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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An exploration of learners’ integration into the mainstream: a case study approach.

Dietrich, Janan Janine. January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aims of the study were to: (1) explore the education support services required by three learners who were integrated into the mainstream, (2) determine the level of support required by these learners to function maximally in the mainstream, (3) specifically explore the socioemotional ability of these learners to adjust to the mainstream setting. Three cases were explored within an eco-systemic approach. Each case consisted of a learner with a physical disability, the learner&rsquo / s mother and the educator/s who first taught the learner at the mainstream school. Interviews were conducted with all of the participants and subsequently transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was then conducted to extract themes from the transcriptions.</p>

Persons with physical disabilities� experiences of rehabilitation services at community health centres in Cape Town

Matsika, Callista Kanganwiro January 2009 (has links)
<p>According to the United Nations, more than half a billion people (about 650 million) worldwide are disabled. Disability can have a vast impact on both the individual and the family. Rehabilitation is therefore a fundamental need for the persons with disability to achieve functional independence and have an improved quality of life. To enhance the effectiveness of rehabilitation, it is important to seek clients&rsquo / perspectives of the rehabilitation services and to incorporate these perspectives into the planning and delivery of rehabilitation services. In areas where rehabilitation services are available in South Africa, minimal research has been done to explore the clients&rsquo / experiences regarding provision of these services. The aim of this study&nbsp / therefore was to explore the persons with physical disabilities&rsquo / experiences of the rehabilitation services they received at community health centres (CHCs) in the Cape Town Metro Health&nbsp / District. Data was collected using a mixed methods design in the form of a sequential exploratory strategy. Qualitative data collection was done using in-depth interviews and this was followed&nbsp / by administration of an interview questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed using results from the in-depth interviews together with information from literature. Ten persons with physical&nbsp / isabilities, who had received rehabilitation services at participated in the in-depth interviews and 95 responded to the interview questionnaire. The interviews were tape-recorded and&nbsp / transcribed verbatim and they were analysed using predetermined themes. The SPSS version 16.0 was used to analyse the quantitative data which was presented in frequencies, medians, quartiles and percentages. The results&nbsp / of the study revealed that the participants experienced problems with getting transport to travel to the community health centres and getting adequate information from the service providers,&nbsp / &nbsp / particularly information regarding disability and support services available for them. Experiences regarding participants&rsquo / involvement in their rehabilitation were generally positive. Generally, the&nbsp / participants reported positive experiences regarding their interaction with service providers and family support and involvement and this study recommends the staff to maintain their standards&nbsp / &nbsp / regarding these two dimensions of rehabilitation. However most of the participants were not concerned about whether the service providers gave them an opportunity to express their preferences or not. The results indicate the need to improve transport services for persons with physical disabilities and to give them more information regarding support services. The service providers&nbsp / should also give the clients more opportunities to get involved in their rehabilitation and educate them about the benefits of them getting involved.</p>

Coaches of Athletes with a Physical Disability: A Look at their Learning Experiences

McMaster, Sarah 08 February 2012 (has links)
Although coaching has become a popular area for research, little is known about coaches of athletes with a disability (Cregan et al., 2007; DePauw & Gavron, 1991, 2005). The purpose of this study was to explore how disability sport coaches learnt to coach and, more specifically, how they learnt through interactions. Recent disability sport research has revealed that coaches work with their athletes to enhance their learning (Cregan et al., 2007; O’Neill & Richardson, 2008); as such, athletes also participated in this study. Data collection included 20 semi-structured interviews and 14 non-participant observation sessions with five coach-athlete dyads. A thematic analysis was conducted (Braun & Clarke, 2006), which revealed that coaches from various backgrounds commonly learnt through informal learning situations, most frequently through interactions with others. It is suggested that organizations nurture these informal situations and offer more disability-specific nonformal and formal situations to enhance coaches’ learning opportunities.

