Spelling suggestions: "subject:"photon energy"" "subject:"tehoton energy""
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Photon Beam Spectrum Characterization Using Scatter Radiation AnalysisHawwari, Majd I. 12 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Design and implementation of algorithms for medical image registration and fusionΚαγκάδης, Γεώργιος Χ. 11 September 2008 (has links)
The work covered in this thesis deals with the problem of automatically
registering 3D images acquired from different medical imaging modalities.
The approach taken is to develop generic measures of image registration derived
from the co-occurence of values in the two images. The development
of statistical alignment measures is reviewed. The registration problem is
then expressed in terms of entropy and developed using tools from information
theory. The problem of the optimization of the registration process in
the different types of algorithms is identified as important and the power of
Genetic Algorithms is applied.
The application of image registration techniques, implemented during this
thesis, in complex situations is evaluated. The cases of patients with brain
ischemia and brain tumour residual disease are elaborated. This is accomplished
with the formation of Groupwares where the tacit knowledge, owned
by the individual specialists that take part in the collaboration, is exposed
and made explicit in the process of the evaluation of the findings, provided
by the fused images. This is performed in a high performance computer network
that has been developed between the Department of Medicine and the
University Hospital. / Η παρούσα εργασία ασχολείται με το πρόβλημα της αυτοματοποιημένης προσαρμογής και σύντηξης τρισδιάστατων απεικονίσεων από διαφορετικές ιατρικές απεικονιστικές μεθοδολογίες.
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Calibration du calorimètre électromagnétique à l’aide des événements Z -> µµγ et recherches de bosons de Higgs additionnels dans le canal H -> γγ dans l’expérience CMS au LHC / Calibration of the electromagnetic calorimeter with Z -> µµγ events and researches of additional Higgs bosons in the H -> γγ channel in the CMS experiment at the LHCSgandurra, Louis 04 July 2014 (has links)
Les paramètres du Modèle Standard de la physique des particules ont été vérifiés expérimentalement avec une grande précision. A l'aide du mécanisme de Higgs, ce modèle permet de briser la symétrie de jauge de l'interaction électro-faible et prédit l'existence d'une particule reliquat : le boson de Higgs. Cependant, l'incapacité du Modèle Standard à décrire certains phénomènes et le choix ad hoc de plusieurs de ses paramètres semble suggérer qu'il n'est qu'une approximation d'une théorie plus générale. Des modèles au delà du Modèle Standard, comme les 2HDM ou le NMSSM par exemple, remédient à certaines de ses limitations et postulent l'existence de bosons de Higgs additionnels. La première partie de mes travaux porte sur l'étude des désintégrations Z → μ¯μγ, qui sont particulièrement adaptés à la calibration du calorimètre électromagnétique de CMS, étant une des seules sources de vrais photons de haute énergie du Modèle Standard sélectionnables avec une grande pureté. Ces évenements nous ont notamment été utiles pour extraire l'échelle d'énergie des photons pour les données à 7 et 8 TeV. La seconde partie de mon travail traite de la recherche de bosons de Higgs additionnels se désintégrant en une paire de photons, avec une masse invariante inférieure à 125 GeV. De par son état final clair en milieu hadronique et grâce à la très bonne résolution de notre calorimètre électromagnétique, ce canal nous permet de reconstruire une résonance de faible largeur dans le spectre de masse invariante des événements diphotons / The parameters of the Standard Model of particle physics have been verified experimentally with a very high accuracy. With the Higgs mechanism, this model explains the origin of the mass of the W and Z bosons, while keeping the photon massless, and thus breaks the gauge symmetry of the electroweak interaction. This mechanism is associated with a particle : the Higgs boson. The inability of this model to describe certain phenomena or the ad hoc choice of some parameters seems to suggest that it is only an approximation of a more general theory. Models beyond the Standard Model, such as 2HDM or NMSSM for example, can compensate some of its limitations and postulate the existence of