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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recuperação da fase tetragonal em cerâmicas dentárias à base de ZrO2(Y2O3) submetidas à transformação martensítica precoce / Recovery of tetragonal phase in ZrO2 (Y2O3) dental ceramic submitted to forced martensitic transformation

Simba, Bruno Galvão 19 September 2011 (has links)
Cerâmicas à base de zircônia tetragonal estabilizada com ítria (ZrO2(3%Y2O3)) possuem excelentes propriedades mecânicas, devido a uma peculiar transformação de fases que ocorre nos grãos desta cerâmica durante o crescimento de uma trinca. O crescimento da trinca gera tensões compressivas sobre os grãos tetragonais metaestáveis, os quais se transformam em monoclínicos, promovendo uma expansão volumétrica de 3 a 5%, a qual impede que a trinca continue crescendo nas condições de carregamento mecânicos inicialmente utilizados, o que produz aumento da resistência à fratura, e tenacidade deste material. Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados do estudo da recuperação da fase tetragonal pela utilização de tratamentos térmicos, em zircônia envelhecida por desgaste, durante a preparação de próteses dentárias. Blocos cerâmicos pré-sinterizados à base de ZrO2(3%Y2O3) foram sinterizados em três condições distintas, quais sejam, 1450°C - 0h, 1530°C - 2h e 1600°C - 4h. Cada lote de amostras sinterizado foi submetido análise de densidade relativa, difração de raios X (DRX) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Parte das cerâmicas sinterizada foi fraturada, e a superfície de fratura foi re-examinada por DRX e MEV. Outra parte foi fragmentada visando a transformação martensítica, que gera a fase monoclínica no material, e em seguida caracterizada por DRX. Os resultados da densificação e análise microestrutural indicaram densidade relativa de 94,2%, 99,6% e 99,75%, tamanho médio de grão de 0,28?m, 0,49m e 1,31m, para amostras sinterizadas a 1450°C - 0h, 1530°C - 2h e 1600°C - 4h respectivamente. Após fragmentação, os teores de fase monoclínica medidos foram da ordem de 58%, 43% e 4,5% que correspondem a aproximadamente 65% vol, 50% vol e 6% vol. Tratamentos térmicos realizados a 950°C, 1100°C e 1200°C foram necessárias para recuperação de 100% de fase tetragonal, em amostras sinterizadas a 1450°C - 0h, 1530°C - 2h e 1600°C - 4h, respectivamente. / Tetragonal zirconia-based ceramic stabilized with (ZrO2(3%Y2O3)) have excellent mechanical properties due to a peculiar phase transformation that occurs in this ceramic grains during the growth of a crack. The crack growth generates compressive stresses on the metastable tetragonal grains, which are transformed into monoclinic, promoting a volumetric expansion of 3 to 5% which prevents the crack continues to grow under conditions of mechanical loading initially used, which produces the increased fracture strength and toughness of this material. This paper presents results of the recovery of the tetragonal phase by the use of thermal treatments in zirconia aged for wear during the preparation of dental prostheses. ZrO2(3%Y2O3) pre-sintered ceramic blocks were sintered in three different conditions: 1450°C-0h, 1530°C-2h and 1600°C-4h. Sintered samples were characterized by relative density, X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Part of the sintered samples was fractured and the fracture surface was re-examined by XRD and SEM. Another part was milled aiming generates a martensitic transformation (monoclinic phase), and characterized by XRD. The results of densification and SEM analysis indicates relative density of 94.2%, 99.6% and 99.75%, average grain size of 0.28?m, 0.48m and 1.31m, for samples sintered at 1450°C-0h, 1530°C-2h and 1600°C-4h respectively. After milling, the monoclinic phase content was 58%, 43% e 4,5% corresponding to 65% vol, 50% vol e 6% vol. For samples sintered at 1450°C-0h, 1530°C-2h e 1600°C-4h, heat treatments of 950°C, 1100°C and 1200°C were performed respectively, for recuperation of 100% of tetragonal phase.