Social Barriers to Physical Activity for Individuals with Physical Disabilities

Cappe, Shauna 27 September 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to explore socially constructed discursive barriers to physical activity for people with physical disabilities. This research was informed by a critical disability studies framework. Eight interviews were conducted, split between end-users and stakeholders. The end-user article discusses their perspectives with regard to their own PA participation, their use of PA resources, and their views of how disability is constructed. The stakeholder article deals with their views with regard to Canada’s progress in creating inclusive PA guidelines, the research process as it effects people with physical disabilities, and how disability is constructed. The results showed awareness among both groups of the social model of disability, but that the medical model is still firmly rooted. Work is needed to create inclusive promotional materials and disseminate them effectively. An effective advocacy and lobbying effort was suggested as one avenue towards a possible solution to this issue.

Coaches of Athletes with a Physical Disability: A Look at their Learning Experiences

McMaster, Sarah 08 February 2012 (has links)
Although coaching has become a popular area for research, little is known about coaches of athletes with a disability (Cregan et al., 2007; DePauw & Gavron, 1991, 2005). The purpose of this study was to explore how disability sport coaches learnt to coach and, more specifically, how they learnt through interactions. Recent disability sport research has revealed that coaches work with their athletes to enhance their learning (Cregan et al., 2007; O’Neill & Richardson, 2008); as such, athletes also participated in this study. Data collection included 20 semi-structured interviews and 14 non-participant observation sessions with five coach-athlete dyads. A thematic analysis was conducted (Braun & Clarke, 2006), which revealed that coaches from various backgrounds commonly learnt through informal learning situations, most frequently through interactions with others. It is suggested that organizations nurture these informal situations and offer more disability-specific nonformal and formal situations to enhance coaches’ learning opportunities.

Ageing and Caring as Couples with Disabilities

Torgé, Cristina Joy January 2014 (has links)
In gerontology and care research, care is often studied in ways in which older people and people with disabilities are portrayed as dependent on the care of younger or non-disabled people. This thesis, in contrast, studies care provided by people that are both old and have physical disabilities. The thesis explores how care is actualized and experienced by older couples who both have long-term or lifelong disabilities, and investigates the implications of this caring in the couples’ lives. Nine couples between 60 and 84 years old, of whom most had had disabilities for over 20 years, were interviewed as dyads; a process also conjoint interviewing. These interviews were analysed using grounded theory methods of coding and constant comparison. The results of the thesis confirm that it can make sense to be a carer even if one also needs care in everyday life. The analysis considers how conjoint interviewing resulted in relational and performative data about mutual care. The study helps explain the significance helping a partner despite having other sources of formal support and the difficulties of providing this help oneself. Finally, in a study whose participants are growing old together with disabilities, the results also show that the couples could regard themselves as ageing advantageously compared to other groups. Through its focus on caring for and by older people with disabilities, this thesis is at the intersection of social gerontology, care research and disability studies. However, from its interdisciplinary perspective, it can also challenge established discourses in these fields. Specifically, the study problematizes the absence of a care discourse in disability studies and the mostly age- and function-coded ways in which care is discussed in care research. The thesis problematizes dichotomies used in understanding care, such as roles of carers/care receiver and caring/servicing. It also challenges established ways of thinking about successful ageing. Lastly, the thesis contributes to the still growing literature on ageing with a disability. / Gerontologin och omsorgsforskningen beskriver oftast äldre och personer med funktionshinder som mottagare av omsorg från yngre personer eller personer utan funktionshinder. Denna avhandling studerar däremot det omsorgsarbete som utförs av äldre personer med fysiska funktionshinder. Avhandlingen behandlar hur omsorg kan se ut och hur den kan förstås hos par där båda har levt långa liv med fysiska funktionshinder. Den studerar också vad den ömsesidiga omsorgen kan ha för innebörder i parens liv. Nio par mellan 60 och 84 års ålder, där många har haft funktionshinder i 20 år eller mer, intervjuades tillsammans som ett par, i s.k. conjoint interviews (parintervjuer). Analysen gjordes med hjälp av analytiska verktyg från grundad teori. Avhandlingens resultat visar att det går att vara omsorgsgivare trots att man själv har omfattande omsorgsbehov. Analysen beaktar emellertid också hur parintervjuerna kan ha bidragit till dessa berättelser av ömsesidig omsorg. Betydelsen av att kunna fortsätta att ge hjälp till en partner trots tillgång till den formella hjälpapparaten och egna svårigheter att ge hjälp diskuteras. Och till sist, trots att informanterna åldras med sina funktionshinder, visar resultaten på att paren anser sig själva att ha ett gott åldrande, och till och med bättre åldrande än andra grupper. Avhandingen befinner sig i gränslandet mellan socialgerontologi, omsorgs-forskning och funktionshinderforskning. Men genom den interdisciplinära ansatsen har några av de etablerade diskurserna inom dessa fält kunnat utmanas. En omsorgsdiskurs har länge saknats i  funktionshindersammanhang. Där har istället autonomi och oberoende stått i fokus. Avhandlingens resultat bidrar till en problematisering av de underliggande dikotomier som omsorgsbegreppet bygger på, såsom omsorgsgivare/omsorgstagare och omsorg/personlig service. Resultaten problematiserar också etablerade begrepp inom socialgerontologin som successful ageing (framgångsrikt åldrande eller det goda åldrandet). Till sist bidrar avhandlingen till den nu växande forskningen om att åldras med funktionshinder.