additional Higgs bosons. Thus, in addition to the study of the photon energy in order to calibrate in situ the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter, my thesis also includes the search for additional Higgs bosons decaying into two photons.The first part of my work focuses on the study of decays Z → μ¯μγ, one of the only sources of real high-energy photons of the Standard Model selectable with a high purity. These events, in spite of their low cross section, are particularly suitable for the calibration of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter. With these ones, we have extracted the energy scale of photons for 7 and 8 TeV data, have developed a method for measuring the energy resolution of the ECAL and have studied an algorithm designed to reduce the loss of resolution due to the increase of pileup. The second part of my work deals with the search for additional Higgs bosons decaying into a pair of photons with an invariant mass below 125 GeV. Our analysis is based on the Standard Model H → γγ study, which has been essential for the discovery of the new boson at 125 GeV. After the reoptimization of the analysis to improve efficiency on the signal and correctly take into account the Drell-Yan background, which becomes very important near the Z peak, we have been able to extract limits on the cross section of an additional Higgs boson between 90 and 115 GeV
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Reconstruction des photons et recherche d’un second boson de Higgs dans le canal di-photon au sein de l’expérience CMS au LHC / Photon reconstruction and search for a second Higgs boson in the diphoton channel with CMS experiment at LHCCourbon, Benoit 18 October 2016 (has links)
Une particule compatible avec le boson de Higgs du modèle standard de la physique des particules a été découverte au grand collisionneur de hadrons (LHC) en juillet 2012 par les expériences Atlas et CMS. A ce jour, l'ensemble des mesures des couplages de ce boson de Higgs sont compatibles avec ceux prédits par le modèle standard. Toutefois le modèle standard possède des limitations et d'autres théories, telles la supersymétrie, ont été bâties afin de pallier à ces manques. Certaines de ces théories prédisent en particulier un secteur scalaire enrichi avec la présence de bosons de Higgs additionnels.D'un point de vue expérimental, le canal de désintégration du boson de Higgs en deux photons offre une signature claire et permet d'explorer le secteur de Higgs avec une grande précision. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont été effectués dans le cadre de l'expérience CMS au LHC.La première partie est dédiée à l'étude de la reconstruction expérimentale des photons. Tout d'abord, une méthode de correction en énergie des photons est exposée. Puis des prospectives concernant l'évolution de la qualité de leur reconstruction avec le vieillissement du détecteur sont présentées.La deuxième partie fait l'objet de la recherche d'un second boson de Higgs de basse masse(en dessous de 110 GeV) dans le canal di-photon. Les résultats complets obtenus avec le jeu de données collecté en 2012, ayant fait l'objet d'une publication officielle, sont tout d'abord présentés. Les premiers résultats obtenus avec le jeu de données collecté en 2015 sont enfin introduits / A particle compatible with the Standard Model Higgs boson has been discovered at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in July 2012 by Atlas and CMS experiments. All the couplings measurements are so far compatible with those predicted by the Standard Model. However, this model is not able to address several fundamental physics issues and theories beyond the Standard Model, such as supersymmetry, have been proposed to address these questions. Some of them predict an extended Higgs sector with additional scalar or pseudoscalars at low mass.On the experimental point of view, the diphoton decay channel provides a clear signature and allows us to explore the Higgs sector with high precision.The studies presented in this thesis have been performed using the data collected by CMS at the LHC.The first part of the document is dedicated to photon reconstruction studies. First, a photon energy correction method is presented. Then, photon reconstruction performance is assessed in the context of the Phase I and Phase II detector upgrades, in high luminosity conditions.The second part of the document is dedicated to the search for an additional light Higgs boson (with a mass below 110 GeV) in the diphoton channel. First, the official results corresponding to the full 2012 dataset are exposed. Finally, results corresponding to 2015 data are presented