Recuperação da fase tetragonal em cerâmicas dentárias à base de ZrO2(Y2O3) submetidas à transformação martensítica precoce / Recovery of tetragonal phase in ZrO2 (Y2O3) dental ceramic submitted to forced martensitic transformation

Bruno Galvão Simba 19 September 2011 (has links)
Cerâmicas à base de zircônia tetragonal estabilizada com ítria (ZrO2(3%Y2O3)) possuem excelentes propriedades mecânicas, devido a uma peculiar transformação de fases que ocorre nos grãos desta cerâmica durante o crescimento de uma trinca. O crescimento da trinca gera tensões compressivas sobre os grãos tetragonais metaestáveis, os quais se transformam em monoclínicos, promovendo uma expansão volumétrica de 3 a 5%, a qual impede que a trinca continue crescendo nas condições de carregamento mecânicos inicialmente utilizados, o que produz aumento da resistência à fratura, e tenacidade deste material. Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados do estudo da recuperação da fase tetragonal pela utilização de tratamentos térmicos, em zircônia envelhecida por desgaste, durante a preparação de próteses dentárias. Blocos cerâmicos pré-sinterizados à base de ZrO2(3%Y2O3) foram sinterizados em três condições distintas, quais sejam, 1450°C - 0h, 1530°C - 2h e 1600°C - 4h. Cada lote de amostras sinterizado foi submetido análise de densidade relativa, difração de raios X (DRX) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Parte das cerâmicas sinterizada foi fraturada, e a superfície de fratura foi re-examinada por DRX e MEV. Outra parte foi fragmentada visando a transformação martensítica, que gera a fase monoclínica no material, e em seguida caracterizada por DRX. Os resultados da densificação e análise microestrutural indicaram densidade relativa de 94,2%, 99,6% e 99,75%, tamanho médio de grão de 0,28?m, 0,49m e 1,31m, para amostras sinterizadas a 1450°C - 0h, 1530°C - 2h e 1600°C - 4h respectivamente. Após fragmentação, os teores de fase monoclínica medidos foram da ordem de 58%, 43% e 4,5% que correspondem a aproximadamente 65% vol, 50% vol e 6% vol. Tratamentos térmicos realizados a 950°C, 1100°C e 1200°C foram necessárias para recuperação de 100% de fase tetragonal, em amostras sinterizadas a 1450°C - 0h, 1530°C - 2h e 1600°C - 4h, respectivamente. / Tetragonal zirconia-based ceramic stabilized with (ZrO2(3%Y2O3)) have excellent mechanical properties due to a peculiar phase transformation that occurs in this ceramic grains during the growth of a crack. The crack growth generates compressive stresses on the metastable tetragonal grains, which are transformed into monoclinic, promoting a volumetric expansion of 3 to 5% which prevents the crack continues to grow under conditions of mechanical loading initially used, which produces the increased fracture strength and toughness of this material. This paper presents results of the recovery of the tetragonal phase by the use of thermal treatments in zirconia aged for wear during the preparation of dental prostheses. ZrO2(3%Y2O3) pre-sintered ceramic blocks were sintered in three different conditions: 1450°C-0h, 1530°C-2h and 1600°C-4h. Sintered samples were characterized by relative density, X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Part of the sintered samples was fractured and the fracture surface was re-examined by XRD and SEM. Another part was milled aiming generates a martensitic transformation (monoclinic phase), and characterized by XRD. The results of densification and SEM analysis indicates relative density of 94.2%, 99.6% and 99.75%, average grain size of 0.28?m, 0.48m and 1.31m, for samples sintered at 1450°C-0h, 1530°C-2h and 1600°C-4h respectively. After milling, the monoclinic phase content was 58%, 43% e 4,5% corresponding to 65% vol, 50% vol e 6% vol. For samples sintered at 1450°C-0h, 1530°C-2h e 1600°C-4h, heat treatments of 950°C, 1100°C and 1200°C were performed respectively, for recuperation of 100% of tetragonal phase.