Taikomojo šokio poveikis žmonių su fizine negalia savijautai ir prisitaikymui visuomenėje / Applied dance influence for physical disabled emotions and adaptation to the society

Liaudinskienė, Daiva 08 June 2006 (has links)
Nowadays about 10% of population in European Union about 38 million people are treated as disabled people. In Lithuania there are about 350 thousand disabled people. After independence, disabled people seek more and more integration into society. They seek it through employment, possibility to study and cultural artistic activity. In Lithuania applied dance practise for disabled people is only in experimental tone, but the experience of foreign coutries shows that it can become a profesional as it gets proper attention. The aim of the research is to explore how the applied dance influences feelings and adaptation in the society people with physical disability. Qualitative research method was chosen which helped to know disabled people better and communicate with them personally. In the work such methods were used: observation, diaries, half structure interview, questionnaire, the analysis of document content. Research population - people with inborn motional disability who attend Kaunas disabled youth occupation centre. The made research showed that motional disability contracts possibilities to accommodate in the surrounding. With the help of applied dance practise disabled people have possibility to improve social behaviour participating in social life as full members of society. Applied dance gives the opportunity for disabled people to acknowledge surrounding, find new contacts. We can say that the applied dance practise helps disabled people to integrate into... [to full text]

Jaunuolių su fizine negalia profesijos pasirinkimo sunkumai / Difficulties encountered by youths with physical disability while choosing the occupation

Stačiokaitytė, Aida 08 June 2009 (has links)
Visi žmonės turi teisę dalyvauti visuomenės gyvenime. Neįgaliųjų socialinė plėtotė reiškia, kad reikia šalinti atsiradusias kliūtis ir sudaryti lygias galimybes visiems dalyvauti socialiniame gyvenime. Lietuvoje tik prieš kelerius metus susirūpinta sudėtinga jaunuolių turinčių fizinę negalią, situacija. Vis dėlto po truputį keičiasi, požiūris į žmogų su fizine negalia, jų norą ir poreikį rinktis profesiją. Lietuvoje valdžios institucijos, aukštosios mokyklos, įvairios nevyriausybinės organizacijos siekia visapusiškai prieinamo aukštojo mokslo. Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje daugėja mokymosi bei profesijos pasirinkimo galimybių. Kokios profesinės pasirinkimo galimybės sudarytos fizinę negalią turintiems jaunuoliams? Kas sukelia profesines pasirinkimo problemas jaunuoliams turintiems fizinę negalią? Šie probleminiai klausimai nurodo darbo nagrinėjamą problematiką. Problema – jaunuoliai su fizine negalia susiduria su sunkumais pasirenkant profesiją. Tyrimo objektas – jaunuolių (nuo 17 iki 21 metų amžiaus), su fizinę negalią, profesijos pasirinkimas. Tikslinė grupė – jaunuoliai turinys fizinę negalią. Darbo tikslas – atskleisti jaunuolių su fizine negalia profesijos pasirinkimo sunkumus ir nustatyti jų priežastis Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Apibrėžti fizinės negalios ir profesijos rinkimosi sampratas 2. Apibūdinti teorinius jaunuolių su fizinę negalią profesijos pasirinkimo sunkumus 3. Atskleisti teisinius dokumentus reglamentuojančius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Everyone has the right to take part in the life of the society. Social development of disabled people means that there is a need to eliminate all emerging obstacles in order to provide equal opportunities for everyone to participate in social life. The concern in regard to the difficult situation of the youths with physical disability in Lithuania is very recent. Nevertheless the attitude towards the disabled people is changing, acknowledging their wish and need to choose the occupation. In Lithuania public enterprises, high schools, various non governmental organisations are trying to make high school studies available to everyone. Today there are greater possibilities and choice of studies and occupations. What occupational opportunities are created for youths with physical disability? What causes vocational difficulties for disabled youths? These problematic questions indicate the problem researched in this thesis. Problem – youths with physical disability are encountering problems while choosing the occupation. Research Subject – youths (from 17 to 21 years old) with physical disability choice of occupation. Target group – youths with physical disability. Thesis’ Aim – to reveal the difficulties encountered by disabled youths while choosing the occupation and to determine why these difficulties arise. Thesis’ Tasks: 1. To define the concepts of physical disability and occupation choice; 2. To describe theoretical difficulties of occupation choice for youths with physical... [to full text]