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Utvärdering av stråldoser för personal verksamma inom diagnostisk nuklearmedicinMohammed, Aya January 2018 (has links)
I nuklearmedicinska verksamheten utsätts personal för strålning på olika vis. Huvudsakligen genom administrering av radiofarmaka som injicering eller avfallshantering men även genom att befinna sig nära patient efter injektion av radiofarmaka. Med strålning finns risker för skador som förekommer i cellnivå. Två typer av effekter förekommer vid bestrålning av vävnaden, deterministiska och stokastiska skador. För att minska risken för skador har strålsäkerhets-myndigheten (SSM) föreskrivit dosgränser som inte får överskridas. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga stråldoser till personal inom nukleamedicinska verksam-het. I studien kontrollerades fingerdoser för personal inom PET/CT, där små termoluminiscenta dosimetrar (TLD) placerades på sex fingertoppar hos personal-en. Stråldoserna mättes vid tre arbetstillfällen; uppackning av 18F, injicering med automatisk injektor samt manuellt uppdrag och injicering av 18F märkt läkemedel. För att fastfälla risken för internkontamination av personal vid ventilationsunder-sökningar med 99mTc-aresol, placerades personalen under en gammakamera och antalet pulser som fastställdes översattes till aktivitet genom en fantommätning. Dessutom mättes doshastigheten hos patienter injicerade med 18flour märkta läke-medel. Ett dosratinstrument (Ram GENE mark iii) användes för att mäta dos-hastigheten vid sju olika mätpunkter och tre olika avstånd. Enligt resultaten upp-nådde ingen SSM’s dosgränser. Skillnad mellan injicering manuellt och med auto-matisk injektor visade en stor variation vid erhållna resultat. Dosratmätningarna visade en mycket tydlig sänkning för varje gångavstånd ökade. Mätningarna för internkontamination visade att personalen inte utsattes för höga stråldoser med avseende på internkontamination. Den minsta detekterbara aktivitet var 0,0008 MBq. Det som konstateras utifrån studien är att hantering 18F ger högre stråldoser än 99mTc (200 keV), då den har en mycket högre fotonenergi (511 keV). / Working staff in nuclear medicine are exposed for radiation in different ways. Mainly by the administration of radiopharmaceuticals, such as injection or dis-posal, even by being close to the patient after injection of radiopharmaceuticals. With radiation there are risks of damage occurring at the cellular level. Two types of effects are found in the irradiation of tissues, deterministic and stochastic injuries. To reduce the risk of injury, the Swedish radiation safety authority (SSM) has prescribed dose limits that cannot be exceeded. Among other doses, there are limits for the fingers per year. The purpose of the study was to control radiation doses to personnel working in nuclear medicine. In the study finger doses were controlled for personnel within PET / CT, where thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) were placed at six fingertips. Radiation doses were measured at three moments; unpacking of 18F, injection with automatic injector and manual injection of 18F labeled drug. To determine the risk of internal contamination of personnel that performs ventilation studies with 99mTc aresol, staff were placed under a gamma camera and the number of pulses detected were translated into activity through measurement of a radiation source (cylinder filled with known activity). In addition, the dose rate was measured around patients injected with 18flour-labeled drugs. A dose rate detector (Ram GENE mark iii) was used to measure the dose rate at seven different measuring points and three different distances. Difference between injection manually and with automatic injector showed a large variation in results obtained and SSM’s dose limits weren’t reached. The dose rate measurements showed a very clear reduction for each time the distance increased. Internal contamination measurements showed that staff were not exposed to high radiation doses regarding internal contamination and the least detectable activity was 0.0008 MBq. The study showed that handling 18F produces higher radiation doses than 99mTc (200 keV), as it has a much higher photon energy (511 keV).