Μονάδα συγχρονισμού φάσης σημάτων τεχνολογίας DVB-S2

Σιάφης, Γεώργιος 20 October 2009 (has links)
Σκοπός της συγγραφής της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η μελέτη και ο σχεδιασμός της μονάδας συγχρονισμού φάσης σημάτων τεχνολογίας DVB-S2. Ο ρόλος της μονάδας αυτής είναι καθοριστικής σημασίας για την εξασφάλιση της αποδοτικής λειτουργίας των συστημάτων του προτύπου αυτού σε τυπικά δορυφορικά κανάλια. Αρχικά πραγματοποιείται μια εισαγωγή στις βασικές έννοιες και στη δομή ενός δορυφορικού συστήματος και εξετάζονται οι δυσμενείς επιδράσεις της ατμόσφαιρας κατά τη μετάδοση των δορυφορικών σημάτων. Ακολούθως γίνεται παρουσίαση της μετάδοσης τηλεοπτικών προγραμμάτων μέσω δορυφόρου και αναλύονται βασικά χαρακτηριστικά του δορυφορικού προτύπου DVB-S2. Παρουσιάζεται λεπτομερώς η αρχιτεκτονική μετάδοσής του και αξιολογείται η απόδοση του. Σημαντικό τμήμα της εργασίας αποτελεί η μελέτη του συγχρονισμού της παραμέτρου φάσης των λαμβανόμενων σημάτων σε δέκτες ψηφιακών συστημάτων επικοινωνίας. Αφού αναλυθεί η διαδικασία συγχρονισμού και τα χαρακτηριστικά της εκτίμησης της τιμής παραμέτρων των μεταδιδόμενων σημάτων, αναλύονται οι διατάξεις που υλοποιούν το συγχρονισμό φάσης σε σήματα τεχνολογίας DVB-S2 και εκτιμάται η απόδοσης λειτουργίας τους. Στη συνέχεια, περιγράφεται η διαδικασίας ανάπτυξης του μοντέλου υλοποίησης σε υλικό (FPGAs) της παραπάνω μονάδας, αξιοποιώντας το εργαλείο System Generator 10.1 της Xilinx και το περιβάλλον Simulink της Matlab. Τέλος, παρουσιάζεται και αναλύεται η ορθή λειτουργία της σχεδίασης για πραγματικά σήματα DVB-S2. / The purpose of this diploma thesis is the study and hardware implementation of Carrier Phase Recovery Unit for DVB-S2 systems. This operation of this unit of crucial importance complementing outstanding performance results over typical satellite channels. In the first part of this thesis, an introduction on important principles of satellite communications is carried out and the architecture of a satellite communication system is presented. Among others, the aggravating atmospheric effects taking place during satellite transmission are outlined. Afterwards, satellite transmission of television programs is examined and an analysis of the satellite standard DVB-S2 follows. The structural design of the transmission system is stated in detail and the efficiency of this standard is assessed. A substantial part of this work concerns the study of phase synchronization for digital communication receivers. After the theoretical analysis of the synchronization process, the unit implementing phase recovery for DVB-S2 systems is presented and its efficiency is examined for different kinds of distortions. Moreover, the procedure of hardware implementation (on FPGAs) of this unit is discussed, with the use of both Xilinx System Generator 10.1 and Simulink design tools. This thesis is concluded after presenting the efficient operation of the above implementation for real DVB-S2 signals.

Desenvolvimento e caracterização de um microscópio óptico holográfico sem lentes in-line / Development and characterization of an in-line lensless holographic optical microscope