An exploration of learners’ integration into the mainstream: a case study approach.

Dietrich, Janan Janine. January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aims of the study were to: (1) explore the education support services required by three learners who were integrated into the mainstream, (2) determine the level of support required by these learners to function maximally in the mainstream, (3) specifically explore the socioemotional ability of these learners to adjust to the mainstream setting. Three cases were explored within an eco-systemic approach. Each case consisted of a learner with a physical disability, the learner&rsquo / s mother and the educator/s who first taught the learner at the mainstream school. Interviews were conducted with all of the participants and subsequently transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was then conducted to extract themes from the transcriptions.</p>

Persons with physical disabilities� experiences of rehabilitation services at community health centres in Cape Town

Matsika, Callista Kanganwiro January 2009 (has links)
<p>According to the United Nations, more than half a billion people (about 650 million) worldwide are disabled. Disability can have a vast impact on both the individual and the family. Rehabilitation is therefore a fundamental need for the persons with disability to achieve functional independence and have an improved quality of life. To enhance the effectiveness of rehabilitation, it is important to seek clients&rsquo / perspectives of the rehabilitation services and to incorporate these perspectives into the planning and delivery of rehabilitation services. In areas where rehabilitation services are available in South Africa, minimal research has been done to explore the clients&rsquo / experiences regarding provision of these services. The aim of this study&nbsp / therefore was to explore the persons with physical disabilities&rsquo / experiences of the rehabilitation services they received at community health centres (CHCs) in the Cape Town Metro Health&nbsp / District. Data was collected using a mixed methods design in the form of a sequential exploratory strategy. Qualitative data collection was done using in-depth interviews and this was followed&nbsp / by administration of an interview questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed using results from the in-depth interviews together with information from literature. Ten persons with physical&nbsp / isabilities, who had received rehabilitation services at participated in the in-depth interviews and 95 responded to the interview questionnaire. The interviews were tape-recorded and&nbsp / transcribed verbatim and they were analysed using predetermined themes. The SPSS version 16.0 was used to analyse the quantitative data which was presented in frequencies, medians, quartiles and percentages. The results&nbsp / of the study revealed that the participants experienced problems with getting transport to travel to the community health centres and getting adequate information from the service providers,&nbsp / &nbsp / particularly information regarding disability and support services available for them. Experiences regarding participants&rsquo / involvement in their rehabilitation were generally positive. Generally, the&nbsp / participants reported positive experiences regarding their interaction with service providers and family support and involvement and this study recommends the staff to maintain their standards&nbsp / &nbsp / regarding these two dimensions of rehabilitation. However most of the participants were not concerned about whether the service providers gave them an opportunity to express their preferences or not. The results indicate the need to improve transport services for persons with physical disabilities and to give them more information regarding support services. The service providers&nbsp / should also give the clients more opportunities to get involved in their rehabilitation and educate them about the benefits of them getting involved.</p>

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