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Du fullerène au graphène : études spectroscopiques de l'interaction de systèmes pi-conjugués avec des surfaces solidesBocquet, Francois 20 March 2012 (has links)
Nous étudions l'adsorption de molécules de C60 sur deux reconstructions riches en silicium du 6H-SiC(0001) par IPES, UPS et XPS. Nous mettons en évidence que l'adsorption de C60 sur (3*3) est singulière et définit un nouveau type de liaison entre C60 et substrat : liaison covalente forte avec désorption par recuit à haute température et récupération de la reconstruction de surface. Ces expériences illustrent la complexité de la liaison Si-C60 et permettent une nouvelle mise en perspective.En combinant ARPES à basse énergie de photon et DFT sur une monocouche de ZnPc sur Ag(110), nous prouvons que l'effet de "Umklapp de surface" est effectif pour un réseau de molécules organiques organisé à grande distance. C'est à dire que les conditions de sortie des photoélectrons de volume sont modifiées par la présence du réseau.Nous démontrons aussi que l'HREELS est une technique de choix pour l'étude de l'adsorption d'hydrogène sur graphène, et l'étude de l'interaction d'un plan de graphène sur un substrat, ici le SiC. En effet l'adsorption (réversible) d'atomes d'hydrogène sur du graphène permet à l'HREELS d'être sensible sous le plan de graphène. / We study by IPES, UPS and XPS the adsorption of fullerene on two silicon-rich reconstructions of 6H-SiC(0001). We show that adsorption of C60 on the (3*3) is singular and defines a new bonding type between C60 and a substrate: covalent bond accompanied by the desorption of molecules and the reconstruction's recovery. Our experiments shed a new light on the Si-C60 bounding complexity and provide new insights.By combining low photon energy ARPES and DFT on a monolayer of ZnPc on Ag(110), we provide a direct evidence that the "surface Umklapp'" effect is effective for long-range ordered organic films. Namely, the photoelectrons escape conditions are modified by the bare presence of the molecular lattice.We show that HREELS is a convenient tool to investigate the adsorption of hydrogen on graphene and the interaction of graphene with a substrate, SiC in our study. Indeed, the reversible adsorption of hydrogen on graphene permits the HREELS to gain sensitivity below the graphene layer.
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Comprehensive Investigation of Energy Fluence Spectra and MLC Modeling Parameters and their Effects on Dose Calculation Accuracy in PinnacleBashehab, Ali Jameel 10 1900 (has links)
<p>The main focus of this work is to improve the existing clinical machine model within the Pinnacle software planning system (at Juravinski Cancer Center, Hamilton, CA). The incident energy fluence spectrum exiting from the accelerator head is considered an important element of the machine model. Relying on the Pinnacle auto modeling function to determine the relative photon fluence spectrum based on percent depth dose curves fitting for various filed sizes, led to different solutions when the process cycle were repeated. This work presents a new method for determining the Pinnacle photon energy fluence spectrum based on 6 MV Varian 21EX machine. A Monte Carlo simulation spectrum based on BEAMnrc code was attenuated to various depths of water. We determine that, the BEAMnrc spectrum attenuated by 15 cm of water gives the closest agreement between the computed and measured depth dose, similar to the clinical machine spectrum.</p> <p>Implementing the novel spectrum into a machine that retained the same modeling parameters as the clinical machine (21ex-JCC) shows a slight better calculation of the output factor. The MLC model parameters were also investigated, however, adjusting the MLC offset table was found to give significant improvements, especially for the small field geometries.</p> <p>The full impact of adjusting the photon energy spectrum, Off-Axis Softening Factor, MLC rounded leaf tip radius and MLC calibration offsets were investigated individually, resulting in a good model parameter fit. Several proposed supplementary setups were created to further assess our model. This include a geometry sensitive to MLC abutment leakage, the calculation of output factors for long and narrow MLC defined fields, and small square MLC and jaws defined fields. A Sun-Point diode detector was used in the measurement of the output factors for its accurate precision at small geometries. In addition, a GAFCHROMIC EBT2 film dosimetry was used in the measurement of the MLC abutment leakage.</p> <p>Our new model shows superior results in comparison to the clinical 21ex-JCC machine model, especially with MLC small field calculations. We conclude that relying on PDD curves and dose profiles validation method in assessing the model might not necessarily lead to the best machine parameters, since these are not sensitive to subtle changes in parameters that have important dosimetric consequences.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)
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