D\'Almeida, Camila de Paula 31 July 2018 (has links)
O microscópio é um instrumento de grande relevância para o contexto científico. Dentre as variadas montagens desse instrumento óptico, os microscópios sem lentes têm chamado atenção por serem robustos, reduzidos em tamanho e custo, e ainda possibilitarem imagens com amplo campo de visão (usualmente da ordem de algumas dezenas de mm2). Dentro dessa categoria, existem os microscópios holográficos in-line, os quais obtêm a imagem da amostra a partir da reconstrução numérica de um holograma adquirido por um sensor digital de imagem. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de construir um desses microscópios para observar amostras semitransparentes. O microscópio desenvolvido ao longo deste trabalho tem sua iluminação baseada no uso de um LED associado a um pinhole, cuja finalidade é aumentar a coerência temporal da luz. Com isso, a iluminação proveniente do pinhole percorre uma distância de aproximadamente 10 cm até atingir a amostra, posicionada sobre uma lâmina de vidro. À uma distância mínima da amostra, está posicionado um sensor CMOS, responsável pela aquisição do padrão de interferência da parcela da luz que foi transmitida sem desvio pela amostra e da parte da luz que foi difratada por ela. Esse padrão de intensidade, chamado holograma, é reconstruído numericamente de modo a obter uma boa imagem do objeto-alvo. A reconstrução da imagem medida é feita considerando a propagação da luz de volta ao plano de do objeto e, depois, estimando a fase referente à luz incidente no sensor no instante da medida. Essa primeira etapa resulta na imagem da amostra com a influência de um artefato muito conhecido na holografia: a imagem gêmea. Enquanto a reconstrução de fase reconstrói a imagem de uma forma mais completa, reduzindo a influência de tais artefatos. A reconstrução de fase é feita com o método multialturas, o qual faz uso de mais de uma imagem medida, com distâncias diferentes entre a amostra e o sensor, como entrada para o algoritmo desenvolvido. Utilizando um sensor de 10 MP (3856 x 2764 pixels), com o pixel de 1,67 μm, construímos um microscópio holográfico sem lentes com um campo de visão de quase 30 mm2 e resolução de aproximadamente 3 μm. / The microscope is an instrument of great relevance in the scientific context. Among various assembly of this optic instrument, the lensless microscope have had drawing attention by been robust, with small size and low cost and, in addiction, enable imaging with a large field of view (usually about tens of mm2). Inside this category, there is the in-line holographic microscopes, which achieve the sample image from the numerical reconstruction of a hologram acquired by an image digital sensor. This study have the objective of develop one of these microscopes to image semitransparent samples. The microscope developed over this study has its illumination based on the use of an LED associated with a pinhole, whose purpose is to increase the light temporal coherence. Therefore, illumination from the pinhole goes 10 cm until reach the sample, positioned over the glass slide. From a minimal distance of the sample, a CMOS sensor is positioned, which is responsible to acquire the interference pattern of the transmitted light with the diffracted light. This intensity pattern, called hologram, is numerically reconstructed in order to get a great image of target object. The reconstruction of the measured image is performed considering the back propagation of the light to the object plane and, then, estimating the phase related to the incident light over the sensor at the time of the measurement. This first step results in a sample image influenced by an artifact well-known in the holography: the twin-image. Whereas phase reconstruction reconstruct the image more fully, reducing the artifact influence. Phase reconstruction is performed using the multiheigh method, which uses more than one measured image, with different distances between the sample and sensor, as input to the developed algorithm. Using a 10 MP (3856 x 2764 pixels) sensor, with a pixel size of 1.67 μm, we built a lensless holographic microscope with a field of view near of 30 mm2 and resolution of approximately 3 μm.

Desenvolvimento e caracterização de um microscópio óptico holográfico sem lentes in-line / Development and characterization of an in-line lensless holographic optical microscope

