimed at dogs. It is elaborated with a main nutrient ingredient (Black Soldier Fly Flour). This ingredient is rich in nutrients and will also be accompanied by natural supplies. The greatest benefit is that it can help pets prevent common diseases, such as allergies or stomach problems. Its presentation will be in the flavor (sweet potato and fruits) and will be delivered in 200g packages. In addition, we will have a website and a social network to accept orders, which will be distributed through delivery. To carry out this project we will have qualified and trained people with the knowledge to administer and manage the activities involved in starting up this business. It will be constituted by entrepreneurs graduated from the University of Applied Sciences in careers such as Business Administration and Accounting. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the project has a useful life of 5 years, the amount of investment is S / 43,983.00 soles, the rate of return (TIR) is 61.98% and the net present value of soles is 644,034, so it was determined that the project is profitable. / Trabajo de investigación

Dimensiones de Packaging respecto a la decisión de compra en comida balanceada premium para perros en Lima Metropolitana en NSE A y B / Packaging dimensions regarding the purchase decision in premium balanced food for dogs in Metropolitan Lima in socioeconomic levels A and B

Hunt Vier, Patrick Stephen, Rivera Fernández, Manuel Jesús 19 April 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación, se tiene como objetivo encontrar si existe una relación significativa entre las dimensiones visuales, las dimensiones verbales y los beneficios del packaging, y la toma de decisión de compra de alimentos balanceados premium para perros, dentro del área de Lima Metropolitana, teniendo en cuenta como público objetivo, los sectores socioeconómicos A y B. Para ello, se ha recopilado información sobre la toma de decisiones relacionadas con el packaging y sus dimensiones (verbales visuales y los beneficios del empaque), de diversas fuentes confiables, en donde se ha podido reconocer y estudiar las variables en cuestión para poder demostrar si podría existir una relación entre las mismas. Este estudio será cualitativo, y por ello, para evaluar a los participantes, se utilizará en una encuesta basada en diferentes estudios sobre el tema planteado, con el fin de determinar la relación entre las variables propuestas. / In the present research work, the purpose of the study is to find if there is a significant relationship between the visual dimensions, the verbal dimensions and the benefits of packaging, with premium balanced dog food purchase decisión-making, within the Metropolitan Lima area, in socioeconomic sectors A and B. For this, information has been compiled on the topics of, decision-making based on packaging and its dimensions (verbal, visual and the benefits of packaging), from various reliable sources. This, to make it possible to recognize and study the variables in question, and so, to demonstrate if there could be a relationship between them. This study will be qualitative, and therefore, to evaluate the participants, a survey will be used, based on different studies on the topic, in order to determine the relationship between the proposed variables. / Trabajo de investigación


Merlyn Suzanne Thomas (12475938), Yaohua Feng (12476396) 28 April 2022 (has links)
<p>Behavior change is not a product of knowledge alone but by the other constructs within the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). This includes attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. In order to ensure positive change in food safety behavior, researchers should explore the current situation before providing the necessary resources for consumers. This can be done through consumer needs assessments which explore practices, perceptions, demographics, and more. Along with that, major health events like the COVID-19 pandemic can increase risk perceptions of consumers which may lead them to follow safe (washing hands with soap and water) and unsafe food handling behaviors (washing fruits and vegetables with soap). Information spreads quicker during this digital age and this can cause consumers to follow certain behaviors. To assess information being spread, chapter 2 includes a study assessing COVID-19-related food safety information on YouTube early on in the pandemic. Chapter 3 and 4 contain longitudinal studies that used surveys and focus groups to assess consumer food handling practices and risk perceptions throughout the pandemic. Another factor is the type of food being handled. Consumers are not aware that certain foods like pet food (Ch. 5) and raw wheat flour (Ch. 6) can cause foodborne illness. Thus, they may not be handling these types of products as carefully. It is important to communicate that these foods can also cause foodborne illness. In the case of raw wheat flour, while commercial brands provide food safety messages on the packaging, consumers have a hard time finding and understanding the messages. All the studies within this dissertation explored multiple elements that can fall under the different constructs of the TPB in the context of the different factors that affect food safety behaviors. For example, previous studies have found that risk perception may fall under the construct of attitude because human perceptions can influence how a person feels about the situation. The objective of this dissertation is to explore different consumer food safety needs and explore how the elements within the needs assessments feeds into the TPB. With this information, researchers can advance the use of the TPB and researchers and food safety educators can ensure positive behavior change through the TPB.</p>

Sansón Drink

Alfaro Sanchez, Rita Zoraida, Ludeña Vasquez, Marilin, Pachas Mesías, Natalia Ysabel, Tintaya Alcocer, Stefany Luz, Villanes Corrales, Joel Paul 18 July 2021 (has links)
Nuestra idea de negocio surge ante la necesidad del dog lover por brindar a su perro una alimentación balanceada y nutritiva, que muchas veces no logra sin el uso de un suplemento alimenticio, el cual solo existe en el mercado peruano en forma de croquetas. Lo que buscamos es atender a estos clientes con una nueva opción. Sansón Drink, es un suplemento alimenticio bebible para perros, el cual facilita el buen funcionamiento de los riñones, les brinda energía y vitalidad, logrando a su vez, que mantenga un pelo fuerte y brilloso. El suplemento alimenticio cuenta con un diseño llamativo y se podrá obtener de manera presencial mediante el punto de venta o por delivery haciendo la solicitud mediante la página web de Sansón Drink, la cual mostrará los beneficios del producto y los ingredientes que lo conforman. La publicidad del producto se dará mediante redes sociales tales como: Facebook, Instagram y Tik Tok, esto debido a su bajo costo y alto impacto en el consumidor. Por otro lado, el valor agregado que se ofrece es brindar un producto que no existe en el mercado peruano y que será de gran ayuda para el dog lover, ya que al ser líquido y no en forma de croqueta, es de fácil consumo para el can. Asimismo, podrá pedirlo mediante delivery en caso no desee acudir a sitios concurridos debido al nuevo estilo de vida por el Covid-19. / Our business idea arises from the dog lover's need to provide his dog with a balanced and nutritious diet, which often cannot be achieved without the use of a food supplement, which only exists in the Peruvian market in the form of kibble. What we are looking for is to serve these customers with a new option. Sanson Drink is a drinkable food supplement for dogs, which facilitates the proper functioning of the kidneys, gives them energy and vitality, achieving in turn, to maintain a strong and shiny fur. The food supplement has an eye-catching design and can be obtained in person at the point of sale or by delivery by making the request through the Sanson Drink website, which will show the benefits of the product and the ingredients that make it up. The product will be advertised through social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok, due to its low cost and high impact on the consumer. On the other hand, the added value offered is to provide a product that does not exist in the Peruvian market and that will be of great help to the dog lover, since it is liquid and not in the form of kibble, it is easy for the dog to consume. Also, it can be ordered by delivery in case you do not want to go to crowded places due to the new lifestyle of the Covid-19. / Trabajo de investigación

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