Camila de Paula D\'Almeida 31 July 2018 (has links)
O microscópio é um instrumento de grande relevância para o contexto científico. Dentre as variadas montagens desse instrumento óptico, os microscópios sem lentes têm chamado atenção por serem robustos, reduzidos em tamanho e custo, e ainda possibilitarem imagens com amplo campo de visão (usualmente da ordem de algumas dezenas de mm2). Dentro dessa categoria, existem os microscópios holográficos in-line, os quais obtêm a imagem da amostra a partir da reconstrução numérica de um holograma adquirido por um sensor digital de imagem. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de construir um desses microscópios para observar amostras semitransparentes. O microscópio desenvolvido ao longo deste trabalho tem sua iluminação baseada no uso de um LED associado a um pinhole, cuja finalidade é aumentar a coerência temporal da luz. Com isso, a iluminação proveniente do pinhole percorre uma distância de aproximadamente 10 cm até atingir a amostra, posicionada sobre uma lâmina de vidro. À uma distância mínima da amostra, está posicionado um sensor CMOS, responsável pela aquisição do padrão de interferência da parcela da luz que foi transmitida sem desvio pela amostra e da parte da luz que foi difratada por ela. Esse padrão de intensidade, chamado holograma, é reconstruído numericamente de modo a obter uma boa imagem do objeto-alvo. A reconstrução da imagem medida é feita considerando a propagação da luz de volta ao plano de do objeto e, depois, estimando a fase referente à luz incidente no sensor no instante da medida. Essa primeira etapa resulta na imagem da amostra com a influência de um artefato muito conhecido na holografia: a imagem gêmea. Enquanto a reconstrução de fase reconstrói a imagem de uma forma mais completa, reduzindo a influência de tais artefatos. A reconstrução de fase é feita com o método multialturas, o qual faz uso de mais de uma imagem medida, com distâncias diferentes entre a amostra e o sensor, como entrada para o algoritmo desenvolvido. Utilizando um sensor de 10 MP (3856 x 2764 pixels), com o pixel de 1,67 μm, construímos um microscópio holográfico sem lentes com um campo de visão de quase 30 mm2 e resolução de aproximadamente 3 μm. / The microscope is an instrument of great relevance in the scientific context. Among various assembly of this optic instrument, the lensless microscope have had drawing attention by been robust, with small size and low cost and, in addiction, enable imaging with a large field of view (usually about tens of mm2). Inside this category, there is the in-line holographic microscopes, which achieve the sample image from the numerical reconstruction of a hologram acquired by an image digital sensor. This study have the objective of develop one of these microscopes to image semitransparent samples. The microscope developed over this study has its illumination based on the use of an LED associated with a pinhole, whose purpose is to increase the light temporal coherence. Therefore, illumination from the pinhole goes 10 cm until reach the sample, positioned over the glass slide. From a minimal distance of the sample, a CMOS sensor is positioned, which is responsible to acquire the interference pattern of the transmitted light with the diffracted light. This intensity pattern, called hologram, is numerically reconstructed in order to get a great image of target object. The reconstruction of the measured image is performed considering the back propagation of the light to the object plane and, then, estimating the phase related to the incident light over the sensor at the time of the measurement. This first step results in a sample image influenced by an artifact well-known in the holography: the twin-image. Whereas phase reconstruction reconstruct the image more fully, reducing the artifact influence. Phase reconstruction is performed using the multiheigh method, which uses more than one measured image, with different distances between the sample and sensor, as input to the developed algorithm. Using a 10 MP (3856 x 2764 pixels) sensor, with a pixel size of 1.67 μm, we built a lensless holographic microscope with a field of view near of 30 mm2 and resolution of approximately 3 μm.

Code-aided synchronization for digital burst communications

Herzet, Cédric 21 April 2006 (has links)
This thesis deals with the synchronization of digital communication systems. Synchronization (from the Greek syn (together) and chronos (time)) denotes the task of making two systems running at the same time. In communication systems, the synchronization of the transmitter and the receiver requires to accurately estimate a number of parameters such as the carrier frequency and phase offsets, the timing epoch... In the early days of digital communications, synchronizers used to operate in either data-aided (DA) or non-data-aided (NDA) modes. However, with the recent advent of powerful coding techniques, these conventional synchronization modes have been shown to be unable to properly synchronize state-of-the-art receivers. In this context, we investigate in this thesis a new family of synchronizers referred to as code-aided (CA) synchronizers. The idea behind CA synchronization is to take benefit from the structure of the code used to protect the data to improve the estimation quality achieved by the synchronizers. In a first part of the thesis, we address the issue of turbo synchronization, i.e., the iterative synchronization of continuous parameters. In particular, we derive several mathematical frameworks enabling a systematic derivation of turbo synchronizers and a deeper understanding of their behavior. In a second part, we focus on the so-called CA hypothesis testing problem. More particularly, we derive optimal solutions to deal with this problem and propose efficient implementations of the proposed algorithms. Finally, in a last part of this thesis, we derive theoretical lower bounds on the performance of turbo synchronizers.

Frequency Noise in Coherent Optical Systems: Impact and Mitigation Methods

Kakkar, Aditya January 2017 (has links)
The increase in capacity demand along with the advancement in digital signal processing (DSP) have recently revived the interest in coherent optical communications and led to its commercialization. However, design and development of robust DSP algorithms for example for carrier phase recovery (CPR) becomes complex as we opt for high order modulation formats such as 16QAM and beyond. Further, electrical-domain dispersion compensation (EDC), while providing many advantages, makes the system more susceptible to laser frequency noise (FN). For instance, in coherent optical links with post-reception EDC, while the transmitter frequency noise causes only phase impairment, the local oscillator (LO) FN in these systems results in a noise enhancement in both amplitude and phase. This noise is commonly known as equalization enhanced phase noise (EEPN). It results in asymmetric requirements for transmitter laser and LO laser. Further, the system design in the presence of lasers with non-white frequency noise becomes increasingly challenging for increased capacity-distance product. The main contributions of this thesis are, firstly, an experimentally validated theory of coherent optical links with lasers having general non-white frequency noise spectrum and corresponding system/laser design criteria and mitigation technique. Secondly, low complexity and high phase noise tolerant CPR for high order modulation formats. The general theory propounded in this thesis elucidates the origin of the laser frequency noise induced noise enhancement in coherent optical links with different DSP configurations. The thesis establishes the existence of multiple frequency noise regimes and shows that each regime results in different set of impairments. The influence of the impairments due to some regimes can ideally be reduced by optimizing the corresponding mitigation algorithms, while other regimes cause irretrievable impairments. Experimentally validated theoretical boundaries of these regimes and corresponding criteria applicable to system/laser design are provided. Further, an EEPN mitigation method and its two possible implementations are proposed and discussed. The thesis also demonstrates an intrinsic limitation of the conventional Blind Phase Search (BPS) algorithm due to angular quantization and provides methods to overcome it. Finally, this thesis proposes and demonstrates single stage and multi-stage carrier phase recovery algorithms for compensation of phase impairments due to the two lasers for higher order circular and square modulations. The proposed methods outperform the state of art algorithms both in performance and in complexity. / <p>QC 20170516</p> / European project ICONE gr. #608099

Phase Noise Tolerant Modulation Formats and DSP Algorithms for Coherent Optical Systems

Rodrigo Navarro, Jaime January 2017 (has links)
Coherent detection together with multilevel modulation formats has the potential to significantly increase the capacity of existing optical communication systems at no extra cost in signal bandwidth. However, these modulation formats are more susceptible to the impact of different noise sources and distortions as the distance between its constellation points in the complex plane reduces with the modulation index. In this context, digital signal processing (DSP) plays a key role as it allows compensating for the impairments occurring during signal generation, transmission and/or detection relaxing the complexity of the overall system. The transition towards pluggable optical transceivers, offers flexibility for network design/upgrade but sets strict requirements on the power consumption of the DSP thus limiting its complexity. The DSP module complexity however, scales with the modulation order and, in this scenario, low complex yet high performance DSP algorithms are highly desired. In this thesis, we mainly focus on the impact of laser phase noise arising from the transmitter and local oscillator (LO) lasers in coherent optical communication systems employing high order modulation formats. In these systems, the phase noise of the transmitting and LO lasers translate into phase noise in the received constellation impeding the proper recovery of the transmitted data. In order to increase the system phase noise tolerance, we firstly explore the possibility of re-arranging the constellation points in a circularly shaped mQAM (C-mQAM) constellation shape to exploit its inherent phase noise tolerance. Different low-complex carrier phase recovery (CPR) schemes applicable to these constellations are proposed along with a discussion on its performance and implementation complexity. Secondly, the design guidelines of high performance and low complex CPR schemes for conventional square mQAM constellations are presented. We identify the inherent limitation of the state-of-the-art blind phase search (BPS) carrier phase recovery algorithm which hinders its achievable performance and implementation complexity and present a low complex solution to overcome it. The design guidelines of multi-stage CPR schemes for high order modulation formats, where the BPS algorithm is employed at any of the stages, are also provided and discussed. Finally, the interplay between the received dispersed signal and the LO phase noise is analytically investigated to characterize the origin of the equalization enhanced phase noise phenomena. / <p>QC 20170516</p> / EU project ICONE, gr. #608099

Reconstruction de phase par modèles de signaux : application à la séparation de sources audio / Phase recovery based on signal modeling : application to audio source separation

Magron, Paul 02 December 2016 (has links)
De nombreux traitements appliqués aux signaux audio travaillent sur une représentation Temps-Fréquence (TF) des données. Lorsque le résultat de ces algorithmes est un champ spectral d’amplitude, la question se pose, pour reconstituer un signal temporel, d’estimer le champ de phase correspondant. C’est par exemple le cas dans les applications de séparation de sources, qui estiment les spectrogrammes des sources individuelles à partir du mélange ; la méthode dite de filtrage de Wiener, largement utilisée en pratique, fournit des résultats satisfaisants mais est mise en défaut lorsque les sources se recouvrent dans le plan TF. Cette thèse aborde le problème de la reconstruction de phase de signaux dans le domaine TF appliquée à la séparation de sources audio. Une étude préliminaire révèle la nécessité de mettre au point de nouvelles techniques de reconstruction de phase pour améliorer la qualité de la séparation de sources. Nous proposons de baser celles-ci sur des modèles de signaux. Notre approche consiste à exploiter des informations issues de modèles sous-jacents aux données comme les mélanges de sinusoïdes. La prise en compte de ces informations permet de préserver certaines propriétés intéressantes, comme la continuité temporelle ou la précision des attaques. Nous intégrons ces contraintes dans des modèles de mélanges pour la séparation de sources, où la phase du mélange est exploitée. Les amplitudes des sources pourront être supposées connues, ou bien estimées conjointement dans un modèle inspiré de la factorisation en matrices non-négatives complexe. Enfin, un modèle probabiliste de sources à phase non-uniforme est mis au point. Il permet d’exploiter les à priori provenant de la modélisation de signaux et de tenir compte d’une incertitude sur ceux-ci. Ces méthodes sont testées sur de nombreuses bases de données de signaux de musique réalistes. Leurs performances, en termes de qualité des signaux estimés et de temps de calcul, sont supérieures à celles des méthodes traditionnelles. En particulier, nous observons une diminution des interférences entre sources estimées, et une réduction des artéfacts dans les basses fréquences, ce qui confirme l’intérêt des modèles de signaux pour la reconstruction de phase. / A variety of audio signal processing techniques act on a Time-Frequency (TF) representation of the data. When the result of those algorithms is a magnitude spectrum, it is necessary to reconstruct the corresponding phase field in order to resynthesize time-domain signals. For instance, in the source separation framework the spectrograms of the individual sources are estimated from the mixture ; the widely used Wiener filtering technique then provides satisfactory results, but its performance decreases when the sources overlap in the TF domain. This thesis addresses the problem of phase reconstruction in the TF domain for audio source separation. From a preliminary study we highlight the need for novel phase recovery methods. We therefore introduce new phase reconstruction techniques that are based on music signal modeling : our approach consists inexploiting phase information that originates from signal models such as mixtures of sinusoids. Taking those constraints into account enables us to preserve desirable properties such as temporal continuity or transient precision. We integrate these into several mixture models where the mixture phase is exploited ; the magnitudes of the sources are either assumed to be known, or jointly estimated in a complex nonnegative matrix factorization framework. Finally we design a phase-dependent probabilistic mixture model that accounts for model-based phase priors. Those methods are tested on a variety of realistic music signals. They compare favorably or outperform traditional source separation techniques in terms of signal reconstruction quality and computational cost. In particular, we observe a decrease in interferences between the estimated sources and a reduction of artifacts in the low-frequency components, which confirms the benefit of signal model-based phase reconstruction methods.

Obnova areálu Tasovického mlýna / Renewal of the Mill Grounds In Tasovice

Stýblo, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The proposal focuses on phasing scenario and identify how to treat the monument intact, but she fully exploit the current way. These phases are hierarchically established, without continuing into the next stage. Because the mill building to respond flexibly to the specific needs of communities. The concept is based on the gradual additive laminate and function. Layering and arise solely the premises, but also the interconnections, which between them generate more interaction. Each material has its own particular character and its own hierarchy towards other functional masses.

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